Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 114: Mysterious treasure


Zi Qingjian raised his head and glanced at Feng Nu, while Feng Nu and Nian Bing were looking at him at this time, flushing flushed on his bronze-colored face, and he coughed, "Ah! Okay, let's rest for a while. "Looking at his awkward expression, Nian Bing gave Feng Nu a weird look, and Feng Nu frowned. Zi Qingjian is simple and straightforward, and he is not good at hiding himself. They can all see what this strong man is thinking, and even Zi Qingmeng, who is next to him, is a little dissatisfied with his brother's situation, and touched him with his hand , I want him to regain his sanity.

The four of them came to the edge of the woods not far ahead, and sat down facing the avenue. The ancient trees were towering, but there was no shade at this time. On the bare tree trunks, the ugly crows of crows could be heard occasionally. The wind is blowing, and the current weather is indeed the coldest time of the year. Although Nian Bing does not know martial arts and his physical fitness is only average, he has ice and fire magic protection. Just releasing a second-level ice body technique can completely resist the cold.

But Feng Nu directly ignored this level of coldness.

Ziqingjian has a strong body and superb fighting spirit, and the coldness is not in his eyes. Only Ziqingmeng, her martial arts skills have not yet entered the room, and she is practicing wind element fighting spirit. The cold wind is coming, and she can't help shivering because of the cold millet.

When they left the academy, they all left in a hurry. Zi Qingmeng had been in the academy and spent most of the time in the room. When she left, she had something on her mind, so she only brought some simple clothes. At this time, she realized that the cold had already passed. It's too late, and putting on a coat can only ease the cold invasion a little bit.

Zi Qingjian lowered his head, thinking about something on his mind. Her face fluctuated from red to blue, she didn't notice her sister's discomfort at all, and Zi Qingmeng was arrogant by nature, and refused to ask her brother for help, her face gradually changed in the cold.

Nian Bing sat between Feng Nu and Zi Qingjian's siblings. I wanted to chat with Feng Nu more about the days of parting, but because of Zi Qingjian's demeanor. He didn't want to say much, he accidentally saw the change in Zi Qingmeng's face and her trembling body, and he couldn't help asking subconsciously: "Miss Qingmeng, are you cold?"

Zi Qingmeng could have endured all the way, but now that he stopped, the cold wind easily blew through the skirt of his clothes, and he couldn't stand it anymore. Hearing Nian Bing ask himself at this time, he felt a little grateful in his heart. nodded. "A bit. A bit cold."

Hearing their conversation, Zi Qingjian woke up from his own thoughts, turned his head to look at his sister, and was surprised to find that Zi Qingmeng's lips were already a little blue, he was startled, and quickly took off the clothes on his body. He took off his coat and put it on for his sister. "Xiaomeng, why didn't you tell me when you were cold?"

Ziqing Meng snorted angrily, "I don't need your clothes, and you don't wear much, so keep them for yourself."

Just as Nian Bing wanted to use magic to raise a fire to warm their bodies, Feng Nu suddenly stood up and walked to Zi Qingmeng, "Sister Zi, it's not good for you to endure the cold like this, if you hurt your body The meridian will fall to the root of the disease."

She is smiling, and the smile on her face naturally brings a sense of trust to people. Zi Qingmeng, who was originally jealous, changed quietly when she heard Fengnu's soft and concerned voice. Just as she was about to say something, Fengnu's hand was already on her shoulder.

The warm air flowed into the body from Feng Nu's slender white jade hands, and the cold air dispersed in the warm air. Zi Qingmeng even felt the slightest cold air radiating from her body, and the warmth from the inside expelled everything for her. chill. Gradually, the warmth turned into scorching heat, no matter how the cold wind blows, it can no longer invade in the slightest, warm and indescribably comfortable.

Raising her hand, Feng Nu smiled slightly and said, "Okay, my battle qi can at least keep you from feeling cold for an hour, and it has also completely expelled the cold and evil qi that invaded your body."

Zi Qingmeng stood up, held Feng Nu's hand gratefully, and said, "Thank you, Miss Feng Nu."

Feng Nu smiled and said: "Thank you, everyone is on the same road, and it is right to help each other."

