Madness of the Heart

Chapter 176: Bugs (26)


"Three years ago, Yin Zhen rented an underground warehouse on TRK's site, where she played her games." Liu Zhiqin presented the refined video to everyone, "A total of 8 people were forced and lured. Participated in it, and 6 of them were Chinese nationals.”

The victim's photos and basic information were enlarged on the projector, "Unlike He Yang's search for targets in the country, Yin Zhen's subordinates all live in country E, and they will only be able to live in country E and a few surrounding countries if they live in my country in the future. National 'hunting'. Because of Yin Zhen's personal preference, they target almost all Chinese citizens."

Fang Yuanhang clenched his fists.

"Li Qinghua, 30 years old, male, smuggled his family to Country E and worked for others in a restaurant in Kroja City."

"Xu Lihong, 28 years old, female, Li Qinghua's wife, was killed by Li Qinghua in the game three years ago."

"Jin Yue, 51 years old, male, works in country N, south of country E. According to the police records of country N, he is still missing."

"Quan Linzhong, 34 years old, male, came to E country to study at the age of 18, then stayed in E country to develop and rarely returned to China. When he was 32 years old, the company he founded with his partner closed down. After that, he was unemployed and had a poor life. No one helped him. 'Missing' police."

"Shu Can, 29 years old, female, in a similar situation to Jin Yue, works in country N, and is listed as missing in the police records."

"Duan Yun, 25 years old, male, was sold to the black market in country E after being in debt in China. In fact, his situation can be regarded as a smuggling, but it is different from Li Qinghua and Xu Lihong who took the initiative to smuggle."

Liu Zhiqin paused for a moment, and then called up the photos of the other two victims, "Jin Anmin, 40 years old, and Junko Kuto, 31 years old. These two are not Chinese nationals, so let's put them aside for now, okay?"

Xiao Yu'an nodded, "It seems that Yin Zhen has considered it very carefully. He chooses either stowaways, or people who have been forgotten in country E through formal means, and people who don't live in country E at all."

Mingshu said: "The backgrounds of these six people have to be changed one by one in detail. The 'third party', the Avengers are likely to be hidden in their interpersonal network."

"Then there are the guests invited by Yin Zhen." Liu Zhiqin continued: "In addition to He Yang, Jiang Xiyang, and Yue Shuqing, there are four others."

The first person to appear on the projector is a Caucasian.

"Lewis, Chinese E, 35 years old, a frequent visitor to the underground black market in Kroja City, runs a casino." Liu Zhiqin said, "But last year, he died."

Mingshu leaned forward slightly, "What's the reason?"

"The gang is fighting." Liu Zhiqin said, "It's similar to what we experienced before. I personally think that Lewis' death has nothing to do with the series of domestic cases."

Fang Yuanhang said: "It is also possible that Huobian was planned by a 'third party'?"

"I also think that Lewis' death has little to do with the 'third party'." Xiao Yu'an said: "Judging from the three murder cases that have occurred so far, the 'third party' pursues the ultimate pain for the victim. Lewis died of Compared with what Yin Zhen, Jiang Xiyang, and Yue Shuqing experienced, the shooting is obviously far worse."

Mingshu said: "The 'third party' may think that the enemy of country E will be solved by others even if he doesn't do anything."

Liu Zhiqin nodded, "Cruise, a 39-year-old from country N, is also a frequent visitor to the black market and is currently not in country E. These two are the only two foreigners invited by Yin Zhen. As for the remaining two..."

A picture of a man and a woman appeared on a projector.

"Kong Mingxuan, female, 32 years old, from Chaocheng, the daughter of the boss of the local leading enterprise Hu Ming Group."

"Fan He, male, 35 years old, from Yunqian City, his family does import and export business. Although he is not well-known, his annual net income is more than 50 million."

Mingshu squinted at the two of them, "If He Yang has been killed now, then their situation will be very dangerous."

The serious crime team returned to Dongye City and immediately started investigating the people on the two lists.

On the other hand, He Yang's whereabouts are still unknown. There are two voices in the serious crime team. One is that He Yang is currently in the hands of a "third party" and is likely to have been killed. After that, the body was found sooner or later, but He Yang's body was never found.

