Madly in Love with You

Chapter 36


Lin Qingye watched Xu Zhinan disappear at the entrance of the dormitory park before getting into the car.

With Totem's bold and rough style, few people would come to Xu Zhinan to do it, and she naturally had very little experience.

In the next few days, Xu Zhinan had no time to think about his relationship with Lin Qingye—the final PK question of the tattoo design competition came out.

"I won't have dinner, I can't finish it."

Xu Zhinan didn't want to, but he also didn't want to say rejections one after another, so he simply pretended not to hear and knocked his chin on the edge of the table without moving.

Xu Zhinan froze, and his fingers that were about to turn the page stopped.

"That's not true. After all, he is the person I like."

After being put on the bed, he asked her in a bad way: "Do you want to carry it? I'll get the book for you."

Lin Qingye didn't answer, but raised the demo in his hand: "I'll return it to you after I finish the modifications in a few days."

I didn't rush to drive home. I just sat in the car and took a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it into my mouth. I didn't light it, but only smelled the smell of tobacco.

She had maintained such a relationship with Lin Qingye for three years.

After being put on the bed, he asked her in a bad way: "Do you want to carry it? I'll get the book for you."

The rolling shutter door of the tattoo shop has been closed to block out some of the noise outside.

"How did you come?"

Lin Qingye originally didn't want to disturb her, so he stayed outside in the living room. He wanted to order takeout for dinner when she came out when she was hungry, but he couldn't wait, so he went into the bedroom again.

Xu Zhinan blinked and suddenly remembered which time he was talking about.

The wind blew in through the cracks in the car windows.

"Relax for a while and you'll carry it faster." He said in a bad tone, leaning over and pecked her ear, "How about I do mine and you carry yours?"

He stood in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall, and couldn't help but want to smoke.

Lin Qingye stood up, took a pencil, sat down opposite her again, and opened the book. Inside was his handwritten music score, which was not very neat. He could probably understand this piece and that piece.

Several locust trees in the school were in full bloom, and the faint fragrance of the flowers filled the car.

In the end, Lin Qingye finished first. He had a rough idea of the music in his mind. He tapped his fingers on the table, read over the music score he had just revised, and then passed it on to Wang Qiqi.

"You really don't want to go back?"

Lin Qingye let her hold him.

The lunch box was very exquisite, an antique wooden box with wooden patterns on it, divided into four compartments. The rice was sprinkled with some black sesame seeds, a combination of meat and vegetables.

Lin Qingye grinded his teeth on the cigarette holder several times before biting out the shredded tobacco. He threw the cigarette aside and rested his forehead with his hand, letting out a long sigh of relief.

The haze just now was swept away, and those cravings for cigarettes were completely gone.

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

The palm that covered Xu Zhinan's eyes just now was stained with some smell. It was not her smell, but some very light powdery smell - she was wearing makeup today.

Lin Qingye put down the pen, looked around, took the kettle on her desk and walked into the inner room, adding water to boil.

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

Lin Qingye didn't say any more.

The picture is very soft, the sun sets just right in the evening, Xu Zhinan is standing by the window, the sunlight makes her skin look transparent, and the broken hair on her forehead is fluffy.

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "Actually, you are right."

Xu Zhinan took a bite of food and looked up at him again: "Have you eaten?"

"No, because that's Lin Qingye. Actually, I didn't have a good impression of him at first. I thought he was quite like that kind of bad boy. I always felt that no matter which girl fell in love with him, she wouldn't be able to control it. I was worried that you would You were bullied by him, but it seems like he likes you very much today.”

The picture is very soft, the sun sets just right in the evening, Xu Zhinan is standing by the window, the sunlight makes her skin look transparent, and the broken hair on her forehead is fluffy.

Lin Qingye's mind once again recalled the moment when he was singing on the stage and found Xu Zhinan in the audience.

She obviously felt sleepy, and yawned while tattooing, making her eyes blurry with tears, so she rubbed her eyes before continuing.

It was the first time he saw her dressed like this, and he was also surprised to see Xu Zhinan in this style.

She must have been a sophomore at that time.

After sending messages for a while, and after confirming the final version, he put away his phone and looked at Xu Zhinan.

It was the first time he saw her dressed like this, and he was also surprised to see Xu Zhinan in this style.

She looked up to Lin Qingye for three years, during which time she had random thoughts and tossing and turning.

Lin Qingye directly pulled down the rolling shutter door, walked up to her with the bag, took out the lunch box inside, and explained calmly: "It will save me from being seen in your store for a while."

Apart from the accident, I just find it cute.

Anyway, Lin Qingye always had a way to make her eat.

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]

After a while, he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her arm. He lowered his head and curled his lips into a smile: "A Nan."

[Lin Qingye: I’m not free in the morning. ]

He couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing on stage.

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I told you, do you want to do it again?"

At this time, the phone vibrated -

"time for dinner?"

The lunch box was very exquisite, an antique wooden box with wooden patterns on it, divided into four compartments. The rice was sprinkled with some black sesame seeds, a combination of meat and vegetables.

After overturning several versions, I finally finalized the three design drawings.

Lin Qingye took it: "I'll go back and listen to it. I felt that the background instrument sound was a bit too flat before. I might need to adjust it again."

[Lin Guancheng: Come on in the morning. ]

After waiting for a while, he didn't reply. Xu Zhinan took out the second piece of training skin and continued to tattoo the design of lotus and koi.

After waiting in the car for a while, the phone vibrated and Xu Zhinan sent a message: I have arrived at the dormitory.

Xu Zhinan encountered a bottleneck in his studies for the first time and was very anxious.

Xu Zhinan didn't want to, but he also didn't want to say rejections one after another, so he simply pretended not to hear and knocked his chin on the edge of the table without moving.

[Xu Zhinan: Yeah. ]

Xu Zhinan felt uncomfortable after being so cruel just now. Finally, he felt more comfortable while lying on his stomach, so he calmed down and reclined while lying on his stomach.

Xu Zhinan pursed his lips and said honestly: "I want to endorse it."

He took the tattoo pen out of her hand and put it aside, then pushed the lunch box in front of her: "Eat first and then practice."

He walked directly to her, sat on the edge of the bed, raised his hand and patted her buttocks through the quilt.

Lin Qingye replied "ok" and then drove away.

She has done a lot of realistic style recently just for clients, and has become very proficient in it. She mainly practices Eastern traditions and totems.

I didn't rush to drive home. I just sat in the car and took a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it into my mouth. I didn't light it, but only smelled the smell of tobacco.


Among the three people in their dormitory, Zhao Qian had been in love since high school and had several boyfriends in the first two years of college. Xu Zhinan and Lin Qingye could also be said to have been in love for half a year. Only Jiang Yue was in love. Purely a blank sheet of paper.

Lin Qingye looked at the kettle on the cabinet, which was boiling and bubbling. His eyes were a bit cold and emotionless.

As soon as Xu Zhinan approached the dormitory, he was surrounded by Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue, asking how the date was.

"Here." Wang Qi came out of the recording studio, "This is the demo I just recorded. I've listened to it. It's no problem. I can just produce the finished product."

As soon as Xu Zhinan approached the dormitory, he was surrounded by Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue, asking how the date was.

"I won't have dinner, I can't finish it."

Lin Qingye looked at her from a distance for a while, then leaned closer and couldn't help but reach out and touch her eyelashes.

"That's not a date." Xu Zhinan corrected, and took out Shen Linlin's signed photo from his bag, "Here it is."

As soon as Xu Zhinan approached the dormitory, he was surrounded by Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue, asking how the date was.

An hour passed by this time.

She said, struggling a few times to get out of his arms, and rubbed back and forth on his legs a few times.

Xu Zhinan rubbed his eyes, yawned, and replied: Yes.

Lin Qingye opened the window forcefully and took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

"Introduction to Aesthetics." Xu Zhinan said with a sad face, "I have an exam tomorrow and I just started memorizing it."

Xu Zhinan grabbed his troublesome hand: "But I really don't have time to carry it."

"It's still a signed photo!" Zhao Qian said in surprise, holding it fondly.

