Madness of the Heart

Chapter 178: Bugs (28)


In that game three years ago, the preliminary investigation results of all the victims were gathered at Xiao Yu'an, and the information was cluttered and scattered, most of which were useless information. But even useless information is essential and is a natural part of the preliminary investigation.

Xiao Yuan browsed the information quickly and carefully, and finally focused on Duan Yun's information.

Duan Yun, a native of Xiangshan City, was 25 years old when she was killed.

Xiangshan City, near the southern border, is a small city. In the eyes of outsiders, the folk customs there are sturdy, and people go to the streets with machetes, and they will draw their knives at every turn.

Compared with the big cities, the security environment in Xiangshan City is indeed worrying. Although the gangs are not as arrogant as before under the attack of the special police, most of them just turned from the bright side to the underground and are still active in the local area, while some small groups of gangsters. On the bright side, it replaced the gang and ran rampant.

Duan Yun grew up in Xiangshan City since she was a child, and her grades in junior high school ranked first in the grade for a long time, which shows that she is a smart child. But after graduating from junior high school, Duan Yun did not continue to study, but became a local vegetable farmer.

Duan Yun's math teacher still remembers him, calling him the most gifted student he has ever taught.

"It's a pity that Duan Yun has a bad background. His parents said he went out to work, but he hasn't come back for many years. He and his grandmother depend on each other." There is not a single high school in the province that has been admitted to a good university. Duan Yun has to take care of her grandmother, so it is impossible to go to high school in another city. Let’s go to high school here, the chance of getting into a good university is very high It was slim, so he decided not to read it."

In the many photos provided by the school, Duan Yun is smiling very cheerfully, obviously a very energetic boy.

The situation of "receiving protection fees" in Xiangshan City is serious. Most hawkers want to do business safely and have to pay protection fees to local gangsters. Duan Yun also made friends, but had several unpleasant encounters with the gangsters, and went to the police station four times because of fights. At the age of 22, his grandmother was seriously ill in the hospital and needed a large sum of money to save her life. He took out all the savings he had saved from selling vegetables, but it was still not enough, so he had to borrow money from the elder brother of the gang.

In the end, the grandmother could not be rescued, and Duan Yun was impoverished and left alone.

At that time, he had a load of 70,000, which was not an absolutely unaffordable amount. But at that time, there were already rumors of rectifying gangs in Xiangshan City, and some gangs planned to avoid the limelight for a while, and before they evacuated, there were several minor incidents.

Duan Yun is one of the unlucky ones.

The "eldest brother" who lent him the money forced him to repay the money immediately, but he was taken away from the house by drugging before he could pay.

Not everyone sold on the black market in country E will be sent to a "duel". Duan Yun was not expected to fight, she became the lowest-level waiter, had no way to leave, and was eventually targeted by Yin Zhen.

According to a former friend of Duan Yun, Duan Yun occasionally mentioned that she had an older brother.

"I've never seen him worship anyone except his brother," said the friend.

The field team member asked, "Did he ever say, what's his brother's name?"

The friend shook his head, "No. And I haven't seen it either. I live on the same street as him, and I've never met his brother. I sometimes wonder if he's lying to us."

The household registration information transferred by the police station shows that Duan Yun has no elder brother, and the Duan family has only one child.

Does Duan Yun's brother really exist

"Dong, dong, dong—" There was a knock on the door, and before Xiao Yuan could answer, the door was pushed open.

You don't have to look to know, it must be Mingshu.

"Brother." Mingshu walked quickly to the desk, "An unexpected clue - there may be a problem with the secret room 'Ninth Battlefield' in Dongcheng District. One of the scenes is that a child uses firecrackers to make a bed for the baby, blow up."

Xiao Yuan put down the information and immediately thought of the murder in Fanglong Alley, "Although Xiang Haoming was not killed by firecrackers, the three of Zhou Lan used firecrackers to change him beyond recognition."

