Madness of the Heart

Chapter 175: Bugs (25)


Gunfights are commonplace here, and the men, women and children who were still crowding on the road just now, shouting for business, hid in the shops along the way.

Bullets rained down from two streets diagonally behind, and the surrounding windows that were not covered with iron plates shattered with a bang.

The shots fired by Ming Shu hit both of them in the abdomen and thighs. The moment the gunfire stopped, he ducked into a narrow alley and observed the situation outside under the cover of the wall.

At present, everything is unclear. The purpose of him and Liu Zhiqin here is only to investigate the clues on Yin Zhen, and they have no intention of affecting the smoky battle in Epol City. Even if some people think they are suspicious, they should not act at this time.

But the people who shot were obviously coming towards them. If it wasn't for him and Liu Zhiqin's quick reaction, the first few shots would probably have passed through their backs and heads.

Who wants their lives

Several jeeps were rampaging on the street, and Mingshu saw in the mirror that the people who got off the jeeps were all dressed as mercenaries, sturdy and holding rifles in both hands.

They speak the E language and are searching street by alley.

The tactical vest Mingshu wore inside was bulletproof, but now he could only use a self-defense pistol, and the bullets weren't enough, so rushing out of the hiding place was like seeking death.

He quickly looked around and found that Liu Zhiqin had climbed to the top of a building diagonally opposite at some point.

If you have a sniper rifle, you can form a firepower advantage from high places to below.

Obviously, Liu Zhiqin also saw Mingshu, made a calm gesture, and pointed to the south again.

Mingshu immediately understood that backup would arrive soon.

But the enemy is faster.

A group of mercenaries suddenly flanked from the other side of the narrow alley, and the bullets were like the tongue of death, piercing the gas tanks stacked at the entrance of the alley.

There was a loud bang, and the flames rose from the ground. The glass and bricks and tiles of the entire alley were all shattered. Dozens of fireballs were thrown into the air with the explosion, like fire flowing out of the sky.

Before the explosion, Mingshu, under Liu Zhiqin's urgent signal, shot the arrow from the alley, but still could not escape the impact of the shock wave.

The moment the airflow rushed over, he seemed to be wrapped in flames, his eardrums were almost pierced by a loud noise, and his entire body flew forward unstoppably, hitting a cloth booth that could not be dismantled in the future.

The fireball smashed down, and the fabric was about to explode!

Mingshu's pupils shrank sharply and rolled quickly. The moment he left the cloth booth, the fireball burned the colorful cloth into a sea of fire.

Bullets were shot from all directions, and Mingshu suffered from severe tinnitus, making it difficult to identify the direction by the sound of gunfire.

He's on the street now, using a car that's been shot through countless bullet holes for cover. The car was about ten meters away from the nearest alley. It was fast enough, and if he was lucky enough, he might be able to rush in.

But it's too risky.

He looked through the rearview mirror of the car, and more than a dozen mercenaries were shooting in the direction of the car, but suddenly he found that several of them were looking in one direction vigilantly.

That was where Liu Zhiqin hid!

He couldn't hear clearly for the time being, so he couldn't hear Liu Zhiqin's shouting. At this time, when he looked up to the roof, he saw Liu Zhiqin's gesture.

"I'm covering you! Withdraw!"

Liu Zhiqin also only had a pistol. At this time, he picked up a rifle from somewhere, and the equipment was not good, but being at a high place was the biggest advantage.

Mingshu inhaled the air with strong gunpowder smoke and blood, adjusted his posture, fired several shots in the direction of the jeep, and rushed towards the alley more than ten meters away.

The moment he acted, Liu Zhiqin fired abruptly, actually restraining the firepower of the mercenaries and buying him precious time to retreat.

When he was only a few steps away from the alley, Mingshu jumped and rolled on the ground. More than a dozen bullets grazed his body.

Safety was short-lived, and he leaned against the wall, panting violently.

All that happened just now happened in minutes. In a few minutes, he had already described himself as embarrassed and walked in front of the god of death. Fortunately, his clothes were badly damaged and a small color was hung on his forehead.

