Madly in Love with You

Chapter 68


Before the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Xu Zhinan went to dye his hair again.

The awards ceremony, which is broadcast live and takes place at 8pm on Friday, is preceded by a series of interviews and casual events, akin to a party.

When Xu Zhinan waited for Lin Qingye's face to appear in the camera again, he rewarded him with 100 roses.

These were the first awards announced. After more than half of the process, we finally got to what the audience in the live broadcast room was looking forward to.

The man was wearing a suit and smiled lazily at the camera.

She had never dyed her hair since Lin Qingye came back. She originally wanted to let it go and return to black hair, but then she felt reluctant to let it go.

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Wang Qi pointed. There were many people surrounding him: "Why did he come to the Golden Melody Award ceremony?"

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Wang Qi pointed. There were many people surrounding him: "Why did he come to the Golden Melody Award ceremony?"

Lin Qingye is very popular, and cameras often scan him.

In fact, that position was not very comfortable. The single sofa was narrow and the two of them were squeezed together, but Lin Qingye didn't move any more.

Having dyed my blue hair for so long, I always felt like there was something else embedded in it. The thought of cutting off my blue hair made me feel uncomfortable.

Xu Zhinan looked at it for a while and decided to join this irrational reward team.

As soon as she finished speaking, the host on the stage unusually said the words "Best Male Singer Lin Qingye" without any pretense.

"Lin Qingye!" Shen Linlin said angrily, "I'm warning you! I'm your senior!"

After Lin Qingye came out, she didn't see Xu Zhinan holding the Buddhist scriptures and reading them again. She also didn't see the Buddhist scriptures in her former rental house. She thought she was no longer what she used to be.

But when she pressed the rose on the gift bar, a box suddenly popped up and she needed to recharge.

Having dyed my blue hair for so long, I always felt like there was something else embedded in it. The thought of cutting off my blue hair made me feel uncomfortable.

This man is really...

The location of the temple is very remote. It is at the terminus of the No. 5 subway line. It is also a scenic spot where people often come to climb. The temple is located between two mountains.

She used to come to this barber shop often, and the barbers all knew her. When they saw her, they asked, "You haven't been here for a long time, haven't you?"

"That was a long time ago, but it doesn't happen now." Xu Zhi murmured, scratching his hair, "I thought it looked pretty, so I dyed it again, otherwise there would be a black section that wouldn't look good."

This was also the reason why she insisted on buying the bottle of perfume even though she knew she had a stress reaction.

She suddenly remembered that there was an unused bottle of perfume with the scent of sophora japonica at the end. She bought it the day she learned that Lin Qingye had been released from prison.

"Who told you to drink so much yesterday?" Lin Qingye laughed heartlessly.

She used to come to this barber shop often, and the barbers all knew her. When they saw her, they asked, "You haven't been here for a long time, haven't you?"

Lin Qingye in a suit not only stunned Xu Zhinan, but also made fans crazy.

After Lin Qingye came out, she didn't see Xu Zhinan holding the Buddhist scriptures and reading them again. She also didn't see the Buddhist scriptures in her former rental house. She thought she was no longer what she used to be.

"Why haven't I heard you say that before?"

Xu Zhinan smiled at him and said "hmm".

The camera would sweep over at any time, and Lin Qingye didn't hold the phone all the time. After replying, he put it back in his pocket.

Best Female Vocalist—

Xu Zhinan hissed in pain, and he also moved back.

Xu Zhinan looked at it for a while and decided to join this irrational reward team.

At that time, such a highly valuable award was suddenly given to a singer whose name I had never heard before. He was only 18 years old. Even many people here heard the song for the first time. It can be imagined that it caused a stir. What kind of attention and sensation.

Soon, Lin Qingye was leaving.

"Yes." Xu Zhinan put his arm around him from behind and pressed his shoulder, "Are you busy today?"

The barber looked at her hair: "Why did you come here after your black hair has grown so much this time? Are you very busy at work? Are you planning to change your hair color?"

At that time, such a highly valuable award was suddenly given to a singer whose name I had never heard before. He was only 18 years old. Even many people here heard the song for the first time. It can be imagined that it caused a stir. What kind of attention and sensation.

The camera would sweep over at any time, and Lin Qingye didn't hold the phone all the time. After replying, he put it back in his pocket.

"No, it's still dyed blue."

Xu Zhinan was with him in the dressing room backstage, and was stunned when he saw him come out after changing clothes.

Xu Zhinan smiled at him and said "hmm".

He leaned over and kissed Xu Zhinan on the lips, then followed the staff out.

Lin Qingye came on stage and took the trophy. His speech of thanks was also very simple and ended in a few words.

Xu Zhinan was still thinking about the relationship between Ji Yan and Shi Shi, and asked again: "Is Ji Yan pretending not to know that Shi Shi likes her?"

Best Female Vocalist—

"That was a long time ago, but it doesn't happen now." Xu Zhi murmured, scratching his hair, "I thought it looked pretty, so I dyed it again, otherwise there would be a black section that wouldn't look good."

The barber smiled: "You are obsessed with blue hair."

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "If we order takeaways like yours every day at noon, we will probably be unable to make ends meet."

Lin Qingye chuckled: "It's not bad."

She had never dyed her hair since Lin Qingye came back. She originally wanted to let it go and return to black hair, but then she felt reluctant to let it go.

Lin Qingye then thought about it, there were several black locust trees near her dormitory at Pingchuan University, and he had never seen her like this before.

Fans went crazy as soon as Lin Qingye appeared.

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

The awards ceremony, which is broadcast live and takes place at 8pm on Friday, is preceded by a series of interviews and casual events, akin to a party.

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

Lin Qingye was amused by her, leaned down to her ear, and whispered: "I will go home wearing this dress that night."

Entering the temple, Xu Zhinan offered melons and fruits, and took Lin Qingye to kneel down on the futon with the statue in front of him.

In fact, there is no such thing as obsession now. Lin Qingye is back and has changed back to the Lin Qingye he used to be. The road ahead is clearly displayed in front of him, but he still wants to hold on to something from the past.

It's like bringing a top restaurant directly to your home.

Surrounded by several bodyguards, he walked through the fans and entered amid screams and shouts.

Best Male Singer Lin Qingye.

But at the same time, there were many people giving rewards, and it was probably because Xu Zhinan’s reward was too cheap. It was almost invisible because it was blocked by a large cruise ship, and it disappeared in an instant.

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "If we order takeaways like yours every day at noon, we will probably be unable to make ends meet."

So he wrote the song "Black Locust" that made him famous overnight.

It’s because black locust is also related to you.

It’s because black locust is also related to you.

Besides, she had already gotten used to seeing herself with blue hair.

"Yes." Xu Zhinan put his arm around him from behind and pressed his shoulder, "Are you busy today?"

"This venue is provided by your father. Naturally, you will receive invitations as usual, but generally he will not participate in such activities that have nothing to do with his business."

It took an entire afternoon to dye hair, and Xu Zhinan didn't go back until evening.

"What else do you wish for?"

"Tell me if I'm finished." Fourteen said desperately.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Lin Qingye asked.

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "It's seven o'clock in the evening, how could she not wake up yet?"

and "Black Locust" which won the Golden Melody Award.

Lin Qingye was already at home, standing by the floor-to-ceiling window on the phone. He heard the sound and looked over: "Why didn't you ask me to pick you up?"


Xu Zhinan was still thinking about the relationship between Ji Yan and Shi Shi, and asked again: "Is Ji Yan pretending not to know that Shi Shi likes her?"

