Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 121: Phoenix Wings


With a loud bang, Feng Nu fell back three steps, her silver fighting spirit returned to dark red, and a strand of blood flowed down the corner of her mouth, she had already suffered serious injuries. And Jin Ni, the elder of the Huolong Human Clan, was not feeling well either. There were a few more vertical and horizontal wounds in front of his body, and the blood continued to flow out. Not bad at all.

"Ah!" Jin Yan roared, his old-looking body suddenly swelled up, and his aura suddenly became stronger. He punched Feng Nu with a remote control, and the silver battle energy condensed into a ball, and shot towards Feng Nu like a cannonball. The woman rushed over here quickly.

Feng Nu's complexion changed slightly. Her fighting spirit at this time could no longer reach the realm of holy fighting spirit. Holding the sword in both hands, now she can only rely on the advantage of Li Tianshen Sword to try to split this heavy fighting spirit bullet. However, she now But not sure at all.

"No one is allowed to hurt Feng Nu. Roar---" A tall figure suddenly jumped out from the side, and the huge epee hit the silver fighting energy bomb with a bang, and the strong fighting energy exploded. The dragon-human warriors fell aside. Appearing suddenly, it was Zi Qingjian who blocked the attack for Feng Nu.

There have been obvious changes in Ziqingjian's body now, his unkempt hair has turned blood red, his already tall body has swelled a circle, his breathing is heavy like an iron-backed dragon, and the swollen blood vessels on his body are clearly visible. With an attack of Saint Dou Qi, he actually just sank his feet into the ground, but he didn't retreat at all.

Jin Yan, who raised his grudge to the strongest level, said in surprise: "Berserker, there are still berserkers?"

No one answered his question, Zi Qingjian walked out from the group of mercenaries at the entrance of the cave alone, his eyes had turned blood red, and only a few familiar names could be remembered in his mind vaguely. The huge epee radiated a blue light, and the three-foot-long sword light was no weaker than Jin Ni in terms of momentum.

Four Huolong warriors charged towards Ziqingjian from different directions. The epee was like withered grass in Ziqing's hands, without any fanfare, it circled around his body for a circle, and suddenly, the blue light was sealed off like a wall.

The four figures flew back faster than when they came, but this time they were blown away, and the four dragon-human warriors had been severely injured in the spurt of blood. The ability to fight has been robbed.

Ziqing Jianliu was there, with red hair, red eyes, and an unstable blue light emitting from his whole body, like a demon god. Both sides stopped, and for a while, he became the focus of attention.

Ridge's magic stopped, and she was panting heavily. His pale face showed his current state of weakness. He sat down on the ground, not daring to meditate, so he had to take out his magic scrolls at the bottom of the box.

Nian Bing came to Feng Nu's side, and immediately turned from ice to water, releasing a healing technique for Feng Nu. Help her restore the meridians injured by the shock. "Brother Qingjian, what's wrong? He seems to be a little out of his mind, I'll call him back."

"No." Feng Nu stopped Nian Bing, "No one can stop him now, he has gone mad."

"Frenzy?" Nian Bing heard this word for the first time, "What does madness mean?"

Feng Nu said in a low voice: "This is a special kind of physique. There is no one in a million flexible people. Especially after the ancient war, it was thought to be extinct. The berserkers are called berserkers. They were once the most human beings. The strongest type of arms is also the most difficult to control. Because although the warriors who have become mad have become the strongest among all fighters in terms of individual combat ability, they also have a huge flaw, that is, their minds also follow their bodies. In this case, they can no longer tell the difference between the enemy and the enemy. Their own mana has been raised to the limit, and their skin is as hard as iron. If they have cultivated fighting spirit, the fighting spirit will be multiplied. You only know how to attack until all your physical strength is exhausted. After each berserk transformation, the berserker takes the lead and sleeps for three days. I really didn't expect that your friend would be a berserker. It seems that we have some turning points. Even if his martial artist's strength goes berserk, even a martial saint can't easily defeat him. I didn't want to kill him, but now it seems that I can't do it.",

"Feng Nu, I know you have scruples. If you really don't want to kill people, you can rob those fire dragons of their fighting abilities. As long as we can leave here safely, that's enough."