He wiped the ashes on his face vigorously, shook his buzzing head, his hearing gradually recovered, and suddenly he heard a gunshot.

The gunshots came from the south, mixed with the roar of the engine.

The mercenaries were immediately attracted by the "uninvited guests", and in a flash, countless guns were aimed at the Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicles.

Xu Chun slammed the steering wheel, Fang Yuanhang held a pistol and kept shooting forward. He never imagined that the first time he was on a "cross-border business", he would catch up with the gunfight!

"Exciting!" Fang Yuanhang roared while changing the magazine: "Did you see Xiao Ming?"

"There are still three street corners!" Xu Chun used to be a member of the SWAT team, and he was regarded as the most experienced person in the serious crime team. It is not that he has not experienced such a situation today.

Fang Yuanhang pierced the wheel of a jeep, and the jeep lost control instantly and dived towards the truck parked next to it.

"Where's Bureau Xiao?" Fang Yuanhang was covered in sweat, "Officer Xiao hasn't arrived yet?"

"Worry about yourself!" Xu Chun slammed the accelerator, "I saw that brother in Luocheng."

Fang Yuanhang looked up distractedly, and saw Liu Zhiqin on the roof not far away, holding a rifle in his hand.

It was a good commanding height, but there were too many mercenaries below, and if they didn't disperse all of them, they couldn't rush to meet them.

"Sun! Xiao Ming must be there too!" Fang Yuanhang said.

At this moment, an armor-piercing projectile penetrated the oil cylinder of a Jeep.


Flames erupted, the surrounding mercenaries were thrown several meters away by the shock wave, and a small vacuum was temporarily formed under the building where Liu Zhiqin was.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Mingshu's heart suddenly tightened.

Just listening, he also knew that it was Xiao Yu'an's sniper rifle!

In an eight-storey building, Xiao Yuan put his sniper rifle on a small sandbag, and his eagle-like sight looked down at the alley where Liu Zhiqin and Mingshu were hiding through the optical sight.

The jeep was burning, and the scene was extremely chaotic. The cars of Xu Chun and Fang Yuanhang were about to arrive.

An armor-piercing bullet is not enough, the retreating mercenaries will soon rush back.

Xiao Yu'an pursed the corners of his lips, his breathing was extremely light, and he withheld his hair continuously, using firepower to create a relatively safe passage for the rescue below.

"Master!" The off-road vehicle braked suddenly, Fang Yuanhang kicked the door and shouted, "Come on!"

Mingshu rushed into the car, immediately picked up the assault rifle on the back seat, and strafed the mercenaries diagonally ahead.

After more than ten seconds, Liu Zhiqin closed the car door with the smell of smoke and dust all over his body.

The flames splattered, the off-road vehicle was twisting and turning on the road, Xu Chun just drove, and rushed towards the eight-story building in the west direction.

Xiao Yu'an put away his sniper rifle and quickly evacuated. Before Xu Chun arrived, he drove another off-road vehicle out of the city.

The two cars ran wildly in the dark, and Mingshu was both nervous and a little proud when he learned that Xiao Yuan was alone in the car in front.

The mercenaries didn't catch up, Fang Yuanhang was very surprised, "What the hell did you do?"

Mingshu was exhausted, "I want to ask, what did you do?"

"We?" Fang Yuanhang said, "We didn't do anything! I originally wanted to go to the black market, but was stopped by Bureau Xiao. Bureau Xiao said now is not the time."

Xu Chun also said: "Then I received news from Brother Liu. Your apprentice, who has never seen the world at the time, was confused and was so surprised that he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Xiao Bureau is here, and we will give countermeasures immediately - let's come. To answer you, he will find the commanding heights to provide fire cover."

Fang Yuanhang interrupted quickly, "Don't make me so useless, okay? Whose gun is opening the way?"

After speaking, he turned to Mingshu again, "This time I have seen Bureau Xiao's ability."

Mingshu put on a face—literally, pushed his apprentice's head away, and frowned, "Since no one did anything, why did Teacher Liu and I encounter an ambush as soon as we left with Yin Zhen's clue? Sure, those people wanted to kill us, but why aren't they chasing them now?"

