Madly in Love with You

Chapter 42


After hanging up the phone, Xu Zhinan's heart couldn't calm down for a long time. Not only her, but even Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue couldn't calm down.

Zhao Qian came over and took it to have a look. She was shocked when she saw the words "I Come for Singing" on the base. She quickly put it back carefully for fear of damaging it.

Lu Xihe finally noticed something was wrong from her extremely serious expression: "What's wrong? Have you seen this picture before?"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Zhinan's heart couldn't calm down for a long time. Not only her, but even Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue couldn't calm down.

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

Regarding age, the police department had previously conducted a criminal profile and estimated the age.

When she answered Lin Qingye's call, Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue were also beside her. They were instantly stunned by his two words and turned into screaming chickens on the spot.

Lin Qingye was quiet for a moment, said nothing, and just gently held her in his arms.

"Hurry up, little girl, you don't even know how to pay attention to safety."

There is a reason why Lu Xihe was able to become such a big assassin. His few words hit the nail on the head and were indeed reasonable.

Because of her words, the tears that were on the verge of bursting finally burst out and fell into his palm.

The murderer of Xu Yuanwen could never be found.

Guan Chi rubbed his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Maybe we celebrate in front of Pingchuan Zhiguang?"

When she hadn't even graduated from high school.

Lin Qingye bent down slightly, approached and asked, "Guess what it is?"

Lin Qingye also heard it. Xu Zhinan felt embarrassed and hurriedly covered his mouth. Finally, he hung up the phone in a panic without giving a response.

Lu Xihe's master is named Xie Ying.


"Why do you think the captain is doing this so late at night?" Fourteen was puzzled.

Lin Qingye didn't call again, and there was a closing celebration banquet coming up, so Xu Zhinan didn't bother him any further.


The assassin's shop and her tattoo shop don't seem to be in the same dimension.

Xu Yuanwen is busy with work, but whenever he has free time, he will take Xu Zhinan out to play.

"That's it."

"I miss him so much." Her voice was very thin because she was crying.

The school was exceptionally quiet at this time, and she and Lin Qingye rarely had the opportunity to stand outside and talk like this.

Xu Zhinan took a deep breath and said, "The murderer who killed my father had a tattoo like this on his body."

After turning off the lights, the three chatted for a while and then went to sleep.


Lu Xihe finally noticed something was wrong from her extremely serious expression: "What's wrong? Have you seen this picture before?"

She later told Xu Yuanwen about this and he quickly asked a friend to buy her a box.

"This, the flame and the venomous snake, is quite old, probably more than 10 years old."

Various entries related to the finals of "I Come for Singing" have become hot searches, led by #Lin Qingye wins the championship#. Xu Zhinan clicked on it and took a look.

Jiang Yue had sharp eyes and quickly noticed the necklace hanging around Xu Zhinan's neck: "Wow, Nan, when did you buy this necklace? It's so beautiful."

On the other hand, Guan Chi and Shisi had nothing to do tonight, so they made an appointment to have a midnight snack together in the commercial street next to the bar.

She saw a "familiar" pattern.

Clean forest and clear fields.

The first hot comment was a GIF of him holding the trophy and smiling at the camera, which received over 100,000 likes.


"You can eat at any time, but you can't give gifts after a certain time."

"Fuck, is this the championship trophy that Lin Qingye won yesterday?"

Lu Xihe and Xie Ying were both silent, and looked at each other. Xie Ying also became serious and sat up straight: "Little girl, are you sure that this is the picture on the murderer's body? Are you sure you remember it correctly?"

Xu Zhinan clicked "like" and looked at it for a while. It was already very late, so she turned off her phone and went to sleep.

Lin Qingye noticed it when he approached, paused, and then walked over faster.

"Wait a minute." Lin Qingye grabbed her wrist, "Do you really believe that the gift I gave you is myself?"

"That's it."

"Why do you think the captain is doing this so late at night?" Fourteen was puzzled.

There was only one fat boy in the school whose family worked in real estate who had one, and he shared it with everyone. He saw that Xu Zhinan was pretty, so he gave her one extra.

Various entries related to the finals of "I Come for Singing" have become hot searches, led by #Lin Qingye wins the championship#. Xu Zhinan clicked on it and took a look.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a sudden buzz in my ear and my cell phone lit up.

Thump, thump, she could almost hear her heartbeat.

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

Much prettier than that tattoo trophy she has.

He smiled and said "Happy Birthday".

Xie Ying walked the two to the door, and suddenly remembered: "Oh, right."

Xu Zhinan pointed it out to him.

Lu Xihe and Xie Ying were both silent, and looked at each other. Xie Ying also became serious and sat up straight: "Little girl, are you sure that this is the picture on the murderer's body? Are you sure you remember it correctly?"

Xu Zhinan squinted his eyes sleepily, reached out from under the quilt to feel for his cell phone, and woke up when he saw the caller ID - it was Lin Qingye calling.

Much prettier than that tattoo trophy she has.

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.

"I don't know either." Lu Xihe pushed Xu Zhinan on the shoulder, "This girl saw a tattoo picture of yours from your early years and insisted on coming to see you."

She covered her head with the quilt, hid in it, and said in a low voice: "Hello?"

"Then... do you remember what characteristics that person had?"

He smiled and said "Happy Birthday".

Lin Qingye realized it was already late when he heard her voice: "Are you asleep?"

“Assassin” is indeed lacking a tattoo artist who is good enough in realistic style.

Much prettier than that tattoo trophy she has.

"I'm not asleep yet. The lights are off. Why are you calling me so late?"

"No, WeChat wasn't popular at that time. Even if I left my phone number, I'd lost my phone twice before and it's long gone."

"Yes, I will." Xu Zhinan smiled at him, "My father is also a policeman, I know what to do."

Xie Ying had tried hard to recall, but the available information was of little help.

Thump, thump, she could almost hear her heartbeat.

It is very difficult to solve an old case when it is brought up again.

"It's a rare birthday, I want to see you."

After turning off the lights, the three chatted for a while and then went to sleep.

Xie Ying looked at Xu Zhinan behind him, waving a palm-leaf fan like an immortal: "Stop being polite. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

The customers laughed too.

Xu Zhinan glanced at the time: "There are only 15 minutes left until tomorrow, see you tomorrow."

Xu Zhinan lay on the table, his eyes pressed hard on his arms, and he could feel a wet mark spreading out.

Xu Zhinan's heart sank a little, because there was not even a signature on the design drawing.

