Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 123: Fire Dragon King Galamandis


However, none of them noticed that just as they were leaving, a sound of swallowing saliva came faintly from the depths of the cave, interspersed with an angry voice, "Damn, why is this cave so small, it smells so good, it smells so good It smells so good. Forget it, I’d better go to sleep. The food made by a few small bugs won’t taste very good. Yes, it must not taste good, sleep and sleep..."

After resting for three full days, everyone's injuries have improved, and the injury on Nian Bing's shoulder has healed. However, for him, this is not a good thing. His muscles and bones are broken, and the superficial healing does not mean anything. His arm is temporarily useless. The better news is that Zi Qingjian is sober. Since he didn't exhaust his energy, he is still alive and well after recovery.

"President Carlo, I think, let's go to the cave to explore the way first, and the injured people will stay here first, and come back to pick them up after finding a way out." Nian Bing said.

Carlo nodded, and said: "Nian Bing, your injury is serious, so stay here too, it's enough for us to go there with Miss Feng Nu."

Nian Bing shook his head and said: "I'm fine, I still have a lot of scrolls on me, maybe I can help you, Mr. Li De, how is your mana recovered?"

Li De said: "It has fully recovered, I will go with you, so that everyone can take care of me."

After everyone discussed it, it was decided that Feng Nu, Zi Qingjian, Carlo, Gatlin, Nian Bing, and Li Dei would go into the cave to find a way out. The others rested in place and waited for news.

Leave excess items where they are. Nian Bing and the other six moved forward lightly. Feng Nu walked in the front, followed by Zi Qingjian. Nian Bing walked at the end of the line because of his injuries, and used the flame technique to illuminate everyone. Before setting off, Nian Bing asked Feng Nu about her injuries. Feng Nu told him that he had recovered about 50% of his strength, but his vitality was seriously injured, and it was impossible to fully recover within a few months.

The cave is indeed very deep, and its volume varies from large to small. At the smallest time, you need to bend over to pass through. In a big place, six people can go in parallel. The further you go inside, the higher the temperature. Fortunately, the ventilation in the cave is smooth. Although everyone feels a little hot, they can still bear it.

After walking for half an hour, the cave in front was still deep. Feng Nu turned around and glanced at Nian Bing at the back. Nian Bing nodded to her, indicating that she was fine. At this moment, they suddenly discovered that there was a turning point in the deep cave ahead. And behind the turning point, there seems to be some bright light flickering.

Several people looked at each other silently, and raised their vigilance at the same time. Feng Nu pulled out Li Tian Sword, Zi Qing Jian also took the epee into his hand from behind, Nian Bing and Li Technetic both sang a magic that they are best at, and they are always ready strain.

Turning the corner, everything in front of me has undergone tremendous changes. The six people exclaimed in a low voice almost at the same time, and all of them stopped.

What appeared in front of them was an indescribably huge cave. The cave went straight from the bottom to the top, and the skylight penetrated directly into it. Just from the visual inspection, this huge insight may be as high as a thousand feet. It is completely hollow and spacious. The space is enough to easily accommodate ten thousand people, but what surprised them the most was the two mountains in front of them. One is a treasure mountain with glittering lights, and the other is a mountain of meat formed by a huge creature.

The seven-colored treasure mountain is as high as three feet high, and all kinds of treasures are shining under the light of the sky. The treasures are mainly gemstones, and there are some strange things among them. There are even some weapons that look very good. What attracted Nian Bing were several boxes made of jade in the treasure mountain of the military alliance. Based on his previous experience in the library, it was clearly used to put books. If Carlo's news is correct, I'm afraid it contains the ancient magic book he wanted.

Carlo swallowed a sip of spit, and murmured: "Oh my god! This pile of treasures may be comparable to the treasury of any country. Fortunately, the stamens were not allowed, otherwise, she might not be able to bear it."

Nian Bing walked to Feng Nu and whispered: "This, is this really a sub-dragon? How does it look like a real giant dragon?"

