Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 122: The Secret of the Phoenix Clan


"You have also seen that I am indeed not a real human being." Feng Nu laughed at herself, her whole body trembled even more, and her body, which was still hot before, became a little cold now.

Nian Bing hugged Feng Nu into his arms, and Feng Nu did not struggle, but pressed against Nian Bing's left shoulder, feeling the heat of his body. "Nian Bing, how do you know that the Dragon Race exists?"

Nian Bing didn't have any worries about his own safety at this time. As early as when the dragon led the arrow on his right shoulder pierced through, he had already let go of all his burdens. As he himself said, even if he left here alive, he would be For a useless person, let alone avenging his parents, it is unknown whether he can take care of himself. Hugging Feng Nu, they are like a couple at this time, and the feeling of having fun in bitterness is unique. Nian Bing smiled slightly, first tore a piece of cloth from the coarse cloth and wrapped it around the wound, and then said: "I I learned this from Mao Mao's father." Now, he recounted how he met Mao Mao again after breaking up with Feng Nu in Ice and Snow City, and how Mao Mao's father, Dragon Summoner Hilard, was.

"So that's the case, no wonder you know about the existence of the Dragon Clan. Nian Bing, at this point, I don't need to hide it from you. You should have heard what the Jinyi Patriarch said. Yes, I am a member of the Feng Clan. The phoenix, like Juju, was once a creature on this continent, but, unlike the dragon clan, there is only one phoenix. To be precise, the number of fire phoenixes can only be one forever. However, the difference between the phoenix and the dragon clan The point is that the phoenix will never die, and time cannot limit its existence. However, Master Phoenix suffered irreparable trauma in order to protect mankind in the ancient war. Its soul was directly attacked by the enemy, even Nirvana The ability of rebirth can't make him continue to live in the cloud, so, in desperation, Lord Phoenix left his fear blood to humans. That is to say, we Feng people are actually humans with the blood of the Phoenix. Dragon people and us The situation is different. What they get is only a very small part of the blood of the dragon, just like the dragon of the Iron North, we are also a kind of mutant. With the ability of the dragon blood and the blood of the dragon, most of the people of the dragon race can compete with defense in a short period of time They have particularly outstanding abilities. However, apart from the layer of dragon-like scales on the surface of their bodies, they do not have the power of other dragons. Dragons are the most powerful creatures on the mainland. And they have always existed. How is it possible? Can we truly pass on our abilities to humans? But our Fengren tribe is different. What we have obtained is the real power of the Phoenix. Most of the tribesmen, like the Dragonmen, have inherited part of the abilities of the Phoenix. However, there is still There are a very small number of people who have inherited the blood of the phoenix, and after continuous evolution, they can even become real phoenixes, these people are the royal family of the phoenix people."

Nian Bing took a deep breath. Compared with Hillard's superficial explanation, Feng Nu's narration is more concise and clear, "Then, you are the royal family of the Fengren clan? Are the wings that appeared behind you just now what you called evolution?"

Feng Nu nodded and sighed softly. Said: "I really didn't expect that the first time I used the power of the phoenix was against the Dragon Clan. In fact, the relationship between our Phoenix Clan and the Dragon Clan is very good. The distant ancestor Phoenix was once a disciple of the Dragon God. The power of the phoenix will never be comparable to that of a real dragon, but the phoenix has its own special ability. Although I am a member of the royal family, I am also a congenital body. But the years of cultivation are still too short. Use it rashly Losing the power of the phoenix has caused great harm to me. At first I thought I could take you out, but when I took back the wings of the phoenix just now, I realized that I have no ability to leave here now. How difficult it is to really evolve into a phoenix After the ancestor Phoenix passed down his bloodline, no member of the royal family has been able to complete this feat and make the Phoenix reappear on the mainland."

