Madness of the Heart

Chapter 174: Bugs (24)


Looking for clues abroad is no better than investigating at home. Not only is it difficult and dangerous, but you must always pay attention to hiding your identity.

Mingshu originally wanted to order a few technical team members, but after thinking about it, he removed them all and replaced them with strong field team members.

Surprisingly, Xiao Yuan was also on the list to go to Country E.

"Shouldn't Xiao Bureau be in the rear?" Zhou Yuan was a little strange, "If Xiao Bureau is not here, who will handle the daily affairs?"

Xiao Man, who was "swiped" by Mingshu, said, "You forgot that Team Liang has come back? I heard that Team Liang should have rested for a while, but was forced by Bureau Xiao. I guess Bureau Xiao has long thought about it. That's the case now."

Zhou Yuan nodded and said again: "But Xiao Ming is looking for strong players, will Xiao Bureau fight?"

Xiao Man said, "I don't think so. Bureau Xiao is the kind of person with a particularly powerful brain. Generally speaking, his brain is too powerful, and his skills are not very good."

Zhou Yuan agreed, "I think so too."

Xiao Yuan, who was defined by his subordinates as "not very skilled", was assembling a rifle.

They have a lot of things to carry this time, the most indispensable of which is guns.

Although the economy of country E is developed, because of the special social model, the public security is not good outside the prosperous areas. There are even notorious illegal arms dealers near the border.

And the serious crime team will touch on the darkest and most dirty side of this country.

"Brother." Mingshu put the tried tactical vest on the table, and soon it will be included in the luggage, "Are you really planning to go?"

"Why did you exclude me?" Xiao Yuan asked with a smile, "I'm not a technical team member."

Mingshu said, "Everyone is talking about you."

Xiao Yu'an said, "I'm not good at it? Will it slow you down if I go?"

Others don't know what level Xiao Yuan is, can Mingshu still not know? When Xiao Yuan was in the special operations team, he had never seen any big battles, but this time, it was just a trivial matter.

Mingshu sighed, "Brother, in fact, you don't trust me to go alone."

Xiao Yuan put down the assembled rifle and turned to face Mingshu.

Mingshu: "Huh?"

Xiao Yuan raised his hands, cupped his cheeks, and shook it gently.

"Do your hands and feet." Ming Shu smiled: "Is it fun to rub your face?"

Xiao Yu'an said, "It's fun to rub your face."

"Xiao Bureau, please mature."

"Team Ming, please relax."

Mingshu said, "I'm very relaxed."

"I'm so confused about whether I should go to country E or stay, and it's called relaxation?" Xiao Yuan walked past him and picked up the magazine box placed in the back, "To go to country E with you, on the one hand, objective conditions allow and need it. I'm going - Team Liang is here, Yi Fei is also staying in the serious crime team, I don't need to worry about domestic affairs for the time being, and there are more variables in E country, my experience may come in handy."

Mingshu said, "What about the other side?"

"On the other hand." Xiao Yuan laughed. "Of course it's because of you. I subjectively want to accompany you and tie you to me at all times."

Mingshu's eyes were sharp, he pressed the corner of his lips hard, and clasped his fists with both hands, "Okay, the leader, stop, your subordinates feel your strong love!"

East of country E.

Under the dark clouds, a gray-colored dilapidated building appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This is exactly the abandoned factory where He Yang played the fourth game in the video provided by Zhou Shan.

It's remote enough, and it was a small city more than ten years ago - a city, its size is only equivalent to a small county in China.

After the economic structure changed, factories closed and locals left, the city quickly declined and soon became a stronghold of scattered gangs.

The abandoned factory was bought by Zhou Shanzhao and He Yang. Before that, it had changed hands several times, and it was cheaper than once.

He Yang spends a lot of money on so-called games, and doesn't care about the money he spends. After the fourth game, He Yang neither let Zhou Shan sell it, nor did it come back.

Today, it is like a tomb accumulating resentment, almost melting into the wild vegetation around it.

"Go in and have a look." Ming Shu said.

The iron door has no padlock and can be easily pushed open. Judging by the indentations of grass and soil, it is not without visitors.

