Madly in Love with You

Chapter 87


December, private high office in Yancheng.

She walked to the back door of Class 8 classroom and looked inside, but she didn't see her brother or Lin Huairan.

If you ask Wen Zhiling what she regrets most at the age of 17, she will definitely say without hesitation that she found a "boyfriend" for herself when she was young and ignorant, and even recorded it on the Internet. can be found.

Then he turned around and left.

Wen Zhijing held her head up and removed the water glass with his other hand: "If you lower your head any further, your hair will get wet."

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

"Sister Zhiling." Lin Huairan said suddenly, her voice hoarse and lazy.

"Wen Zhiling, go and help the teacher hand out the last test paper." The head teacher said.

The boy next to Wen Zhiling watched him walking step by step, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, so he took Wen Zhiling's arm and pulled him behind him.

He raised his chin and motioned to the piano.

"Well, there's something wrong." Lin Huairan said, "It's Wen Zhiling in your class. Isn't she still wearing a short skirt in the middle of winter? Everything else is fine. It's mainly a health problem. She has another problem today. Wet and cold, we can’t just care about beauty, don’t you think?”

Wen Zhiling glanced sideways, still calm: "What's wrong?"


"It seems like something happened. Maybe he's chasing a girl."

"What about brother Zhijing?"

"It seems like something happened. Maybe he's chasing a girl."

The girl who responded was wearing the school uniform of a private high school in Yancheng, a non-rigid, college-style shirt with a sweater vest, a red and white cotton coat on the outside, a skirt underneath, and a pair of slender straight legs wrapped in leggings.

It took him a while to recover and he asked a question.

Passing the basketball court, the group of boys from Class 8 were also preparing to leave.

He was also promoted from the junior high school. He found the classroom of Class 3, the first grade of junior high school with ease. He put his arm on the window sill and said, "Little Wutong!"

Lin Huairan also made a cup of tea for the teacher and kindly advised: "Moisten your throat first, don't get angry, your health is important."

In fact, the winter school uniforms are matching pants, but they are too bulky. Wen Zhiling finds them ugly and doesn't like wearing them.

"Your hands are the ones my previous piano teacher said are most suitable for playing the piano."

The boy next to him couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

But she got good grades and the teacher didn't nag her.

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

She heard that Lingshou was indeed beautiful, slender and slender, but these words made her suddenly think of Lin Huairan. She remembered that Lin Huairan could also play the piano when she was a child, but she has never seen him play it now. Those hands were the most suitable for playing the piano she had ever seen.

The stain she had when she was four years old actually has to stay with her for the rest of her life.


When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

She was holding a stack of test papers and was about to go out, but she was stopped by the head teacher of Class 8: "Oh, by the way, Wen Zhijing is your brother, right?"

The head teacher of Class 8 didn't notice that she was still here. He was speechless for a moment, a little embarrassed, and waved his hand: "Okay, thank you."

"Have you ever thought that if you go out now, you can still explain our relationship?"

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.

Wen Zhijing didn't ask any more questions. He looked at his watch, packed his things, and went directly to the junior high school, bypassing a playground and arriving there.

"So handsome!" said my friend excitedly, and sighed again, "But you must not be excited. One is your brother, and the other is your childhood sweetheart. You are used to seeing him."

"Well, what's wrong, teacher?"


Wen Zhiling pursed her lips: "Oh."

Wen Zhiling wanted to refute, but was suddenly dragged to the chair by Lin Huairan.

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

It was freezing outside and she was still wearing a thin performance costume. He took off his coat and put it on her shoulders.

"Why did you come back..."

"Help me call your brother and Lin Huairan over."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zhijing came back.

The teacher was furious: "Lin Huairan!"

After all, Wen Zhijing was much older than them, so he didn't react much to this, and asked with a smile: "Do you junior high school students have boyfriends and girlfriends now?"

Probably because there were too many such situations, as soon as he finished speaking, the teacher on the desk next to him laughed: "What's wrong? What did these two devils do again?"


"It will be all right."

In my ears is the sound of piano flowing from inside.

When they arrived at the office, the two of them stood at the desk and listened to the instruction.

When Wen Zhijing went to school the next day, he found that she had finally put on her new pair of bloated winter school pants. Wen Liang and Chen Diao were shocked when they saw her coming downstairs.

Finally shut up.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Lin Huairan asked in a low voice in her ear.

"Are you okay?" Lin Huairan asked.

The head teacher of Class 8 threw the test paper heavily on the table: "What a failure did these two have in the exam!"


The man was still sleepy, his brows were furrowed, and there were some rustling sounds of conversation inside. Then, the boy inside came out, and the door opened, just blocking Lin Huairan.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Huairan put his phone back in his pocket. He went to bed late yesterday and didn't take a break at noon today. Now he was drowsy under the setting sun.

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

When the audience saw Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan sitting down together in front of the piano, loud cheers and applause broke out.

"What? How bad is your test?"

"Do you need me?" Lin Huairan asked.


Wen Zhiling finally bit Lin Huairan's hand hard and threw it away.

"You are the dog!" Wen Zhiling kicked him and ran out of the piano room as if he was running away.

Lin Huairan snorted lightly and said disdainfully: "We all know that she wears perfume. Some idiots with no eyes were secretly saying that the school beauty has body fragrance on her body. Her expression when speaking was so disgusting. nausea."

Only when he got it in his hand did he realize that he was not interested in Cheng Huan, and he had never taken anything from her before, but she took the trouble to deliver it again and again.

"Both science and comprehensive sciences are tied for the first place in the grade with 287 points. What the hell did this Chinese language test take? It dropped our class average score by several points. Wen Zhijing didn't write the essay at all, and Lin Huairan was even more outrageous. , Reading Comprehension asked him what he thought of this, and he wrote me "Not so good"!

Then I remembered Wen Zhiling's words - "Whoever has a good relationship with him will annoy me to death. It would be better if he falls in love. This will save me being discussed with him every day."

"It's okay, I didn't open the sunroof in the end anyway."

"You are the dog!" Wen Zhiling kicked him and ran out of the piano room as if he was running away.

Blinking, "Why are you here?"

The teacher was overjoyed: "Just be content. You can get first place in your grade in science, comprehensive science, and improve your average score a lot. Besides, you have two school bastards in your class, which is very impressive."

Lin Huairan no longer cared about it, raised his hand to hold her face, touched her lips with his fingertips, and whispered with unknown meaning: "I only kissed her on the face before, this time I can't follow the script."

Xiao Wutong paused, holding the cup and taking a sip of water: "Don't you have to chase girls?"

Others in the classroom looked over.

Wen Zhijing held her head up and removed the water glass with his other hand: "If you lower your head any further, your hair will get wet."

Lin Huairan was wearing his school uniform upright at the moment. The setting sun was shining from the window, and he was facing the light. His face was more angular and had superior lines.

"Pull him down, what's the use of the school bastard? Using his face to seduce the obedient girls in my class all day long, maybe his grades will drop!"

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Huairan put his phone back in his pocket. He went to bed late yesterday and didn't take a break at noon today. Now he was drowsy under the setting sun.

"Then he called you Zhiling?"

"What?" He pretended to be stupid.

Wen Zhiling's face turned red, not just because of shyness, but also because of shame.

Wen Zhiling: "..."

Wen Zhiling wanted to refute, but was suddenly dragged to the chair by Lin Huairan.

Wen Zhijing laughed softly: "Otherwise."

"Lin Huairan!" Wen Zhiling was angry.

She coughed lightly: "Teacher, I'll call them over."

Lin Huairan was holding a basketball in her arms, her black hair was wet, her body was warm, and her peach-blossom eyes looked particularly alluring when she smiled.

Lin Qingye explained calmly on the other end: "I'm going out to eat with your mother tonight. You take Xiao Wutong to finish dinner before going back. Take good care of my sister."

Soon, it’s New Year’s Day party.

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

"Did you complain?"

The head teacher of Class 8 didn't notice that she was still here. He was speechless for a moment, a little embarrassed, and waved his hand: "Okay, thank you."

Lin Huairan indeed planned to go to Wen Zhiling, apologize for the complaint, and have a meal together, and the matter would be over.

He raised his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on Wen Zhiling.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zhijing came back.

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

When Wen Zhiling saw him, he opened his mouth, remembered what he said before, "I'll be a dog if I tell you one more thing," and closed it again.

The man was still sleepy, his brows were furrowed, and there were some rustling sounds of conversation inside. Then, the boy inside came out, and the door opened, just blocking Lin Huairan.

When she said this, she happened to pass by the basketball stand. Lin Huairan walked up to Cheng Huan and happened to hear her.

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

Coming out of the office, Wen Zhiling walked towards the Class 8 classroom.

Fortunately, the man probably thought that Zhiling had left beforehand, so he didn't stay long and quickly left with his schoolbag.

She complained to the teacher yesterday, and now she is still in love with girls.

The two of them said each other's words, no one was convinced by the other, which made people feel powerful.

This was the name he called her during the dark history of the two of them that was recorded online.

It's fun here, but not so harmoniously on the other side.

If Lin Huairan and Wen Zhijing are recognized as the two school beauties, then Wen Zhijing is recognized as the school beauties.

