Madness of the Heart

Chapter 177: Bugs (27)


Jin Yue's ancestral home is Chongcheng. His parents died early. He was married. After marriage, he was found to be infertile. , worked as a dormitory at the school, moved bricks on the construction site, and did some electrician work. If there is a problem with the circuit in the nearby house, he will soon be able to repair it properly.

Five years ago, Jin Yue signed a labor agreement with a company to go to N country to build a factory. The contract stipulates that he will stay in country N for three years, with a minimum commission of 100,000 yuan per year.

For Jin Yue, 100,000 yuan per year is a salary that he could not even imagine in Chongcheng.

Because he had no relatives, Jin Yue left as soon as he said it. The first year went very smoothly, and he took nearly 30,000 yuan more at the settlement. But the next year, he had an accident in country E.

Chongcheng and Dongye City are very close, and the traffic is very convenient. Dongye City is more economically developed than Chongcheng City. When people in Chongcheng encounter problems that cannot be solved in their own city, they love to come to Dongye City. In terms of accent and customs, the two places are almost indistinguishable.

Yu Dalong's hometown is in Jiaoshui County, Chongcheng - the same place as Jin Yue.

Fang Yuanhang learned from the county No. 1 middle school where Jin Yue once worked that Yu Dalong lived in the school when he was in junior high school, and the dormitory at that time was Jin Yue.

Today's Yu Dalong is enthusiastic and cheerful, and never hides his orientation, but in the mouth of Yu Dalong's head teacher, he is a completely different person.

As soon as Yu Dalong entered the school, he was different from other boys. He behaved like a girl in words and deeds. In addition, he was handsome and did not like to participate in sports activities, so he was looked down upon by most of the boys in the class.

Back then, whether it was the campus or the society, the atmosphere was not as open as it is now. Some boys say that Yu Dalong is a "Thai shemale", and he has taken hormones since he was born, and then he has become the man who is neither male nor female. Yu Dalong argued at first, but then he was isolated first, then threatened and bullied by the boys. Gradually, he didn't say anything, and went to school and went to school alone.

In the second year of junior high school, some students found that Yu Dalong was secretly watching the posters of male stars, so it began to spread on the campus that Yu Dalong was a disgusting homosexual.

These words reached the ears of the parents, some of them came to the school and demanded the expulsion of Yu Dalong, and some warned their children that they would walk around when they saw Yu Dalong in the future.

In their eyes, homosexuality equals filth, disgust, extinction, and AIDS.

Yu Dalong's situation became more difficult. Of course, the school leaders wouldn't dismiss him, but they asked the parents to talk to him again. Under the dual pressure of school and family, Yu Dalong collapsed psychologically and chose to commit suicide by jumping into the lake in the second semester of junior high school.

The lake is right next to the County No. 1 Middle School. Although it is not too deep, it is enough to drown the short juvenile.

During the day, there are always a lot of people around the lake. Yu Dalong is determined to die. He wakes up before dawn in the morning and sneaks out of the school quietly. There were a few street lights by the lake, but not enough to dispel the darkness. He stood by the lake for a while, weeping softly, and then jumped off.

If Jin Yue, who was running in the morning, happened to pass by and heard the sound of falling into the water, after dawn, people would find a floating corpse of a young man.

Jin Yue carried Yu Dalong back to the school to find the school doctor. The school leader was frightened enough. While thanking Jin Yue, he asked Jin Yue to appease Yu Dalong and take good care of him, so that nothing would happen again.

After joining the lake, until the third grade of junior high school, Jin Yue often followed Yu Dalong. The canteen of the County No. 1 Middle School was not very tasty. If Jin Yue made Yu Dalong's favorite food, he would definitely call Yu Dalong to his dormitory. With the permission of the school, Jin Yue even built a bed for Yu Dalong and took care of Yu Dalong as his son.

After graduation, Yu Dalong moved to Chongcheng with his family and gave Jin Yue a portable radio before leaving.

"By the way, before Jin Yue went to N country, Yu Dalong would sometimes come back to see him and buy him milk, fruit, etc." Yu Dalong's head teacher sighed: "Jin Yue not only saved Yu Dalong's life, but also saved Yu Dalong's life. His life. Without Jin Yue's company and enlightenment for more than a year, Yu Dalong is afraid now..."

"And then?" Fang Yuanhang asked, "After Jin Yue left, did Yu Dalong come back?"