At that time, a kind of chocolate was very popular in school, but it was very expensive. It was imported from foreign countries and had exquisite packaging. A box of chocolates had all kinds of colors and flavors.

The first hot comment was a GIF of him holding the trophy and smiling at the camera, which received over 100,000 likes.

"You can eat at any time, but you can't give gifts after a certain time."

Xu Zhinan pointed it out to him.

Lin Qingye was quiet for a moment, said nothing, and just gently held her in his arms.

"Ah Nan."

Xu Zhinan climbed out of bed quietly, and didn't even change her clothes for fear of waking up her roommate. She just put on a thin jacket over her light pink nightgown.

There are ten minutes left until the next day.


"And some other gifts."

He has been very busy these days. After the end of "I Come for Singing", many shows invited him, but Lin Qingye rejected them all and devoted himself to the production of his new album.

He smiled, his voice gentle: "I miss seeing you."

"Why am I here with you? Have I lost my memory?"

"Yes, but he doesn't do it anymore. He is enjoying his old age and looking after his grandchildren."

Time passes by minute by minute and is about to cross zero.

"It's quite late, you should go back soon, I want to go back to bed too."

"… "

"I'm downstairs in your dormitory now."

When she answered Lin Qingye's call, Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue were also beside her. They were instantly stunned by his two words and turned into screaming chickens on the spot.

Lu Xihe and Xie Ying were both silent, and looked at each other. Xie Ying also became serious and sat up straight: "Little girl, are you sure that this is the picture on the murderer's body? Are you sure you remember it correctly?"

Lu Xihe waved his hand: "Go away, get out of here."

"So he gave you two birthday presents, the trophy and the necklace, and anything else?"


Xu Yuanwen raised Xu Zhinan in wealth, giving her whatever she wanted, and she was never dissatisfied.

When she answered Lin Qingye's call, Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue were also beside her. They were instantly stunned by his two words and turned into screaming chickens on the spot.

Without even a hint or range, how could Xu Zhinan guess

After he finished speaking, Xu Zhinan's heart beat heavily, then seemed to stop for two seconds, and then started beating even more rapidly again.

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.


"Is this for me?"



"Little girl, I see you are still young, and I don't know what you are going to do. I'll just say one more thing, be careful and leave it to the police."

Xu Zhinan's heart sank a little, because there was not even a signature on the design drawing.

The October nights were not as muggy as before.

Thump, thump, she could almost hear her heartbeat.

"… "

"It's a rare birthday, I want to see you."

Aren't you supposed to be at the closing celebration party

Xu Zhinan said "Hello, Grandpa" and showed Xie Ying the photo he had just taken with his phone: "This."

"It's a rare birthday, I want to see you."

Xu Zhinan couldn't ask, and blinked twice very slowly: "Now?"

"Thank you, Grandpa. Are you still in touch with him?"

Another tattoo artist nearby joked, "How can you talk like that? They are just eager to recruit talents, don't you agree, boss?"

"I don't know either." Lu Xihe pushed Xu Zhinan on the shoulder, "This girl saw a tattoo picture of yours from your early years and insisted on coming to see you."

Xu Zhinan remembered what he said last night—the clean me.

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.

Xu Zhinan's heart sank a little, because there was not even a signature on the design drawing.

The sensor lights in the corridor lit up and went out one by one as she walked.

Lin Qingye patted her back gently, without asking any more questions, but just repeated tirelessly: "I'm here."

She was a little hesitant.

Much prettier than that tattoo trophy she has.

She has seen her father handle too many cases since she was a child. In her eyes, Xu Yuanwen is a hero. He catches bad guys and punishes evil and promotes good. She never thought that her father would die.

He smiled, his voice gentle: "I miss seeing you."

"Why do you think the captain is doing this so late at night?" Fourteen was puzzled.

When she first started practicing, she practiced this totem on artificial leather over and over again, so there was no way she would forget it.

"… "

Zhao Qian couldn't help but swear again, looking at Xu Zhinan, then at the trophy, "This birthday present is too damn good."

After he finished speaking, Xu Zhinan's heart beat heavily, then seemed to stop for two seconds, and then started beating even more rapidly again.

The October nights were not as muggy as before.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a sudden buzz in my ear and my cell phone lit up.

I can no longer bear the longing.

He turned around and said to Xu Zhinan, "Come on, sister An Nan, let's go inside and talk."

She has been missing her father ever since he died, but after so many years, that longing has been buried deep in her heart. But now it has been dug up again, vividly before her eyes.

Lu Xihe said cheerfully: "Of course I remember this, he is my mentor."

Xu Zhinan climbed out of bed quietly, and didn't even change her clothes for fear of waking up her roommate. She just put on a thin jacket over her light pink nightgown.

"I think I've seen this on a designer's Instagram before." Zhao Qian said as she took out her phone and swiped the screen until she finally found it. "Look! The jewelry designed by this designer is all one-of-a-kind. I heard the prices are also very expensive. Because the group that can afford her jewelry is quite fixed, the actual prices are never marked on these social apps."

Xu Zhinan's tears seeped into the clothes on his shoulders. She called his name in a sobbing voice, as if she was trying to grasp something that even she couldn't explain clearly.

Lu Xihe and Xie Ying were both silent, and looked at each other. Xie Ying also became serious and sat up straight: "Little girl, are you sure that this is the picture on the murderer's body? Are you sure you remember it correctly?"

Xu Zhinan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his fingers unconsciously exerted force, with his nails digging into the fingertips.

The sensor lights in the corridor lit up and went out one by one as she walked.

They chose a shopping mall very close to Pingchuan University to have their meal.

He glanced at the time again, and then counted down in a low voice:

Lu Xihe waved his hand: "Go away, get out of here."

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a sudden buzz in my ear and my cell phone lit up.

The three members of their family were all gentle in character, and they remained calm even when they occasionally had conflicts of opinion. Xu Zhinan had never heard any quarrels at home before.

"Hey, isn't this the champion who slapped our boss to death on the beach?"

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.

The wind blew and it suddenly became quieter. She slowed down her pace again and walked towards the entrance of the park.

Lu Xihe squatted aside: "Ah Nan, why are you asking this? Are you looking for that customer?"

Last night, Xu Zhinan sneaked out of the dormitory without waking up Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue. When they woke up in the morning and saw the trophy on her desk, they were shocked.

"Well, Brother Lu, can you take me to see your master? This map is very important to me."