It turns out that he was not pursued by girls to give him water, but he took the initiative to help people twist bottle caps!

Lin Huairan glanced at her and said quietly: "There is a class next period."

Wen Zhijing was called over by a text message from Xiao Wutong halfway through the performance, and he brought the little girl over to the high school.

"That's okay. This song is not difficult. I can teach you."

After hearing that Zhiling told the man to leave, he asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

When she arrived at the door of Class 9, she learned from her classmates that she was going to practice piano, so she went downstairs to the gymnasium.

As she walked through the science class floor, many boys in the corridor whistled at her, but Wen Zhiling ignored them and ignored them completely.

Wen Zhiling complained: "I don't know which bastard complained to my class teacher. He didn't let me wear a skirt or wear perfume. He was nosy and annoying."

A group of people around them stopped talking and looked at the two people.

It's fun here, but not so harmoniously on the other side.

She had a delicate personality when she was a child, and became more and more indulgent as she grew up. The little girl has a beautiful neck, slender and fair, like a proud white swan.

Lin Huairan indeed planned to go to Wen Zhiling, apologize for the complaint, and have a meal together, and the matter would be over.

She ran to the school gate in a hurry, panting, turned on the front camera of her phone and took a look. Her entire face was red, and her whole body felt uncomfortably hot.

Lin Huairan took out the earphones from his schoolbag and turned on the voice. What came out was Xiao Wutong's voice.

"Are you okay?" Lin Huairan asked.

She had a delicate personality when she was a child, and became more and more indulgent as she grew up. The little girl has a beautiful neck, slender and fair, like a proud white swan.

Finally, it was time for the last program. The staff moved the piano onto the stage and the chorus formation was ready, but the two piano players were nowhere to be seen.

She walked to the back door of Class 8 classroom and looked inside, but she didn't see her brother or Lin Huairan.

When the song ended, there were screams and applause from the audience.

There was no time to delay, and the two of them went on stage without a single rehearsal.

It wasn't until the piano sound suddenly stopped that he gradually woke up again.


Suddenly, her ponytail was pulled from behind. Wen Zhiling was pulled up and staggered back. At the same time, her waist was supported.

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.

He smiled lazily: "Who said before that if you say another word to me, you will be a dog?"

If you ask Wen Zhiling what she regrets most at the age of 17, she will definitely say without hesitation that she found a "boyfriend" for herself when she was young and ignorant, and even recorded it on the Internet. can be found.

Wen Zhijing smiled: "How long have we not seen each other? Why don't you recognize your brother?"

Lin Huairan also made a cup of tea for the teacher and kindly advised: "Moisten your throat first, don't get angry, your health is important."

A smiling voice sounded from behind, casually asking: "This classmate, who are you peeking at?"

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

Wen Zhiling didn't even look back, and his vision went dark as soon as he heard this voice.

"Oh, then, let me go and straighten my schoolbag."

She was holding a stack of test papers and was about to go out, but she was stopped by the head teacher of Class 8: "Oh, by the way, Wen Zhijing is your brother, right?"

Wen Zhijing shrugged, didn't say anything more, and took his sister into the car to go to school.

Lin Huairan said quickly: "Who likes that smelly girl?"

Lin Huairan was wearing his school uniform upright at the moment. The setting sun was shining from the window, and he was facing the light. His face was more angular and had superior lines.

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

If you ask Wen Zhiling what she regrets most at the age of 17, she will definitely say without hesitation that she found a "boyfriend" for herself when she was young and ignorant, and even recorded it on the Internet. can be found.

In my ears is the sound of piano flowing from inside.

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

Lin Huairan turned around and looked at Wen Zhijing: "Did your sister take the wrong medicine?"

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

"Your head teacher asked you two to go to the office." Wen Zhiling finished explaining and left without looking back.

But he soon discovered that Wen Zhiling needed his guidance. After only getting to know her twice, she was already able to play it smoothly.

She ran to the school gate in a hurry, panting, turned on the front camera of her phone and took a look. Her entire face was red, and her whole body felt uncomfortably hot.

"Why did you come back..."

What the hell is this

Is this person sick

There is a physical education class in the afternoon, with Classes 8 and 9 together.


Finally, it was time for the last program. The staff moved the piano onto the stage and the chorus formation was ready, but the two piano players were nowhere to be seen.

The stain she had when she was four years old actually has to stay with her for the rest of her life.

Cheng Huan looked at him and shook the mineral water bottle in his hand: "Brother Ran?"

When the song ended, there were screams and applause from the audience.

"It's none of your business." Wen Zhiling quickly countered, "Didn't you see that people are looking for me? Let me go quickly."

"If you practice a lot, it shouldn't hold you back."

Lin Huairan was holding a basketball in her arms, her black hair was wet, her body was warm, and her peach-blossom eyes looked particularly alluring when she smiled.

"Hey, Lingling, look over there." The friend held her hand and whispered excitedly, gesturing towards the basketball court.

"Well." Wen Zhiling was still thinking about what happened on the basketball court just now. She felt a little unhappy and was not very enthusiastic. "Have you practiced at home before?"

Near the end of get out of class, they had practiced several times and were ready to go back to the classroom.

The chorus of the ninth liberal arts class was at the end.

"Then he called you Zhiling?"

"What do you want to eat?"

Wen Zhiling was confused. She didn't know what was going on for a moment. She was really hiding there with Lin Huairan. She asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

Finally shut up.

He leaned against the wall, his eyebrows lowered, his eyelids lowered and raised, scanning her from head to toe.

Wen Zhijing shrugged, didn't say anything more, and took his sister into the car to go to school.

"A good student like me doesn't fall in love prematurely." Wen Zhijing said Youyou, "If your brother is chasing a little girl, I will take care of the child for him."

"Okay, take your time, don't rush."

Just as he was about to stand up, Lin Huairan covered his mouth and pushed him back down.


The boy next to him couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

He said slowly: "You are really the number one reserve for arthritis."

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

It was like a subwoofer, and the sound made Wenzhiling's eardrums vibrate slightly, and his ears seemed to be burning.

"It's okay, I didn't open the sunroof in the end anyway."

Just as he was about to stand up, Lin Huairan covered his mouth and pushed him back down.

Wen Zhiling rolled his eyes secretly and stopped talking nonsense: "Where is my brother?"

Lin Huairan snorted lightly and said disdainfully: "We all know that she wears perfume. Some idiots with no eyes were secretly saying that the school beauty has body fragrance on her body. Her expression when speaking was so disgusting. nausea."

This was to criticize her for wearing an autumn skirt and school uniform in winter.

"Sister Zhiling." Lin Huairan said suddenly, her voice hoarse and lazy.

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

"Lin Huairan!?" She opened her eyes wide, "Why is he doing this!"

Wen Zhiling stamped his feet angrily.

Lin Huairan paused and raised the water bottle: "Don't give it away in the future. It's inappropriate."

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

There is nothing more eye-catching on campus than the gathering of school beauties, not to mention the fact that this pair had a "baby kiss."

Wen Zhiling glared at him, quickly took a few steps away as if to avoid suspicion, and lowered his voice: "You only have one shirt!"


When everything was done, he said "Thank you, teacher" and went out with Wen Zhijing.

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

Lin Huairan tugged on her collar and opened two buttons, revealing a delicate collarbone. Her Adam's apple slid up and down, revealing an inexplicable lust that belonged to a young man.

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips: "Oh."

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.


"..." Lin Huairan pressed her eyebrows, "Have you told her everything?"

It was like a subwoofer, and the sound made Wenzhiling's eardrums vibrate slightly, and his ears seemed to be burning.


She walked to the back door of Class 8 classroom and looked inside, but she didn't see her brother or Lin Huairan.

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips and looked away.

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.


Wen Zhijing: "..."

The head teacher of Class 8 threw the test paper heavily on the table: "What a failure did these two have in the exam!"

"I've just finished playing basketball and I'm all sweaty. How can I be the same as you?"


Wen Zhijing directly sent him a photo. There was a barbecue grill in front of him, and Lin Qingwu was sitting opposite him. The child's face was red, not knowing whether it was from the smoke or something.

Wen Zhiling: "..."

Lin Huairan: "So I would like to trouble you to advise you to wear winter school pants in cold weather, and don't wear perfume in school."

There is a row of snack streets just outside the entrance of the junior high school, and finally we settled on a barbecue restaurant.

Behind the piano room are rows of seats, with the two of them hiding among the seats.

Blinking, "Why are you here?"

He handed it to Cheng Huan again.

There is nothing more eye-catching on campus than the gathering of school beauties, not to mention the fact that this pair had a "baby kiss."

Near the end of get out of class, they had practiced several times and were ready to go back to the classroom.


Lin Huairan snorted lightly and said disdainfully: "We all know that she wears perfume. Some idiots with no eyes were secretly saying that the school beauty has body fragrance on her body. Her expression when speaking was so disgusting. nausea."

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

There were many people in the store, all of whom were in the junior high school. Wen Zhijing was tall and looked like a giant when he entered. There was also a short, underdeveloped person next to him, which instantly attracted the attention of many people.

