Madly in Love with You

Chapter 23


Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

Last night's post about her tattoo caused a small-scale heated discussion in the circle, and the effect was remarkable.

In the entertainment industry, no young star who has just debuted dares to do this, especially male stars. It is almost a default rule to create a personality to attract fans. There are also many entertainment companies that directly state that they cannot have relationships in the first five years. That one who has the ability to mobilize the girlfriend fans and wife fans.

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

[Ji Yan: Municipal First People’s Hospital. ]

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

Jiang Yue slipped his head from her shoulder and took a nap.

Recently, she was teaching people to dance in a training class, and her legs hurt for several days, so she came over to shoot a video.

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.

She had rarely seen him look like this before.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.


He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

The first Weibo post was four photos of him, taken when he got off the bus outside the stadium this evening.

Gu Congwang drove the car steadily out of the crowd, and after driving a little further, the noisy sounds disappeared.

But I felt even more uncomfortable after coming out of the hosting office. The weather outside was still extremely hot and muggy, and my face also felt hot.

"How is it? Is today's game stable?" Gu Congwang asked.


I also liked her back then.

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

Xu Zhinan clicked on the photo again.

Xu Zhenfan answered for her: "Can it be unstable? Look at this level. I can already imagine that when this photo is posted on the Internet, everyone will be shocked!" He rolled up his trousers again.

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

She then found Lu Xihe's tattoo in the totem group. At first glance, it looked rough and primitive, but if you look closely, you will see that every detail has been handled very delicately, giving it an unrestrained beauty.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

[Ji Yan: Captain, I saw the light of Pingchuan in the hospital. ]

After walking for a while and reaching the corridor, Xu Zhinan remembered a question - why is Lin Qingye here

Gu Congwang looked through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that our Anan is going to become famous in one battle."

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

With the small picture, Xu Zhinan started tattooing directly.

"Ji Yan told me." He slowed down the infusion regulator, "Why did you suddenly become ill? Didn't you feel fine when I saw you yesterday afternoon?"

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

A Nan.

She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

She remembered that night when she heard Lin Qingye calling her name in his drunken sleep.

"How is it? Is today's game stable?" Gu Congwang asked.

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

He admitted candidly: "Yeah."

He said smoothly: "Yes."

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if a fan found out?"

Xu Zhinan clicked on the photo again.

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

The campus hospital is very quiet, and you can only hear the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

However, through this tattoo work, we can also imagine why "Assassin" has been the most famous local tattoo shop over the years.

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

"Really?" Wang Qi lowered his voice and asked.

It seems... quite fierce.

The dormitory lights are on today.

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

No longer giving Xu Zhinan a chance to reject him, he leaned over and pinched her arm to pull her up.

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

Originally, Jiang Yue must still be in the library at this point.

Gu Congwang looked through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that our Anan is going to become famous in one battle."

The two chatted about the tattoo pattern for a while. The customer explained the pattern he wanted. Xu Zhinan recorded it and finalized the general design direction. The two added a contact information and waited for the design to be completed before sending it to her for confirmation. , and then make an appointment for tattooing.

It is indeed top-notch.

"Yueyue." Xu Zhinan opened the door and walked in, "Why are you back so early today?"

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

As soon as Xu Zhinan woke up, he couldn't help but become nervous and couldn't speak. He only raised his hand and pinched the nose clip of the medical mask.

"Come back, I'm here to get the things." Xu Zhinan walked to her side, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Xu Zhinan couldn't finish it and only read a few hot reviews in the front row.

She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

Gu Congwang looked through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that our Anan is going to become famous in one battle."

Gu Congwang drove the car steadily out of the crowd, and after driving a little further, the noisy sounds disappeared.

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

"Come back, I'm here to get the things." Xu Zhinan walked to her side, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"


But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

Jiang Yue thanked her again. Her throat hurt and she stopped talking. After drinking water, she quickly fell asleep without realizing it.

Jiang Yue slipped his head from her shoulder and took a nap.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.


[Ji Yan: Captain, I saw the light of Pingchuan in the hospital. ]

"I have cold medicine there."

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

The classmate who had sent Jiang Yue over just now went back first. Xu Zhinan helped Jiang Yue sit down on a chair, and soon the doctor came to insert the needle for her.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

The classmate who had sent Jiang Yue over just now went back first. Xu Zhinan helped Jiang Yue sit down on a chair, and soon the doctor came to insert the needle for her.

He said smoothly: "Yes."

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

Xu Zhinan took out the regular medicine from the cabinet and made her a cup of warm water.

"Really?" Wang Qi lowered his voice and asked.

Along with this, Jiang Yue had the same reaction as last night, with a stuffy nose, headache and drowsiness.

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

"How is it? Is today's game stable?" Gu Congwang asked.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

Along with this, Jiang Yue had the same reaction as last night, with a stuffy nose, headache and drowsiness.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

There is also a photo.

"Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

"Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

"I have cold medicine there."

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

It seems... quite fierce.

"It's okay. It's too late to go to the hospital now."

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

Last night's post about her tattoo caused a small-scale heated discussion in the circle, and the effect was remarkable.

Xu Zhinan was still a little uneasy, so he put his small medicine box on her table and boiled a pot of hot water for her: "If you still feel uncomfortable at night, remember to send me a message."

A Nan.

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.


Xu Zhinan was sitting alone in the corner of the infusion room, leaning her head sideways on the edge of the tiles next to her. The infusion tube was hanging down, and her face was a little red.

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

However, Xu Zhinan's luggage hadn't been finished yet. Jiang Yue, who had just had a runny nose and headache, suddenly started to have diarrhea. When she came out of the toilet, her face was white, her lips were losing color, and she looked like she was about to collapse.

There are several related topics on hot searches right now.

When he arrived at the ward, he hung the bottle on the shelf again. Xu Zhinan sat on the edge of the bed without lying down, wanting to wait for him to leave, but after a moment of silence, he didn't show any intention of leaving.

However, for realistic style tattoos, design is also the top priority. Most people come to make appointments, but only one customer directly brought a picture.

The campus hospital is very quiet, and you can only hear the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside.

Xu Zhinan stepped forward to help her, but he touched her hot arm: "Yueyue, do you have a fever?"

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

He said it very matter-of-factly, as if they had arranged to meet yesterday afternoon.

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

She didn't dare to let Jiang Yue go home like this.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

"Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if a fan found out?"

Xu Zhinan took a shirt and jacket from her closet and put it on her. He also took a thermos cup and helped her out of the dormitory.

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

After yesterday's "I Came for the Song" meeting, there was another recording of the new program.

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

I took my temperature and it was 38 degrees.

