Madly in Love with You

Chapter 29


Later, Xu Zhinan recalled Lin Qingye's words "Let me like you again." Although Lin Qingye never spoke loudly to her in the past, this seemed to be the gentlest time he had known him for so long.

The same goes for the designs of other groups, which are much more difficult than the designs prepared by most people in the preliminary round.

After every contestant selected for the semi-finals sat down in front of his or her work bed, the organizer announced the four sets of tattoo designs that needed to be competed in this tournament.

His smile was actually very small, but it was still caught by the fans in the audience, and screams suddenly sounded, almost breaking through the ceiling of the studio.

After his pride faded, he was eye level with her, and Xu Zhinan touched his sincerity for the first time.

"Hahahaha, it's quite vivid. It's indeed 100,000 volts. It's not just about the face, it can shock people all over the body."

Lin Qingye paused.

How is this "okay"? This is simply too okay! ! !

That sentence means a request.

He did not borrow any musical instruments this time, only a standing microphone stand. He stood loosely in front of the stage, holding the microphone stand with his long and bony fingers. His smooth broad shoulders and narrow waist were outlined in a golden outline by the light.

Xu Zhinan shook hands with him: "Hello, Xu Zhinan."

"Pikalin," the man replied, imitating Pikachu's voice and said, "Pika Pika, one hundred thousand volts."

The crowd burst into laughter, and Lin Qingye also raised his lips: "If you are interested."

Xu Zhinan felt that his neck was hot in his palm and could not speak.

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

Looking at each other for a moment, Xu Zhinan took the lead to look away: "But now so many people like you, you don't have to be like this."

The stage of "I Came for a Song" is not only top-notch in terms of music equipment, but also top-notch lighting and photography.

The semi-finals do not involve voting, but are directly judged and scored by professionals on site. Among the judges are the overall champions of the previous two tattoo design competitions.

"Don't use bad words. Don't use bad words. When the program is cut out, you will have to omit several words from your words. Even though I was fucking shocked! Why did Lin Qingye suddenly open for business!?"

It was her mother calling.

His jacket was a jacket, black, large, and waterproof. When put on, the hem reached to the middle of Xu Zhinan's thighs, completely covering her original clothes and trousers.

The lion tattoo was on her back. Chen Liming was not as afraid of pain as Xu Zhenfan. He was quiet throughout the whole process and didn't make any fools of himself like last time.

Even if this person is a hundred thousand volts and smiling today, his character is still intact.

"You want to invite a song?" Lin Qingye sat down on the single sofa next to her and took a sip of water, "What kind of song?"

"But I don't like other people."

As soon as it was turned on, it vibrated one after another.

It's simply a crime.

Lin Qingye raised his hand, wanting to touch her face, but he thought of something while hanging in the air, stopped again, dropped a little, and landed gently on her neck.

She added a few more strokes. Xu Zhinan was an art major. Soon, the image became more realistic.

Xu Zhinan always felt that it was unreal.

He did not borrow any musical instruments this time, only a standing microphone stand. He stood loosely in front of the stage, holding the microphone stand with his long and bony fingers. His smooth broad shoulders and narrow waist were outlined in a golden outline by the light.

Xu Zhinan didn't rush to get started, but took out a paper and made a draft first, and made some changes to the design drawing on the screen - she cut out most of the entire lion image, leaving only a lion's head.

It wasn't until the tattoo was finished that Chen Liming looked in the mirror and was completely shocked.

Chen Liming was relieved.

Yancheng is an international metropolis. It is about to enter a new day and it is still very lively. The street lights are as bright as daytime, and handsome men and beautiful women are walking around on the streets, wearing cool clothes.

The palm of his hand was slightly cold, and he pressed it against the collarbone of her neck. It was bony, so slender that it seemed fragile, as if it would break easily with force.

But it's also because everyone now knows Xu Zhinan's true strength on the voting page, and no longer humiliates himself or teases others with no knowledge of the world.

His jacket was a jacket, black, large, and waterproof. When put on, the hem reached to the middle of Xu Zhinan's thighs, completely covering her original clothes and trousers.

Lin Qingye paused.

The requirements for the semi-finals and the preliminary round are different. In the preliminary round, you need to prepare the design drawing yourself, while in the semi-finals, you have to prepare the design drawing specified by the unified schedule, and you can make detailed modifications by yourself.

"I don't like other people," he added.

As soon as the picture was released, many people lamented that it was too difficult.

"Then I'll get a tattoo like this?"

Yancheng is an international metropolis. It is about to enter a new day and it is still very lively. The street lights are as bright as daytime, and handsome men and beautiful women are walking around on the streets, wearing cool clothes.

Now that he is on the show, he has become the most talked about singer among them, and there are still so many people who like him from all over the country.

The matter of inviting songs involved many details. In the end, the two of them added their contact information and decided to discuss it in detail later. Four years of revenge had to be avenged. Shen Linlin looked at him again and couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "What are you doing today?" You seem to be in a good mood?"

A group of people around burst into laughter.

Xu Zhinan was very attentive when tattooing. The tattoo needles fell one by one, and the lion gradually appeared under her hands.

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

Shen Linlin immediately opened her eyes: "Can I invite you?!"

The man looked to be only in his 20s. He had a black hairband with a hook symbol on his forehead. Unlike most tattoo artists who had many tattoos all over his body, the only exposed skin on his body was an eagle pattern on his right arm.

"I know I lied to you and brought you into my life without your permission." Lin Qingye looked very calm, "That night, I was drunk later."

Still holding his hand on the microphone stand, he raised his eyes and scanned the audience. After a moment, he leaned slightly, approached the microphone, raised the corners of his lips very lightly, and said, "Thank you everyone."

In the past, Xu Zhinan always felt that he was out of tune with Yancheng, which was entering the nightlife, but Lin Qingye blended in very well.

"I never thought about deliberately ruining your life. If I hadn't been drunk, I wouldn't have done that." He lowered his head little by little, no longer looking directly at her.

The design drawing of the realistic group is of a lion, a fluffy male lion with fangs exposed. Even if it is only tattooed on the skin, you can still feel the majesty of the king of beasts and it is very lifelike.

He does have a good voice, his voice is low, very magnetic, and has some nasal sounds that have not faded away as if he just woke up. Although his words are clear and crisp, it always makes the listener feel lingering and easily touches people's hearts.

On the side, Lu Xihe had already finished. He walked over to take a look, then nodded and commented: "Oh, that's okay."

Shen Linlin breathed a sigh of relief, waved her hands, and joked: "Be careful to hide you."

Lin Qingye waited outside the house for a while until he saw the lights on in Xu Zhinan's room upstairs before turning around and driving away.

Early the next morning, it was time to record "I Came for a Song". The program was almost halfway through. Lin Qingye's overall score still ranked first, while Zhou Ji entered the dangerous undecided area.

"This girl—"

"You don't have to give me any reply, as long as you allow me to like you again." Lin Qingye said, "Ah Nan, I wasn't good enough to you before, so let me pursue you seriously again now."

Is Lin Qingye treating her well

"...Thank you." Xu Zhinan grasped the coat bit by bit and added, "Thank you for sending me back."

The car window is one-way glass, so you can't see in from the outside.

Lin Qingye took a step back and was no longer so close.

The same goes for the designs of other groups, which are much more difficult than the designs prepared by most people in the preliminary round.

Xu Zhinan felt that his neck was hot in his palm and could not speak.

For safety reasons, Lin Qingye got in the car first, and only after making sure that no one outside could see him, Xu Zhinan got in the car.