[Lim Guancheng: You know what day tomorrow is. ]

Xu Zhi murmured and pinched her face: "You were also led astray by Sissi."

The three selected group champions each got three different styles of tattoos, including their own style and two other styles.

"No." Xu Zhi murmured and scratched his hair, "I can't tell clearly."

This pack of cigarettes has been in his pocket for a while. Quitting smoking has been quite effective. He has indeed smoked less recently. Unfortunately, he still broke the habit tonight.

"Well, I just signed it."

Lin Qingye put the bag in his hand on the wooden shelf next to him and asked, "There won't be any customers for a while, right?"

"Introduction to Aesthetics." Xu Zhinan said with a sad face, "I have an exam tomorrow and I just started memorizing it."

Zhao Qian can explain this kind of fallacy as soon as she talks about it.

Lin Qingye took it: "I'll go back and listen to it. I felt that the background instrument sound was a bit too flat before. I might need to adjust it again."

"It's still a signed photo!" Zhao Qian said in surprise, holding it fondly.

Lin Qingye paused and finally replied "Okay".

The rolling shutter door of the tattoo shop has been closed to block out some of the noise outside.

The overall winner needs to be able to do well in each style, and the final overall winner is selected based on the comprehensive score of the three tattoos.

"Wow, wow, I love you so much, A Nan!" Zhao Qian hugged her excitedly, "And this photo is also beautiful."

In the end, Lin Qingye finished first. He had a rough idea of the music in his mind. He tapped his fingers on the table, read over the music score he had just revised, and then passed it on to Wang Qiqi.

"What's the matter?"

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "No need to thank me, Lin Qingye asked her for it."

"You really don't want to go back?"

"Is it necessary to memorize all these marked items?"

"Well, I just signed it."

The black eyelashes trembled a few times, very quickly.

[Lin Guancheng: Then noon. ]

"What are you hiding from?"

He frowned: "Anan."

Lin Qingye replied "ok" and then drove away.

Zhao Qian winked at her: "Lin Qingye is quite proud."

After a moment, he replied.

She blushed and was speechless, then she felt cold, and Lin Qingye lifted up her skirt.

"Ah?" She recalled and said, "I feel that the relationship between them is quite good, and they don't have any airs. Although Shen Linlin has been around for a long time, she also has a good temper."

"Well, something happened."

He stood there and stared for a while: "What are you carrying?"

"The models for the finals were unified by the organizer, and they seemed to be volunteers."

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

The night is getting quieter, and the nightlife in Yancheng has reached its second half.

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

"That's not true. After all, he is the person I like."

Lin Qingye smiled angrily and dismissed the topic.

The quilt covered half of his face.

After a while, he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her arm. He lowered his head and curled his lips into a smile: "A Nan."

But because Wei Jing, the group champion of the School group, had withdrawn, there were only three PK questions left.

Xu Zhinan got out of bed and followed him to the living room.

To be honest, she was still confused about Lin Qingye's transformation. It was impossible not to be touched at all when she learned that Lin Qingye had known her before and had been paying attention to her silently for so long.

Xu Zhinan blinked and suddenly remembered which time he was talking about.

To be honest, she was still confused about Lin Qingye's transformation. It was impossible not to be touched at all when she learned that Lin Qingye had known her before and had been paying attention to her silently for so long.

Zhao Qian said, arching her elbow and asking in a low voice, "What about you and Lin Qingye, how are you doing?"

He took the tattoo pen out of her hand and put it aside, then pushed the lunch box in front of her: "Eat first and then practice."

She blushed and was speechless, then she felt cold, and Lin Qingye lifted up her skirt.

Apart from the accident, I just find it cute.

"How about what?"

To be honest, she was still confused about Lin Qingye's transformation. It was impossible not to be touched at all when she learned that Lin Qingye had known her before and had been paying attention to her silently for so long.

"Wow, wow, I love you so much, A Nan!" Zhao Qian hugged her excitedly, "And this photo is also beautiful."

"But a fairy girl like you." Zhao Qian touched her chin and said, "She should be chased for a longer time, otherwise those stinky men don't know how to cherish her. They want men to be obedient and have to play hard to get."

The three selected group champions each got three different styles of tattoos, including their own style and two other styles.

She obviously felt sleepy, and yawned while tattooing, making her eyes blurry with tears, so she rubbed her eyes before continuing.

Xu Zhinan felt uncomfortable after being so cruel just now. Finally, he felt more comfortable while lying on his stomach, so he calmed down and reclined while lying on his stomach.

"What do you say? I think he seems to be quite sincere in pursuing you now. What do you think?"

At that time, Xu Zhinan had not yet balanced his work in the tattoo shop and his final exams, so he still had a lot of information to memorize as the exams approached.

[Lin Guancheng: Then noon. ]

"Aren't you here to listen?" Wang Qi looked at the time and saw that it wasn't very late.

She froze.

After a while, he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her arm. He lowered his head and curled his lips into a smile: "A Nan."

From then on, Xu Zhinan no longer had any extra thoughts to think about the final exam.

Xu Zhinan got out of bed and followed him to the living room.

Xu Zhinan paused, walked to the desk and unloaded his bag: "I don't know either."

Whether it’s on stage or quietly writing lyrics and music.

"This is an opportunity to fall in love with a big star. If it were me, I would definitely seize the opportunity. If you want to see someone's concert or program in the future, you don't even need to grab tickets, we can arrange it directly." Zhao Qian then thought. I thought, "But you're not star-struck either. This benefit doesn't seem very attractive to you."

The final PK questions tested the level of these two items equally.

"This is an opportunity to fall in love with a big star. If it were me, I would definitely seize the opportunity. If you want to see someone's concert or program in the future, you don't even need to grab tickets, we can arrange it directly." Zhao Qian then thought. I thought, "But you're not star-struck either. This benefit doesn't seem very attractive to you."

Normally she would obey at this point, but today she was really eager to "study" and struggled a few times: "No, no, no, Brother Qingye, I might fail the exam if I don't memorize it."

Xu Zhinan didn't go back to the dormitory that day and practiced all night in the tattoo shop.

Jiang Yue turned around and asked, "A Nan, do you think he has so many fans now that you don't dare to date him?"

Teasing Xu Zhinan is a very fulfilling thing, because she will always take the bait, and now her face is red again.

He stood in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall, and couldn't help but want to smoke.

"It's so late, what can happen?" Lin Qingye threw the bag into the trash can, "I'll stay with you for a while."

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

Among the three people in their dormitory, Zhao Qian had been in love since high school and had several boyfriends in the first two years of college. Xu Zhinan and Lin Qingye could also be said to have been in love for half a year. Only Jiang Yue was in love. Purely a blank sheet of paper.

At this time, the phone vibrated -

"No." Xu Zhi murmured and scratched his hair, "I can't tell clearly."

"What are you hiding from?"

He leaned against the wall, his phone vibrating.

[Lin Qingye: Then go to bed early today, and I’ll take you there tomorrow. ]

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

But it used to be three years, more than a thousand days and nights.

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

A good student like Xu Zhinan has no idea that it is not easy to fail the exam. Her average score must be extremely high. It is impossible to fail the exam as long as she doesn't know three questions.

She had maintained such a relationship with Lin Qingye for three years.

"Don't, you won't come today, I want to endorse it."

After finishing a cigarette, he blew the air for a while before he straightened up again. He was about to go out with the kettle in hand when he suddenly remembered that he had told Xu Zhimun that he wanted to quit smoking, so he rinsed his mouth again.

He deliberately teased her.

She looked up to Lin Qingye for three years, during which time she had random thoughts and tossing and turning.

Xu Zhinan: "It's okay, just sleep here."

[Lin Qingye: The finals are tomorrow? ]

From then on, Xu Zhinan no longer had any extra thoughts to think about the final exam.

To be honest, she was still confused about Lin Qingye's transformation. It was impossible not to be touched at all when she learned that Lin Qingye had known her before and had been paying attention to her silently for so long.

"Well, I'll go back after you finish practicing. I slept late anyway."

There was an introductory course with a closed-book exam, and all the test subjects required rote memorization.

But it used to be three years, more than a thousand days and nights.

