Madness of the Heart

Chapter 173: Bugs (23)


Haizhou City.

"Are you looking for Cao Zhiya?" A fat woman in her forties stretched her neck, her smooth face almost touching Yi Fei's face, "I want to find her too! What, this woman is doing something outside. Son?"

The fat woman is the owner and manager of "Jinxi Club". Although this place is called "guild hall", it is actually an ordinary foot-washing city, and you can spend 100 yuan in it for a day.

Cao Zhiya did not have a good diploma. After coming to Haizhou from Hehe County, she changed several jobs and finally worked here as a waiter.

Yi Fei asked: "Cao Zhiya didn't say hello to you before she left you?"

"What are you saying hello!" The fat woman snorted dissatisfiedly, "She lives in a staff dormitory and wears work clothes, but suddenly she disappeared, and she didn't pay a penny for that month's food, water and electricity bills. !"

"Before leaving, did Cao Zhiya behave abnormally?" Yi Fei asked again.

The fat woman couldn't answer, so she called Chen Hongjiao, a waiter who lived in the same room with Cao Zhiya at the time, "Tell this policeman what happened to Cao Zhiya. If the police can help us find him, Let Cao Zhiya pay for your clothes!"

Chen Hongjiao shook her head embarrassedly, "A piece of ragged clothes, no matter what you say you won't pay for it."

Yi Fei said, "Cao Zhiya borrowed your clothes?"

"Well." Chen Hongjiao is honest and introverted, not like a fat woman.

According to her, Cao Zhiya has a brain and is the fastest response among all the waiters. Originally did a good job, but for a while, he often lost his mind, made several small mistakes one after another, and was deducted hundreds of dollars.

What do you do without a mistake? The less technical the work, the easier it is to desert. No one took it seriously. But Chen Hongjiao was Cao Zhiya's roommate. She slept until midnight several times and woke up to hear Cao Zhiya sighing frequently.

Chen Hongjiao asked Cao Zhiya if something happened at home. Cao Zhiya said that her only relative had passed away, and there was no family, so she exposed the problem.

Then one day, after Chen Hongjiao got off work, she went back to the dormitory and saw Cao Zhiya packing her luggage.

On that day and the next day, Cao Zhiya took turns off. Chen Hongjiao thought about where she was going to do something.

The temperature was not high at that time, so Cao Zhiya went to the balcony to collect the thick coat she washed a few days ago, but found that it was not dry.

Chen Hongjiao took the initiative to say, "Don't you have another coat? Wear mine."

Cao Zhiya thanked her and pointed to the thick coat that was hanging out, "Sister Hongjiao, then you wear mine."

Chen Hongjiao didn't understand what this meant, until a week later, Cao Zhiya hadn't come back.

It is all too common in Haizhou for a working girl to suddenly disappear while she is working. Although the fat woman talks about what Cao Zhiya owes her, she doesn't really call the police because of such a thing.

Chen Hongjiao sighed and said to Yi Fei a little nervously: "I think Zhiya has encountered something bad."

Yi Fei thought about it and asked, "Before Cao Zhiya left, did she mention a person named 'Liang Xiaojun' to you?"

Chen Hongjiao said with certainty: "She said 'Xiaojun' several times. Although she didn't say it explicitly, but I heard her tone, she should like this person."

Yi Fei said, "What about the others? Did you see anyone coming to her?"

Chen Hongjiao frowned, "I can't answer that. In a place like ours, there are too many people coming and going every day. Even if someone came to her, I don't know."

Yi Fei wandered around the "Jinxi Club", and then went to the staff dormitory to take a look.

It has been two years since the incident, and the surveillance records have been deleted. It is impossible to find out who Cao Zhiya has seen and where they finally appeared.

But is Cao Zhiya's disappearance really related to Liang Xiaojun's death

Furthermore, is it related to Yin Zhen's death and the current disappearance of He Yang

Is Cao Zhiya seeking revenge for her beloved

How did she do it? Does she have this ability

Yi Fei returned to the car, thinking with his eyes closed.

He doesn't discriminate against women and low-level laborers, but objectively speaking, people who set up such a big picture of revenge can't be ordinary. Even if Cao Zhiya is the smartest waiter in the entire "Jinxi Club", she may not be able to do it.