"Well, didn't I confess my love after drinking too much last night? Now I regret it." Lin Qingye explained briefly and concisely, then he got closer to look at her newly dyed hair, and smelled it again, "It smells good."

"There are too many people there, and there are a lot of taxis. It's very convenient to take a taxi, so I didn't tell you."

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Wang Qi pointed. There were many people surrounding him: "Why did he come to the Golden Melody Award ceremony?"

The man was wearing a suit and smiled lazily at the camera.

As he got closer, Lin Qingye discovered that she had dyed her hair again. He frowned slightly and asked, "Why did she dye it again? Didn't she have allergies before?"

Before the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Xu Zhinan went to dye his hair again.

But it’s more than just maturity.

"That was a long time ago, but it doesn't happen now." Xu Zhi murmured, scratching his hair, "I thought it looked pretty, so I dyed it again, otherwise there would be a black section that wouldn't look good."

"It was serious before?"

"Who told you to drink so much yesterday?" Lin Qingye laughed heartlessly.

Many people think that Lin Qingye's "Black Locust" is the band's title song, so it has the same name as the band, but in fact it is not, and has nothing to do with the band's Black Locust.

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Qingye couldn't stand it and shouted, "Captain!!!"

On Monday, there weren’t many people here. You could see a few here and there, and they were all older.

Best Female Vocalist—

Lin Qingye took the phone away and frowned: "What?"

His words are getting more and more nonsense.

"Tell me if I'm finished." Fourteen said desperately.

"Tell me if I'm finished." Fourteen said desperately.

By early February, the Golden Melody Awards ceremony came as scheduled, and the list of nominated singers was announced online. Lin Qingye was on the list, which quickly attracted the attention of fans.

"It's okay." She took out a water glass from her bag and drank some water, suppressing her nausea. "I will feel uncomfortable if I smell this." She pointed to the acacia tree nearby.

Fortunately, the road ahead is not difficult and there are steps.

Just like this, he pulled out his phone and said, "Let's order takeout today, I'm too lazy to cook."

"Who told you to drink so much yesterday?" Lin Qingye laughed heartlessly.

As soon as she finished speaking, the host on the stage unusually said the words "Best Male Singer Lin Qingye" without any pretense.

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "It's seven o'clock in the evening, how could she not wake up yet?"

But her facial features and temperament are extremely well-behaved, and the two conflict with each other.

fourteen:"… "

She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes piously, and silently thought in her heart to say thank you to the gods.

He turned his head to look at her, gradually lost in thought.

Fourteen: "Do you think she will be cut off immediately after she wakes up?"

After Lin Qingye came out, she didn't see Xu Zhinan holding the Buddhist scriptures and reading them again. She also didn't see the Buddhist scriptures in her former rental house. She thought she was no longer what she used to be.

Best Female Vocalist—

When she learned the news, Lin Qingye didn't come to see her. As soon as she lowered her head and smelled the saturated base note, she immediately had a stress reaction, which was quite severe.

She is not picky about food: "I can do anything."

He rarely appears in the public eye in real life. Not only his own fans, but also other fans also raise their necks to watch curiously.

Lin Qingye took out his mobile phone and turned it on mute. Xu Zhinan sent him a message: Congratulations.

After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

The barrage in the live broadcast went crazy again.

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "It's seven o'clock in the evening, how could she not wake up yet?"

The hall where the awards ceremony was held had to cross a zebra crossing, and the other side was already crowded with fans from various companies.

But she didn't stay long and quickly left with her companions. Lin Qingye looked at the black locust tree for a long time.

A camera panned towards him.

The hall where the awards ceremony was held had to cross a zebra crossing, and the other side was already crowded with fans from various companies.

Xu Zhi murmured with a smile: "Because all the leaves of the black locust tree have fallen off, I forgot that I still have this problem."

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

fourteen:"… "

The man was wearing a suit and smiled lazily at the camera.

Just like this, he pulled out his phone and said, "Let's order takeout today, I'm too lazy to cook."

Lin Qingye: "Besides, if you drank too much in the past, Ji Yan would remember all the embarrassing things you did and laugh at you the next day."

But he had only been back for a few months, and it was probably the changes that had occurred during the two and a half years he had been away.

Xu Zhinan was caught off guard by the smell and frowned. He soon felt nauseous and retched while covering his mouth and tilting his head.

Shen Linlin was sitting next to him. She was nominated last year but did not win the final award. She had regrets in her heart and was rarely nervous this time.

What he said was ambiguous and had no good intentions. Although he didn't finish the second half of the sentence, it was already obvious what he was going to do wearing these clothes after returning home.

Lin Qingye didn't do anything to Xu Zhinan at this point.

Fourteen muttered: "...I'm done, I'm done, I'm done."

"You are already 27 years old. Isn't it interesting that you have been putting off talking to Ji Yan for so long since we have known each other for so long?" Lin Qingye said softly, "If you delay any longer, you will be 30."

"Who told you to drink so much yesterday?" Lin Qingye laughed heartlessly.

Suddenly I have matured a lot, and I am different from before.

"Next, it's our ultimate award—Best Song of the Year. Let's wait and see who wins it!" the host said, opening the last host card and raising his eyebrows slightly.

The man was wearing a suit and smiled lazily at the camera.

The barber looked at her hair: "Why did you come here after your black hair has grown so much this time? Are you very busy at work? Are you planning to change your hair color?"

"You are already 27 years old. Isn't it interesting that you have been putting off talking to Ji Yan for so long since we have known each other for so long?" Lin Qingye said softly, "If you delay any longer, you will be 30."

Lin Qingye was unaware of the sensation caused by Super Chat at this moment. After chatting with Lin Guancheng for a while, the host took the microphone and came to the stage to announce that the award ceremony was about to begin.

Lin Qingye still wore a mask and hat, and held a bag of fruits he had just bought at the foot of the mountain.

"Who told you to drink so much yesterday?" Lin Qingye laughed heartlessly.

Xu Zhinan originally wanted to say that eating takeout was not healthy and he felt tired so he would cook by himself today, but he looked down at Lin Qingye's phone interface and shut up again.

"It's okay." She took out a water glass from her bag and drank some water, suppressing her nausea. "I will feel uncomfortable if I smell this." She pointed to the acacia tree nearby.

Fourteen scratched his hair, squatted down on the spot, and muttered: "I'm still young."

But when she pressed the rose on the gift bar, a box suddenly popped up and she needed to recharge.

Fourteen: "Do you think she will be cut off immediately after she wakes up?"

Back in the audience, Shen Linlin gave him a thumbs up: "I'm convinced. With your courage, you deserve to win the award for the second time, so I should call you brother."

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

Before the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Xu Zhinan went to dye his hair again.

But he had only been back for a few months, and it was probably the changes that had occurred during the two and a half years he had been away.

Others thought it was good, so they settled on it.

Lin Qingye had no interest in being an emotional mediator, so he hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.

Naturally, everyone has heard of Lin Qingye's name now, and they said enthusiastically: "Sure enough, a tiger father has no dog son!"

"The next one is the best male singer. Are you nervous?"

Xu Zhinan was stunned for a moment, then vaguely reacted: "You mean..."

Besides, she had already gotten used to seeing herself with blue hair.

"It looks good too, but it looks particularly good wearing this."

Xu Zhinan stood nearby and probably understood: "Fourteen?"

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

Lin Qingye took out his mobile phone and turned it on mute. Xu Zhinan sent him a message: Congratulations.

Shen Linlin rolled her eyes: "Go away, shut up, you stinky man."