He held a pencil with his long and bony fingers, crossed out a few places, and wrote new ones, and the notes were drawn beautifully.

"on the table."

The fire suddenly brightened, and the tongue of flame curled up the cigarette butt.

"Introduction to Aesthetics." Xu Zhinan said with a sad face, "I have an exam tomorrow and I just started memorizing it."

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

Phoenix totem.

The night is getting quieter, and the nightlife in Yancheng has reached its second half.

Their relationship was led by Lin Qingye, both before and now.

It was the first time that Xu Zhinan liked someone like this, his whole heart and eyes were filled with him, and he didn't even know how to pretend.

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

"Here." Wang Qi came out of the recording studio, "This is the demo I just recorded. I've listened to it. It's no problem. I can just produce the finished product."

Their relationship was led by Lin Qingye, both before and now.

It's very simple, with a gradient color from black to red, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

The Oriental traditional group gave lotus and koi materials.

He stood there and stared for a while: "What are you carrying?"

"Relax for a while and you'll carry it faster." He said in a bad tone, leaning over and pecked her ear, "How about I do mine and you carry yours?"

She must have been a sophomore at that time.

"The models for the finals were unified by the organizer, and they seemed to be volunteers."

Lin Qingye directly pulled down the rolling shutter door, walked up to her with the bag, took out the lunch box inside, and explained calmly: "It will save me from being seen in your store for a while."

Xu Zhinan rubbed his eyes, yawned, and replied: Yes.

He has a strong aura and knows how to make others like him.

She blushed and was speechless, then she felt cold, and Lin Qingye lifted up her skirt.

Lin Qingye came to pick her up the day before the exam, and the two went to his apartment together.

So sometimes Xu Zhinan feels scared.

"Yes, yes." She agreed, troubled.

I didn't rush to drive home. I just sat in the car and took a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it into my mouth. I didn't light it, but only smelled the smell of tobacco.

From then on, Xu Zhinan no longer had any extra thoughts to think about the final exam.

Xu Zhinan also noticed it in his sleep. He probably thought it was a flying insect or something like that. He wrinkled his nose and reached out to wave, just in time to catch his troublesome index finger.

Zhao Qian winked at her: "Lin Qingye is quite proud."

Lin Qingye's mind once again recalled the moment when he was singing on the stage and found Xu Zhinan in the audience.

"But a fairy girl like you." Zhao Qian touched her chin and said, "She should be chased for a longer time, otherwise those stinky men don't know how to cherish her. They want men to be obedient and have to play hard to get."

"What do you say? I think he seems to be quite sincere in pursuing you now. What do you think?"

"The models for the finals were unified by the organizer, and they seemed to be volunteers."

Lin Qingye originally didn't want to disturb her, so he stayed outside in the living room. He wanted to order takeout for dinner when she came out when she was hungry, but he couldn't wait, so he went into the bedroom again.

Xu Zhinan shook his head.

Among the three people in their dormitory, Zhao Qian had been in love since high school and had several boyfriends in the first two years of college. Xu Zhinan and Lin Qingye could also be said to have been in love for half a year. Only Jiang Yue was in love. Purely a blank sheet of paper.

The picture is very soft, the sun sets just right in the evening, Xu Zhinan is standing by the window, the sunlight makes her skin look transparent, and the broken hair on her forehead is fluffy.

Zhao Qian can explain this kind of fallacy as soon as she talks about it.

Although the materials are given, it is like a topic composition, only a broad scope is given, and the specific arrangement needs to be designed by the tattoo artist himself.

"How about what?"

Lin Qingye's mind once again recalled the moment when he was singing on the stage and found Xu Zhinan in the audience.

"No, because that's Lin Qingye. Actually, I didn't have a good impression of him at first. I thought he was quite like that kind of bad boy. I always felt that no matter which girl fell in love with him, she wouldn't be able to control it. I was worried that you would You were bullied by him, but it seems like he likes you very much today.”

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "Actually, you are right."

Xu Zhinan's face turned red at his words, and he couldn't even think about what "I do mine" meant.

At the same time, the water in the kettle also boiled, and the switch automatically tripped.

Lin Qingye waited for her for a while, and after discovering her trick, he reached out and took away her book, raising his arms high.

Xu Zhi murmured and pinched her face: "You were also led astray by Sissi."

"There are too many exam subjects, all crowded together, and I didn't even have time to prepare for this course before."

Xu Zhinan's eyelashes trembled fiercely and he bit his lip and said nothing.

So sometimes Xu Zhinan feels scared.

"No, because that's Lin Qingye. Actually, I didn't have a good impression of him at first. I thought he was quite like that kind of bad boy. I always felt that no matter which girl fell in love with him, she wouldn't be able to control it. I was worried that you would You were bullied by him, but it seems like he likes you very much today.”

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

"time for dinner?"

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

He couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing on stage.

After successfully catching the bug that was disturbing her sleep, Xu Zhinan hummed softly, rubbed his face on the bed sheets a few times, and just kept holding on to him.

Among the three people in their dormitory, Zhao Qian had been in love since high school and had several boyfriends in the first two years of college. Xu Zhinan and Lin Qingye could also be said to have been in love for half a year. Only Jiang Yue was in love. Purely a blank sheet of paper.

Lin Qingye put down the pen, looked around, took the kettle on her desk and walked into the inner room, adding water to boil.

Her design drawings were placed next to them. Xu Zhinan majored in art design, so this type of design was not a problem. Every one of them was beautiful.

As soon as Xu Zhinan approached the dormitory, he was surrounded by Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue, asking how the date was.

Xu Zhinan pursed his lips and said honestly: "I want to endorse it."

She has done a lot of realistic style recently just for clients, and has become very proficient in it. She mainly practices Eastern traditions and totems.

Lin Qingye rested his elbows on the window sill, bowed his back slightly, and the blue and white smoke filled the air.

She must have been a sophomore at that time.

Lin Qingye replied "ok" and then drove away.

Zhao Qian smiled and joked: "Hey, I think you, a postgraduate entrance examination dog, can go directly to the love class. The principles are explained in one way, so you understand."

He has a strong aura and knows how to make others like him.

Xu Zhinan's face turned red at his words, and he couldn't even think about what "I do mine" meant.

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

Jiang Yue felt embarrassed by what she said, and raised her hand as if to hit her.

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

"time for dinner?"

After a moment, he replied.

"That's not true. After all, he is the person I like."

"Have you found the model?"

He put his arms around her waist to restrain her, and put the chopsticks into her hands: "Eat first."

So sometimes Xu Zhinan feels scared.

The night is getting quieter, and the nightlife in Yancheng has reached its second half.

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Zhao Qian raised her hands in surrender.

Teasing Xu Zhinan is a very fulfilling thing, because she will always take the bait, and now her face is red again.

After the lights were turned off that night, Jiang Yue and Zhao Qian continued to analyze Xu Zhinan's love affairs. After hearing this, Xu Zhinan was confused and fell asleep.

Jiang Yue snorted, glanced at her, and said to Xu Zhi, not being familiar with her, "Although he is Lin Qingye, you are also the light of our Pingchuan."

The Oriental traditional group gave lotus and koi materials.

"Have you found the model?"

Four tattoo style groups, each with its own signature pattern.

"Don't, you won't come today, I want to endorse it."

It was the first time he saw her dressed like this, and he was also surprised to see Xu Zhinan in this style.

He stood in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall, and couldn't help but want to smoke.

Lin Qingye saw that she was really thin-skinned and stopped teasing her: "It's time for dinner. Let's carry it out for the rest of the night."

After the lights were turned off that night, Jiang Yue and Zhao Qian continued to analyze Xu Zhinan's love affairs. After hearing this, Xu Zhinan was confused and fell asleep.

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

The rolling shutter door of the tattoo shop has been closed to block out some of the noise outside.

He scanned it again. He had just listened to Wang Qina's demo with the instrument background added, and it was more thoughtful to revise it.

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

The sophomore year course schedule is extremely full. There are five days a week, three of which are full from morning to night, so the finals week is particularly grueling.

"on the table."

The rolling shutter door of the tattoo shop has been closed to block out some of the noise outside.