"Who is that person?"


The two of them walked to the office.

The two of them were talking here when a female voice came in from the side: "Brother Ran, the girls in our class will have basketball training later, can you come and give us some tutoring?"

Xiao Wutong blinked: "Sister Zhiling?"

As Wen Zhijing ran through the corridor of the science class, the eyes of the boys outside also followed her figure.

Not far away, I saw two people kissing in public in the school in violation of school rules: "..."

"You are the dog!" Wen Zhiling kicked him and ran out of the piano room as if he was running away.

Wen Zhiling turned her head and looked. She was the female sports committee member of Class 10 Liberal Arts Class. Her name was Cheng Huan. She was pretty and had a carefree personality. She knew most of the people in the school.

Wen Zhijing smiled and said, "If you like someone, just tell them nicely. It doesn't matter if you complain to the class teacher."

Lin Huairan paused and raised the water bottle: "Don't give it away in the future. It's inappropriate."

Wen Zhijing shrugged, didn't say anything more, and took his sister into the car to go to school.

Lin Huairan glanced at her and said quietly: "There is a class next period."

The girl who responded was wearing the school uniform of a private high school in Yancheng, a non-rigid, college-style shirt with a sweater vest, a red and white cotton coat on the outside, a skirt underneath, and a pair of slender straight legs wrapped in leggings.

When Wen Zhiling saw him, he opened his mouth, remembered what he said before, "I'll be a dog if I tell you one more thing," and closed it again.

The boy next to Wen Zhiling watched him walking step by step, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, so he took Wen Zhiling's arm and pulled him behind him.

"So handsome!" said my friend excitedly, and sighed again, "But you must not be excited. One is your brother, and the other is your childhood sweetheart. You are used to seeing him."

"What? How bad is your test?"

Wen Zhiling wanted to refute, but was suddenly dragged to the chair by Lin Huairan.

"Aren't you guys in a self-study class? Just take a class and come to Jianghu to help."

Coming out of the office, Wen Zhiling walked towards the Class 8 classroom.

Lin Huairan sneered disdainfully, and blew her breath on the back of Wen Zhiling's neck, burning it. She shrank her neck, feeling that this man must be looking for trouble again.

Wen Zhiling quickly caught the first two words: "What's the matter! Is there anyone who can apologize so impatiently like you?!"

"talk later."

You must know that Wen Zhiling was really pampered and raised. If she really caught her eye, she might not be able to torment him with her parents.

"So handsome!" said my friend excitedly, and sighed again, "But you must not be excited. One is your brother, and the other is your childhood sweetheart. You are used to seeing him."

The girl didn't mind his cold attitude and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you then" and left first.


He leaned against the wall outside the piano room and first sent a message to Wen Zhijing.

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

Wen Zhiling rolled his eyes secretly and stopped talking nonsense: "Where is my brother?"



This was to criticize her for wearing an autumn skirt and school uniform in winter.

Wen Zhijing smiled: "How long have we not seen each other? Why don't you recognize your brother?"


Lin Huairan looked at her: "How could I know."

"Didn't you play ball with him?"

The teacher was furious: "Lin Huairan!"

Lin Huairan had heard what songs they played before. He did have musical talent. He didn't practice piano for a long time but he did have a very good sense of music.

The piano made a heavy "buzz" sound.

"Didn't you play ball with him?"

Others in the classroom looked over.

As she walked through the science class floor, many boys in the corridor whistled at her, but Wen Zhiling ignored them and ignored them completely.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zhijing came back.

"Do you need me?" Lin Huairan asked.

"What do you want to eat?"

I looked at the time and saw that only ten minutes had passed.

The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

Someone who knew Lin Qingwu joked: "Xiao Wutong, is this your boyfriend?"

"Your brother has something to do. Let me come and pick you up for dinner."

"Your head teacher asked you two to go to the office." Wen Zhiling finished explaining and left without looking back.

In fact, the winter school uniforms are matching pants, but they are too bulky. Wen Zhiling finds them ugly and doesn't like wearing them.

I looked at the time and saw that only ten minutes had passed.

But she got good grades and the teacher didn't nag her.

Hearing Zhijing clicked his tongue, he didn't need to think about it to know what the reason was.

Only when he got it in his hand did he realize that he was not interested in Cheng Huan, and he had never taken anything from her before, but she took the trouble to deliver it again and again.

Just as he was about to stand up, Lin Huairan covered his mouth and pushed him back down.

"It will be all right."

As Wen Zhijing ran through the corridor of the science class, the eyes of the boys outside also followed her figure.

The head teacher of Class 8 didn't notice that she was still here. He was speechless for a moment, a little embarrassed, and waved his hand: "Okay, thank you."

When Wen Zhiling saw him, he opened his mouth, remembered what he said before, "I'll be a dog if I tell you one more thing," and closed it again.

It was like a subwoofer, and the sound made Wenzhiling's eardrums vibrate slightly, and his ears seemed to be burning.

The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

"None of your business." Wen Zhiling glared at him angrily and said inexplicably, "If I tell you one more thing, I will be a dog!"

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips and looked away.

A smiling voice sounded from behind, casually asking: "This classmate, who are you peeking at?"

Lin Huairan snorted softly: "Okay, you guys, there are no traces of people, you are still staring at each one, you are only so promising."

Lin Huairan had heard what songs they played before. He did have musical talent. He didn't practice piano for a long time but he did have a very good sense of music.

When Wen Zhijing went to school the next day, he found that she had finally put on her new pair of bloated winter school pants. Wen Liang and Chen Diao were shocked when they saw her coming downstairs.

Lin Huairan: "Come here."

"You can tell I'm impatient. I'm sincere."

Wen Zhiling had actually walked some distance away from his friend, but when he heard the cheers coming from not far behind him, he couldn't help but look back -

Nowadays, many junior high school children are precocious. When they saw a handsome guy standing by the window sill, he was still wearing high school clothes. He suddenly became energetic and shouted Lin Qingwu's name with a gossipy face.

The two of them walked to the office.

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

"You can tell I'm impatient. I'm sincere."

Lin Huairan smelled some residual fragrance, frowned, and asked sideways, "Does your sister still wear perfume?"

"If you practice a lot, it shouldn't hold you back."

Suddenly, her ponytail was pulled from behind. Wen Zhiling was pulled up and staggered back. At the same time, her waist was supported.

Fortunately, the man probably thought that Zhiling had left beforehand, so he didn't stay long and quickly left with his schoolbag.

"She is so beautiful. She has a cabinet full of perfume at home, but my dad won't even listen to her."

The piano made a heavy "buzz" sound.

"Okay, are you okay?"

The head teacher of Class 8 didn't notice that she was still here. He was speechless for a moment, a little embarrassed, and waved his hand: "Okay, thank you."

She ran back again and quickly finished sorting it out. As soon as her eyes met Wen Zhijing, she quickly looked away. She lowered her head and whispered, "Okay."

"She's reading a book. What kind of perfume is she wearing? She's wearing such a short skirt in the middle of winter. What kind of student does she look like? She's still the monitor?"

The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

Lin Huairan turned around and saw a boy standing next to her. He frowned slightly and said, "Wen Zhiling."

Lin Huairan no longer cared about it, raised his hand to hold her face, touched her lips with his fingertips, and whispered with unknown meaning: "I only kissed her on the face before, this time I can't follow the script."

Lin Huairan finished ordering, then unscrewed the bottle cap like a gentleman, and naturally returned the water to Cheng Huan.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zhijing came back.

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips and mocked, pretending to be calm: "You don't still look back at those things often, do you?"

"So you can also say -" Wen Zhijing looked at him with a clear look and said slowly: "What kind of student does she look like?"

Wen Zhijing smiled: "How long have we not seen each other? Why don't you recognize your brother?"

Hearing Zhijing clicked his tongue, he didn't need to think about it to know what the reason was.

"Well, there's something wrong." Lin Huairan said, "It's Wen Zhiling in your class. Isn't she still wearing a short skirt in the middle of winter? Everything else is fine. It's mainly a health problem. She has another problem today. Wet and cold, we can’t just care about beauty, don’t you think?”

What the hell is this


Smooth and sweet music flows out, singing along with the chorus.

Lin Qingwu blushed and trotted out of the classroom: "Brother Zhijing, why are you here."

The boy was stunned, obviously not knowing that it was Lin Huairan who came to the rescue just now, and his eyes moved to his face.

Wen Zhiling wanted to refute, but was suddenly dragged to the chair by Lin Huairan.

Wen Zhiling thought it was the classmate just now, but turned around and saw Lin Huairan unexpectedly. She was stunned for a moment and even forgot that she was having a one-sided cold war with him.

Why are you so close to her? ! !

Lin Qingwu blushed and trotted out of the classroom: "Brother Zhijing, why are you here."

But she got good grades and the teacher didn't nag her.

When they arrived at the office, the two of them stood at the desk and listened to the instruction.

Lin Huairan finished ordering, then unscrewed the bottle cap like a gentleman, and naturally returned the water to Cheng Huan.

Because those lines were spoken by the two when they were young and recording "Babies Over Flowers" to establish their relationship.

