Magic Apprentice

Chapter 188: New beginning



Lying on this cold stone platform, Enleco didn't want to get up at all.

Enleco finally knew why at this moment, Chris and An Qili didn't want her to know the existence of this body.

The slightly raised breasts on the chest explained everything. Enleco didn't even need to check the rest of the body to know that this body should belong to a woman.

She really didn't know, what should she be at this moment

Is it Enleco? Or Fenacea.

This feeling is strange, and also a little bad, but she will never forget that the leader of the Kaoqi Kingdom in the distance/attachment.asp?id=626

, a fierce battle is going on.

She still didn't know whether the battle was over, whether the immortal monster had been completely swallowed by its own power.

She climbed up from the stone platform, brushed off the dust on her body, and walked towards her room. The most important thing for her at this moment was to change her clothes. She was wearing a long and narrow white cloth. She definitely couldn't go out. To see people.

Casting the invisibility magic on herself, she quickly/attachment.asp?id=626

She broke out, perhaps because she had changed into a female body, and the long-lost female shyness returned to her body again.

Imitation? Fat and Hui midge reeling words stunned tomb that-Pai ィ-Lai gou-jia yi shit fiber-Nang Road-/P>

The sound of turning over the cabinet obviously disturbed the little girl who was alone at home. She saw the little girl holding the sharp scimitar that she had made for her, carefully/attachment.asp?id=626

Walking in, looking at her posture, it was obvious that she had made up her mind to fight the intruder to the death.

Enleco did not intend to let the little girl chop her with a knife, although it was not easy to do this with the little girl's strength. She quickly dispersed the invisibility magic that enveloped her body.

From the little girl's open-mouthed look of surprise, and the fact that she immediately became submissive and obediently lowered the hand holding the scimitar, Enleco was absolutely certain that this little girl was most likely to have seen him before. I have seen this hidden body.

"You have been resurrected again? Who has such a powerful ability that can cause you such heavy harm?" The little girl immediately showed a look of great concern, but in Enleco's view, this little girl was obviously trying hard to make her I won't laugh out loud.

"I'm afraid the war is over, and your tribe and family are about to return to Grant City." Enleco said.

These words made the little girl look solemn. She indeed prayed for the safety of her tribe and family all the time.

"I have to rush back to Kaoqi as soon as possible. There is an extremely powerful opponent. I don't know if Chris has already taken care of him?" Enleco worried/attachment.asp?id=626


Hearing this, the little girl ran over quickly. She obviously knew much better than Enleco about everything at home.

But after searching for a long time, all she found were Chris's clothes.

Although there has never been a shortage of people to wash clothes since the little girl lived with them, the number of clothes Chris owned did not seem to decrease.

"Maybe I'll borrow one from someone else."

Little girl Nana/attachment.asp?id=626

Said, she glanced at Enleco and immediately turned her head away, because she was very afraid that she would involuntarily/attachment.asp?id=626

Laugh out loud.

Only at this moment did she truly believe that what Chris said back then was absolutely correct.

In order to cover up her uneasiness, the little girl Fei Yesi/attachment.asp?id=626

She ran out, and after a while, she returned home with a pile of clothes.

Enleco once again felt that it was painful to choose clothes, especially when there was no one that suited her among a lot of clothes.

These clothes were either too long or too big. After choosing for a long time, Enleco could not find any clothes that suited her at the moment.

With a long sigh, Enleco took out a long skirt that originally belonged to Chrissy from the cabinet. She knew Chrissy's size. Although it was a little bigger, she could at least wear it.

While she was changing her clothes, she took a peek. In the little girl's suppressed smile, Enleco even suspected that the reason why she couldn't choose a dress that could be worn was because of the little girl's deliberate mischief. She does all the sewing and mending, and she never fails to know the size of the clothes she wears.

Although she had suspicions, she didn't have any evidence, not to mention that she didn't have any energy to take care of these things at this moment.