Before falling asleep, the sound of the two chatting and arguing could still be heard in my ears.

"When I get busy, I forget about eating. It's not the first time you've done this."

Lin Qingye looked at the kettle on the cabinet, which was boiling and bubbling. His eyes were a bit cold and emotionless.

In the next few days, Xu Zhinan had no time to think about his relationship with Lin Qingye—the final PK question of the tattoo design competition came out.

Xu Zhi murmured: "I still have to practice."

Jiang Yue felt embarrassed by what she said, and raised her hand as if to hit her.

Lin Qingye replied "ok" and then drove away.

Xu Zhinan pursed his lips and said honestly: "I want to endorse it."

Lin Qingye didn't say any more.

Four tattoo style groups, each with its own signature pattern.

The quilt covered half of his face.

[Lim Guancheng: You know what day tomorrow is. ]

[Xu Zhinan: Yeah. ]

[Lin Guancheng: Then noon. ]

The School group is divided into old school and new school. The PK question gives the skeleton material in the old school. The technical focus is on requiring simple and neat techniques to form a striking and tough visual effect.

The black eyelashes trembled a few times, very quickly.

After finishing a cigarette, he blew the air for a while before he straightened up again. He was about to go out with the kettle in hand when he suddenly remembered that he had told Xu Zhimun that he wanted to quit smoking, so he rinsed his mouth again.

Lin Qingye took it: "I'll go back and listen to it. I felt that the background instrument sound was a bit too flat before. I might need to adjust it again."

"Do you good students always like to talk about failing a class?" Lin Qingye said amusedly, picking her chin, "With the notes you made, it's even difficult to fail the class."

Lin Qingye's eyebrows twitched, and his voice became hoarse: "If you move again, don't carry it at night."

The realistic style is based on the owl material, and the focus is on the fogging of the hair color and the eagle's eyes.

The Oriental traditional group gave lotus and koi materials.

"Well, the teacher said these are important test points."

"That's not true. After all, he is the person I like."

Lin Qingye's eyebrows twitched, and his voice became hoarse: "If you move again, don't carry it at night."

In the next few days, Xu Zhinan had no time to think about his relationship with Lin Qingye—the final PK question of the tattoo design competition came out.

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

Lin Qingye came out of the shower and saw her standing by the window holding a heavy textbook.

The realistic style is based on the owl material, and the focus is on the fogging of the hair color and the eagle's eyes.

He bent down, hugged her knees, picked her up, put her on the work bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Xu Zhinan: "It's okay, just sleep here."

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

So sometimes Xu Zhinan feels scared.

But because Wei Jing, the group champion of the School group, had withdrawn, there were only three PK questions left.

But because Wei Jing, the group champion of the School group, had withdrawn, there were only three PK questions left.

[Lin Guancheng: Then noon. ]

Xu Zhinan took it weakly and nodded resignedly: "Look."

When I pushed the door open and went out, I found that Xu Zhinan was already asleep, pillowed on the workbench, still holding a tattoo pen in his hand. Fortunately, the power was turned off.

In the next few days, Xu Zhinan had no time to think about his relationship with Lin Qingye—the final PK question of the tattoo design competition came out.

Lin Qingye didn't say any more.

The three selected group champions each got three different styles of tattoos, including their own style and two other styles.

After finishing the first set with the exercise skin, she felt a little sleepy.

Lin Qingye came to pick her up the day before the exam, and the two went to his apartment together.

The overall winner needs to be able to do well in each style, and the final overall winner is selected based on the comprehensive score of the three tattoos.

From then on, Xu Zhinan no longer had any extra thoughts to think about the final exam.

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I told you, do you want to do it again?"

[Lin Qingye: Something happened. ]

After the lights were turned off that night, Jiang Yue and Zhao Qian continued to analyze Xu Zhinan's love affairs. After hearing this, Xu Zhinan was confused and fell asleep.

This competition is called "Tattoo Design Competition", and it's not just about tattooing skills, but also design capabilities.

Lin Qingye directly pulled down the rolling shutter door, walked up to her with the bag, took out the lunch box inside, and explained calmly: "It will save me from being seen in your store for a while."

"Aren't you here to listen?" Wang Qi looked at the time and saw that it wasn't very late.

This competition is called "Tattoo Design Competition", and it's not just about tattooing skills, but also design capabilities.

Lin Qingye glanced at it and saw that he didn't eat a lot, but he had eaten half of it. It was not a perfunctory thing, so he had a good time: "Yeah."

The other one didn't look so serious. He held his chin in his hand and held the pen loosely with his fingertips. He looked at it for a while before writing down a few pictures.

The final PK questions tested the level of these two items equally.

At this time, the phone vibrated -

Lin Qingye looked at the kettle on the cabinet, which was boiling and bubbling. His eyes were a bit cold and emotionless.

The sophomore year course schedule is extremely full. There are five days a week, three of which are full from morning to night, so the finals week is particularly grueling.

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "Actually, you are right."

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

The haze just now was swept away, and those cravings for cigarettes were completely gone.

"Aren't you here to listen?" Wang Qi looked at the time and saw that it wasn't very late.

It was the first time that Xu Zhinan liked someone like this, his whole heart and eyes were filled with him, and he didn't even know how to pretend.

Although the materials are given, it is like a topic composition, only a broad scope is given, and the specific arrangement needs to be designed by the tattoo artist himself.

The other one didn't look so serious. He held his chin in his hand and held the pen loosely with his fingertips. He looked at it for a while before writing down a few pictures.

After waiting for a while, he didn't reply. Xu Zhinan took out the second piece of training skin and continued to tattoo the design of lotus and koi.

[Lin Qingye: Something happened. ]

"Aren't you here to listen?" Wang Qi looked at the time and saw that it wasn't very late.

Only then did Xu Zhinan feel a little hungry: "How do you know I didn't have dinner?"

Xu Zhinan also noticed it in his sleep. He probably thought it was a flying insect or something like that. He wrinkled his nose and reached out to wave, just in time to catch his troublesome index finger.

Jiang Yue felt embarrassed by what she said, and raised her hand as if to hit her.

Fortunately, there were not many senior classes. In the few days before Xu Zhinan's finals, he spent most of his time working, attending class, and drawing design drawings.

Xu Zhinan got out of bed and followed him to the living room.

Lin Qingye's mind once again recalled the moment when he was singing on the stage and found Xu Zhinan in the audience.

The Oriental traditional group gave lotus and koi materials.


After overturning several versions, I finally finalized the three design drawings.

The Oriental traditional group gave lotus and koi materials.

Jiang Yue turned around and asked, "A Nan, do you think he has so many fans now that you don't dare to date him?"

To be honest, she was still confused about Lin Qingye's transformation. It was impossible not to be touched at all when she learned that Lin Qingye had known her before and had been paying attention to her silently for so long.

Zhao Qian can explain this kind of fallacy as soon as she talks about it.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, the phone vibrated -

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

[Lin Qingye: What time. ]

"Yes, yes." She agreed, troubled.

The water had warmed up. He took a sip and sat on the chair nearby, looking at Xu Zhinan who had fallen asleep.

A good student like Xu Zhinan has no idea that it is not easy to fail the exam. Her average score must be extremely high. It is impossible to fail the exam as long as she doesn't know three questions.

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "No need to thank me, Lin Qingye asked her for it."

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

Xu Zhinan didn't go back to the dormitory that day and practiced all night in the tattoo shop.

After waiting in the car for a while, the phone vibrated and Xu Zhinan sent a message: I have arrived at the dormitory.

[Lin Guancheng: Come on in the morning. ]

Jiang Yue felt embarrassed by what she said, and raised her hand as if to hit her.

After being put on the bed, he asked her in a bad way: "Do you want to carry it? I'll get the book for you."

Lin Qingye took the book out of her hand and placed it on the window sill. Then he held her waist and pulled her closer. He smiled evilly into her ear and said, "I can't carry it all the way anyway, so I might as well stop carrying it."

The sophomore year course schedule is extremely full. There are five days a week, three of which are full from morning to night, so the finals week is particularly grueling.

She has done a lot of realistic style recently just for clients, and has become very proficient in it. She mainly practices Eastern traditions and totems.