Fang Yuanhang and Xu Chun walked at the forefront, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

Xiao Yu'an followed closely, observed the footprints and said, "Almost all of them are male."

Mingshu leaned closer, "People in country E are generally tall, with wide and long feet, but women generally don't have such a large size."

"Engineering footwear." Xiao Yu'an said, "It seems that this place may be demolished soon."

Mingshu walked forward, suddenly crouched down and said, "Xiao Ju, look at this mud footprint."

Xiao Yuan stepped forward, "Small size outdoor shoes."

Mingshu raised his head, "Female?"

"Small men are not excluded." Xiao Yuan looked around.

Mingshu immediately understood, "Maybe the owner of the footprints didn't come alone?"

"Well." Xiao Yuan walked five meters away, "There is also a set of mud footprints here."

The two groups of footsteps are completely different from the footsteps next to them. They are thinner and narrower, and there is a gap with the general foot shape of Chinese people. One of the male footsteps is similar to Mingshu's foot shape.

Mingshu and Xiao Yuan looked at each other, and Mingshu immediately called Fang Yuanhang over to take pictures.

This time Xiao Man didn't come, Fang Yuanhang was hired as half a trace inspector - he was very curious, and he learned things quickly. Some time ago, he had been with Xiao Man for a long time and stole a lot of teachers.

"Whether it's useful or not, let's save it." Ming Shu walked in and was quickly shrouded in the shadow of the building.

The factory has three floors above ground and a basement below. Many of the scenes that He Yang set up are still there, and there are nearly black traces on the walls - that's how old blood stains are.

The first victim, Zhou Li, died on the first floor. The body had been disposed of long ago, but there were still some visible bloodstains in the cracks on the ground.

Mingshu stood there for a while and walked upstairs.

The monitoring room was on the third floor, and the place where Liang Xiaojun was finally killed by Xing Mao was also on the third floor.

When approaching the "duel room", Mingshu took a breath and noticed an unusual smell in the air.

In fact, the strange smell has been pervading all around. When I first came in, I felt pungent, and I got used to it after a long time, but the smell just now was different. It was very light and seemed to dissipate soon.

Mingshu felt familiar, like the smell of gunpowder smoke after firecrackers were set off.

He quickened his pace, and when he saw the scene in the "Duel Room", a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"This… "

The ground is covered with red confetti!

Fang Yuanhang also rushed over and said loudly, "Firecrackers?"

They had also seen this scene not long ago. In Fanglong Alley in Dongcheng District, a pit full of red confetti was piled up, and the innocent and dead young Xiang Haoming was buried in it.

There is apparently no other body here, but the presence of red confetti is unusual.

There is no custom of setting off firecrackers in country E, and people here don't even know what firecrackers are.

"Master, look there!" Fang Yuanhang pointed to a corner that was easily overlooked, "Candles for sacrifice!"

There were two red candles standing in the corner of the wall, only a very short section left, almost burning to the end. Between the red candles, many incense ashes are piled up.

There is no doubt that someone once commemorated Liang Xiaojun or Xing Mao here.

"Firecrackers are given to the deceased. In Hehe County, Xushan City, it is a custom to remember the deceased with firecrackers." Xiao Yuan picked up a few pieces of red confetti, "The third floor is relatively closed, and the smell is not easy to dissipate. In terms of degree, the firecrackers were set off around the Spring Festival this year."

Fang Yuanhang clenched his fist, "Sure enough, someone is avenging the victim. Hehe County, is it really Cao Zhiya?"

Mingshu pushed aside the red confetti on the ground and saw no footprints.

The footprints in the mud downstairs are outwards, that is, when you leave, there are no mud spots in the room.

"I didn't expect this kind of gain." Ming Shu was talking when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Xiao Yu'an looking at his phone.

"News from Liu Zhiqin." Xiao Yuan said, "He has arrived in Kroja City."

Kroga City is the most populous city in the eastern part of country E. The main city is prosperous and orderly, but the satellite cities within its radiation range are filthy, and activities that should not exist in a civilized society are carried out in the black market.