Xu Zhinan usually doesn't hang out in any circles, but this is the first time he went in to see it.

Xu Zhinan was sitting alone in the corner of the infusion room, leaning her head sideways on the edge of the tiles next to her. The infusion tube was hanging down, and her face was a little red.

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

Xu Zhinan took out the regular medicine from the cabinet and made her a cup of warm water.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

But obviously I just saw it from a distance outside the stadium.

In the entertainment industry, no young star who has just debuted dares to do this, especially male stars. It is almost a default rule to create a personality to attract fans. There are also many entertainment companies that directly state that they cannot have relationships in the first five years. That one who has the ability to mobilize the girlfriend fans and wife fans.

Xu Zhinan didn't click on that post and read it again. Unexpectedly, someone else posted the store address, which was considered free publicity for her.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

The classmate who had sent Jiang Yue over just now went back first. Xu Zhinan helped Jiang Yue sit down on a chair, and soon the doctor came to insert the needle for her.

With the small picture, Xu Zhinan started tattooing directly.

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Xu Zhinan took out the regular medicine from the cabinet and made her a cup of warm water.

Jiang Yue felt more and more groggy now, and her nose was completely blocked: "A Nan, you should go back first, there is a doctor here."

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

Xu Zhinan was sitting alone in the corner of the infusion room, leaning her head sideways on the edge of the tiles next to her. The infusion tube was hanging down, and her face was a little red.

Ji Yan took the medicine and glanced at Xu Zhinan in the infusion room.

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

In the last photo, he stood still beside the car, his eyes seemed to be looking at the camera, his eyebrows were raised, his expression was a little cold and a little dry, which was in sharp contrast to the other people around the photo who were also in the frame and smiling warmly.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

She didn't dare to let Jiang Yue go home like this.

"Why." Wang Qi joked, "Someone won't let you drink?"


The first Weibo post was four photos of him, taken when he got off the bus outside the stadium this evening.

In the entertainment industry, no young star who has just debuted dares to do this, especially male stars. It is almost a default rule to create a personality to attract fans. There are also many entertainment companies that directly state that they cannot have relationships in the first five years. That one who has the ability to mobilize the girlfriend fans and wife fans.

Jiang Yue thanked her again. Her throat hurt and she stopped talking. After drinking water, she quickly fell asleep without realizing it.

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

Lin Qingye scoffed: "What are you showing them?"

"Really?" Wang Qi lowered his voice and asked.

The two of them were about the same height, and Xu Zhinan had to sit upright so that she could rest comfortably on his shoulders.

Ji Yan sent him a message.

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.


The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

Wang Qi was stunned and looked at him up and down: "What's the tattoo?"

During the summer vacation, most people have gone home, and it is night again. The school hospital is very quiet, and the entire school is also very quiet.

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

Ji Yan sent him a message.

Xu Zhinan took out her mobile phone, and Xu Zhenfan sent her a message, which was a link.

But Xu Zhinan was different, he didn't know anything about scheming, so if he liked it, he would hold up a blazing heart and show it to him.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.

Lin Qingye scoffed: "What are you showing them?"

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

She clicked on it and saw that it was the voting page for the preliminary round of the tattoo design competition. The official voting did not start until after midnight today. It was just a display stage at the moment.

She then found Lu Xihe's tattoo in the totem group. At first glance, it looked rough and primitive, but if you look closely, you will see that every detail has been handled very delicately, giving it an unrestrained beauty.

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.


Xu Zhinan pulled it down and looked at each one carefully.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

Xu Zhinan: "..."

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.


[Ji Yan: Municipal First People’s Hospital. ]

In Ji Yan's view, he had stopped his losses in time and became a Buddha.

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

She then found Lu Xihe's tattoo in the totem group. At first glance, it looked rough and primitive, but if you look closely, you will see that every detail has been handled very delicately, giving it an unrestrained beauty.

The dormitory lights are on today.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.

It is indeed top-notch.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

Xu Zhi murmured and touched her forehead on tiptoe. The fever should have gone away. She was relieved and told her to remember to take medicine after getting up before leaving the dormitory and going to the store.


I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

"Come back, I'm here to get the things." Xu Zhinan walked to her side, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

She remembered that night when she heard Lin Qingye calling her name in his drunken sleep.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

Zhou Ji spoke quickly: "My girlfriend's name is on my back."

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

However, through this tattoo work, we can also imagine why "Assassin" has been the most famous local tattoo shop over the years.

The dormitory lights are on today.

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

But I felt even more uncomfortable after coming out of the hosting office. The weather outside was still extremely hot and muggy, and my face also felt hot.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

"Can't drink."


Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

Lin Qingye was quiet and then said, "You still have one bottle left. Please be quiet in the ward."

The hosting office was very close to the Municipal People's Hospital, and it was also close to home from the hospital. Xu Zhinan did not plan to go back to school and went directly to the hospital.

She had rarely seen him look like this before.

A Nan.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

Xu Zhinan stepped forward to help her, but he touched her hot arm: "Yueyue, do you have a fever?"

The tattoo circle is not big, and those who are more professional have a special communication forum to share their tattoos. Although this competition did not cause much waves on the entire Internet, it was very popular in this forum. Negotiable.

Of course Wang Qi knew that Lin Qingye’s character would not take this route, and he had never deliberately created a character to attract fans.

Recently, she was teaching people to dance in a training class, and her legs hurt for several days, so she came over to shoot a video.

Xu Zhinan took out her mobile phone, and Xu Zhenfan sent her a message, which was a link.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

But Xu Zhinan was different, he didn't know anything about scheming, so if he liked it, he would hold up a blazing heart and show it to him.

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

Xu Zhinan usually doesn't hang out in any circles, but this is the first time he went in to see it.

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

There was also a doctor in a white coat standing next to him. He seemed to know Lin Qingye and said to him: "If there is an empty ward then, please let your classmate go there."

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

Along with this, Jiang Yue had the same reaction as last night, with a stuffy nose, headache and drowsiness.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Lin Qingye was quiet and then said, "You still have one bottle left. Please be quiet in the ward."

However, for realistic style tattoos, design is also the top priority. Most people come to make appointments, but only one customer directly brought a picture.

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

"It's okay. It's too late to go to the hospital now."

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

Ji Yan took the medicine and glanced at Xu Zhinan in the infusion room.

Of course Wang Qi knew that Lin Qingye’s character would not take this route, and he had never deliberately created a character to attract fans.


She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Xu Zhinan took out the regular medicine from the cabinet and made her a cup of warm water.

Until she heard the name Lin Qingye shouted in her dream.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

There are several related topics on hot searches right now.

