Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 97: Is this also considered the concern of elders?


Gu San saw everything through the rearview mirror and almost lost his grip on the steering wheel.

Damn, Wang Ye is so shameless. He can say such nonsense with his eyes open. Doesn’t he feel guilty

You pinned Miss Qiao against the wall in the car, and you call that caring for your sister as a brother

You are just teasing others!

He thought so in his heart but didn't dare to say it out loud. He kept stealing glances at the two people in the rearview mirror.

Qiao Nian was stunned for a moment, with doubt in his eyes. Is this the concern of an elder for a younger person

While she was still thinking about this, Ye Wangchuan had already leaned back, withdrawing his arm from the wall, looking as if nothing had happened. He leaned lazily and casually on the seat, with his pretty hands resting on his knees, and the string of Buddhist beads wrapped around his wrists had a unique charm.

He patted the seat next to him and said to the girl who hadn't reacted yet, "Come here and sit down properly."

The voice was lazy, low and seductive.

The oppressive feeling on Qiao Nian's body disappeared, and the restlessness in his heart also subsided a lot. He sat up straight and heard what he said.

"The school also called your brother and grandfather. They know that you injured your hand today. Your brother will be back later. Your grandfather is not in good health. Let's see who he will ask to come back."

Qiao Nian suddenly forgot what had just happened. She stared at him with her dark eyes, a little irritated and more of a loss in the face of this situation: "I just scratched my arm, there's no need to make such a big fuss."

She used to get injured often, but if she hadn't told Qiao Weimin and the others, they wouldn't have noticed.

Even if they discovered it occasionally, they would at most ask her a few questions, asking her where she had gone to have fun, for fear that she would fight with others and bring shame to the Qiao family.

He didn't care how serious her injury was or whether she needed to see a doctor.

In the whole family, only Aunt Chen would secretly bring medicated wine to her room at night to apply medicine on her, and gently remind her that she was a girl and should be careful when playing in the future and not hurt herself, otherwise she would not look good in skirts if she got scars when she grew up.

Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyelids, looking elegant and calm. Qiao Nian didn't even notice the bloodlust in his eyes: "You should say that it's a good thing that you only scratched your arm this time, and the falling steel pipe didn't really hit you, otherwise you wouldn't have let it go so easily today."

Qiao Nian: …

She didn't understand. Could this be considered concern from an elder

Why did she feel that his concern and Jiang Li's concern seemed a little different? As for how, she couldn't tell.

It just feels a little different.

Seeing that she was frowning and silent, Ye Wangchuan thought she was still struggling with whether this matter would get out of hand. He narrowed his eyes and said to her, "You were almost killed in No. 1 Middle School. This matter is bound to get out of hand. Just wait and see. No. 1 Middle School must give you an explanation, and that person must be found. If that person is not found, not only will your grandfather be worried, I will be worried too."

Qiao Nian: "Actually, I have a rough guess as to who it is, but I don't have final evidence, so I'm not sure for now."

Qiao Chen inexplicably stood up today to speak for the murderer and asked the school not to investigate further. This matter was already weird in itself.

Seeing a strand of her hair slip down, Ye Wangchuan considerately tucked it behind her ear before withdrawing his hand. He was lazy but had a strong aura: "As for evidence, if you are determined to find it, you will find it sooner or later."

"Your school principal is a smart man. He will do his best to get to the bottom of this matter. Otherwise, the school will have to take the blame for the person behind this!"

Professor Jiang from Tsinghua University is coming to No. 1 Middle School to give lectures to gild the school. The school will not offend her father for a student.

(End of this chapter)