Nian Bing thought for a while and said, "Feng Nu, the Fire God Stone on the Zhengyang Knife is the purest fire gem, maybe it can help you recover your physical strength as soon as possible. Do you need any specific conditions for the transformation of the Phoenix? To what extent did you transform just now?" While speaking, he took out the Zhengyang knife and handed it to Feng Nu.

Feng Nu looked at the red flame god's stone, smiled slightly, and said: "Thank you, Nian Bing. The power of the Phoenix is too mysterious. At the beginning, the ancestor Phoenix only passed down his blood, and then he really died. Not to mention me, even the elders of the clan don’t know what conditions are required for the evolution of the phoenix. They just told me that it takes nine evolutions to evolve into a real phoenix. The first time you evolve, you can have more A phoenix's ability, when the last evolution is completed, it can leave the human body and become a real fire phoenix. And I have only completed the first evolution now. The phoenix wings you saw just now are the second time Evolution. The greatest genius among my ancestors has only completed five evolutions. I never thought that I could reach the highest nine evolutions. I just wanted to increase my strength to protect my people. After all, the dragon people There are at least seven branches, but our Fengren have only one. Ordinary humans can also possess the abilities of Fengren as long as they drink the notes of our Fengren. At the same time, our Fengren have kept many precious secrets. Those despicable Among human beings, some people have long coveted it. I am a royal warrior of the Fengren Clan, so I must become stronger to protect my people."

Nian Bing nodded, and said: "So, Feng Nu, you can have the strength close to the Martial Saint because of the first evolution of the Phoenix Body? If you can really complete the second evolution, can you really Possess the previous power?"

Feng Nu wryly smiled and said: "Don't dream, the evolution of the Phoenix body will only increase my ability, but not my strength. If you want to become stronger, you need to be ahead of yourself and continue to practice. Even if you really complete the second Evolution, if you want to completely control the wings of the phoenix, it will take a long time of practice and actual combat. There is no such thing as free reaping in the world, even for us phoenix people. The reason why I was able to erupt so strong just now is because I burned my own phoenix blood, and I can only use the power that does not belong to me under the action of the phoenix fire ignited by the phoenix blood. So, on the surface, I am nothing, but now I lose blood no less than you. Flame God Although Zhishi can help me recover better, it can't help me regenerate blood. The burning of blood by the Phoenix people is a self-rescue method only in the most desperate situation. It is very detrimental, and there is no three months. I can't even fully recover."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "It seems that we can only be couples with the same fate here. Feng Nu, did you call me here just to tell me your life experience before we die?"

Feng Nu gave Nian Bing a blank look, and said: "Of course not. I called you here to discuss with you how to survive better. Although we have fallen into a dead end, it is not impossible to get out of it."

Nian Bing's heart moved, and he looked around, although he had already entered the cave for hundreds of meters. But the walls around the cave are very special. Able to emit reddish light spots, the fire element in the cave is extremely active, and it is precisely by virtue of this very weak red light that the surrounding things can be barely distinguished. "Fengnu, do you mean to use our strength to dig a way out of this cave?"

Feng Nu said angrily: "Don't dream, don't you realize that the rocks here are extraordinarily hard? And we are now in the middle of the mountain, even if we have such precious knives as Litian and Zhengyang, it is impossible to dig a passage to get out. Impossible. I think the reason why this company has such a warm environment is inseparable from the structure of this mountain. The food alone makes it impossible for us to persist. You are so smart that you will not think of other places think?"

Nian Bing's eyes flashed, and his mind burst into light, "Since we can't get out, let's go in. Maybe there is still a way to the outside. Since we have already come in, we must go to our treasure to see one look."