Lin Qingye realized it was already late when he heard her voice: "Are you asleep?"

Having said that, Xu Zhinan just wanted him to win the championship and never thought of asking him to give the trophy to him.

Lu Xihe waved his hand: "Go away, get out of here."

"..." Fourteen was still puzzled, "It's so late, Pingchuan Zhiguang must be asleep, isn't he disturbing people's sleep?"

The dorm auntie asked, "Why are you out so late?"

He raised his hand, clenched his fist, and held it in front of her.

He smiled, his voice gentle: "I miss seeing you."

"Hurry up, little girl, you don't even know how to pay attention to safety."

The sensor lights in the corridor lit up and went out one by one as she walked.

"This, the flame and the venomous snake, is quite old, probably more than 10 years old."

For a newcomer, this is definitely not a job that makes money quickly. Even being a waitress is faster than learning tattooing. But she wanted to start from this point, hoping to find some clues about the murderer of her father.

"Very quickly, auntie, there's something."

We ate until two in the afternoon and left with the buffet owner looking at us strangely.

Only then did Xu Zhinan realize that many of the details in this design were very similar to those of Lu Xihe.

Clean forest and clear fields.

"That person..."

The wind blew and it suddenly became quieter. She slowed down her pace again and walked towards the entrance of the park.

"Hurry up, little girl, you don't even know how to pay attention to safety."

"By the way, take a look at this one first. It's a collection of our design drawings."

Lin Qingye also heard it. Xu Zhinan felt embarrassed and hurriedly covered his mouth. Finally, he hung up the phone in a panic without giving a response.

Xu Zhinan remembered what he said last night—the clean me.

"You're the one who got the tattoo, and now you're looking down on me."

Xu Zhinan swiped her card and went out, and replied, "I'm outside, Auntie."

Xu Zhinan has a deep affection for his father.

We ate until two in the afternoon and left with the buffet owner looking at us strangely.

Xu Zhinan was stunned. She didn't expect that this necklace had such a background.

"Oh, this one is quite old. I had just started tattooing at that time. Strictly speaking, this can't really be considered as being done in an assassin's shop. There were no assassins at that time."

Xu Zhinan clicked "like" and looked at it for a while. It was already very late, so she turned off her phone and went to sleep.

The night was quiet, and she then realized that the light on the side of the road outside had been repaired at some point.

"Oh, this one is quite old. I had just started tattooing at that time. Strictly speaking, this can't really be considered as being done in an assassin's shop. There were no assassins at that time."

But now, after so many years, she still hasn't found the same tattoo and she was about to give up.

She didn't see Lin Qingye, so she looked to the side and her gaze paused.

Zhao Qian also came closer to take a look: "Could this also be a gift from Lin Qingye?"

It is a very large room with open areas all around, decorated in black, white and grey. On the walls are painted all kinds of flamboyant and unrestrained images, giving it a particularly distinctive style.


He probably came directly from the recording location. He was still wearing the same clothes he wore on the stage. His dark blue hair was messy due to the wind. He was standing in the dark, with a mask covering half of his face, so his expression could not be seen clearly.

Standing at the entrance of the mall, the sun was shining brightly outside, Lu Xihe asked, "Anan sister, my store is only five minutes drive east from here, do you want to go for a ride?"

"Yes, but he doesn't do it anymore. He is enjoying his old age and looking after his grandchildren."

Zhao Qian couldn't help but swear again, looking at Xu Zhinan, then at the trophy, "This birthday present is too damn good."

The little girl's eyes were red, but there were no traces of tears on her face. Only her eyelashes were wet with tears.

"Fuck, is this the championship trophy that Lin Qingye won yesterday?"

The booklet records everything clearly, with the name of the designer of each design drawing marked and sorted by serial number.

Then he raised his hand and beckoned her over.

"Here." Lin Qingye said.

"Wait a minute." Lin Qingye grabbed her wrist, "Do you really believe that the gift I gave you is myself?"

Walking up to him, she looked up at him and said, "Why did you come here so soon? Don't you want to have dinner with everyone to celebrate?"

Guan Chi looked at him with a puzzled look: "I think I know why you haven't had a girlfriend for such a long time."

Xu Zhinan couldn't ask, and blinked twice very slowly: "Now?"

There is a reason why Lu Xihe was able to become such a big assassin. His few words hit the nail on the head and were indeed reasonable.

Xu Zhinan continued to flip through the pages, but when he reached the last few pages, his gaze suddenly paused and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Xu Zhinan walked towards him slowly. She came out in a hurry and had not combed her hair, so she quickly smoothed it with her hands.

The booklet records everything clearly, with the name of the designer of each design drawing marked and sorted by serial number.

"Yeah." He laughed, "Didn't you ask me to win a championship as well?"

From the time she saw the tattoo until now, her hands and feet have been cold.

Xie Ying walked the two to the door, and suddenly remembered: "Oh, right."

Walking up to him, she looked up at him and said, "Why did you come here so soon? Don't you want to have dinner with everyone to celebrate?"

Xu Zhinan glanced at the time: "There are only 15 minutes left until tomorrow, see you tomorrow."

He couldn't help laughing again and tapped her face twice with his fingers: "Why are you blushing? What are you thinking about?"

"… "

Xu Zhinan was stunned. She didn't expect that this necklace had such a background.

Xie Ying walked the two to the door, and suddenly remembered: "Oh, right."

Xu Zhinan couldn't ask, and blinked twice very slowly: "Now?"

"You can eat at any time, but you can't give gifts after a certain time."

"… "

Everyone was talking at the same time, and the atmosphere in the store was very good. It was obvious that Lu Xihe was a normal person and even his tattoo artists dared to make fun of him directly.

From the time she saw the tattoo until now, her hands and feet have been cold.

There are ten minutes left until the next day.


After he finished speaking, Xu Zhinan's heart beat heavily, then seemed to stop for two seconds, and then started beating even more rapidly again.

"The clean me."

There is a reason why Lu Xihe was able to become such a big assassin. His few words hit the nail on the head and were indeed reasonable.

Xu Zhinan walked towards him slowly. She came out in a hurry and had not combed her hair, so she quickly smoothed it with her hands.

The murderer of Xu Yuanwen could never be found.

Xu Zhinan swiped her card and went out, and replied, "I'm outside, Auntie."

Just as Lu Xihe said, the overall style of the Assassin's Shop is very different from Xu Zhinan's, which can be seen from this booklet.

The last ten minutes of Xu Zhinan’s birthday.