Wang Qi walked to him with a wine glass and shook the glass: "Have a drink?"

There are obviously much more discussions on hot searches than on tattoo forums.

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Xu Zhinan took out the regular medicine from the cabinet and made her a cup of warm water.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Xu Zhinan was still a little uneasy, so he put his small medicine box on her table and boiled a pot of hot water for her: "If you still feel uncomfortable at night, remember to send me a message."

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

The dormitory lights are on today.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

Until she heard the name Lin Qingye shouted in her dream.

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

Jiang Yue felt more and more groggy now, and her nose was completely blocked: "A Nan, you should go back first, there is a doctor here."

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

I guess I really don’t like this kind of scene.


Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Xu Zhinan: "..."

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

When he arrived at the ward, he hung the bottle on the shelf again. Xu Zhinan sat on the edge of the bed without lying down, wanting to wait for him to leave, but after a moment of silence, he didn't show any intention of leaving.

She then found Lu Xihe's tattoo in the totem group. At first glance, it looked rough and primitive, but if you look closely, you will see that every detail has been handled very delicately, giving it an unrestrained beauty.

Lin Qingye let go of her and walked towards the ward with the bottle in hand.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

Xu Zhinan usually doesn't hang out in any circles, but this is the first time he went in to see it.

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

Jiang Yue slipped his head from her shoulder and took a nap.

She clicked on it and saw that it was the voting page for the preliminary round of the tattoo design competition. The official voting did not start until after midnight today. It was just a display stage at the moment.

The hosting office was very close to the Municipal People's Hospital, and it was also close to home from the hospital. Xu Zhinan did not plan to go back to school and went directly to the hospital.

"Really?" Wang Qi lowered his voice and asked.

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.

"Yes, you are?"

Xu Zhinan couldn't finish it and only read a few hot reviews in the front row.

The dormitory lights are on today.

After the recording, everyone had a meal together.

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

Lin Qingye let go of her and walked towards the ward with the bottle in hand.

Xu Zhinan didn't click on that post and read it again. Unexpectedly, someone else posted the store address, which was considered free publicity for her.

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

"I caught a cold." Xu Zhinan whispered.

There are several related topics on hot searches right now.

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

With the small picture, Xu Zhinan started tattooing directly.

The campus hospital is very quiet, and you can only hear the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside.

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

Gu Congwang looked through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that our Anan is going to become famous in one battle."

Xu Zhinan didn't click on that post and read it again. Unexpectedly, someone else posted the store address, which was considered free publicity for her.

I also liked her back then.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

"I have cold medicine there."

Xu Zhinan accidentally entered the hot search about Lin Qingye.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong?"

The first Weibo post was four photos of him, taken when he got off the bus outside the stadium this evening.


Xu Zhinan pulled it down and looked at each one carefully.

In the last photo, he stood still beside the car, his eyes seemed to be looking at the camera, his eyebrows were raised, his expression was a little cold and a little dry, which was in sharp contrast to the other people around the photo who were also in the frame and smiling warmly.

The first Weibo post was four photos of him, taken when he got off the bus outside the stadium this evening.

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

The dormitory lights are on today.

Xu Zhenfan answered for her: "Can it be unstable? Look at this level. I can already imagine that when this photo is posted on the Internet, everyone will be shocked!" He rolled up his trousers again.

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.


It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.

The little girl has drooping black eyelashes and a small face. There is a shallow fold on the side of her face from sleeping just now, and the corners of her eyes are drooped because of illness.

No longer giving Xu Zhinan a chance to reject him, he leaned over and pinched her arm to pull her up.

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."

Last night's post about her tattoo caused a small-scale heated discussion in the circle, and the effect was remarkable.

"Yes, you are?"

Ji Yan sent him a message.

Of course Wang Qi knew that Lin Qingye’s character would not take this route, and he had never deliberately created a character to attract fans.

Xu Zhinan stepped forward to help her, but he touched her hot arm: "Yueyue, do you have a fever?"

Recently, she was teaching people to dance in a training class, and her legs hurt for several days, so she came over to shoot a video.

The classmate who had sent Jiang Yue over just now went back first. Xu Zhinan helped Jiang Yue sit down on a chair, and soon the doctor came to insert the needle for her.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

But the last time he came to her shop drunk, he looked very different from usual.

The classmate who had sent Jiang Yue over just now went back first. Xu Zhinan helped Jiang Yue sit down on a chair, and soon the doctor came to insert the needle for her.

The dormitory lights are on today.

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

Ji Yan sent him a message.

Wang Qi originally wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but Lin Qingye's cell phone rang, so he gave up and stopped disturbing him.

"How is it? Is today's game stable?" Gu Congwang asked.

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

Gu Congwang looked through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that our Anan is going to become famous in one battle."

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

Xu Zhinan usually doesn't hang out in any circles, but this is the first time he went in to see it.

The tattoo circle is not big, and those who are more professional have a special communication forum to share their tattoos. Although this competition did not cause much waves on the entire Internet, it was very popular in this forum. Negotiable.

In the last photo, he stood still beside the car, his eyes seemed to be looking at the camera, his eyebrows were raised, his expression was a little cold and a little dry, which was in sharp contrast to the other people around the photo who were also in the frame and smiling warmly.


There was also a doctor in a white coat standing next to him. He seemed to know Lin Qingye and said to him: "If there is an empty ward then, please let your classmate go there."

She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.

"Yueyue." Xu Zhinan opened the door and walked in, "Why are you back so early today?"

There are obviously much more discussions on hot searches than on tattoo forums.

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

He admitted candidly: "Yeah."

Xu Zhinan couldn't finish it and only read a few hot reviews in the front row.

Xu Zhinan stepped forward to help her, but he touched her hot arm: "Yueyue, do you have a fever?"

During the summer vacation, most people have gone home, and it is night again. The school hospital is very quiet, and the entire school is also very quiet.

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

In the entertainment industry, no young star who has just debuted dares to do this, especially male stars. It is almost a default rule to create a personality to attract fans. There are also many entertainment companies that directly state that they cannot have relationships in the first five years. That one who has the ability to mobilize the girlfriend fans and wife fans.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

Jiang Yue slipped his head from her shoulder and took a nap.

Everyone expressed their love for Lin Qingye much more exaggeratedly and unrestrainedly than in the previous school forum.

He said smoothly: "Yes."

There is also a photo.

Xu Zhinan couldn't finish it and only read a few hot reviews in the front row.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.


Last night's post about her tattoo caused a small-scale heated discussion in the circle, and the effect was remarkable.

"Ji Yan told me." He slowed down the infusion regulator, "Why did you suddenly become ill? Didn't you feel fine when I saw you yesterday afternoon?"

