Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 106: Lanmeng College


Take out the map from the ring of space, and carefully identify the direction. Nian Bing found that, as Sangjie said, the Lanmeng City is located parallel to Ulan City. If you go directly to Oran City, the capital of the Oran Empire, from here, you must If you want to go through Ulan City, the shortest distance is the shortest. If you need to go to Lanmeng, you need to detour, but in order to avoid being affected by the war, it is obviously the best choice to go to Lanmeng City now. Anyway, Luo Rou's wedding will not be held in two years, and there is plenty of time, so I decided to stay in Lanmeng City for a while, and use this time to practice magic and deepen my culinary skills by the way. Through the sparring with Minghui, Nian Bing has a certain understanding of the Xuanyu Hand that breaks the water and protects the face. Although he cannot do the special practice method of the Xuanyu Hand, but with the manipulation of the fire element, the heat will not affect him. If it has too much influence, if you practice more, you may not be able to achieve the effect of breaking the water and protecting the surface. Lanmeng City, go to Lanmengcheng.

Thinking of this, Nian Bing put away the map, chanted the blizzard spell, and headed down the hillside. The road from Binglan City to Lanmeng City is sparsely populated. Nian Bing has a map this time, and instead of taking the main road, he just looks for a different path. He tries to use the blizzard to fly for a long time, but after all, the blizzard is not a wind magic. He tried his best, but he could only fly for more than an hour, but even so, the flight of more than an hour was enough to cover his two days' walking distance. Nian Bing found that this is a very good practice method, which is of great benefit to the improvement of his magic power. He simply gave up walking on his legs and traveled purely in blizzards. Whenever his magic power was exhausted, he found a secluded place So, use the magic scroll to defend, and once the mana is restored, continue on your way.

Relying on the speed of the blizzard, he arrived at his temporary destination—Lanmeng City three days later.

In the distance, Lanmeng City is already in sight, perhaps because this is the backyard of the Oran Empire. There is not much defense, the city wall is only more than ten meters high, which is not comparable to the level of defense in Binglan City. The city gate is wide open, there are not many pedestrians passing by, and there are only four Austrians at the gate. Soldiers of the Lan Empire guarded it.

There is not much difference between the people of the Oran Empire and the Ice Moon Empire, except that they are relatively shorter in stature, and their hair is mainly blue, purple, and black. The blue-haired Oran people are almost no different from the Ice Moon Empire, like It is extremely rare to see someone with blonde hair like me. Nian Bing strode towards Lanmeng City. Since he decided to wait here until the end of the war, he had to find a good and cheap hotel.

While thinking, Nian Bing had already arrived at the gate of Lanmeng City, and the guards were not embarrassed by his blond hair. Without even looking at him, she let him in. Entering Lanmeng City, there is a special feeling immediately, the whole city seems to be enveloped by a peaceful atmosphere. It was close to noon, and there were not many people on the street, but from their faces, one could see the ease and contented smiles on their faces.

"Little brother, are you here to sign up?" Nian Bing was looking for the hotel of the two emperors on the street, when a strange voice suddenly appeared behind him, and when he turned around, he saw a middle-aged man in his thirties watching Looking at himself, he was thin and thin, and the smile on his face looked a little obscene. Before Nian Bing could speak, he took the initiative to step forward and said: "You should be a foreigner by your appearance. You must have come to our Lanmeng City to study , What do you want to learn? Do you want to learn martial arts? That thing is too common. Once you join the army, the war is ruthless. Why don't you learn a skill so that you can use it for the rest of your life!"

Nian Bing smiled and said, "Do you have to be a student to come to Lanmeng City?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, and said, "Aren't you here to study? I really can't think of any other reason for a foreigner like you to come to Lanmeng City except to study. Lanmengcheng is known as the city of colleges. It’s not for nothing, there are colleges for various industries in our city, especially the only comprehensive college in the mainland, and it is the largest institution in the whole mainland. Although the tuition fee is a bit higher, you can definitely learn from it. For the knowledge needed, young people need to learn more, otherwise, it will be difficult to learn after entering the society.”

