Madam Slaps Faces Online Everyday

Chapter 220: Brother Cheng When will you come back? (Additional update)


"Final exam, you can't leave." Gu Mang spoke concisely, and the ends of his raised eyes were a bit cold.

Xia Mingzhu smiled, "Exams are more important."

Lei Xiao said: "Let's go through the security check first."

Several people responded and walked to the security checkpoint together.

Gu Yin turned her head slightly, glanced at Gu Mang, who was walking at the back, and looked away.

She heard about what happened on the Internet yesterday, and there were a lot of rumors circulating, all guessing that Sheng Ting liked Gu Mang.

Does he like Gu Mang

Because of that face

Gu Mang walked slowly and leisurely, holding his cell phone casually and chatting with Lu Chengzhou.

"Arrived at the airport." Lu Chengzhou sent a message around seven o'clock in the morning. She didn't look at her phone until now.

As soon as the message passes, the note changes to Entering.

The next second, the man messaged, "When will you be back?"

Gu Mang typed casually, "Ten thirty tonight."

"Well, I'll pick you up tonight." Just after Lu Chengzhou said this, he was followed by another, "I have something to do, see you in the evening."

Gu Mang replied "Yeah" and put his phone in his pocket.

An hour later, the group arrived in Chunning City, and their third aunt's house came to pick them up.

When he saw them coming out of the airport, he got out of the car, greeted them with a smile, and opened the door, "Get in the car quickly, it's so cold outside."

The third uncle's family conditions are average, he runs a small business, and he drives an ordinary car, a business car costing RMB 70,000 to RMB 80,000.

It seems that the car was used to transport goods two days ago. The car is not very clean, but the seats can be seen to have been cleaned.

"Mom, you can sit in the passenger seat." Lei Cong glanced at Xia Mingzhu, who had an unnatural expression and a bit of disgust in his eyes.

She has always traveled in luxury cars, and she felt dirty when she saw a car like this.

When Gu Yin saw the unknown debris in the car, he didn't want to sit in the back. He pursed his lips but didn't speak.

I should have known better than to let my third uncle pick me up.

Gu Mang smiled lightly and looked at his third uncle, "Uncle, please forgive me."

The third uncle waved his hand, and his attitude was many times better than before, "What's the trouble? Today is the day to visit your parents' graves. We should help you a little. You must remember your uncle's good deeds and take care of your sister Qi in the future." Just Qi." The third uncle loves her second daughter who was only born in her forties.

Gu Mang curled his lips and nodded, so she would remember it.

Even if these people have no profit, they can’t afford it early.

With his eyebrows lowered, he bent over and got into the car, sat at the back, and found a comfortable position to sit.

Squinting at the sunshine outside, she raised her hand to push down the brim of her hat.

The third uncle also quickly called others to get in the car.

Lei Cong didn't mind it, he jumped into the car neatly with his head lowered, and sat in the back with Gu Mang.

The girl's aura was so strong that Lei Cong didn't dare to move even if he was sitting next to her.

He glanced cautiously. Gu Mang's peaked cap was lowered and his eyes were closed. Anyway, he only looked at half of his face, which was very beautiful.

He had thought that this cousin was very cool since he was a child, but he was a bit difficult to mess with, so he didn't dare to say a few words.

He dug at the seat and finally couldn't help but say, "Sister Gu Mang, don't be too sad. My sister-in-law and uncle will bless you in heaven."

Gu Mang raised his eyes and looked at him slowly without saying anything.

Lei Cong's back tensed on the spot, and he twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment.

The girl's eyes were fixed for a few seconds, then she looked back calmly.

Lei Xiao opened the passenger door and let Xia Mingzhu sit here.

The co-pilot was the cleanest. Xia Mingzhu took her designer bag and reluctantly sat on it.

Gu Yin glanced at the unclean seat in the middle, pursed her lips and got on the bus.

But his body remained stiff, trying not to touch the backrest.

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Thanks to Si Yehan Ye Wanwan (Xiaoting), Nmoon, Falling Ye, Heart Broken for the reward, Mo Yiha

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(End of chapter)