Xu Zhinan turned around and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Even if this person is a hundred thousand volts and smiling today, his character is still intact.

Chen Liming was amused by her gentle temperament and couldn't help but urge: "Hurry up, I think you haven't gotten tattoos on your hands yet."

Shen Linlin is still very well-known in the music industry, and she is the most recognized female singer for her strength. Although she is not very old, everyone calls her "Sister Linlin" when they see her.

The car window is one-way glass, so you can't see in from the outside.

Until a string of cell phone ringtones broke the silence.

"This girl—"

Because the realistic style was too difficult, there were only a few people who signed up at the beginning. The two people in ninth and tenth places succeeded in the semi-finals by canvassing frantically for votes. Now that they are faced with such a difficult design, it is normal that they can't finish it.

Lin Qingye has never been afraid of the stage or the camera, and he can answer questions smoothly even without preparation.

The lion tattoo was on her back. Chen Liming was not as afraid of pain as Xu Zhenfan. He was quiet throughout the whole process and didn't make any fools of himself like last time.

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

He didn't answer. He leaned back on the sofa and raised his chin slightly, looking scornful and arrogant.

It was her mother calling.

"Is this dress your own?" Xu's mother noticed something was wrong, "Why is it so big?"

"But I don't like other people."

How is this "okay"? This is simply too okay! ! !

"Hahahaha, it's quite vivid. It's indeed 100,000 volts. It's not just about the face, it can shock people all over the body."

She wasn't sure.

Lin Qingye took a step back and was no longer so close.

We were almost driving to Xu Zhinan's house. There was no convenience store or supermarket around, and it was difficult to even buy an umbrella.

"...Thank you." Xu Zhinan grasped the coat bit by bit and added, "Thank you for sending me back."

Xu Zhinan clicked in—

Xu Zhinan became the center of everyone's attention. She had just taken a photo of the lion tattoo on Chen Liming's back with her mobile phone. A group of people were extremely curious about her and came over to take a look.

It's simply a crime.

He stared at it for a while, with his head lowered, and suddenly laughed softly.

Xu Zhinan took out his cell phone from his bag and picked it up: "Hello, mom?"

Yancheng is an international metropolis. It is about to enter a new day and it is still very lively. The street lights are as bright as daytime, and handsome men and beautiful women are walking around on the streets, wearing cool clothes.

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

Lin Qingye lowered his head and smiled again: "Yeah."

That sentence means a request.

Xu's mother asked on the other end: "A Nan, when will you come back? Don't be too busy and get sick again."

There are six questions in total, not difficult.

It wasn't until the tattoo was finished that Chen Liming looked in the mirror and was completely shocked.

"Lin Qingye talks about the "Black Locust" girl: a girl he met when he was 17 years old. 》


After chatting for a few more words, Xu Zhinan hung up the phone. Lin Qingye had already returned to the table, looked at her and said, "I'll take you back."

Because of this song, he won the Golden Melody Award at the age of 18, but the lyrics were written when he was 17. It has been almost six years now.

"What's it called?"

"Yes, I know, mom." She responded obediently, "I'll be back soon."

Lin Qingye lowered his head and smiled again: "Yeah."

"What's it called?"

However, the two belong to different groups and have no impact on the semi-finals. They are both ranked first in their respective groups.

Mother Xu was afraid that she was just comforting her, so she urged: "Go home quickly and rest. The door is still open for you. I will sleep when you come back."

That's quite unethical.

Xu Zhinan shook hands with him: "Hello, Xu Zhinan."

Her mother was still waiting for her downstairs. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked over, startled: "You came back from the rain! Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

Lin Qingye turned his head and glanced at Xu Zhinan beside him, wearing short sleeves, denim shorts, and a pair of canvas shoes.

"Lin Qingye talks about the "Black Locust" girl: a girl he met when he was 17 years old. 》

This time the model Xu Zhinan hired was another sister who had done tattoos in her shop before.

"Hahahaha, it's quite vivid. It's indeed 100,000 volts. It's not just about the face, it can shock people all over the body."

After chatting for a few more words, Xu Zhinan hung up the phone. Lin Qingye had already returned to the table, looked at her and said, "I'll take you back."

Xu Zhinan didn't rush to get started, but took out a paper and made a draft first, and made some changes to the design drawing on the screen - she cut out most of the entire lion image, leaving only a lion's head.

Chen Liming was relieved.

"I can take the subway."

Each group selected the ten tattooists with the highest votes in the voting to tattoo the same content, focusing more on tattooing techniques and techniques.

Lin Qingye turned his head and glanced at Xu Zhinan beside him, wearing short sleeves, denim shorts, and a pair of canvas shoes.

The last question - "Everyone really liked the song "Black Locust" you sang in the first game. Do any fans want to know the meaning of the lyrics of "Black Locust"?" the host asked.

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

"Didn't you notice that he was in a good mood when he came today?"

"Xiao Gu?"

"Did I write a song for you?" Lin Qingye asked.

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "The last shift is almost over, and I have to take the subway for an hour to get home. It's too late."


Shen Linlin breathed a sigh of relief, waved her hands, and joked: "Be careful to hide you."

But now Lin Qingye was sitting next to her and said those words to her.


The crowd burst into laughter, and Lin Qingye also raised his lips: "If you are interested."

Xu Zhinan thought of his mother's words, "I'll sleep when you come back." He hesitated for a moment and looked outside the glass door. Lin Qingye's car was parked outside, very close.

We were almost driving to Xu Zhinan's house. There was no convenience store or supermarket around, and it was difficult to even buy an umbrella.

Regarding this topic, Xu Zhinan said a perfunctory "Yeah" and ended it. He took off his hat, which was also wet from the rain, but his hair was still dry.

How is this "okay"? This is simply too okay! ! !

"Damn it? Did Lin Qingye fucking laugh just now??"

"He used to work in my store. After coming here for three months, he got a lot of customers and left immediately after breaking the contract."

Chen Liming smiled and said: "Today is your competition, you can do whatever you say."

Xu's mother smiled and said: "You will graduate in another year. What's the topic? It's time to find a boyfriend. Mom has no other requirements. As long as he treats you well."

She shook her head: "People will see it."

Lu Xihe, as the first in the totem group, was sitting next to her. Hearing this, he smiled and looked sideways.

The host was stunned. He didn't expect to find out such shocking information without any warning. He even stuttered: "What about the last sentence? Does the creeping monster refer to yourself?"

Xu Zhinan became the center of everyone's attention. She had just taken a photo of the lion tattoo on Chen Liming's back with her mobile phone. A group of people were extremely curious about her and came over to take a look.

Wei Jing took out his cell phone from his pocket and was about to ask her for her contact information when the other side suddenly said: "Sister A'nan." Lu Xihe waved to her, "Come here."

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows, obviously not impressed at all.

Later, Xu Zhinan recalled Lin Qingye's words "Let me like you again." Although Lin Qingye never spoke loudly to her in the past, this seemed to be the gentlest time he had known him for so long.

In the past, Xu Zhinan always felt that he was out of tune with Yancheng, which was entering the nightlife, but Lin Qingye blended in very well.

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

"No." Lin Qingye put on a mask and hat, which was tightly pressed, with only a pair of dark eyes exposed from under the brim, "I'll see you off, so you can get home early."

Later, Xu Zhinan recalled Lin Qingye's words "Let me like you again." Although Lin Qingye never spoke loudly to her in the past, this seemed to be the gentlest time he had known him for so long.

The lion tattoo was on her back. Chen Liming was not as afraid of pain as Xu Zhenfan. He was quiet throughout the whole process and didn't make any fools of himself like last time.