After hearing what she said, Lin Qingye frowned more and more.

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

"Well, didn't I confess my love after drinking too much last night? Now I regret it." Lin Qingye explained briefly and concisely, then he got closer to look at her newly dyed hair, and smelled it again, "It smells good."

"It wasn't originally."

Having dyed my blue hair for so long, I always felt like there was something else embedded in it. The thought of cutting off my blue hair made me feel uncomfortable.

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

Fortunately, the road ahead is not difficult and there are steps.

Ji Yan and Shi Shi restored their previous relationship. One of them was probably pretending to be stupid. Lin Qingye didn't ask any questions and just let them go.

She quickly got up and went on stage to receive the award and deliver her acceptance speech. When she came back, she was in a completely different state. She finally relaxed and had time to chat with Lin Qingye next to her.

"A'Nan." He held her face and whispered, "The first time I saw you, there was a locust tree behind you."

"Ah." Xu Zhinan came to his senses and replied honestly, "You look good in this."

"Of course it smells good just after washing." Xu Zhinan thought of the scene where Fourteen and Ji Yan were quarreling and confessing to each other last night, and wondered, "Looking at Ji Yan's reaction last night, she seemed to know that Fourteen liked her She."

Having dyed my blue hair for so long, I always felt like there was something else embedded in it. The thought of cutting off my blue hair made me feel uncomfortable.

But he had only been back for a few months, and it was probably the changes that had occurred during the two and a half years he had been away.

It’s not just that black locust is related to me, so you don’t want to be against it.

Lin Qingye wrote his name on the entrance register and met Shen Linlin as soon as he walked in. The two chatted for a while. Shen Linlin had been in the industry for so many years and had many close friends, so she quickly went to chat with others. .

Best Male Singer Lin Qingye.

Lin Qingye glanced at her sideways and sneered disdainfully: "Do you think everyone is like you?"

"We've known each other for so many years, and we know a lot about each other."

When the camera swept across the front, everyone realized that the man looked somewhat similar to Lin Qingye. Although it was obvious that he was older, his features were still handsome.

Xu Zhinan was with him in the dressing room backstage, and was stunned when he saw him come out after changing clothes.

Xu Zhi murmured with a smile: "Because all the leaves of the black locust tree have fallen off, I forgot that I still have this problem."

Back in the audience, Shen Linlin gave him a thumbs up: "I'm convinced. With your courage, you deserve to win the award for the second time, so I should call you brother."

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "It's seven o'clock in the evening, how could she not wake up yet?"

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Lin Qingye asked.

When the camera swept across the front, everyone realized that the man looked somewhat similar to Lin Qingye. Although it was obvious that he was older, his features were still handsome.

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

Xu Zhinan paused, "Besides, the word "black locust" also has a different meaning to you, and I don't want to conflict with it."

Lin Qingye had no interest in being an emotional mediator, so he hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.

After recording the song, he and Xu Zhinan went to fulfill their vows at noon on Monday.

Soon, Lin Qingye was leaving.

Lin Qingye was already at home, standing by the floor-to-ceiling window on the phone. He heard the sound and looked over: "Why didn't you ask me to pick you up?"

"That was a long time ago, but it doesn't happen now." Xu Zhi murmured, scratching his hair, "I thought it looked pretty, so I dyed it again, otherwise there would be a black section that wouldn't look good."

Xu Zhinan restored the image of the god, but Lin Qingye felt that what he was looking at now was the god in his heart.

Moreover, she had always thought that Ji Yan liked Lin Qingye when she was in college, but she no longer felt that way after she met Ji Yan again after Lin Qingye was released from prison.

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Qingye couldn't stand it and shouted, "Captain!!!"

Before the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Xu Zhinan went to dye his hair again.

"It's okay." Xu Zhinan didn't want to burden others with work, "I'll just stay here."

"Why haven't I heard you say that before?"

Best Female Vocalist—

Beauty comes first. As a captain, Lin Qingye is completely uninterested in the emotional lives of his team members.

Lin Qingye looked at her and laughed: "Are you stunned?"

At that time, Xu Zhinan was standing under the dim street lights, while Lin Qingye was sitting in the dark.

"Yeah." Lin Qingye said, "The reason why "Black Locust" is called Black Locust is not because of the band name, but because of you."

She quickly got up and went on stage to receive the award and deliver her acceptance speech. When she came back, she was in a completely different state. She finally relaxed and had time to chat with Lin Qingye next to her.

He took a step forward, pressed Xu Zhinan's shoulder to the armrest of the single sofa and sat down, leaned over and kissed her, and said casually and vaguely: "Not long ago, just two months ago."

The most valuable award is also the real Golden Melody Award in a narrow sense.

He leaned over and kissed Xu Zhinan on the lips, then followed the staff out.

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

She is not picky about food: "I can do anything."

Xu Zhinan was caught off guard by the smell and frowned. He soon felt nauseous and retched while covering his mouth and tilting his head.

Although the costume designer was standing far away, he probably couldn't hear his whispers, but they were all in the same room. Xu Zhinan's ears immediately turned red, and he stretched out his hand to push him.

But he had only been back for a few months, and it was probably the changes that had occurred during the two and a half years he had been away.

After Lin Qingye came out, she didn't see Xu Zhinan holding the Buddhist scriptures and reading them again. She also didn't see the Buddhist scriptures in her former rental house. She thought she was no longer what she used to be.

The awards ceremony, which is broadcast live and takes place at 8pm on Friday, is preceded by a series of interviews and casual events, akin to a party.

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

Xu Zhinan restored the image of the god, but Lin Qingye felt that what he was looking at now was the god in his heart.

Xu Zhi murmured with a smile: "Because all the leaves of the black locust tree have fallen off, I forgot that I still have this problem."

When the camera swept across the front, everyone realized that the man looked somewhat similar to Lin Qingye. Although it was obvious that he was older, his features were still handsome.

Xu Zhinan was still thinking about the relationship between Ji Yan and Shi Shi, and asked again: "Is Ji Yan pretending not to know that Shi Shi likes her?"

Best Female Vocalist—

The barber looked at her hair: "Why did you come here after your black hair has grown so much this time? Are you very busy at work? Are you planning to change your hair color?"

She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes piously, and silently thought in her heart to say thank you to the gods.

As soon as she finished speaking, the host on the stage unusually said the words "Best Male Singer Lin Qingye" without any pretense.

"The next one is the best male singer. Are you nervous?"

As if he was annoyed by her too many questions, Lin Qingye said "tsk" and bit her mouth directly.

It took an entire afternoon to dye hair, and Xu Zhinan didn't go back until evening.

Shen Linlin was sitting next to him. She was nominated last year but did not win the final award. She had regrets in her heart and was rarely nervous this time.

The suit was cut very close to him, probably tailor-made, and outlined his superior broad shoulder line. The collar of the shirt was buttoned to the top, and the tie was tied, showing a meticulous sense of asceticism. Under the suit trousers was a pair of Straight long legs.

The two sat down on a seat nearby. Occasionally, a few people came over to chat with Lin Guancheng. Seeing Lin Qingye sitting next to him, Lin Guancheng introduced: "This is my son, Lin Qingye."

Xu Zhinan hissed in pain, and he also moved back.

Lin Qingye came on stage and took the trophy. His speech of thanks was also very simple and ended in a few words.

At that time, Xu Zhinan was standing under the dim street lights, while Lin Qingye was sitting in the dark.

Lin Qingye took advantage of the situation and directly pressed the person on the single sofa.

