Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 396: I want to take Sister Nian's test paper away


"Qiao Nian got the first perfect score in Tsinghua University's history."

Full marks.

The room was dead silent.

Liang Lu suspected that she had heard it wrongly. She gripped the edge of the table tightly with her hands. Veins on both sides of her body bulged and she was unable to recover for a long time!

How could Qiao Nian possibly get full marks

She specifically checked Qiao Nian's grades, and they were not outstanding even in the surrounding area. There were many provincial first and second place winners who took the exam this time, but they did not get full marks. Qiao Nian got full marks. Isn't this funny

She took a deep breath, still hoping for the best: "Did you get the wrong paper? Are you sure it's Qiao Nian?"

The teacher who graded the papers was unsure of what she said, so he picked up the paper, checked the name, and showed it to her: "It's Qiao Nian. Look, isn't it written in the name column? Qiao Nian. A student from Raocheng No. 1 Middle School."

Liang Lu mechanically took the paper, lowered her head, and stared at the two words on the paper - Qiao Nian!

The fonts written with a water-based pen are bold and wild, and the personality of the font owner can be felt through the paper, and every stroke is full of gangster spirit.

Like an unruly lion!

Her eyebrows were throbbing violently and couldn't stop at all. Her mind was blank and she couldn't react at all.

But at this moment, Cheng Wu was still beside her, prodding her in a gentle way: "Professor Liang, your standards are too high. Even your clinical department doesn't want this grade..."

Who said she didn't want it!

Her neck seemed to be strangled by someone. She opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but her throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton and no sound came out.

The expression is embarrassing and ugly!

She never thought that Qiao Nian would do so well and get full marks. This is a full score. Such a talented student is what many teachers dream of. If she had known that Qiao Nian's grades were so good, she would never have said no before!

She said that because she thought Qiao Nian's grades were poor!

The happier Liang Lu had been before, the more regretful she felt now.

But Cheng Wu didn't give her a chance to regret, and cunningly blocked her way: "Since Professor Liang doesn't like this student, we still have a vacancy in the Finance Department. During the interview, I will ask her if she is willing to come to our Finance Department. She can set any conditions!"

Other departments are not to be outdone.

"No, Professor Cheng, your Finance Department recruits so many outstanding students every year, why don't you leave one for our Physics Department? I think Qiao Nian is a good candidate for physics."

"Don't talk nonsense. She is so good at advanced mathematics, why not study architecture? There will be another master of architecture in the country in the future!"

Cheng Wu laughed, and his attitude to snatching people was quite tough, not giving in an inch: "Everyone, stop fighting, I think it's better to study finance. Although our finance department accepts a lot of students every year, no one has passed the exam with a perfect score. I will not give in this time no matter what I say!"

Tsinghua University has two ace majors, one is the Finance Department and the other is Liang Lu’s Clinical Department.

He was afraid that Liang Lu would go back on her word, so he reminded her, "Professor Liang, you just said you didn't want Qiao Nian, you can't go back on your word and come back to argue with me."

Liang Lu's cheek muscles trembled fiercely, as if she had been slapped in the face. Her cheeks were flushed. She held the test paper for a long time without being able to speak. She took a deep breath for an unknown period of time before she squeezed out a sentence: "I want to take this test paper."

Everyone in the room was still arguing about which department to go to, but when they heard her words, they all looked at her.

The test paper has not yet been graded. If Liang Lu takes it away, how will the grade be calculated later

It’s a bit stuck. As usual, I’ll make it up to you all tomorrow morning. Good night, baby.

(End of this chapter)