Because of this song, he won the Golden Melody Award at the age of 18, but the lyrics were written when he was 17. It has been almost six years now.

Shen Linlin clicked her tongue a few times in her heart, she is indeed a young man.

The palm of his hand was slightly cold, and he pressed it against the collarbone of her neck. It was bony, so slender that it seemed fragile, as if it would break easily with force.

"I know I lied to you and brought you into my life without your permission." Lin Qingye looked very calm, "That night, I was drunk later."

It's just that Chen Liming was a little worried when she heard this. She couldn't see the tattoo on her back, and she didn't know how it was doing.

For safety reasons, Lin Qingye got in the car first, and only after making sure that no one outside could see him, Xu Zhinan got in the car.

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

"I never thought about deliberately ruining your life. If I hadn't been drunk, I wouldn't have done that." He lowered his head little by little, no longer looking directly at her.

The same goes for the designs of other groups, which are much more difficult than the designs prepared by most people in the preliminary round.

The car window is one-way glass, so you can't see in from the outside.


Lin Qingye waited outside the house for a while until he saw the lights on in Xu Zhinan's room upstairs before turning around and driving away.

A group of people around burst into laughter.

The temperature of the summer night has finally become cooler, and the car windows are only open a crack. It is the beginning of the night life. There are many vehicles on the road at this point. Fortunately, everyone is laughing and laughing in groups, and no one notices them. This car.

The preliminary voting session of the tattoo design competition ended, with Lu Xihe taking first place and Xu Zhinan taking second place.

Shen Linlin breathed a sigh of relief, waved her hands, and joked: "Be careful to hide you."

While waiting for the scores to be scored, 40 tattoo artists who entered the semi-finals sat together.

Xu Zhinan was sitting in the passenger seat, looking sideways out the window, very quiet.

When he didn't answer, the host added, "There is a line in the lyrics 'You are a girl and I am a crawling five-legged monster.' Is this 'girl' here really a real person?"

After every contestant selected for the semi-finals sat down in front of his or her work bed, the organizer announced the four sets of tattoo designs that needed to be competed in this tournament.

"Why?" Shen Linlin was really curious and rarely gossiped. She covered her mouth and lowered her voice, "Are you in love?"

Yancheng is an international metropolis. It is about to enter a new day and it is still very lively. The street lights are as bright as daytime, and handsome men and beautiful women are walking around on the streets, wearing cool clothes.

Although there are fewer patterns, the difficulty increases, which means that the requirements for details are higher. Otherwise, the shortcomings will be obvious, and ordinary tattoo artists will not dare to do this.

Xu Zhinan was very attentive when tattooing. The tattoo needles fell one by one, and the lion gradually appeared under her hands.

Lin Qingye took a step back and was no longer so close.

"Xiao Gu?"

Shen Linlin is still very well-known in the music industry, and she is the most recognized female singer for her strength. Although she is not very old, everyone calls her "Sister Linlin" when they see her.

How is this "okay"? This is simply too okay! ! !

Xu's mother smiled and said: "You will graduate in another year. What's the topic? It's time to find a boyfriend. Mom has no other requirements. As long as he treats you well."

Not long after the next contestant came on stage, Lin Qingye was called to prepare for the mid-term interview.

In the past, Xu Zhinan always felt that he was out of tune with Yancheng, which was entering the nightlife, but Lin Qingye blended in very well.

"Yes, I know, mom." She responded obediently, "I'll be back soon."

Xu Zhinan became the center of everyone's attention. She had just taken a photo of the lion tattoo on Chen Liming's back with her mobile phone. A group of people were extremely curious about her and came over to take a look.

Chen Liming smiled and said: "Today is your competition, you can do whatever you say."

Lin Qingye has never been afraid of the stage or the camera, and he can answer questions smoothly even without preparation.

She wasn't sure.

When he was still in the bar, whenever the Black Locust Band performed on stage, the seats would be packed. Xu Zhinan was used to seeing his dazzling and carefree appearance on stage, and the cheers and shouts below were all for him.

There are six questions in total, not difficult.

Chen Liming smiled and said: "Today is your competition, you can do whatever you say."

Lin Qingye originally wanted to park the car directly in front of her house, but Xu Zhinan stopped him: "My mother may be waiting for me downstairs, she will see it."

Until a string of cell phone ringtones broke the silence.

That sentence means a request.

Lin Qingye originally wanted to park the car directly in front of her house, but Xu Zhinan stopped him: "My mother may be waiting for me downstairs, she will see it."

Now that he is on the show, he has become the most talked about singer among them, and there are still so many people who like him from all over the country.

[Zhao Qian: What kind of scumbag is Lin Qingye? He actually revealed that he had a 17-year-old Bai Yueguang. ]


"Xiao Gu?"

But now Lin Qingye was sitting next to her and said those words to her.

The palm of his hand was slightly cold, and he pressed it against the collarbone of her neck. It was bony, so slender that it seemed fragile, as if it would break easily with force.

Even if this person is a hundred thousand volts and smiling today, his character is still intact.


For safety reasons, Lin Qingye got in the car first, and only after making sure that no one outside could see him, Xu Zhinan got in the car.

"Xiao Gu?"

Xu Zhinan turned around and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"No, it's another friend."

After thanking him, Xu Zhinan ran directly back home.

Xu Zhinan always felt that it was unreal.

For safety reasons, Lin Qingye got in the car first, and only after making sure that no one outside could see him, Xu Zhinan got in the car.

Although there are fewer patterns, the difficulty increases, which means that the requirements for details are higher. Otherwise, the shortcomings will be obvious, and ordinary tattoo artists will not dare to do this.

Shen Linlin had to admit that Lin Qingye did have a face that made a girl angry, especially when he smiled.

"Didn't you notice that he was in a good mood when he came today?"

But now Lin Qingye was sitting next to her and said those words to her.

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

He smiled lightly and denied it frankly, "No."

After the host almost thought he was touching a question that he couldn't answer, Lin Qingye finally spoke.

This time the model Xu Zhinan hired was another sister who had done tattoos in her shop before.

However, when the car was driving, it suddenly started to rain. Xu Zhinan discovered to her dismay that she didn't bring an umbrella. The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain today.

Xu Zhinan took out his cell phone from his bag and picked it up: "Hello, mom?"

Zhao Qian sent her a bunch of messages.

Xu Zhinan always felt that it was unreal.

Shen Linlin said speechlessly: "... Do you have the impression that you wrote a song for others?"


It's just that Chen Liming was a little worried when she heard this. She couldn't see the tattoo on her back, and she didn't know how it was doing.

It's just that Chen Liming was a little worried when she heard this. She couldn't see the tattoo on her back, and she didn't know how it was doing.

Raindrops pattered against the windshield.

Lu Xihe, as the first in the totem group, was sitting next to her. Hearing this, he smiled and looked sideways.

The crowd burst into laughter, and Lin Qingye also raised his lips: "If you are interested."

"Pikalin," the man replied, imitating Pikachu's voice and said, "Pika Pika, one hundred thousand volts."

Later, Xu Zhinan recalled Lin Qingye's words "Let me like you again." Although Lin Qingye never spoke loudly to her in the past, this seemed to be the gentlest time he had known him for so long.

Xu's mother looked at the dress in her hand again. It was so big and clearly belonged to a boy. She asked out of curiosity: "Isn't our A-Nan in love?"

We were almost driving to Xu Zhinan's house. There was no convenience store or supermarket around, and it was difficult to even buy an umbrella.