"When you say that, I remember it." The head teacher said: "Last year or the year before, Yu Dalong came to inquire about Jin Yue's situation. At that time, Jin Yue disappeared in country N, and no one knew what happened. Jin Yue There are no relatives, and several of our teachers have gone to the labor service company to ask, but they are also at a loss. Yu Dalong is very anxious, but we really don’t know what Jin Yue encountered in N country.”

Fang Yuanhang immediately found the labor service company that signed the contract with Jin Yue. Although it is not enough that people go to the empty building, the staff who introduced the business to Jin Yue can no longer be contacted. A small leader in the company explained that they are just intermediaries, and it is enough to send people abroad, and nothing else matters.

When it comes to Yu Dalong, the young leader was deeply impressed, "He asked us why Jin Yue disappeared, and he insisted that we give an explanation. Alas, I guess he is a little gay who talks with a gun and a stick. I can't say anything about him at all."

"And then?" Fang Yuanhang asked, "How many times has Yu Dalong been here?"

"There must be seven or eight times." The little leader said: "But it's all concentrated in the year before and the year before, and I didn't come last year."

After listening to Fang Yuanhang's report, Mingshu was silent for a moment, "Do you think Yu Dalong may be the 'third party' we are looking for?"

An acquaintance appeared in the investigated case, which was something Fang Yuanhang had never encountered in his short career as a criminal police officer.

"Yu Dalong has no lack of motives for committing crimes." Fang Yuanhang said with some difficulty after a while, "His life was pulled back by Jin Yue, if he knew the truth of Jin Yue's death, he chose to avenge Jin Yue, which is logical. in addition… "

"Huh?" Mingshu said, "What else?"

Fang Yuanhang hesitated for a few seconds, "I was thinking that his approach to me and us may be part of his revenge plan."

"This clue is very important, and you did a good job." Mingshu continued: "But it is too early to identify Yu Dalong as a 'third party'. You are very nervous because you are worried that your friend is really involved in the case. , this tension affects your judgment."

"I… "

"Investigate Yu Dalong's background in detail." Mingshu confessed: "Let the technical team verify whether he has sufficient alibi when several murders occurred."

Yu Dalong was taken to the interrogation room with a confused expression, "Do you need me to help solve the case again? I happened to be free recently... But, why are you here? Isn't this the place to interrogate suspects?"

"The interrogation room is where suspects are interrogated." Fang Yuanhang explained awkwardly, "Sit down, I have a few questions to ask you."

Yu Dalong said uneasy: "No, I won't sit! Once I sit down in this place, I won't be able to get up!"

Fang Yuanhang looked into Yu Dalong's eyes and said softly, "Jin Yue."

Yu Dalong's face changed suddenly, and his pupils suddenly shrank under the bright light.

"Sit down, let's have a good chat."

Yu Dalong slipped a drop of sweat on his forehead and sat down in slow motion, "Uncle Jin..."

"I have been to Jiaoshui County, your hometown, and I already know about your experience in junior high school and the relationship between you and Jin Yue." Fang Yuanhang said: "Three years ago, Jin Yue disappeared in N country..."

"Wait a minute!" Yu Dalong interrupted, "What you're investigating recently is Uncle Jin's case? When I contacted you last time, you said you were very busy, and it was Uncle Jin's case? He... He was really killed? "

Many criminal suspects will show their innocent side when facing the police - just like Yu Dalong at this time.

Distinguishing between true innocence and false innocence is sometimes all based on experience. Fang Yuanhang didn't want Yu Dalong to be related to the case, and subconsciously feared his own psychological influence judgment. As a result, it was even more difficult to distinguish whether Yu Dalong's reaction was a performance.

"You said 'really' just now." Fang Yuanhang calmed down and tried to remain calm, "You thought early on that Jin Yue was not missing, but was killed?"

Yu Dalong covered the lower half of his face, tears welling up in his eyes.

Seeing him cry, Fang Yuanhang felt an indescribable sadness, and took out the prepared tissue, "How do you know that Jin Yue has been killed?"

Yu Dalong didn't cry for too long, his emotions only broke out for a moment and quickly subsided.

He wiped away his tears with a tissue, and his gaze towards Fang Yuanhang gradually stopped, "I understand. Uncle Jin was killed. You are checking his interpersonal relationship and found that he saved my life. Maybe you still check. In the past few years, I have been to Jiaoshui County and Chongcheng many times to inquire about Uncle Jin. So you think that I avenged Uncle Jin. "

Fang Yuanhang suppressed his personal emotions and looked at Yu Dalong who suddenly became unfamiliar.