But the time of Cao Zhiya's disappearance was so coincidental, and her behavior before her disappearance was different from usual, especially her distraction at work and sighing in the middle of the night.

She may know that Liang Xiaojun was killed.

But how did she know it

In the traces captured by Zhou Yuan and other technical team members, Liang Xiaojun just told Cao Zhiya that he was going to make a lot of money, but did not say what he was doing. Although there is a possibility, Liang Xiaojun said, but the technical team members have not captured.

But this possibility is actually very small. Liang Xiaojun's personality would not allow him to tell Cao Zhiya the truth. More importantly, Zhou Shan would not allow such a thing to happen.

In this case, how did Cao Zhiya know that Liang Xiaojun had an accident

"Someone told her." Mingshu held the phone in one hand and put the other in the pocket of his police trousers.

Yi Fei pressed his temples, "But why did this person do this? Pull her in? Or is there another possibility? Wait a minute, if this is the case, the Avengers will be someone else. The problem is that Cao Zhiya is the only half-locked one we have at the moment. people."

"Pull Cao Zhiya to join..." Mingshu thought quickly, his eyes suddenly changed, "Use Cao Zhiya and use Cao Zhiya as a smoke bomb!"

Yi Fei said: "He expected that the police would think of revenge in the future, so he threw out a clue to mislead the police?"

Mingshu immediately opened the notebook and said while writing: "A person who disappears for no reason is most likely to attract the attention of the police. The relationship between Cao Zhiya and Liang Xiaojun is not normal, and Cao Zhiya is missing, the police must think that Cao Zhiya is missing. May be revenge for Liang Xiaojun. In this way, Cao Zhiya becomes a shield. As long as we don't find Cao Zhiya, that person can continue to hide behind this shield. "

Yi Fei said: "Isn't it possible that Cao Zhiya has been killed? Only the dead will 'disappear' for a long time."

Ming Shu put down his pen and said after a while: "The question you just raised - Cao Zhiya is the only person we are half-locked to at present. If Cao Zhiya is just a shield, then the 'third party' will start as early as He Yang's fourth game. It's been there before."

When a possibility is denied, many new possibilities are born, ideas are intertwined, and the case becomes more complicated.

Yi Fei couldn't help feeling a headache, "But if the 'third party' had appeared long ago, where would the intersection between Yin Zhen and He Yang be?"

Mingshu half-squinted, "Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing, I probably shouldn't put them on hold temporarily."

Dongye City, the interrogation room of the serious crime team.

Zhou Shan looked surprised, and remained silent for half a minute.

There were two things that surprised him. First, it was Xiao Yuan who was sitting in front of him this time. He didn't expect that Xiao Yuan would come to interrogate him in person. Second, the question Xiao Yuan asked just now: Did He Yang participate in the massacre planned by Yin Zhen? game.

"This... this is impossible." Zhou Shan shook his head, "Mr. He has never participated."

"Why are you so sure?" Xiao Yu'an said, "In terms of massacre games, Yin Zhen is He Yang's predecessor. Since He Yang invited her to be an audience member, couldn't she have invited He Yang to be an audience member earlier? ?"

Zhou Shan frowned, "But..."

Xiao Yu'an said, "But what? But you don't know?"

Zhou Shan licked the corner of his lower lip blankly, "If there is such a thing, Mr. He will definitely tell me."

"Then I'll bring you and watch it together?" Xiao Yuan said, "But what if Yin Zhen only invited He Yang?"

Zhou Shan's eyelids widened.

"You participated in all the six massacres led by He Yang because He Yang needed you." Xiao Yu'an said, "But watching the massacres led by others, whether you are present or not, may not make much difference to He Yang? "

There are grievances, disbelief, and even anger on Zhou Shan's face.

Xiao Yu'an said, "You don't always know about He Yang's whereabouts, do you?"

Zhou Shan nodded slowly and whispered, "I... I'm just his secretary."

Mingshu was waiting for Xiao Yu'an outside the interrogation room. As soon as the door opened, he rushed up, "Officer Xiao."

Xiao Yuan raised his hand, "Go to the cafeteria first."