The four words "College City" aroused Nian Bing's interest, "Then what can you learn from the comprehensive college here?"

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands, his small eyes showed the look of the target taking the bait. Although it was only a flash, he was still caught by Nian Bing, "Little brother, the most famous place in our Lanmeng City is Lanmeng College. It is the comprehensive college I just mentioned to you. There are dozens of the most popular industry departments there, each of which has a strong faculty. The tuition fees vary according to different industries, and they are not rich. You can get in, and you still need to pass certain exams. If you can have a diploma from Lanmeng College, you can find a job that suits you wherever you go in the mainland. Of course, the exams when entering the college are a bit difficult. It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam. We also have many small colleges in Lanmeng City, which involve a wide range of industries. They are by no means inferior to Lanmeng College, and the tuition fees are much lower. Sometimes, teachers of Lanmeng College will Go to these colleges and take some teaching courses. How about it, which industry are you interested in?"

Hearing this, Nian Bing couldn't help but recall that Xue Jing asked her about the culinary art school she graduated from when she first arrived in Ice Snow City, and subconsciously asked, "Does Lanmeng College have a culinary art department?"

"Culinary skills?" The middle-aged man couldn't help being stunned when he heard these two words. He couldn't see that the tall and handsome young man in front of him would be grateful to the chef industry who had always been the bottom of the mainland. However, his The reaction was quick, and after a moment of daze, he hurriedly smiled and said: "Of course, of course, chef is also a very common profession. Do you want to learn cooking? No problem. In our city of colleges, there are only things you can't think of. There is nothing we don't teach. How about it, little brother, do you need me to recommend it for you, whether it is Lanmeng College or an ordinary small college, I have a relationship."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said, "Then please introduce me to Lanmeng College."

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "That's simple, that's simple. As an ordinary industry, the fees for the chef department are relatively low, but that's up to you. As long as you can pass the exam, if the grades are very good, It is even possible to get free tuition. However, this referral fee..." He rubbed his fingers at this point.

When Nian Bing began to tell himself about the academy, he already understood what this person was doing. It's just that he has just arrived here and is not familiar with everything. Listening to his narration is very beneficial to him. Exams are enough. But, will Lanmeng College recruit students at any time? Could it be that there are no special rules for this?"

The middle-aged man said: "Of course not. Lanmeng College is very special. No matter which department it is, you can take the test at any time. As long as you pass the test, the tutor of the department will arrange for you to enter the corresponding grade to study. It’s five grades. However, I want to remind you that if you want to be admitted to Lanmeng College, you must have a certain foundation in the industry, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the exam. For this referral fee, I will charge you a gold coin Okay. The price is cheap, and with my recommendation, you can take the exam today, how about it?"

"A gold coin? You might as well grab it." Nian Bing said angrily. He only spent one gold coin to buy the kitchen utensils of Tianquanxuan in the whole circle, and this middle-aged man is too good at talking.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "My fee is very reasonable, and it is definitely worth the money. If you don't have my recommendation, you will have to wait for ten people to take the test. Every day you delay, don't you have to pay for it?" Do you want to learn a lot less? Well, let’s do this, considering the fate of meeting you as soon as I arrived at the city gate today, you will give me a 20% discount. It’s cheap enough.”

Nian Bing smiled, "Cheap? Eight silver coins may not be a big deal to some rich kids, but do you think my robbing looks like a rich kid? Besides, the rich kids probably didn't learn cooking. One silver coin, this is the price I can afford. No more, I would rather wait until ten people are gathered."

"A silver coin? Kid, you are too stingy." Hearing that Nian Bing can only pay such a small amount of money, the middle-aged man's attitude suddenly changed, and the original little brother was directly reduced to a kid.