Feng Nu nodded and said: "As soon as the Ziqing sword is activated, you all attack with all your strength. As long as he or I can entangle the elder of the opponent, we still have a chance."

"Kill——" Zi Qingjian roared angrily. The most important enemy in his eyes is naturally Jin Ni. In his subconscious mind, the most important to him are undoubtedly his sister and Feng Nu, and it was Jin Ni who hurt him just now. Feng Nu, at this time, he suddenly exploded, and naturally he had to take Jin Ni as his first target.

Holding the epee high, although Ziqingjian fell into a state of madness, he did not forget the ability he possessed, and instead used it more smoothly. The body technique that Zimeng used to fight against Fengnu appeared on him, and he transformed into Several figures rushed towards Jin Yan, who was at the level of a martial sage.

Just as Feng Nu was about to move, she suddenly saw a black light descending from the sky, without any reflection of the light, it went straight to Long Ling who was treating the mercenaries. She no longer cared where the ray of light came from, and in a flash, she came to Long Ling's side, picked up the Heavenly God Sword in her hand, and flew the black ray of light away.

With a soft ding, it turned out to be a black needle, and a faint fishy smell spread in the air, showing that the needle was highly poisonous.

"Ah! Why did you save me?" Long Ling just came to his senses at this moment, and looked at Feng Nu in a daze.

The phoenix girl's sharp eyes looked towards the direction where the black needle was fired. It was a dense forest, and there was no energy fluctuation at all. This is definitely not an attack launched by the fire dragon people. As the proud dragon people, they will never use poison. While looking for the enemy in the dark, she replied subconsciously: "Nian Bing asked me to protect you. You don't have to thank me, just thank him if you want to thank me. Be careful yourself, there may be additional enemies. "

"Thank you, I will be careful." Long Ling's voice was very calm, without any change because his life was threatened. Continue to treat those mercenaries.

Carlo also heard what Feng Nu said to Nian Bing earlier. As soon as the Ziqing Sword was launched, he immediately led the mercenaries to launch a counterattack against the Dragon Race. He understood that as long as Feng Nu can perform normally, even though the opponent has a large number of people, it is not impossible to rush out.

The maddened Ziqing Sword is indeed as Feng Nu said, his strength burst out from completely burning his mana, even a strong man like Jin Yi can't do anything about him for a while. But at this time, he couldn't dodge the Ziqing Sword, otherwise, his clansmen would suffer. Although the dragon clan's innate defense was strong, a frontal hit with such a violent grudge was still fatal.

The scene became completely chaotic, Fengnu finally showed her power, and under the driving of that graceful figure, Leaving Excalibur transformed into countless sword lights. Was stabbed and fell to the ground. In a short time, more than a dozen Huolong warriors robbed their fighting ability.

Under the sudden drop in pressure, the mercenaries put their lives to the limit, and led by Carlo, Gatlin and Huarui, they charged towards the Fire Dragon.

Suddenly, countless red rays of light scattered from the sky, and there was only one target, and that was Feng Nu. The red light cooperated very tacitly, sealing off all the routes of Fengnu's advancement, forcing her to stop, and resisting the attack of fighting spirit and sharp arrows with Li Tianshen sword. The Huolong warriors also took this opportunity to reorganize and rushed up, completely suppressing the mercenaries back to the entrance of the cave. At this time, Feng Nu, like Zi Qingjian, has been isolated on the periphery.

Nian Bing released a few spells to stabilize the situation, and dragged Zi Qingmeng back to Long Ling. At this moment, there was a sudden change outside. Jin Yi's fighting spirit soared, and he punched Zi Qingjian back, shouting: "Fire Dragon Soaring Cloud Formation."

All the attacking fire dragon warriors retreated suddenly, and hundreds of them formed a strange formation. Among them, the elite of eighteen fire dragon warriors surrounded Fengnv, led by a long-legged fire dragon warrior. Xia Xiangfeng launched an attack on Feng Nu, and another eighteen people organized into a formation to surround Qing Jian. They only fought with Zi Qing Jian, but did not make direct contact with him, obviously to consume his physical strength.