After getting dressed, she walked out of the room. When she went out, she could see a pile of dilapidated ruins. The city in the clouds had not been renovated yet, and there were traces of war everywhere.

Although not as big as Realis/attachment.asp?id=626

Chariots are as convenient and fast as teleportation magic, but with Enleco's current strength, long-distance flying is not a problem.

As if lightning flashed across the sky, an invisible wind barrier blocked her front, pushing away the oncoming wind. The energy of electricity was summoned to her side. They are the fastest horses and also the best. the driver.

When the night gradually envelopes the country/attachment.asp?id=626

, when large/attachment.asp?id=626

Plunged into darkness, the vast Ka'aochi/attachment.asp?id=626

, looks extremely desolate.

This place was originally a very prosperous and lively place, but at this moment, it is completely /attachment.asp?id=626

Shrouded in a deathly silence.

Along the way, she had flown over several once-prosperous cities, but what she saw at this moment was pitch black, and the ruins and broken walls that collapsed in the darkness.

There is no sign of life in these cities, not even a tree or a bush of grass. This is obviously the destruction caused by the immortal monster.

Looking at all this, flying below the clouds, she secretly guessed that after this catastrophe, neither Kaoqi nor Montita should have the ability and willingness to continue fighting.

Maybe peace will truly come to this world because of this, but just thinking about spending such a huge price to get peace makes her feel extremely sad.

Just as she was flying in the sky, feeling helpless and hesitant, she suddenly saw a few lights flashing in the distant sky.

She was not unfamiliar with this dim light.

That was the light on the Kaoqi air battleship.

Judging from the light, this was the only air fleet left in the Kaoqi Kingdom. She had no way of guessing what it meant to dispatch such a large air fleet.

The only thing that was certain was that she did not feel the slightest tension in the atmosphere. If this fleet wanted to sneak attack a certain target, they would never move forward with their lights on.

Countless doubts and guesses made her fly towards the largest and most imposing air battleship at the front.

Above the air battleship, at the bow, she was shocked to see a person she was familiar with standing there.

As always, Milinda always looked gorgeous and outstanding, but for some reason, she looked a little different from usual at this moment.

"What a surprise to meet you here, Miss Fenahia." Milinda said with a sigh.

Falling down from the sky, he was also standing on the bow of the ship. Even if he didn't want to admit that he was Fenasia at this moment, it was impossible.

"Is the war over?" Fenathia said bluntly/attachment.asp?id=626


"Do you need me to sign a surrender agreement? I already have such power at this moment."

Milinda indifferent/attachment.asp?id=626

Said, seeing the slightly confused look on Fenasia's face again, she grew long/attachment.asp?id=626

Sighing, he explained: "Maybe I am already like Cecelia. The person who once loved me and gave me the title is now dead. Before he died, he transferred all power to me. .”

This was obviously far beyond Fenahia's expectations, but she immediately thought of another thing.

"If you agree to end the war, will your brother and Hagrid also agree?" Fenathia asked with worry.

"For this matter, you can absolutely rest assured that neither my brother nor Hagrid will be able to raise objections anymore, because they are both probably dead as well."

At this point, this strong and weird woman suddenly stopped and shed two lines of tears quietly/attachment.asp?id=626

It flowed down her cheeks.

"Perhaps it was a miracle that came to the world. Before he died, my cold and ruthless brother actually showed a trace of warmth. It was he who exchanged the hope of survival for me, while he himself stayed and faced the most difficult situation he had ever faced. Someone you trust and rely on.”

After hearing these words, Fenasia understood everything.

"Do you want to come with us? Go and see the grave where they are buried?" Milinda asked in a very low tone.

Fenacia looked into the distance, and it was exactly the same as what she saw after she was resurrected. At that moment, there was only a huge crater hundreds of meters deep in the plain. The radius of this crater was almost 170 meters. Ten kilometers away, but there was no trace of Chris and the monster.