"No, no, of course I want to thank you, of course I want to thank you. I thank you on behalf of my sister. I will do my best to help wherever it will be useful to me in the future." Zi Qingjian also stood up incoherently.

Nian Bing couldn't help but feel a little funny. He wasn't worried about Zi Qingjian chasing Feng Nu, but he just thought his silly look was cute, "Feng Nu, I'm cold too, so please help me get warm."

Feng Nu glanced at Nian Bing, and said: "Don't think that I really don't understand magic, you don't come here, whether it is ice magic or fire magic, it can effectively fight against the cold."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "When I was cooking in the college, my mana was almost exhausted. How can I resist the cold now?"

Feng Nu said angrily: "Then you can use the Zhengyang Saber and wear it on your body. You won't feel cold even if you don't use anything."

Seeing that Feng Nu was not fooled, Nian Bing smiled and shook his head, looking at her long pink hair, he was a little crazy.

At this moment, the crisp sound of horseshoes sounded from the side of the road. The weather is cold now, and Lanmeng City is a relatively remote city, so the nearby roads are less populated. Suddenly hearing the sound of horseshoes, everyone couldn't help but look sideways. I saw more than ten riders coming towards this side quickly. Their mounts looked like high-quality horses. Although they ran fast, they landed very lightly and did not splash any dust. As they got closer, one could vaguely see that this group of people were all wearing cloaks to keep out the cold, all of them were full of energy, their bodies were stable on horseback, and their riding skills were extremely superb.

"Hey." Nian Bing stood up with some doubts, and shouted to the knights who were about to approach the four of them: "President Carlo, is that you?"

"Stop—" The knight on the lead horse reined in sharply, the steed Xi Jinjin stood upright with a long hiss, and stopped from the gallop. The following knights were obviously well-trained and followed the lead knight without any panic. Then stopped.

"Ah! Nian Bing, it's you! What a coincidence." The leading knight jumped off his horse, and it was Carlo, the president of the Mercenary Union of the Ice Moon Empire. He wears black leather armor inside and a cloak outside. A long sword is carried on the back, and there is a golden moon mark on the left chest of the cloak.

Nian Bing went up to meet him, and said with a smile: "Yes! What a coincidence, President Carlo, are you going to perform the task of supporting troops?"

Carlo laughed. Walking in front of Nian Bing, "An employer submitted a first-level task in the trade union. It is difficult for ordinary mercenary groups to complete, so I will take it. No, take my own mercenary group members to complete it. You Why are you here, I heard you last time, aren't you going to Oran City?"

Nian Bing smiled and said: "I was going to Oran City, but I was delayed because of some things, and now I am going to go. I don't know if you have gone to Ice and Snow City?"

Carlo turned around and gestured to the mercenaries on the horse. "Go. Let's talk aside. Don't block the road." All the mercenaries dismounted one after another, and one of them led Carlo's mount and walked to the side of the road.

When Carlo saw the three Feng Nu, his eyes were filled with surprise, "Nian Bing, are these your friends?"

Nian Bing saw doubts in Carlo's eyes. Knowing that he was surprised by the change of woman beside him, but how to explain it? I had to say: "Yes, let me introduce you. This is Feng Nu, and these two are brothers and sisters Zi Qingjian and Zi Qing Meng. Feng Nu, Brother Qing Jian, and Miss Qing Meng, this is the servant of the Ice Moon Empire. Chairman Carlo of the Armed Forces Union."

The three Feng Nu and Carlo nodded to each other. Nian Bing took this opportunity to glance at the mercenaries brought by Carlo, and was surprised to find that, except for the blue moon mark on the chest, these mercenaries were dressed in the same clothes as Card Luo. Luo was the same, and all of them were in their thirties. They didn't talk to each other, and they each led their horses to rest on the side of the road. Several of the mercenaries stood in reasonable positions and acted as guards. It can be seen from their looming aura that these mercenaries are even stronger than the members of the Silver Feather Knights he had seen back then.