Xu Zhinan always felt that it was unreal.

Although there are fewer patterns, the difficulty increases, which means that the requirements for details are higher. Otherwise, the shortcomings will be obvious, and ordinary tattoo artists will not dare to do this.

"Did I write a song for you?" Lin Qingye asked.

Xu Zhinan turned around and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

[Zhao Qian: My lungs are about to explode. Then what did I think of you before? ? ? ]

The rematch begins at the stadium on Friday.

Lin Qingye originally wanted to park the car directly in front of her house, but Xu Zhinan stopped him: "My mother may be waiting for me downstairs, she will see it."

"Come on, give me the wet clothes and hat." Xu's mother took it from her hand and urged her, "Go and take a hot bath quickly. Don't catch a cold."

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

Raindrops pattered against the windshield.

So he parked the car on the side and ran about ten meters back home. However, looking at the downpour, he would still get wet.

Although there are fewer patterns, the difficulty increases, which means that the requirements for details are higher. Otherwise, the shortcomings will be obvious, and ordinary tattoo artists will not dare to do this.

It was the first time that the young man opened up about his past in front of the camera. It was not that he had made a difficult decision, but now he was finally willing to tell it.

When he was still in the bar, whenever the Black Locust Band performed on stage, the seats would be packed. Xu Zhinan was used to seeing his dazzling and carefree appearance on stage, and the cheers and shouts below were all for him.

But the difficulty is obviously higher. The color is black and white, and the colors are different in different places, which is a test of technique.

[Zhao Qian: What kind of scumbag is Lin Qingye? He actually revealed that he had a 17-year-old Bai Yueguang. ]

Because the realistic style was too difficult, there were only a few people who signed up at the beginning. The two people in ninth and tenth places succeeded in the semi-finals by canvassing frantically for votes. Now that they are faced with such a difficult design, it is normal that they can't finish it.

Even everyone in the lounge was surprised.

Lin Qingye turned his head and glanced at Xu Zhinan beside him, wearing short sleeves, denim shorts, and a pair of canvas shoes.

The two of them said something to each other, but it wasn't really a quarrel, it was just friends complaining about each other.

However, when the car was driving, it suddenly started to rain. Xu Zhinan discovered to her dismay that she didn't bring an umbrella. The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain today.

He looked away, took a coat from the back seat of the car and put it on her lap.


After the host almost thought he was touching a question that he couldn't answer, Lin Qingye finally spoke.

Regarding this topic, Xu Zhinan said a perfunctory "Yeah" and ended it. He took off his hat, which was also wet from the rain, but his hair was still dry.

"Um, hello." A man stretched out his hand to him, "My name is Wei Jing, and I am the first place in the School group in the preliminary round."

Xu Zhi murmured and looked at him.

Until a string of cell phone ringtones broke the silence.

Someone else said: "Don't you know we gave him a nickname in the group last time?"

"Didn't you notice that he was in a good mood when he came today?"

Shen Linlin clicked her tongue a few times in her heart, she is indeed a young man.

Xu Zhinan shook hands with him: "Hello, Xu Zhinan."

He paused for a few seconds, then raised his eyes and looked at the camera. The ends of his narrow eyes raised a subtle arc, and then he lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly, "The lyrics I wrote when I was 17 were naturally inspired by the encounter I had when I was 17." A girl arrived."

Because the realistic style was too difficult, there were only a few people who signed up at the beginning. The two people in ninth and tenth places succeeded in the semi-finals by canvassing frantically for votes. Now that they are faced with such a difficult design, it is normal that they can't finish it.

"Go in with your coat on." Lin Qingye took off his hat again and put it on her head, pressing it firmly, "Let's go, don't get wet."

Xu Zhinan felt that his neck was hot in his palm and could not speak.

Regarding this topic, Xu Zhinan said a perfunctory "Yeah" and ended it. He took off his hat, which was also wet from the rain, but his hair was still dry.

After chatting for a few more words, Xu Zhinan hung up the phone. Lin Qingye had already returned to the table, looked at her and said, "I'll take you back."

The last question - "Everyone really liked the song "Black Locust" you sang in the first game. Do any fans want to know the meaning of the lyrics of "Black Locust"?" the host asked.

"He used to work in my store. After coming here for three months, he got a lot of customers and left immediately after breaking the contract."

Wei Jing took out his cell phone from his pocket and was about to ask her for her contact information when the other side suddenly said: "Sister A'nan." Lu Xihe waved to her, "Come here."

"...Thank you." Xu Zhinan grasped the coat bit by bit and added, "Thank you for sending me back."

After the host almost thought he was touching a question that he couldn't answer, Lin Qingye finally spoke.

A song ends.

The semi-finals do not involve voting, but are directly judged and scored by professionals on site. Among the judges are the overall champions of the previous two tattoo design competitions.

Xu Zhi murmured and looked at him.

After his pride faded, he was eye level with her, and Xu Zhinan touched his sincerity for the first time.

But now Lin Qingye was sitting next to her and said those words to her.

He didn't answer. He leaned back on the sofa and raised his chin slightly, looking scornful and arrogant.

"Um, hello." A man stretched out his hand to him, "My name is Wei Jing, and I am the first place in the School group in the preliminary round."

His jacket was a jacket, black, large, and waterproof. When put on, the hem reached to the middle of Xu Zhinan's thighs, completely covering her original clothes and trousers.

Her mother was still waiting for her downstairs. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked over, startled: "You came back from the rain! Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

After the host almost thought he was touching a question that he couldn't answer, Lin Qingye finally spoke.


She is also a tattoo enthusiast, so she has naturally heard of Lu Xihe's name. With his "yes", there is basically no need to worry.

Shen Linlin had to admit that Lin Qingye did have a face that made a girl angry, especially when he smiled.


Lu Xihe snorted again.

After thanking him, Xu Zhinan ran directly back home.

Mother Xu was afraid that she was just comforting her, so she urged: "Go home quickly and rest. The door is still open for you. I will sleep when you come back."

Xu Zhinan met his gaze, and Lu Xihe raised the tattoo pen in his hand: "Come on, sister."

Lin Qingye originally wanted to park the car directly in front of her house, but Xu Zhinan stopped him: "My mother may be waiting for me downstairs, she will see it."

That's quite unethical.

It wasn't until the tattoo was finished that Chen Liming looked in the mirror and was completely shocked.

Her mother was still waiting for her downstairs. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked over, startled: "You came back from the rain! Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

Lin Qingye originally wanted to park the car directly in front of her house, but Xu Zhinan stopped him: "My mother may be waiting for me downstairs, she will see it."

He smiled lightly and denied it frankly, "No."

Xu Zhinan stood at the entrance and took off his coat and shook off the water: "Well, I forgot to take the umbrella. It didn't rain until we got to the house. It's okay. I didn't get wet."

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was past midnight.

[Zhao Qian: Damn it! ]

While waiting for the scores to be scored, 40 tattoo artists who entered the semi-finals sat together.

That's fine, to be expected.

[Zhao Qian: What kind of scumbag is Lin Qingye? He actually revealed that he had a 17-year-old Bai Yueguang. ]

The song Lin Qingye chose this time was also an original, slow and love song.

After chatting for a few more words, Xu Zhinan hung up the phone. Lin Qingye had already returned to the table, looked at her and said, "I'll take you back."

"Is this dress your own?" Xu's mother noticed something was wrong, "Why is it so big?"


Xu Zhinan also admired him after seeing his work after the preliminary round. He smiled and nodded to him: "You have to work hard too."