Fenacia quickly glanced at the other/attachment.asp?id=626

Fang, she also found nothing.

It's understandable that Chris can't be found, but the monster is so huge that no trace of it can be seen. I'm afraid we can only think that the strategy of engraving the chaos crystal wall seal on its life mark has been successful.

"Come on, I'll go with you. Whether it's Hagrid or your husband, I don't have any resentment towards them. Maybe it's fate that makes us enemies."

Milinda could only respond with silence to Fenathia's words.

The two people were still standing at the bow of the ship. For people whose martial arts had reached their level, this place was no more unbearable than the narrow cabin.

Looking at the vast vastness in the distance/attachment.asp?id=626

, looking at the sky/attachment.asp?id=626

The room was filled with lifeless darkness, and Fenacia was heavy/attachment.asp?id=626


"What a wonderful thing it would be if this war had never happened."

Milinda shook her head slightly and said: "Maybe this war is not all bad. In fact, both Kaoqi and Laiding, and even your hometown Sophie Kingdom, have reached their end. If there is no change, eventually we will all go to destruction and death, but it will be a silent death, without much pain, just like suffocation.

"It was you and the few magic apprentices who came to Kaoqi who completely changed everything. Everything, whether it was the ancient Sophie, the arrogant Kaoqi, or the insidious and cunning Leiding, everything has happened. Despite the changes, I don’t know whether Kaoqi can still exist. This is no longer something we can decide.

"Just now I have learned that the Western Front Corps of the Kaoqi Kingdom has surrendered to your motherland Sophie. Sophie's army will be unstoppable/attachment.asp?id=626

After successfully driving into Vedsk, it is only a matter of time before the fall of Kaoqi. I am afraid that my days sitting on the emperor's throne will be numbered.

"But for me, that is the best choice. Compared with the Montita people, the Sophie people are probably better conquerors. I would rather bow and surrender to Her Majesty the Queen than face the anger. The sad widow queen." Milinda is indifferent/attachment.asp?id=626


"Sophien will never want to annex Kaoqi. In fact, it was the ambition of the Kaoqi Kingdom that destroyed yourselves." Fenathia said.

"Maybe what you said is right, but as long as there is /attachment.asp?id=626

The gap in status, the distinction between high and low, will lead to disputes, and power and disputes will inevitably follow. For countries, it is war. Milinda said: "Can you eliminate the greed and lust in people's hearts?" Maybe as a seancer of the God of Souls, you can indeed do this. "

"Perhaps we can find another way to vent our greed and lust." Fenathia sighed.

"Just like what Enleco did in Stryer County? Maybe this is indeed feasible. Anyway, the world is already in the hands of the two of you. You can shape it as you wish. I believe that with the reputation and strength of the two of you, maybe is the only person who can do it all.”

Having said this, Milinda thought for a moment, she sighed, and continued: "But who can guarantee that everything you have imagined will not change into something else as time goes by

"The four heroes who established the Kaoqi Kingdom back then would never have thought that one day, the kingdom would end in such a miserable scene.

"What's more, before this, there was another glorious and magnificent peak. The glory of the ancient magic empire has not been surpassed by any country so far. But wasn't that empire also reduced to ashes in the flames of war?"

Fenasia looked at the sky in the distance, at the twinkling stars, and said leisurely: "Maybe someone has to protect this world. Maybe sometimes, eternal life is not useless."

Milinda chuckled and said: "With the strength of the few of you, you are fully capable of pursuing the most glorious achievements of the ancient magic empire. In this way, wouldn't you become a new god? Maybe I should become one now." Your disciple."

Fenahia could only take Milinda's taunts lightly. She knew Milinda's character very well, and being able to start taunting her meant that she had gradually forgotten her sadness.

At this time, the air battleship gradually landed. With her "prying eyes", she was not affected by the night at all. She could clearly/attachment.asp?id=626

When you see the rolling mountains, you can also clearly see the huge open mine.