The teacher's face turned red and his neck thickened from the training, but the two of them were still smiling playfully.


Lin Huairan actually has a good personality. Apart from being a bit careless, he has never done anything particularly outrageous, but there may be some people who make people feel untouchable just because of their face and temperament.

Lin Huairan also made a cup of tea for the teacher and kindly advised: "Moisten your throat first, don't get angry, your health is important."

Nowadays, many junior high school children are precocious. When they saw a handsome guy standing by the window sill, he was still wearing high school clothes. He suddenly became energetic and shouted Lin Qingwu's name with a gossipy face.

The teacher was stunned by what he said: "Ah, yes."

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

The teacher was furious: "Lin Huairan!"

"It seems like something happened. Maybe he's chasing a girl."

Just as he was about to stand up, Lin Huairan covered his mouth and pushed him back down.

"Where is my brother?" She changed the subject.

"...What do you mean he found a new girlfriend? You are talking about me as his ex-girlfriend." Wen Zhiling said, "You don't think that we were really in a serious relationship when we were four years old, do you? ?”

He smiled lazily: "Who said before that if you say another word to me, you will be a dog?"

"It's not uncomfortable, it's just hot." Xiao Wutong's voice was soft and waxy.

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.

"None of your business." Wen Zhiling glared at him angrily and said inexplicably, "If I tell you one more thing, I will be a dog!"

Finally shut up.

Lin Huairan tugged on her collar and opened two buttons, revealing a delicate collarbone. Her Adam's apple slid up and down, revealing an inexplicable lust that belonged to a young man.

As she walked through the science class floor, many boys in the corridor whistled at her, but Wen Zhiling ignored them and ignored them completely.

"What? How bad is your test?"

He leaned against the wall, his eyebrows lowered, his eyelids lowered and raised, scanning her from head to toe.

The chorus of the ninth liberal arts class was at the end.

"Well, let's take her to have dinner again."

"...What do you mean he found a new girlfriend? You are talking about me as his ex-girlfriend." Wen Zhiling said, "You don't think that we were really in a serious relationship when we were four years old, do you? ?”

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

"Zhiling!" He smiled and raised his hand to greet her.

The study committee member of the class is a gentle boy.


Not far away, I saw two people kissing in public in the school in violation of school rules: "..."

The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

The teacher of Class 9 was a young woman. Her heart was melted by his smile, and her attitude was very kind: "Is something wrong?"


"come here."

"She's reading a book. What kind of perfume is she wearing? She's wearing such a short skirt in the middle of winter. What kind of student does she look like? She's still the monitor?"

Lin Huairan finished ordering, then unscrewed the bottle cap like a gentleman, and naturally returned the water to Cheng Huan.


It's fun here, but not so harmoniously on the other side.

The teacher of Class 9 was a young woman. Her heart was melted by his smile, and her attitude was very kind: "Is something wrong?"

He leaned against the wall, his eyebrows lowered, his eyelids lowered and raised, scanning her from head to toe.

The chorus of the ninth liberal arts class was at the end.

"Well, there's something wrong." Lin Huairan said, "It's Wen Zhiling in your class. Isn't she still wearing a short skirt in the middle of winter? Everything else is fine. It's mainly a health problem. She has another problem today. Wet and cold, we can’t just care about beauty, don’t you think?”

"Is this your boyfriend?" Lin Huairan asked in a low voice in her ear.

The two of them said each other's words, no one was convinced by the other, which made people feel powerful.

This was to criticize her for wearing an autumn skirt and school uniform in winter.


The teacher was stunned by what he said: "Ah, yes."

"Have you ever thought that if you go out now, you can still explain our relationship?"

Probably because there were too many such situations, as soon as he finished speaking, the teacher on the desk next to him laughed: "What's wrong? What did these two devils do again?"

"Why did you come back..."

"Wen Zhiling entered the rebellious stage when she was about six years old. She didn't listen to what her parents said, nor did her brother." Lin Huairan pointed at Wen Zhijing at the door, "There is nothing we can do about her."

Near the end of get out of class, they had practiced several times and were ready to go back to the classroom.

"Have you ever thought that if you go out now, you can still explain our relationship?"

Wen Zhijing: "..."

Wen Zhijing: "..."

Wen Zhiling had actually walked some distance away from his friend, but when he heard the cheers coming from not far behind him, he couldn't help but look back -

Lin Huairan sneered.

Lin Huairan is becoming more and more promising.

Wen Zhiling rolled his eyes secretly and stopped talking nonsense: "Where is my brother?"

Lin Huairan: "So I would like to trouble you to advise you to wear winter school pants in cold weather, and don't wear perfume in school."

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

Lin Huairan: "Come here."

Lin Huairan looked at the blush on her cheeks and curled her lips: "Then can I kiss you now?"

When everything was done, he said "Thank you, teacher" and went out with Wen Zhijing.


Hearing Zhijing clicked his tongue, he didn't need to think about it to know what the reason was.

"Okay." Wen Zhijing agreed quickly, "I'm in Class 3, Grade 1, right?"

"Do you know how abrupt your words just now were?" Wen Zhijing was speechless, "Forget it about wearing winter clothes, why don't you care if a little girl sprays perfume on her?"


"A good student like me doesn't fall in love prematurely." Wen Zhijing said Youyou, "If your brother is chasing a little girl, I will take care of the child for him."

Several of their boys had gone out to play ball a long time ago. They called Lin Huairan twice, but he didn't go.


Lin Huairan snorted lightly and said disdainfully: "We all know that she wears perfume. Some idiots with no eyes were secretly saying that the school beauty has body fragrance on her body. Her expression when speaking was so disgusting. nausea."

He smiled lazily: "Who said before that if you say another word to me, you will be a dog?"

Wen Zhiling's face turned red, not just because of shyness, but also because of shame.

Lin Huairan caught his gaze steadily, then calmly held Wen Zhiling's hand, and followed her words just now: "Then don't clean up."

A smiling voice sounded from behind, casually asking: "This classmate, who are you peeking at?"

Wen Zhijing smiled and said, "If you like someone, just tell them nicely. It doesn't matter if you complain to the class teacher."

There is a physical education class in the afternoon, with Classes 8 and 9 together.

When the song ended, there were screams and applause from the audience.

Lin Huairan looked at her: "How could I know."

I looked at the time and saw that only ten minutes had passed.

I looked at the time and saw that only ten minutes had passed.

It wasn't until the piano sound suddenly stopped that he gradually woke up again.

Lin Huairan said quickly: "Who likes that smelly girl?"


Wen Zhijing smiled: "How long have we not seen each other? Why don't you recognize your brother?"

Wen Zhijing quickly switched sides in order to prove his innocence: "Lin Huairan did it."

"We know each other." Xiao Wutong scratched his hair and still lowered his head, "What are we going to eat?"


"Okay, you don't like it." Wen Zhijing didn't bother to elaborate, "If she knew it was you who told her teacher this, she would definitely hate you to death."

Lin Huairan chuckled: "I miss my obedient Zhiling sister."


Wen Zhijing held her head up and removed the water glass with his other hand: "If you lower your head any further, your hair will get wet."


Lin Huairan's complaint was so effective that the teacher talked to Wen Zhiling that afternoon.

"She is so beautiful. She has a cabinet full of perfume at home, but my dad won't even listen to her."

"Okay, you don't like it." Wen Zhijing didn't bother to elaborate, "If she knew it was you who told her teacher this, she would definitely hate you to death."

When Wen Zhijing went to school the next day, he found that she had finally put on her new pair of bloated winter school pants. Wen Liang and Chen Diao were shocked when they saw her coming downstairs.

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

In fact, the winter school uniforms are matching pants, but they are too bulky. Wen Zhiling finds them ugly and doesn't like wearing them.

Wen Zhiling thought it was the classmate just now, but turned around and saw Lin Huairan unexpectedly. She was stunned for a moment and even forgot that she was having a one-sided cold war with him.

Coming out of the office, Wen Zhiling walked towards the Class 8 classroom.

This was the name he called her during the dark history of the two of them that was recorded online.

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

"Well." Wen Zhiling was still thinking about what happened on the basketball court just now. She felt a little unhappy and was not very enthusiastic. "Have you practiced at home before?"

Because I originally wanted a longer winter top, the size of Wenzhi Lingxuan was very large, so that the pants were very long and a bit dragged on the floor.


"Just if Lin Huairan finds a new girlfriend."


Wen Zhijing asked casually: "Why are you wearing these pants today?"

On the way to school, she pulled on her school pants awkwardly.

Several of their boys had gone out to play ball a long time ago. They called Lin Huairan twice, but he didn't go.

"come here."

"You are too awesome."

Wen Zhijing asked casually: "Why are you wearing these pants today?"

"Well, there's something wrong." Lin Huairan said, "It's Wen Zhiling in your class. Isn't she still wearing a short skirt in the middle of winter? Everything else is fine. It's mainly a health problem. She has another problem today. Wet and cold, we can’t just care about beauty, don’t you think?”

Wen Zhiling snorted: "It's useless to be sincere, I won't forgive you anyway."