Lin Qingye still wore a mask and hat, and held a bag of fruits he had just bought at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Qingye: "Besides, if you drank too much in the past, Ji Yan would remember all the embarrassing things you did and laugh at you the next day."

"Here it comes." Lin Qingye handed over the order and paid, casually threw the phone aside, and then bent down to hug her, "How dare you deny it."

At that time, Xu Zhinan was standing under the dim street lights, while Lin Qingye was sitting in the dark.

"Why did you bite so hard?" Xu Zhinan couldn't help but mutter.

Xu Zhinan stared at him blankly for a long time, and finally a suitable word that could describe him now came to his mind - polite scum.

"We've known each other for so many years, and we know a lot about each other."

What he ordered was not an ordinary "takeaway".

The camera would sweep over at any time, and Lin Qingye didn't hold the phone all the time. After replying, he put it back in his pocket.

But it’s more than just maturity.

Besides, she had already gotten used to seeing herself with blue hair.

"Does it hurt?"

In addition, various gift reward special effects also appear frequently on the screen, which is dazzling. When the camera shows Lin Qingye, there are more reward special effects. The number of gold coins in the upper left corner increases rapidly, which is like a channel for fans to compete. .

In fact, she was not so devout from the beginning. It was because Xu Yuanwen passed away for many years but there was no whereabouts or clues about the murderer. When people have nowhere to rely on, they need to find something to rely on. hope.

Lin Qingye paused and raised his eyes.

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

The father and son had never communicated well before, and their relationship was very ordinary. Now even if they want to reconcile, it takes time.

He maintained his original posture, licked her lips, and curled his lips, gently and gently, making people feel goosebumps inexplicably, and electric currents ran up the spine.

"Of course it smells good just after washing." Xu Zhinan thought of the scene where Fourteen and Ji Yan were quarreling and confessing to each other last night, and wondered, "Looking at Ji Yan's reaction last night, she seemed to know that Fourteen liked her She."

Lin Qingye chuckled: "I'm still a little younger than you."

A camera panned towards him.

"Who told you to drink so much yesterday?" Lin Qingye laughed heartlessly.

Later, Lin Qingye saw her again in his dream, and his last sight was fixed on the black locust tree.

After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

Lin Qingye wrote his name on the entrance register and met Shen Linlin as soon as he walked in. The two chatted for a while. Shen Linlin had been in the industry for so many years and had many close friends, so she quickly went to chat with others. .

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

He sneered: "Sooner or later."

A rose only costs a dollar.

Lin Qingye wrote his name on the entrance register and met Shen Linlin as soon as he walked in. The two chatted for a while. Shen Linlin had been in the industry for so many years and had many close friends, so she quickly went to chat with others. .


After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

After Lin Qingye came out, she didn't see Xu Zhinan holding the Buddhist scriptures and reading them again. She also didn't see the Buddhist scriptures in her former rental house. She thought she was no longer what she used to be.

Fortunately, the road ahead is not difficult and there are steps.

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "It's seven o'clock in the evening, how could she not wake up yet?"

Lin Qingye didn't do anything to Xu Zhinan at this point.

Lin Qingye then thought about it, there were several black locust trees near her dormitory at Pingchuan University, and he had never seen her like this before.

She is not picky about food: "I can do anything."

"That's right. You haven't been nervous since you were a child."

"That's right." Xu Zhi murmured, not wanting to continue the topic with him, and suddenly said, "When you are free someday, let's go together to fulfill your wish?"

"This winner is very popular now, and this is not the first time he has won the Golden Melody Award. I did the math, and this should be the third time he has won the Golden Melody Award."

Lin Qingye still wore a mask and hat, and held a bag of fruits he had just bought at the foot of the mountain.

"Okay." Lin Qingye agreed.

"Why haven't I heard you say that before?"

In fact, that position was not very comfortable. The single sofa was narrow and the two of them were squeezed together, but Lin Qingye didn't move any more.

"It's not that exaggerated. Isn't your 'net worth' very high now?" Lin Qingye smiled, "Besides, the money your husband earns is not enough for you to hesitate about what you eat."

He patted Lin Qingye hard on the shoulder twice, with unknown meaning.

"Well, didn't I confess my love after drinking too much last night? Now I regret it." Lin Qingye explained briefly and concisely, then he got closer to look at her newly dyed hair, and smelled it again, "It smells good."

"Yes." Xu Zhinan put his arm around him from behind and pressed his shoulder, "Are you busy today?"

In fact, there is no such thing as obsession now. Lin Qingye is back and has changed back to the Lin Qingye he used to be. The road ahead is clearly displayed in front of him, but he still wants to hold on to something from the past.

"It's okay, I just don't want to move."

Just like this, he pulled out his phone and said, "Let's order takeout today, I'm too lazy to cook."

"Of course it smells good just after washing." Xu Zhinan thought of the scene where Fourteen and Ji Yan were quarreling and confessing to each other last night, and wondered, "Looking at Ji Yan's reaction last night, she seemed to know that Fourteen liked her She."

Her 100 yuan was wasted. Xu Zhi sighed and began to concentrate on watching the live broadcast.

She paused with her fingertips and charged 100 yuan. In order to prove that this was the reward she gave to Lin Qingye, she also changed the bound card from the salary card Lin Qingye gave her to her own.

Lin Qingye smiled: "I didn't even know he would come to participate."

"Yes." Xu Zhinan put his arm around him from behind and pressed his shoulder, "Are you busy today?"

But her facial features and temperament are extremely well-behaved, and the two conflict with each other.

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Qingye couldn't stand it and shouted, "Captain!!!"

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "If we order takeaways like yours every day at noon, we will probably be unable to make ends meet."

After everyone was seated and the live broadcast cut to the stage, the host announced that the awards ceremony had officially begun.

"It's okay, I just don't want to move."

It took an entire afternoon to dye hair, and Xu Zhinan didn't go back until evening.

"Oh, it's really fine. I think maybe next year when the locust flowers bloom again, I should be fine. It's really much better now."

A rose only costs a dollar.

Entering the temple, Xu Zhinan offered melons and fruits, and took Lin Qingye to kneel down on the futon with the statue in front of him.

Moreover, she had always thought that Ji Yan liked Lin Qingye when she was in college, but she no longer felt that way after she met Ji Yan again after Lin Qingye was released from prison.

"Well, didn't I confess my love after drinking too much last night? Now I regret it." Lin Qingye explained briefly and concisely, then he got closer to look at her newly dyed hair, and smelled it again, "It smells good."

Xu Zhinan originally wanted to say that eating takeout was not healthy and he felt tired so he would cook by himself today, but he looked down at Lin Qingye's phone interface and shut up again.

Xu Zhinan was stunned for a moment, then vaguely reacted: "You mean..."

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

But it’s more than just maturity.

It’s because black locust is also related to you.

The barber looked at her hair: "Why did you come here after your black hair has grown so much this time? Are you very busy at work? Are you planning to change your hair color?"

Fans were all looking for Lin Qingye, and soon discovered that he and the man next to him had been sitting together for a long time, not chatting all the time, only occasionally saying a few words.

A camera panned towards him.

What he ordered was not an ordinary "takeaway".

Shen Linlin was sitting next to him. She was nominated last year but did not win the final award. She had regrets in her heart and was rarely nervous this time.

Originally, the acacia trees were already bare during this season, but probably because the temple was located between two mountains, the temperature was relatively high, and it was still lush.

It's like bringing a top restaurant directly to your home.

