Madness of the Heart

Chapter 179: Bugs (29)


The special operations team quickly found out the personnel composition and operation mode of "Deep Jungle".

"The Ninth Battlefield" is a secret room series owned by this company, and the overall tone is dark, which is different from the other four secret room series. In order to highlight the characteristics to the greatest extent, the upper management of the company does not participate in the design of the "Ninth Battlefield", and recruits a lot of money, eager for designers with "personality".

"The first store of the 'Ninth Battlefield' opened two years ago, and preparations for this one in Dongye City began as early as the beginning of last year." Liu Zhiqin said, "Nishikawa Lingmei, also known as Cao Zhiya, met with Cao Zhiya in March last year. The 'Ninth Battlefield' project department contacted and brought several of her works. At that time, the 'Ninth Battlefield' was developing well in other cities, and the project leader Xu Jin was ambitious. First, she looked at her nationality and secondly. Because of her feminine and dark style, there are no women in the main designers of the 'Ninth Battlefield'. So she signed a contract almost immediately. The other designers in her team were recruited by her. "

Xiao Yuan said: "Xu Jin didn't verify her identity? There must be a lot of procedures to go through when it comes to contracts."

Liu Zhiqin said: "The identity of Nishikawa Lingmei really exists."

"Is it 'replaced'? Or did someone fabricate this so-called true identity out of thin air?"

"It counts." Liu Zhiqin said, "Nishikawa Lingmei came to my country ten years ago to run a cheap sushi restaurant in Haichuan City, and at the same time sell her own paintings. Two years ago, the sushi restaurant closed and she went out of Haichuan City. The city disappeared. Many of her guests thought she had returned home."

Xiao Yuan said: "Two years ago, in Haichuan City... Cao Zhiya also disappeared in Haichuan City two years ago. Since then, the real Nishikawa Lingmei has been 'replaced' by Cao Zhiya?"

"It's very possible." Liu Zhiqin said, "It's sometimes inconvenient to be a foreigner, but sometimes it's useful. I've done an image comparison of Cao Zhiya and Nishikawa Lingmei, and in terms of appearance, they have some similarities. When Xu Jin signed the contract, because Nishikawa Suzumi was a foreigner, she gave the green light, and many procedures were simplified, allowing her to easily join the 'deep forest'."

Xiao Yu'an said: "The process of recruiting people later, 'deep in the jungle' didn't bother at all?"

"No." Liu Zhiqin said: "This is similar to the 'Ninth Battlefield' in other cities. By the way, Zhaofan will bring Xu into Dongye City to assist in the investigation. I guess he will be there soon. I have contacted him. I don't think it's a big problem. He is a businessman who looks at his interests. Until now, he doesn't seem to find that his project has been used by people with intentions."

Xiao Yu settled for a while, and then said, "Since Nishikawa Lingmei's identity is to be replaced, she has to be investigated around her."

Liu Zhiqin said: "She may have been killed."

"Yeah." Xiao Yu'an said: "But her legal documents have been used by Cao Zhiya more or less. I'll trouble you to follow up on this line."

Liu Zhiqin smiled, "No problem."

The "Ninth Battlefield" closed its doors, and the employees were all called into the lobby. Everyone on the design team arrived—except for the lead designer, Suzumi Nishikawa.

Maybe it was the first time they faced the criminal police. They all looked very nervous. Mingshu saw in their eyes that they were confused, overwhelmed, and panicked.

This is somewhat unusual.

It stands to reason that when designers make a design, they all have some kind of intention. They know what they are designing, and they also understand what impact it may have. They should know that when these things are shown in countless pairs of eyes, sooner or later, they will enter the police's sight.

The truth is, they don't know anything about their current situation.

There is a possibility that they did not participate in the core part of the design at all, and did not understand what certain secret rooms wanted to express and convey. They were dragged onto the boat by Cao Zhiya, but they didn't know what kind of boat it was.

Even, they are not even designers.