Carlo pulled Nian Bing aside, and said gratefully: "Nian Bing, thank you so much for what happened last time. I have already talked with President Long when I went to Ice and Snow City, and reached a cooperation agreement, and solved two problems at the same time. Regarding the issue of the trade union, now, our Mercenary Union has formed an alliance with your Ice Moon Empire Mage Union."

"Alliance?" Although Nian Bing had long thought that Long Zhi would choose to cooperate with the mercenary union, he did not expect to be able to form an alliance. It is a low-level trade union, Long Zhizhi abandoned prejudice and made up his mind to cooperate so closely with the mercenary union. "President Carlo, can you clarify, what does this alliance include?"

Carlo smiled and said: "Including all the cooperation you can think of. Our mercenary union will provide all the funds and resources your union needs, and your union will provide us with the magic scrolls we need. The most valuable thing is that there are twenty The magicians from the prestigious guild have joined my mercenary group, which has greatly enhanced the strength of our mercenary group. Speaking of which, there is probably no mercenary union in the whole continent that can have twenty magicians. They are all magicians above the level of great magician, led by the magician Lide. This time we were not sure about completing this first-level task, but with the participation of the magician Lide and two other great magicians, I have Confidence can complete the task. They went straight ahead in the carriage first, and we will meet them right away. Nian Bing, Guild Leader Long respects you so much! How is it? Are you interested in completing this mission with us? Soldier mission? Don't worry, there is no problem with the remuneration."

Nian Bing smiled slightly, and said: "Let's forget it, these friends and I have to hurry, without me, it will not have any impact on your mission."

There was a hint of disappointment on Carlo's face, "That's a pity. Actually, it won't take too long. Our goal this time is a treasure. According to the employer, there are not only various properties in the treasure, but also some lost magic. Spells and martial arts secret books are rare and good things! If you are willing to go with us, based on your help to our union, I can let you choose three things as rewards, how about it?"

Gold and silver treasures can't impress Nian Bing's heart, but this lost magic spell makes his heart move. According to Long Zhi, the reason why the magic world is gradually declining is precisely because of many ancient magic cultivation methods and powerful magic spells. The spell is lost, if you can get some powerful magic spells that you can use, it will be of great benefit to future revenge. Looking at Carlo, he asked, "What does the employer want? Since there is such a good treasure, why doesn't he go find it himself, instead hires you? Isn't he afraid of you stealing it?"

Carlo's face sank slightly, and he said: "Nian Bing, you underestimate us too much. The Ice Moon Mercenary Group I formed is named after the Empire. It is the only first-level mercenary group in the Ice Moon Empire. Its reputation is Guarantee for our development. Frankly speaking, the reason why the employer decided to take out the map and let us complete the task is because the map itself is broken, and, according to the map, this treasure is a cursed treasure. The map I got was just one copy, and there were as many as twelve copies of this kind. According to news, other people who got the copy of the map had already organized people to search for the treasure, but none of them could come back alive. The danger can be imagined. That's why the employer easily took out the map. It can be said that this map is the reward he provided. If we find the treasure and successfully transport all the treasures out, then the employer only needs the treasure A bottle in the legend, the other treasures belong to our mercenary group."

"The legendary bottle?" Nian Bing looked at Carlo suspiciously.

Carlo said: "The employer is a mysterious middle-aged man. He only said that there is a black bottle in the treasure, but he didn't really tell the secret in it. As long as we give him the bottle, the task will be completed, except in the treasure. In addition to the things obtained in the game, he will pay us another 10,000 purple gold coins as a reward. I think that bottle may be a magic item. For this mission, I brought all the elites of the mercenary group this time , the ones you see are just some of them, and the other part includes the three magicians from your guild. Our Ice Moon Mercenary Corps dispatched a total of thirty-two swordsman-level warriors on this trip, including me. Three fighters, plus three magicians. I don't think any mercenary guild on the mainland can achieve such strength. So, I am very confident to complete the task. How about it, let's go together, let me talk Absolutely counts."

It would be unrealistic to say that you are not moved. Thinking of the possible existence of ancient magic spells, Nian Bing's heart became hot, nodded, and said, "I'll discuss it with my friends."

Carlo took off a skin pouch from his waist, opened it and took a sip of water, "You are welcome to join, I can trust your friend."