The people of the Fire Dragon tribe were busy quickly. The warriors who had previously robbed their combat abilities were all carried aside by their tribesmen. Jin Yi was full of glory and walked towards the entrance of the cave surrounded by the tribesmen. "Bow" a tribesman Putting the bow into his hand, the other fire dragon warriors, in a team of eighteen, slowly pressed towards the entrance of the cave.

Although there was no enemy attack, the pressure on their bodies was reduced a lot, but the hearts of the mercenaries were extremely heavy now. They never thought that they would be strangled in the cradle as soon as they had some opportunities.

Feng Nu no longer has the ability to use holy fighting energy. Although her speed and attack power are strong, the formation formed by the group of eighteen Huolong human warriors is very strange. No matter which way she attacks, she will always take the lead To meet nine opponents at the same time, rush left and right for a while, but can't break out of the blackness no matter what.

Jin Yan didn't let the clansmen attack the mercenaries, holding a longbow, staring at Nian Bing with sharp eyes. He had already discovered that this young man who kept using magic was the root of the mercenaries' support. As long as a few magicians were destroyed first, the situation would immediately become clear.

Jin Ni's eyes shone brightly, holding the longbow in his hand, and the bowstring spread out in an instant. The silver holy fighting spirit wrapped the whole big bow, and a strange scene appeared. Turning into a sharp arrow, "Dragon-lead-arrow-." The silver light suddenly bloomed, and Nian Bing only felt his chest shrink for a while. Before the arrow arrived, his body already had a strong feeling without any hesitation. Yes, Nian Bing immediately launched the most powerful two-color ice ball for body protection, and directly faced the arrow. The mercenaries were not idle either. Carlo, Gatlin and Huarui jumped up one after another, wanting to catch the arrow, but the arrow formed by the holy fighting spirit formed a beautiful arc at the window and passed them directly. The blocking, the target is still Nian Bing.

Can the two-color frozen ball block the arrow of holy air? The answer is no. With a loud bang, the two-color frozen ball was blown into ice powder by the violent grudge, and the silver light passed through, and it had come within ten meters in front of Nian Bing. "Be careful." Zi Qingmeng slid forward, cyan fighting spirit blooming, ready to block the arrow for Nian Bing, the biggest advantage of the Cuimu Duanning knife technique is speed, a fan-shaped cyan light curtain, Nian Bing's body is completely Blocking, but this is still not enough, with a light ding, the emerald curtain disappears, Zi Qingmeng holds the short blade tightly, and the demon body is thrown away in response, she just slashed on the side of the sharp arrow and was blown away When he got up, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and despairing eyes appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"Don't." Bing Ling stood in front of Nian Bing as soon as she turned her body. Her eyes were panicked, but it was not because of the fighting spirit arrow she was about to face, but because of Nian Bing's safety. His whole body shook, and Long Ling suddenly found himself turning in a different direction. Immediately afterwards, there was a heart-piercing pain, and his body fell forward in response, and he staggered a few steps before standing still.

Nian Bing was facing Long Ling, and there was a blood hole in his right shoulder blade, and his body was completely pierced by that arrow. Fortunately, after several times of resistance, the explosive power of Long Yin's arrow had already been robbed, and the green curtain side Ning changed some of its direction, which made Nian Bing escape the deadly threat. Even so, the aftermath of the dragon's arrow pierced through his body, and blood gushed out. Nian Bing used a healing technique without any hesitation. After patting himself, the blood flow stopped a little.

"No, it's impossible." Long Ling's voice was trembling, and the pain in her back had disappeared a little, and only now did she realize what happened earlier. She stood in front of Nian Bing, but Nian Bing suddenly hugged her from behind and turned around. The arrow pierced Nian Bing's shoulder and hit her before disappearing. But at this time, she didn't have any injuries other than a little pain.

Nian Bing smiled bitterly and said: "This is the inevitable result, Linger, come on, you are better at healing than me, help me stop the bleeding, this time, I am afraid we are doomed."