Liu Zhiqin closed his eyes for a while, and then he said, "I see their equipment, like the old gang TRK in Eppol City. Many underground transactions in Eppol City pass through their hands. Maybe It was our presence that made them aware of some kind of danger. The law of the jungle is followed here, status, money, and even the power to live are earned by force, so they are very sensitive."

Fang Yuanhang "tsk tsk" twice, shook his head and said, "I've seen what is called 'lawlessness' today."

Before long, the jeep in front stopped on the side of the road. Xu Chun also quickly stopped.

Mingshu opened the car door, "I'll change the car."

The latter jeep passed, and Mingshu got into the co-pilot, "Brother."

He looks really bad now, the leather clothes are not good, the smoke is heavy on his face, and the blood on his forehead has not been cleaned.

Xiao Yuan stared for a moment, and there was obvious danger in his pupils.

"My head hurts a bit and my ears are ringing. It's better now." Mingshu explained honestly, "It's not too serious, but if you weren't there, I might have explained it in that alley."

Xiao Yuan started the car and said after a while, "Yin Zhen is a 'donor' of TRK, that is to say, he spends money to support them. There are many 'donors' in a gang of the size of TRK, and Yin Zhen is only the bottom one. 'Donors'. Even so, they will provide care to Yin Zhen."

Mingshu said, "So when Teacher Liu and I contact Yin Zhen's subordinates, we will be noticed?"

"I judged that they didn't know the purpose of our trip, they just guarded the people who lived in that small building because of Yin Zhen." Xiao Yu'an said: "This year, when they can no longer get funds from Yin Zhen , the relationship between the two will be broken.”

Mingshu looked at the lights in front of them—they were about to arrive in Kroja City, "Brother, I'll take a look for a while."

"Well." Xiao Yu'an's voice was lower than usual, "I'll call you when I arrive."

Mingshu actually didn't fall asleep, closed his eyes, and everything he experienced not long ago was staged in his mind. The sudden explosion, the bullets that were as dense as raindrops, the fireballs sputtering everywhere, and the jeep-like sound of howling.

Movies always love to portray, when a person's life and death are at stake, at the critical moment, he thinks of the most important person in his life, his unfulfilled wishes, and his regrets.

But in reality, he didn't even think about it, not even Xiao Yuan had time to think about it. While rolling wildly in the hail of bullets, his only thought was to survive, never die.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the heavy sniper rifle that he suddenly woke up, and his beloved was protecting him in a place he couldn't see for the time being.

As a criminal policeman, he did not face such dangers directly today. But similar situations were commonplace for Xiao Yuan in the past.

A few years ago, he didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly asked Xiao Yu'an: "Brother, did you think of me when you were in the most dangerous time?"

Xiao Yuan was silent for a long time, then said seriously, "No."

He remembers pouting, feeling incomprehensible.

Now that I think about it, I'm just being hypocritical.

The most dangerous time to think of, must be to live.

Only by living can you return to your lover's side.

The car was parked outside a hospital.

The doctors and nurses seemed accustomed to seeing the wounded in gang fights and were not surprised by their presence.

Mingshu did several inspections, and the wound on his head was medicated, not wrapped in gauze, and looked a little hideous.

Xiao Yu'an pulled the person over, took a closer look, and then let go, "It's okay, you won't be able to see it once the scar is gone."

Mingshu said, "What should I do if I leave a scar?"

Xiao Yu'an said: "This kind of injury will not leave scars, but during the long wound, you have to be careful."

"What if I leave it?" Mingshu reached out and touched the wound. "I'm almost thirty. The older I get, the easier it is to leave scars."

Fang Yuanhang heard this and was about to say - Master, a scar is a man's medal, and Xiao Yu'an said, "I really won't stay, take 10,000 steps back, and even if we stay, our Ming team should be as handsome as ever. ."

Fang Yuanhang: "..."