He had a very good impression of Nian Bing. With the help of Nian Bing, his Ice Moon Mercenary Corps formed an alliance with the Ice Moon Magician Union, and suddenly became the most powerful mercenary group in the Ice Moon Empire to become the most powerful mercenary group on the entire continent. One of the few strongest mercenary groups, and Nian Bing played the role of threading the needle in it, so Carlo has always wanted to repay Nian Bing. Although there are certain dangers in this mission, but in He wanted to come, the strength he brought was enough, the reason why he invited Nian Bing was to take this opportunity to give him some benefits, which was regarded as repayment and at the same time win over. Long Zhi had already hinted at him in the secret conversation with Carlo that Nian Bing was his successor.

In order to allow the two unions to continue to cooperate, Carlo has long wanted to find a chance to see Nian Bing again, but he did not expect that the opportunity would come so soon.

Nian Bing walked up to the three of Feng Nu, and described the task that Carlo said in a low voice, "..., how is it? Are you interested? I think President Carlo will lead a large number of experts here this time. It's definitely not too bad, if you don't want to go, then we can only break up here." Nian Bing has made up his mind to go with Carlo, the temptation of the magic spell is too great.

The phoenix girl's eyes flashed, and she said: "I'm fine. I'm not in a hurry to reach Oran City. I still have some time. As long as it doesn't take too long. However, I have a condition. If I really find the treasure, I will Choose one of them, of course, it must not be the bottle of their mercenary employer."

Nian Bing nodded, turned his gaze to the Ziqingjian brothers and sisters, and said, "What about you?"

Zi Qingjian hesitated for a moment, looked at his sister, "Xiaomeng, why don't you go back to the academy and wait for me first, it sounds a bit dangerous, I'm afraid..."

Ziqing Meng snorted, and said: "What's so scary, you can go, and I can go too. Originally, we left the academy for the sake of experience. It's not bad to have this opportunity!"

Nian Bing smiled slightly. Said: "Then it's no problem, everyone will take care of each other at that time, with the strength of so many of us, there shouldn't be any problems." As Carlo said, this time the Ice Moon Mercenary Group dispatched all the elite, Including myself, there are a total of four magic masters who are above the Great Magician, plus the existence of Feng Nu, a quasi-martial saint, what difficulties can stop them

Returning to Carlo, "President Carlo, we have decided to participate in your operation. However, a friend of mine has a request. If she finds the treasure, she will choose an item as a reward."

Carlo frowned slightly, and said: "Nian Bing. This condition is a bit harsh. Although I am the head of the Ice Moon Mercenary Group, this operation is very dangerous, and the benefits may be great. I promise to let you get three This thing is already the limit, your friends, I can pay a certain amount of money. But to pick something, I'm afraid..."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Don't be embarrassed, President, didn't you just say that I can choose three of them? That's good, I will only choose two of them, and my friend will choose the remaining one, so there will be no problem." However, I believe that if you encounter real danger, you will definitely see that my friend has the ability to request to choose an item." When Feng Nu raised this condition, Nian Bing didn't feel any discomfort. Sure, after all, Feng Nu has enough strength to ask for this.

Carlo looked at Nian Bing with some surprise, then looked at the Feng Nu holding the long sword, nodded and said: "Let's do what you say. When Zhai Hui is getting the treasure, we will distribute it in detail. Nuo Qi, Hadiya, you give up your horses and ride one with others, Nian Bing, I will give you two horses, wait until the next city, and buy a few good horses."

Nian Bing nodded, "Then let's set off now." The two mercenaries led their horses to Nian Bing's side. Fengnu and Ziqingmeng rode a horse, but when the four of them were about to get on the horse, a problem arose. Nian Bing is better. Although he is tall, he is not too strong, but Zi Qingjian's figure is rare in the world. With the size of the two of them, it is really difficult to ride the same horse, and I don't know how to allocate it for a while. The Bingyue Mercenary Group has already given up two horses, and the reluctance of the two mercenary soldiers to give up the horses made Nian Bing really embarrassed to let them give up another horse.

Zi Qingmeng spoke suddenly, and she walked up to Nian Bing generously, and said: "I will ride with you, and let my brother and sister Fengnv ride one. This way we should be able to sit down."

