Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 358: Sister Nian's charm is popular with both men and women


Qiao Nian caught the cup quickly without letting it fall over, but some water spilled on her wrist as the cup shook. The warm water was not hot, but it wet a part of her sleeve.

The waiter was so frightened that his heartbeat quickened and he almost cried. He quickly took out a napkin to wipe her sleeves and apologized in a panic: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Most of the customers who can spend money at Yufu are of high status, and they are not something that small waiters can afford to offend. The salary here is high, but the dismissal rate is also high every month.

A few days ago, one of her colleagues accidentally spilled some soup while serving the dish, which soiled a customer's clothes. Not only did he have to pay 100,000 yuan in compensation, he also lost his job.

She was afraid that she would be like that too.

Who knew that while she was frantically apologizing, a slightly cool hand took the napkin from her hand and said casually: "It's okay, it just wet my sleeve, it will dry in a while."

The waiter raised his head, his eyes red.

Qiao Nian looked at her red eyes, which looked like she was about to cry. She suddenly thought of Shen Qingqing. She didn't know how Shen Qingqing and the others were doing in the class around the city. If she didn't go to class, would Chen Yuan relapse and follow the gangsters outside

Thinking of the people who were circling the city, her eyes softened and her tone became gentler, and she comforted them, "It's really okay, don't cry, be careful not to be seen by your foreman."

So gentle.

It was very cool before, but now it’s so gentle and soft.

The waitress' heart beat faster. She couldn't tell what was wrong, but it was beating so fast that she didn't even dare to look in her direction.

It’s over. How could she be so obsessed with a young lady

"Please pour me another glass of water." Qiao Nian wiped the water off his sleeves with a napkin and said to her.

The waitress saw her beautiful eyes again, her neck turned red, and she said hurriedly: "I'll go right away."

After a while, another glass of water was poured over, this time with two lemon slices and ice cubes added to the water.

Qiao Nian looked at the lemon soda in front of her and was stunned. She remembered that she ordered water, so lemon soda

The waitress was quite embarrassed. She turned away and said shyly, "Um... I'm sorry for what happened just now. This lemonade is for you. Sorry, and thank you."

After saying that, he ran away as if a ghost was chasing him.

Qiao Nian looked at the extra soda drinks on her desk and her head began to hurt. Could she say that she had just eaten too much and couldn't drink the soda now

Nie Mi, however, watched the scene just now, especially the scene where the waitress ran away from their table with a red face. He looked at her with an indescribable expression and said, "You, don't make eye contact with little girls casually in the future."

Qiao Nian: “?”

When had she ever 'casually' made eye contact with anyone

Perhaps seeing what she was thinking, Nie Mi said with a complicated expression: "Little girls don't have strong self-control, you... don't lead her astray..."

He didn't say all the words. What he wanted to say was that after all, not all girls out there are like her, both gangster-like and seductive.

It would be troublesome if the waitress misunderstood and thought that everyone was like her.

Qiao Nian didn't understand what he meant, mainly because she didn't think too much about it, and she didn't notice the waitress's blushing face and thick neck just now. She just thought it was a small episode and raised her eyes and said, "Are you free tonight? Want to have dinner together? I'll treat you."

Nie Mi glared at her and said unhappily, "How can I not be free if you're treating me? I have time to spare!"

As he spoke, he remembered something important: "By the way, I've wanted to ask you for a long time, but I never got the chance. Have you decided what major you're going to study when you apply to Tsinghua University?"

(End of this chapter)