Mingshu said, "I'll go to the 'Ninth Battlefield' to see what's going on in this secret room."

The three of Zhou Lan are currently being detained in the detention center. Xiao Yuan clearly felt that the enthusiasm in their eyes had faded, and they had become fearful of everything, but not annoyed by their past behavior.

"Why do you use firecrackers..." Zhou Lan thought for a moment, "I remember you asked me this question before. Didn't I tell you? Because firecrackers are festive and can cause pain, why don't you set off firecrackers on New Year's Eve?"

Xiao Yu'an said, "I'm asking, how do you think of firecrackers? Who proposed to use firecrackers?"

Zhou Lan was stunned for a while, "Is it me? No, they seem to say firecrackers too..."

"You have been to the 'Ninth Battlefield'." Xiao Yu'an said, "You were inspired there."

Zhou Lan's eyes suddenly brightened, "If you don't say, I almost forgot! Yes, we've been to the 'Ninth Battlefield', it's really, really..."

The fading frenzy was rekindled at this time, and Zhou Lan was like a believer, regaining the spiritual nourishment on which to survive.

"What's there?" Xiao Yuan asked restrainedly.

"It's a holy place!" Zhou Lan's brows danced, "Yes, you're right, I got inspiration there, I saw a baby put on a bed made of firecrackers, and then the firecrackers were lit, crackling, and the bed shook. , baby howling! Maybe, maybe the moment I saw that scene, I wanted to imitate it!"

Ming Shu and Xing Mu came to the "Ninth Battlefield" together.

Xing Mu shivered: "Leader, I'm afraid! You, why didn't you bring your apprentice with you?"

"The apprentice is in a bad mood." Mingshu said, "Give him a break."

"The Ninth Battlefield" has long passed its hot period, and there are not many guests in it. The staff are standing and sitting lazily, and they are too lazy to say hello when they see someone coming.

The scene seemed familiar—that's what happened in a shop where business was going downhill.

There is a self-service ticket machine in the lobby, Mingshu read the introduction of each secret room for a while, and simply bought a combined ticket.

Xing Mu: "... Leader, we don't have to go to every secret room, right?"

Mingshu has already paid, "Go, Teacher Xing, do you want to waste money?"

Xing Mu complained, and immediately sent a message to Xiao Man: "SOS!"

Xiao Man was so busy that he didn't even look at his phone.

Xing Mu reluctantly followed Mingshu into the secret room while scolding in his heart, "Everyone has no conscience".

The secret room of "The Ninth Battlefield" is graded. If you walk down normally, Mingshu feels similar to the secret room of "Storm", but some details - such as the authenticity of music, props, and the strange smile on people's faces - are easy to handle. Make guests feel uncomfortable when they are fully immersed in it.

However, most guests do not think about the reasons for depression and sadness, and only complain about "uncomfortable" after leaving. So on the review platform, there are many similar reviews.

It is precisely because of these comments that the "Ninth Battlefield" quickly fell silent after its opening.

Mingshu gradually began to count, and after a short rest, he chose the advanced level.

After the baptism in the first few secret rooms, Xing Mu calmed down instead.

As a forensic doctor of the serious crime team, Xing Mu's psychological quality cannot be poor, but his personality is very different, and he often talks about "fear".

The scene described by Yu Dalong arrived, and the one who was killed was a ghost baby. What Yu Dalong didn't say was that when the firecrackers exploded, the ghost baby was not crying, but laughing mournfully.

"Normal people enter these secret rooms, except that their emotions are temporarily affected, there will be no other negative emotions. That is to say, they will not imitate themselves because of what they see." Xing Mu has specialized in criminal psychology. It is also the purpose that Mingshu brought him, "and for people with antisocial personality, especially those who are younger and mentally impaired, they are likely to be seduced. Ming team, you are right. , there is something wrong with these secret rooms. I boldly speculate that the designer's purpose is to 'awaken' people with anti-social personality and lead them to the road of crime. In this way, the designer himself must have a more serious criminal tendency ."