Feng Nu smiled wryly and said: "It seems that our luck is really good, you are right, this is a real giant dragon, a fire dragon."

Although Nian Bing had already faintly guessed it, he still couldn't help but his whole body was shocked, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. The huge body lying next to the treasure book is exactly the same as the wind dragon he saw last time, except that the body is bigger and the dragon scales are red. The total length of its body is nearly ten feet. The dragon's wings spread out, hanging on the ground to protect its huge dragon body. It has a pair of antlers on its head, beards on the top of its mouth, beads under its forehead, and its whole body is covered by golden-red scales. Although the dragon's eyes are closed, the invisible The imposing manner told everyone that this was definitely an extremely dangerous creature. The dragon master called by the fire dragon race is not a sub-dragon, but a real fire dragon. This fact makes Nian Bing inevitably feel fear.

"Feng Nu, what should we do now?" Nian Bing looked at the beautiful woman beside him.

Feng Nu chuckled, pointed to the top, and said, "Since there is a way out, of course I left."

Nian Bing was stunned, and said: "You don't seem to be worried?"

Feng Nu smiled and said: "There is nothing to worry about. The real giant dragon is more sleepy than Long. As long as you don't move its treasure and don't try to set its mind, even if you yell around it, he won't be afraid." Will wake up, our luck is really good. Don't worry, for us, the real dragon is not as dangerous as the dragon, of course, when he is unconscious. I remind you again, no one should Move those treasures, otherwise, the dragon killing us will be as easy as crushing an ant."

Seeing the phoenix girl looking at him, Carlo hurriedly said: "It is already a good experience for us to see the real dragon. Don't worry, I never have any idea about these treasures. Although I am not old I'm young, but it's not a big problem to live another twenty years, I still want to go back and take care of my old age, what should I do now? Should we find a way to get out?"

Nian Bing said: "Let me go out first, but this hole is much higher than we imagined, and it may not be easy to get a long enough rope, Feng Nu, my magic should be able to support the two of us to go out, go out Think about it later."

Feng Nu nodded, just when Nian Bing was about to use Blizzard, a sudden change happened. A black shadow rushed to the pile of colorful treasures in the blink of an eye at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye. With a bang, the treasures were scattered and scattered. The black shadow probed into it and pulled out a black bottle. A strange laugh sounded, "Haha, thank you idiots for opening the way for me and being the scapegoat for me."

Nian Bing and the others only reacted at this time, and saw that it was a person covered in a black cloak. From the outside, he could not be seen at all. Big release, "Dark Mage."

An angry roar suddenly sounded. The strange thing roared extremely angrily on the ground fire dragon. "Whoever touches my baby, go to hell." The dark red light shot out from a claw raised by the giant dragon, and went straight to the body of the man in black. The man in black did not dare to fight recklessly. The shape floated aside like a piece in the black mist. Amidst the loud noise, under the angry attack of the giant dragon, a large hole with a diameter of three dimensions appeared on the solid mountain wall. The test in the entire cave has risen sharply, and even the debris has not been scattered, and the place where it was blown has completely turned into darkness.

"You guys play with the dragon, I won't accompany you anymore." The cold voice was full of excitement, watching him crush a scroll, a white six-pointed star appeared at his feet, the light flashed, and the whole person disappeared completely, not even a trace There was no breath left.

Nian Bing and Li-tech took a breath at the same time, because they discovered that the scroll used by the other party turned out to be a magic scroll of the tenth-order space system that should not have existed—the call from afar. Calling from afar Nian Bing once saw an introduction on the top floor of the Ice Moon Empire Magician's Union Library, and was praised as the best escape scroll, but this scroll was something that even a magister could not make. Not to mention that there is no space magician on the mainland at all. This scroll can allow the user to instantly reach a place thousands of miles away with a guiding magic circle, which is a long-distance teleportation magic. If there is a space-type magister, it will take a full meal to chant this spell, and it will be possible to succeed only at the cost of consuming all the magic power. Such a precious scroll can no longer be described in terms of value.