Nian Bing said indifferently: "You just need to say a few good words for me, and it is already a lot to earn a silver coin for saying famous words. If you don't want to, then forget it, and I will find it myself."

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes, showing a trace of disdain, "Okay, one silver coin is one silver coin, but I have agreed in advance that I am only responsible for taking you there. If you fail the assessment or have no money to pay the tuition, I can't control it, and the money will never be returned to you. Come on, follow me." Saying that, he walked down the street to the city.

Does Nian Bing really care about money so much? Of course not, he just wants to get his money's worth. Culinary art school, yes, if you study here, not only can you avoid finding a place to live, but you may also be able to communicate with some culinary masters. It is indeed the best choice for you to spend your evenings practicing magic. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but rejoice that he came to this city, and now he just hoped that Nalanmeng College was indeed worthy of the title of the number one college in the mainland, as the middle-aged man said.

Perhaps it was because Nian Bing paid too little money, the middle-aged man was too lazy to talk to him, and led him to the depths of Lanmeng City, walking, Nian Bing observed the surrounding environment . He soon discovered that although the middle-aged man was a bit greedy, he was not lying. Along the way, he had seen no less than ten places with college signs. Although they didn't look big, they were indeed involved in various industries. Including casting, magic, martial arts, politics, tailoring, business, etc., even some relatively remote small industries have been involved, and the surroundings of these academies are also relatively prosperous areas in Lanmeng City, and some young people in the same clothes can often be seen Walking on the street, the logo on their clothes clearly stated the name of the academy.

Walking from the north of the city to the west of the city, the middle-aged man finally stopped, "Here we are, this is here." Nian Bing looked in the direction of his finger, but he didn't see any college signboard. It was a very ordinary medium-sized restaurant with The words "Home Inn" are hung, and there is no one at the door.

"Here? You can't make a mistake, is this a college?" Nian Bing said with some dissatisfaction.

The middle-aged man snorted, and said angrily: "Idiot, who said that I will take you directly to the academy. It is useless for you to go to the academy without passing the assessment. This restaurant is the assessment point of the Culinary Arts Department of Lanmeng College. Go in. Give me the referral fee first, and I will take you in to participate in the assessment."

Nian Bing took out a silver coin and threw it to the middle-aged man. He was not afraid of this obscene guy playing tricks. His body is not as hard as those senior soldiers of the Jagged Knights.

The middle-aged man tossed the silver coins in his hands, and put them in his arms with some dissatisfaction, "Come with me." He left a word lukewarmly, and walked towards Rujia Restaurant first.

Entering the restaurant, it was more lively than Nian Bing had imagined. The lobby of the restaurant was hundreds of square meters, filled with 50 or 60 tables, and the service staff shuttled around endlessly. The business seemed to be okay.

The middle-aged man took Nian Bing to the counter, and behind the counter stood a young girl, who was not tall, only had Nian Bing's chest, and was dressed in blue clothes without too many decorations. Her long black hair was combed into a big braid hanging down her back, and she was fiddled with her abacus with her head down, as if she was trying to settle accounts.

"Girl Meng, hello, I've brought you a new student." The middle-aged man smiled and said to the girl behind the counter.

The girl raised her head. When Nian Bing saw her appearance, she felt amazed. The girl in blue had big purple eyes. Her eyes were quiet and cold. Not as plump as Xue Jing, but she naturally has a dusty air. When she saw the middle-aged man, her purple eyes became more cold, "What are you doing here? Haven't you been helping them at the Martial Arts Academy recently?" People? How come you have time to come to our side today."

The middle-aged man pointed to Nian Bing beside him, and said, "Miss Meng, it's like this. Today I met this kid outside the city gate. He wants to enter the academy to learn cooking skills, so I brought him here."

Girl Meng looked up at Nian Bing. From her cold eyes, Nian Bing didn't see any emotional fluctuations, "Him? You should take him to the beauty department. He has fascinated a few, and entered the academy directly without the assessment, we don't accept waste here. You take him away."

