Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 350: Grandpa Nie, nice to meet you


"I just saw that Mr. Nie was always replying to messages, and I didn't know who he was messaging. I heard that Mr. Nie is a serious person in private and rarely behaves like this in public. I don't know who could make him treat him like this."

He must be a very powerful person, right

He thought so in his heart but didn't say it out loud.

No matter who they are, they are people that cannot be approached by people at their level.

I guess it’s another master.

Wei Ling looked at the old man who kept his head down from afar, her brows slightly furrowed, and she was still thinking about something.

Qiao Chen has been in Beijing for more than a month, and her piano skills have improved a lot. Her original idea was that since her husband had brought her back to train her, she should train her well, and she would be a help to the family. So she thought that if she could register Qiao Chen under Nie's name and get him admitted to Tsinghua University, she could find someone to clean up the scandal of Rao Cheng, and Qiao Chen would be a good investment target.

Now seeing that Mr. Nie seemed to have no interest in their piano association, she looked worried and couldn't think of how to get close to him.

Twenty minutes later, the meeting was adjourned.

Wei Ling picked up the things on the table, declined the people who came over to greet her, and walked in the opposite direction towards the old man who was also preparing to leave.


She just shouted one word.

Then she saw someone who was one step ahead of her and walked in front of Mr. Nie first.

Tang Wanru was proud by nature and came from a famous family. She had a smooth life and rarely put down her airs. But at this moment, she smiled as warmly as the spring breeze and greeted the old man in front of her with a very humble attitude: "Hello, Mr. Nie, I am Tang Wanru. The daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. This is my daughter, Xianrou."

She waved her hand, asking Jiang Xianrou to come over, and said with a smile: "Xianrou, why don't you come over and say hello to your Grandpa Nie."

Jiang Xianrou was very polite and elegantly greeted the person in front of her: "Hello, Grandpa Nie, I am Jiang Xianrou. I have heard my grandfather talk about you a long time ago. I have always been close to you. It is an honor to meet you."

Nie Mi looked at the two people who suddenly blocked his way, and subconsciously frowned. A hint of impatience flashed across his energetic face, but after hearing their self-introductions, his anger eased a little, and he said "yes" and asked gently: "I haven't been back to visit your grandfather in the past few years. Is your grandfather in good health?"

He and Jiang Weishang are the highest generation of people who advocate traditional culture. Jiang Weishang is smooth in his dealings and better at dealing with people than he is. He encountered many problems in his early years and it was Jiang Weishang who helped him solve them. They have always had a good relationship and are the kind of old friends whose feelings will not fade even if they don't meet often.

Jiang Xianrou was relieved to hear him speak to her in a gentle tone. She looked at him with her starry eyes and answered respectfully, "My grandfather is in good health, but he always misses you. He said he hasn't seen you for a long time and misses the days when they used to eat and chat with each other."

Nie Mi's face showed a nostalgic expression, and then his expression eased a little, and he rarely smiled: "...I will visit him when I have time."

Tang Wanru immediately said, "Are you free in a week, Mr. Nie? I'll reserve a seat at the Imperial Mansion, and we can have dinner together then."

"A week later?" Nie Mi was worried about something. The test results of Tsinghua University would be released in a week, and he would definitely go to check the results as soon as possible. However, he was distracted for a short time, so he politely declined. "I may not have time."

After all, he was the descendant of an old friend, so he didn't say anything final: "Well, I will contact Wei Shang when I have time. As for where to eat, we will decide then."

(End of this chapter)