Looking at all this, Fenasia finally understood why, with their "prying eyes", they still couldn't see through the Kaoqi people's plans.

Maybe the extremely powerful magical power can't really decide everything.

After getting off the air battleship, the two of them walked side by side at the front. There was silence in this extremely deep mine. If it was said to be a huge tomb, no one would doubt it.

The slings that drag everyone up and down the mine are still in their original /attachment.asp?id=626

However, the guards guarding the slings had fallen down, and there were no wounds on their bodies. The protruding eyeballs and veins covering their foreheads proved that the cause of their death was mental failure.

Fenathia floated down towards the bottom of the mine, closely followed by Milinda.

The bottom of the mine, which is hundreds of meters deep, is nothing to two people with the ability to cast magic. However, the further you go down, the air in the mine becomes thinner. Presumably the person who manages the blower is also dead. .

For ordinary people, such thin air is enough to suffocate people to death, but neither Fenasia nor Milinda are ordinary people.

Walking forward, you can see corpses scattered everywhere along the way. Without exception, these people all died of mental exhaustion.

The magic lamp still illuminated the passage ahead. Where the light was most brilliant, they saw two corpses and a dying person.

Looking at the two dead people, Milinda's cheeks once again had a trail of tears.

Compared with those who died due to mental failure, Horkels III appeared peaceful and calm. It was obvious that his injuries did not prevent him from suffering too much pain and torture.

What makes Milinda even more sad is that her brother, the Prime Minister of Kaoqi, is known for his wisdom and strategy, and his face is covered with criss-crossing lines. His blood and tendons, and obviously his excellent mind, also caused him to suffer far more pain than ordinary people before dying.

Milinda quietly/attachment.asp?id=626

Looking at her brother, in her memory, she had never felt the affection shown by her brother, and this only time had become her eternal farewell.

The only person who is still alive is Hagrid.

Perhaps it is because of his tenacious willpower and the incomparably powerful will of the Holy Knight that he has survived to this day, but looking at his dazed look, it is obvious that this is his limit.

No one knows what keeps him alive until now. It may be a strong desire to survive, or it may be some other reason, but at this moment, Hegeero is no longer the high-spirited person he used to be.

His golden hair is powerless at the moment/attachment.asp?id=626

Sticking to his forehead, there was no color on his face, and even his originally sharp eyes became extremely distracted at this time.

Finaxia Jingjing/attachment.asp?id=626

Standing in front of this person, the series of past experiences once again surged in her memory. Although it was just a big joke, it made her feel a little guilty.

She didn't know whether the monster had been sealed by Chris, or whether the ancient curse had ended because of this, but at this moment she knew/attachment.asp?id=626

Know that the curse with a long history that has caused pain and sorrow to the ancestors of Hegeero for generations is about to end.

Because the ancient hero's last bloodline is about to be cut off. From now on, this viciously cursed family will have no heirs.

Fenathia is clear/attachment.asp?id=626

Feeling that Hagero's soul was about to fly away, with a trace of guilt, she gently /attachment.asp?id=626

It was attached to Hagriro's forehead.

Those two goblins back then were able to create illusions in other people's consciousness. This was not a difficult thing for her who was now proficient in all spiritual magic.

Fenathia seems to be slowing down/attachment.asp?id=626

As if browsing Hagrid's memories, she finally found what she was looking for - the unfinished engagement ceremony that ended up being a farce.

Fenasia stopped at that most glorious moment, and she slowly/attachment.asp?id=626

Manipulating Hagriro's memories, allowing these memories to once again flow through his consciousness that was about to dissipate.

What surprised Fenasia was that she actually saw a hint of sadness in Hagriro's expression. For a person who was about to die, this was almost unimaginable. She could only think of all this as the original one. This blow was too heavy and fatal for this son of the sun.

When the memory flowed to the most glorious and glorious moment, Fenasia had a moment of hesitation, wanting to erase that moment from Hagrid's memory, but the sad expression on Hagrid's face, Making it impossible for her to do so.