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

"It's not comfortable to sleep here."

The little girl has drooping black eyelashes and a small face. There is a shallow fold on the side of her face from sleeping just now, and the corners of her eyes are drooped because of illness.

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

Jiang Yue thanked her again. Her throat hurt and she stopped talking. After drinking water, she quickly fell asleep without realizing it.

Xu Zhinan clicked on the photo again.

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

Jiang Yue slipped his head from her shoulder and took a nap.

It seems... quite fierce.

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."


"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

She had rarely seen him look like this before.

Jiang Yue thanked her again. Her throat hurt and she stopped talking. After drinking water, she quickly fell asleep without realizing it.

The publicity effect of that post was quite impressive, thanks to Xu Zhinan's eye-catching design work.

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

But the last time he came to her shop drunk, he looked very different from usual.

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

However, Xu Zhinan's luggage hadn't been finished yet. Jiang Yue, who had just had a runny nose and headache, suddenly started to have diarrhea. When she came out of the toilet, her face was white, her lips were losing color, and she looked like she was about to collapse.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if a fan found out?"

"Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

I guess I really don’t like this kind of scene.

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

"I caught a cold." Xu Zhinan whispered.

It seems... quite fierce.

Obviously there are so many people who like him, but he never seems to care about them.

Lin Qingye didn't speak for a while, and then he chuckled: "You're ready."

Xu Zhinan didn't click on that post and read it again. Unexpectedly, someone else posted the store address, which was considered free publicity for her.

The publicity effect of that post was quite impressive, thanks to Xu Zhinan's eye-catching design work.

Ji Yan sent him a message.

"It's not comfortable to sleep here."

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

I also liked her back then.

"One person will give the injection." Lin Qingye looked at her and asked unconsciously, "Where is your boyfriend?"

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

A Nan.

Early the next morning, Xu Zhinan got up and walked under Jiang Yue's bed: "Yueyue, are you feeling better?"

Recently, she was teaching people to dance in a training class, and her legs hurt for several days, so she came over to shoot a video.

Xu Zhinan quit Weibo and took a nap. Soon Jiang Yue finished drinking water. She woke Jiang Yue up, and the two of them walked back to the dormitory on the quiet campus road.

"Yes, you are?"

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."

However, Xu Zhinan's luggage hadn't been finished yet. Jiang Yue, who had just had a runny nose and headache, suddenly started to have diarrhea. When she came out of the toilet, her face was white, her lips were losing color, and she looked like she was about to collapse.

"Yueyue." Xu Zhinan opened the door and walked in, "Why are you back so early today?"

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

Early the next morning, Xu Zhinan got up and walked under Jiang Yue's bed: "Yueyue, are you feeling better?"

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

With the small picture, Xu Zhinan started tattooing directly.

She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

But obviously I just saw it from a distance outside the stadium.

Xu Zhi murmured and touched her forehead on tiptoe. The fever should have gone away. She was relieved and told her to remember to take medicine after getting up before leaving the dormitory and going to the store.

In the last photo, he stood still beside the car, his eyes seemed to be looking at the camera, his eyebrows were raised, his expression was a little cold and a little dry, which was in sharp contrast to the other people around the photo who were also in the frame and smiling warmly.

It can be seen that the level of tattoos is very uneven, but this time there are a lot of applicants for the competition, and there are quite a few top performers in each group. There are also a few outstanding ones in the realistic style group.

However, Xu Zhinan's luggage hadn't been finished yet. Jiang Yue, who had just had a runny nose and headache, suddenly started to have diarrhea. When she came out of the toilet, her face was white, her lips were losing color, and she looked like she was about to collapse.

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

"Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.

Last night's post about her tattoo caused a small-scale heated discussion in the circle, and the effect was remarkable.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

Xu Zhinan accidentally entered the hot search about Lin Qingye.

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

A Nan.

As soon as she walked to the door of the tattoo shop, a woman came up to her and asked, "Hello, are you Xu Zhinan?"

Until she heard the name Lin Qingye shouted in her dream.

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."


Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

"Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

There are obviously much more discussions on hot searches than on tattoo forums.

In Ji Yan's view, he had stopped his losses in time and became a Buddha.

Jiang Yue thanked her again. Her throat hurt and she stopped talking. After drinking water, she quickly fell asleep without realizing it.

"Yes, you are?"

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

After the recording, everyone had a meal together.

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

There were many pairs of eyes around him. Xu Zhinan didn't want everyone to recognize that this was Lin Qingye on TV, and he didn't want to be criticized by the public for this, so he had to get up along with him.

"Ji Yan told me." He slowed down the infusion regulator, "Why did you suddenly become ill? Didn't you feel fine when I saw you yesterday afternoon?"

Jiang Yue slipped his head from her shoulder and took a nap.

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Xu Zhinan didn't click on that post and read it again. Unexpectedly, someone else posted the store address, which was considered free publicity for her.

Wang Qi walked to him with a wine glass and shook the glass: "Have a drink?"

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

After walking for a while and reaching the corridor, Xu Zhinan remembered a question - why is Lin Qingye here

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

But even if Lin Qingye brought traffic because of his face, he really didn't follow the traffic route, and Wang Qi didn't have a suitable reason to stop it.

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

I also liked her back then.

After the recording, everyone had a meal together.

It seems... quite fierce.

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

The two chatted about the tattoo pattern for a while. The customer explained the pattern he wanted. Xu Zhinan recorded it and finalized the general design direction. The two added a contact information and waited for the design to be completed before sending it to her for confirmation. , and then make an appointment for tattooing.

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

"Yueyue." Xu Zhinan opened the door and walked in, "Why are you back so early today?"

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

There are several related topics on hot searches right now.

Ji Yan took the medicine and glanced at Xu Zhinan in the infusion room.

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

Lin Qingye let go of her and walked towards the ward with the bottle in hand.

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

The publicity effect of that post was quite impressive, thanks to Xu Zhinan's eye-catching design work.

"Can't drink."

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

But I felt even more uncomfortable after coming out of the hosting office. The weather outside was still extremely hot and muggy, and my face also felt hot.

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

"Yes, you are?"

She clicked on it and saw that it was the voting page for the preliminary round of the tattoo design competition. The official voting did not start until after midnight today. It was just a display stage at the moment.

However, for realistic style tattoos, design is also the top priority. Most people come to make appointments, but only one customer directly brought a picture.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

Wang Qi glanced at Lin Qingye. It was rare for him not to drink. He held a glass of boiled water with his slender fingers, but he actually acquiesced.

I guess I really don’t like this kind of scene.