"Deep in the Jungle" has been determined, and only has contact with the main designer Nishikawa Suzumi, and other designers are hired by Nishikawa Suzumi. In recruiting, Nishikawa Suzumi has absolute initiative.

"I didn't do well in my original company, so Hai submitted my resume, but I didn't expect to be selected." Liu Wenhao, 31 years old, used to be a magazine beauty editor. expectations, all that needs to be done is to give comments to the main designer's work.

"Actually, I can't make any comments." Liu Wenhao rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, "Although it's all designs, my previous design and the current design are completely different from the same concept. I don't know why she likes me. Yes - I asked her and she said she thinks I have aura. The job here is easy and the money is good, so I didn't quit my job."

"I'm an art student, studying graphic design. I changed my job a year after graduation, but I'm not happy." He Yinian, 23 years old, has long hair and waist-length, quiet and graceful, "Last year, I submitted my resume with the mentality of giving it a try. After receiving the interview notice, I chatted with Miss Lingmei, and she asked me to come to work. I was very uneasy and felt that I might not be able to do this job, but Miss Lingmei encouraged me, saying that there is no limit to learning, and who can face new things? There is a process of adaptation, as long as you get over it, you will find that the sea is vast.”

Mingshu asked, "What is your main job? Like Liu Wenhao, give advice on Nishikawa Suzumi's works?"

He Yinian nodded, but frowned, as if he had something to say.

Mingshu said, "Have you ever had a dispute with Nishikawa Remi at work?"

He Yinian was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Judging from your expression." Mingshu asked, "What is the reason for the dispute?"

He Yinian hesitated for a long time, then said, "I am a design student after all, and I still understand some theoretical things. I feel that Sister Lingmei did not let us see the core part of her work, nor did she discuss the core part with us. Just let's look at the 'leftovers', which doesn't really make sense. Before starting the construction of the secret room, I went to her to talk about the most important secret rooms and expressed that I wanted to see the core parts."

Mingshu said, "She refused?"

He Yinian shook his head, "That's not true, but after reading it, I felt that the design of some details was terrible, and it seemed too dark. I told her that the design of the secret room was not very good. She did not accept it, saying that every The design team should stick to their own ideas. If they just follow the fashion of the market, they will one day be eliminated by the market. She also said that in her home country, this kind of twisted style is enduring.”

Mingshu interviewed the designers one by one, and found that they were complete laymen in the design of secret rooms. Cao Zhiya did not hire a designer who really understands the secret room, probably because the expert must have seen the problems in her design and asked her to revise it. She needs a team to showcase and hide herself. The members of this team can be anyone who comes to apply for the job, but they cannot be genuine designers.

Zhou Yuan found the application records of last year's "Ninth Secret Room". There are many designers with several years of experience in the personnel mailbox, as well as secret room fanatics, but they were all brushed down by Cao Zhiya, and all the laymen were hired in the end. , like He Yinian and Liu Wenhao, they still have a little side with the design, while others are completely different.

"I questioned Nishikawa Lingmei's recruitment standards." Xu Jin, the project leader of "The Ninth Battlefield", has come to Dongye City, "but in principle, the headquarters does not interfere with the selection of the chief designer, and her reasons convinced me. "

Mingshu asked, "Why?"

Xu Jin smiled bitterly, "Art requires the collision of strange souls."

Mingshu sighed, "She's a 'foreigner', she really knows how to play games with Chinese characters."

Nishikawa Lingmei, also known as Cao Zhiya, last appeared in the "Ninth Battlefield" before the Spring Festival this year, on the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month. That day was the day of the "Ninth Battlefield" group year. After the New Year's dinner, she gave all the members of the design team a red envelope, saying that she was going back to China, so please take care of the "Ninth Battlefield".

After the opening of "The Ninth Battlefield", Nishikawa Suzumi didn't appear too many times, and her work as the main designer has ended. The rest of the design team also needs to be on duty in the back room, but she often leaves for long periods of time, citing inspiration and preparation for the next back room. So after the Spring Festival, she hasn't appeared again, so it's not surprising to everyone.