Much prettier than that tattoo trophy she has.

There is a reason why Lu Xihe was able to become such a big assassin. His few words hit the nail on the head and were indeed reasonable.

He stretched out his right hand from behind his back, holding a trophy. It was the one she saw during the live broadcast. It was golden and beautifully designed. The name "I Come for Singing" and a microphone icon were written in elegant fonts on the base of the trophy.

Lu Xihe finally noticed something was wrong from her extremely serious expression: "What's wrong? Have you seen this picture before?"

"You can eat at any time, but you can't give gifts after a certain time."

He stretched out his right hand from behind his back, holding a trophy. It was the one she saw during the live broadcast. It was golden and beautifully designed. The name "I Come for Singing" and a microphone icon were written in elegant fonts on the base of the trophy.

Xu Yuanwen raised Xu Zhinan in wealth, giving her whatever she wanted, and she was never dissatisfied.

"I don't know either." Lu Xihe pushed Xu Zhinan on the shoulder, "This girl saw a tattoo picture of yours from your early years and insisted on coming to see you."

Various entries related to the finals of "I Come for Singing" have become hot searches, led by #Lin Qingye wins the championship#. Xu Zhinan clicked on it and took a look.

Much prettier than that tattoo trophy she has.

Xu Zhinan followed him to Xie Ying's residence, turned into an alley, and heard Lu Xihe shouting, "Master!"

"Come to see you." Lu Xihe handed over the fruit cakes he had just bought.

For a newcomer, this is definitely not a job that makes money quickly. Even being a waitress is faster than learning tattooing. But she wanted to start from this point, hoping to find some clues about the murderer of her father.


"Here." Lin Qingye said.

Zhao Qian also came closer to take a look: "Could this also be a gift from Lin Qingye?"

Xu Zhinan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his fingers unconsciously exerted force, with his nails digging into the fingertips.

"He came to see me after turning off the lights yesterday." Xu Zhinan pursed his lips, "It was my birthday present."

Clean forest and clear fields.

When she hadn't even graduated from high school.

"Is this for me?"

"… "

Last night, Xu Zhinan sneaked out of the dormitory without waking up Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue. When they woke up in the morning and saw the trophy on her desk, they were shocked.

"To be honest, although there are some specialties that are good enough to make a living in tattooing, if you want to improve, you must be able to master all kinds of styles. It will definitely be good for you to come to our shop. The style of our shop may give you a lot of new inspiration."

"Yeah." He laughed, "Didn't you ask me to win a championship as well?"

Another tattoo artist nearby joked, "How can you talk like that? They are just eager to recruit talents, don't you agree, boss?"

He smiled, his voice gentle: "I miss seeing you."

"You can eat at any time, but you can't give gifts after a certain time."

He walked up to her, bent down, held her face in his hands, and said in a gentle and deep voice: "What's wrong, An Nan?"

Having said that, Xu Zhinan just wanted him to win the championship and never thought of asking him to give the trophy to him.

"The clean me."

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

"Next time if you want to participate in the competition, let me be your model." He said nonchalantly, "Or if I make you angry one day, you can stab me."

"I'm not asleep yet. The lights are off. Why are you calling me so late?"

So the two of them, each holding a skewer, squatted on the side of the road, looking at the fireworks not far away. There were only three shots, and they had all been fired.

Guan Chi took a bite of the skewer, stood up, and glared at Fourteen on the butt: "Go pick up the salute and throw it away, otherwise the owner of this barbecue restaurant will come out to scold you."

Xu Zhinan hesitated for a moment, but finally took it and held the trophy in her arms. She smiled with her eyes curved: "Thank you, I like it very much."

…as if she were so fierce.


"The clean me."

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.

Lu Xihe's master is named Xie Ying.

"… "

We ate until two in the afternoon and left with the buffet owner looking at us strangely.

"And some other gifts."

Clean forest and clear fields.

The little girl's eyes were red, but there were no traces of tears on her face. Only her eyelashes were wet with tears.

The booklet records everything clearly, with the name of the designer of each design drawing marked and sorted by serial number.

After he finished speaking, Xu Zhinan's heart beat heavily, then seemed to stop for two seconds, and then started beating even more rapidly again.

Lin Qingye noticed it when he approached, paused, and then walked over faster.

Xu Zhinan said "Hello, Grandpa" and showed Xie Ying the photo he had just taken with his phone: "This."


The night was quiet, and she then realized that the light on the side of the road outside had been repaired at some point.


"This, the flame and the venomous snake, is quite old, probably more than 10 years old."

“Assassin” is indeed lacking a tattoo artist who is good enough in realistic style.

Only then did Xu Zhinan realize that many of the details in this design were very similar to those of Lu Xihe.

He smiled and said "Happy Birthday".

With a "slap", Lin Qingye's hand was slapped away, and he retracted his hand and put it in his pocket. He looked at her and explained lazily: "I'll give you a clean tattoo for my practice hand."

The little girl was wearing a soft light pink pajamas. Her hair was down. She had tied a hairband in the morning, and there was a crease in the middle of her black hair. She was looking at him with clear eyes and had fair skin.

Lin Qingye bent down slightly, approached and asked, "Guess what it is?"

Lin Qingye didn't call again, and there was a closing celebration banquet coming up, so Xu Zhinan didn't bother him any further.

Xu Zhinan's heart sank a little, because there was not even a signature on the design drawing.

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.

Without even a hint or range, how could Xu Zhinan guess

"And some other gifts."

Xu Zhinan continued to flip through the pages, but when he reached the last few pages, his gaze suddenly paused and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Lin Qingye took out his cell phone and checked the time.

The sensor lights in the corridor lit up and went out one by one as she walked.

There is insufficient evidence now, and there are no related cases to provide new evidence. It is even possible that the murderer has already passed away in the past few years and they will never be able to find him again.

For a newcomer, this is definitely not a job that makes money quickly. Even being a waitress is faster than learning tattooing. But she wanted to start from this point, hoping to find some clues about the murderer of her father.

"… "

He stretched out his right hand from behind his back, holding a trophy. It was the one she saw during the live broadcast. It was golden and beautifully designed. The name "I Come for Singing" and a microphone icon were written in elegant fonts on the base of the trophy.

She blinked. "What?"


Xie Ying had tried hard to recall, but the available information was of little help.

The little girl was wearing a soft light pink pajamas. Her hair was down. She had tied a hairband in the morning, and there was a crease in the middle of her black hair. She was looking at him with clear eyes and had fair skin.