The two voices have their own reasons, and Mingshu did not deny the latter because he thought it was the former.

Fang Yuanhang will hand over all the physical evidence found in the abandoned factory and the detailed photos taken to Xiao Man. Xiao Man watched and praised: "My son is very promising."

Fang Yuanhang: "... Who the fuck is your son?"

The forensic tracers are all technical team members. Xing Mu also rushed to see what Fang Yuanhang brought back, and suddenly pulled Fang Yuanhang aside, "I heard that you encountered a shootout this time?"

Fang Yuanhang's eyebrows twitched, and he patted his right hand on the table like a gavel, "Speaking of that time..."

"Okay, okay, I know it was very dangerous at the time." Xing Mu said, "I also know how heroic you are."

Xiao Man interrupted, "I don't know how many times I've said it since I came back."

Fang Yuanhang: "..."

Xing Mu said, "I just want to know how Xiaoming got injured."

Fang Yuanhang was stunned for a moment, "My master, alas, that's not right, Mr. Xing, you are a forensic doctor, can you still treat Xiao Ming's injuries? Don't, Xiao Ming is fine, he doesn't want to be treated by a forensic doctor, the scar on his head has passed. It's going to fall off soon."

Xiao Man smiled and said, "Mr. Xing cares about Xiao Ming, haven't you heard it yet?"

His mind was pierced, Xing Mu blushed and defended, "Actually it's not..."

Fang Yuanhang said, "Mr. Xing, it's not a good habit to be honest with your heart. As a good leader like my master, it's almost as if you hate him for a while. You can't hate him all the time, right? And you don't really hate him at all."

Xing Mu's face turned even redder when he said, "I've been used to it for decades, but I can't change it."

Just as he was talking, Mingshu came.

The scar on his forehead hasn't fallen off, it looks obvious, but because it's not between the facial features, it hardly affects his appearance.

"Mr. Xing is also there." Mingshu said.

"Master." Fang Yuanhang said, "Mr. Xing is concerned about your injury. Teacher Xing is heartbroken!"

Xing Mu: "!"

I do not have! You are talking nonsense!

"Oh?" Mingshu raised his eyebrows, smiled at Xing Mu, and touched the scar, "It's fine, it'll be fine after a while."

Xing Mu is a kind-hearted person. Anyone on the team who is injured will feel heartbroken for a long time, not to mention that Shu is the one who watched him grow and was taken care of by his younger brother.

"Fortunately, nothing happened." Xing Mu stared at the scar for a while, frowning, but then heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you are all powerful and quick to respond."

Mingshu was calm and even cold when investigating the case. Facing the concern of his colleagues, his eyes softened instantly, and he said warmly, "Thank you, Brother Xing."

Xing Mu shook his head, "Thank me for what. Your apprentice said I was a forensic doctor, and a forensic doctor couldn't treat you."

Fang Yuanhang: "?"

Is this still a lawsuit

"Thank you for your concern." Mingshu smiled and patted his chest, "Your abominable leader feels it."

Xing Mu whispered: "I didn't say you are hateful."

Mingshu patted on Xing Mu's shoulder and walked towards Xiao Man - he came here to look for Xiao Man to do business.

"You're right in your estimation." The two almost-burned red candles were placed in front of Xiao Man, "The time for the memorial service is around this year's Spring Festival. As for the origin of the firecrackers and red candles, I can't give you the answer for a while. "

"Where are the mud footprints?" Mingshu said.

"Modeling takes time, but I can roughly report the number based on experience." Xiao Man said: "The first group of footprints, female, are between 1.1.6 and 1.63 meters in height. They are used to exerting force on the outside when walking. Shoe patterns are quite common, and many low-end travel shoes in China have similar patterns.”

Mingshu said: "The missing Cao Zhiya is 1.62 meters tall."

Xiao Man continued: "The second set of footprints, male, is between 1.76 and 1.79 meters tall, with a slight squat, and the focus is on the back end. I think the shoes he wears are probably rain boots."

Knowing that the "third party" might have two more targets, Shen Xun immediately sent people to Chaocheng and Yunqian City to confirm the current situation of Kong Mingxuan and Fan He.

Kong Mingxuan has been traveling abroad for the past six months. She just returned to Chaocheng two weeks ago, and nothing unusual happened around. Fan He is currently out of the country because of his family business.