"Oh, it's really fine. I think maybe next year when the locust flowers bloom again, I should be fine. It's really much better now."

He took a step forward, pressed Xu Zhinan's shoulder to the armrest of the single sofa and sat down, leaned over and kissed her, and said casually and vaguely: "Not long ago, just two months ago."

After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Lin Qingye asked.

A camera panned towards him.

Wang Qi also laughed: "Didn't you tell your dad that you were nominated? I told him, otherwise you don't think he would come."

Fans were all looking for Lin Qingye, and soon discovered that he and the man next to him had been sitting together for a long time, not chatting all the time, only occasionally saying a few words.

He was busy for a few more days, and finally finished the new song prepared for the concert. He also invited Guan Chi, Ji Yan and Shi Shisan to the recording studio to mix it again and make a demo.

She is not picky about food: "I can do anything."

Lin Qingye in a suit not only stunned Xu Zhinan, but also made fans crazy.

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "If we order takeaways like yours every day at noon, we will probably be unable to make ends meet."

Xu Zhinan was stunned for a moment, then vaguely reacted: "You mean..."

Lin Qingye wrote his name on the entrance register and met Shen Linlin as soon as he walked in. The two chatted for a while. Shen Linlin had been in the industry for so many years and had many close friends, so she quickly went to chat with others. .

Lin Qingye chuckled: "I'm still a little younger than you."

He leaned over and kissed Xu Zhinan on the lips, then followed the staff out.

"It's not that exaggerated. Isn't your 'net worth' very high now?" Lin Qingye smiled, "Besides, the money your husband earns is not enough for you to hesitate about what you eat."

She paused with her fingertips and charged 100 yuan. In order to prove that this was the reward she gave to Lin Qingye, she also changed the bound card from the salary card Lin Qingye gave her to her own.

"No, it's still dyed blue."

"Ah." Xu Zhinan came to his senses and replied honestly, "You look good in this."

"What else do you wish for?"

"It was serious before?"

This man is really...

Lin Qingye then thought about it, there were several black locust trees near her dormitory at Pingchuan University, and he had never seen her like this before.

The host shouted loudly: "Congratulations! "Mumbling", Lin Qingye!"

"The next one is the best male singer. Are you nervous?"

The father and son had never communicated well before, and their relationship was very ordinary. Now even if they want to reconcile, it takes time.

Fans went crazy as soon as Lin Qingye appeared.

Suddenly I have matured a lot, and I am different from before.

"That's right." Xu Zhi murmured, not wanting to continue the topic with him, and suddenly said, "When you are free someday, let's go together to fulfill your wish?"

He took a step forward, pressed Xu Zhinan's shoulder to the armrest of the single sofa and sat down, leaned over and kissed her, and said casually and vaguely: "Not long ago, just two months ago."

His words are getting more and more nonsense.

After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

Lin Qingye took out his mobile phone and turned it on mute. Xu Zhinan sent him a message: Congratulations.

Xu Zhinan was stunned for a moment, then vaguely reacted: "You mean..."

Fans were all looking for Lin Qingye, and soon discovered that he and the man next to him had been sitting together for a long time, not chatting all the time, only occasionally saying a few words.

"Oh, it's really fine. I think maybe next year when the locust flowers bloom again, I should be fine. It's really much better now."

Best Female Singer Shen Linlin.

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

"Where did your husband come from?"

She used to come to this barber shop often, and the barbers all knew her. When they saw her, they asked, "You haven't been here for a long time, haven't you?"

"Here it comes." Lin Qingye handed over the order and paid, casually threw the phone aside, and then bent down to hug her, "How dare you deny it."

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Wang Qi pointed. There were many people surrounding him: "Why did he come to the Golden Melody Award ceremony?"

Xu Zhinan restored the image of the god, but Lin Qingye felt that what he was looking at now was the god in his heart.


"It looks good too, but it looks particularly good wearing this."

What he ordered was not an ordinary "takeaway".

The host smiled and added: "One of the awards was half an hour ago."

What he said was ambiguous and had no good intentions. Although he didn't finish the second half of the sentence, it was already obvious what he was going to do wearing these clothes after returning home.

"It wasn't originally."

This kind of formal occasion requires formal attire, so Lin Qingye's costumer brought him a black suit.

Going to the infield isolates the sound from outside, which also means entering the live broadcast range.

He sneered: "Sooner or later."

"We've known each other for so many years, and we know a lot about each other."

and "Black Locust" which won the Golden Melody Award.

"That's right." Xu Zhi murmured, not wanting to continue the topic with him, and suddenly said, "When you are free someday, let's go together to fulfill your wish?"

As he got closer, Lin Qingye discovered that she had dyed her hair again. He frowned slightly and asked, "Why did she dye it again? Didn't she have allergies before?"

"What else do you wish for?"

But at the same time, there were many people giving rewards, and it was probably because Xu Zhinan’s reward was too cheap. It was almost invisible because it was blocked by a large cruise ship, and it disappeared in an instant.

At that time, such a highly valuable award was suddenly given to a singer whose name I had never heard before. He was only 18 years old. Even many people here heard the song for the first time. It can be imagined that it caused a stir. What kind of attention and sensation.

Fourteen muttered: "...I'm done, I'm done, I'm done."

The two sat down on a seat nearby. Occasionally, a few people came over to chat with Lin Guancheng. Seeing Lin Qingye sitting next to him, Lin Guancheng introduced: "This is my son, Lin Qingye."

He sneered: "Sooner or later."

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Qingye couldn't stand it and shouted, "Captain!!!"

"Ah." Xu Zhinan came to his senses and replied honestly, "You look good in this."

Xu Zhi paused for a moment and hesitated: "Before you came back, I went to pray for blessings. Aren't we both doing well now? It's the new year, so I should go and fulfill my wishes. "

When Xu Zhinan smelled this smell, he almost vomited and cried. The tears were physiological and uncontrollable.

Lin Qingye smiled: "I didn't even know he would come to participate."

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Lin Qingye asked.

In fact, that position was not very comfortable. The single sofa was narrow and the two of them were squeezed together, but Lin Qingye didn't move any more.

But when she pressed the rose on the gift bar, a box suddenly popped up and she needed to recharge.

Lin Qingye was not as pious as her, and when he opened his eyes, Xu Zhinan was still closed.

It’s because black locust is also related to you.

The host smiled and added: "One of the awards was half an hour ago."

After Lin Qingye came out, she didn't see Xu Zhinan holding the Buddhist scriptures and reading them again. She also didn't see the Buddhist scriptures in her former rental house. She thought she was no longer what she used to be.

Lin Qingye took the phone away and frowned: "What?"

"Okay." Lin Qingye agreed.

Later, Lin Qingye saw her again in his dream, and his last sight was fixed on the black locust tree.

Xu Zhinan hissed in pain, and he also moved back.

He was busy for a few more days, and finally finished the new song prepared for the concert. He also invited Guan Chi, Ji Yan and Shi Shisan to the recording studio to mix it again and make a demo.

Others thought it was good, so they settled on it.

After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

This kind of formal occasion requires formal attire, so Lin Qingye's costumer brought him a black suit.

Ji Yan and Shi Shi restored their previous relationship. One of them was probably pretending to be stupid. Lin Qingye didn't ask any questions and just let them go.

"That was a long time ago, but it doesn't happen now." Xu Zhi murmured, scratching his hair, "I thought it looked pretty, so I dyed it again, otherwise there would be a black section that wouldn't look good."

The man was wearing a suit and smiled lazily at the camera.