Wen Zhiling complained: "I don't know which bastard complained to my class teacher. He didn't let me wear a skirt or wear perfume. He was nosy and annoying."

The boy next to him couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

The head teacher of Class 8 threw the test paper heavily on the table: "What a failure did these two have in the exam!"

This was the name he called her during the dark history of the two of them that was recorded online.

"Well, there's something wrong." Lin Huairan said, "It's Wen Zhiling in your class. Isn't she still wearing a short skirt in the middle of winter? Everything else is fine. It's mainly a health problem. She has another problem today. Wet and cold, we can’t just care about beauty, don’t you think?”

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.


As she walked through the science class floor, many boys in the corridor whistled at her, but Wen Zhiling ignored them and ignored them completely.

Lin Huairan smelled some residual fragrance, frowned, and asked sideways, "Does your sister still wear perfume?"

Wen Zhijing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but her peripheral vision caught him: "Do you know?"

"Then he called you Zhiling?"

The boy next to Wen Zhiling watched him walking step by step, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, so he took Wen Zhiling's arm and pulled him behind him.

Lin Huairan actually has a good personality. Apart from being a bit careless, he has never done anything particularly outrageous, but there may be some people who make people feel untouchable just because of their face and temperament.

He raised his hand to cover the eyes of the little Wutong next to him.

Near the end of get out of class, they had practiced several times and were ready to go back to the classroom.

"What?" He pretended to be stupid.

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

The boy next to him couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

Wen Zhijing sent a voice message.

I passed the basketball court with my friends and saw the boys from Class 8 playing basketball.

"Didn't you see her wearing pants today?"

"Did you complain?"

The study committee member of the class is a gentle boy.

Lin Huairan no longer cared about it, raised his hand to hold her face, touched her lips with his fingertips, and whispered with unknown meaning: "I only kissed her on the face before, this time I can't follow the script."

"It's okay, I didn't open the sunroof in the end anyway."

There was noisy discussion around.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Huairan hesitated for a moment while holding the phone, then asked Wen Zhijing to pick him up at the junior high school.

He leaned against the wall, his eyebrows lowered, his eyelids lowered and raised, scanning her from head to toe.

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

Just as he was about to stand up, Lin Huairan covered his mouth and pushed him back down.

"Am I so boring?" He glanced at Wen Zhiling, showing his disbelief.

It's fun here, but not so harmoniously on the other side.


Lin Huairan looked at the blush on her cheeks and curled her lips: "Then can I kiss you now?"

I looked at the time and saw that only ten minutes had passed.

You must know that Wen Zhiling was really pampered and raised. If she really caught her eye, she might not be able to torment him with her parents.


It turns out that he was not pursued by girls to give him water, but he took the initiative to help people twist bottle caps!

Lin Huairan turned around and looked at Wen Zhijing: "Did your sister take the wrong medicine?"

Wen Zhijing quickly switched sides in order to prove his innocence: "Lin Huairan did it."


"Aren't you guys in a self-study class? Just take a class and come to Jianghu to help."

The teacher of Class 9 was a young woman. Her heart was melted by his smile, and her attitude was very kind: "Is something wrong?"

He raised his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on Wen Zhiling.

Wen Zhiling snorted: "It's useless to be sincere, I won't forgive you anyway."

"Lin Huairan!?" She opened her eyes wide, "Why is he doing this!"

Wen Zhiling didn't like strangers touching her, so she pulled her hand back. After pulling away, she realized that she seemed to be listening to Lin Huairan's words.

The teacher's face turned red and his neck thickened from the training, but the two of them were still smiling playfully.

Wen Zhijing was called over by a text message from Xiao Wutong halfway through the performance, and he brought the little girl over to the high school.


"Pull him down, what's the use of the school bastard? Using his face to seduce the obedient girls in my class all day long, maybe his grades will drop!"

Xiao Wutong paused, holding the cup and taking a sip of water: "Don't you have to chase girls?"

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

Wen Zhijing smiled: "How long have we not seen each other? Why don't you recognize your brother?"

Wen Zhijing shrugged, didn't say anything more, and took his sister into the car to go to school.

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.


Soon, it’s New Year’s Day party.

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed.

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

In fact, by now I must have forgotten what I said when I was a child, but theirs has been preserved forever.

Lin Huairan is becoming more and more promising.

When she arrived at the door of Class 9, she learned from her classmates that she was going to practice piano, so she went downstairs to the gymnasium.

Wen Zhijing laughed softly: "Otherwise."

"Sister Zhiling." Lin Huairan said suddenly, her voice hoarse and lazy.

It's fun here, but not so harmoniously on the other side.

Wen Zhijing was called over by a text message from Xiao Wutong halfway through the performance, and he brought the little girl over to the high school.

Lin Huairan snorted softly: "Okay, you guys, there are no traces of people, you are still staring at each one, you are only so promising."

He leaned against the wall outside the piano room and first sent a message to Wen Zhijing.

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

"Wen Zhiling entered the rebellious stage when she was about six years old. She didn't listen to what her parents said, nor did her brother." Lin Huairan pointed at Wen Zhijing at the door, "There is nothing we can do about her."

"Did you complain?"

"There's nothing inappropriate about it."

Lin Huairan said quickly: "Who likes that smelly girl?"

"Then he called you Zhiling?"

There is a physical education class in the afternoon, with Classes 8 and 9 together.

But he soon discovered that Wen Zhiling needed his guidance. After only getting to know her twice, she was already able to play it smoothly.


The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

Wen Zhijing asked casually: "Why are you wearing these pants today?"

If you ask Wen Zhiling what she regrets most at the age of 17, she will definitely say without hesitation that she found a "boyfriend" for herself when she was young and ignorant, and even recorded it on the Internet. can be found.

"Of course not." Her mouth was still covered, and her voice was muffled.

He said slowly: "You are really the number one reserve for arthritis."

Wen Zhiling didn't even look back, and his vision went dark as soon as he heard this voice.

Now that the New Year's Day party is approaching, Wen Zhiling, as the class monitor and part-time entertainment committee member, takes advantage of the free period of physical education class to rehearse the class chorus. Among them, Wen Zhiling is responsible for playing the piano four hands.

After leaving the basketball court, she went to the music classroom. Her partner, who was going to accompany Wen Zhiling in the four-hand chorus, was already waiting for her at the door.

Then he saw Lin Huairan taking the water.

Wen Zhiling complained: "I don't know which bastard complained to my class teacher. He didn't let me wear a skirt or wear perfume. He was nosy and annoying."

"Have you ever thought that if you go out now, you can still explain our relationship?"

I passed the basketball court with my friends and saw the boys from Class 8 playing basketball.

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips: "Oh."


Lin Huairan turned around and looked at Wen Zhijing: "Did your sister take the wrong medicine?"

Lin Qingye explained calmly on the other end: "I'm going out to eat with your mother tonight. You take Xiao Wutong to finish dinner before going back. Take good care of my sister."

"What do you want to eat?"

It took him a while to recover and he asked a question.

When the song ended, there were screams and applause from the audience.

"Hey, Lingling, look over there." The friend held her hand and whispered excitedly, gesturing towards the basketball court.

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

The teacher was overjoyed: "Just be content. You can get first place in your grade in science, comprehensive science, and improve your average score a lot. Besides, you have two school bastards in your class, which is very impressive."

Wen Zhiling glanced sideways, still calm: "What's wrong?"

"I've just finished playing basketball and I'm all sweaty. How can I be the same as you?"

Only when he got it in his hand did he realize that he was not interested in Cheng Huan, and he had never taken anything from her before, but she took the trouble to deliver it again and again.

"So handsome!" said my friend excitedly, and sighed again, "But you must not be excited. One is your brother, and the other is your childhood sweetheart. You are used to seeing him."

Lin Huairan snorted softly: "Okay, you guys, there are no traces of people, you are still staring at each one, you are only so promising."

"Are you okay?" Lin Huairan asked.

Wen Zhiling complained: "I don't know which bastard complained to my class teacher. He didn't let me wear a skirt or wear perfume. He was nosy and annoying."

Lin Huairan is becoming more and more promising.

Lin Qingwu's face turned red instantly and he waved his hands quickly: "No, no."


"Do you know how abrupt your words just now were?" Wen Zhijing was speechless, "Forget it about wearing winter clothes, why don't you care if a little girl sprays perfume on her?"


The girl who responded was wearing the school uniform of a private high school in Yancheng, a non-rigid, college-style shirt with a sweater vest, a red and white cotton coat on the outside, a skirt underneath, and a pair of slender straight legs wrapped in leggings.

"Where is my brother?" She changed the subject.

She coughed lightly: "Teacher, I'll call them over."

A group of people around them stopped talking and looked at the two people.

Then he saw Lin Huairan taking the water.

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

Wen Zhiling sneered: "Whoever has a good relationship with him will annoy me to death. It would be better for him to fall in love. This will save me from being discussed with him every day."

Wen Zhijing didn't ask any more questions. He looked at his watch, packed his things, and went directly to the junior high school, bypassing a playground and arriving there.

A friend around him said, "That's right, I heard that Cheng Huan has been chasing Lin Huairan very hard recently. He goes to see him every day and brings him water and milk tea."