Long Ling hurried back to Nian Bing's side. She first slapped a healing technique on the cup-sized wound on Nian Bing's shoulder, and then tore off the coarse cloth on his wound. "Vest, where's the vest? I gave it to you yesterday. Why don't you wear your vest?" Long Ling's voice became extremely excited, "Could it be that even the things I gave you are so annoying to you?"

"No, Silly Linger, do you know? After you gave me that vest yesterday, my heart almost broke. It was obviously given to you by the teacher! Even your body fragrance can still be smelled clearly, how could I How about using your protective treasure to protect yourself? Silly girl, put it on your body now! Otherwise, we might have become a pair of gourds just now." It turns out that Nian Bing played the bagpipe to find Feng Nu last night , begging her to put the vest back on her body when Long Ling couldn't feel it. With Feng Nu's ability, this can be done easily without anyone noticing. In fact, just now Nian Bing could have Long Ling block Long Yin's arrows for him. With the strength of the golden red vest, Long Ling would only suffer a little shock, but, as a man, how could he let a woman block for him? What about this arrow? Nian Bing didn't hesitate at all at that time, and quickly turned around holding Long Ling. His anti-Ice Wall Scroll became the last defense, but he was still severely injured.

Long Ling looked at the gentle light in Nian Bing's eyes, and then at his pale face, her heart trembled, and there was a little more excitement in her originally empty eyes, she helped Nian Bing to sit down, but she was quite Straighten her body and walk outside. At this time, Jin Yi has led his subordinates to move forward slowly, hurting the most important magician of the opponent, and they have no scruples anymore. There are so many changes, from the initial attack of Feng Nu, protecting everyone into the cave, to struggling to resist, the Ziqing sword becoming mad, Feng Nu's attack, and Nian Bing's serious injury, almost every moment, the field changes.

Without Feng Nu's resistance, who can stop Jin Ni? The mercenaries gathered together, and the fighting spirit in their hearts gradually disintegrated under the huge oppression brought by the other party, and anyone knew it. This time, they were no longer able to resist the opponent's attack. At this moment, Long Ling came behind the mercenaries and chanted softly, "At the price of my life. Curse everything..." Just as she chanted here, a big hand suddenly covered her mouth from behind , forcibly interrupting the spell. If a magic spell is recited more than halfway, it is impossible to interrupt it, otherwise it will cause great harm to the magician, and the magic chanting at the beginning, as long as the chanting is interrupted, the magic cannot be completed.

"Ling'er, even if I want to use this magic spell, I should use it, not you." Nian Bing held Long Ling tightly in his arms, his voice was so firm.

Nian Bing's warm embrace made Long Ling feel at ease. Even though she knew that she was about to face a devastating disaster, she didn't have the slightest fear. Holding Long Ling's wet and soft body, Nian Bing secretly smiled wryly, the place that should come will always come, just when he was about to chant the same spell as Long Ling, a voice suddenly dispelled his thoughts.

"Hurry up, everyone retreat inside, the cave inside is narrow and better for defense." This was Fengyun's voice, Nian Bing turned around and saw Fengyun running out of the cave. At the same time, what no one expected was that Feng Nu broke out.

If Feng Nu is a huge bomb, then Jin Yi's severe injury to Nian Bing is the fuse that detonated the bomb. The shrill phoenix cry pierced everyone's ears like piercing needles, and the red aura around Feng Nu's body suddenly subsided. The long pink hair turned dark red at this moment, the originally fair skin shone with a faint red brilliance, the clothes on the back suddenly broke open, and a pair of red wings stretched out instantly, the inner edges of the wings were curved, and each phoenix The feathers are closely arranged together, and the stretched wings are more than two meters long. The originally slender body of Feng Nu looks so petite against the backdrop of these wings. Under the spread of the wings, Feng Nu's body was completely floating, and her beautiful blue eyes turned golden at this moment.

Seeing this situation, Jin Ni couldn't help but turn pale with shock, "Be careful, it's the royal feather of the Feng clan."