Feng Nu smiled slightly, and said: "I think so too. If I guess right, there should be a fire-type sub-dragon living in this cave, which is what Jin Ni called the dragon master. Compared with the earth dragon, the sub-dragon It is much more advanced, but it is not a real dragon. Since there are sub-dragons here, we must have a way out. Sub-dragons can also be called flying dragons. They can fly, but most of these sub-dragons are lazy. Every sleep will last for several months. They are close relatives of giant dragons, so most of the dragon people will find a sub-dragon, and take it as the dragon master of their clan. The sub-dragon is extremely powerful and smart. Although they are not real dragons, they already have the ability of some giant dragons. In terms of strength, they are at least no worse than the gold-backed dragon king you just mentioned, and they may even be stronger. Pass through such a narrow cave. Although this is already deep in the cave, haven’t you noticed that the air is very fresh? If my guess is correct, that dragon should be sleeping in the deepest part of the cave, and from there, there should be a more For a wide passage out of this cave. That's where we're looking."

Nian Bing's eyes shone brightly. If he could not die, who would want to stay in this ghostly place? In addition, Long Ling once said that the ninth-level light magic can heal his current injuries. As long as there is life, there is hope! Although he was very excited by the appearance of the dawn in his heart, he still remained calm, nodded, and said: "Well, let's take a rest first, and when we recover a bit, we will explore the depths of this cave. As long as we find I can fly out with magic, and then take you out of the cave."

Feng Nu nodded, and said: "I had this idea when I found out that those fire dragon men didn't come after them, but now there are a few issues that must be paid attention to, and the most important thing about these issues is that we must I can't wake up that dragon. Otherwise, even if I maintain the ability of my heyday, I will definitely not be the opponent of the dragon, and we will die ugly."

Nian Bing nodded, and said: "You are familiar with the Dragon Clan. If you have any questions, you can just speak up. I will definitely cooperate. I think President Carlo and the others will also cooperate with you."

The phoenix girl said: "Do you still remember Carlo's promise to you before he came? He was right, the treasure really exists, and the sub-dragon's wisdom is close to that of the giant dragon, so it has the same hobbies as the giant dragon. That is Collect all kinds of treasures. Since this is the lair of the sub-dragon, the treasure is likely to be much larger than we imagined. Although the sub-dragon sleeps very deeply, once someone dares to move its treasures, even if Just a gold coin, and it will wake up immediately."

Nian Bing was stunned and said: "No way? Are the dragons so greedy for money?"

The phoenix girl smiled and said: "The nickname of the rich mother of the dragon clan has been around for a long time, so there is no need to be surprised. Therefore, if we want to leave here alive, no one should have the idea of touching those treasures, otherwise , everyone will die. Yalong will not show mercy to enemies who dare to invade their property. You and I don’t know those mercenaries well. When facing a common enemy, they can fight against each other. Whether we survive the test will affect us. You know what I mean?"

Nian Bing nodded, and said: "You are afraid that someone will take the sheep. Your worries are completely justified, let alone them, if I see the magic books that I desperately need, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Feng Nu chuckled and said, "You've become like this, are you still greedy?"

Nian Bing hugged Feng Nu tightly, closed his eyes and said: "I really want to go on like this forever. Feng Nu, I don't think I will be free for too long. If I can get out alive, maybe I will make a choice in terms of feelings."

Feng Nu was silent for a while, and then said after a long while: "I know, actually, your expression told me a lot last night. She is indeed a good girl, and she deserves your love for being able to do that for you. I congratulate you you."

Nian Bing didn't say anything more. When he really knew Feng Nu's identity, he realized that he and Feng Nu were people from two worlds, and he didn't want to do any harm to Long Ling. Therefore, he can only cherish the last time with Feng Nu now.

outside the cave. Jin Ni let his clansmen help him apply herbal medicine on the wound.

"Patriarch, why are we waiting here?" A Huolong Terran warrior asked tentatively.

Jin Ni's expression looked a little tired, the strength of the mercenary group was beyond his expectation, especially the strength of Feng Nu and the berserk Ziqing sword, if it weren't for them, those mercenaries would have already been buried here.

Glancing at the clansman, Jin Yan said coldly: "Have you forgotten the order of Lord Dragon Lord? Without his order, no one can enter the Fire Dragon Cave."