"Well." Wen Zhiling was still thinking about what happened on the basketball court just now. She felt a little unhappy and was not very enthusiastic. "Have you practiced at home before?"

"Have you ever thought that if you go out now, you can still explain our relationship?"

The boy just now came back, only to find that there was no one in the piano room. He looked around, feeling confused, and said, "Psychic?"

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips: "Oh."

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

"Why did you come back..."

Wen Zhijing held her head up and removed the water glass with his other hand: "If you lower your head any further, your hair will get wet."

"But Lingling, will you be angry?"

He smiled lazily: "Who said before that if you say another word to me, you will be a dog?"

He handed it to Cheng Huan again.

"Hey, Lingling, look over there." The friend held her hand and whispered excitedly, gesturing towards the basketball court.


"Who is that person?"

He leaned against the wall outside the piano room and first sent a message to Wen Zhijing.

After not hearing it for a long time, Wen Zhiling immediately got goosebumps, vividly recalling the dark history.

"What are you angry about?"

Wen Zhiling was confused. She didn't know what was going on for a moment. She was really hiding there with Lin Huairan. She asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

Only when he got it in his hand did he realize that he was not interested in Cheng Huan, and he had never taken anything from her before, but she took the trouble to deliver it again and again.

"Just if Lin Huairan finds a new girlfriend."

Lin Huairan: "Come here."

Lin Huairan glanced at her and said quietly: "There is a class next period."

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

Lin Huairan looked at her: "How could I know."

"...What do you mean he found a new girlfriend? You are talking about me as his ex-girlfriend." Wen Zhiling said, "You don't think that we were really in a serious relationship when we were four years old, do you? ?”

"Aren't you guys in a self-study class? Just take a class and come to Jianghu to help."

In fact, the winter school uniforms are matching pants, but they are too bulky. Wen Zhiling finds them ugly and doesn't like wearing them.

Wen Zhiling wanted to refute, but was suddenly dragged to the chair by Lin Huairan.

Lin Huairan sneered disdainfully, and blew her breath on the back of Wen Zhiling's neck, burning it. She shrank her neck, feeling that this man must be looking for trouble again.

Wen Zhijing quickly switched sides in order to prove his innocence: "Lin Huairan did it."

"That's not true, but since you have a good relationship with him, don't you feel that he has been snatched away by other girls?"

"...No." Xiao Wutong buried his head lower and lower, "They are talking nonsense."

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

Cheng Huan looked at him and shook the mineral water bottle in his hand: "Brother Ran?"

"None of your business." Wen Zhiling glared at him angrily and said inexplicably, "If I tell you one more thing, I will be a dog!"

Lin Huairan was holding a basketball in her arms, her black hair was wet, her body was warm, and her peach-blossom eyes looked particularly alluring when she smiled.

He leaned against the wall outside the piano room and first sent a message to Wen Zhijing.

Wen Zhijing: "..."

Wen Zhiling sneered: "Whoever has a good relationship with him will annoy me to death. It would be better for him to fall in love. This will save me from being discussed with him every day."

She had a delicate personality when she was a child, and became more and more indulgent as she grew up. The little girl has a beautiful neck, slender and fair, like a proud white swan.

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

The boy next to him couldn't stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

The teacher was stunned by what he said: "Ah, yes."

The window of the piano room was open, and the sound of the court below could be heard, covering up the whispers between the two.

Lin Huairan smiled: "What a big deal, otherwise I won't let you wear a skirt. It's so cold and there are so many people staring at you."

When she said this, she happened to pass by the basketball stand. Lin Huairan walked up to Cheng Huan and happened to hear her.

"Did you complain?"

Lin Huairan indeed planned to go to Wen Zhiling, apologize for the complaint, and have a meal together, and the matter would be over.

Lin Huairan no longer cared about it, raised his hand to hold her face, touched her lips with his fingertips, and whispered with unknown meaning: "I only kissed her on the face before, this time I can't follow the script."

Lin Huairan was holding a basketball in her arms, her black hair was wet, her body was warm, and her peach-blossom eyes looked particularly alluring when she smiled.

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

Lin Huairan: "So I would like to trouble you to advise you to wear winter school pants in cold weather, and don't wear perfume in school."

The girl didn't mind his cold attitude and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you then" and left first.

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

He raised his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on Wen Zhiling.

As Wen Zhijing ran through the corridor of the science class, the eyes of the boys outside also followed her figure.

He leaned against the wall, his eyebrows lowered, his eyelids lowered and raised, scanning her from head to toe.

December, private high office in Yancheng.

Because I originally wanted a longer winter top, the size of Wenzhi Lingxuan was very large, so that the pants were very long and a bit dragged on the floor.

He was also promoted from the junior high school. He found the classroom of Class 3, the first grade of junior high school with ease. He put his arm on the window sill and said, "Little Wutong!"

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips and looked away.

Cheng Huan looked at him and shook the mineral water bottle in his hand: "Brother Ran?"

After school in the evening, Lin Huairan received a call from her biological father, who asked her to take a taxi home with Lin Qingwu from the junior high school in the evening.

Outside the piano room, Lin Huairan paused and heard that it was playing with four hands.

But she got good grades and the teacher didn't nag her.

When the audience saw Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan sitting down together in front of the piano, loud cheers and applause broke out.

Lin Huairan chuckled: "I miss my obedient Zhiling sister."

When the audience saw Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan sitting down together in front of the piano, loud cheers and applause broke out.

Lin Huairan tugged on her collar and opened two buttons, revealing a delicate collarbone. Her Adam's apple slid up and down, revealing an inexplicable lust that belonged to a young man.

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed.

Lin Huairan looked away and subconsciously took the mineral water bottle.

Xiao Wutong blinked: "Sister Zhiling?"

Smooth and sweet music flows out, singing along with the chorus.


"What are you angry about?"

"Is this your boyfriend?" Lin Huairan asked in a low voice in her ear.

"It's none of your business." Wen Zhiling quickly countered, "Didn't you see that people are looking for me? Let me go quickly."

Only when he got it in his hand did he realize that he was not interested in Cheng Huan, and he had never taken anything from her before, but she took the trouble to deliver it again and again.

"So you can also say -" Wen Zhijing looked at him with a clear look and said slowly: "What kind of student does she look like?"

As she walked through the science class floor, many boys in the corridor whistled at her, but Wen Zhiling ignored them and ignored them completely.

Wen Zhiling's face turned red, not just because of shyness, but also because of shame.

Wen Zhiling had actually walked some distance away from his friend, but when he heard the cheers coming from not far behind him, he couldn't help but look back -

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

"Zhiling!" He smiled and raised his hand to greet her.

Sure enough, seeing him actually take it this time, Cheng Huan's eyes lit up instantly.


Outside the piano room, Lin Huairan paused and heard that it was playing with four hands.

"What do you want to eat?"

The boy next to Wen Zhiling watched him walking step by step, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, so he took Wen Zhiling's arm and pulled him behind him.

Lin Huairan paused and raised the water bottle: "Don't give it away in the future. It's inappropriate."

As Wen Zhijing ran through the corridor of the science class, the eyes of the boys outside also followed her figure.

"Can you play?" Wen Zhiling asked, only to realize that he had asked nonsense.

"She is so beautiful. She has a cabinet full of perfume at home, but my dad won't even listen to her."

"There's nothing inappropriate about it."

Lin Huairan looked at the blush on her cheeks and curled her lips: "Then can I kiss you now?"

Is this person sick

Wen Zhijing smiled and said, "If you like someone, just tell them nicely. It doesn't matter if you complain to the class teacher."

"It's easy to misunderstand."

She heard that Lingshou was indeed beautiful, slender and slender, but these words made her suddenly think of Lin Huairan. She remembered that Lin Huairan could also play the piano when she was a child, but she has never seen him play it now. Those hands were the most suitable for playing the piano she had ever seen.

"Where is my brother?" She changed the subject.

"Well, there's something wrong." Lin Huairan said, "It's Wen Zhiling in your class. Isn't she still wearing a short skirt in the middle of winter? Everything else is fine. It's mainly a health problem. She has another problem today. Wet and cold, we can’t just care about beauty, don’t you think?”

But she got good grades and the teacher didn't nag her.

The teacher's face turned red and his neck thickened from the training, but the two of them were still smiling playfully.

Lin Huairan finished ordering, then unscrewed the bottle cap like a gentleman, and naturally returned the water to Cheng Huan.

Wen Zhiling didn't even look back, and his vision went dark as soon as he heard this voice.

Wen Zhiling turned her head and looked. She was the female sports committee member of Class 10 Liberal Arts Class. Her name was Cheng Huan. She was pretty and had a carefree personality. She knew most of the people in the school.

Wen Zhiling was confused. She didn't know what was going on for a moment. She was really hiding there with Lin Huairan. She asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

Wen Zhiling had actually walked some distance away from his friend, but when he heard the cheers coming from not far behind him, he couldn't help but look back -

Finally, it was time for the last program. The staff moved the piano onto the stage and the chorus formation was ready, but the two piano players were nowhere to be seen.