His reminder was too late. The same red douqi turned into a halo as the wings fluttered down, and the irresistible force spread throughout the bodies of every Huolong warrior who besieged Fengnu, and eighteen streams of blood gushed out at the same time. Accompanied by eighteen figures, they were sent flying ten feet away.

The phoenix girl in mid-air let out a long cry, and slashed across the void with the Litian sword in her hand, and a bright red light floated down, drawing a ravine in front of the huge hole, and the surging fighting spirit forced all the Huolong warriors who were rushing forward. retreat.

Seeing such a situation, Nian Bing was not happy but worried. He showed a huge power in the crisis. It is very likely that it is not his own power. The more this is the case, the more serious the backlash will be. He hurriedly shouted: "Feng Girl, come back quickly with brother Qingjian, the cave is narrow and suitable for our defense."

A faint afterimage flickered in the midair, and Feng Nu came to the sky above Zibiao sword in a flash, she reached out and grabbed the skirt of his body, and lifted him up into the air. At this time, Ziqingjian's mind was completely insane, and he couldn't distinguish between friend and foe at all. The epee in his hand suddenly lifted upwards, and slashed at Feng Nu.

"Idiot, it's me." Feng Nu stepped away from the Heavenly God Sword and easily blocked Ziqing Sword's attack. Strange to say, Zi Qingjian, who was going berserk, immediately became calm when he heard Feng Nu's voice. "Om—" The silver Saint Dou Qi Long Yinjian appeared again, this time, the target was the Phoenix Girl in the air. Jin Ni knew very well that offending the royal family of the Feng family meant that there would be an irreparable gap with the Feng family. Only by killing Feng Nu and everyone here would it be possible to cover up everything.

The huge red wings suddenly retracted, and the left wing swung horizontally like lightning. The dragon leading the arrow that Nian Bing could not resist with all his strength was smashed by Feng Nu's huge wings. The next moment, Feng Nu had arrived at the entrance of the cave, leaving With a slash of the Heavenly God Sword, all the enemies who attacked retreated back in a shock.

Nian Bing pulled Feng Nu subconsciously, "Go, retreat inside." At this time, the mercenaries saw Feng Nu resisting the enemy, and quickly retreated to the depths of the cave. He suddenly exclaimed, and let go of Feng Nu's hand without self-taught. Now Feng Nu's body is as hot as burning coals.

The cold light in Feng Nu's eyes was bright, and she focused on Jin Yi who was holding a longbow. She said coldly: "I haven't killed anyone today, but that doesn't mean I won't in the future. If you have the ability, just rush in." Said After that, cover Nian Bing and others to withdraw into the cave.

Unexpectedly. The fire dragon man didn't know if it was because of the powerful ability that Feng Nu suddenly showed, but he really didn't attack. Let Feng Nu, Nian Bing and the mercenaries retreat into the cave.

After retreating hundreds of meters into the cave, the mercenaries couldn't hold on anymore after entering a narrow corridor about three meters wide, and fell to the ground one by one as if paralyzed. At this time, even the three chief and deputy heads of the Ice Moon Mercenary Corps have less than one-third of their strength left. Although no one died, two-thirds of them were seriously injured. Thanks to Long Ling's timely treatment, they were able to persist in escaping here.

Feng Nu raised and lowered her palms, knocked Zi Qingjian unconscious and threw it aside, then turned around and took a look outside. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why did you hit my brother?" Zi Qingmeng said angrily.

The icy aura emanating from Feng Nu's golden eyes made Zi Qingmeng tremble all over, "He is in a state of berserk, and he can only recover after being knocked out. However, although his physical strength is not exhausted, he may also fall asleep It will take two days to recover." Nian Bing looked at Feng Nu with concern, and said, "How are you?"

Feng Nu shook her head and said, "I'm fine. What about you?" Her golden eyes fell on the horrible wound on Nian Jian You Bing.

