Madness of the Heart

Chapter 183: Bugs (33)


"Master, what is this?" Fang Yuanhang asked.

Mingshu's fingers holding the badge turned slowly, and wisps of rust light were reflected in his pupils.

If there is no mistake, this is the commemorative badge issued by the Criminal Investigation Student Union to the winner of the single assessment in a certain year. He got several by himself, but after graduation, he moved home a few times, and he couldn't remember where he got it.

This badge is very unique, it can be said that it is unique, and it was designed by the scholar in their dormitory. The meaning of the president of the student union was to build a unified model. However, Xueba has his own ideas. The badge is round as a whole, but each item is different in detail, and the pattern on the front is also different.

Mingshu frowned deeply, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something.

How could "Yin Zhuo" have this badge

The badge is placed here along with a note that says "RIP." "Rest in peace" represents "Yin Zhuo"'s memory of Duan Yun and his promise of revenge. What about badges? This badge is an important item for "Yin Zhuo". "Yin Zhuo" wants to use the badge to show his determination to take revenge

Mingshu pressed down the corners of his lips, his eyes deepened - is "Yin Zhuo" a classmate in college

The badge was badly rusted, and the pattern on the front could not be seen clearly, but the outline of a small half grenade could be vaguely seen.

Throwing grenades is not included in the single assessment.

The noise of old age is from far to near, and the scenes of the boys' dormitory ten years ago were brought to the front by the yellowing time.

"Why are you drawing a grenade?" Yang Jing was shirtless and pointed at Xueba's design.

"The bomb disposal device is too complicated to draw." Xueba said.

"Then you can't draw a grenade instead, right?"

"I am the designer, do you mind me? Jingjing, give it back to me!"

Mingshu suddenly took a deep breath and murmured, "Bomb disposal assessment..."

Fang Yuanhang didn't hear clearly, "Master, what did you say?"

At the turn of the spring and summer of the junior year, after the end of the theoretical exam and before the start of the comprehensive actual combat, the "single competition for hegemony" was in full swing.

During college, students majoring in criminal investigation have been going through individual assessments of various sizes since they entered the school, but this time is the largest and the last one. Because as soon as you enter the senior year, everyone will be assigned to various grass-roots positions and start internships.

Mingshu is not very strong, only theory and some cultural courses, single and comprehensive practice are the long-term leaders. But even so, not all individual firsts will be won by him.

Bomb disposal is a job that tests patience and meticulousness, and it is not a compulsory subject for criminal investigation majors. He didn't win this one, he didn't even make it into the top ten, and he couldn't remember who the winner was.

Is "Yin Zhuo" the winner of that year? Now he has become the mastermind behind a series of murders? And provoke the Dongye City police

The light in Mingshu's eyes flickered slightly.

If "Yin Zhuo" is indeed his classmate, then the provocation by "Yin Zhuo" is not actually the Dongye City police, but himself as the head of the serious crime team

But why

Mingshu tried his best to remember, but he couldn't remember which classmate he had bad relations with. And during his studies, and even later he became a policeman, he has been covering his family background well, and his family background should not be the place where he is hated.

The badges and notes were undoubtedly extremely important clues. After coming out of the forest, Ming Shu immediately contacted Xiao Yuan.

"Your school's individual winning badge?" Xiao Yu'an paused for a moment, then his voice suddenly sank, "Where are you now?"

Mingshu was stunned for a moment, realizing that Xiao Yu'an was worried about himself, "Xiao Bureau, do you also think that 'Yin Zhuo' is coming for me?"

"It's easy to find out who the badge belongs to." Xiao Yu'an said, "Wait a minute and send me the detailed photos, then go to Xiangshan Municipal Bureau immediately, and don't go out for the time being."

At this time, the car was driving on the mountain road, and it would take at least an hour to return to the urban area of Xiangshan from here.

The driver was Fang Yuanhang, Mingshu looked at the towering ancient trees by the roadside, "I really can't imagine how one of my classmates would want to provoke me. I didn't offend my classmates."