Yu Dalong actually laughed, "It turns out that someone has already avenged Uncle Jin? Who is it? Who is the one who killed Uncle Jin? I have no ability, so I can't find it no matter how I look for it. You say I have a motive, I admit it. !"

Saying that, Yu Dalong's eyes widened angrily and his voice trembled, "If I knew who the murderer was, I would kill him no matter what!"

Fang Yuanhang said, "You answer my question first. How do you know that Jin Yue was killed by someone?"

"How can a person disappear for so long for no reason?" Yu Dalong said, "During the New Year's Eve, Uncle Jin called me back and said that he was doing well in country N and earning more money, so he planned to do more. In 2018, save enough money for retirement before returning to China. Uncle Jin has no family and no descendants. I said that I will give him retirement, but he does not want to.

At present, Zhou Yuan has not determined the whereabouts of Yu Dalong when several murders occurred. Fang Yuanhang pondered for a moment, thinking that whether Yu Dalong is the person the serious crime team is really looking for, his psychology is very important - because if the "third party" is someone else, he may have a similar mentality to Yu Dalong.

"Then what did you find?" Fang Yuanhang asked, "How much do you know about Jin Yue's life in country N?"

"Answer me first." Yu Dalong said, "Has the person who killed Uncle Jin really been killed? Who killed Uncle Jin?"

Fang Yuanhang frowned, and suddenly heard Mingshu's voice coming from the earphone - "Tell him."

"Yes, someone avenged Jin Yue." Fang Yuanhang said, "They are already dead."

"They?" Yu Dalong said in surprise, "A lot of people?"

"Now answer my question." Fang Yuanhang said, "What did you find?"

"I don't know..." Yu Dalong's eyes dimmed, "I'm useless, I only know that Uncle Jin must have been killed, but I can't think of how someone like him would offend others and end up being killed. Uncle Jin, Uncle Jin is very kind, he protects me, everyone hates me, including my family, they treat me as a virus, call me 'Thai shemale', pervert, beat me, isolate me, only Uncle Jin tells me that I am very Well, sensible, smart, and cute, don't pay attention to what other people say."

The interrogation room was filled with low-pitched sobbing, and Yu Dalong intermittently recalled the darkest junior high school in his life.

In his narration, Jin Yue is more important to him than his parents. When he was surrounded by malicious people around him, his family took the side of maliciousness. His teacher only verbally told those crazy students not to bully him. . After Jin Yue rescued him from the lake, he wrapped him in the clothes he threw by the lake. He cried and struggled, but still wanted to jump into the lake, roaring: "They all say I'm dirty, say I have AIDS, aren't you afraid? Let me go, I'll stain your clothes!"

Jin Yue didn't let go, "What kind of AIDS do you have? Do you believe if others insult you? You only have one life, and you are still young, so are you willing to give up like this?"

When he was about to graduate from the third year of junior high school, Yu Dalong's mood was much better, which was attributed to Jin Yue's unremitting encouragement, praise and affirmation.

He was even able to confront his "feminine" character and admit it as his characteristic, not his fault.

He asked Jin Yue a question, "Uncle Jin, they all hate me and think I'm an alien, why can you accept me?"

After a long time, Jin Yuecai smiled bitterly: "I was once regarded as an alien because I had no children."

His eyes turned red all of a sudden, he hugged Jin Yue and said, "Uncle Jin, I will be your child from now on!"

"You're right." Yu Dalong raised his head and looked at Fang Yuanhang helplessly, "I want to avenge Uncle Jin, but I don't even know who killed him. I met you last year, I think , I think if my relationship with you is getting better and better, and I know more and more police officers, maybe one day, you will be able to help me find the person who killed Uncle Jin."

Fang Yuanhang suddenly felt a strong sense of emptiness in his heart, "You approached me to take advantage of..."

Yu Dalong shook his head vigorously, "But I really regard you as a friend. You are very good, and you are different from many men around me. I don't have a friend like you, and my friends are all like me."

Probably because he felt that he could not explain clearly, Yu Dalong cried again, "I didn't use you. I thought, maybe you can help me in the future. If you need my help, I will help you too."