It is indeed top-notch.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

With the small picture, Xu Zhinan started tattooing directly.

Xu Zhinan was still a little uneasy, so he put his small medicine box on her table and boiled a pot of hot water for her: "If you still feel uncomfortable at night, remember to send me a message."

As soon as Xu Zhinan woke up, he couldn't help but become nervous and couldn't speak. He only raised his hand and pinched the nose clip of the medical mask.

Early the next morning, Xu Zhinan got up and walked under Jiang Yue's bed: "Yueyue, are you feeling better?"

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

She clicked on it and saw that it was the voting page for the preliminary round of the tattoo design competition. The official voting did not start until after midnight today. It was just a display stage at the moment.

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

The first Weibo post was four photos of him, taken when he got off the bus outside the stadium this evening.

"It's okay. It's too late to go to the hospital now."

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."

Along with this, Jiang Yue had the same reaction as last night, with a stuffy nose, headache and drowsiness.

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

[Ji Yan: Municipal First People’s Hospital. ]

I don’t know if I caught a cold last night or if I was infected.

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.


But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

Xu Zhinan clicked on the photo again.

She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.


"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

"I caught a cold." Xu Zhinan whispered.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

Xu Zhinan quit Weibo and took a nap. Soon Jiang Yue finished drinking water. She woke Jiang Yue up, and the two of them walked back to the dormitory on the quiet campus road.

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

But I felt even more uncomfortable after coming out of the hosting office. The weather outside was still extremely hot and muggy, and my face also felt hot.

Zhou Ji spoke quickly: "My girlfriend's name is on my back."

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

The hosting office was very close to the Municipal People's Hospital, and it was also close to home from the hospital. Xu Zhinan did not plan to go back to school and went directly to the hospital.

Of course Wang Qi knew that Lin Qingye’s character would not take this route, and he had never deliberately created a character to attract fans.

Wang Qi was stunned and looked at him up and down: "What's the tattoo?"

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

The campus hospital is very quiet, and you can only hear the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside.

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

"Yes, you are?"

Wang Qi glanced at Lin Qingye. It was rare for him not to drink. He held a glass of boiled water with his slender fingers, but he actually acquiesced.

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

After yesterday's "I Came for the Song" meeting, there was another recording of the new program.

She still needed to go to the competition office to hand in information today. Xu Zhinan wore a mask and forced herself to take the car there.


Xu Zhinan was still a little uneasy, so he put his small medicine box on her table and boiled a pot of hot water for her: "If you still feel uncomfortable at night, remember to send me a message."

After the recording, everyone had a meal together.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

After a series of examinations, it was found that he was unfortunately infected with a viral cold and needed to be vaccinated.

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

Wang Qi walked to him with a wine glass and shook the glass: "Have a drink?"

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

It was evening after the show was over, and after seeing off the guests, she sat down at the table and began to feel a headache.

After yesterday's "I Came for the Song" meeting, there was another recording of the new program.

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong?"

He said it very matter-of-factly, as if they had arranged to meet yesterday afternoon.

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

Gu Congwang dropped Xu Zhenfan at the door of his store, said goodbye and continued driving to Pingchuan University. The two had dinner together in the commercial street outside the school gate.

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

"Can't drink."

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

Xu Zhinan couldn't finish it and only read a few hot reviews in the front row.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

Lin Qingye let go of her and walked towards the ward with the bottle in hand.

"Why." Wang Qi joked, "Someone won't let you drink?"

He admitted candidly: "Yeah."

She was in a hurry and didn't bring anything with her. All she had to kill time was her mobile phone. Xu Zhinan clicked on Weibo - she didn't often read news in the entertainment section before, and Zhao Qian laughed and said she looked like someone living in the last century.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

He said smoothly: "Yes."

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

Ji Yan took the medicine and glanced at Xu Zhinan in the infusion room.

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."


She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

Wang Qi was stunned and looked at him up and down: "What's the tattoo?"

After walking for a while and reaching the corridor, Xu Zhinan remembered a question - why is Lin Qingye here

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

Zhou Ji spoke quickly: "My girlfriend's name is on my back."

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

However, through this tattoo work, we can also imagine why "Assassin" has been the most famous local tattoo shop over the years.

Wang Qi glanced at Lin Qingye. It was rare for him not to drink. He held a glass of boiled water with his slender fingers, but he actually acquiesced.

The two of them were about the same height, and Xu Zhinan had to sit upright so that she could rest comfortably on his shoulders.

Originally, Jiang Yue must still be in the library at this point.

There are several related topics on hot searches right now.

In the entertainment industry, no young star who has just debuted dares to do this, especially male stars. It is almost a default rule to create a personality to attract fans. There are also many entertainment companies that directly state that they cannot have relationships in the first five years. That one who has the ability to mobilize the girlfriend fans and wife fans.

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

Xu Zhinan stepped forward to help her, but he touched her hot arm: "Yueyue, do you have a fever?"

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

Of course Wang Qi knew that Lin Qingye’s character would not take this route, and he had never deliberately created a character to attract fans.

Xu Zhinan usually doesn't hang out in any circles, but this is the first time he went in to see it.

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.

Xu Zhi murmured and touched her forehead on tiptoe. The fever should have gone away. She was relieved and told her to remember to take medicine after getting up before leaving the dormitory and going to the store.

"It's not comfortable to sleep here."

However, for realistic style tattoos, design is also the top priority. Most people come to make appointments, but only one customer directly brought a picture.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

"I caught a cold." Xu Zhinan whispered.

But obviously I just saw it from a distance outside the stadium.

She clicked on it and saw that it was the voting page for the preliminary round of the tattoo design competition. The official voting did not start until after midnight today. It was just a display stage at the moment.

Zhou Ji spoke quickly: "My girlfriend's name is on my back."

Xu Zhinan accidentally entered the hot search about Lin Qingye.

After the recording, everyone had a meal together.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

"Really?" Wang Qi lowered his voice and asked.

As soon as she walked to the door of the tattoo shop, a woman came up to her and asked, "Hello, are you Xu Zhinan?"

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

He admitted candidly: "Yeah."

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

Xu Zhinan: "..."

But the last time he came to her shop drunk, he looked very different from usual.

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if a fan found out?"

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

Xu Zhinan clicked on the photo again.

"Yes, you are?"

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

She remembered that night when she heard Lin Qingye calling her name in his drunken sleep.

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

As soon as she walked to the door of the tattoo shop, a woman came up to her and asked, "Hello, are you Xu Zhinan?"

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

[Lin Qingye: Where? ]

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

There are obviously much more discussions on hot searches than on tattoo forums.