"But what if those human beings wake up Lord Dragon Lord? Then, Lord Dragon Lord will probably blame him."

Jin Yan's eyes flashed coldly, "If they were smart, they wouldn't do that. What's more, there are Feng people among them, so they wouldn't let them do that. You take a hundred people to the top of the mountain, if they Try to escape from there, you know what to do. Although there are two exits from the fire dragon cave, they never have any chance. I will trap them dead in there. See how long they can last. If they really wake up I can only mourn for them. I think that even if Lord Dragon Master blames them, it won’t be too serious, and I have already prepared a lot of dried snowfish that he loves.”

"It's not good, elder. Our seriously injured brothers are all dead." A fire dragon warrior hurried over.

"What? How is this possible? Although they are seriously injured, judging from their own recovery ability, it is impossible for them to die." Jin Yan stood up abruptly, touching the wound on his chest, his expression became even uglier.

"Elder, it's poison, and it seems to be a highly poisonous poison aimed specifically at our dragon-human race. The brothers all turned black and died. I think it must be the woman from the Feng clan. There is poison on her sword."

Jin Ni's whole body was shocked. Although he was hostile, he had a surprisingly good impression of Feng Nu. It's not that Feng Nu is beautiful, but because she has always been merciful during the battle, even in a state of extreme anger at the end. She didn't kill either.

"No, it can't be her. Otherwise, she can easily kill our people without poisoning in the phoenix transformation state. Let's go, take me to see." Under the leadership, he walked towards the woods. He didn't notice it, just the moment he entered the woods. An almost indistinguishable black figure quietly penetrated into the cave.

As time passed, the minds of the members of the Ice Moon Mercenary Group gradually stabilized. Li Technetium, Fengyun, and Long Ling took out some ready-to-eat food and drinking water from the magic items of the space system for everyone to eat and drink. After careful counting, all the thirty-nine people except Long Ling, Li Technetium, and Fengyun were affected by the motionless degree. ground injuries, among which twenty-three were seriously injured. Most of them are barely able to move, but luckily none of them have died yet.

Nian Bing and Feng Nu have returned to the crowd, and with the help of Long Ling, his injured shoulder has been treated again. Li De used the magic power accumulated for a long time to apply a seventh-level water healing technique to him, which made Nian Bing's pain less. However, the treatment of the water system can only heal his wounds at best, but the broken bones and meridians cannot be connected. In this situation, in this cave, there is no better way.

Nian Bing briefly told Li De, Carlo, Gatlin, and Huarui about Feng Nu's guess about the cave. When they heard that there was a possibility of escape, everyone was immediately excited.

Carlo hesitated, and said: "Nian Bing. What if we only take that bottle? After all, it is what the employer wants, and we have already arrived here,..."

Nian Bing interrupted Carlo, and said decisively: "What time is it, you still care about these things. It is the luckiest for us to be able to go back alive. Only by abandoning greed can we survive. Is it true that property Can it be compared with life?"

Carlo sighed, nodded, and said: "Okay, this matter is settled like this, I will restrain my subordinates.

Nian Bing frowned slightly, and he didn't feel any firm emotion from Carlo's tone. At this point, does he still have any fantasies? At this moment, for the first time, he felt that it made sense for mercenaries to be classified as low-level unions.

"If someone tries to do something to those finances, I think I will never be polite. I don't mind killing people in order to survive." Feng Nu walked over slowly with Li Tianshen sword leaning on the ground. The trembling on her body has disappeared, and Nian Bing's Zhengyang Knife is in her arms at this time. With the roar of the God of Fire, after a period of rest, her vitality has recovered a bit

Seeing the appearance of Feng Nu, Carlo's face suddenly became a little more embarrassed, "Miss Feng Nu, don't get me wrong, I will definitely restrain my subordinates, you can rest assured about this. We don't want to be buried here either! "

Feng Nu nodded and said: "This is the best, for everyone's life."