Wen Zhiling was a popular person in the school. Soon someone learned that one of his classmates who played the piano suddenly had a bad stomach and couldn't make it in time.

"Do you know how abrupt your words just now were?" Wen Zhijing was speechless, "Forget it about wearing winter clothes, why don't you care if a little girl sprays perfume on her?"

When the audience saw Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan sitting down together in front of the piano, loud cheers and applause broke out.

"It will be all right."

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

Then he saw Lin Huairan taking the water.

But she got good grades and the teacher didn't nag her.

Someone who knew Lin Qingwu joked: "Xiao Wutong, is this your boyfriend?"

Probably because there were too many such situations, as soon as he finished speaking, the teacher on the desk next to him laughed: "What's wrong? What did these two devils do again?"

The boy just now came back, only to find that there was no one in the piano room. He looked around, feeling confused, and said, "Psychic?"


Wen Zhijing laughed softly: "Otherwise."

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

"You are too awesome."

It took him a while to recover and he asked a question.


Lin Huairan chuckled: "I miss my obedient Zhiling sister."

When Wen Zhijing went to school the next day, he found that she had finally put on her new pair of bloated winter school pants. Wen Liang and Chen Diao were shocked when they saw her coming downstairs.

"That's not true, but since you have a good relationship with him, don't you feel that he has been snatched away by other girls?"

When the song ended, there were screams and applause from the audience.

He said slowly: "You are really the number one reserve for arthritis."

She coughed lightly: "Teacher, I'll call them over."

The window of the piano room was open, and the sound of the court below could be heard, covering up the whispers between the two.

The girl didn't mind his cold attitude and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you then" and left first.


Lin Huairan stared at his arm for a moment, raised his chin slightly, and said calmly: "Let go."

Nowadays, many junior high school children are precocious. When they saw a handsome guy standing by the window sill, he was still wearing high school clothes. He suddenly became energetic and shouted Lin Qingwu's name with a gossipy face.

Xiao Wutong blinked: "Sister Zhiling?"

He handed it to Cheng Huan again.

"Then he called you Zhiling?"

After leaving the basketball court, she went to the music classroom. Her partner, who was going to accompany Wen Zhiling in the four-hand chorus, was already waiting for her at the door.

"Ah." Wen Zhilin paused, "But I haven't practiced yet. I've been too busy recently."

"We know each other." Xiao Wutong scratched his hair and still lowered his head, "What are we going to eat?"


"I've just finished playing basketball and I'm all sweaty. How can I be the same as you?"

Cheng Huan looked at him and shook the mineral water bottle in his hand: "Brother Ran?"

The girl didn't mind his cold attitude and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you then" and left first.

very good.

Lin Qingwu blushed and trotted out of the classroom: "Brother Zhijing, why are you here."

"...What do you mean he found a new girlfriend? You are talking about me as his ex-girlfriend." Wen Zhiling said, "You don't think that we were really in a serious relationship when we were four years old, do you? ?”

On the way to school, she pulled on her school pants awkwardly.

"Didn't you play ball with him?"

A group of people around them stopped talking and looked at the two people.

Lin Huairan is becoming more and more promising.

"Okay." Wen Zhijing agreed quickly, "I'm in Class 3, Grade 1, right?"

"Well, let's take her to have dinner again."

You must know that Wen Zhiling was really pampered and raised. If she really caught her eye, she might not be able to torment him with her parents.


"Just if Lin Huairan finds a new girlfriend."

"If you practice a lot, it shouldn't hold you back."

It turns out that he was not pursued by girls to give him water, but he took the initiative to help people twist bottle caps!

"It seems like something happened. Maybe he's chasing a girl."


Wen Zhijing: "Close your eyes obediently, children can't look at these shameless things."


Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

Wen Zhijing laughed: "If I don't recruit you, this girl will suspect that I am the one who filed the complaint. When the time comes to stir up trouble in front of my parents, I won't be able to stay any longer."

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

Several of their boys had gone out to play ball a long time ago. They called Lin Huairan twice, but he didn't go.

She complained to the teacher yesterday, and now she is still in love with girls.

"Well, what's wrong, teacher?"

Wen Zhiling's face turned red, not just because of shyness, but also because of shame.

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

In my ears is the sound of piano flowing from inside.

Then I remembered Wen Zhiling's words - "Whoever has a good relationship with him will annoy me to death. It would be better if he falls in love. This will save me being discussed with him every day."

Wen Zhiling took her friend's hand and left without looking back.

Although when they grew up, Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan were not like they were when they were children, they could still be called childhood sweethearts. Wen Zhiling had a spoiled temper and occasionally made noises, but it was rare to see her like this.

"That's okay. This song is not difficult. I can teach you."

"But Lingling, will you be angry?"


Lin Huairan sneered.

"Well, let's take her to have dinner again."

Wen Zhijing smiled and said, "If you like someone, just tell them nicely. It doesn't matter if you complain to the class teacher."

After leaving the basketball court, she went to the music classroom. Her partner, who was going to accompany Wen Zhiling in the four-hand chorus, was already waiting for her at the door.


As Wen Zhijing ran through the corridor of the science class, the eyes of the boys outside also followed her figure.

"Ah." Wen Zhilin paused, "But I haven't practiced yet. I've been too busy recently."

The piano made a heavy "buzz" sound.

Lin Huairan stared at his arm for a moment, raised his chin slightly, and said calmly: "Let go."

The study committee member of the class is a gentle boy.

Because those lines were spoken by the two when they were young and recording "Babies Over Flowers" to establish their relationship.

Wen Zhijing held her head up and removed the water glass with his other hand: "If you lower your head any further, your hair will get wet."

There is a row of snack streets just outside the entrance of the junior high school, and finally we settled on a barbecue restaurant.

"Zhiling!" He smiled and raised his hand to greet her.

In my ears is the sound of piano flowing from inside.

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

Wen Zhiling was a popular person in the school. Soon someone learned that one of his classmates who played the piano suddenly had a bad stomach and couldn't make it in time.

"Who is that person?"

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

Lin Huairan had heard what songs they played before. He did have musical talent. He didn't practice piano for a long time but he did have a very good sense of music.

When Wen Zhiling saw him, he opened his mouth, remembered what he said before, "I'll be a dog if I tell you one more thing," and closed it again.

"Well." Wen Zhiling was still thinking about what happened on the basketball court just now. She felt a little unhappy and was not very enthusiastic. "Have you practiced at home before?"

When the audience saw Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan sitting down together in front of the piano, loud cheers and applause broke out.

Lin Huairan indeed planned to go to Wen Zhiling, apologize for the complaint, and have a meal together, and the matter would be over.

"You are the dog!" Wen Zhiling kicked him and ran out of the piano room as if he was running away.

There is nothing more eye-catching on campus than the gathering of school beauties, not to mention the fact that this pair had a "baby kiss."

Classes 1 to 8 of Yancheng Private High School are science classes, and Wen Zhiling is in class 9, a liberal arts class.

"If you practice a lot, it shouldn't hold you back."

It took him a while to recover and he asked a question.

He said slowly: "You are really the number one reserve for arthritis."


Near the end of get out of class, they had practiced several times and were ready to go back to the classroom.


Probably because there were too many such situations, as soon as he finished speaking, the teacher on the desk next to him laughed: "What's wrong? What did these two devils do again?"

"Ah." Wen Zhilin paused, "But I haven't practiced yet. I've been too busy recently."

Lin Huairan's complaint was so effective that the teacher talked to Wen Zhiling that afternoon.

"It seems like something happened. Maybe he's chasing a girl."

The piano made a heavy "buzz" sound.

"That's okay. This song is not difficult. I can teach you."

Then I remembered Wen Zhiling's words - "Whoever has a good relationship with him will annoy me to death. It would be better if he falls in love. This will save me being discussed with him every day."

The two of them were talking here when a female voice came in from the side: "Brother Ran, the girls in our class will have basketball training later, can you come and give us some tutoring?"

Wen Zhijing: "..."

"Pull him down, what's the use of the school bastard? Using his face to seduce the obedient girls in my class all day long, maybe his grades will drop!"

But he soon discovered that Wen Zhiling needed his guidance. After only getting to know her twice, she was already able to play it smoothly.

He raised his chin and motioned to the piano.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps behind, and the boy ran over: "Zhiling, I'm sorry. It's all my fault for having a sudden stomachache."

Lin Huairan indeed planned to go to Wen Zhiling, apologize for the complaint, and have a meal together, and the matter would be over.

"You are too awesome."

Wen Zhiling's face turned red, not just because of shyness, but also because of shame.

Several of their boys had gone out to play ball a long time ago. They called Lin Huairan twice, but he didn't go.

The study committee member of the class is a gentle boy.

"..." Lin Huairan raised his hand and scratched his eyebrows, "Okay, I was wrong."

"I studied it for several years when I was a kid."

As she walked through the science class floor, many boys in the corridor whistled at her, but Wen Zhiling ignored them and ignored them completely.

Wen Zhijing shrugged, didn't say anything more, and took his sister into the car to go to school.

"If you practice a lot, it shouldn't hold you back."