The design drawing of the realistic group is of a lion, a fluffy male lion with fangs exposed. Even if it is only tattooed on the skin, you can still feel the majesty of the king of beasts and it is very lifelike.

After chatting for a few more words, Xu Zhinan hung up the phone. Lin Qingye had already returned to the table, looked at her and said, "I'll take you back."

Xu Zhinan paused for a moment: "It belongs to my friend. He just sent me back."

That's quite unethical.

He paused for a few seconds, then raised his eyes and looked at the camera. The ends of his narrow eyes raised a subtle arc, and then he lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly, "The lyrics I wrote when I was 17 were naturally inspired by the encounter I had when I was 17." A girl arrived."

Lin Qingye paused and walked towards her: "What's wrong?"


So Xu Zhinan stopped thinking about it and turned around and went upstairs.

Xu's mother looked at the dress in her hand again. It was so big and clearly belonged to a boy. She asked out of curiosity: "Isn't our A-Nan in love?"

"Xiao Gu?"

Xu Zhinan was very attentive when tattooing. The tattoo needles fell one by one, and the lion gradually appeared under her hands.

Xu Zhinan became the center of everyone's attention. She had just taken a photo of the lion tattoo on Chen Liming's back with her mobile phone. A group of people were extremely curious about her and came over to take a look.

"No, it's another friend."

"Go in with your coat on." Lin Qingye took off his hat again and put it on her head, pressing it firmly, "Let's go, don't get wet."

Not long after the next contestant came on stage, Lin Qingye was called to prepare for the mid-term interview.

"What's it called?"

"Xiao Gu?"

Xu's mother looked at the dress in her hand again. It was so big and clearly belonged to a boy. She asked out of curiosity: "Isn't our A-Nan in love?"

Later, Xu Zhinan recalled Lin Qingye's words "Let me like you again." Although Lin Qingye never spoke loudly to her in the past, this seemed to be the gentlest time he had known him for so long.

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "Don't worry, I will give you a nice tattoo."

She added a few more strokes. Xu Zhinan was an art major. Soon, the image became more realistic.

"Did I write a song for you?" Lin Qingye asked.

[Zhao Qian: What kind of scumbag is Lin Qingye? He actually revealed that he had a 17-year-old Bai Yueguang. ]

It is a common element in old school.

"Damn it? Did Lin Qingye fucking laugh just now??"

At the bottom is a link.

"No." She quickly denied, and then met her mother's sophisticated gaze, her face getting hot for no reason, "I don't have a boyfriend, just ordinary friends."

"No." Lin Qingye put on a mask and hat, which was tightly pressed, with only a pair of dark eyes exposed from under the brim, "I'll see you off, so you can get home early."

After every contestant selected for the semi-finals sat down in front of his or her work bed, the organizer announced the four sets of tattoo designs that needed to be competed in this tournament.

"This girl—"

Lin Qingye originally wanted to park the car directly in front of her house, but Xu Zhinan stopped him: "My mother may be waiting for me downstairs, she will see it."

His jacket was a jacket, black, large, and waterproof. When put on, the hem reached to the middle of Xu Zhinan's thighs, completely covering her original clothes and trousers.

A song ends.

Xu's mother smiled and said: "You will graduate in another year. What's the topic? It's time to find a boyfriend. Mom has no other requirements. As long as he treats you well."


That's fine, to be expected.

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was past midnight.

Xu Zhinan was very attentive when tattooing. The tattoo needles fell one by one, and the lion gradually appeared under her hands.

Regarding this topic, Xu Zhinan said a perfunctory "Yeah" and ended it. He took off his hat, which was also wet from the rain, but his hair was still dry.

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows, obviously not impressed at all.

A group of people around burst into laughter.

She lowered her eyes and thought wildly again.

"I know I lied to you and brought you into my life without your permission." Lin Qingye looked very calm, "That night, I was drunk later."

On the side, Lu Xihe had already finished. He walked over to take a look, then nodded and commented: "Oh, that's okay."

Xu Zhinan felt that his neck was hot in his palm and could not speak.

"Be careful with that bastard." Lu Xihe spoke harshly, raising his chin to signal Wei Jing over there, "That kid is not a good thing."

Xu Zhinan became the center of everyone's attention. She had just taken a photo of the lion tattoo on Chen Liming's back with her mobile phone. A group of people were extremely curious about her and came over to take a look.

"No." She quickly denied, and then met her mother's sophisticated gaze, her face getting hot for no reason, "I don't have a boyfriend, just ordinary friends."

Is Lin Qingye treating her well

After his pride faded, he was eye level with her, and Xu Zhinan touched his sincerity for the first time.

However, when the car was driving, it suddenly started to rain. Xu Zhinan discovered to her dismay that she didn't bring an umbrella. The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain today.

Xu Zhinan didn't rush to get started, but took out a paper and made a draft first, and made some changes to the design drawing on the screen - she cut out most of the entire lion image, leaving only a lion's head.

"Is this dress your own?" Xu's mother noticed something was wrong, "Why is it so big?"

The car window is one-way glass, so you can't see in from the outside.

"I can take the subway."

She wasn't sure.

As soon as she saw him coming back, Shen Linlin raised her hand and greeted him: "Hey, brother."

Lin Qingye paused.

Wei Jing smiled and scratched the back of his head: "I know, I noticed you during the preliminary voting. Your tattoo is really good."

Each group selected the ten tattooists with the highest votes in the voting to tattoo the same content, focusing more on tattooing techniques and techniques.

"Come on, give me the wet clothes and hat." Xu's mother took it from her hand and urged her, "Go and take a hot bath quickly. Don't catch a cold."

As soon as the picture was released, many people lamented that it was too difficult.

However, when the car was driving, it suddenly started to rain. Xu Zhinan discovered to her dismay that she didn't bring an umbrella. The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain today.

It's simply a crime.

The crowd burst into laughter, and Lin Qingye also raised his lips: "If you are interested."

Because the realistic style was too difficult, there were only a few people who signed up at the beginning. The two people in ninth and tenth places succeeded in the semi-finals by canvassing frantically for votes. Now that they are faced with such a difficult design, it is normal that they can't finish it.

"So be it."

A group of people around burst into laughter.

Lin Qingye paused and walked towards her: "What's wrong?"

So Xu Zhinan stopped thinking about it and turned around and went upstairs.

Lin Qingye paused.

She is also a tattoo enthusiast, so she has naturally heard of Lu Xihe's name. With his "yes", there is basically no need to worry.

Shen Linlin clicked her tongue a few times in her heart, she is indeed a young man.

"Pikalin," the man replied, imitating Pikachu's voice and said, "Pika Pika, one hundred thousand volts."

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

The lion tattoo was on her back. Chen Liming was not as afraid of pain as Xu Zhenfan. He was quiet throughout the whole process and didn't make any fools of himself like last time.

He smiled lightly and denied it frankly, "No."

Lin Qingye waited outside the house for a while until he saw the lights on in Xu Zhinan's room upstairs before turning around and driving away.

"Yes, I know, mom." She responded obediently, "I'll be back soon."

After every contestant selected for the semi-finals sat down in front of his or her work bed, the organizer announced the four sets of tattoo designs that needed to be competed in this tournament.

Lin Qingye, on the other hand, called him by his full name. When those three words came out of his mouth, they were inexplicably provocative.

Lu Xihe snorted again.

Xu Zhinan was very attentive when tattooing. The tattoo needles fell one by one, and the lion gradually appeared under her hands.

"So be it."

Shen Linlin had to admit that Lin Qingye did have a face that made a girl angry, especially when he smiled.

