Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 412: Sister Nian can only study at a junior college? You are overthinking


The principal tried his best to remain calm, but he couldn't help being surprised when he heard his words and interrupted him: "Mr. Jiang, what are you talking about? As long as she is willing to choose, she can choose any major she wants in Tsinghua University!"

"This... you don't need to help to this extent."

The principal said, "Qiao Nian is the first person in Tsinghua University's history to get a perfect score on the independent enrollment exam! All majors are vying for this kind of talented student. I heard that as soon as the exam results came out, the Finance Department and the Architecture Department started arguing over the candidate, threatening each other, and both are planning to recruit him in tomorrow's interview."

"I heard that Cheng Wu from the Finance Department even said that as long as Qiao Nian is willing to choose their Finance Department, she can set any conditions!"

The principal smiled and happily held the phone and said, "When I saw her information before, I was wondering whose child she was. I saw that it said she was studying in Raocheng No. 1 Middle School, and the column for parents was not filled in. I thought she was not from Beijing, but it turned out that she is Mr. Jiang's granddaughter."

One’s surname is Qiao and the other’s surname is Jiang!

No wonder he didn’t think of going together!

The principal felt that he had figured it all out at once, and said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, you have found a great granddaughter! I didn't expect that someone could get full marks on this set of papers! When the results came out, everyone was shocked. With this result, you must keep her in China to study, and don't let the talent flow abroad. In recent years, the domestic talent loss has been serious, and it hurts me to see it. My attitude is the same as Professor Cheng Wu's. As long as she is willing to come to our Tsinghua University to study, I can set any conditions! Everything is negotiable!"

Old Master Jiang just felt dizzy, as if he was drunk, and he had auditory hallucinations.

He couldn't believe his ears and asked again: "How many points did Nian Nian get in the exam?"

"650, full marks."

"… "

Not 65, not 150, it’s 650!

Mr. Jiang took a deep breath, his hands shaking a little. He went around the city to recognize people in person. Before he was sure that Qiao Nian was their lost child, he must have investigated Qiao Nian's life.

What could he investigate about a girl in the third year of high school? It was nothing more than her studies and life.

The results of the survey are neither surprising nor disappointing.

Qiao Nian's grades were average, and he was ranked at least outside the top 20,000 in the city. With that grade, he could get into university if he worked hard, but if he didn't, he could only go to a junior college.

He originally planned to bring her back after she finished the college entrance examination, and then try to get her opinion on whether she could go to college in China or study abroad.

Who would have thought that Qiao Nian would quietly run to Beijing to take part in Tsinghua University's independent enrollment examination.

Jiang Li, that brat, was also very patient. He didn't even tell his family and helped his sister keep it a secret.

It was only after the exam that he learned from Xianrou that she came to take the exam.

The key... give him a surprise in the test!

650!!! Grandpa Jiang didn’t know how to face this score. Xianrou was the best student among the children of his generation. She only scored 610 in the independent enrollment. Even so, it caused a sensation.

He couldn't imagine how much of a sensation Qiao Nian's results would cause.

No wonder the principal told him not to let the brains flow out of the country.

If news of this result gets out, there is no doubt that Nanjing University will snatch the student away.

Any well-known school in China will definitely find ways to contact Qiao Nian. If they can poach him, they will poach him. If they can’t, they will find other ways to poach him.

(End of this chapter)