The meal was over soon, and there were no good dishes or meat left, so Mingshu had to trouble the chef to fry two bowls of egg fried rice.

"Maybe we should focus on Yin Zhen." Xiao Yu'an said, "I'll make an assumption—before He Yang's fourth game, Yin Zhen planned a game and invited several players including He Yang. The audience. Then the victims of this game are very critical."

Mingshu said: "The games are all played abroad, and country E is their 'home'. Now that Yin Zhen is dead, she may have disposed of all the evidence such as the video before she went to Sifeng County last year. He Yang There is also a secretary, Yin Zhenlian…”

Having said that, Ming Shu suddenly stopped.

"Don't Yin Zhen even have an assistant?" Xiao Yuan shook his head, "She can't do this alone, but her assistant doesn't always follow He Yang like Zhou Shan."

Mingshu responded quickly, "This person is not in the country. Yin Zhen is 'clean' in the country, and she 'raises' her evil side in the country E?"

"There may be her team in country E." Xiao Yu'an said, "One more thing, neither the Los Angeles police nor the Xucheng police have found any relevant videos. But from Yin Zhen's point of view, it is impossible for her to interpret the video. Totally destroyed. Those are her 'wealth' and 'pride', she will not destroy her 'work'."

"The clue is in country E..." Mingshu's eyes brightened, "I'll go to country E."

The egg fried rice was out of the pot, and Xiao Yuan brought the two bowls together.

The chef was very caring and warmed up a big bowl of lotus root pork ribs soup.

"One more thing." Xiao Yu'an said: "In the past few days you have been running around the country, I have re-read Lai Xiuliang's case. Before and after his accident, He Yang happened to be in Dongye City. We have also discussed before, whether Lai Xiuliang is not Bugs in another sense?"

Mingshu was so hungry that he drank the soup with a large spoon.

"At that time, Team Liang hadn't brought Zhou Shan back. Now, with Zhou Shan's retelling, I think Lai Xiuliang was also treated as a bug." Xiao Yu'an said, "And it was a deliberately made bug by a 'third party'."

Mingshu put down his spoon, "'I recently discovered a more interesting game'. Is Lai Xiuliang a gift from a 'third party' to He Yang, or a bait?"

Xiao Yuan nodded, "This can explain a lot of divisions in Lai Xiuliang's case, and it can also explain why Lai Xiuliang was taken away so easily."

Ming Shu thinks back carefully - Lai Xiuliang died on a pebble beach outside his community. The murder weapon was an iron gate that caused the conflict between the rich and the poor in the entire community. This kind of death initially made the police think that the murderer hated the rich and deliberately took revenge for living in the south of the country. wealthy owners of the district. However, after investigation, this possibility was ruled out. The new idea was that the murderer was an employee who was once humiliated by Lai Xiuliang. In order to hide himself, he deliberately created the illusion of hating the rich. But constructing such a scene is very difficult, and the exposure may not be small, and a sense of logical division appears. And after investigation, those with motives have been ruled out of the possibility of committing the crime.

The case hangs like that.

Mingshu said: "If this is the case, then Lai Xiuliang's death is too wrong."

Xiao Yu'an said, "Of all the victims killed as bugs, which one is not wronged?"

Mingshu sighed, "That's true."

"I don't think Lai Xiuliang is the only one." Xiao Yu'an added: "He Yang is not so easily bewitched. There should be other means by the 'third party'."

Before and after the Spring Festival, celebrities rush to appear on various programs. The little stars that Yu Dalong brought were promising, and he followed suit. Not only did he make a fortune, but he also had enough of the addiction of flying around the country. The scope of his activities was no longer limited to those shopping malls in Dongye City.

After the beginning of the spring, Yu Dalong was promoted, and he was stuffed with a few artists, but the upper management did not only squeeze him and did not give him any benefits. When setting work tasks for him, he also arranged an assistant for him.

With the assistant, Yu Dalong finally relaxed, and the spring blossoms gave him a vacation. Thinking of Fang Yuanhang and the male god Mingshu who had not been in touch for a long time, he suddenly wanted to invite them out to play.

Of course, he is responsible for all expenses.