He looked sideways and realized that there was a small window in the room. Lin Qingye walked to the window - it had not been opened for a long time, and the lock was already rusty.

Xu Zhi murmured for a while, then realized the change. He didn't dare to move or exert any force. He sat gently on his lap, blushed to his neck, lowered his head and ate obediently without saying a word.

"What's the matter?"

"No, because that's Lin Qingye. Actually, I didn't have a good impression of him at first. I thought he was quite like that kind of bad boy. I always felt that no matter which girl fell in love with him, she wouldn't be able to control it. I was worried that you would You were bullied by him, but it seems like he likes you very much today.”

Lin Qingye nodded and said nothing more.

With Totem's bold and rough style, few people would come to Xu Zhinan to do it, and she naturally had very little experience.

"Have you found the model?"

[Lim Guancheng: You know what day tomorrow is. ]

Lin Qingye took it: "I'll go back and listen to it. I felt that the background instrument sound was a bit too flat before. I might need to adjust it again."

After finishing the first set with the exercise skin, she felt a little sleepy.

After a moment, he replied.

I quickly took a pen and revised it again.

At this time, the phone vibrated -

[Lin Qingye: What time. ]

Lin Qingye laughed: "I don't know you yet."

Zhao Qian can explain this kind of fallacy as soon as she talks about it.

He lowered his head and concentrated on making every tattoo exquisite and beautiful.

[Lin Qingye: The finals are tomorrow? ]

Anyway, Lin Qingye always had a way to make her eat.


Xu Zhinan took a bite of food and looked up at him again: "Have you eaten?"

"What's the matter?"

"Relax for a while and you'll carry it faster." He said in a bad tone, leaning over and pecked her ear, "How about I do mine and you carry yours?"

Zhao Qian winked at her: "Lin Qingye is quite proud."

Lin Qingye grinded his teeth on the cigarette holder several times before biting out the shredded tobacco. He threw the cigarette aside and rested his forehead with his hand, letting out a long sigh of relief.

Xu Zhinan rubbed his eyes, yawned, and replied: Yes.

Xu Zhinan finished his meal quickly, packed the lunch box, and then asked: "Are you okay today?"

The other one didn't look so serious. He held his chin in his hand and held the pen loosely with his fingertips. He looked at it for a while before writing down a few pictures.

"I'll carry it after eating." Lin Qingye insisted.

"Do you good students always like to talk about failing a class?" Lin Qingye said amusedly, picking her chin, "With the notes you made, it's even difficult to fail the class."

In the end, Lin Qingye finished first. He had a rough idea of the music in his mind. He tapped his fingers on the table, read over the music score he had just revised, and then passed it on to Wang Qiqi.

"Don't, you won't come today, I want to endorse it."

This competition is called "Tattoo Design Competition", and it's not just about tattooing skills, but also design capabilities.

She looked up to Lin Qingye for three years, during which time she had random thoughts and tossing and turning.

[Lin Qingye: Then go to bed early today, and I’ll take you there tomorrow. ]

I didn't rush to drive home. I just sat in the car and took a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it into my mouth. I didn't light it, but only smelled the smell of tobacco.

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

Xu Zhinan stood up and went to grab it, but he held the belt to her, made Xu Zhinan sit on his lap, and then threw the textbook aside where she could not reach it.

Anyway, Lin Qingye always had a way to make her eat.

[Lin Guancheng: Then noon. ]

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]

"Aren't you here to listen?" Wang Qi looked at the time and saw that it wasn't very late.

"No." Xu Zhi murmured and scratched his hair, "I can't tell clearly."

[Xu Zhinan: I can’t rest, I’m not ready yet. ]

"Didn't you memorize it a few days ago?"

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "Actually, you are right."

Lin Qingye grinded his teeth on the cigarette holder several times before biting out the shredded tobacco. He threw the cigarette aside and rested his forehead with his hand, letting out a long sigh of relief.

He frowned: "Anan."


"How about what?"

"Do you good students always like to talk about failing a class?" Lin Qingye said amusedly, picking her chin, "With the notes you made, it's even difficult to fail the class."

[Xu Zhinan: I’m still practicing, not very proficient. I’m afraid I might get the wrong stitch if I’m not nervous tomorrow. ]

Probably recalling that incident in the past, Xu Zhinan felt a little ashamed when she heard his simple words, and couldn't refuse. It seemed that she wanted to repeat the previous process again.

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

The other one didn't look so serious. He held his chin in his hand and held the pen loosely with his fingertips. He looked at it for a while before writing down a few pictures.

He scanned it again. He had just listened to Wang Qina's demo with the instrument background added, and it was more thoughtful to revise it.

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

Lin Qingye took it: "I'll go back and listen to it. I felt that the background instrument sound was a bit too flat before. I might need to adjust it again."

[Lin Qingye: Are you still in the store? ]

Xu Zhinan blinked and suddenly remembered which time he was talking about.

Lin Qingye paused and finally replied "Okay".

Lin Qingye let her hold him.

Xu Zhinan's face turned red at his words, and he couldn't even think about what "I do mine" meant.

[Xu Zhinan: Yeah. ]

The haze just now was swept away, and those cravings for cigarettes were completely gone.

He held a pencil with his long and bony fingers, crossed out a few places, and wrote new ones, and the notes were drawn beautifully.

Lin Qingye put down the pen, looked around, took the kettle on her desk and walked into the inner room, adding water to boil.

Lin Qingye touched his hand back and forth, but Xu Zhinan couldn't bear it and arched his whole body upward, trying to avoid his hand.

[Lin Qingye: Go back to bed early, we have a game tomorrow. ]

"Didn't you memorize it a few days ago?"

The Oriental traditional group gave lotus and koi materials.

After being put on the bed, he asked her in a bad way: "Do you want to carry it? I'll get the book for you."

[Xu Zhinan: I don’t have time. I plan to sleep in the store for one night and wait until the competition is over. ]

Although the materials are given, it is like a topic composition, only a broad scope is given, and the specific arrangement needs to be designed by the tattoo artist himself.

Lin Qingye watched Xu Zhinan disappear at the entrance of the dormitory park before getting into the car.

Lin Qingye smiled angrily and dismissed the topic.

Her design drawings were placed next to them. Xu Zhinan majored in art design, so this type of design was not a problem. Every one of them was beautiful.

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

He stood there and stared for a while: "What are you carrying?"

He has a palm-sized face with a small frame, and his face is not shriveled and thin. He is lying on his side with a pillow on his arm, and a piece of flesh is squeezed on his face. He looks like he is sleeping deeply.

[Xu Zhinan: I don’t have time. I plan to sleep in the store for one night and wait until the competition is over. ]

[Lin Qingye: Is there alone in the store? ]

After waiting for a while, he didn't reply. Xu Zhinan took out the second piece of training skin and continued to tattoo the design of lotus and koi.

[Lin Qingye: Is there alone in the store? ]

The sophomore year course schedule is extremely full. There are five days a week, three of which are full from morning to night, so the finals week is particularly grueling.

"That's not a date." Xu Zhinan corrected, and took out Shen Linlin's signed photo from his bag, "Here it is."

Lin Qingye's eyebrows twitched, and his voice became hoarse: "If you move again, don't carry it at night."

Among the three people in their dormitory, Zhao Qian had been in love since high school and had several boyfriends in the first two years of college. Xu Zhinan and Lin Qingye could also be said to have been in love for half a year. Only Jiang Yue was in love. Purely a blank sheet of paper.

"I won't have dinner, I can't finish it."

But before the words came out, Lin Qingye leaned over and sealed his lips.

[Xu Zhinan: Yeah. ]

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "No need to thank me, Lin Qingye asked her for it."

Lin Qingye opened the window for ventilation, picked up the book from the window sill and handed it to her: "Do you still read it?"

"The models for the finals were unified by the organizer, and they seemed to be volunteers."

This competition is called "Tattoo Design Competition", and it's not just about tattooing skills, but also design capabilities.

Before falling asleep, the sound of the two chatting and arguing could still be heard in my ears.

He held a pencil with his long and bony fingers, crossed out a few places, and wrote new ones, and the notes were drawn beautifully.