The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

"I caught a cold." Xu Zhinan whispered.

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

But even if Lin Qingye brought traffic because of his face, he really didn't follow the traffic route, and Wang Qi didn't have a suitable reason to stop it.

Lin Qingye scoffed: "What are you showing them?"

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

However, Xu Zhinan's luggage hadn't been finished yet. Jiang Yue, who had just had a runny nose and headache, suddenly started to have diarrhea. When she came out of the toilet, her face was white, her lips were losing color, and she looked like she was about to collapse.

"I can't tell that you are quite attentive to girls." Wang Qi smiled and said, "Have you taken it back to your parents to see?"

"One person will give the injection." Lin Qingye looked at her and asked unconsciously, "Where is your boyfriend?"

However, through this tattoo work, we can also imagine why "Assassin" has been the most famous local tattoo shop over the years.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

Xu Zhinan didn't look there anymore, and quickly walked around to the passenger side and got into the car.

During the summer vacation, most people have gone home, and it is night again. The school hospital is very quiet, and the entire school is also very quiet.

Lin Qingye scoffed: "What are you showing them?"

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

When he arrived at the ward, he hung the bottle on the shelf again. Xu Zhinan sat on the edge of the bed without lying down, wanting to wait for him to leave, but after a moment of silence, he didn't show any intention of leaving.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

Wang Qi originally wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but Lin Qingye's cell phone rang, so he gave up and stopped disturbing him.

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

Ji Yan sent him a message.

The classmate who had sent Jiang Yue over just now went back first. Xu Zhinan helped Jiang Yue sit down on a chair, and soon the doctor came to insert the needle for her.

A Nan.

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

Gu Congwang drove the car steadily out of the crowd, and after driving a little further, the noisy sounds disappeared.

[Ji Yan: Captain, I saw the light of Pingchuan in the hospital. ]

After yesterday's "I Came for the Song" meeting, there was another recording of the new program.

Lin Qingye didn't speak for a while, and then he chuckled: "You're ready."

[Ji Yan: Captain, I saw the light of Pingchuan in the hospital. ]

[Ji Yan: He seems to be sick. He is alone in the infusion room. ]

Last night's post about her tattoo caused a small-scale heated discussion in the circle, and the effect was remarkable.

Although the post later went so far as to start discussing her appearance, Xu Zhinan was still very happy that so many people liked her work.

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

Xu Zhinan: "'s not that exaggerated."

He admitted candidly: "Yeah."

She remembered that night when she heard Lin Qingye calling her name in his drunken sleep.

I guess I really don’t like this kind of scene.

There is also a photo.

In the last photo, he stood still beside the car, his eyes seemed to be looking at the camera, his eyebrows were raised, his expression was a little cold and a little dry, which was in sharp contrast to the other people around the photo who were also in the frame and smiling warmly.

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

Xu Zhinan was sitting alone in the corner of the infusion room, leaning her head sideways on the edge of the tiles next to her. The infusion tube was hanging down, and her face was a little red.

However, for realistic style tattoos, design is also the top priority. Most people come to make appointments, but only one customer directly brought a picture.

He said smoothly: "Yes."

Wang Qi glanced at Lin Qingye. It was rare for him not to drink. He held a glass of boiled water with his slender fingers, but he actually acquiesced.


Xu Zhinan couldn't finish it and only read a few hot reviews in the front row.

Xu Zhinan took a shirt and jacket from her closet and put it on her. He also took a thermos cup and helped her out of the dormitory.

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

"Drive out from there." Xu Zhinan pointed to the passage on the other side.

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

[Lin Qingye: Where? ]

Xu Zhinan: "..."

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening after eating, and Gu Congwang's mother called him to go back. The two of them didn't waste any time. After paying for the meal, Xu Zhinan went directly back to the dormitory.

As soon as Xu Zhinan woke up, he couldn't help but become nervous and couldn't speak. He only raised his hand and pinched the nose clip of the medical mask.

Zhou Ji came over from the side and said, "He got a tattoo a few days ago and almost got an infection. He can't drink."

However, for realistic style tattoos, design is also the top priority. Most people come to make appointments, but only one customer directly brought a picture.

Originally, Jiang Yue must still be in the library at this point.

Xu Zhinan: "..."

[Ji Yan: Municipal First People’s Hospital. ]

Zhou Ji spoke quickly: "My girlfriend's name is on my back."

"I can't tell that you are quite attentive to girls." Wang Qi smiled and said, "Have you taken it back to your parents to see?"

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

As soon as she walked to the door of the tattoo shop, a woman came up to her and asked, "Hello, are you Xu Zhinan?"

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

It seems... quite fierce.

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

"One person will give the injection." Lin Qingye looked at her and asked unconsciously, "Where is your boyfriend?"

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Recently, she was teaching people to dance in a training class, and her legs hurt for several days, so she came over to shoot a video.

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

Xu Zhi murmured and touched her forehead on tiptoe. The fever should have gone away. She was relieved and told her to remember to take medicine after getting up before leaving the dormitory and going to the store.

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

Xu Zhenfan also got on the bus and looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him: "What's going on in front of you? Are these all celebrities?" He didn't know much about entertainment stars.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

"Can't drink."

After walking for a while and reaching the corridor, Xu Zhinan remembered a question - why is Lin Qingye here

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

She didn't dare to let Jiang Yue go home like this.

There were many pairs of eyes around him. Xu Zhinan didn't want everyone to recognize that this was Lin Qingye on TV, and he didn't want to be criticized by the public for this, so he had to get up along with him.

She remembered that night when she heard Lin Qingye calling her name in his drunken sleep.

"It's not comfortable to sleep here."

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

"I have cold medicine there."

Wang Qi glanced at Lin Qingye. It was rare for him not to drink. He held a glass of boiled water with his slender fingers, but he actually acquiesced.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

A Nan.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

Wang Qi walked to him with a wine glass and shook the glass: "Have a drink?"

I took my temperature and it was 38 degrees.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

Wang Qi was stunned and looked at him up and down: "What's the tattoo?"

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

However, through this tattoo work, we can also imagine why "Assassin" has been the most famous local tattoo shop over the years.

She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

After walking for a while and reaching the corridor, Xu Zhinan remembered a question - why is Lin Qingye here

But Xu Zhinan was different, he didn't know anything about scheming, so if he liked it, he would hold up a blazing heart and show it to him.

Lin Qingye squinted his eyes and lingered on the photo for a moment longer.

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

In Ji Yan's view, he had stopped his losses in time and became a Buddha.

I saw Xu Zhinan by chance.