Ming Shu said slowly: "Maybe there is another possibility."

Xing Mu turned his head sideways, "Anything else?"

"Show and simulate the criminal process." Mingshu said: "Some scenes in these secret rooms have appeared in the black market of country E. The designer is probably intentional."

"The 'Ninth Battlefield' is not only open in your Dongye City." Liu Zhiqin wore a Bluetooth headset and put his hands on the keyboard, "It belongs to the 'Deep Jungle' game and entertainment company, before going to Dongye City to expand its business , it has opened three stores across the country. It is worth noting that although each store is called 'the ninth battlefield', the scene of the secret room is not the same, only one secret room is designed for the headquarters, and the rest are all designed by different teams , the pursuit of conforming to local customs.”

Xiao Yuan slid the mouse and was looking at the background and internal composition of the "Deep Jungle" game entertainment company.

"There is a 'Ninth Battlefield' in the capital, one in Mengxin City in the southeast, and another in Fangchu City in the middle." Liu Zhiqin continued: "I preliminarily checked these three 'Ninth Battlefields' according to your request. The situation is currently in a benign operation, which is no different from most secret rooms. As for the customer's comments, there is no 'uncomfortable' reaction from Yu Dalong. But what is going on in this 'deep forest', I dare not immediately Come to a conclusion. I will report to Shen Xun later, he may send team members to investigate on the spot. "

Xiao Yu'an said: "There is a high probability that there is only one problem in Dongye City. Check the personnel composition of the 'Ninth Battlefield'."

"Designer?" The staff looked blank, "Why are you looking for a designer?"

"It's rare to play such a wonderful secret room. I want to meet the designer and listen to the designer to talk about his ideas." Mingshu said.

Perhaps it was rare to hear praise, and the staff laughed, "Really? Do you think it's wonderful?"

Mingshu nodded, "I am a fan of secret rooms and have been to countless secret rooms. But now the homogenization of secret rooms is too serious. It is rare to see secret rooms with such bold and beautiful designs like yours."

Xing Mu listened with coffee on the side, almost rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you!" The staff member touched his neck awkwardly, "But the designer... the designer is not here."

Mingshu didn't think that he could meet the designer now, so he just wanted to find out more information about the designer from the staff.

"Oh, that's a pity." Mingshu said: "Other secret rooms usually have the concept introduction of the design team, do you have them here?"

"Yes!" The staff immediately brought a tablet and sighed, "Few customers praise us. Among all the branches, we are the worst performing one, and it may be redesigned soon. "

"Redesign?" Mingshu said while flipping through the pages: "But you are very distinctive. Redesign means changing the style and making it similar to 'Storm'?"

"That kind of money." The staff said: "Customers generally report that we are too depressed here, and it is not good to spend money."

Mingshu asked, "How do you feel?"

"Me?" The topic was suddenly thrown on him, and the staff thought for a while, "If I were an ordinary customer, I might not like it either. Well, this is the design team."

In a clean and bright conference room, six people are sitting or standing, women in skirts, men in shirts or suits, looking very professional.

When noticing one of them, Ming Shu's eyebrows suddenly tightened.

Sitting sideways on a table, wearing an off-white slim-fit shirt and a black hip-packed skirt, it was Cao Zhiya!

"This is..." Mingshu pointed to Cao Zhiya, his tone calm.

"She's the chief designer!" The staff took the tablet and turned it back to find a big picture. Below the big picture is the introduction, "Ms. Nishikawa Suzumi, an international friend. You said that we are very distinctive here, I think it should be Influenced by her personal philosophy, isn't her homeland a popular monster culture, I feel that she has brought the style of their country over, and the secret room designed has a sense of conceptual impact between different countries."

No, absolutely not!

Mingshu stared at Nishikawa Remi, with a fire in his eyes.

This is not some kind of international friend, he remembers this face clearly, it is definitely Cao Zhiya!