The city of Epol, which He Yang often visited, was the largest satellite city of Kroja.

Jiang Xiyang, an ambitious illegitimate son who is not welcome at home, and Yue Shuqing, who is handsome in the eyes of his peers and students, are both frequent visitors to Eppol.

Liu Zhiqin has found out that they have a face that is completely opposite to their daily life here, and their identity is fake. Yin Zhen, who has been active in Kroga City for a long time.

"There is no indication that He Yang knew Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing." Liu Zhiqin said, "But Yin Zhen knows all of them. I now highly suspect that this series of cases was caused by the massacre games organized by Yin Zhen. Yin Zhen is the host, He Yang, Jiang Xiyang, Yue Shuqing are all guests, and there may be other guests. Whether it is the host or the guest, they are all vengeance for the avengers, the 'third parties' you call them. The target must die."

As night falls, the nightlife in the city of Eppol begins.

The night here is not as orderly as in the country, and the prosperous is prosperous, but to the keen criminal police, it seems that there are countless pairs of greedy eyes around, eyeing tigers.

Following the local customs, Ming Shu had already put on the retro thin leather jacket that is very popular in country E, but inside the leather jacket was a sharp dagger and pistol for combat use.

Liu Zhiqin dresses similarly to Mingshu. The two of them are considered to be very tall in the country, and they can't help attracting attention when they walk together, but on the streets of country E, there are too many tall people, which just makes them not stand out.

The streets are not spacious. Men who sell "medicine" and women who sell their bodies openly solicit customers on the side of the road, while more exciting performances have barriers to entry, and not everyone can see them.

The team members dispersed like rainwater entering the river. Mingshu and Liu Zhiqin turned into a narrow alley, and the lights dimmed a lot.

"Yin Zhen is called a 'good person' here, do you know why?" Liu Zhiqin asked.

Mingshu thought for a while, "Don't say she saved a lot of people."

Liu Zhiqin said, "That's true."

"Then she relies on these people to play her perverted game in country E?" Mingshu frowned, "Mad."

"It's all women." Liu Zhiqin said while checking the route, "They are loyal to her."

Mingshu said: "You should put it another way - they were brainwashed by Yin Zhen."

The two stopped in front of a four-storey single-family building.

In this area, the buildings are almost all of this height.

Mingshu knocked on the door, and soon there was an answer, it was a woman.

The door opened, and an East Asian face appeared inside the iron fence.

The woman's eyes were guarded, and her peeling lips moved.

Mingshu looked up and saw three women standing in the room, who were looking out with their necks stretched.

"Treasure." Mingshu shouted - this was the name that Liu Zhiqin had checked beforehand.

The woman was obviously startled, and her gaze at Ming Shu became even more strange.

After a moment, she asked in less fluent Mandarin, "Who are you?"

"I'm Yin Zhen's family." Mingshu smiled gently but solemnly, "Can I come in?"

Hearing the word "Yin Zhen", the woman named "Cherish" suddenly changed her attitude, her hand was already on the lock of the iron fence, and a woman behind her suddenly spoke a series of E dialect to her.

Cherish turned around and exchanged a few words with the other party, his eyes became defensive again, "Where's my sister?"

The women in this room all look older than Yin Zhen, but call Yin Zhen "sister".

Mingshu looked sad, "I am here this time because... she has passed away."

Cherish opened his eyes wide and took a step back, looking at Mingshu in disbelief.

"Open the door." Mingshu said, "Now only you can help her."

Cherish staggered towards the house, excitedly speaking the local language.

Mingshu counted, if all the people living in this building came out, it would be five.

Yin Zhen was in country E, and in the name of doing good deeds, she had five women saddled for her.

Liu Zhiqin whispered: "Look at their eyes, they are sincerely sad for Yin Zhen. Yin Zhen disappeared last year and hasn't appeared for a long time. They may already have a bad feeling."

Mingshu nodded.

A few minutes later, Cherish came out and asked again before opening the door, "How do you prove that you are my sister's relatives?"

Ming Shu's face suddenly became fierce, "Someone killed her, I want to avenge her!"