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

In the last photo, he stood still beside the car, his eyes seemed to be looking at the camera, his eyebrows were raised, his expression was a little cold and a little dry, which was in sharp contrast to the other people around the photo who were also in the frame and smiling warmly.

Lin Qingye didn't speak for a while, and then he chuckled: "You're ready."

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."


Until she heard the name Lin Qingye shouted in her dream.

The publicity effect of that post was quite impressive, thanks to Xu Zhinan's eye-catching design work.

Along with this, Jiang Yue had the same reaction as last night, with a stuffy nose, headache and drowsiness.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

Everyone expressed their love for Lin Qingye much more exaggeratedly and unrestrainedly than in the previous school forum.

Ji Yan took the medicine and glanced at Xu Zhinan in the infusion room.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

As soon as she walked to the door of the tattoo shop, a woman came up to her and asked, "Hello, are you Xu Zhinan?"

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

"It's okay. It's too late to go to the hospital now."

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."

However, through this tattoo work, we can also imagine why "Assassin" has been the most famous local tattoo shop over the years.

There are obviously much more discussions on hot searches than on tattoo forums.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

[Ji Yan: Captain, I saw the light of Pingchuan in the hospital. ]

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

Xu Zhinan took out her mobile phone, and Xu Zhenfan sent her a message, which was a link.

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

Xu Zhinan was awakened by a voice.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

"I have cold medicine there."


It seems... quite fierce.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

But Xu Zhinan stupidly took the initiative to indulge in it. When he met a prodigal like Lin Qingye, this behavior was really stupid.

[Lin Qingye: Where? ]

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

Wang Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

But the last time he came to her shop drunk, he looked very different from usual.

There was also a doctor in a white coat standing next to him. He seemed to know Lin Qingye and said to him: "If there is an empty ward then, please let your classmate go there."

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

"It's not comfortable to sleep here."

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.

"My head hurts a little today. Maybe the air conditioner in the library is turned on too low." Jiang Yue sniffed and spoke with a strong nasal voice, "Aren't you going home today?"

He was wearing a hat and a mask, and the brim of the hat was very low. From Xu Zhinan's angle, you could still see his dark eyes.

The post from Xu Zhenfan was discussing the picture of the galaxy tattoo she had posted on the website.

But the last time he came to her shop drunk, he looked very different from usual.

Originally, Jiang Yue must still be in the library at this point.

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

"I don't drink recently." Lin Qingye said.

It was a bit embarrassing to discuss this topic with Lin Qingye.

"Why." Wang Qi joked, "Someone won't let you drink?"

She thought to herself that Lin Qingye owed her a favor.

Although he was fully armed and could not see his face, such a tall and thin boy was enough to attract attention. Young girls around him kept looking towards them.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

Lin Qingye was quiet and then said, "You still have one bottle left. Please be quiet in the ward."

Lin Qingye didn't speak for a while, and then he chuckled: "You're ready."

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

As soon as Xu Zhinan woke up, he couldn't help but become nervous and couldn't speak. He only raised his hand and pinched the nose clip of the medical mask.

Gu Congwang looked through the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It seems that our Anan is going to become famous in one battle."

Lin Qingye let go of her and walked towards the ward with the bottle in hand.

I don’t know why he is so passionate about this topic.

Gu Congwang somehow got into a grudge with Lin Qingye, who had never spoken to him before, and sneered: "Isn't it ethical to block the way?"

Lin Qingye watched her speak out first, her voice a little hoarse: "Let's go to the ward to sleep." After saying that, he took the bottle off the shelf and held it high.

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

There were many pairs of eyes around him. Xu Zhinan didn't want everyone to recognize that this was Lin Qingye on TV, and he didn't want to be criticized by the public for this, so he had to get up along with him.

"Much better." Her nasal voice was not as strong as yesterday.

There are obviously much more discussions on hot searches than on tattoo forums.

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

She had rarely seen him look like this before.

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

But even if Lin Qingye brought traffic because of his face, he really didn't follow the traffic route, and Wang Qi didn't have a suitable reason to stop it.

It seems... quite fierce.

No longer giving Xu Zhinan a chance to reject him, he leaned over and pinched her arm to pull her up.

"It's not comfortable to sleep here."

In the entertainment industry, no young star who has just debuted dares to do this, especially male stars. It is almost a default rule to create a personality to attract fans. There are also many entertainment companies that directly state that they cannot have relationships in the first five years. That one who has the ability to mobilize the girlfriend fans and wife fans.

Ji Yan sent him a message.

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

I drew blood again and waited a quarter of an hour for the test results to come out. It was a fever caused by a viral cold.

But Xu Zhinan was different, he didn't know anything about scheming, so if he liked it, he would hold up a blazing heart and show it to him.

Xu Zhinan clicked on the photo again.

Today is also the open-air meeting of the program, which is held at the venue of the tattoo competition.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.


It's just that his face is a natural weapon. Since the show was broadcast, the number of fans has grown rapidly, and the topic is also the highest.

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

After the recording, everyone had a meal together.

Everyone expressed their love for Lin Qingye much more exaggeratedly and unrestrainedly than in the previous school forum.

Xu Zhinan took out her mobile phone, and Xu Zhenfan sent her a message, which was a link.

Xu Zhinan's technique is delicate and not the same type as him.

Lin Qingye was quiet and then said, "You still have one bottle left. Please be quiet in the ward."

"Didn't you participate in the tattoo design competition? I saw your store address was listed in the post, so I came here."


"Can't drink."

No longer giving Xu Zhinan a chance to reject him, he leaned over and pinched her arm to pull her up.

The tattoo circle is not big, and those who are more professional have a special communication forum to share their tattoos. Although this competition did not cause much waves on the entire Internet, it was very popular in this forum. Negotiable.

The campus hospital is very quiet, and you can only hear the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside.

"I just told my mother that I wouldn't go back today." Xu Zhinan poured a capful of warm water for her, "I'll stay with you here, and you can sleep on my shoulder for a while."

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.


There were many pairs of eyes around him. Xu Zhinan didn't want everyone to recognize that this was Lin Qingye on TV, and he didn't want to be criticized by the public for this, so he had to get up along with him.

Lin Qingye was quiet and then said, "You still have one bottle left. Please be quiet in the ward."

Of course Wang Qi knew that Lin Qingye’s character would not take this route, and he had never deliberately created a character to attract fans.

"Why are you here?" Xu Zhi asked.

He said smoothly: "Yes."

She took a small step back, avoided his hand, lowered her eyes and said softly, "I'll go by myself."

The little girl has drooping black eyelashes and a small face. There is a shallow fold on the side of her face from sleeping just now, and the corners of her eyes are drooped because of illness.