Nian Bing's face was already very ugly at this time, and his original rosy face became extremely pale due to a large amount of blood loss, and he smiled wryly: "I can't die yet." However, the scapula on my right shoulder seems to be broken, and I have used magic to stop the bleeding, so there is no chance of healing. Feng Nu, why don't they rush in? Is it because I'm afraid of you? "

Feng Nu shook her head and said: "No, it shouldn't be. I just discovered it too. These fire dragon people seem to be afraid of this cave. From the beginning when I attacked the cave entrance, they deliberately avoided it and avoided entering the cave. Now Come to think of it, maybe things would have been better if we had opted to retreat into the hole earlier, but at least we're okay for now.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Carlo's heavy voice sounded. "It was my willingness that brought everyone into this deadly place. If I had listened to Nian Bing's suggestion to give up this operation, I wouldn't have dragged you into this place."

The phoenix girl's sunlight fell on Carlo, and she said lightly: "You don't need to blame yourself. It's just you who are stuck here. With my ability, I can take Nian Bing away at any time. However, I can only take one person at most." As soon as these words came out, the entire cave became silent, no one would doubt Feng Nu's words, she had already proved everything with her own strength.

"Feng Nu, take Ling'er away." Nian Bing's voice was calm, but extremely firm.

The eyes of Feng Nu, Zi Qingmeng and Long Ling fell on him at the same time, Feng Nu said strangely: "Don't you want to leave here alive?"

Nian Bing glanced at his right arm hanging softly beside him, and said indifferently: "No one wants to die, but, as a magician, as a chef, I have already lost my right arm, even if I go out and heal it Injury, I can no longer cook with my right hand and draw scrolls with my right hand. In my life, I have two goals, one is to reach the pinnacle of cooking skills and fulfill the wish of the master, and the other is to practice magic to the fullest. The highest realm avenges my parents. Losing my right arm, these are all slim to me, so why not give up the hope of life to others is actually..." At this point, he suddenly lowered his voice. The female whispered a few words in her ear.

Feng Nu's whole body shook, "What? Your enemy is her?"

Nian Bing nodded, smiled bitterly, and said: "Take a break to recover your strength, and then take Linger away. If you are more confident than that person in the future, take revenge for me by the way, and it will not be in vain for our friends. Of course, This is just a request of mine, please go when you are fully capable of achieving it."

"No, I won't leave here." Long Ling said calmly while treating the wounded.

"Ling'er, don't be self-willed." These words were said from Nian Bing and Li Tech at the same time, and their expressions became anxious. Long Ling raised her head, smiled slightly, and her previous look reappeared on her pretty face, "I'm not self-willed! Since we came together, we have to go together, otherwise, I will never leave. The wounded need me. Nian Bing, thank you, at least I now understand that the person I once loved is not wrong."

Nian Bing frowned, and resisted the severe pain from his shoulders, "Ling'er, don't forget, Teacher Long Zhi only has you as a daughter. If something happens to you, what will the teacher do? What will the union do?"

Long Ling said calmly: "If father is here, he will never abandon his comrades and escape alone."

Feng Nu said coldly: "Are you talking about me?"

Long Ling shook his head and said: Of course not, I am not qualified to say anything about you, nor is anyone here. If it wasn't for you, we would have been killed by those fire dragons long ago, and it was you who saved everyone's life. I can see that you are not an ordinary human being, and I think you must have your own mission when you enter the human world, so we have no objection if you want to leave. If possible, take Nian Bing away. Although his injury is serious, as long as he finds a magician of the Light Department who can use healing magic of the ninth level or higher, it is still possible for the newcomer to heal. "

Nian Bing smiled, "Ling'er, let's stop arguing. Since we don't want to leave, let's stay. Anyway, the enemy won't rush in, so let's starve to death here together. I think, we brought The ingredients should be enough for a month. If you save some, maybe you can last longer.

The red light subsided, and Feng Nu returned to her original form. Nian Bing found her body trembling slightly, and asked with concern while supporting her, "Feng Nu, are you alright?"

Feng Nu shook her head and said, "Dong Nian Bing, I want to talk to you alone, is that okay?"

Nian Bing was stunned for a moment, and said: "Of course." At that moment, he helped Feng Nu to a corner beside him, let her sit down, and at the same time he raised up his little magic power and cast it on the wound on his shoulder. a cure.