After waiting for a while, he didn't reply. Xu Zhinan took out the second piece of training skin and continued to tattoo the design of lotus and koi.

[Lin Qingye: Something happened. ]

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

I quickly took a pen and revised it again.

Xu Zhi murmured for a while, then realized the change. He didn't dare to move or exert any force. He sat gently on his lap, blushed to his neck, lowered his head and ate obediently without saying a word.

Lin Qingye let her hold him.

Jiang Yue turned around and asked, "A Nan, do you think he has so many fans now that you don't dare to date him?"

She said blankly: "No more."

"Here." Wang Qi came out of the recording studio, "This is the demo I just recorded. I've listened to it. It's no problem. I can just produce the finished product."

"Relax for a while and you'll carry it faster." He said in a bad tone, leaning over and pecked her ear, "How about I do mine and you carry yours?"

Lin Qingye opened the window forcefully and took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

Xu Zhi murmured for a while, then realized the change. He didn't dare to move or exert any force. He sat gently on his lap, blushed to his neck, lowered his head and ate obediently without saying a word.

After waiting in the car for a while, the phone vibrated and Xu Zhinan sent a message: I have arrived at the dormitory.

Lin Qingye took it: "I'll go back and listen to it. I felt that the background instrument sound was a bit too flat before. I might need to adjust it again."

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

"No." Xu Zhi murmured and scratched his hair, "I can't tell clearly."

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]

"Aren't you here to listen?" Wang Qi looked at the time and saw that it wasn't very late.

Lin Qingye didn't answer, but raised the demo in his hand: "I'll return it to you after I finish the modifications in a few days."

Apart from the accident, I just find it cute.

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]

After successfully catching the bug that was disturbing her sleep, Xu Zhinan hummed softly, rubbed his face on the bed sheets a few times, and just kept holding on to him.

Xu Zhinan pursed his lips and said honestly: "I want to endorse it."

After waiting for a while, he didn't reply. Xu Zhinan took out the second piece of training skin and continued to tattoo the design of lotus and koi.

"Well, something happened."

But before the words came out, Lin Qingye leaned over and sealed his lips.

[Lin Qingye: Are you still in the store? ]

"What's the matter?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Zhao Qian raised her hands in surrender.

[Xu Zhinan: Yeah. ]

"There are too many exam subjects, all crowded together, and I didn't even have time to prepare for this course before."

A good student like Xu Zhinan has no idea that it is not easy to fail the exam. Her average score must be extremely high. It is impossible to fail the exam as long as she doesn't know three questions.

Lin Qingye didn't answer, but raised the demo in his hand: "I'll return it to you after I finish the modifications in a few days."

"Well, the teacher said these are important test points."

He scanned it again. He had just listened to Wang Qina's demo with the instrument background added, and it was more thoughtful to revise it.

"Aren't you going back yet?" Xu Zhi asked.

After he finished speaking, he left directly.

After a while, he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her arm. He lowered his head and curled his lips into a smile: "A Nan."

He put his arms around her waist to restrain her, and put the chopsticks into her hands: "Eat first."

At this time, the phone vibrated -

Halfway through Xu Zhi's tattooing, a pleasant sound of wind chimes suddenly sounded in the store. Lin Qingye opened the door and came in, carrying two bags in his hand.

[Lin Guancheng: Come on in the morning. ]

"What do you say? I think he seems to be quite sincere in pursuing you now. What do you think?"

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

Lin Qingye: "There are so many. There is an exam tomorrow. How can I memorize them all?"

He lowered his head and concentrated on making every tattoo exquisite and beautiful.

"No, because that's Lin Qingye. Actually, I didn't have a good impression of him at first. I thought he was quite like that kind of bad boy. I always felt that no matter which girl fell in love with him, she wouldn't be able to control it. I was worried that you would You were bullied by him, but it seems like he likes you very much today.”

He lowered his head and concentrated on making every tattoo exquisite and beautiful.

She froze.

He looked sideways and realized that there was a small window in the room. Lin Qingye walked to the window - it had not been opened for a long time, and the lock was already rusty.

The realistic style is based on the owl material, and the focus is on the fogging of the hair color and the eagle's eyes.

Lin Qingye put the bag in his hand on the wooden shelf next to him and asked, "There won't be any customers for a while, right?"

The fire suddenly brightened, and the tongue of flame curled up the cigarette butt.

The night is getting quieter, and the nightlife in Yancheng has reached its second half.

Xu Zhinan yawned a few more times.

She said blankly: "No more."

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Zhao Qian raised her hands in surrender.

But because Wei Jing, the group champion of the School group, had withdrawn, there were only three PK questions left.

Anyway, Lin Qingye always had a way to make her eat.

"How about what?"

"I won't have dinner, I can't finish it."

Lin Qingye originally didn't want to disturb her, so he stayed outside in the living room. He wanted to order takeout for dinner when she came out when she was hungry, but he couldn't wait, so he went into the bedroom again.

She blushed and was speechless, then she felt cold, and Lin Qingye lifted up her skirt.

Lin Qingye directly pulled down the rolling shutter door, walked up to her with the bag, took out the lunch box inside, and explained calmly: "It will save me from being seen in your store for a while."

Xu Zhinan froze, and his fingers that were about to turn the page stopped.

Lin Qingye waited for her for a while, and after discovering her trick, he reached out and took away her book, raising his arms high.

Zhao Qian smiled and joked: "Hey, I think you, a postgraduate entrance examination dog, can go directly to the love class. The principles are explained in one way, so you understand."

In this situation, Xu Zhinan's face gets hot again when he recalls these things from the past.

"Don't, you won't come today, I want to endorse it."

Teasing Xu Zhinan is a very fulfilling thing, because she will always take the bait, and now her face is red again.

"How did you come?"

He bent down, hugged her knees, picked her up, put her on the work bed, and covered her with a quilt.

The wind blew in through the cracks in the car windows.

In this situation, Xu Zhinan's face gets hot again when he recalls these things from the past.

Xu Zhinan paused, walked to the desk and unloaded his bag: "I don't know either."

"time for dinner?"

Halfway through Xu Zhi's tattooing, a pleasant sound of wind chimes suddenly sounded in the store. Lin Qingye opened the door and came in, carrying two bags in his hand.

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

When I pushed the door open and went out, I found that Xu Zhinan was already asleep, pillowed on the workbench, still holding a tattoo pen in his hand. Fortunately, the power was turned off.

[Lin Qingye: Then go to bed early today, and I’ll take you there tomorrow. ]

Fortunately, there were not many senior classes. In the few days before Xu Zhinan's finals, he spent most of his time working, attending class, and drawing design drawings.

Xu Zhinan shook his head.

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

The School group is divided into old school and new school. The PK question gives the skeleton material in the old school. The technical focus is on requiring simple and neat techniques to form a striking and tough visual effect.

At that time, Xu Zhinan had not yet balanced his work in the tattoo shop and his final exams, so he still had a lot of information to memorize as the exams approached.

Xu Zhinan took a bite of food and looked up at him again: "Have you eaten?"

[Lin Qingye: I’m not free in the morning. ]

Lin Qingye didn't answer, but raised the demo in his hand: "I'll return it to you after I finish the modifications in a few days."

"That's not a date." Xu Zhinan corrected, and took out Shen Linlin's signed photo from his bag, "Here it is."

"Here." Wang Qi came out of the recording studio, "This is the demo I just recorded. I've listened to it. It's no problem. I can just produce the finished product."

He took the tattoo pen out of her hand and put it aside, then pushed the lunch box in front of her: "Eat first and then practice."

Lin Qingye nodded and said nothing more.

"Are these three pictures going to be tattooed in tomorrow's competition?" Lin Qingye asked.

"What's the matter?"

"I won't have dinner, I can't finish it."

Anyway, the group champion who has already been decided will get the tattoo, so there is no need to worry about what if the tattoo is not good.

Lin Qingye smiled and finally let go of her.

The lunch box was very exquisite, an antique wooden box with wooden patterns on it, divided into four compartments. The rice was sprinkled with some black sesame seeds, a combination of meat and vegetables.