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was past midnight.

"Did I write a song for you?" Lin Qingye asked.

Xu Zhinan stood at the entrance and took off his coat and shook off the water: "Well, I forgot to take the umbrella. It didn't rain until we got to the house. It's okay. I didn't get wet."

Lin Qingye took a shower and came out in his nightgown and slippers. The kraft paper package given to him by the goddess stick was placed on the table.

So he parked the car on the side and ran about ten meters back home. However, looking at the downpour, he would still get wet.

"Do you think this is okay?" she asked Chen Liming.

"Damn it? Did Lin Qingye fucking laugh just now??"

Even if I asked her to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have this pattern tattooed, she would be willing to do it. This time I agreed to be a model and I really made a profit.

He stared at it for a while, with his head lowered, and suddenly laughed softly.

He did not borrow any musical instruments this time, only a standing microphone stand. He stood loosely in front of the stage, holding the microphone stand with his long and bony fingers. His smooth broad shoulders and narrow waist were outlined in a golden outline by the light.

Lin Qingye raised his hand, wanting to touch her face, but he thought of something while hanging in the air, stopped again, dropped a little, and landed gently on her neck.

Soon, the game begins.

The same goes for the designs of other groups, which are much more difficult than the designs prepared by most people in the preliminary round.

Shen Linlin immediately opened her eyes: "Can I invite you?!"

The apartment was large and empty, and the young man smiled casually. The light shone down, reflecting the broken hair on his forehead into a light color.

There are six questions in total, not difficult.

The other contestants were sitting in the backstage lounge, and in the center of the lounge was a live TV.

Lin Qingye paused.

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

He looked away, took a coat from the back seat of the car and put it on her lap.

Lu Xihe was amused by her serious expression. He raised his head and laughed heartily.

I spent a thousand yuan to buy this thing, which is not a loss at all.

The man looked to be only in his 20s. He had a black hairband with a hook symbol on his forehead. Unlike most tattoo artists who had many tattoos all over his body, the only exposed skin on his body was an eagle pattern on his right arm.

"I don't like other people," he added.

Lin Qingye paused and walked towards her: "What's wrong?"

"Did I write a song for you?" Lin Qingye asked.

Lin Qingye paused.

Among the voices all around complaining that it was too difficult, the girl's voice was gentle and calm, not proud, but with a very calm confidence.

There are six questions in total, not difficult.

She is also a tattoo enthusiast, so she has naturally heard of Lu Xihe's name. With his "yes", there is basically no need to worry.

Early the next morning, it was time to record "I Came for a Song". The program was almost halfway through. Lin Qingye's overall score still ranked first, while Zhou Ji entered the dangerous undecided area.

Even if I asked her to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have this pattern tattooed, she would be willing to do it. This time I agreed to be a model and I really made a profit.

Xu's mother looked at the dress in her hand again. It was so big and clearly belonged to a boy. She asked out of curiosity: "Isn't our A-Nan in love?"

The song Lin Qingye chose this time was also an original, slow and love song.

Lin Qingye took a step back and was no longer so close.

Mother Xu was afraid that she was just comforting her, so she urged: "Go home quickly and rest. The door is still open for you. I will sleep when you come back."

"What's it called?"

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

He does have a good voice, his voice is low, very magnetic, and has some nasal sounds that have not faded away as if he just woke up. Although his words are clear and crisp, it always makes the listener feel lingering and easily touches people's hearts.

Because of this song, he won the Golden Melody Award at the age of 18, but the lyrics were written when he was 17. It has been almost six years now.

Someone in the lounge raised his hand to cover his eyes: "Oh, I can't watch. I almost got hooked. I want to report it to the director! Someone is cheating on the game! He's firing electricity at the audience below!!"

The stage of "I Came for a Song" is not only top-notch in terms of music equipment, but also top-notch lighting and photography.

After the host almost thought he was touching a question that he couldn't answer, Lin Qingye finally spoke.

Xu Zhinan stood at the entrance and took off his coat and shook off the water: "Well, I forgot to take the umbrella. It didn't rain until we got to the house. It's okay. I didn't get wet."

"This girl—"

Shen Linlin clicked her tongue a few times in her heart, she is indeed a young man.

As soon as it was turned on, it vibrated one after another.

The other contestants were sitting in the backstage lounge, and in the center of the lounge was a live TV.

It's simply a crime.

His jacket was a jacket, black, large, and waterproof. When put on, the hem reached to the middle of Xu Zhinan's thighs, completely covering her original clothes and trousers.

Xu Zhinan became the center of everyone's attention. She had just taken a photo of the lion tattoo on Chen Liming's back with her mobile phone. A group of people were extremely curious about her and came over to take a look.

Xu Zhinan always felt that it was unreal.

Because of this song, he won the Golden Melody Award at the age of 18, but the lyrics were written when he was 17. It has been almost six years now.

Lin Qingye, on the other hand, called him by his full name. When those three words came out of his mouth, they were inexplicably provocative.

"Didn't you notice that he was in a good mood when he came today?"

Her mother was still waiting for her downstairs. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked over, startled: "You came back from the rain! Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

He did not borrow any musical instruments this time, only a standing microphone stand. He stood loosely in front of the stage, holding the microphone stand with his long and bony fingers. His smooth broad shoulders and narrow waist were outlined in a golden outline by the light.

Lin Qingye waited outside the house for a while until he saw the lights on in Xu Zhinan's room upstairs before turning around and driving away.

The semi-finals do not involve voting, but are directly judged and scored by professionals on site. Among the judges are the overall champions of the previous two tattoo design competitions.

Wei Jing took out his cell phone from his pocket and was about to ask her for her contact information when the other side suddenly said: "Sister A'nan." Lu Xihe waved to her, "Come here."

Someone in the lounge raised his hand to cover his eyes: "Oh, I can't watch. I almost got hooked. I want to report it to the director! Someone is cheating on the game! He's firing electricity at the audience below!!"

Half of the audience in the audience cried when they heard it, and the other half continued to get excited while shouting Lin Qingye's name.

He didn't answer. He leaned back on the sofa and raised his chin slightly, looking scornful and arrogant.

"This girl—"

That's quite unethical.

The host was stunned. He didn't expect to find out such shocking information without any warning. He even stuttered: "What about the last sentence? Does the creeping monster refer to yourself?"

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

Even if I asked her to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have this pattern tattooed, she would be willing to do it. This time I agreed to be a model and I really made a profit.

Lu Xihe, as the first in the totem group, was sitting next to her. Hearing this, he smiled and looked sideways.

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Why?" Shen Linlin was really curious and rarely gossiped. She covered her mouth and lowered her voice, "Are you in love?"

A song ends.

For safety reasons, Lin Qingye got in the car first, and only after making sure that no one outside could see him, Xu Zhinan got in the car.

After thanking him, Xu Zhinan ran directly back home.

Although there is also a competitive relationship between the contestants of "I Come for a Song", the relationship is not as tense as that of other programs, because most of the contestants are already debuted singers, and they just use the competition as a performance stage. The relationship between everyone is Very harmonious.

Shen Linlin is still very well-known in the music industry, and she is the most recognized female singer for her strength. Although she is not very old, everyone calls her "Sister Linlin" when they see her.

"I know I lied to you and brought you into my life without your permission." Lin Qingye looked very calm, "That night, I was drunk later."

Someone else said: "Don't you know we gave him a nickname in the group last time?"

"This girl—"

"Let me ask you something." Shen Linlin paused, pointing her index finger at herself, "Do you still remember me?"