"Come to see you." Lu Xihe handed over the fruit cakes he had just bought.


…as if she were so fierce.

Lu Xihe said, pulling out a thick booklet from the bookshelf next to him, with several pieces of paper tucked inside. "These are the main styles of our store, which are quite different from yours. So our store is usually populated by men, and there are very few girls who want large tattoos. This is why I hope you can join us."

Xu Zhinan walked towards him slowly. She came out in a hurry and had not combed her hair, so she quickly smoothed it with her hands.

Lin Qingye noticed it when he approached, paused, and then walked over faster.

Xu Zhinan said "Hello, Grandpa" and showed Xie Ying the photo he had just taken with his phone: "This."

Lin Qingye teased her: "Me."

He has been very busy these days. After the end of "I Come for Singing", many shows invited him, but Lin Qingye rejected them all and devoted himself to the production of his new album.

For a newcomer, this is definitely not a job that makes money quickly. Even being a waitress is faster than learning tattooing. But she wanted to start from this point, hoping to find some clues about the murderer of her father.

Guan Chi looked at him with a puzzled look: "I think I know why you haven't had a girlfriend for such a long time."

Just as Lu Xihe said, the overall style of the Assassin's Shop is very different from Xu Zhinan's, which can be seen from this booklet.

"Have you tattooed this picture for many people, or was it bought out by just one person?"

"Hurry up, little girl, you don't even know how to pay attention to safety."

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.

Xu Zhinan walked towards him slowly. She came out in a hurry and had not combed her hair, so she quickly smoothed it with her hands.


Lu Xihe waved his hand: "Go away, get out of here."

"Do you remember who designed this?"

Lin Qingye realized it was already late when he heard her voice: "Are you asleep?"

"The clean me."

"I think I've seen this on a designer's Instagram before." Zhao Qian said as she took out her phone and swiped the screen until she finally found it. "Look! The jewelry designed by this designer is all one-of-a-kind. I heard the prices are also very expensive. Because the group that can afford her jewelry is quite fixed, the actual prices are never marked on these social apps."

Regarding age, the police department had previously conducted a criminal profile and estimated the age.

Xu Zhinan was stunned. She didn't expect that this necklace had such a background.

"… "

"Oh? My tattoos are almost outdated now, which one are you talking about?"

Xu Zhinan said "Hello, Grandpa" and showed Xie Ying the photo he had just taken with his phone: "This."

Everyone was talking at the same time, and the atmosphere in the store was very good. It was obvious that Lu Xihe was a normal person and even his tattoo artists dared to make fun of him directly.

Xu Zhinan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his fingers unconsciously exerted force, with his nails digging into the fingertips.

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.

But Xu Zhinan had thought about these things before, but later she felt that if her shop continued to develop, she would be able to recruit other tattoo artists and take in apprentices. With more people, learning and integrating different styles would be possible.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Zhinan's heart couldn't calm down for a long time. Not only her, but even Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue couldn't calm down.

Walking up to him, she looked up at him and said, "Why did you come here so soon? Don't you want to have dinner with everyone to celebrate?"

"Thank you, Grandpa. Are you still in touch with him?"

Xu Zhinan took a deep breath and said, "The murderer who killed my father had a tattoo like this on his body."

Clean forest and clear fields.

"Yes, but he doesn't do it anymore. He is enjoying his old age and looking after his grandchildren."

"Not really. Besides, this place is quite far from the studio. If we want to celebrate, we should go to the studio."


He couldn't help laughing again and tapped her face twice with his fingers: "Why are you blushing? What are you thinking about?"

The last ten minutes of Xu Zhinan’s birthday.

"That's it."

Xu Zhinan immediately thought of the time when he accused her of being a lecher and immediately slapped his hand away: "I didn't think that."

Xu Zhinan pointed it out to him.

He raised his hand, clenched his fist, and held it in front of her.

With a "slap", Lin Qingye's hand was slapped away, and he retracted his hand and put it in his pocket. He looked at her and explained lazily: "I'll give you a clean tattoo for my practice hand."

"Celebrating winning the championship?"

The three members of their family were all gentle in character, and they remained calm even when they occasionally had conflicts of opinion. Xu Zhinan had never heard any quarrels at home before.

Xu Yuanwen raised Xu Zhinan in wealth, giving her whatever she wanted, and she was never dissatisfied.

Zhao Qian came over and took it to have a look. She was shocked when she saw the words "I Come for Singing" on the base. She quickly put it back carefully for fear of damaging it.

"Next time if you want to participate in the competition, let me be your model." He said nonchalantly, "Or if I make you angry one day, you can stab me."

Lin Qingye was quiet for a moment, said nothing, and just gently held her in his arms.

The captain spoke, so the two of them naturally helped.

Xie Ying looked at Xu Zhinan behind him, waving a palm-leaf fan like an immortal: "Stop being polite. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

He said it seriously, but Xu Zhinan smiled: "Oh."

"Yeah." He laughed, "Didn't you ask me to win a championship as well?"

Xu Zhinan's tears seeped into the clothes on his shoulders. She called his name in a sobbing voice, as if she was trying to grasp something that even she couldn't explain clearly.

"That's it."

Xu Zhinan said "Hello, Grandpa" and showed Xie Ying the photo he had just taken with his phone: "This."


Xie Ying had tried hard to recall, but the available information was of little help.

Xie Ying had tried hard to recall, but the available information was of little help.

"It's getting late, so we'll leave first." Lu Xihe said goodbye.

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

"You're not clean either." She stretched out a finger and pointed, "You've got tattoos all over your back."

"… "

Suddenly there was a "bang" in the air and fireworks bloomed in the air.

"Ah Nan."

"You're the one who got the tattoo, and now you're looking down on me."

He smiled and said "Happy Birthday".

The assassin's shop and her tattoo shop don't seem to be in the same dimension.

There are ten minutes left until the next day.

The October nights were not as muggy as before.

The dorm auntie asked, "Why are you out so late?"

Xu Zhinan turned his head away, snorted, and couldn't help laughing: "Who wants to use you as a training ground?"

Xu Zhinan opened the booklet he handed to her.

Xu Zhinan swiped her card and went out, and replied, "I'm outside, Auntie."

After he finished speaking, Xu Zhinan's heart beat heavily, then seemed to stop for two seconds, and then started beating even more rapidly again.

"Next time if you want to participate in the competition, let me be your model." He said nonchalantly, "Or if I make you angry one day, you can stab me."