After recording the song, he and Xu Zhinan went to fulfill their vows at noon on Monday.

But her facial features and temperament are extremely well-behaved, and the two conflict with each other.

"So Anan, don't cast a shadow on it just because of that incident."

"Yeah." Lin Qingye said, "The reason why "Black Locust" is called Black Locust is not because of the band name, but because of you."

The location of the temple is very remote. It is at the terminus of the No. 5 subway line. It is also a scenic spot where people often come to climb. The temple is located between two mountains.

"You are already 27 years old. Isn't it interesting that you have been putting off talking to Ji Yan for so long since we have known each other for so long?" Lin Qingye said softly, "If you delay any longer, you will be 30."

The original name of the band, Black Locust Band, was chosen by Guan Chi. The name was very random and had no special meaning. It was just because they formed the band when the locust flowers were in full bloom. When they saw it, they casually mentioned it and called it the Black Locust Band.

The awards ceremony, which is broadcast live and takes place at 8pm on Friday, is preceded by a series of interviews and casual events, akin to a party.

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Wang Qi pointed. There were many people surrounding him: "Why did he come to the Golden Melody Award ceremony?"

Fortunately, the road ahead is not difficult and there are steps.

He maintained his original posture, licked her lips, and curled his lips, gently and gently, making people feel goosebumps inexplicably, and electric currents ran up the spine.

"It looks good too, but it looks particularly good wearing this."

She felt like she was suddenly seduced by Lin Qingye's beauty.

But when she pressed the rose on the gift bar, a box suddenly popped up and she needed to recharge.

In addition, various gift reward special effects also appear frequently on the screen, which is dazzling. When the camera shows Lin Qingye, there are more reward special effects. The number of gold coins in the upper left corner increases rapidly, which is like a channel for fans to compete. .

Lin Qingye smiled: "I didn't even know he would come to participate."

On Monday, there weren’t many people here. You could see a few here and there, and they were all older.

Xu Zhinan stood nearby and probably understood: "Fourteen?"

After recording the song, he and Xu Zhinan went to fulfill their vows at noon on Monday.

At that time, Xu Zhinan was standing under the dim street lights, while Lin Qingye was sitting in the dark.

"Ah." Xu Zhinan came to his senses and replied honestly, "You look good in this."

Lin Qingye still wore a mask and hat, and held a bag of fruits he had just bought at the foot of the mountain.

It’s not just that black locust is related to me, so you don’t want to be against it.

Lin Qingye then thought about it, there were several black locust trees near her dormitory at Pingchuan University, and he had never seen her like this before.

So he wrote the song "Black Locust" that made him famous overnight.

Entering the temple, Xu Zhinan offered melons and fruits, and took Lin Qingye to kneel down on the futon with the statue in front of him.

But he had only been back for a few months, and it was probably the changes that had occurred during the two and a half years he had been away.

Xu Zhinan was stunned for a moment, then vaguely reacted: "You mean..."

She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes piously, and silently thought in her heart to say thank you to the gods.

The nominated singer was in a different position from Lin Guancheng and Wang Qi. After Lin Guancheng said something to him, he got up and went to the other side.

"Next, it's our ultimate award—Best Song of the Year. Let's wait and see who wins it!" the host said, opening the last host card and raising his eyebrows slightly.

In fact, she was not so devout from the beginning. It was because Xu Yuanwen passed away for many years but there was no whereabouts or clues about the murderer. When people have nowhere to rely on, they need to find something to rely on. hope.

"This venue is provided by your father. Naturally, you will receive invitations as usual, but generally he will not participate in such activities that have nothing to do with his business."

After coming out of the temple, the two of them didn't stay long and prepared to go back directly.

The barrage scrolled rapidly, all filled with "Ahhh".

Lin Qingye was not as pious as her, and when he opened his eyes, Xu Zhinan was still closed.


Xu Zhinan paused, "Besides, the word "black locust" also has a different meaning to you, and I don't want to conflict with it."

Best Male Singer Lin Qingye.

He turned his head to look at her, gradually lost in thought.

Xu Zhinan stood nearby and probably understood: "Fourteen?"

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

She is not picky about food: "I can do anything."

The little girl had newly dyed blue hair, and even the roots were a beautiful blue color. It was actually a rather bold color, which was incompatible with the temple. There were many people looking at her when she came in.

"Yeah." Lin Qingye said, "The reason why "Black Locust" is called Black Locust is not because of the band name, but because of you."

Lin Qingye hurriedly supported her, rubbed her back, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

"It was serious before?"

The Locust Band.

But her facial features and temperament are extremely well-behaved, and the two conflict with each other.

She had never dyed her hair since Lin Qingye came back. She originally wanted to let it go and return to black hair, but then she felt reluctant to let it go.

As the boss of Chuanqi Entertainment, Wang Qi naturally came and walked over: "Your dad is here too."

"Tell me if I'm finished." Fourteen said desperately.

At the same time, the entire hall rang—

Xu Zhi murmured without saying anything.

"What else do you wish for?"

Xu Zhinan restored the image of the god, but Lin Qingye felt that what he was looking at now was the god in his heart.

Xu Zhinan glanced at him and said, "But it's much better now. I just suddenly felt a little nauseous because of the smell, but now I don't feel anything at all."

Suddenly I have matured a lot, and I am different from before.

"Yeah." Lin Qingye said, "The reason why "Black Locust" is called Black Locust is not because of the band name, but because of you."

Entering the temple, Xu Zhinan offered melons and fruits, and took Lin Qingye to kneel down on the futon with the statue in front of him.

"Does it hurt?"

He turned his head to look at her, gradually lost in thought.

Xu Zhinan was still thinking about the relationship between Ji Yan and Shi Shi, and asked again: "Is Ji Yan pretending not to know that Shi Shi likes her?"

Lin Qingye hurriedly supported her, rubbed her back, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

After coming out of the temple, the two of them didn't stay long and prepared to go back directly.

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "If we order takeaways like yours every day at noon, we will probably be unable to make ends meet."

He rarely appears in the public eye in real life. Not only his own fans, but also other fans also raise their necks to watch curiously.

She had never dyed her hair since Lin Qingye came back. She originally wanted to let it go and return to black hair, but then she felt reluctant to let it go.

Her 100 yuan was wasted. Xu Zhi sighed and began to concentrate on watching the live broadcast.

"No, it's still dyed blue."

The road up and down the mountain is not the same. There are several black locust trees planted on both sides of the road down the mountain.

"We've known each other for so many years, and we know a lot about each other."

Lin Qingye stood up straight again and pinched her face: "Are you going to wait here after I enter?"

After a while, he laughed hoarsely, "Does it still hurt now?"

Lin Qingye was amused by her, leaned down to her ear, and whispered: "I will go home wearing this dress that night."

When Xu Zhinan smelled this smell, he almost vomited and cried. The tears were physiological and uncontrollable.

"The next one is the best male singer. Are you nervous?"

Originally, the acacia trees were already bare during this season, but probably because the temple was located between two mountains, the temperature was relatively high, and it was still lush.

After recording the song, he and Xu Zhinan went to fulfill their vows at noon on Monday.

She just created this account today to watch the live broadcast, and the ID is her name.

Xu Zhinan was caught off guard by the smell and frowned. He soon felt nauseous and retched while covering his mouth and tilting his head.

"Well, didn't I confess my love after drinking too much last night? Now I regret it." Lin Qingye explained briefly and concisely, then he got closer to look at her newly dyed hair, and smelled it again, "It smells good."