Nian Bing was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw that Zi Qingjian's eyes were full of excitement. Zi Qingjian had always regarded him as a brother. How can I export it? Zi Qingmeng volunteered to ride a horse with her, apparently to give her brother a chance to get close to Feng Nu. A strange feeling filled his heart, and Nian Bing was speechless for a while.

Feng Nu walked up to Nian Bing and Zi Qing Meng, and said, "Sister Qing Meng, can you ride a horse?"

Zi Qingmeng froze for a moment, shook his head and said: "I don't know. Although I have been studying in the martial arts department, I have always divided my mind into two tasks. At the same time, learning cooking is not like my brother's free time to practice riding. However, I will definitely do it in the future." I will learn well. Feng Nu, my brother's riding skills are very good, don't worry, you will have no problem riding a horse with him."

Feng Nu chuckled and said: "I'm afraid it won't work. You don't know how to ride a horse, nor can Nian Bing. How can you keep up with the team!"

Ziqing Meng froze for a moment, turned to Nian Bing, and said, "You don't know how to ride a horse? You're still a man."

Nian Bing smiled bitterly: "Why do men have to be able to ride horses? There seems to be no obvious connection, besides, I am a magician, not a warrior."

Zi Qingmeng was in a dilemma, "Then what should I do?"

Feng Nu smiled and said: "Forget it, I will ride a horse with Nian Bing, and you and your brother will ride one. This will solve the problem. I have also learned some riding skills, so it is not a big problem to bring Nian Bing."

Nian Bing was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he said calmly: "That's the only way to go, Feng Nu, please."

Feng Nu looked back and smiled, "What's the trouble, you just need to be more careful. I ride a horse very fast."

Ziqingjian stood there in a daze, even if Ziqingmeng wanted to help him, there was nothing he could do at this moment, she could only blame her for not being able to ride a horse, so she walked to her brother, "Let's get on the horse."

Zi Qingjian nodded sadly, pulled the horse beside him, and fell on the horse's back with his eyes fixed on his eyes. The moment he just landed on the horse's back, the steed Xijinjin suddenly neighed, and the horse stood up. Immediately after landing on the ground with his forelegs, he swung his hind legs to the side vigorously, wanting to throw the Ziqing sword down.

Zi Qingjian hadn't come over when he just sat on the horse's back. At this time, he felt the crisis, pulled the rein subconsciously, and leaned against the horse. The blue fighting spirit permeated the whole body, and the whole person was stuck to the horse's back like a leaf. superior. No matter how the horse swings, he cannot be thrown off the horse's back. The horse's attack was not at the right time. At this time, Zi Qingjian was depressed. He stretched his big hand forward, and his thick and powerful arm tightly strangled the horse's neck. He shouted in a deep voice, "Be honest." The body like a leaf suddenly became so heavy, the horse let out a mournful cry, and fell to the ground with all four limbs, unable to make the previous movements no matter what.

I feel that the horse is gradually conquered by myself. Ziqingjian let go of his arms and gestured to his sister. Ziqingmeng jumped up and landed in front of him, pressing on Ziqingjian's broad and firm chest.

"Good riding." Carlo couldn't help applauding from the side. At the same time, he also met Nian Bing's sharp eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and did not make any expression.

Nian Bing felt a little dissatisfied. The two horses that Carlo asked his men to bring over were obviously professionally trained horses. It was not easy for anyone other than their owners to ride them. Obviously, he was testing his friends. . Although Feng Nu's martial arts skills are good, is her riding skill good

When Nian Bing was wondering, Feng Nu had already grabbed the rein of another horse, and a strange scene appeared. Her movements were far less agile than Zi Qingjian, but from the time she pulled the rein to sitting on the horse's back with balance , the steed was docile and did not make any resistance. Carlo and his men all stared wide-eyed. You know, this horse is more irritable than the one Zi Qingjian rides.