Xu Zhinan remembered what he said last night—the clean me.

"… "

…as if she were so fierce.

Xu Zhinan hesitated for a moment, but finally took it and held the trophy in her arms. She smiled with her eyes curved: "Thank you, I like it very much."

"Very quickly, auntie, there's something."

Thump, thump, she could almost hear her heartbeat.

"I don't remember his facial features anymore, he should have been pretty ordinary. I just remember that the man had shoulder-length hair, and he was probably in his 30s or 40s at the time, so he should be around 50 now."

Walking up to him, she looked up at him and said, "Why did you come here so soon? Don't you want to have dinner with everyone to celebrate?"

"This is not entirely drawn by my own inspiration. The customer should have told me the material and I drew this picture according to his requirements. So it must have been bought out. It is impossible for me to give the same tattoo to others."

Xu Zhinan also knew that he was investigating the kidnapping case, but she was not worried at the time.

Time passes by minute by minute and is about to cross zero.

There is also Lu Xihe’s own office inside. It’s more like a tea room than an office.

Xu Zhinan continued to flip through the pages, but when he reached the last few pages, his gaze suddenly paused and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

The school was exceptionally quiet at this time, and she and Lin Qingye rarely had the opportunity to stand outside and talk like this.

Xu Yuanwen is busy with work, but whenever he has free time, he will take Xu Zhinan out to play.

When she answered Lin Qingye's call, Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue were also beside her. They were instantly stunned by his two words and turned into screaming chickens on the spot.

It was a totem tattoo composed of flames and poisonous snakes.

"Why am I here with you? Have I lost my memory?"

"Your master?"

Xu Zhinan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his fingers unconsciously exerted force, with his nails digging into the fingertips.

"Very quickly, auntie, there's something."

Having said that, Xu Zhinan just wanted him to win the championship and never thought of asking him to give the trophy to him.

"It's quite late, you should go back soon, I want to go back to bed too."

"Then... do you remember what characteristics that person had?"

Xu Zhinan was not very good at socializing and originally wanted to refuse, but with Lu Xihe's warm invitation and Xu Zhenfan's instigation and encouragement, he had no choice but to agree to go.

Xie Ying walked the two to the door, and suddenly remembered: "Oh, right."

Lin Qingye was quiet for a moment, said nothing, and just gently held her in his arms.

Xu Yuanwen raised Xu Zhinan in wealth, giving her whatever she wanted, and she was never dissatisfied.

Lin Qingye took out his cell phone and checked the time.

Thump, thump, she could almost hear her heartbeat.

Xu Zhinan took a deep breath and said, "The murderer who killed my father had a tattoo like this on his body."

"Little girl, I see you are still young, and I don't know what you are going to do. I'll just say one more thing, be careful and leave it to the police."

Because of her words, the tears that were on the verge of bursting finally burst out and fell into his palm.


He smiled, his voice gentle: "I miss seeing you."

"I'm downstairs in your dormitory now."

Fang Houyu reminded her a few more times to be careful about her safety, and then hung up the phone after leaving the investigation to them.

It is very difficult to solve an old case when it is brought up again.

"Wait a minute." Lin Qingye grabbed her wrist, "Do you really believe that the gift I gave you is myself?"

But now, after so many years, she still hasn't found the same tattoo and she was about to give up.

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.

Xie Ying took out his reading glasses from his pocket.

"Hmm?" Xu Zhinan was stunned for a moment, not knowing why he asked that, and said blankly, "You won't tattoo me?"

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.

"Yeah." He laughed, "Didn't you ask me to win a championship as well?"

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a sudden buzz in my ear and my cell phone lit up.

When she first started practicing, she practiced this totem on artificial leather over and over again, so there was no way she would forget it.

Xu Zhinan climbed out of bed: "Yeah."

When she answered Lin Qingye's call, Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue were also beside her. They were instantly stunned by his two words and turned into screaming chickens on the spot.

Xu Zhinan was stunned. She didn't expect that this necklace had such a background.

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

"Here." He chuckled, "If you want a tattoo, I'll give it to you. Then I'll give you a third gift."

Lu Xihe's master is named Xie Ying.

"Thank you, Grandpa. Are you still in touch with him?"

Even though Xu Zhinan had clearly rejected him before, Lu Xihe really admired Xu Zhinan and did not give up on this idea.

Xu Zhinan didn't understand what was going on. The words sounded really strange, and he couldn't help but think of something wrong. His eyes couldn't help but look him up and down.

Xu Zhinan couldn't ask, and blinked twice very slowly: "Now?"

"… "

"Oh, this one is quite old. I had just started tattooing at that time. Strictly speaking, this can't really be considered as being done in an assassin's shop. There were no assassins at that time."

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.


Xu Zhinan took a deep breath and said, "The murderer who killed my father had a tattoo like this on his body."

Guan Chi took a bite of the skewer, stood up, and glared at Fourteen on the butt: "Go pick up the salute and throw it away, otherwise the owner of this barbecue restaurant will come out to scold you."

"This, the flame and the venomous snake, is quite old, probably more than 10 years old."

He glanced at the time again, and then counted down in a low voice:

"Hey, isn't this the champion who slapped our boss to death on the beach?"

Only then did Xu Zhinan realize that many of the details in this design were very similar to those of Lu Xihe.

She didn't see Lin Qingye, so she looked to the side and her gaze paused.

Guan Chi took a bite of the skewer, stood up, and glared at Fourteen on the butt: "Go pick up the salute and throw it away, otherwise the owner of this barbecue restaurant will come out to scold you."


Xu Zhinan lay on the table, his eyes pressed hard on his arms, and he could feel a wet mark spreading out.

Lu Xihe pointed at them with his index finger: "I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Because of her words, the tears that were on the verge of bursting finally burst out and fell into his palm.

He raised his hand, clenched his fist, and held it in front of her.

When I won the tattoo design competition, I promised Lu Xihe and Xu Zhenfan that I would treat them to a meal. I had been busy before and had kept putting it off until now.

"It's a rare birthday, I want to see you."

"That's it."


Last night, Xu Zhinan sneaked out of the dormitory without waking up Zhao Qian and Jiang Yue. When they woke up in the morning and saw the trophy on her desk, they were shocked.

"No, WeChat wasn't popular at that time. Even if I left my phone number, I'd lost my phone twice before and it's long gone."

He smiled, his voice gentle: "I miss seeing you."