The most glorious scene slowly flowed through Hagrid's memory again. What surprised Fenasia again was that she actually saw a hint of intoxication in Hagrid's eyes. And confused, seeing that look in her eyes, Fenasia already knew how precious that scene was to Hagriro.

Manipulating Hagriro's memory, Fenasia changed all the memories after that most glorious and glorious moment. There was no longer the farce-like dance, nor the sudden escape during the dance.

Everything continued in a calm and indifferent manner. The luxurious and lively palace dances and beautiful music echoed in the vast hall. There was no interruption from the emperor couple, and all the bystanders became foils.

Although Fenasia did not intend to reveal any warm and wonderful feeling in this changed memory, she saw a smile on Hegeero's face, which was an unusually gentle and satisfied smile.

Fenathia is clear/attachment.asp?id=626

You know, this feeling of incomparable satisfaction comes from the depths of Hagero's soul. This strong sense of satisfaction even makes his consciousness fly away faster than his happiness.

It was precisely because of this that Fenasia felt completely confused. She suddenly felt that maybe this was exactly what Hagriro had hoped for.

Maybe he just wants some quiet time/attachment.asp?id=626

Standing there, just that quiet and warm feeling, maybe for him who has experienced many passions and had too many too many love games, this kind of light and peaceful feeling is what he really wants. .

The dance is still going on, continuing in the memory of a person who is about to die. Everything around him gradually fades away, and those foils disappear one after another. It is obvious that Hageelo's consciousness can no longer support so many and complex scenes. .

The luxurious hall disappeared, and even the wonderful music disappeared without a trace. However, at this moment, the music had already lost its effect.

The only ones left were the two dancing people, dancing the graceful palace dance in the emptiness.

Although the music has disappeared, the two people still imitate

Any dance music has an end moment. Although there is no music, the two people also know that the dance music has ended at this moment. They saw Hagrid saluting with that elegant movement, which seemed to be fat and graceful - Address-fat pry-ya-lan pot-stirring wasteland bad neon stupid otter-/P>

As he finished his last salute, his arms began to dissipate.

Imitation? Fanshu Shanhuanpo Pu Tao I words paradox-8pura BJian-冀ソセ-⒖-ィ-ㄒphantom wielding ape ⑷サ model-elliptic swing crab Yashang Q screw-/P>

When everything else disappeared without a trace, only Fenasia's image remained in the empty memory.

The last trace of Hagrid's consciousness had also dissipated. Fenasia looked at the dead Hagrid. The son of the sun seemed to be glowing again.

There was a happy smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, that kind of smile full of happiness and satisfaction, which was so familiar to Fenacia. She suddenly remembered the moment when she fled in the desert, the sea. Geelo's brother of the same blood also had such a smile when he died.

She still knows it/attachment.asp?id=626

I remember that when she buried the couple who hugged each other tightly and shared life and death in the soil, she was shocked by their affectionate, equally warm, and equally satisfied happy expressions.

Looking at the dead Hegeero, Fenasia was thoughtful.

After leaving that melancholy and gloomy space, Fenasia and Milinda saw a miserable scene in another space.

In a huge magic circle, there are many things everywhere/attachment.asp?id=626

Twelve corpses lay there.

Looking at these people, Fenasia was also deeply moved. She also knew these people very well. These people were once her friends. At that time, they all tried their best to work for the peace between Sophie and Kaoqi. And running around.

Compared with the other people she saw just now, the pain these powerful court mages suffered before dying was obviously much more intense.

Not only were their bodies covered with raised blood tendons, but even the tiny blood vessels under their skin burst. Blood seeped out of their skin, dyeing their entire bodies red.

In the center of these twelve corpses, there was a huge body lying. Although his body was also covered with blood, the great wizard Kobe Leo actually survived.


Run back to the hall just now and carefully fill the huge water tank with the holy water of life/attachment.asp?id=626

After pouring water on Kobe Leo, the Great Magician, Milinda and Fenasia could only pray for this man who was extremely strong both physically and mentally.