"No." Xu Zhi murmured and scratched his hair, "I can't tell clearly."

He's actually very catchy when he plays music.

"Would you like to go to my studio, which is closer, a few steps away."

Xu Zhinan pursed his lips and said honestly: "I want to endorse it."

He held a pencil with his long and bony fingers, crossed out a few places, and wrote new ones, and the notes were drawn beautifully.

Xu Zhinan felt uncomfortable after being so cruel just now. Finally, he felt more comfortable while lying on his stomach, so he calmed down and reclined while lying on his stomach.

He scanned it again. He had just listened to Wang Qina's demo with the instrument background added, and it was more thoughtful to revise it.

Xu Zhinan shook his head.

Only then did Xu Zhinan feel a little hungry: "How do you know I didn't have dinner?"

Xu Zhinan: "It's okay, just sleep here."

Xu Zhinan finished his meal quickly, packed the lunch box, and then asked: "Are you okay today?"

"That's not a date." Xu Zhinan corrected, and took out Shen Linlin's signed photo from his bag, "Here it is."

"Didn't you memorize it a few days ago?"

Lin Qingye laughed: "I don't know you yet."

"There are too many exam subjects, all crowded together, and I didn't even have time to prepare for this course before."

Lin Qingye didn't say any more.

Lin Qingye replied "ok" and then drove away.

Lin Qingye came out of the shower and saw her standing by the window holding a heavy textbook.

"Yes, yes." She agreed, troubled.

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

She looked up to Lin Qingye for three years, during which time she had random thoughts and tossing and turning.


This competition is called "Tattoo Design Competition", and it's not just about tattooing skills, but also design capabilities.

Lin Qingye looked at her from a distance for a while, then leaned closer and couldn't help but reach out and touch her eyelashes.

Probably recalling that incident in the past, Xu Zhinan felt a little ashamed when she heard his simple words, and couldn't refuse. It seemed that she wanted to repeat the previous process again.

Apart from the accident, I just find it cute.

"When I get busy, I forget about eating. It's not the first time you've done this."

Normally she would obey at this point, but today she was really eager to "study" and struggled a few times: "No, no, no, Brother Qingye, I might fail the exam if I don't memorize it."

He put his arms around her waist to restrain her, and put the chopsticks into her hands: "Eat first."

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

[Xu Zhinan: I don’t have time. I plan to sleep in the store for one night and wait until the competition is over. ]

[Lin Qingye: Is there alone in the store? ]

Xu Zhinan blinked and suddenly remembered which time he was talking about.

Jiang Yue sat down on the chair, folded her arms on the back of the chair, and rested her chin, "But it requires more investigation. You can't agree hastily just because he is Lin Qingye."

"What do you say? I think he seems to be quite sincere in pursuing you now. What do you think?"

Lin Qingye took the book out of her hand and placed it on the window sill. Then he held her waist and pulled her closer. He smiled evilly into her ear and said, "I can't carry it all the way anyway, so I might as well stop carrying it."

After finishing eating, she put down her chopsticks, turned to look at Lin Qingye, and said obediently: "I'm done eating."

By the time it was over, it was almost dark. Xu Zhinan had taken a shower, put on a white nightgown and leaned against the bed. He had no strength left from his toes to his fingertips.

When I pushed the door open and went out, I found that Xu Zhinan was already asleep, pillowed on the workbench, still holding a tattoo pen in his hand. Fortunately, the power was turned off.

The time given was not extensive, and there was only one day left for her to practice.

She must have been a sophomore at that time.

"time for dinner?"

He looked sideways and realized that there was a small window in the room. Lin Qingye walked to the window - it had not been opened for a long time, and the lock was already rusty.

Lin Qingye glanced at it and saw that he didn't eat a lot, but he had eaten half of it. It was not a perfunctory thing, so he had a good time: "Yeah."

"Oops." She complained softly, "I really don't want to eat it."

"Are these three pictures going to be tattooed in tomorrow's competition?" Lin Qingye asked.

The sophomore year course schedule is extremely full. There are five days a week, three of which are full from morning to night, so the finals week is particularly grueling.

Their relationship was led by Lin Qingye, both before and now.

[Lin Qingye: Is there alone in the store? ]

Lin Qingye came out of the shower and saw her standing by the window holding a heavy textbook.

At that time, Xu Zhinan had not yet balanced his work in the tattoo shop and his final exams, so he still had a lot of information to memorize as the exams approached.

"Introduction to Aesthetics." Xu Zhinan said with a sad face, "I have an exam tomorrow and I just started memorizing it."

The final PK questions tested the level of these two items equally.

Xu Zhinan encountered a bottleneck in his studies for the first time and was very anxious.

Zhao Qian can explain this kind of fallacy as soon as she talks about it.

Lin Qingye smiled and finally let go of her.

[Lin Qingye: What time. ]

But before the words came out, Lin Qingye leaned over and sealed his lips.

[Lim Guancheng: You know what day tomorrow is. ]

There was an introductory course with a closed-book exam, and all the test subjects required rote memorization.

Her design drawings were placed next to them. Xu Zhinan majored in art design, so this type of design was not a problem. Every one of them was beautiful.

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]

[Lin Qingye: Then go to bed early today, and I’ll take you there tomorrow. ]

The night is getting quieter, and the nightlife in Yancheng has reached its second half.

"Is it necessary to memorize all these marked items?"

Xu Zhinan encountered a bottleneck in his studies for the first time and was very anxious.

[Lin Guancheng: Then noon. ]

This pack of cigarettes has been in his pocket for a while. Quitting smoking has been quite effective. He has indeed smoked less recently. Unfortunately, he still broke the habit tonight.

Lin Qingye came to pick her up the day before the exam, and the two went to his apartment together.

Anyway, the group champion who has already been decided will get the tattoo, so there is no need to worry about what if the tattoo is not good.

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

Lin Qingye continued to "harass" her, brushing her eyelashes again with his fingertips.

After a while, he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her arm. He lowered his head and curled his lips into a smile: "A Nan."

Lin Qingye came out of the shower and saw her standing by the window holding a heavy textbook.

"Well, something happened."

"I was wrong, I was wrong." Zhao Qian raised her hands in surrender.

Lin Qingye put down the pen, looked around, took the kettle on her desk and walked into the inner room, adding water to boil.

The picture is very soft, the sun sets just right in the evening, Xu Zhinan is standing by the window, the sunlight makes her skin look transparent, and the broken hair on her forehead is fluffy.

Anyway, Lin Qingye always had a way to make her eat.

She has done a lot of realistic style recently just for clients, and has become very proficient in it. She mainly practices Eastern traditions and totems.

Xu Zhinan took it weakly and nodded resignedly: "Look."

After finishing eating, she put down her chopsticks, turned to look at Lin Qingye, and said obediently: "I'm done eating."

"Back it up and let's have dinner."

"Well, something happened."

He stood there and stared for a while: "What are you carrying?"

"Introduction to Aesthetics." Xu Zhinan said with a sad face, "I have an exam tomorrow and I just started memorizing it."

After a while, he lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against her arm. He lowered his head and curled his lips into a smile: "A Nan."

She had maintained such a relationship with Lin Qingye for three years.

The night is getting quieter, and the nightlife in Yancheng has reached its second half.

"Introduction to Aesthetics." Xu Zhinan said with a sad face, "I have an exam tomorrow and I just started memorizing it."

Lin Qingye opened the window forcefully and took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

To be honest, she was still confused about Lin Qingye's transformation. It was impossible not to be touched at all when she learned that Lin Qingye had known her before and had been paying attention to her silently for so long.

"Didn't you memorize it a few days ago?"

After sending messages for a while, and after confirming the final version, he put away his phone and looked at Xu Zhinan.

Probably recalling that incident in the past, Xu Zhinan felt a little ashamed when she heard his simple words, and couldn't refuse. It seemed that she wanted to repeat the previous process again.

"There are too many exam subjects, all crowded together, and I didn't even have time to prepare for this course before."

Xu Zhinan watched him write the score for a while, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, picked up the tattoo machine again and continued the unfinished part.

Xu Zhinan yawned a few more times.