In the communication and network records, both the identity of Cao Zhiya and the identity of Nishikawa Lingmei have disappeared.

Cao Zhiya disappeared from the world two years ago, and now she has disappeared again.

Ming Shu came to Xichuan Lingmei's residence, an old residential area located in Qiulong Alley, Dongcheng District.

Qiulong Alley is diagonally opposite Fanglong Alley where Xiang Haoming's accident happened, and it is the worst place in Dongcheng District.

Nishikawa Lingmei has an above-average salary in Dongye City, but lives in Qiulong Alley. It is impossible to say how to "find inspiration" and "experience life".

She chose this place simply because it was a mixed bag and the monitoring facilities were not in place.

She needs to avoid people's eyes and ears, but according to Xiao Yu'an's analysis - she is just a person who is pushed to the front of the stage, then the person who really needs to avoid people's eyes and eyes is actually the person hiding in her shadow.

Here, perhaps, is where they meet.

5 Buildings 6-2, a house rented by Nishikawa Lingmei. The dust-covered lock was opened, the door made a strange creaking sound, and a long-term unventilated smell came to my face.

Xiao Man immediately went in to collect traces, and Ming Shu noticed a shoe rack at the door.

The shoe rack looked dirty and old, with a pair of low-quality cotton slippers and a pair of women's sneakers.

"Xiao Man." Mingshu said, "Take them back and compare them with the mud footprints Fang Yuanhang brought back from Country E."

Xiao Man replied, "Yes."

The house is a one-bedroom, one-hall structure with a history of more than 40 years. Like the Fanglong Alley opposite, it will be demolished soon.

Mingshu wore shoe covers and walked around the room.

Obviously, the room has been tidied up, the furniture is covered with anti-layer cloth, the quilts and cotton wool are all put in the cabinet, there are almost no winter clothes, but the summer ones are still there, and the leather bags for commuting are also put in the cabinet. .

"It seems that Cao Zhiya is planning to leave for a while, so she packed her winter luggage." Mingshu said, "She thinks she will come back soon."

"Team Ming!" Xiao Man shouted from the balcony.

Mingshu immediately walked over, "What did you find?"

"There are two sets of footprints." Xiao Man said: "One of them should belong to Cao Zhiya himself, which matches the pair of cotton slippers, and the other is a man, with different shoe patterns, but from the foot length and the walking habits reflected by wear and tear , similar to the mud footprints you found in country E. But I haven't done a comparison yet, so I can't be sure."

The messy clues began to connect with each other and gradually took shape. Mingshu looked out the window, and the old buildings in front were Fanglong Alley.

The people behind the scenes who run it all have yet to show up. His most important person died in a game that Yin Zhen planned three years ago. When he finds out the truth, a revenge plan emerges in his mind.

He wants to kill those who do evil, and let them who play with bugs, in turn, be played by bugs.

But he knew that it might not be possible to achieve revenge with his own strength alone. He needs one, two, or more assistants.

But assistants must not be found casually.

What kind of person can be his assistant

Like him, who lost his love and hated Yin Zhen and other devils to the bone!

He may have tried to find other relatives and friends of the victims of that game, but he finally found that none of these people could be used by him. They either hated them deeply enough, or, like Yu Dalong, they were independent-minded and difficult to be controlled by him.

He probably watched Yu Dalong for a long time, but eventually had to give up. In his mind, women are more easily controlled by men.

He was reluctant to take risks in choosing an assistant.

He Yang was Yin Zhen's guest. A year later, He Yang himself planned a game. Liang Xiaojun is the victim of this game, and Cao Zhiya is just the assistant he needs.

This person is thoughtful, has a higher IQ than ordinary people, is good at hiding himself, and has superb anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

He could not only find out Yin Zhen's game three years ago, but also design a secret room now. In order to get Cao Zhiya's identity as a foreigner, he may have killed an innocent person.

After that game three years ago ended, another game has begun!

But what is puzzling is why he went so far as to design the Chamber of Secrets? If it is just for revenge, designing the secret room is superfluous.