Imitation? Phene Er Zhuo Mi - mechanical noise ruthenium - stir four balls - Department of Na Miao Spring - Yu У Ji Kang ram dry 卣隹 - Search 嬬Γ - Difficult 嬬 - 锩娌怸 - Search - 浚 - Yikang tease the monkey epilepsy Sang-return—the bag is cut off and the huiya-xiao pressure-chu-Conghuang-shu ㄋprayer-return—vinegar Ou Ya Shang Q Nuo Nan 凵裰-school-Lu E steal consultation-province-/P>

"Don't worry, that monster has been eliminated. It was destroyed by the devouring power it possessed. Just like the rule of Hades is destruction and death, and it will eventually abide by this rule.

"The guy who can swallow all things will eventually be swallowed by himself. We just speed up the pace of its final end."

Fenathia knew very well what the great mage wanted to ask at this time, and she quickly comforted him.

From the eyes of the great mage, Fenasia saw a trace of sadness and apology. She slowly/attachment.asp?id=626

He shook his head and comforted softly: "Everything is over. Let time heal the trauma."

The speechless great mage trembled his lips slightly, using this as an expression instead of nodding.

Be cautious/attachment.asp?id=626

Casting the levitation technique on the body of the great wizard Kobe Leo, pushing Kobe Leo's huge but extremely weak body, everyone moved towards /attachment.asp?id=626

Walk away.

There is a new day waiting for them, and everything in the past has been left behind.

The warm spring breeze is blowing/attachment.asp?id=626

, heavy rains in summer invade the grassland, and heavy rains in autumn/attachment.asp?id=626

Giving rich gifts, people sit around the stove in winter and look very leisurely.

One year after another, time flies/attachment.asp?id=626

As time goes by, for those who survived the war, they have gradually forgotten the sadness they once had.

Although the hatred has not been completely extinguished, as time goes by, the hatred has become indifferent, especially when many Montita tribes came to the Kaoqi Kingdom, which has become quite uninhabited./attachment.asp? id=626

, when they are in this fertile soil/attachment.asp?id=626

Taking root on it, they quickly fell in love with the soil/attachment.asp?id=626.

Some other Montita people are unwilling to leave the vast grassland. In fact, they have discovered that they deeply love everything on the grassland, even the terrible storm.

However, the biggest change is not that many Montita tribes migrated to the territory that originally belonged to the Kaoqi Kingdom/attachment.asp?id=626

, but the establishment of the alliance.

There are even countless people who are looking forward to the alliance finally becoming a unified kingdom. For everyone, the only person who is dissatisfied is the guy who leads and coordinates the alliance.

In almost everyone's mind, this position should belong to Sophie, the little forbidden spell mage. At least three countries and fifty counties and provinces nominated him for this position.

But to everyone's surprise, this respected and admired man refused the position and even left his country. In the following years, many people claimed that the great man visited them There, his footprints cover every inch of the world/attachment.asp?id=626.

When everyone stepped back and wanted to choose the second candidate - the Magic Knight of Sophie Kingdom, the great man's closest friend, something even more surprising happened.

Not only did the equally respected last knight refuse the position, but even his wife, Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Sophie, also renounced the throne. She actually passed the throne to her brother, and that prince , in the eyes of everyone, he does not have the dignity and sense of responsibility of a king at all.

However, compared with His Majesty King Sophie, the Alliance Cardinal is obviously more criticized. Although he also has the title of one of the Four Sages, in everyone's eyes, it is obvious that this guy can get this position. It was because of his three companions.

Because of this, "You must do better than the Cardinal of the Alliance in the future" quickly became a famous saying. No one knows who originally said this sentence, but it has been praised by the entire world.

