Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 462: A chat software I've never seen before


Qiao Nian was not circling the city, but he could guess her helplessness at the moment. He pursed his lips and said to her in a deep voice, "Don't worry. I'm not circling the city now, but I can go back soon. I will ask someone to look for Chen Yuan. You wait until I come back."

"…You're outside?" Aunt Chen didn't know that she was in Beijing for the exam. She had originally thought that she was in the Circulation City, so she called her. When she heard that she was not in the Circulation City, she immediately said, "No, go and do your thing. That brat must be out playing again. I'll go to the places he often goes to and look for him myself."

Qiao Nian didn't say much, just said "hmm", told her to be careful, and hung up the phone.

Liang Bowen had been by her side and didn't hear what Aunt Chen said, but he could basically guess who the call was from what Qiao Nian said.

"Chen Yuan's mother?"

"Yeah." Qiao Nian lowered his eyelids, the corners of his eyes looked wild and cold.

Liang Bowen frowned and asked her worriedly, "Is Chen Yuan really missing?"

Where can a grown man, especially a grown boy, go

Qiao Nian didn't say anything. He silently took out Yuan Yongqin's number from his mobile phone and made a long-distance call.

The call was connected in seconds.

She didn't waste any words and said simply: "Aunt Yuan, you know a lot of people in Raocheng, help me find someone. A boy, about my age, named Chen Yuan. I'll give you his photo."

After the call, she sent Chen Yuan's photo to Yuan Yongqin.

Then he took out the Red Alliance software and sent Chen Yuan's cell phone number to the group.

[sun: Please help me track the location of this number. I am outside and my computer is not with me.]

The thin waist control was the first to reply. [Thin waist control: Convex. It’s another number that goes around the city. Boss, you are not really going around the city, are you?]

[Daji plays with me: Brother, if you see through it but don’t expose it, you can live two more episodes.]

[Thin waist control: o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o I am simple! ]

[Daji plays with me: I can see it with a simple mind, pure? Sorry, I am blind and I didn’t see it.]

Qiao Nian looked at the messages in the group, his brows furrowed in irritation, and he sent another message.

[sun: Stop it! Help me check it out.]

The group fell silent, and soon the thin waist control person sent her a cell phone with its location.

[Thin waist control: This number was last located here, and then there has been no movement. Either he has been here all the time, or his phone has been stolen. Anyway, the location has not changed.]

Qiao Nian received the location he sent, clicked it, and enlarged the location information.

When I saw the location marked above, I was a little surprised and frowned.

Sky Bar.

Liang Bowen stretched his neck and came closer. He also saw the address above and read it out: "Sky Bar? This place is very messy, with all kinds of people. Why would Chen Yuan come here to play?"

This kind of place where all kinds of people gather is not suitable for students and is too unsafe!

In addition to noticing the address on Qiao Nian's phone, he also noticed that she used a unique chat app. He asked curiously, "By the way, Sister Nian, what chat app are you using? I've never seen it before. S, is this a new chat app?"

Normally, people communicate through WeChat, or use Facebook after climbing over the firewall, or use Instagram. He has never seen the red chat software on Qiao Nian's phone, nor has he seen anyone around him using it.

But when he saw Qiao Nian's familiar login account, he could tell that Qiao Nian had been using the app for a long time. He took out his phone and said to Qiao Nian, "I'll download it too."

Qiao Nian sent the information that Xiyaokong had found out to Yuan Yongqin, asking her to have someone look for this place.

After sending the message, she raised her eyes and replied to Liang Bowen: "I can't download it. It's an overseas software. Your phone doesn't have a plug-in installed."

(End of this chapter)