[Lin Qingye: Is there alone in the store? ]

Lin Qingye walked up to her, put his arm around her waist, and looked down at her textbook. The notes were taken very carefully and densely, and a large area was drawn with a highlighter pen.

[Xu Zhinan: Yeah. ]

Xu Zhinan: "It's okay, just sleep here."

But it used to be three years, more than a thousand days and nights.

"Here." Wang Qi came out of the recording studio, "This is the demo I just recorded. I've listened to it. It's no problem. I can just produce the finished product."

"Is it necessary to memorize all these marked items?"

[Lin Qingye: Something happened. ]

Anyway, the group champion who has already been decided will get the tattoo, so there is no need to worry about what if the tattoo is not good.


The incandescent lamp on the ceiling was lit, and the two sat facing each other.

"Well, the teacher said these are important test points."

Jiang Yue felt embarrassed by what she said, and raised her hand as if to hit her.

[Lin Qingye: The finals are tomorrow? ]

He flipped through it casually and sneered: "With so many key points, he must get 300 points on this test paper."

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

[Lin Qingye: Are you still in the store? ]

"Do you good students always like to talk about failing a class?" Lin Qingye said amusedly, picking her chin, "With the notes you made, it's even difficult to fail the class."

"Then come out first and carry it to the living room."

[Lin Qingye: Go back to bed early, we have a game tomorrow. ]

After waiting for a while, he didn't reply. Xu Zhinan took out the second piece of training skin and continued to tattoo the design of lotus and koi.

Lin Qingye came out of the shower and saw her standing by the window holding a heavy textbook.


Lin Qingye nodded and said nothing more.

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "No need to thank me, Lin Qingye asked her for it."

It was the first time that Xu Zhinan liked someone like this, his whole heart and eyes were filled with him, and he didn't even know how to pretend.

This pack of cigarettes has been in his pocket for a while. Quitting smoking has been quite effective. He has indeed smoked less recently. Unfortunately, he still broke the habit tonight.

"Well, I just signed it."

So Xu Zhinan continued to practice tomorrow's content on the artificial leather. Lin Qingye didn't disturb her anymore. He looked at his phone for a while, turned the notebook to a blank page, and continued writing.

Xu Zhinan encountered a bottleneck in his studies for the first time and was very anxious.

As soon as Xu Zhinan approached the dormitory, he was surrounded by Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue, asking how the date was.

Lin Qingye replied "ok" and then drove away.

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

Lin Qingye waited for her for a while, and after discovering her trick, he reached out and took away her book, raising his arms high.

Lin Qingye paused and finally replied "Okay".

He's actually very catchy when he plays music.


"Oops." She complained softly, "I really don't want to eat it."

Lin Qingye: "There are so many. There is an exam tomorrow. How can I memorize them all?"

The totem among them was probably the most special. It was also the first time for Lin Qingye to see her draw a totem.

The wind blew in through the cracks in the car windows.

"Didn't you memorize it a few days ago?"

So Xu Zhinan continued to practice tomorrow's content on the artificial leather. Lin Qingye didn't disturb her anymore. He looked at his phone for a while, turned the notebook to a blank page, and continued writing.

She looked up to Lin Qingye for three years, during which time she had random thoughts and tossing and turning.

Totem provides the material of the phoenix, but totem and realism are completely different. Totem does not need to be lifelike, but is an abstract intention, and you need to design it yourself.

Lin Qingye smiled: "Just sleep."

"Yes, yes." She agreed, troubled.


It's very simple, with a gradient color from black to red, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

After finishing a cigarette, he blew the air for a while before he straightened up again. He was about to go out with the kettle in hand when he suddenly remembered that he had told Xu Zhimun that he wanted to quit smoking, so he rinsed his mouth again.

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "No need to thank me, Lin Qingye asked her for it."

Lin Qingye took the book out of her hand and placed it on the window sill. Then he held her waist and pulled her closer. He smiled evilly into her ear and said, "I can't carry it all the way anyway, so I might as well stop carrying it."

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

Lin Qingye: "There are so many. There is an exam tomorrow. How can I memorize them all?"

"When I get busy, I forget about eating. It's not the first time you've done this."

With Totem's bold and rough style, few people would come to Xu Zhinan to do it, and she naturally had very little experience.

He put his arms around her waist to restrain her, and put the chopsticks into her hands: "Eat first."

Lin Qingye poured a glass of water and put it aside to dry, then stepped forward and put the tattoo pens, exercise sheets and drawings around Xu Zhinan on the bookshelf.

Normally she would obey at this point, but today she was really eager to "study" and struggled a few times: "No, no, no, Brother Qingye, I might fail the exam if I don't memorize it."

"Then come out first and carry it to the living room."

How is this possible

Lin Qingye didn't answer, but raised the demo in his hand: "I'll return it to you after I finish the modifications in a few days."

Anyway, the group champion who has already been decided will get the tattoo, so there is no need to worry about what if the tattoo is not good.

"You really don't want to go back?"

[Lin Guancheng: Let’s go home tomorrow. ]

Xu Zhi murmured and smiled: "No need to thank me, Lin Qingye asked her for it."

But because Wei Jing, the group champion of the School group, had withdrawn, there were only three PK questions left.

Xu Zhinan thought to himself.

"I won't have dinner, I can't finish it."

The palm that covered Xu Zhinan's eyes just now was stained with some smell. It was not her smell, but some very light powdery smell - she was wearing makeup today.

"Well, I'll go back after you finish practicing. I slept late anyway."

Fortunately, there were not many senior classes. In the few days before Xu Zhinan's finals, he spent most of his time working, attending class, and drawing design drawings.

After he finished speaking, he took the cigarette case and lighter and went out to smoke.


Apart from the accident, I just find it cute.

She had maintained such a relationship with Lin Qingye for three years.

But before the words came out, Lin Qingye leaned over and sealed his lips.

Xu Zhinan pursed his lips and said honestly: "I want to endorse it."

Xu Zhinan rubbed his eyes, yawned, and replied: Yes.

"What's the matter?"

Normally she would obey at this point, but today she was really eager to "study" and struggled a few times: "No, no, no, Brother Qingye, I might fail the exam if I don't memorize it."

"That's not true. After all, he is the person I like."

Xu Zhinan yawned a few more times.

Xu Zhinan's face turned red at his words, and he couldn't even think about what "I do mine" meant.

"Do you good students always like to talk about failing a class?" Lin Qingye said amusedly, picking her chin, "With the notes you made, it's even difficult to fail the class."

Xu Zhinan froze, and his fingers that were about to turn the page stopped.

Normally she would obey at this point, but today she was really eager to "study" and struggled a few times: "No, no, no, Brother Qingye, I might fail the exam if I don't memorize it."

Xu Zhinan grabbed his troublesome hand: "But I really don't have time to carry it."

Lin Qingye looked at her from a distance for a while, then leaned closer and couldn't help but reach out and touch her eyelashes.

Lin Qingye originally didn't want to disturb her, so he stayed outside in the living room. He wanted to order takeout for dinner when she came out when she was hungry, but he couldn't wait, so he went into the bedroom again.

Lin Qingye grinded his teeth on the cigarette holder several times before biting out the shredded tobacco. He threw the cigarette aside and rested his forehead with his hand, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Relax for a while and you'll carry it faster." He said in a bad tone, leaning over and pecked her ear, "How about I do mine and you carry yours?"

Lin Qingye originally didn't want to disturb her, so he stayed outside in the living room. He wanted to order takeout for dinner when she came out when she was hungry, but he couldn't wait, so he went into the bedroom again.

Lin Qingye: "There are so many. There is an exam tomorrow. How can I memorize them all?"

[Lin Qingye: What’s wrong? ]


Xu Zhinan felt uncomfortable after being so cruel just now. Finally, he felt more comfortable while lying on his stomach, so he calmed down and reclined while lying on his stomach.

Lin Qingye glanced at her, curled his lips and laughed softly. Without saying anything, he handed the chopsticks to her: "You can practice after eating."

I didn't rush to drive home. I just sat in the car and took a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it into my mouth. I didn't light it, but only smelled the smell of tobacco.


After finishing the first set with the exercise skin, she felt a little sleepy.