The little girl's eyes were red, but there were no traces of tears on her face. Only her eyelashes were wet with tears.

When she was little, her mother was busy with her graduating class, so her father took her to the police station. Everyone liked her very much and always played around with her.

Having said that, Xu Zhinan just wanted him to win the championship and never thought of asking him to give the trophy to him.

After Xu Zhinan returned to the tattoo shop, he called Fang Houyu and told him about this.

Lu Xihe straightened his back: "Which one?"

He opened his five fingers, and a necklace fell from his palm, hooking his middle finger. The beautiful sapphire reflected a dazzling light in front of her eyes.

"Here." Lin Qingye said.

"..." Fourteen was still puzzled, "It's so late, Pingchuan Zhiguang must be asleep, isn't he disturbing people's sleep?"

Clean forest and clear fields.

"Little girl, I see you are still young, and I don't know what you are going to do. I'll just say one more thing, be careful and leave it to the police."


It was a totem tattoo composed of flames and poisonous snakes.


The little girl's eyes were red, but there were no traces of tears on her face. Only her eyelashes were wet with tears.


He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.


Suddenly there was a "bang" in the air and fireworks bloomed in the air.


With a "slap", Lin Qingye's hand was slapped away, and he retracted his hand and put it in his pocket. He looked at her and explained lazily: "I'll give you a clean tattoo for my practice hand."



"My dad." She covered her eyes in grievance, anger, and frustration, and lowered her head. "I really miss him."

Various entries related to the finals of "I Come for Singing" have become hot searches, led by #Lin Qingye wins the championship#. Xu Zhinan clicked on it and took a look.

The little girl was wearing a soft light pink pajamas. Her hair was down. She had tied a hairband in the morning, and there was a crease in the middle of her black hair. She was looking at him with clear eyes and had fair skin.

He smiled and said "Happy Birthday".

Zhao Qian came over and took it to have a look. She was shocked when she saw the words "I Come for Singing" on the base. She quickly put it back carefully for fear of damaging it.


Xie Ying looked at Xu Zhinan behind him, waving a palm-leaf fan like an immortal: "Stop being polite. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

The little girl's eyes were red, but there were no traces of tears on her face. Only her eyelashes were wet with tears.

The last few seconds of my birthday were spent with him.

Xie Ying had tried hard to recall, but the available information was of little help.

Xu Zhinan took a deep breath and said, "The murderer who killed my father had a tattoo like this on his body."

The time has come to October 9th.

Walking up to him, she looked up at him and said, "Why did you come here so soon? Don't you want to have dinner with everyone to celebrate?"

"That's it."

The last few seconds of my birthday were spent with him.

"… "

Xu Zhinan lay on the table, his eyes pressed hard on his arms, and he could feel a wet mark spreading out.

"I don't know either." Lu Xihe pushed Xu Zhinan on the shoulder, "This girl saw a tattoo picture of yours from your early years and insisted on coming to see you."

There is also Lu Xihe’s own office inside. It’s more like a tea room than an office.

On the other hand, Guan Chi and Shisi had nothing to do tonight, so they made an appointment to have a midnight snack together in the commercial street next to the bar.

It is very difficult to solve an old case when it is brought up again.

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

There is a reason why Lu Xihe was able to become such a big assassin. His few words hit the nail on the head and were indeed reasonable.


The little girl's eyes were red, but there were no traces of tears on her face. Only her eyelashes were wet with tears.

Halfway through the meal, they received a message from Lin Qingye asking them for a favor.

"This, the flame and the venomous snake, is quite old, probably more than 10 years old."

The last few seconds of my birthday were spent with him.

As for the hairstyle, more than ten years have passed now, and I don’t know if it has been changed.

He raised his hand, clenched his fist, and held it in front of her.

"I don't remember his facial features anymore, he should have been pretty ordinary. I just remember that the man had shoulder-length hair, and he was probably in his 30s or 40s at the time, so he should be around 50 now."

The captain spoke, so the two of them naturally helped.

"Here." He chuckled, "If you want a tattoo, I'll give it to you. Then I'll give you a third gift."

Xu Zhinan looked over and saw an old man sitting at the entrance of the courtyard. He was very old, with gray hair, but still very strong. He was wearing a loose white vest, had muscular build, and both arms were covered with tattoos. He was fanning himself with a palm-leaf fan, looking very leisurely.

"I'm not asleep yet. The lights are off. Why are you calling me so late?"

Xu Zhinan climbed out of bed: "Yeah."

So the two of them, each holding a skewer, squatted on the side of the road, looking at the fireworks not far away. There were only three shots, and they had all been fired.

The October nights were not as muggy as before.

Fang Houyu reminded her a few more times to be careful about her safety, and then hung up the phone after leaving the investigation to them.


"Brother Lu." Her voice trembled slightly, "Is this design also made in your shop?"

There is a blue gem in the middle, which is cut and polished extremely beautifully. Outside the gem is a circle of ring-shaped diamonds, which looks like an asteroid at first glance.

"Why do you think the captain is doing this so late at night?" Fourteen was puzzled.


Guan Chi looked at him with a puzzled look: "I think I know why you haven't had a girlfriend for such a long time."

The three members of their family were all gentle in character, and they remained calm even when they occasionally had conflicts of opinion. Xu Zhinan had never heard any quarrels at home before.

"Oh? My tattoos are almost outdated now, which one are you talking about?"

It would be more cost-effective to invite these two big guys to have a meal together with a buffet.

"Celebrating winning the championship?"

She was a little hesitant.

Xu Zhinan was not very good at socializing and originally wanted to refuse, but with Lu Xihe's warm invitation and Xu Zhenfan's instigation and encouragement, he had no choice but to agree to go.

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.

The dorm auntie asked, "Why are you out so late?"

Suddenly there was a "bang" in the air and fireworks bloomed in the air.

"Not really. Besides, this place is quite far from the studio. If we want to celebrate, we should go to the studio."

When asked what they wanted to eat, they said "buffet" in unison.

At that time, a kind of chocolate was very popular in school, but it was very expensive. It was imported from foreign countries and had exquisite packaging. A box of chocolates had all kinds of colors and flavors.

At the end of the group preliminary round, Lu Xihe had already extended an olive branch to Xu Zhinan, handed her his business card, and hoped that she would consider working in his shop as a resident tattoo artist.

Xu Zhinan squinted his eyes sleepily, reached out from under the quilt to feel for his cell phone, and woke up when he saw the caller ID - it was Lin Qingye calling.