The six of them stood there dumbfounded. What they were thinking about now was not where the man in black came from, or why he did this, but to face the fire giant who had completely stood up and was in anger. dragon.

Chuan'an's figure stood there like a mountain, with huge dragon wings stretched out to both sides to a width of ten feet, the fiery red dragon was swallowing from his mouth, and the dark red dragon's eyes exuded strong anger. They have all seen the power of the blow just now. Even Feng Nu in her prime might not be able to resist it. Facing the most powerful creature on the mainland, the six of them looked ashen and stared at the giant dragon. I don't know what to do.

Nian Bing reacted the fastest, coughed, and tentatively said: "Dear Mr. Dragon, we, we are not with that thief. If you have nothing else, we will not disturb your sleep."

The dragon lowered its head slightly, "Despicable human being, are you talking to me? But, the man just said that you brought him here. Moreover, he also stole the Ume'ao that I was guarding. The bottle of Das seal. This is all your responsibility. You do it. I will give you a chance, as long as you can hurt one of my scales, I will let you leave here."

"Fighting, shrinking the head is a knife, stretching the head is also a knife." Ziqingjian roared, holding the epee and charging towards the dragon cloud, Carlo sighed secretly, and together with Gatlin, followed Ziqingjian After rushing up, the water dragon technique that Li Technetium had already prepared was also discovered at this time, and they could only be lucky now.

"Don't do it." Feng Nu's exclamation interrupted Nian Bing, who was about to cast magic. The fiery red figure blocked the dragon's front like lightning, and Li Tianshen's sword turned into a rich and gorgeous sword shadow, Xing Qiang Zi Qing Jian, Carlo, and Gatlin shook back, and then met Li Technetium's eighth-level attack magic. There was not a single gap in the Li Tianshen sword, and Feng Nu was afraid that there would be a slight omission.

The magic is controlled by Li De. Based on Feng Nu's brave performance in saving everyone a few days ago, Li De is convinced by her words. As soon as the water dragon technique came into contact with Feng Nu, he immediately took it back. Even so, the weak Feng Nu couldn't help but spit out a piece of blood, and fell to the ground staggering, almost falling.

Nian Bing hurried forward to support Feng Nu, "Feng Nu, what are you doing?"

Feng Nu took a few breaths and said, "I'm saving your lives." Turning around, facing the giant fire dragon, she said calmly, "I never thought that such a powerful dragon would use some tricks to deceive us."

The fire dragon snorted and said, "You are the descendant of the little broken bird, no wonder you know the rules."

Feng Nu looked at the fire-type giant dragon calmly, and said: "It turns out that this is true. I just guessed just now, but now you have confirmed it. Lord Dragon God left you seven-type giants to guard the human world. You are affected, so set the rules, unless humans take the initiative to attack or violate you, otherwise you are not allowed to take the initiative to attack humans, I am not wrong. You know that the black bottle was not our fault, but you just tempted To make my companions take action is to kill us."

Upon hearing this, Li Technetium and the others knew that their lives were saved by Feng Nu. If Feng Nu hadn't risked injury to block their attack, I'm afraid they would have been destroyed by this powerful fire dragon. Under the counterattack.

"Don't call me a dragon. I am the dragon king, the great fire dragon king Galamandis. You are very smart, but do you think you can escape your fate by doing this? The sealed bottle of Meodos was stolen, and the dragon If Lord God knows, he will also blame me. Although I can't take the initiative to kill you, it is easy to trap you here and let you starve to death. Don't think that I don't know anything when I sleep. I know all about the fighting between my servants. The purpose of your coming here was for my baby, and you gave up because you wanted to live. It can be seen that you are also despicable human beings, and keeping your lives is the right choice."

Nian Bing helped Feng Nu, and said loudly: "Galamandis, although I don't know what the sealed bottle of Meodos you are talking about is, but I think it should be very important to you. If we Promise to help you find this bottle, will you let us go?"