In fact, the winter school uniforms are matching pants, but they are too bulky. Wen Zhiling finds them ugly and doesn't like wearing them.

Wen Zhiling was a popular person in the school. Soon someone learned that one of his classmates who played the piano suddenly had a bad stomach and couldn't make it in time.

"Of course not." Her mouth was still covered, and her voice was muffled.

Lin Huairan stood up and walked onto the stage from one side in front of everyone.

Lin Huairan glanced at her and said quietly: "There is a class next period."

"Your hands are the ones my previous piano teacher said are most suitable for playing the piano."

Wen Zhijing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but her peripheral vision caught him: "Do you know?"

But he soon discovered that Wen Zhiling needed his guidance. After only getting to know her twice, she was already able to play it smoothly.

Nowadays, many junior high school children are precocious. When they saw a handsome guy standing by the window sill, he was still wearing high school clothes. He suddenly became energetic and shouted Lin Qingwu's name with a gossipy face.

She heard that Lingshou was indeed beautiful, slender and slender, but these words made her suddenly think of Lin Huairan. She remembered that Lin Huairan could also play the piano when she was a child, but she has never seen him play it now. Those hands were the most suitable for playing the piano she had ever seen.

He smiled lazily: "Who said before that if you say another word to me, you will be a dog?"

Just as he was about to stand up, Lin Huairan covered his mouth and pushed him back down.


"Hey, Lingling, look over there." The friend held her hand and whispered excitedly, gesturing towards the basketball court.

very good.

The girl who responded was wearing the school uniform of a private high school in Yancheng, a non-rigid, college-style shirt with a sweater vest, a red and white cotton coat on the outside, a skirt underneath, and a pair of slender straight legs wrapped in leggings.


Lin Huairan had heard what songs they played before. He did have musical talent. He didn't practice piano for a long time but he did have a very good sense of music.

Near the end of get out of class, they had practiced several times and were ready to go back to the classroom.

Wen Zhiling was confused. She didn't know what was going on for a moment. She was really hiding there with Lin Huairan. She asked angrily: "What are you doing?"


Is this person sick

Passing the basketball court, the group of boys from Class 8 were also preparing to leave.

Wen Zhijing smiled: "How long have we not seen each other? Why don't you recognize your brother?"

"You can tell I'm impatient. I'm sincere."

"Help me call your brother and Lin Huairan over."

Lin Huairan turned around and saw a boy standing next to her. He frowned slightly and said, "Wen Zhiling."

Wen Zhiling sneered: "Whoever has a good relationship with him will annoy me to death. It would be better for him to fall in love. This will save me from being discussed with him every day."

"A good student like me doesn't fall in love prematurely." Wen Zhijing said Youyou, "If your brother is chasing a little girl, I will take care of the child for him."

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Huairan hesitated for a moment while holding the phone, then asked Wen Zhijing to pick him up at the junior high school.

Nowadays, many junior high school children are precocious. When they saw a handsome guy standing by the window sill, he was still wearing high school clothes. He suddenly became energetic and shouted Lin Qingwu's name with a gossipy face.

"Didn't you play ball with him?"

The piano made a heavy "buzz" sound.

Although when they grew up, Wen Zhiling and Lin Huairan were not like they were when they were children, they could still be called childhood sweethearts. Wen Zhiling had a spoiled temper and occasionally made noises, but it was rare to see her like this.

Lin Huairan: "Come here."

When we arrived at school, the liberal arts class and the science class were on different floors. The two separated at the top of the stairs. Wen Zhiling went up another floor to the classroom.

Because the two people had improper attitudes, the lecture lasted for half an hour.

The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

"Sister Zhiling." Lin Huairan said suddenly, her voice hoarse and lazy.

"come here."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps behind, and the boy ran over: "Zhiling, I'm sorry. It's all my fault for having a sudden stomachache."

The boy next to Wen Zhiling watched him walking step by step, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, so he took Wen Zhiling's arm and pulled him behind him.

After leaving the basketball court, she went to the music classroom. Her partner, who was going to accompany Wen Zhiling in the four-hand chorus, was already waiting for her at the door.

Xiao Wutong was confused: "Brother Zhijing?"

The two of them said each other's words, no one was convinced by the other, which made people feel powerful.

Lin Huairan was wearing his school uniform upright at the moment. The setting sun was shining from the window, and he was facing the light. His face was more angular and had superior lines.

When she said this, she happened to pass by the basketball stand. Lin Huairan walked up to Cheng Huan and happened to hear her.

"Well." Wen Zhiling was still thinking about what happened on the basketball court just now. She felt a little unhappy and was not very enthusiastic. "Have you practiced at home before?"

"So you can also say -" Wen Zhijing looked at him with a clear look and said slowly: "What kind of student does she look like?"

Wen Zhiling complained: "I don't know which bastard complained to my class teacher. He didn't let me wear a skirt or wear perfume. He was nosy and annoying."

Several of their boys had gone out to play ball a long time ago. They called Lin Huairan twice, but he didn't go.

"Am I so boring?" He glanced at Wen Zhiling, showing his disbelief.

"But Lingling, will you be angry?"

A group of people around them stopped talking and looked at the two people.

Lin Huairan curled her lips and said nothing.

"Your brother has something to do. Let me come and pick you up for dinner."

I looked at the time and saw that only ten minutes had passed.

The two of them were talking here when a female voice came in from the side: "Brother Ran, the girls in our class will have basketball training later, can you come and give us some tutoring?"

Lin Huairan looked at her for a while, then threw the basketball in his arms to his classmates and walked up to Wen Zhiling.

Wen Zhijing asked casually: "Why are you wearing these pants today?"

She ran to the school gate in a hurry, panting, turned on the front camera of her phone and took a look. Her entire face was red, and her whole body felt uncomfortably hot.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps behind, and the boy ran over: "Zhiling, I'm sorry. It's all my fault for having a sudden stomachache."

Wen Zhiling glanced again and happened to see Cheng Huan from Class 10 running to the basketball hoop and shouting Lin Huairan's name.

The chorus of the ninth liberal arts class was at the end.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Lin Huairan asked in a low voice in her ear.

If you ask Wen Zhiling what she regrets most at the age of 17, she will definitely say without hesitation that she found a "boyfriend" for herself when she was young and ignorant, and even recorded it on the Internet. can be found.

Lin Huairan actually has a good personality. Apart from being a bit careless, he has never done anything particularly outrageous, but there may be some people who make people feel untouchable just because of their face and temperament.

She ran back again and quickly finished sorting it out. As soon as her eyes met Wen Zhijing, she quickly looked away. She lowered her head and whispered, "Okay."

"I've just finished playing basketball and I'm all sweaty. How can I be the same as you?"

He hissed: "Dog?"

The young man looked at her, his face reflected in the dim light was extremely gentle, and he smiled with evil intentions: "Sister Zhiling, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Wen Zhijing shrugged, didn't say anything more, and took his sister into the car to go to school.

The two were chatting and laughing, and suddenly, hearing Zhijing stopped in his tracks.

Wen Zhiling pursed her lips and mocked, pretending to be calm: "You don't still look back at those things often, do you?"

The boy next to Wen Zhiling watched him walking step by step, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, so he took Wen Zhiling's arm and pulled him behind him.

"..." Lin Huairan pressed her eyebrows, "Have you told her everything?"

[Wen Zhijing: Don’t you trust me yet? I promise to send your sister home properly. ]

After leaving the basketball court, she went to the music classroom. Her partner, who was going to accompany Wen Zhiling in the four-hand chorus, was already waiting for her at the door.

Only when he got it in his hand did he realize that he was not interested in Cheng Huan, and he had never taken anything from her before, but she took the trouble to deliver it again and again.

The self-study class has already been completed for most of the time, and he will definitely be too late to teach the girls basketball training. Lin Huairan didn't care. He had already walked to the door of the office, then turned back and walked to the head teacher of Class 9 Liberal Arts. He smiled and said, "Hello, teacher." ”

"If you practice a lot, it shouldn't hold you back."

Wen Zhiling's face turned red, not just because of shyness, but also because of shame.

Lin Huairan stared at his arm for a moment, raised his chin slightly, and said calmly: "Let go."

"Your hands are the ones my previous piano teacher said are most suitable for playing the piano."

On the way to school, she pulled on her school pants awkwardly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds passed.

Wen Zhiling didn't like strangers touching her, so she pulled her hand back. After pulling away, she realized that she seemed to be listening to Lin Huairan's words.

She turned back and looked at him with a cold expression: "Is something wrong?"

December, private high office in Yancheng.

[Lin Huairan: Is she feeling uncomfortable? Why is her face so red? ]



It turns out that he was not pursued by girls to give him water, but he took the initiative to help people twist bottle caps!

Why are you so close to her? ! !

"come here."

The girl didn't mind his cold attitude and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you then" and left first.

The teacher's face turned red and his neck thickened from the training, but the two of them were still smiling playfully.

Fortunately, the man probably thought that Zhiling had left beforehand, so he didn't stay long and quickly left with his schoolbag.

After hearing that Zhiling told the man to leave, he asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"What? How bad is your test?"

He raised his chin and motioned to the piano.

"Who is that person?"

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