Can the secret room attract He Yang? Maybe. But he has already killed Yin Zhen, Jiang Xiyang, Yue Shuqing, and he should have other ways to deal with a He Yang.

What is the meaning of the secret room

"A person, even if he was a normal person earlier, who has experienced this revenge, may have become the devil he once disdained." Xiao Yu'an said: "What's more, the person who planned such a situation was not an ordinary person."

At this point, after careful comparison, Xiao Man has sent a footprint analysis report. The footprints in Nishikawa Lingmei's rental house are very similar to the mud footprints of country E. This similarity cannot be used as key evidence, but for the serious crime team, it is an important clue to clarify the next direction.

"Cao Zhiya told the staff that she would return to China on the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month. In fact, she went to Country E—with the man who manipulated her. That was probably the first time she went to the place where Liang Xiaojun was killed, and she prepared for him. Incense candles and firecrackers to commemorate him in the way of their hometown." Mingshu said, "It can be seen from the situation in her home that she thinks that after completing this worship, she will return to Dongye City and take revenge on He Yang. . Now He Yang is missing, and she has not returned to her residence."

Xiao Yu'an said: "She may have become part of the revenge."

Mingshu turned around, "What?"

"Compared with Jiang Xiyang and Yue Shuqing, He Yang is more difficult to deal with, and even more difficult to deal with than Yin Zhen." Xiao Yuan said: "It is very difficult to lure him into the trap. Perhaps, for the Avengers, Cao Zhiya not only It is an assistant, but also a bait. Of course, this is just my guess. The bait may also be 'the ninth battlefield', Lai Xiuliang. All in all, what he showed to He Yang made He Yang say 'I found something more interesting' game'."

Ming Shu was silent for half a minute, "There are still some unclear explanations in this case, but what I am more concerned about now is that the Avengers seem to take He Yang as their last target. But in fact, Yin Zhen's game Guests, there are three people alive."

Xiao Yu'an said, "Why do you think he made He Yang his last target?"

"He seems to have deliberately exposed himself." Mingshu's brows tightened. "In the first three cases, he did a very clean job. Although the bodies were all found, it was very difficult for the police to find any clues about the murderer. This time, the 'Ninth Battlefield' is a point of exposure. He openly built a place in Dongye City to specifically affect anti-social personality criminals. Even if He Yang did not have an accident, along the line of Zhou Lan, we will sooner or later. will find him."

Xiao Yu'an's eyes changed slightly, "While taking revenge, he is still provoking the police?"

Mingshu looked solemn, "Brother, what do you think?"

Xiao Yu'an took a while to say: "A loved one was killed as a worm and avenged for it. The inner logic is complete. But what is the reason for provoking the police? He thinks that the inaction of the police caused the guilty to go unpunished? But he did not To provoke the police at the location of Yin Zhen's family business, but to provoke the police of Dongye City. Is there someone he wants to target here?"

The southern border, Xiangshan City.

Fang Yuanhang should have stayed in Dongye City, but he and Xu Chun came to this rural town together.

On the way, he received messages from Yu Dalong, each with a long paragraph. This guy has never spoken to him in such a serious way, explaining that being friends with him is not really about taking advantage of him, hoping he can believe in himself.

Fang Yuanhang wrote and deleted in the reply box, deleted and wrote, and finally replied with a seemingly unrelated sentence: "I'm not in Dongye City, I'm on a business trip."

The header shows that Yu Dalong is typing.

Fang Yuanhang sighed and wrote again: "I'm on a business trip to investigate the case to prove your innocence. After the case is solved, I'll come back to invite you to dinner and apologize to you in person."

Yu Dalong called with a phone call and actually cried aggrievedly.

Fang Yuanhang was at a loss, not knowing what to say. Fortunately, Yu Dalong finished crying, and said that he would also apologize to him, and also said that he would not disturb his investigation, see you later.

At the same moment, in He Yang's hometown of Luchuan City, Yang Jing, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau and Mingshu's old classmate, finally slapped his forehead, remembering what he forgot to say to Mingshu that day.