Madam Slaps Faces Online Everyday

Chapter 209: Annual service. Sister Mang Deal


Gu Mang typed unhurriedly, "Let's stay here, she needs more contact with people."

Lu Chengzhou quickly replied, "Okay, I'll go back to the capital."

Gu Mang replied "Yeah".

"Sister Mang!" Qin Yaozhi suddenly ran over excitedly.

Gu Mang opened his eyes and saw her arm resting on Lu Yang's pile of books, and said excitedly: "Sheng Ting started filming at Experimental Middle School today, let's go watch it together after school in the afternoon!"

Looks like a nymphomaniac.

When Xiaopang heard the news, he turned around in confusion, "Really or not, I want to go too!"

Qin Yaozhi lowered his voice and was very excited, "Really, I have a group, and the news about the sister in it, Sheng Ting's number one fan, can it be false?"

"Let's go for a walk after school in the afternoon!" Xiaopang was also excited.

"Not interested." Gu Mang took out the English novel he brought out from Lu Chengzhou's apartment from his schoolbag and casually turned to the bookmarked page.

Qin Yaozhi was like an eggplant beaten by frost on the spot. Something suddenly flashed into his mind, and he made an offer without giving up, "I'll cover the desserts at Mi Tang Fang for the New Year! Why don't you go and have a look?"

Lu Yang looked at her in disbelief, "Miss, do you believe that Sister Mang can make you bankrupt?!"

That's the Honey Shop in Starlight Plaza!

Every time Sister Mang goes shopping, she has no idea what to do.

Gu Mang narrowed his eyes.

"Go away, what's wrong with you!" Qin Yaozhi cursed, and then looked at Gu Mang pitifully, "Okay, Sister Mang, honey shop, we have a year-round service!"

When Lu Yang was scolded, he curled his lips and couldn't figure it out. He said casually: "What charm does Sheng Ting have? Star-chasing girls are really crazy..."

Chu Yao, who had just come over, said: "Brother Yang, you don't understand. To them, an idol may be faith, or it may be that this idol accompanies them through the most difficult journey. Some people's lives are difficult. Thinking of their idols makes them feel that they can still persevere. They are their emotional sustenance and their only one."

Qin Yaozhi patted Chu Yao's shoulder movedly, "Brother, you have spoken to my heart!"

Lu Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and squinted his eyes with complicated expressions, "Where did you copy these words?"

Chu Yao smiled and said, "I saw it on Weibo."

Lu Yang: "..." Qin Yaozhi rolled his eyes at Lu Yang and tugged on Gu Mang's sleeve, "Sister Mang, a one-year honey shop! Why don't you think about it?"

Gu Mang put his face on his hands, raised his delicate eyebrows, and said lazily, "Deal."

"Yeah!" Qin Yaozhi was satisfied, "Let's leave after school in the afternoon. The scene was filmed right in front of the school. We will definitely see Sheng Ting!"

The little fat man nodded, "Okay, okay."

By the way, I greeted Shen Huan and Meng Jinyang in the WeChat group of several people.

When the two girls sitting in front saw the news, they looked back and were very excited.

The news that Sheng Ting went to Experimental Middle School for filming soon spread throughout Mingcheng Middle School.

In the last class in the afternoon, every class was not peaceful, and the students were obviously absent-minded.

As soon as the bell rang, many people rushed out before the teacher had finished speaking.

The young teacher was speechless.

The older one was almost mad to death.

Qin Yaozhi brought a full range of equipment today, including a telescope and a professional camera, complete star-chasing hard-core equipment.

Gu Mang glanced at the two large items hanging around her neck, "..."

He looked back and casually took out his mobile phone to play games.

Lu Yang's eyes twitched, "As for no, do you have the binoculars?"

"Miss, you are awesome!" Xiaopang said with admiration.

(End of chapter)