Nian Bing looked at the surprise of Carlo and the others. Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't ask too much. When he walked to the side of the horse, he was a little embarrassed. The rein was in Feng Nu's hand, and she was stepping on the stirrup. How would he get up? ? He doesn't know how to lighten one's body in martial arts, should he use Blizzard? In that case, I am afraid that the horse will not be able to stand under the influence of magic. At this moment, a hand like suet white jade stretched out in front of him, and Feng Nu's voice sounded, "Grab my hand."

The voice like the sounds of nature made Nian Bing's heart completely calm, and he held the warm and slender jade hand eagerly. When he looked up, he saw that Feng Nu was also looking at him. Before he could say thank you, The body has already flown up under the gentle force. Fortunately, Nian Bing had the experience of flying in a blizzard, so he didn't exclaim. When his whole body shook, he realized that he was already sitting on the horseback, with Feng Nu's slender body in front of him, "Hold my waist and sit still."

Seeing that Nian Bing and the others had mounted their horses, Carlo waved his hand, and all the knights mounted their horses at the same time. The sound of horseshoes became hurried, and they rushed forward along the avenue.

At this time, Nian Bing was the most excited. He clearly felt his heart beating faster. He wrapped his hands around Feng Nu's slender waist. The faint fragrance filled his nose, and his chest was close to Feng Nu's back. The way she looks now, Feng Nu is like being hugged by him, a warm feeling comes from in front of her body, there is no trace of fat on Feng Nu's waist, even though there are several layers of clothes, Nian Bing can still feel it clearly. Seeing Feng Nu's elastic skin, a wonderful feeling spread all over her body. Even though the horse had already started galloping, Nian Bing didn't feel it. He was completely intoxicated by the moving atmosphere.

Feng Nu's feeling was stronger than Nian Bing's. Her entire back was completely attached to Nian Bing's body. The man's masculinity invaded her body fearlessly, especially Nian Bing's two big hands, emitting waves of heat. From the waist and abdomen into the body, there was a fever on the face, and Feng Nu's heartbeat was no slower than Nian Bing.

The horse team is constantly galloping, and the originally bumpy horseback has now become a paradise for enjoyment. Nian Bing's arm hugs Feng Nu tightly. Subconsciously, he hopes that this section of the road will never end.

At the back of the team were Ziqingjian's brother and sister. Ziqingjian's powerful arms protected his sister in front of him. With a complicated expression.

"Brother, don't think about it anymore." Zi Qingmeng's low voice came from in front of him. Zi Qingjian's whole body shook, "Me? I didn't think about anything."

Ziqing Meng sighed faintly, and said: "Silly brother, the look on your face is so obvious, let alone me, Nian Bing and Feng Nu have already seen it. Give up, don't you still not see it? The relationship between Feng Nu and Nian Bing is not something you can get in, Feng Nu is willing to share a ride with Nian Bing, don't you understand?"

Zi Qingjian was stunned for a moment, and said: "That's because neither you nor Nian Bing can ride a horse! Sister, I, I actually don't expect anything."

Ziqing Meng smiled bitterly and said: "Silly brother, don't think too much, you and Feng Nu are impossible, Nian Bing is handsome and a great magician, you are much inferior in all aspects. Don't Get yourself in too deep, and you'll suffer even more."

Zi Qingjian was silent for a while, and said: "Sister, she is really beautiful. When I saw her for the first time, I had her in my heart. Brother Nian Bing is indeed better than me. If she chooses Nian Bing, I will I can only bless them. I have no extravagant expectation that she will like me, can't I like her in my heart?"

Zi Qingmeng was speechless immediately, she never thought that her brother would be so infatuated. They were talking here, and Nian Bing and Feng Nu also changed.

Feng Nu, who was controlling the galloping horse, suddenly called out, "Nian Bing, what are you doing?"

Nian Bing, who was intoxicated, was suddenly awakened by the scorching breath from Feng Nu's back. Only then did he realize that a certain part of his lower body had reacted, and it was behind Feng Nu's back arm. This discovery immediately embarrassed him. Hurry up. She moved her body backwards, "Fengnu, I, I didn't do it on purpose."

Feng Nu's voice trembled a little more, "You, let your thing go back quickly." The firmness behind her made her feel panicked, and the strange feeling continued to invade her whole body. The strength of the quasi-martial saint was useless at this moment , her tender body has become a little sore.