Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 357: I don't know the value of the medicine Qiao Nian gave me


Previously, this medicine cost about five million yuan per pill. Now money is no longer a problem. The problem is that you may not be able to buy anything with five million yuan.

Exchange it for something more precious than money!

Qiao Nian gave out a whole bottle of medicine at once. The bottle of medicine she gave to Nie Mi contained at least a dozen pills. The value of the medicine could not be measured by money.

Nie Mi actually treated it as an ordinary health-preserving medicine and said he didn't want it.

Fortunately, Qiao Nian confiscated it and just said to him, "Old Su has some, I got him another bottle."

A trace of helplessness flashed across her dark eyes. She pursed her lips and said, "This medicine is hard to buy. I just happened to have taken more than ten pills. If you don't want to take it, just keep it there. You can take one pill when you feel unwell. Anyway, it's more effective than the medicine you buy outside."

"So magical?" Nie Mi took the bottle back. The transparent glass bottle was filled with colorful pills, some in the shape of grapes and some in the shape of apples. They were about the same size as ordinary pills. He took a look and asked curiously, "Is this vitamin?"

Generally, vitamins are also made like this. The one made into the shape of an orange is VC, and the one made into the shape of a grape is VE. It is hard to tell what kind of medicine this is, but it looks quite similar to vitamins.

Qiao Nian put one hand on the chair, and a pair of long legs were draped over the edge, leaning there diagonally, without even raising her eyelashes, and said casually: "Well, you can think of it as a vitamin, anyway, the effect is similar, both are good for strengthening the body."

"Oh." Nie Mizhen thought the pills she gave him were vitamins. He didn't think too much about it and took the bottle. He was quite unhappy: "Actually, I really don't need to take vitamins. The doctor checked my body some time ago. I don't have three highs. I'm very healthy."

If Wei Lou was here and saw that he was not happy with it, he would definitely jump up and down beside him and say, "Don't give it to me!"

But Wei Lou is not here.

No one told him the value of this pill, and he didn't know that the bottle of seemingly insignificant pills without any quality assurance that Qiao Nian gave him could be exchanged for a courtyard house.

Qiao Nian: "Treat the disease if you have it, and prevent it if you don't."

"You can give it to others if you don't want to. If someone is not feeling well, you can give him one pill. It will only save his life for half an hour."

"What vitamin has this effect?" Nie Mi didn't believe it. He thought she was joking with him and a smile appeared on his serious face.

Qiao Nian was wild, with a restrained banditry and confidence in his eyes: "The 'vitamins' I gave you have this effect."

Nie Mi laughed dumbly: "You kid..."

He said this but shook his head, accepted the things to save face, and said to her: "Okay, I'll remember it. The vitamins you gave me are from ginseng fruit. If I really need help, I'll take them out to save people."

He meant it half-jokingly, but the girl sitting opposite him just said "hmm" as a matter of course, nonchalantly, as if he was not joking.

He couldn't help laughing again.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Just at this moment, the waiter brought the water over. He glanced at Qiao Nian with a red face and said shyly, "Um... the plain water you ordered."

Qiao Nian stood up, took the water she handed over, looked into her eyes with his dark eyes, and said, "Thank you."

The voice is low, as if it is right next to your ear.

“…No, you’re welcome.” The waitress’s face suddenly turned as red as an apple. Her hands trembled and she almost knocked over the cup. She was so scared that her face turned pale and she was extremely panicked.

(End of this chapter)