Cherish was startled, and tremblingly pulled open the iron fence.

Liu Zhiqin asked, "Can you understand Chinese?"

Cherish nodded with red eyes, "Yeah."

Liu Zhiqin found a report on Yin Zhen's murder from his mobile phone, "Look."

The women were all surrounded, but only one Cherish knew Chinese.

Just as he cherished explaining the contents of the report to them, Ming Shu took a rough look at the first floor.

The interior decoration is quite warm, but these five women seem to be kept in captivity by Yin Zhen. Yin Zhen gave them a life without food and clothing, and they became Yin Zhen's tools for evil.

Cherish returned the phone to Liu Zhiqin with a blank expression.

Mingshu's emotions were very provocative, "She was killed, but the police couldn't catch the murderer. We can only pin our hopes on you."

Cherish choked: "I... what can I do?"

Mingshu stared at her for a moment, "I want to talk to you alone."

Cherish took Mingshu to a room upstairs, while Liu Zhiqin used the house's wireless network on the first floor to easily access all the devices in it.

"My sister hired someone to kill my husband, and she saved my life." Cherish told Mingshu that she had been severely beaten by her husband for a long time and could not get a divorce. As long as her husband did not die, she would be the one who was tortured to death.

The other four living here were in a similar situation to her. They were all rescued by Yin Zhen, and they obeyed Yin Zhen from then on.

Mingshu would like to ask - do you know what you are doing for Yin Zhen

But the current situation does not allow him to explore too much. The information he must know is how many massacres Yin Zhen has organized and who are the victims.

"In March three years ago, she organized a game?" Mingshu asked.

Cherish was reluctant to say at first, and words dodged.

Mingshu said: "I am sure that the person who killed her is related to the participants of the game."

Cherish finally nodded, "Yes."

"Where?" Mingshu said, "Do you keep the videos and participants' information?"

After half a minute, Cherish nodded again, "Yes."

Liu Zhiqin has found the encrypted folder stored in a computer, and it is not difficult to crack it.

Cherish said: "You wait for me."

After a quarter of an hour, Cherish came back with a USB flash drive, but did not immediately hand it over to Mingshu.

"Have us people also sinned?" Cherish's eyes were full of light, and he said to himself, "But that's my sister's wish..."

Mingshu tried his best to restrain himself, took the USB flash drive from Cherish's hand, and walked downstairs.

Liu Zhiqin completed the cracking of the encrypted folders and sorted them according to time. One of them was made in March three years ago.

The women huddled in the corners, some still crying.

Mingshu handed the USB flash drive to Liu Zhiqin, Liu Zhiqin scanned it and gave Mingshu a look.

"Maybe there are still places that need your help." Mingshu said to Cherish: "Next time, can I still find you here?"

Cherish was silent for a while, "Without my sister, we have nowhere to go."

Leaving the small building, Mingshu and Liu Zhiqin quickly walked out of the alley.

There's so much filth here, but it's beyond their law enforcement. Time is pressing, and the most important thing now is to verify all the victims of that game three years ago.

The night was deeper than before, and when he came out of the alley, Mingshu suddenly smelled a hint of danger.

Someone is following them.

Mingshu looked to the side, then turned back.

This place is the most chaotic block in the west of Epol City. The black market is just below this block. At the beginning, He Yang and others were here to enjoy those cruel performances.

"Mr. Liu." Mingshu lowered his voice extremely low: "Have you noticed?"

Liu Zhiqin is not just an information warfare member of the Special Operations Headquarters. Before becoming a cybersecurity expert, he used to be a member of the field force.

"Well." He stared at the front. "There are eyeliners from various gangs everywhere. It's hard for us outsiders not to attract attention."

As soon as the voice fell, gunshots rang out.

Mingshu smashed Liu Zhiqin with a shoulder, turned his body sharply by inertia, and fell on his back at a high speed, his right shoulder rubbed the ground and slid backwards.

A series of bullets splashed among them, the flames flew, and Mingshu tumbled a few times to dodge, and when he stabilized his center of gravity, he drew his gun and shot where the bullets came from!