"Those who are hated sometimes don't know why they are being hated. A small thing or a thought can become a demon that the hater can't let go of." Xiao Yuan's tone was somewhat commanding, "You first Go back to the city bureau and leave the rest to me."

Mingshu wanted to say "I have a sense", but after thinking about it, he obeyed obediently.

Ke Zheng was also in the car. He heard some conversations and asked cautiously, "Yin Zhuo is also a policeman?"

Mingshu looked at him, "What did you remember?"

Ke Zheng shook his head quickly, "He looks a lot like a policeman, but he told Duan Yun that he was a soldier. I always thought he was just like a policeman. Anyway, I think policemen and soldiers are similar."

This is the question Mingshu is most reluctant to face. Could this complicated murder situation be set up by a police officer? And this policeman is still his classmate? To provoke him in addition to revenge

Wait, provocation

Ming Shu's eyes widened suddenly.

Who this person is, he has no clue, why this person hates him, he doesn't even know. But there is no doubt that if this is the case, then this person must be watching him from a close distance, and it is impossible to stay away.

So in Dongye City

If it wasn't in Dongye City, then there must be some special way to know his current situation.

After graduation, his former classmates were scattered all over the country, and he was the only one working in Dongye City.

Suddenly, a cold air rushed to his mind from the soles of his feet, and a long blurred figure appeared in front of him.

Yang Jing mentioned not long ago that their old classmate Xun Xiaoyun was cooperating with the Municipal Bureau, and Fang Yuanhang said that Xun Xiaoyun came to the Municipal Bureau more than once as an expert.

He knew nothing about Xun Xiaoyun's arrival, so what about Xun Xiaoyun? Does Xun Xiaoyun know that he is the person in charge of the serious crime team of Dongye City Criminal Investigation Bureau

Xun Xiaoyun…

Mingshu tried to recall this person again, but the impression was too thin. During the university, except for several group confrontations, he and Xun Xiaoyun had almost no intersection.

"Who was the winner of the bomb disposal in junior year? Why did you suddenly remember this?" Yang Jing seemed to be busy, "It's not me anyway. Hey, don't you want to show off your eight winning badges?"

"Eight dollars?" Mingshu couldn't even remember.

"Don't tell me you forgot!" Yang Jing roared, "How much have you forgotten?"

"I really can't remember." Mingshu said, "How many years ago it happened."

"You hurt my self-esteem like this." Yang Jing joked: "I remember that you got eight yuan, but you forgot? You were still proud at the time, saying that seven yuan can summon a dragon, and you have more. Get a piece."

Mingshu thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the case. When he was in his early twenties, he was too exaggerated and couldn't sink his heart. It was what he could say.

"Forget it, it's normal that you don't remember." Yang Jing said, "I can't compare to you, so I'm very impressed, especially jealous."

Mingshu secretly pondered the word "jealousy", and cold sweat broke out unknowingly.

"But I can think about it. And you're my brother, so I don't need to be jealous." Yang Jing laughed twice, "I really can't remember the one who won the bomb disposal, or you can ask the Xueba. Badge. He designed it, I guess he remembers it."

Xueba, surnamed Xu, has never been to the grassroots level, and is now a young backbone teacher of the Criminal Investigation Institute.

Mingshu made a phone call, and Xueba said slowly, "It's Xun Xiaoyun from bed 206."

Although he was already prepared, Mingshu's muscles tensed up when he heard the name, "Are you sure?"

"I remember it very well." Xueba said, "I remember your full student number. Would you like me to recite it to you?"

Mingshu's face turned pale, and cold sweat instantly seeped out from his back.

"Then do you remember, what conflict happened between me and him?"

"This..." Xueba thought about it for a while, "I remember that he likes to make you his target, but he can't compare to you.

Mingshu was surprised, "Why didn't I know?"