The middle-aged man chuckled, and said: "I don't think he is a chef. Anyway, I have already brought him. Since you don't accept it, it has nothing to do with me. Boy, you can't blame me for this. If you have the ability, you Convince Meng girl yourself, she will be in charge of this assessment." After saying this, the middle-aged man turned around and left without giving Nian Bing a chance to react.

Nian Bing didn't pay attention to the middle-aged man, bringing himself here was enough for him. This glamorous Meng girl made Nian Bing a little curious. From her, Nian Bing could see that this Lan Meng The college is still a bit of a moral. What he paid attention to was not Miss Meng's appearance, but her hands. She had a pair of slender hands with neatly manicured nails and no ornaments on her hands. When fiddled with the abacus, her fingers were extremely nimble. This is definitely a pair of high-powered chefs. owned hands.

Seeing that Nian Bing was still standing there, Miss Meng couldn't help frowning: "Didn't you hear what I said? Now you can go. Don't stand here to block your eyes. It's okay to be so tall."

Nian Bing smiled, and said: "It doesn't seem to be my fault to be tall. The man said just now that as long as he brings me here, he can accept the assessment. I haven't taken the exam yet, so how can I leave?"

Miss Meng snorted, and said, "I'll teach you to be good. Just now, the guy named Li San'er is a well-known Qingpi in the city. By chance, he saved the dean of our college, and the dean unintentionally promised him , as long as it is a student he brought, each department can review it directly without waiting for ten people to gather. But who knows that he would seize this opportunity and make a living from it, charging a high referral fee, presumably you have also spent It’s a lot of money, but your money is wasted, don’t trust others easily in the future, this time it’s a lesson.”

Nian Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't seem cheap to buy a lesson for one silver coin! Since Li San'er has the dean's permission, I should be able to participate in the assessment!"

Meng girl said indifferently: "Your assessment is over. So, you can leave. We don't accept incompetent people here. Even if you study for five years, you won't get any grades. Cooking may be a lowly profession. .But not everyone can do this job well.”

Nian Bing felt amused, even if his culinary skills hadn't reached the top level, he certainly wasn't considered incompetent. Asked curiously: "Miss Meng, can't you tell me how you assessed me and determined that I am not a chef?"

Miss Meng was obviously a little impatient, and said coldly: "It's very simple, your hands. Although you are dressed plainly, a person's temperament will not be easily changed. In addition to your hands that have obviously not worked, Do you think you're handsome when a big man wears a ring? In my eyes, I'm just a culinary idiot, I think. There are substitutes for you in some industries that rely on appearance. Get out of here, you are not welcome Such a student."

Nian Bing looked at his hands, and he knew that this Meng girl had already regarded herself as a playboy, and it was useless to explain anything now, only facts could prove everything. "Ms. Meng, how can I say that I spent a silver coin to buy this assessment. If you let me go like this, I will definitely not give up. Do you think this is good? Give me a chance and let me try a dish. "

Miss Meng looked at Nian Bing with some surprise. She didn't expect Nian Bing's persistence. She said coldly: "You don't have to worry about cooking. Have you seen the cold dishes over there? As long as you can, within half an hour, Selling all the cold dishes proves that you have the talent to be a chef, and you can improve these cold dishes at will, of course, the premise is that you can’t kill people.”

Nian Bing looked in the direction of Meng girl's finger, and saw that there was another counter not far from the counter. The counter was covered with transparent gauze, and there were more than ten plates of cold dishes inside. These were not ordinary small plates, but It is that kind of big tray. It seems that each plate of cold dishes can take more than ten plates of ordinary plates. In this way, at least each table of guests has to buy more than three plates of cold dishes to sell them all, and sell them in half an hour. Dropping these is obviously making things difficult for yourself. Smiling slightly, Nian Bing didn't say much, walked to the water root next to the counter to wash his hands, and went straight to the backstage of the cold dish counter.