The male god did not dare to make an appointment directly. Yu Dalong called Fang Yuanhang. Unexpectedly, Fang Yuanhang hung up on him directly. It took a few hours to call him, explaining that the serious crime team had encountered a difficult case again and could not be called for the time being. Out of time, you can't go anywhere.

Yu Dalong is a reasonable person. He comforted and encouraged Fang Yuanhang, and planned to find a place to be happy.

He doesn't want to go out of town. He has been to all the interesting places in and around the city. He asked his assistant and the assistant said, "Brother Long, do you know the 'Ninth Battlefield' in Dongcheng District?"

Being called "Brother Long", Yu Dalong was very happy, "'The Ninth Battlefield'? Is it fun?"

The assistant nodded, "I can't say it's fun, but it's kind of inside."

Yu Dalong didn't fully understand, "What's inside? It's not fun, you still amuse me?"

"No, that place can't be described as fun or not." The assistant said, "It's special anyway, you'll know when you go there."

Yu Dalong has been to many secret rooms. During the Spring Festival, the stars he brought also participated in the TV station's secret room game. After thinking about it, he said, "Scare? Exciting?"

"All." The assistant said, "It's not quite the same as 'Storm'. Alas, I can't describe it well, you have to feel it yourself. Don't you have a police friend? Let's go with you. The police are upright and can suppress Evil."

Yu Dalong was amused and decided to go first by himself. If the "ninth battlefield" is really so "evil", he will ask the policeman to suppress the evil after Fang Yuanhang is free.

There are a total of 12 themes in "The Ninth Battlefield". Yu Dalong has time and bought a coupon. In theory, each theme can be experienced, but most people play at most two or three, and they will not continue to play. .

Yu Dalong took precautions carefully and chose a high-restriction-level secret room. As soon as he entered, he felt a vague sense of discomfort.

The cramped promenade, the flickering light, the odd music from time to time, and the props that at first glance are indistinguishable from the real corpse.

Yu Dalong swallowed his saliva and quietly encouraged himself.

This kind of beginning made him have to cheer up and prepare for the sudden appearance of ghosts.

However, until he left the secret room, he did not encounter any ghosts.

He was sitting on the bench in the rest area, holding a cup of hot milk tea he just bought in his hand, but he didn't drink a single sip, and his mind was empty for a moment.

He understood the feeling the assistant said.

Many secret rooms are exciting, and people scream like crazy inside, which can actually be seen as catharsis.

The secret room here is quite the opposite. If you walk through it, you won't feel screaming at all, but you will feel extremely depressed and can't scream.

Yu Dalong recalled what he saw in the secret room - the slaughter, not the slaughter of ghosts against people, but the slaughter of people against people.

The slaughterer and the slaughtered have exactly the same face, the victim was disemboweled alive, and his head was smashed into the brain. All the scenes are extraordinarily real, with the plot as a guide, and when you are in it, you seem to be in this scene. participants or victims of the slaughter.

The cruel act of slaughter itself was rendered into a work of art by flowers and lights, which seemed to be beautified and deified.

Yu Dalong felt very uncomfortable, and one scene made a deep impression on him: in a desolate cemetery, the body of a baby was not yet decomposed. At night, a group of naive children found the baby while playing hide-and-seek. They used firecrackers as a cradle for him, and when the firecrackers exploded, The baby really shook.

Yu Dalong shook his head, gave up the plan to go to the next secret room, and left in a hurry.

"What the hell!" he muttered to himself, "Don't be a sociopath as a designer!"

The focus of the investigation was shifted from He Yang to Yin Zhen.

There are many difficulties for the criminal police to go abroad to investigate cases. Mingshu was preparing to go to country E when he suddenly received a call from the capital.

"Xiao Ming." Liu Zhiqin said, "It's me."

Although Mingshu and Liu Zhiqin didn't deal with it, they also knew that the other party was calling at this time, and it was definitely not out of nostalgia.

"Well. About the two victims Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing." Liu Zhiqin said: "He Yang returned to China three years ago. Before he returned, in March of that year, Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing were not in the country and went abroad. The records show that Jiang Xiyang is in country F, and Yue Shuqing is in country N. But the clues I got when I invaded the underground black market in country E was that they were all in country E. "