In the Kingdom of Sophie, in Xina, the capital and largest city, there is a very peculiar /attachment.asp?id=626

Fang, that is where Xinna City is most prosperous, and the soil there/attachment.asp?id=626

Far more valuable than gold, that little piece/attachment.asp?id=626

Square, surrounded by Menghua villas and the four most prosperous commercial streets, is like a square well surrounding the place.

But in this extremely bustling and lively area/attachment.asp?id=626

In the center of the square, there was only an ordinary-looking town.

There is an endless stream of people coming here every day. These tourists from all directions always gather in front of a small grocery store.

Almost everyone will buy a knife, a rope, and a small gadget as a souvenir from this small grocery store.

The owner of the grocery store always seemed so kind, but no one would treat this owner as an ordinary person. After all, he was the father of a legendary great man who was respected by the world.

There is also a two-story building on the other side of the town. The door here is always open, and there are always many children walking back and forth. The eldest among them is only about five or six years old. People are scared and worried about little girl.

Almost every visitor here is warned to run away if they see the girl approaching, as she is most likely looking for a test object.

No one dares to teach this little girl a lesson, because almost everyone knows that there is a figure like the God of Destruction behind this little girl. Compared with this little girl's temper, that God of Destruction is more terrifying and terrifying. many.

As usual, I walked around the street and didn't find anyone to use as a test material. The little girl was very angry/attachment.asp?id=626

Walking back, she saw her brother holding four bottles tightly/attachment.asp?id=626

Wine tied together.

"Don't be ridiculous now. If I break the bottle, Grandpa Black and Grandpa Fat won't let you go."

The little boy puffed up his cheeks and said, but his eyes were wandering and flickering uneasily. It was obvious that he was very aware of the character of his sister, and that her temper was completely inherited from her mother.

Once her sister goes crazy, I'm afraid no one can stop her. The little guy still remembers that a few months ago, Uncle Kate came to visit them, and her sister wanted to use Uncle Kate as an experiment. Even the powerful and powerful Kate Uncle, he is also in a panic and has no choice in the road/attachment.asp?id=626

Escape, you can imagine how powerful my sister is.

Just as the little guy was worried, the little girl suddenly showed a savage and fierce appearance.

"If you are not willing to cooperate, I will use it to shave your hair. I'm afraid you will forget how you looked bald last time." As she said that, the little girl took off a necklace hanging on her neck. Holding a black ball.

The little guy was full of fear about this thing, because he once heard his father say that there was a terrible demon that could devour everything contained in that thing.

But what frightened the father and son even more was that his mother actually gave the extremely dangerous thing to her sister as a toy under her sister's hard work.

Since that day, the little guy has been even more frightened and afraid of his mother and sister. In his opinion, no matter how terrifying the devil is in the world, it is far less than his mother and sister.

Little guy gently/attachment.asp?id=626

Sighed, obedient/attachment.asp?id=626

Walked over.

In the distance, on the window sill of the second floor, the skinny demon was admiring/attachment.asp?id=626

Looking at everything in front of him, he was very satisfied with the arrogance and bully temper of these little girls.

"I hope we can get some wine tonight."

The drunk guy next to me is sleepy/attachment.asp?id=626

Said, there is another guy on the bed who keeps/attachment.asp?id=626

Nodding, his huge bulk took up the entire bed.

"I really can't imagine that personality is inherited according to gender. Why is Lovi like his father, but the other one is simply a carbon copy of her mother?"

Great Wizard Kobe Leo Lehehe/attachment.asp?id=626

He said with a smile, although he could no longer move and could only lie on his bed all day long, he felt extremely comfortable at this moment.

Now he is perhaps the most peaceful and peaceful in his life/attachment.asp?id=626

At that time, he no longer had to work hard or worry about the political situation.

"Then what does this look like?"

The bad middle-aged magician glanced at the little guy who kept crawling on the big magician's mountain-like body. This little guy was not even one year old and could not walk at all and could only crawl. .

"I think she looks like a monkey," Kobe Leo said. "An interesting monkey."

—Complete the book

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