Does someone who can't speak - like me - deserve to be single

Mingshu's original plan was to withdraw after finding out the necessary clues. However, the shootout that took place in the city of Epol made it inevitable for the group to be exposed to the sight of the local police. Before coming to Country E, everyone knew that the black market here can develop to such a degree that the police must be involved in it.

"Isn't it going to imprison us here?" Fang Yuanhang was worried, "What T... they chased us to kill, if we didn't fight back, we would be hanging dead in the city now!"

"Hanghang is still a little tender." Liu Zhiqin smiled aside, "We have neither touched the real shady scene in the local area nor challenged the authority of the police. Now the police are not thinking about how to deal with us, but fear."

Fang Yuanhang asked, "You're afraid? What are you afraid of?"

"If we have an accident, it will be a problem for the local police." Mingshu explained: "After all, we entered the country through regular channels, and we didn't do anything illegal, but we were attacked inexplicably. , this is an international dispute."

Fang Yuanhang suddenly realized, "Then Bureau Xiao is going to this trip..."

"It's just a basic negotiation." Mingshu couldn't help but scratched at the scar on his forehead from time to time, "When Bureau Xiao returns, why we were attacked will become clear."

Ming and Liu were right in their estimation. As early as when the serious crime team arrived in Kroga City, the Kroga City police had already noticed, but because they showed no signs of going deep into the black market, after a brief observation, the police, No more questions. However, the sudden attack launched by TRK caused the police to complain.

"We were mistaken for Interpol's undercover." Xiao Yu'an said: "TRK has been blacklisted by Interpol, and has also lost power in the gang battle in Kroja City. Two months ago, the leader of TRK was assassinated, and now the new The person who came to power is impetuous and suspicious, and they have caused many shootouts in Kroja City and its surroundings recently. Even the local police are unwilling to protect them any longer."

"Crap!" Fang Yuanhang said angrily, "I almost died!"

Mingshu slapped his apprentice on the head, "Can't you say something nice?"

Fang Yuanhang didn't know which tendon was on the wrong line, so he blurted out: "It sounds good? Okay - what's so scary about death? Our bright team should be handsome or just as handsome!"

Mingshu: "…"

Xiao Yu'an: "..."

Fang Yuanhang thought to himself: What the hell, what am I talking about

Xu Chun, who didn't know the reason, was very supportive, "Well said!"

"I also got some valuable information from the police - if there was no shootout, I don't think they would be happy to tell me." Xiao Yu'an said: "Yin Zhen, He Yang, Jiang Xiyang, Yue Shuqing, these four people are all in There have been registrations in the police system, and the other three, like Yin Zhen, are 'donors' of various gangs."

Fang Yuanhang couldn't help interrupting, "But what are they planning? Do they have money and no land to use?"

Mingshu said: "Maybe it's the fun of these people. Before you came to the serious crime team, there was a suspect in a case who supported tens of millions of illegal armed forces in a certain country and used them in wars."

Xiao Yuan continued: "They gave me a list of people with Chinese nationality who are active in the black market of Kroja City. Among them, there may be the murderer's next target."

Mingshu said: "In a different way of thinking, the murderer may also be hiding inside."

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look!" Fang Yuanhang immediately leaned over to the computer, and the police list gave a total of 118 people, the number was beyond Fang Yuanhang's imagination, "This... How many? It's all like Yue Shuqing bypassed the customs and entered country E!"

"118 people seem to be many, but think about it." Mingshu said: "Distributing them all over the country is actually only a very small part."

Just when Fang Yuanhang sighed, Liu Zhiqin had completed the screening of the list, "Among the 118 people, only 12 people meet the conditions - that is, only 12 people have an intersection with Yin Zhen, and the scope is suddenly narrowed. If you are with me and Xiao Ming Compared with the data obtained from the treasure, this range can be further narrowed.”

The U disk cherished for Mingshu recorded all the victims of the game three years ago in March, but the guests invited by Yin Zhen only had photos and code names, and no real identities.

Xiao Yuan stepped forward and asked, "Have your identities been verified?"

"It would have taken some time, but with your list." Liu Zhiqin raised his head, "It's done."