There was already a young chef behind the counter, and he naturally heard what Miss Meng said. When he saw Nian Bing coming over, he made a gesture of invitation to him, and stood aside with a look on his face.

Simply looking at the styles of these cold dishes in front of him, Nian Bing picked up the chopsticks and tasted each, and started his sales process with confidence. First of all, he chose a plate of cold cucumbers, and he directly brought the large tray out from behind a gauze curtain on the counter, put it on the counter, and asked the chef next to him, "Is there a kitchen knife?"

The chef was stunned for a moment, and said, "This is cold food, not cooked food. What do you want a kitchen knife for?" He didn't think the handsome young man in front of him who seemed to be younger than himself could do anything.

Nian Bing smiled slightly, and said: "How do you want me to sell without a kitchen knife? Please provide me with a kitchen knife. If I can't sell it within half an hour, I will leave naturally."

"Give him the kitchen knife." Miss Meng's voice came, and the young chef agreed, and ran to the back kitchen, and after a while, came back with a kitchen knife.

Taking the kitchen knife, Nian Bing turned it upside down in his hand, flattened the cucumber on the plate with a spoon for cold dishes, put his thumb on the back of the knife, his index finger on the edge of the knife, and his middle finger, ring finger, and little finger to hold the knife handle tightly. The whole blade stood up, the thick blade was really not suitable for him to use, but now he didn't want to expose his magic skills, so he could only reluctantly do so. Turning her head to look at Miss Meng, she was looking at herself, but now her eyes no longer had the previous disdainful gaze, replaced by solemnity, it seems that she has paid attention to the way she holds the knife.

"Cuimeng cucumber, does anyone want it?" Nian Bing raised his voice and shouted, the silence in the restaurant was suddenly broken, and all the guests cast their eyes in his direction, most of them with disgusted expressions. However, their expressions soon turned into surprise, because the knife in Nian Bing's hand moved. The thick and unsuitable kitchen knife seems to be dancing in Nian Bing's use, and the tip of the knife in front is constantly flipping like a top. His wrist seems to have no bones, and he can change into the posture you want at will. Under the stimulation of the tip of the knife, the cold cucumber didn't splash a little, but the original rhombus-shaped cucumber was changing its shape. What is Cuimeng Cucumber? Quite simply, all the cucumbers have been turned into dream characters, and the crumbs of the cucumbers are deftly picked aside, separate from the cucumbers themselves. Without the slightest influence, Nian Bing's hand is very steady. Almost every time I tremble, more than a dozen pieces of cucumbers will turn into dream characters, but the kitchen knife in my hand is really not handy. The dream words are not exactly the same, and there are some differences in some places, but for now, this is enough.

A table of guests near the cold dish counter can see it most clearly. The flying knife shadow in Nian Bing's hand alone is enough to attract them. One of the middle-aged people with a medium build got up and walked to the cold dish counter. Changed, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, this is no longer the category of culinary skills, such exquisite knife skills are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like him.

The knife in Nian Bing's hand stopped, and said with a smile: "Would you like a plate? One silver coin per plate."

The middle-aged man froze for a moment. "A silver coin? Is there a mistake, this plate was originally only three copper coins, but it doubled in length?"

Nian Bing said proudly: "Do you think this dream word is not worth a silver coin?"

The middle-aged man gave Nian Bingjian a thumbs up and said: "It's worth it, young man. Your knife skills are really amazing! Give me a plate, one silver coin is one silver coin."

Nian Bing smiled slightly, took out a plate of Cuimeng cucumbers and handed them over, pointed to the counter, and said, "Just give the money to Miss Meng, and who else needs this Cuimeng cucumbers."

The old customers nearby all stood up, even if they didn’t buy it, their curiosity urged them to come over and see what happened. When they saw the dream-shaped cucumbers, they couldn’t help being stunned, so amazing The knife skills made them untie their pockets and buy a plate. Just when Nian Bing was about to continue selling his handmade Emerald Cucumbers, Miss Meng appeared in front of him.