Fang Yuanhang sighed heavily and had to keep asking, "Do you know Yin Zhen?"

Yu Dalong said in confusion, "I don't know."

Fang Yuanhang asked a few more questions, and suddenly felt breathless, stood up, and asked his teammates to temporarily replace him.

"Fang Yuanhang." Yu Dalong suddenly stopped him, "I want to find the person who killed Uncle Jin, but I didn't kill anyone. I have always regarded you as a friend. You, you believe me."

Fang Yuanhang closed the door of the inquiry room, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes wearily.

Never before had he felt so overwhelmed by an inquiry. Sitting across from him is his friend. His friend had a very unfortunate boyhood, and it is precisely because of the misfortune that Yu Dalong encountered and the redemption he encountered later that he suspects that Yu Dalong is a suspect.

He felt that he was cold-blooded, but the responsibility on his shoulders required him to keep his emotions as low as possible and analyze every clue objectively.

But just looking into Yu Dalong's eyes and listening to Yu Dalong's cry, he found that he could not be as objective as he imagined.

It is no wonder that there is a "suspect avoidance" rule in the criminal police force.

Before closing the door, Yu Dalong said to his back, "Fang Yuanhang, you believe me".

At that moment, whether Yu Dalong didn't kill anyone or Yu Dalong always regarded him as a friend, he believed it.

Mingshu's phone call came, Fang Yuanhang listened for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, "I'll be right here!"

"I have verified the whereabouts of Yu Dalong before and after the murder of Yin Zhen, Jiang Xiyang, and Yue Shuqing." Zhou Yuan said: "Yu Dalong is running around the country with his artists and has no time to commit crimes. In addition, his communication, Internet, traffic records I have also investigated all of them, and there is no suspicious information. Before last year, he went back and forth between Dongye City and Chongcheng more frequently, and every time he went to the County No. 1 Middle School to see. My personal opinion is that Yu Dalong is not the 'third party' we are looking for, nor is he a collaborator of the 'third party'."

Fang Yuanhang sat on the chair with relief, and for a moment, pressed his hands to his face.

Mingshu made Yu Dalong a cup of coffee and took him to an empty police room.

Yu Dalong's emotions were complicated. On the one hand, he was excited because he learned that the person who killed Jin Yue had been killed, and on the other hand, he was depressed because he was suspected by Fang Yuanhang. He held the coffee and didn't drink it, and whispered, "Captain Ming, I didn't mean to approach Fang Yuanhang and you. I saw you in the mall that day, but I didn't know you were the police. Later, Fang Yuanhang came to our company to investigate the case. When I took him to find Liu Mei, I didn't even think about using him. Later, when my relationship with Fang Yuanhang got better, I thought that I might be able to ask you guys to help me check Uncle Jin's affairs in the future."

Mingshu said: "Your thoughts are human, Fang Yuanhang will understand."

Yu Dalong nodded, "Ming team, can you tell me why Uncle Jin was killed?"

"Not yet." Mingshu said.

Yu Dalong has a superficial understanding of the work of the criminal police, and said in a low voice: "I understand."

"Has anything happened to you in the past six months?" Mingshu said, "You are a very important person to Jin Yue. We will notice you, and maybe others will notice you."

Yu Dalong thought for a while, "Do you want to get clues from me by asking me that?"

Mingshu sighed, "Sorry."

Yu Dalong's eyes were full of pain, and after a while, he raised his hand and wiped the end of his eyes, "If I said I didn't know, you and Fang Yuanhang would definitely think that I was deliberately lying to you and shielding the suspect."

"No." Ming Shu said warmly, "We have our own judgment."

Hearing this, Yu Dalong burst into tears. He has always been a very sensitive person. When he was young, he accepted too much malice. Later, the small care and consideration given by others can also make him remember for a long time.

"I really don't know, I didn't mean to obstruct your investigation." Yu Dalong clutched the tissue tightly, and after hiccups, he was suddenly stunned.

Mingshu asked, "What do you remember?"

"No, it has nothing to do with the case." Yu Dalong said: "There is a secret room in Dongcheng District called 'The Ninth Battlefield'. I went in alone a while ago, and I felt very uncomfortable. The secret room is usually scary and terrifying, but I feel scalped in it. Going numb, a group of kids used firecrackers to make a baby a shaker. And then, the baby was blown up."

Mingshu rubbed his chin with his index finger, "Firecrackers?"