After deliberation, everyone decided to rest for a few days, at least to let the injury recover a bit. Anyway, food and drinking water are still enough. If the condition is better, the possibility of escape will be greater.

Because Nian Bing suffered a serious injury to her right arm, Zi Qing Meng, who was also a chef, became the chef of the mercenary group, but she couldn't make a fire, so she could only be assisted by Nian Bing. It was already dark outside, and for the wounded, dinner was their greatest enjoyment.

Nian Bing brought Zi Qingmeng to a deeper part of the cave, a space like a stone chamber, Nian Bing smiled wryly and said: "There is nothing to burn here, so I can only use imitation, Miss Zi, please. "

Zi Qingmeng sighed, and said: "What's the trouble, it's already reached this point, let's go out alive first." Take out the iron pan, and with all kinds of seasonings and food materials taken out, this place is already like a simple kitchen.

"Miss Zi, frankly speaking, do you regret participating in the mercenary group's operation with me?"

Zi Qingmeng took a look at Nian Bing, and said: "If you say no, then you must be lying to you. However, what's the use of regretting now, let's talk about it after leaving here. Don't call me Miss Zi, call me Qingmeng. Didn't you say that we are friends after all?"

Nian Bing smiled as if flattered: "It's really rare! It's rare to see you so polite."

Zi Qingmeng snorted and said, "I just hate your arrogance and fickleness."

"Arrogance? Do I have it? Playful? That's not a word to describe me." Nian Bing tried hard to make himself forget the injury of his right arm, and his tone seemed very relaxed. As if not in danger.

Zi Qingmeng said: "Why not? Before you came to the academy, I was always the youngest and most talented chef. But when you came, everything was disrupted, and your cooking skills even surpassed your uncle. Although you always have a smile on your face, the arrogance in your bones cannot be concealed. As for Hua Xin, look, there are only two girls beside you now. Isn't it called Hua Xin?"

Nian Bing shook his head helplessly, walked to the iron pot and sat down. "You can think whatever you want. Today you are ready as the chef. I believe that the food you cook must taste good. Everyone is injured, so just make some good digestive noodles. I have some noodles here. Speaking of it. It's still me I specially prepared it for myself on the road."

Seeing Nian Bing take out a bag of flour from the Ring of Space, Ziqing Meng couldn't help laughing: "Although you magicians have many disadvantages, sometimes you do have advantages that warriors can't match. Let's cooperate. It's a pity that you Your hand is injured, otherwise. With your well-integrated hands, you will definitely be able to make delicious noodles."

Nian Bing's expression darkened, and he said indifferently: "Even if the injury is completely cured, I don't know if I can use the wishful hand again. I don't even feel the right arm now. Do you think I will knead the dough in the future?" ?”

Ziqing Meng said sadly: "I'm sorry, I..."

Nian Bing shook his head and said with a smile: "Manly man, you can afford it and put it down. It's already like this. What's the point of talking more. Don't worry, I'm fine. Let's start, don't make everyone wait too anxiously."

Although everything in the cave is so simple, the things prepared by Nian Bing are very complete. It is enough to use it. Nian Bing* is in the casserole on the side wall. It is not yet time for him to do it. Watching others cook is also a kind of enjoyment for him now. He released a low-level fireball technique to brighten the cave. Seeing that Zi Qingmeng was kneading her face skillfully, her movements were the same as when Zixiu was competing with her, but her proficiency and strength were much worse.

"Qing Meng, have you also learned the heavy eagle hand?" Nian Bing asked curiously.

Zi Qingmeng nodded, and said: "This is one of the best skills in the culinary world. Of course I have learned it. Unfortunately, my uncle said that I am a woman, and I have inherent problems with the handling of heavy eagles. It is not easy to master. So , although I have practiced for a long time, but I can't get the essence of it."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "It's a good thing for a girl to learn cooking skills. You will definitely be able to marry a good husband in the future."