"It's strange that you know. Because you are the powerful one, you can only see people who are more powerful than you in your eyes, and you won't look back at those who are chasing you." Xueba was the favorite in Mingshu's dormitory back then. People with great principles, now as teachers, speak one after another.

You can only see people who are more powerful than you.

Mingshu repeated this sentence in his heart, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

From childhood to adulthood, until today, he is also chasing Xiao Yuan.

In his eyes, Xiao Yu'an was indeed the only one.

And never realized that I wouldn't look back at those who were chasing after me.

Is it really

Xueba asked: "You suddenly asked me about the badge, and found that the winner of the bomb disposal was Xun Xiaoyun. Lulu, could something have happened to Xun Xiaoyun?"

Xueba did not participate in the investigation. No matter how good the relationship was, it was impossible for Mingshu to reveal the case to him, so he could only say: "What else do you know about Xun Xiaoyun?"

"Well..." Xueba became more and more slow, "He and you are both assigned to Dongye City."

Mingshu immediately said, "Impossible."

"Really." Xueba is very sure, "You are in the city, and he is in a town below. Although they are all in the same city, the city bureau branch and the town police station are very different."

Liu Zhiqin rushed to Dongye City from the special action team.

Mingshu had already made up his mind about what he had asked him to investigate before. "Yin Zhuo" learned in Xiangshan City that Duan Yun was sold to Country E three years ago. As Mingshu expected, "Yin Zhuo" did learn about Yin Zhen's game victims and audience through network intrusion.

"Some people have been to the cherished home like me and Xiao Ming. I tracked down a few devices based on the intrusion traces, and these devices are all related to a technology company." Liu Zhiqin said, "It's called 'Xingchen Security', and Your Dongye Municipal Bureau seems to be a cooperative relationship. Xun Xiaoyun, the boss of 'Xingchen Security', is Xiao Ming's college classmate."

"I checked Xun Xiaoyun by the way. The information I know so far is that he has been to Xiangshan City once seven years ago and at least three times in the last three years." Liu Zhiqin continued: "In addition, Xun Xiaoyun also Having been to country E, everything seems to match your profile. I suspect now that he may be 'Yin Zhuo'."

The investigation of the serious crime team in Gezhong Town has also made progress. During the period after Cao Zhiya was killed and before He Yang was killed, a man over 1.8 meters tall came into the police’s field of vision. He bought water at the convenience store three times. , instant noodles and paper towels are all paid in cash.

The technical team members process the images, and this person is Xun Xiaoyun.

"Xun Xiaoyun has worked here with us." The old man Tan said, "I hadn't retired yet! The superior told us that he was a high-achieving student who came to the town for training. In the future, he will develop in the city, and he wanted us to take good care of him. We can also learn from him and learn advanced criminal investigation techniques. But unfortunately, he resigned after a short period of time."

The badges buried in the virgin forest, network traces, monitoring information... Now all clues point to Mingshu's classmate Xun Xiaoyun. Xiao Yuan immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the person's background and locked his whereabouts.

Yi Fei asked, "Do you know why Xun Xiaoyun resigned?"

The old man squinted his eyes, thought about it for a long time, and sighed: "He didn't say it explicitly, but according to my observation, he seems to think that our small place is not enough to display his ambitions. If I want to recall, I think this is Young people are too determined to win or lose. When I was young, I also had a mind to win, but not like him. We, Ge Zhongzhen, have good security, and we haven’t had any major cases for several years or decades—this time is an exception— Didn't we police officers also come here? He, he, in less than a year, can't take it anymore and must leave."

Yi Fei asked again: "He didn't try to transfer elsewhere? He just resigned?"

"I don't know that." The old man shook his head, "I guess he should have won, but he didn't. In fact, I think it's better that he is not a police officer. He has a problem with his mentality. If he continues to work, something will happen sooner or later. . The police are no better than other professions, the police have integrity..."

"Xingchen Security" is a company registered in Luocheng. The Luocheng police circle and Dongye City police circle cooperate closely, which is easy to handle.