"Okay, don't sell it anymore. Is the silk brocade only worth one silver coin?" Miss Meng looked at Nian Bing with complicated eyes, preventing him from continuing to cut cucumbers.

Nian Bing smiled slightly, put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and said: "Then am I still a culinary idiot now? I wonder if I have passed the test?"

Miss Meng nodded and said, "Come with me. Everyone, I'm sorry, this is a new student from our culinary art department, and I interrupted everyone's meal." After finishing speaking, she took Nian Bing and walked to the back.

Passing through the busy kitchen, Miss Meng directly took Nian Bing to the back yard, "Who did you learn your brocade calligraphy from?" Miss Meng's tone was a little hasty.

Nian Bing said: "It was an old man who taught me. I don't know what his name is. After teaching me sword skills for a few days, he left."

Miss Meng's originally big eyes widened, "What are you talking about? Is it only a few days? You think I'm a fool. Ordinary people practice brocade calligraphy without the guidance of a famous teacher. Even if it takes decades, it's impossible. If you have achieved something, who did you learn your saber skills from?"

Nian Bing said indifferently: "Girl Meng, don't you think you're asking too much? Whom did you learn the sword skills from? It's my secret. I came to the Culinary Academy to take classes, not to accept your review."

Miss Meng's eager expression calmed down a bit, she nodded, and said: "I'm sorry, it was my fault for underestimating you earlier, and I apologize to you." After speaking, she even bowed slightly to Nian Bing.

Nian Bing wanted to help her, but he also thought about the difference between men and women, so he raised his hands but stayed in the air, "You are welcome, Miss Meng, judging from your dexterous hands, you should also be good at sword skills. We can do more if we have the chance." Let's learn from each other. I came here to deepen my skills."

The chill in Miss Meng's eyes weakened a bit, and she said, "Let's go, I'll take you to report to the academy. Our culinary arts department also has various courses, and I will recommend you to the department head."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "That's troublesome girl Meng. I also hope to learn more knowledge here."

Meng girl nodded, and was obviously more polite to Nian Bing, "Please follow me." The two left the restaurant from the backyard, and walked towards the back under her leadership.

When Nian Bing really came to Lanmeng College, his surprise was hard to conceal. It was not so much a college as it was a small city. The walls around the college turned out to be five meters wide and ten meters high. Even the guards at the gate were wearing the standard military uniforms of the Oran Empire. Only the huge plaque hanging above the gate can tell that this is a college.

Miss Meng looked at Nian Bing's almost idiotic eyes and couldn't help but burst into a smile. She, who had always been cold, suddenly laughed, and suddenly, like a spring breeze thawing, she attracted Nian Bing's gaze, and said: "Lanmeng College has a long history and is the most important school in Yangon mainland. One of the ancient colleges, this college occupies one-third of the area of Lanmeng. It can be said to be a city within a city. The walls you see are the works of students from the Department of Architecture of the college, which involve defense systems, drainage System, counterattack system and other fields, it is said that the defense is much stronger than that of ordinary small cities. The guards at the gate are not real soldiers, but students from the martial arts department. The martial arts department of the college is the most famous among all departments. , the head of the martial arts department is one of the oldest martial saints on the mainland, and ranks fifth among the top ten martial arts masters in the mainland. There is an attraction, which makes the martial arts department the most in the academy, probably Accounting for one-fifth of the entire academy, our martial arts academy has sent a lot of talents to the empire. As long as they are qualified graduates, they are recruited by the knights of the empire, and they even have the opportunity to enter the empire. Ace of the Silver Feather Knights."

Nian Bing secretly praised the scale of Lanmeng College, but the expression on his face returned to normal. He nodded and said: "The strength of the college is really strong! However, I am not very interested in other departments, Miss Meng , can you introduce someone to our culinary arts department, are you a teacher or a student? Judging by your appearance, you should be under twenty years old."