Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 212: Buy hot searches now to whitewash yourself


Zhao Jingwei was sentenced faster than anyone imagined.

It took only one week from the prosecution's investigation to the court's sentencing, and the verdict was delivered to Zhao's mother's ward in the hospital within a week.

Zhao Jingwei was convicted of endangering public safety by dangerous means and intentional homicide. Because she just turned 18 this year and no serious consequences were caused, the court sentenced her to ten years in prison.

This sentence seems neither light nor heavy, but people who understand the law can see it clearly. In a case like Zhao Jingwei's, if the court was willing to lend a hand, it could have sentenced her to three to five years. But the final result was 10 years. It can be said that this was a hard slap in the face to those who have recently been trying to use public opinion to influence the verdict behind the scenes.

It is said that Tang Wei was sent to the hospital when the verdict was announced, and she fainted due to anger.

Another hot news also came from Ring Road No. 1 Middle School, but it had nothing to do with the incident of people being hit from a high place.

Instead, Qiao Chen won a top award in the piano world and got a good result of second place.

It is said that several judges had huge disagreements when choosing who was first and second. Several piano masters were divided into two camps. One side believed that Qiao Chen's song was obviously better, but the other side believed that the song that won first place was played better.

Finally, after a heated debate, Qiao Chen became the second place.

Because of this debate, the value of her second place was raised, and she herself became a little famous in the piano world.

Qiao Chen is a person who knows how to seize opportunities. She immediately bought a wave of marketing on the Internet to whitewash herself from the negative news she had exposed on the show.

And I personally went out to clarify on the social platform - [Qiao Chen V: Sorry everyone, I come out to clarify. There have been a lot of topics about me recently. For the fans who have been speaking for me, I must say something for them. First, I have never deliberately tied up and hyped CP. The Weibo I updated that day was purely coincidental, because my boyfriend gave me a gift that day that I really wanted, so I posted a dynamic to share my feelings. It was definitely not intentional. Second, I am a fan of Jiang Li. When I was on the show, I also had the mentality of a little fan seeing an idol. I might be a little excited. I am very sorry for causing trouble to everyone. Life is beautiful, I hope everyone has sunshine in their hearts and embraces the sunshine. Best wishes~(*^__^*)!]

As soon as she updated her status.

There will be a large wave of control comments below -

[Sprite loves 7-Up: Have sunshine in your heart, see the sunshine, congratulations on winning your own award.]

[The rider on the motorcycle: Damn, those haters are never going to stop, they keep saying that Qiao Chen is throwing herself at your husband, I beg you black people to use your brains, okay? She is a beautiful, rich, and white girl, why does she need to throw herself at your brother?]

[Mantou Devil: Congratulations! You deserve it.]

[Weiwei Qingchen: I just don’t understand what’s going on in the minds of some female fans of certain stars. They think they are so great that they want to stick everything they like on your master’s face. It’s obvious that Jiang Li was rude in the last incident and wanted to hype up his sister.]

[Give it to the road and act: Ahahahaha, I bet a spicy snack that Qiao Nian will definitely enter the entertainment industry in the future@! ]

Occasionally, there would be one or two comments from passers-by or Lihua fans cursing Qiao Chen for her excellent tea art skills. These comments would usually be deleted shortly after being posted.

(End of this chapter)