"Then when did you realize this?" Xu Zhinan thought of last night, when she was shocked by Fourteenth's unconventional confession, but Lin Qingye seemed to still look normal.

The little girl had newly dyed blue hair, and even the roots were a beautiful blue color. It was actually a rather bold color, which was incompatible with the temple. There were many people looking at her when she came in.

Beauty comes first. As a captain, Lin Qingye is completely uninterested in the emotional lives of his team members.

Lin Qingye hurriedly supported her, rubbed her back, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Back in the audience, Shen Linlin gave him a thumbs up: "I'm convinced. With your courage, you deserve to win the award for the second time, so I should call you brother."

The two sat down on a seat nearby. Occasionally, a few people came over to chat with Lin Guancheng. Seeing Lin Qingye sitting next to him, Lin Guancheng introduced: "This is my son, Lin Qingye."

"It's okay." She took out a water glass from her bag and drank some water, suppressing her nausea. "I will feel uncomfortable if I smell this." She pointed to the acacia tree nearby.

But it’s more than just maturity.

"Of course it smells good just after washing." Xu Zhinan thought of the scene where Fourteen and Ji Yan were quarreling and confessing to each other last night, and wondered, "Looking at Ji Yan's reaction last night, she seemed to know that Fourteen liked her She."

He was busy for a few more days, and finally finished the new song prepared for the concert. He also invited Guan Chi, Ji Yan and Shi Shisan to the recording studio to mix it again and make a demo.

Lin Qingye glanced at her sideways and sneered disdainfully: "Do you think everyone is like you?"

Many people think that Lin Qingye's "Black Locust" is the band's title song, so it has the same name as the band, but in fact it is not, and has nothing to do with the band's Black Locust.

The barrage scrolled rapidly, all filled with "Ahhh".

"Why haven't I heard you say that before?"

Lin Qingye chuckled: "I'm still a little younger than you."

"Where did your husband come from?"

But her facial features and temperament are extremely well-behaved, and the two conflict with each other.

Lin Qingye wrote his name on the entrance register and met Shen Linlin as soon as he walked in. The two chatted for a while. Shen Linlin had been in the industry for so many years and had many close friends, so she quickly went to chat with others. .

It's like bringing a top restaurant directly to your home.

Fortunately, the road ahead is not difficult and there are steps.

Lin Qingye then thought about it, there were several black locust trees near her dormitory at Pingchuan University, and he had never seen her like this before.

Lin Qingye looked at her and laughed: "Are you stunned?"

He leaned over and kissed Xu Zhinan on the lips, then followed the staff out.

She used to come to this barber shop often, and the barbers all knew her. When they saw her, they asked, "You haven't been here for a long time, haven't you?"

Xu Zhinan glanced at him and said, "But it's much better now. I just suddenly felt a little nauseous because of the smell, but now I don't feel anything at all."

"It didn't happen before. It only happened after your accident. It should be because of that day..." She paused for a moment, exhaled, and said slowly, "In the abandoned factory, Su Qin was lying in a pool of blood. I smelled the smell of acacia flowers at that time. , so there is a stress reaction.”

Best Male Singer Lin Qingye.

Lin Qingye took advantage of the situation and directly pressed the person on the single sofa.

She had never dyed her hair since Lin Qingye came back. She originally wanted to let it go and return to black hair, but then she felt reluctant to let it go.

Lin Qingye had no interest in being an emotional mediator, so he hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.

After hearing what she said, Lin Qingye frowned more and more.

"Why have you never told me?" His voice became slower.

The road up and down the mountain is not the same. There are several black locust trees planted on both sides of the road down the mountain.

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

"Why did you bite so hard?" Xu Zhinan couldn't help but mutter.

As if he was annoyed by her too many questions, Lin Qingye said "tsk" and bit her mouth directly.

Xu Zhinan glanced at him and said, "But it's much better now. I just suddenly felt a little nauseous because of the smell, but now I don't feel anything at all."

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

Surrounded by several bodyguards, he walked through the fans and entered amid screams and shouts.

She used to come to this barber shop often, and the barbers all knew her. When they saw her, they asked, "You haven't been here for a long time, haven't you?"

The most valuable award is also the real Golden Melody Award in a narrow sense.

Lin Qingye took the phone away and frowned: "What?"

"It was serious before?"

Lin Qingye took out his mobile phone and turned it on mute. Xu Zhinan sent him a message: Congratulations.

Xu Zhinan glanced at him and said, "But it's much better now. I just suddenly felt a little nauseous because of the smell, but now I don't feel anything at all."

When Xu Zhinan smelled this smell, he almost vomited and cried. The tears were physiological and uncontrollable.

The nominated singer was in a different position from Lin Guancheng and Wang Qi. After Lin Guancheng said something to him, he got up and went to the other side.

"Next, it's our ultimate award—Best Song of the Year. Let's wait and see who wins it!" the host said, opening the last host card and raising his eyebrows slightly.

She suddenly remembered that there was an unused bottle of perfume with the scent of sophora japonica at the end. She bought it the day she learned that Lin Qingye had been released from prison.

This was also the reason why she insisted on buying the bottle of perfume even though she knew she had a stress reaction.

"It's not that exaggerated. Isn't your 'net worth' very high now?" Lin Qingye smiled, "Besides, the money your husband earns is not enough for you to hesitate about what you eat."

Xu Zhinan was with him in the dressing room backstage, and was stunned when he saw him come out after changing clothes.

When she learned the news, Lin Qingye didn't come to see her. As soon as she lowered her head and smelled the saturated base note, she immediately had a stress reaction, which was quite severe.

Xu Zhinan originally wanted to say that eating takeout was not healthy and he felt tired so he would cook by himself today, but he looked down at Lin Qingye's phone interface and shut up again.

Fourteen muttered: "...I'm done, I'm done, I'm done."

He sneered: "Sooner or later."

After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but said: "If we order takeaways like yours every day at noon, we will probably be unable to make ends meet."


The father and son had never communicated well before, and their relationship was very ordinary. Now even if they want to reconcile, it takes time.

Lin Qingye was not as pious as her, and when he opened his eyes, Xu Zhinan was still closed.

"A Nan." His eyes were full of heartache.

But she was afraid that Lin Qingye would blame himself, so she only said: "Well, it's just that the vomiting will be a little serious."

As soon as she finished speaking, the host on the stage unusually said the words "Best Male Singer Lin Qingye" without any pretense.

Entering the temple, Xu Zhinan offered melons and fruits, and took Lin Qingye to kneel down on the futon with the statue in front of him.

"So Anan, don't cast a shadow on it just because of that incident."

"Why have you never told me?" His voice became slower.

"No, it's still dyed blue."

He patted Lin Qingye hard on the shoulder twice, with unknown meaning.

Xu Zhinan stared at him blankly for a long time, and finally a suitable word that could describe him now came to his mind - polite scum.

Fourteen: "Do you think she will be cut off immediately after she wakes up?"

This was also the reason why she insisted on buying the bottle of perfume even though she knew she had a stress reaction.

The Locust Band.

Xu Zhi murmured with a smile: "Because all the leaves of the black locust tree have fallen off, I forgot that I still have this problem."

It took an entire afternoon to dye hair, and Xu Zhinan didn't go back until evening.

He patted Lin Qingye hard on the shoulder twice, with unknown meaning.

"A Nan." His eyes were full of heartache.

Lin Qingye didn't do anything to Xu Zhinan at this point.

Lin Qingye chuckled: "It's not bad."

Best Female Singer Shen Linlin.