Two years ago, after Liang Xiaojun died in He Yang's game, Cao Zhiya disappeared in Haichuan City. Before her disappearance, Cao Zhiya behaved abnormally, often stayed up late at night, and left voluntarily. Judging from her move of giving her coat to her roommate, she knew that she would not go back.

Now, Cao Zhiya, who has been missing for two years, has appeared in Dongye City as a foreign designer. The secret room she designed can affect people with anti-social personalities and prompt them to commit crimes—Zhou Lan and the three are examples.

This is definitely not a coincidence, Cao Zhiya must have a purpose, and this purpose is to avenge Liang Xiaojun!

He Yang disappeared for many days, and the last message left to Zhou Shan was "I found a more interesting game". Cao Zhiya is the designer of the secret room. The game that He Yang discovered was specially designed for him by Cao Zhiya

"The situation should be more complicated." After listening to Mingshu's analysis, Xiao Yuan stood up from his seat and put his hands in the pockets of his police trousers, "The last time we investigated Cao Zhiya, we discussed that Liang Xiaojun died of He Yang's death. In addition to He Yang, Yin Zhen was the only guest invited by He Yang. Now the deceased are not only He Yang and Yin Zhen, but also Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing. The group of revenge is the viewers of Yin Zhen's game. There is a year between the two games."

Mingshu quickly sorted his thoughts, "Cao Zhiya is not the only avenger, her companions are relatives or friends of the victims who died in Yin Zhen's game?"

Xiao Yu'an said: "The term 'companion' is not accurate."

Mingshu raised his head, "Huh?"

"Do you think Cao Zhiya has the ability to design such a secret room?" Xiao Yu'an said: "Two years is enough to change a person, but designing scenes to guide others to commit crimes is flawless. Do you think she can do it?"

Mingshu said: "Cao Zhiya is not the real designer of the secret room at all? She is just a 'tool' pushed to the front of the stage?"

"That's why I say 'companion' is inaccurate." Xiao Yuan took a few steps. "Although there is no definite evidence yet, it can be basically inferred that Cao Zhiya was approached by someone before she voluntarily left. She is exactly the I got a piece of news from this person—Liang Xiaojun has been killed."

"The purpose of this person's contact with her is to be with her, no, to use her to complete his revenge plan?" Mingshu suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, "Then Cao Zhiya will be the only one used by him. Or, is this 'third party' camp very large?"

"Liu Zhiqin and the others are investigating the 'deep forest' behind the 'Ninth Battlefield', and there is no new news for the time being." Xiao Yu'an said: "I have noticed that Duan Yun, the victim of Yin Zhen Games, has a complicated background. There seems to be an elder brother, but who is this person and what he has been doing in the past few years, there is no conclusion. Xiao Ming."

Mingshu: "...change your name."

"Team Ming, go and make arrangements. First, find a reason to thoroughly investigate the 'ninth battlefield' here." Xiao Yu'an said: "Everyone should not let it go, if the 'third party' camp is not limited to Cao Cao Zhiya and the person behind her, then there may still be their people in the design team."

Mingshu nodded, "Zhou Lan's testimony shows the 'Ninth Battlefield', and the police have reasons to ask them to cooperate with the investigation."

"Second, go to Duan Yun's hometown again." Xiao Yu'an said: "There are not many things that can be found in the preliminary investigation. Duan Yun is worth our effort."

Surrounded by the darkness that could not see five fingers, the sound of water tickling in the hearing, it was already spring outside, but it was cold and biting here.

A man was hanged on a steel frame with his arms and legs separated.

There were countless wounds on his body, but strangely, he could barely feel any pain.

But he knew very well that he was injured, and blood was flowing from his body in clusters.

When the feeling becomes extremely dull, the hearing is as sensitive as the light is turned on.

Those ticking away are his life.

"Woooo..." The man struggled hard and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Let me go! Please!"

After a long time, a cold voice said, "Is the game of bugs fun?"