Madam Slaps Faces Online Everyday

Chapter 138: The existence of Wang Zha (more updates added)


He sat down in front of the computer, turned it on, and quickly entered codes on the keyboard with his little hands.

Ten minutes later, an intercepted signal popped up on Gu Si's computer.

He was only one step away from attacking.

He tried again without giving up, but still failed.

Gu Si rolled up his sleeves and said, "I don't believe it!"

With a childish face, he attacked several times and even knelt down.

On the Shadow League side, Lin Shuang and Yun Ling finally felt a little relieved. Although they were defeated by Gu Mang, they were not ashamed.

Gu Si went to Gu Mang dejectedly, "Sister, I didn't get in."

Gu Mang raised an eyebrow. As expected, after being attacked by Gu Si, the two of them could die.

She replied nonchalantly, "How have you been in the field area lately?"

Gu Si was still reflecting in frustration. When he heard these words, the unhappiness he had been holding back for a month suddenly rushed over, "Sister, you don't know, it's really difficult for me! Those nutritionists only allow me to eat a little bit of meat every day. They’re all starving and losing weight!”

The corner of the girl's mouth curled up, evil and wild, "Meat is expensive."

"We nourished ten pigs in the field!" Every time it was his turn to feed the pigs, he wondered whether it should be stir-fried or braised, and he couldn't eat it. It was too difficult for him.

Gu Mang's eyes were filled with a shallow smile.

Gu Si sat on the chair with his legs dangling in the air. He lowered his head and touched his deflated belly, "I want to eat meat."

"Is it fake?" Gu Mang asked.

When Gu Si saw these three words, he understood that his sister was planning to take him to eat meat, and immediately replied: "Yes, yes, I have two days off this month, sister, I want to eat Tianxiaju!"

Gu Mang narrowed his eyes and was very demanding, "I will come out on the weekend to celebrate Lei Cong's birthday."

Gu Si calculated the date and frowned irritably.

After my parents passed away, my grandparents took care of the cemetery.

Lei Cong's birthday has always been held grandly. Grandpa and grandma have made rules before, and everyone in every family must be present.

His uncle had seven sisters, and every eight children had a son.

This shows how important Lei Cong, the only grandson, is.

Anyone’s birthday can be forgotten, but not Lei Cong’s.

Moreover, my grandma’s family is full of people and things, and several families like to compete with each other.

bother. He rolled his eyes, "Sister, to be honest with you, I don't want to go, but it seems impossible not to go."

Gu Mang typed one word lazily, "Yeah."

Throwing her phone on the bed, she opened the medical English dictionary she had previously read, went to the bookmarked page, and continued to read professional terms.

From the time she could remember, she found that she had a photographic memory and learned things very quickly.

Once you learn, you will become good at it.

Gu Si is the same as her.

Noon the next day.

Gu Mang went to put the tableware and met Gu Yin, who mentioned Lei Cong's birthday on the weekend.

"Sister, which school does Gu Si go to?" Gu Yin asked with a gentle smile.

Gu Mang, who was taller than her, glanced over with a faint glance, his delicate brows were half-browed, and there was a chill in his eyes, "Mind your own business, I will take him there."

Gu Yin's smile condensed on his face.

The girl put her hands in her pockets, turned around and left without haste.

The cell phone in her pocket rang. She took it out and saw the news from Sheng Ting.

"Several agencies are asking me for your contact information. They probably want to sign you."

Mingcheng Middle School is a semi-closed old aristocratic school. There are often police patrols at the school entrance, and people from the brokerage company dare not come to the door.

I had long expected that as soon as the MV was released, the agencies would rush to sign Gu Mang.

Even the boss of his club came to him and wanted to rely on his connections to sign Gu Mang.

The girl's good looks coupled with her status as a top choreographer make her a king in the entertainment industry.

I don’t know what’s going on, they are all rich and powerful people, and I can’t find Gu Mang’s contact information.

Thank you for your support,

I will post the additional update for 6,000 votes first.

It’s a new week, dear friends, please vote.

(End of chapter)