He looked away, took a coat from the back seat of the car and put it on her lap.

She added a few more strokes. Xu Zhinan was an art major. Soon, the image became more realistic.

Xu Zhi murmured for a moment, then looked back. Lu Xihe's words just now were not concealed at all. Even if Wei Jing could not hear the voice clearly, he could guess that they were not good words, but he still murmured at Xu Zhi and smiled. He raised his arms.

"What's it called?"

Lin Qingye has never been afraid of the stage or the camera, and he can answer questions smoothly even without preparation.

His jacket was a jacket, black, large, and waterproof. When put on, the hem reached to the middle of Xu Zhinan's thighs, completely covering her original clothes and trousers.

The song Lin Qingye chose this time was also an original, slow and love song.

In the past, Xu Zhinan always felt that he was out of tune with Yancheng, which was entering the nightlife, but Lin Qingye blended in very well.

The requirements for the semi-finals and the preliminary round are different. In the preliminary round, you need to prepare the design drawing yourself, while in the semi-finals, you have to prepare the design drawing specified by the unified schedule, and you can make detailed modifications by yourself.

"Pikalin," the man replied, imitating Pikachu's voice and said, "Pika Pika, one hundred thousand volts."

A group of people around burst into laughter.

After these two hours, a loud roar suddenly came from behind the venue: "I will kill you, believe it or not! What kind of tattoo do you have!? Is it a tiger or a cat!?"

That's quite unethical.

After his pride faded, he was eye level with her, and Xu Zhinan touched his sincerity for the first time.

Soon, Lin Qingye got off the stage and returned to the lounge.

The preliminary voting session of the tattoo design competition ended, with Lu Xihe taking first place and Xu Zhinan taking second place.

"Hahahaha, it's quite vivid. It's indeed 100,000 volts. It's not just about the face, it can shock people all over the body."

Although there are fewer patterns, the difficulty increases, which means that the requirements for details are higher. Otherwise, the shortcomings will be obvious, and ordinary tattoo artists will not dare to do this.

Raindrops pattered against the windshield.

"I know I lied to you and brought you into my life without your permission." Lin Qingye looked very calm, "That night, I was drunk later."

The apartment was large and empty, and the young man smiled casually. The light shone down, reflecting the broken hair on his forehead into a light color.

"This is too sudden, I haven't thought about it yet." Shen Linlin patted her chest, pretending to be frightened.

His palm was so big that Xu Zhinan's neck was held in his palm.

The temperature of the summer night has finally become cooler, and the car windows are only open a crack. It is the beginning of the night life. There are many vehicles on the road at this point. Fortunately, everyone is laughing and laughing in groups, and no one notices them. This car.

A song ends.

Soon, the game begins.

It was the first time that the young man opened up about his past in front of the camera. It was not that he had made a difficult decision, but now he was finally willing to tell it.

While waiting for the scores to be scored, 40 tattoo artists who entered the semi-finals sat together.

It is a common element in old school.

So he parked the car on the side and ran about ten meters back home. However, looking at the downpour, he would still get wet.

Half of the audience in the audience cried when they heard it, and the other half continued to get excited while shouting Lin Qingye's name.

How is this "okay"? This is simply too okay! ! !

So Xu Zhinan stopped thinking about it and turned around and went upstairs.

It was her mother calling.

Xu's mother smiled and said: "You will graduate in another year. What's the topic? It's time to find a boyfriend. Mom has no other requirements. As long as he treats you well."

Still holding his hand on the microphone stand, he raised his eyes and scanned the audience. After a moment, he leaned slightly, approached the microphone, raised the corners of his lips very lightly, and said, "Thank you everyone."

Xu Zhinan also admired him after seeing his work after the preliminary round. He smiled and nodded to him: "You have to work hard too."

Now that he is on the show, he has become the most talked about singer among them, and there are still so many people who like him from all over the country.

His smile was actually very small, but it was still caught by the fans in the audience, and screams suddenly sounded, almost breaking through the ceiling of the studio.

He did not borrow any musical instruments this time, only a standing microphone stand. He stood loosely in front of the stage, holding the microphone stand with his long and bony fingers. His smooth broad shoulders and narrow waist were outlined in a golden outline by the light.

"Because she is so nice, the 17-year-old me didn't dare to get close to her."

It's simply a crime.

"No." She quickly denied, and then met her mother's sophisticated gaze, her face getting hot for no reason, "I don't have a boyfriend, just ordinary friends."

The same goes for the designs of other groups, which are much more difficult than the designs prepared by most people in the preliminary round.

"Pikalin," the man replied, imitating Pikachu's voice and said, "Pika Pika, one hundred thousand volts."

Even if I asked her to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have this pattern tattooed, she would be willing to do it. This time I agreed to be a model and I really made a profit.

"Xiao Gu?"

Even everyone in the lounge was surprised.

Shen Linlin immediately opened her eyes: "Can I invite you?!"

"Lin Qingye talks about the "Black Locust" girl: a girl he met when he was 17 years old. 》


The crowd burst into laughter, and Lin Qingye also raised his lips: "If you are interested."

"Damn it? Did Lin Qingye fucking laugh just now??"

At the bottom is a link.

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was past midnight.

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "Don't worry, I will give you a nice tattoo."

The temperature of the summer night has finally become cooler, and the car windows are only open a crack. It is the beginning of the night life. There are many vehicles on the road at this point. Fortunately, everyone is laughing and laughing in groups, and no one notices them. This car.

"I don't like other people," he added.

Her mother was still waiting for her downstairs. When she heard the noise, she turned around and looked over, startled: "You came back from the rain! Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

"So be it."

"Don't use bad words. Don't use bad words. When the program is cut out, you will have to omit several words from your words. Even though I was fucking shocked! Why did Lin Qingye suddenly open for business!?"

Shen Linlin is still very well-known in the music industry, and she is the most recognized female singer for her strength. Although she is not very old, everyone calls her "Sister Linlin" when they see her.

"Come on, give me the wet clothes and hat." Xu's mother took it from her hand and urged her, "Go and take a hot bath quickly. Don't catch a cold."

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was past midnight.

Zhao Qian sent her a bunch of messages.

"But I don't like other people."

The car window is one-way glass, so you can't see in from the outside.

[Zhao Qian: What kind of scumbag is Lin Qingye? He actually revealed that he had a 17-year-old Bai Yueguang. ]

"Didn't you notice that he was in a good mood when he came today?"

She shook her head: "People will see it."

He looked away, took a coat from the back seat of the car and put it on her lap.

While waiting for the scores to be scored, 40 tattoo artists who entered the semi-finals sat together.

Since the start of the show, Lin Qingye has always been low-pressure. Everyone is used to it and thinks that this is his character and temper.

Lin Qingye lowered his head and smiled again: "Yeah."

He paused for a few seconds, then raised his eyes and looked at the camera. The ends of his narrow eyes raised a subtle arc, and then he lowered his eyes and smiled helplessly, "The lyrics I wrote when I was 17 were naturally inspired by the encounter I had when I was 17." A girl arrived."

So he parked the car on the side and ran about ten meters back home. However, looking at the downpour, he would still get wet.

It was the first time that the young man opened up about his past in front of the camera. It was not that he had made a difficult decision, but now he was finally willing to tell it.

By the time we got back to the apartment, it was past midnight.

Soon, Lin Qingye got off the stage and returned to the lounge.

"Stop it! Stop it! I won't get the tattoo anymore! What do you mean by tattooing a cat on my butt?"