The barber looked at her hair: "Why did you come here after your black hair has grown so much this time? Are you very busy at work? Are you planning to change your hair color?"

"Oh, it's really fine. I think maybe next year when the locust flowers bloom again, I should be fine. It's really much better now."

Fourteen: "Do you think she will be cut off immediately after she wakes up?"

Lin Qingye glanced at her sideways and sneered disdainfully: "Do you think everyone is like you?"

At that time, such a highly valuable award was suddenly given to a singer whose name I had never heard before. He was only 18 years old. Even many people here heard the song for the first time. It can be imagined that it caused a stir. What kind of attention and sensation.

But it’s more than just maturity.

Xu Zhinan paused, "Besides, the word "black locust" also has a different meaning to you, and I don't want to conflict with it."

and "Black Locust" which won the Golden Melody Award.

She felt like she was suddenly seduced by Lin Qingye's beauty.

Lin Qingye didn't do anything to Xu Zhinan at this point.

This was also the reason why she insisted on buying the bottle of perfume even though she knew she had a stress reaction.

The host made the announcement on stage, and when she finally called out Shen Linlin's name, she screamed, and Lin Qingye was almost startled by her.

The father and son had never communicated well before, and their relationship was very ordinary. Now even if they want to reconcile, it takes time.

The Locust Band.

What he said was ambiguous and had no good intentions. Although he didn't finish the second half of the sentence, it was already obvious what he was going to do wearing these clothes after returning home.

After hearing what she said, Lin Qingye frowned more and more.

and "Black Locust" which won the Golden Melody Award.

What he ordered was not an ordinary "takeaway".

Her 100 yuan was wasted. Xu Zhi sighed and began to concentrate on watching the live broadcast.

Fortunately, the road ahead is not difficult and there are steps.

The original name of the band, Black Locust Band, was chosen by Guan Chi. The name was very random and had no special meaning. It was just because they formed the band when the locust flowers were in full bloom. When they saw it, they casually mentioned it and called it the Black Locust Band.

"Why haven't I heard you say that before?"

Lin Qingye had no interest in being an emotional mediator, so he hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.

"This venue is provided by your father. Naturally, you will receive invitations as usual, but generally he will not participate in such activities that have nothing to do with his business."

Xu Zhinan hissed in pain, and he also moved back.

She quickly got up and went on stage to receive the award and deliver her acceptance speech. When she came back, she was in a completely different state. She finally relaxed and had time to chat with Lin Qingye next to her.

"Here it comes." Lin Qingye handed over the order and paid, casually threw the phone aside, and then bent down to hug her, "How dare you deny it."

"So Anan, don't cast a shadow on it just because of that incident."

Others thought it was good, so they settled on it.

"This venue is provided by your father. Naturally, you will receive invitations as usual, but generally he will not participate in such activities that have nothing to do with his business."

The location of the temple is very remote. It is at the terminus of the No. 5 subway line. It is also a scenic spot where people often come to climb. The temple is located between two mountains.

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Qingye couldn't stand it and shouted, "Captain!!!"


Back in the audience, Shen Linlin gave him a thumbs up: "I'm convinced. With your courage, you deserve to win the award for the second time, so I should call you brother."

It’s because black locust is also related to you.

After coming out of the temple, the two of them didn't stay long and prepared to go back directly.

Many people think that Lin Qingye's "Black Locust" is the band's title song, so it has the same name as the band, but in fact it is not, and has nothing to do with the band's Black Locust.

Just like this, he pulled out his phone and said, "Let's order takeout today, I'm too lazy to cook."

Lin Qingye raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Wang Qi pointed. There were many people surrounding him: "Why did he come to the Golden Melody Award ceremony?"

Xu Zhinan glanced at him and said, "But it's much better now. I just suddenly felt a little nauseous because of the smell, but now I don't feel anything at all."

There has been very little news about Lin Qingye on the Internet. Everyone found that it was like digging for treasure, and soon began to dig out the details.

"A'Nan." He held her face and whispered, "The first time I saw you, there was a locust tree behind you."

The camera would sweep over at any time, and Lin Qingye didn't hold the phone all the time. After replying, he put it back in his pocket.

The father and son had never communicated well before, and their relationship was very ordinary. Now even if they want to reconcile, it takes time.

He took a step forward, pressed Xu Zhinan's shoulder to the armrest of the single sofa and sat down, leaned over and kissed her, and said casually and vaguely: "Not long ago, just two months ago."

He was busy for a few more days, and finally finished the new song prepared for the concert. He also invited Guan Chi, Ji Yan and Shi Shisan to the recording studio to mix it again and make a demo.

Although the costume designer was standing far away, he probably couldn't hear his whispers, but they were all in the same room. Xu Zhinan's ears immediately turned red, and he stretched out his hand to push him.

"This venue is provided by your father. Naturally, you will receive invitations as usual, but generally he will not participate in such activities that have nothing to do with his business."

"We've known each other for so many years, and we know a lot about each other."

At that time, Xu Zhinan was standing under the dim street lights, while Lin Qingye was sitting in the dark.

The host shouted loudly: "Congratulations! "Mumbling", Lin Qingye!"

Xu Zhi murmured with a smile: "Because all the leaves of the black locust tree have fallen off, I forgot that I still have this problem."

Lin Qingye took advantage of the situation and directly pressed the person on the single sofa.

"There are too many people there, and there are a lot of taxis. It's very convenient to take a taxi, so I didn't tell you."

She saw someone from a distance, but she couldn't see the person clearly. She just turned her head to look at him, and her black eyes were amber under the light.

After everyone was seated and the live broadcast cut to the stage, the host announced that the awards ceremony had officially begun.

It took an entire afternoon to dye hair, and Xu Zhinan didn't go back until evening.

Just like this, he pulled out his phone and said, "Let's order takeout today, I'm too lazy to cook."

Lin Qingye looked at the time: "It's seven o'clock in the evening, how could she not wake up yet?"

Lin Qingye took out his mobile phone and turned it on mute. Xu Zhinan sent him a message: Congratulations.

He rarely wears formal clothes, at least Xu Zhinan has never seen him wearing formal clothes.

When Xu Zhinan smelled this smell, he almost vomited and cried. The tears were physiological and uncontrollable.

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Qingye couldn't stand it and shouted, "Captain!!!"

But she didn't stay long and quickly left with her companions. Lin Qingye looked at the black locust tree for a long time.

In fact, that position was not very comfortable. The single sofa was narrow and the two of them were squeezed together, but Lin Qingye didn't move any more.

The most valuable award is also the real Golden Melody Award in a narrow sense.

"It wasn't originally."

"Oh, it's really fine. I think maybe next year when the locust flowers bloom again, I should be fine. It's really much better now."

Later, Lin Qingye saw her again in his dream, and his last sight was fixed on the black locust tree.

The host smiled and added: "One of the awards was half an hour ago."

"Ah." Xu Zhinan came to his senses and replied honestly, "You look good in this."

"That was a long time ago, but it doesn't happen now." Xu Zhi murmured, scratching his hair, "I thought it looked pretty, so I dyed it again, otherwise there would be a black section that wouldn't look good."

Lin Qingye chuckled: "I'm still a little younger than you."

Soon, someone in Lin Qingye's chat was the first to find out the secret.

Before the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Xu Zhinan went to dye his hair again.

The hall where the awards ceremony was held had to cross a zebra crossing, and the other side was already crowded with fans from various companies.

Lin Qingye: "Besides, if you drank too much in the past, Ji Yan would remember all the embarrassing things you did and laugh at you the next day."