Ziqing Meng's pretty face blushed, and said angrily: "You are so hurt that you are not honest, you can rest for a while, I will call you when you need to boil water."

Nian Bingen let out a sigh, closed his eyes, and entered the state of meditation while maintaining the fire technique in his hand. His body was indeed too weak.

Soon, the noodles were kneaded. Zi Qingmeng's method of making noodles was very simple. She kneaded the noodles into a firm ball, and she only needed to sharpen them with a knife later. When Nian Bing set up the pot earlier, a large piece of ice had condensed in it. In order to save some mana, he did not use fire magic to melt the ice, but put it there and let it melt away.

Zi Qing Meng put her face on the chopping board, turned to Nian Bing, and was about to tell him to light a fire, but found that he was breathing evenly, as if he had fallen asleep. At this time, Nian Bing still looked so handsome, and his weakness didn't affect his temperament, but instead gave him a bit of melancholy. Zi Qingmeng's heart fluttered, and he sighed softly, but he was reluctant to wake him up. Looking around, she had an idea, and used the weapon she brought earlier to set up a shelf above Nian Bing's hand stretched on the stone, so that the low-level fire technique could just reach it, and then put a small pot on it, temporarily The cooktop is finished.

Ziqing Meng burst into a smile, thinking to herself, this artificial stove is really interesting, she didn't hesitate too much, now put oil in the pot, and then start the process of cooking the noodles. With the addition of materials and skillful cooking, the aroma spreads and fills the whole cave. It's been a long time since I've cooked, and Zi Qingmeng couldn't help feeling a little proud, it seems that my skills haven't regressed yet!

Then she took some melted ice water out of the pot, and went to the side to wash her knife carefully. In the previous battle, her knife was also stained with blood. Now thinking about it, she couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly. The kitchen knife is used as a weapon. It's really inappropriate to use it. Fortunately, this is a time of crisis. Otherwise, if diners know that they use a knife to cut noodles, I don't know what they will think.

"It's so fragrant, so fragrant, so fragrant." A voice suddenly sounded, which startled Ziqing Meng, and subconsciously turned around to look, but found no figure, everything was still the same.

"Hmph, scare me." A few steps to Nian Bing's side, kicked him lightly on the leg, "Hey, don't pretend, I know you woke up early."

Nian Bing woke up from the meditation. He was indeed too tired before, and fell asleep when he was about to enter the meditation state. Fortunately, he still had the feeling of maintaining the flame in his mind, so the flame in his hand was not extinguished. Rubbing his eyes, he said, "Is the dough ready? Let's start cooking."

"What are you pretending to be, you just said something suddenly, you startled me, don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?" Zi Qingmeng looked at him with some dissatisfaction.

"Me? I didn't say anything just now, you must have heard it wrong." Nian Bing said inexplicably.

Zi Qingmeng frowned slightly, and said: "I am the only one here, you are not the one who said it. Could it be that I have run into a ghost?"

Nian Bing said helplessly: "Are you sure that is really my voice?"

Ziqing Meng froze for a moment, thought for a while and said, "It was you who made the strange noise to scare me, and that voice seems to be slightly thicker than yours."

Nian Bing shook his head, "Okay, I might as well scare you. Hurry up and cook. Hey, your stew is ready. I smell it, it smells so good, it should be authentic eggplant stew, not bad, If it was me, I might not be able to reach your level!"

Being held by Nian Bing, Ziqing Meng couldn't help forgetting the previous unhappiness, and said with a smile: "Forget it. Boil the water, let's cook the noodles."

With the help of Nian Bing, after a while, a large pot of sliced noodles is ready, and you don't need to eat it. Just smelling the aroma of the noodles and stew, you can't help but make your mouth water. Although Zi Qingmeng was only a warrior at the level of a sword master, it didn't take much effort to carry two basins, one large and one small, so the two returned the same way to deliver food to the mercenaries.