So the two of them, each holding a skewer, squatted on the side of the road, looking at the fireworks not far away. There were only three shots, and they had all been fired.

What's more, she has put a lot of effort into this store and is really reluctant to give it up.

He brewed a pot of tea, poured two cups, and began his brainwashing method.

Guan Chi rubbed his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Maybe we celebrate in front of Pingchuan Zhiguang?"

Xie Ying walked the two to the door, and suddenly remembered: "Oh, right."

Everyone was talking at the same time, and the atmosphere in the store was very good. It was obvious that Lu Xihe was a normal person and even his tattoo artists dared to make fun of him directly.

But now, after so many years, she still hasn't found the same tattoo and she was about to give up.

Suddenly there was a "bang" in the air and fireworks bloomed in the air.

"..." Fourteen was still puzzled, "It's so late, Pingchuan Zhiguang must be asleep, isn't he disturbing people's sleep?"

Lu Xihe and Xie Ying were both silent, and looked at each other. Xie Ying also became serious and sat up straight: "Little girl, are you sure that this is the picture on the murderer's body? Are you sure you remember it correctly?"

"Ah." Xu Zhinan was embarrassed and paused before nodding, "Yeah."

Guan Chi looked at him with a puzzled look: "I think I know why you haven't had a girlfriend for such a long time."

She blinked. "What?"

Xie Ying had tried hard to recall, but the available information was of little help.

Xu Zhinan couldn't ask, and blinked twice very slowly: "Now?"











“… ”













挂了电话后, 许知喃那颗心久久没能平静, 不止是她,就连赵茜和姜月都没法平静。










许知喃睡眼朦胧地眯着眼, 手伸出被子去摸索手机, 看到来电显示后便又清醒了—林清野打来的。


“那… 您还记得那个人他有什么特征吗?”




















“… ”十四依旧很不解,“这么晚了,平川之光肯定睡了吧,他这不扰人清梦吗。”


“那个人啊… ”

















“… ”










































许知喃睡眼朦胧地眯着眼, 手伸出被子去摸索手机, 看到来电显示后便又清醒了—林清野打来的。



熄灯后, 三人聊了会儿天便睡了。





“… ”



"To be honest, although there are some specialties that are good enough to make a living in tattooing, if you want to improve, you must be able to master all kinds of styles. It will definitely be good for you to come to our shop. The style of our shop may give you a lot of new inspiration."

The three members of their family were all gentle in character, and they remained calm even when they occasionally had conflicts of opinion. Xu Zhinan had never heard any quarrels at home before.

He couldn't help laughing again and tapped her face twice with his fingers: "Why are you blushing? What are you thinking about?"

They chose a shopping mall very close to Pingchuan University to have their meal.

Xu Zhinan remembered what he said last night—the clean me.

Xu Zhinan never told anyone why she chose to make money by tattooing after her father died and her mother became seriously ill.

He opened his five fingers, and a necklace fell from his palm, hooking his middle finger. The beautiful sapphire reflected a dazzling light in front of her eyes.


Clean forest and clear fields.

He raised his hand, clenched his fist, and held it in front of her.

"Your master?"

She shook her head: "No more."

Even though Xu Zhinan had clearly rejected him before, Lu Xihe really admired Xu Zhinan and did not give up on this idea.

Xie Ying took out his reading glasses from his pocket.

When I won the tattoo design competition, I promised Lu Xihe and Xu Zhenfan that I would treat them to a meal. I had been busy before and had kept putting it off until now.

It would be more cost-effective to invite these two big guys to have a meal together with a buffet.

"Little girl, I see you are still young, and I don't know what you are going to do. I'll just say one more thing, be careful and leave it to the police."

Lin Qingye patted her back gently, without asking any more questions, but just repeated tirelessly: "I'm here."

The time has come to October 9th.

Guan Chi took a bite of the skewer, stood up, and glared at Fourteen on the butt: "Go pick up the salute and throw it away, otherwise the owner of this barbecue restaurant will come out to scold you."

Guan Chi rubbed his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Maybe we celebrate in front of Pingchuan Zhiguang?"

"You're not clean either." She stretched out a finger and pointed, "You've got tattoos all over your back."

When asked what they wanted to eat, they said "buffet" in unison.

He walked up to her, bent down, held her face in his hands, and said in a gentle and deep voice: "What's wrong, An Nan?"


"Why am I here with you? Have I lost my memory?"

She has seen her father handle too many cases since she was a child. In her eyes, Xu Yuanwen is a hero. He catches bad guys and punishes evil and promotes good. She never thought that her father would die.

"Ah Nan."

Xu Zhinan took a deep breath and said, "The murderer who killed my father had a tattoo like this on his body."

But Xu Zhinan had thought about these things before, but later she felt that if her shop continued to develop, she would be able to recruit other tattoo artists and take in apprentices. With more people, learning and integrating different styles would be possible.

Xu Zhinan lay on the table, his eyes pressed hard on his arms, and he could feel a wet mark spreading out.

It would be more cost-effective to invite these two big guys to have a meal together with a buffet.

"I'm not asleep yet. The lights are off. Why are you calling me so late?"

Xu Yuanwen is busy with work, but whenever he has free time, he will take Xu Zhinan out to play.

After turning off the lights, the three chatted for a while and then went to sleep.

"I don't remember his facial features anymore, he should have been pretty ordinary. I just remember that the man had shoulder-length hair, and he was probably in his 30s or 40s at the time, so he should be around 50 now."

She has been missing her father ever since he died, but after so many years, that longing has been buried deep in her heart. But now it has been dug up again, vividly before her eyes.

They chose a shopping mall very close to Pingchuan University to have their meal.

Xu Zhinan looked over and saw an old man sitting at the entrance of the courtyard. He was very old, with gray hair, but still very strong. He was wearing a loose white vest, had muscular build, and both arms were covered with tattoos. He was fanning himself with a palm-leaf fan, looking very leisurely.

It would be more cost-effective to invite these two big guys to have a meal together with a buffet.

Zhao Qian held her face in her hands and said, "Wow, wow, wow. I gave the trophy I won from a show with tens of millions of real-time views to the girl I like as a birthday present. Next time I see someone say that Lin Qingye is cold, I'm going to hit her!"

"Yeah." He laughed, "Didn't you ask me to win a championship as well?"

The time has come to October 9th.


Xie Ying frowned and said, "That person seems to have an accent, like he is from a minority ethnic group."