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

Xu Zhinan was still a little uneasy, so he put his small medicine box on her table and boiled a pot of hot water for her: "If you still feel uncomfortable at night, remember to send me a message."

[Ji Yan: He seems to be sick. He is alone in the infusion room. ]

Lin Qingye let go of her and walked towards the ward with the bottle in hand.

Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

Obviously there are so many people who like him, but he never seems to care about them.

Xu Zhinan stepped forward to help her, but he touched her hot arm: "Yueyue, do you have a fever?"

"Ji Yan told me." He slowed down the infusion regulator, "Why did you suddenly become ill? Didn't you feel fine when I saw you yesterday afternoon?"

"One person will give the injection." Lin Qingye looked at her and asked unconsciously, "Where is your boyfriend?"

The hosting office was very close to the Municipal People's Hospital, and it was also close to home from the hospital. Xu Zhinan did not plan to go back to school and went directly to the hospital.

The customer just left, and soon someone else came.

After walking for a while and reaching the corridor, Xu Zhinan remembered a question - why is Lin Qingye here

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

Lin Qingye said a faint "hmm" without looking away from her face.


Xu Zhinan didn't click on that post and read it again. Unexpectedly, someone else posted the store address, which was considered free publicity for her.

[Brother Zhenfan: Damn, you are going to make my sister angry! ]

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

[Ji Yan: He seems to be sick. He is alone in the infusion room. ]

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if a fan found out?"

When he arrived at the ward, he hung the bottle on the shelf again. Xu Zhinan sat on the edge of the bed without lying down, wanting to wait for him to leave, but after a moment of silence, he didn't show any intention of leaving.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

But obviously I just saw it from a distance outside the stadium.

"Why are you here?" Xu Zhi asked.

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

Although there were not many people in the infusion room, the previous episode of "I Came for a Song" was being replayed on TV, and now Lin Qingye was standing in front of her.

I took my temperature and it was 38 degrees.

"Ji Yan told me." He slowed down the infusion regulator, "Why did you suddenly become ill? Didn't you feel fine when I saw you yesterday afternoon?"

The two of them were about the same height, and Xu Zhinan had to sit upright so that she could rest comfortably on his shoulders.

She used to like Lin Qingye, but after seeing the reality clearly, she hid her love and never expressed it.

He said it very matter-of-factly, as if they had arranged to meet yesterday afternoon.

Obviously there are so many people who like him, but he never seems to care about them.

The two chatted about the tattoo pattern for a while. The customer explained the pattern he wanted. Xu Zhinan recorded it and finalized the general design direction. The two added a contact information and waited for the design to be completed before sending it to her for confirmation. , and then make an appointment for tattooing.

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

But obviously I just saw it from a distance outside the stadium.

Xu Zhenfan: "That's a must!"

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.

[Ji Yan: Municipal First People’s Hospital. ]

"I caught a cold." Xu Zhinan whispered.

Of course, there were also bad comments about him below, but they were quickly suppressed by fans' likes and praises, and you can't see them unless you scroll down.

Fortunately, the school hospital was not far from their dormitory, and they met a classmate on the way, who helped carry Jiang Yue to the school hospital.

"Just discover it if you find it." Lin Qingye's expression remained unchanged, "I don't have her full name tattooed, it's just a nickname, so I won't dig it out and affect her life."

The program "I Come for a Song" is very popular this time. It is broadcast on popular satellite TV and popular video APPs, plus it is broadcast during prime time. The editing is also a bonus, and each episode is very topical.

"One person will give the injection." Lin Qingye looked at her and asked unconsciously, "Where is your boyfriend?"

"Yes, you are?"

"Ji Yan told me." He slowed down the infusion regulator, "Why did you suddenly become ill? Didn't you feel fine when I saw you yesterday afternoon?"

She unlocked and opened the door: "You come in first."


After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.


It was a bit embarrassing to discuss this topic with Lin Qingye.

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

Xu Zhinan hurriedly sat up straight again so that she could lean back comfortably.

I don’t know why he is so passionate about this topic.

"Come back, I'm here to get the things." Xu Zhinan walked to her side, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

When the number was called at the medicine retrieval place, it was Ji Yan's turn, and she went over to get the medicine.

Xu Zhinan didn't move: "... I'm just fine here."

She didn't even remember how she fell asleep. Her first reaction when she woke up was to immediately look up to see if the salt water had been applied. As a result, she looked up and saw the young man standing in front of her.

Xu Zhi paused for a moment, remembering the stinky expression she saw on the Internet before. At that time, she and Xu Zhenfan walked out together, and then ran to Gu Congwang's side to avoid suspicion.

[Lin Qingye: Where? ]

But obviously I just saw it from a distance outside the stadium.

"I'm not going to sleep." She said stubbornly.

She clicked on it and saw that it was the voting page for the preliminary round of the tattoo design competition. The official voting did not start until after midnight today. It was just a display stage at the moment.

To be honest, Ji Yan had sympathy for Xu Zhinan in the past.

Xu Zhinan took out her mobile phone, and Xu Zhenfan sent her a message, which was a link.

Xu Zhinan blinked and asked, "Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

Jiang Yue supported her head, there was still a book in front of her, but she could no longer read it, "Well, I must have a cold."

The tattoo circle is not big, and those who are more professional have a special communication forum to share their tattoos. Although this competition did not cause much waves on the entire Internet, it was very popular in this forum. Negotiable.

But I felt even more uncomfortable after coming out of the hosting office. The weather outside was still extremely hot and muggy, and my face also felt hot.

Xu Zhinan quit Weibo and took a nap. Soon Jiang Yue finished drinking water. She woke Jiang Yue up, and the two of them walked back to the dormitory on the quiet campus road.

Jiang Yue felt more and more groggy now, and her nose was completely blocked: "A Nan, you should go back first, there is a doctor here."


Wang Qi finally understood. He was worried that his relationship would be exposed and his loss of followers would affect his career. As a result, he only thought about whether it would disturb his girlfriend's daily life.

Xu Zhinan took a shirt and jacket from her closet and put it on her. He also took a thermos cup and helped her out of the dormitory.


Jiang Yue thanked her, pinched her nose and drank it in one gulp: "It's okay, don't worry about me. Go home first. I'll just go to bed early today."

It is indeed top-notch.


Wang Qi walked to him with a wine glass and shook the glass: "Have a drink?"

After she read it once and exited, Xu Zhenfan sent her another link.

Lin Qingye didn't speak for a while, and then he chuckled: "You're ready."

Early the next morning, Xu Zhinan got up and walked under Jiang Yue's bed: "Yueyue, are you feeling better?"

"Yes, you are?"