In the game that year, Kong Mingxuan was an insider, and she must be aware of the details that the police have not yet grasped.

Mingshu rushed to Chaocheng, and Zhaofan drove a police car to pick him up—the elder brother sent by Shen Xun to Chaocheng.

"You came in time." Zhaofan said, "Kong Mingxuan is too much, I can't handle her."

Mingshu didn't believe it, "And there are people you can't handle?"

How did Shen Xun describe Zhaofan

When he was in college, he was a scourge. He was domineering with one face and made a bunch of crooked senses. Now he is also a bully in the special operations team.

Only when he bullies others, others can't bully him, and those who are bullied - such as Le Ran - are still quite convinced.

"She..." Zhaofan was a little hard to say, "she acted like a spoiled brat with me! I asked the east, she said the west. You know, I am a special policeman, and I have been with Shen Xun for the past two or three years, occasionally participating in your criminal police. She's a girl, I really can't deal with her."

Chaocheng Bureau, inquiry room.

Sure enough, as Zhaofan said, Kong Mingxuan was sitting there dressed elegantly, curly hair for a while, playing with her nails for a while, refusing to admit that she had gone to country E by illegal means, much less that she was a regular visitor to the underground black market in Kroja City. .

When Mingshu mentioned Yin Zhen, Jiang Xiyang, and Yue Shuqing, she even opened her eyes wide and said in a naive tone that did not match her age: "Who are they? I don't know."

"They were the partners who watched the slaughter game with you three years ago." Mingshu finished speaking, not giving Kong Mingxuan time to refute, and added: "When you were in country E, you contacted each other as purchased ones, and you will come back to China after you return. No contact, plus you've been traveling abroad, so it's not surprising that they didn't know they were dead."

Kong Mingxuan paused while playing with her fingernails, the blood on her face faded suddenly, and a look of extreme horror appeared in her eyes, before she said, "You... What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? Then I'll say it again." Mingshu even cleared his throat cooperatively, without mentioning the names of the three, but said, "The three of your friends who watched the massacre game in country E have already been arrested. Killed. Guess what their death looks like?"

Kong Mingxuan shook her head while shaking, "How is that possible?"

Mingshu said, "Are you afraid? Remember the cruelty of that game three years ago?"

"No, no..." Kong Mingxuan said, "I don't know them! I haven't been to Kroga City!"

Mingshu put a document in foreign languages on the table, "Since I can find you, it means that I have evidence in my hand."

The information was provided to Xiao Yuan by the Kroja police, with a high-definition photo of Kong Mingxuan and detailed personal information.

Kong Mingxuan's pupils shrank, and when she read those foreign languages clearly, she hugged her head with both hands.

"You have two faces in China and E country." Mingshu said: "In China, you are an independent, pure and good girl, while in E country, you are addicted to those illegal killings in the underground black market."

"No!" Kong Mingxuan burst into tears, "I'm not addicted! I'm different from them, I'm just curious!"

"Curious?" Mingshu said, "Not only have you watched the duel in the black market many times, but you have also been invited by Yin Zhen to watch the game she planned. Yin Zhen will not invite a 'momentarily curious' person."

"I didn't lie to you!" Kong Mingxuan became more and more agitated, "I haven't been to Country E for three years! I admit that I was really fascinated by black market duels for a while, but, but that's understandable, isn't it? I didn't kill anyone, I just looked, I didn't hurt anyone!"

Mingshu asked, "How did you know Yin Zhen?"

"Just, in the black market..."

Kong Mingxuan stammered about the experience of acquaintance with Yin Zhen.

There are very few female customers in the black market, and even fewer Oriental women. When Kong Mingxuan saw Yin Zhen, she not only had a sense of competition, but also wanted to get close to the other party.

Yin Zhen seems to have the same intention.

At first, the two didn't communicate, they just gave each other money from the black market. Later, one of Yin Zhen's subordinates found Kong Mingxuan and said that Yin Zhen wanted to invite her to a party.

"It was the game three years ago?" Mingshu said, "You thought it was just a party?"

Kong Mingxuan said: "I actually guessed what was going on. There have always been people in the black market organizing this kind of game privately, but no one has ever invited me, so I didn't watch it before that."