"Be careful with that bastard." Lu Xihe spoke harshly, raising his chin to signal Wei Jing over there, "That kid is not a good thing."

"Be careful with that bastard." Lu Xihe spoke harshly, raising his chin to signal Wei Jing over there, "That kid is not a good thing."

Xu Zhinan stood at the entrance and took off his coat and shook off the water: "Well, I forgot to take the umbrella. It didn't rain until we got to the house. It's okay. I didn't get wet."

Mother Xu was afraid that she was just comforting her, so she urged: "Go home quickly and rest. The door is still open for you. I will sleep when you come back."

As soon as she saw him coming back, Shen Linlin raised her hand and greeted him: "Hey, brother."

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "The last shift is almost over, and I have to take the subway for an hour to get home. It's too late."

He didn't answer. He leaned back on the sofa and raised his chin slightly, looking scornful and arrogant.

Shen Linlin was still worried about the failure to respond to her invitation to sing four years ago. She thought he was too wild when she saw him acting like this. Even though they met on the show now, she never asked him about it. Today I finally took advantage of the opportunity.

Xu's mother looked at the dress in her hand again. It was so big and clearly belonged to a boy. She asked out of curiosity: "Isn't our A-Nan in love?"

Xu Zhinan took out his cell phone from his bag and picked it up: "Hello, mom?"

The man looked to be only in his 20s. He had a black hairband with a hook symbol on his forehead. Unlike most tattoo artists who had many tattoos all over his body, the only exposed skin on his body was an eagle pattern on his right arm.

Mother Xu was afraid that she was just comforting her, so she urged: "Go home quickly and rest. The door is still open for you. I will sleep when you come back."

Xu Zhi murmured and looked at him.

As soon as she saw him coming back, Shen Linlin raised her hand and greeted him: "Hey, brother."

Lin Qingye took a shower and came out in his nightgown and slippers. The kraft paper package given to him by the goddess stick was placed on the table.

They didn't think about winning any prizes, they were just here to have fun, and the models just invited acquaintances.

Xu Zhinan felt that his neck was hot in his palm and could not speak.

"Go in with your coat on." Lin Qingye took off his hat again and put it on her head, pressing it firmly, "Let's go, don't get wet."

Xu Zhinan was sitting in the passenger seat, looking sideways out the window, very quiet.

Zhao Qian sent her a bunch of messages.

Wei Jing smiled and scratched the back of his head: "I know, I noticed you during the preliminary voting. Your tattoo is really good."

Lin Qingye paused and walked towards her: "What's wrong?"

So Xu Zhinan stopped thinking about it and turned around and went upstairs.

"He used to work in my store. After coming here for three months, he got a lot of customers and left immediately after breaking the contract."

"Let me ask you something." Shen Linlin paused, pointing her index finger at herself, "Do you still remember me?"

It's simply a crime.

Xu's mother looked at the dress in her hand again. It was so big and clearly belonged to a boy. She asked out of curiosity: "Isn't our A-Nan in love?"

"No." She quickly denied, and then met her mother's sophisticated gaze, her face getting hot for no reason, "I don't have a boyfriend, just ordinary friends."

The host was stunned. He didn't expect to find out such shocking information without any warning. He even stuttered: "What about the last sentence? Does the creeping monster refer to yourself?"

Soon, the game begins.

He smiled compromisingly: "At that time, I was quite inferior to myself."

Mother Xu was afraid that she was just comforting her, so she urged: "Go home quickly and rest. The door is still open for you. I will sleep when you come back."

Xu Zhinan turned around and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Lin Qingye's eyelids drooped and he glanced at her: "Shen, Lin, Lin?"

"This girl—"

Not long after the next contestant came on stage, Lin Qingye was called to prepare for the mid-term interview.

She didn't speak along the way, and Lin Qingye remained silent. After the car drove out of the downtown area, there were not so many people around.

Lin Qingye took a shower and came out in his nightgown and slippers. The kraft paper package given to him by the goddess stick was placed on the table.

So Xu Zhinan stopped thinking about it and turned around and went upstairs.

On the side, Lu Xihe had already finished. He walked over to take a look, then nodded and commented: "Oh, that's okay."

Shen Linlin is still very well-known in the music industry, and she is the most recognized female singer for her strength. Although she is not very old, everyone calls her "Sister Linlin" when they see her.

Shen Linlin had to admit that Lin Qingye did have a face that made a girl angry, especially when he smiled.


Xu Zhinan turned around and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Early the next morning, it was time to record "I Came for a Song". The program was almost halfway through. Lin Qingye's overall score still ranked first, while Zhou Ji entered the dangerous undecided area.

Lin Qingye, on the other hand, called him by his full name. When those three words came out of his mouth, they were inexplicably provocative.

Xu Zhinan always felt that it was unreal.

Because of this song, he won the Golden Melody Award at the age of 18, but the lyrics were written when he was 17. It has been almost six years now.

The requirements for the semi-finals and the preliminary round are different. In the preliminary round, you need to prepare the design drawing yourself, while in the semi-finals, you have to prepare the design drawing specified by the unified schedule, and you can make detailed modifications by yourself.

We were almost driving to Xu Zhinan's house. There was no convenience store or supermarket around, and it was difficult to even buy an umbrella.

Early the next morning, it was time to record "I Came for a Song". The program was almost halfway through. Lin Qingye's overall score still ranked first, while Zhou Ji entered the dangerous undecided area.

As soon as she saw him coming back, Shen Linlin raised her hand and greeted him: "Hey, brother."

"You want to invite a song?" Lin Qingye sat down on the single sofa next to her and took a sip of water, "What kind of song?"

Fortunately, Shen Linlin didn't care about these lies: "I invited you to sing four years ago, remember?"

Among the voices all around complaining that it was too difficult, the girl's voice was gentle and calm, not proud, but with a very calm confidence.

It was her mother calling.

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows, obviously not impressed at all.

Xu Zhinan was sitting in the passenger seat, looking sideways out the window, very quiet.

The last question - "Everyone really liked the song "Black Locust" you sang in the first game. Do any fans want to know the meaning of the lyrics of "Black Locust"?" the host asked.

He did not borrow any musical instruments this time, only a standing microphone stand. He stood loosely in front of the stage, holding the microphone stand with his long and bony fingers. His smooth broad shoulders and narrow waist were outlined in a golden outline by the light.

Shen Linlin is still very well-known in the music industry, and she is the most recognized female singer for her strength. Although she is not very old, everyone calls her "Sister Linlin" when they see her.

Fortunately, Shen Linlin didn't care about these lies: "I invited you to sing four years ago, remember?"

Soon, Lin Qingye got off the stage and returned to the lounge.

"Do you think this is okay?" she asked Chen Liming.

"Come on, give me the wet clothes and hat." Xu's mother took it from her hand and urged her, "Go and take a hot bath quickly. Don't catch a cold."

Shen Linlin nodded silently.

"I can take the subway."

When he didn't answer, the host added, "There is a line in the lyrics 'You are a girl and I am a crawling five-legged monster.' Is this 'girl' here really a real person?"

Shen Linlin had to admit that Lin Qingye did have a face that made a girl angry, especially when he smiled.

Xu Zhinan took out his cell phone from his bag and picked it up: "Hello, mom?"

Xu Zhinan felt that his neck was hot in his palm and could not speak.

Is Lin Qingye treating her well

That's fine, to be expected.

Although there is also a competitive relationship between the contestants of "I Come for a Song", the relationship is not as tense as that of other programs, because most of the contestants are already debuted singers, and they just use the competition as a performance stage. The relationship between everyone is Very harmonious.