Hua Chong, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, personally led people to "Xingchen Security" for investigation, and learned that Xun Xiaoyun had hardly appeared in the company after the Spring Festival this year.

"Mr. Xun has always been like this." Li Account is one of the senior executives of "Xingchen Security" and a veteran employee of Xun Xiaoyun in the early days of his business. According to him, seven years ago, starting a business was difficult. Xun Xiaoyun took the company as his home and had almost no life of his own. Later, the company's situation became better and better, and he gradually made a name for himself in the industry. Only then did Xun Xiaoyun gradually decentralize power.

In recent years, except for important business direction issues, Xun Xiaoyun has not participated much in management, and seems to be doing his own thing.

But what exactly Xun Xiaoyun was doing, Li Account, as a veteran employee, did not know.

"I guess Xun always worked too hard a few years ago. Now that the company is on the right track, he wants to live a more dashing life." The respect in Li Account's eyes is very sincere, "He enjoys it himself and gives us the benefits. It's good too, a lot of things are up to us to decide. We're all happy to work under him."

But at the same time, Li Account also revealed a question of his own, "We have cooperation with the Dongye Municipal Bureau, and we developed their mental intelligence evaluation system. Our experts sometimes need to be maintained in the past. A few years ago, Mr. Xun He often does this kind of thing in person, but in my impression, he has no longer personally adjusted it in the past few years. But for this project in Dongye City, he personally went to it every time."

Checking the timeline, Hua Chong found that it was three years ago that Xun Xiaoyun began to delegate power and no longer focused on work as in the past.

"I'm at Xun Xiaoyun's house." Hua Chong held the mobile phone in one hand and wiped the edge of the table with the other hand, which stained a thin piece of ash, "Xun Xiaoyun has not been home for a long time, and in the drawer of his study, he has been kept for seven years. For the train ticket to and from Xiangshan City, the computer stores the information of Yin Zhen, He Yang and others. And... "

Hua Chong paused, then added: "There are also news reports from the Dongye City Serious Crime Team over the years that have solved the case, as well as Xiao Ming's photos. Bureau Xiao, Xun Xiaoyun is indeed a major suspect."

Xiao Yuan looked at Zhou Yuan, "Still unable to lock Xun Xiaoyun's current position?"

Zhou Yuan was sweating and said anxiously: "No, I can only locate him in Gezhong Town a week ago!"

Liu Zhiqin also said: "Xun Xiaoyun's mobile phone has been completely disabled, and it cannot be located by communication and network."

"Among the audience of Yin Zhen's games, Kong Mingxuan is currently the only one in China." Yi Fei said, "Xun Xiaoyun disappeared either for the sake of revenge, or because she knew she had been exposed, so she evaded the police's pursuit. Kong Mingxuan is in danger."

Liu Zhiqin shook his head, "Shen Xun had already sent someone to Chaocheng where Kong Mingxuan is located. She is completely under the protection of the police. If Xun Xiaoyun chooses to deal with Kong Mingxuan at this time, it will be her own trap. It is possible to escape."

"Xun Xiaoyun can't escape." Xiao Yu'an frowned. "Everything he did in Dongye City implied a demonstration and provocation to the police. Now it is clear that he is provoking Mingshu."

Yi Fei's eyes were shocked, "If Xun Xiaoyun didn't take Kong Mingxuan seriously at all, then it's actually Xiao Ming who he has to deal with in the end?"

The author says:

To end, the word count suddenly decreased. Some readers have discovered that the old classmate is the man who appeared in the SWAT team in the second unit. Most of the readers may not remember this person. I will briefly describe the scene at that time. When the "damn" little girl saw him, he called Lin Jiao "Mr. Lin", and Lin Jiao immediately left with the little girl. Lin Jiao is a top psychologist (although he has a ghost in his heart), he can see that there is something wrong with this person, so he does not want to interact too deeply with him.