Mingshu said: "After watching it? What do you think?"

Kong Mingxuan sobbed, "No, I don't feel anything. I used to go to the black market during that time, and I'm already immune."

Mingshu asked again, "What about the others?"

"They are crazy." Kong Mingxuan said, "You may not believe me when I say this, but this is what I thought at the time—their ecstasy and excitement couldn't move me, and the massacres I saw with my own eyes couldn't stimulate me either. .I think I may be different from them. After this time, I have only been to E country once, because watching people kill each other is only my interest for a period of time, and then I have a new interest.”

Mingshu took out a row of photos, "Are these people Yin Zhen's guests at the time?"

After reading it, Kong Mingxuan said nervously, "Are they all dead? Is it only me?"

Mingshu shook his head, "Not all."

"Please save me!" Kong Mingxuan burst into tears, "I swear, I only watched that game, it's none of my business!"

Mingshu said, "How long have you stayed in the villa where the game is played? Based on your observation, who do Yin Zhen seem to be particularly close to?"

Kong Mingxuan wiped away her tears, and took out the photos of Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing after a while.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yu'an said: "The 'third party' knows the guests of the game very well, and first started with Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing. The two of them are probably not only guests, but also participated in the planning."

Mingshu said: "It's just that he's dead now without any evidence."

"Kong Mingxuan is currently under the surveillance of the special action team, and the 'third party' will not choose to attack him at this time. Fan He is abroad, whether he has been targeted by the murderer is still unknown." Xiao Yuan walked to the whiteboard, "Let's have a look. this."

Mingshu immediately walked over.

The photos of the victims of the game three years ago were pinned on the whiteboard. The video matches Kong Mingxuan's confession. The eight people in the game were divided into four groups. Only by killing each other could they survive. Yin Zhen gave the survivor There are only three places, which means that the final outcome may be that one group survives, plus one person from the other group, or one person from each of the three teams.

In this way, cannibalism cannot be avoided.

Yin Zhen's vicious heart is evident.

Soon after the game started, Li Qinghua, who was illegally smuggling, killed his wife Xu Lihong—they were teammates. Then, Shu Can committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Jin Yue was pushed down from the roof by Jin Anmin and Junko Kuto together. Junko Kuto stoned Jin Anmin to death. According to Yin Zhen's surviving quota, as long as one more person is killed, the game will end. However, after cutting off Junko Kuto's neck, Li Qinghua smashed Duan Yun's head again.

The last survivors were only Li Qinghua, who was slaughtering frantically, and Quan Linzhong, who hid in the basement from beginning to end.

Yin Zhen thought that Quan Linzhong had no game spirit, and told Li Qinghua that if he was willing to perform a massacre on Quan Linzhong, the bonus belonging to Quan Linzhong would be transferred to him.

Li Qinghua had long been red-eyed, and immediately caught up with Quan Linzhong, grabbed his head, and smashed him to death on the concrete floor.

After the game, Li Qinghua left as the winner with the bonus and died in Yin Zhen's next game.

"Li Qinghua, Xu Lihong, Shu Can, Jin Yue, Duan Yun, and Quan Linzhong." Xiao Yu'an said: "In terms of background, the latter four are the focus of the investigation. Li Qinghua and Xu Lihong lived in a fishing village in the south before smuggling, Xu Chun Right now in this fishing village, the information I got is that this family has been stealing chickens and dogs in the village for a long time, which is not tolerated by the whole village. They even stole the money from their neighbors. Will anyone take revenge for them? Theoretically yes, but the possibility is relatively small.”

"What the last four have in common is that they all work alone in country E or country N. If they are not targeted by Yin Zhen, although they may not be able to live a prosperous life, at least they will not be killed." Mingshu supported Chin, his eyes swept across the photo, and just when he stopped on Jin Yue's photo, the phone rang.

At this point, the members of the serious crime team had already dispersed, each investigating the background of the victim.

It was Fang Yuanhang who called.

"Master." Fang Yuanhang's voice was not the same as usual. Mingshu felt wrong when he heard it, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found something." Fang Yuanhang swallowed, "Jin Yue helped a child when he was in China."

"Yu Dalong."