"Despicable human beings, I will not believe what you say. You cunning human beings stole the bottle of the Meodus seal. I will still believe you human beings? I will not let you go. "

"Dear Dragon King, I know that the black clothes just now are very cunning. We deliberately asked us to lead the way to steal your black bottle. But I swear, I will definitely get back the sealed bottle of Meodus for you!" Nian Bing said loudly .

"Yes, as long as you give us a deadline, we will definitely get back the sealed bottle of Meodus for you. I swear by the blood of the phoenix," Feng Nu said immediately after Nian Bing.

"Don't think it's a big deal to swear on the blood of that broken bird. If the sealed bottle of Meodus is opened, even if the blood of the phoenix disappears, it won't be able to afford it. No, I need to contact the other six old guys as soon as possible. Retrieve the bottle of the Meodus seal, and its seal cannot be broken. Otherwise, this world may never have a peaceful day. Hey! Forget it, for the sake of the broken bird that helped me back then, I don't hold you accountable. But in the human world, you must pay attention to the news of the dark mage, and you must not let the sealed bottle open. I am leaving, don't think about my baby. Call your people here, I'll take you out!~"

"Thank you Dragon King, thank you Dragon King! ~Brother Ziqing, please go and call everyone." Nian Bing took the Dragon King's words and said

"Okay, I'll go now!~" Zi Qingjian quickly ran back to the trail.

After a few minutes, everyone came to the Great Dragon King's hall one after another. Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the mountains of gold and silver treasures. Before everyone could react, Hua Rui rushed towards Baoshan screaming loudly.

"Don't! Don't~~" Carlo stretched out his right hand and stopped repeatedly. But it was too late. The Dragon King flapped his left wing, and a powerful whirlwind blew up, and the fat body of the flower stamen had already hit the rocks around the hall. It was only then that the mercenaries realized that ** Dashan was standing beside him, and they were not moved even if they trembled.

"Okay, let's go." The Dragon King issued a dark red light to block the way of the people, spread his wings, and a strong wind swept the people to the cave above his head.

When they came out of the cave, everyone was already halfway up the mountain in the center of the Tiandang Mountain Range. Looking back at Nian Bing, the huge cave was looking up to the sky, surrounded by secluded trees, and thick clouds were floating in the distance. From a distance, the color of the cave was in line with the green forest, and it was covered by clouds. can't see it. Ghost fox hand-made original! ~ Quack wrote it lazily.

Nian Bing said: "I don't know martial arts, it's just low-level ice magic and ice archery. People can't be killed, but killing a pigeon is not a big problem. Feng Nu, you know, in the eyes of a chef , as long as it is edible, it is a material, since you have no material here, I have no choice but to get some myself."

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing dissatisfied, "I didn't expect you to be such a cruel person."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "Am I cruel? Then you don't want to eat it later." While talking, he walked to the corner and picked up the two pigeons. After eight years of practice, his spirit The strength has reached a very high level, the ice arrows sent out earlier directly smashed the heads of the two pigeons, and did not cause them any more pain.

Holding two pigeons and walking past Feng Nu, looking at her dull gaze, Nian Bing smiled and said: "Pigeons are very rich in nutritional value and have the effect of strengthening the body and kidney. Since you say I am cruel, don't look at me." How do I deal with it?" With that said, he went straight to the kitchen.

"No, I want to see it." Feng Nu gave Nian Bing a stubborn look, and followed him into the kitchen.

Nian Bing took a basin, poured some water, went back to the yard, and quickly removed all the feathers on the pigeons, then took out its internal organs, and washed the pigeon meat.

Looking at the bloody scene in front of her, Feng Nu frowned again and again, reluctantly insisting on staying beside Nian Bing and continuing to watch. Nian Bing smiled slightly, turned his wrist, and took out the Morning Dew Knife from his arms. Under the command of his spiritual power, the magic power easily condensed the blood, water and internal organs in the basin into ice, turned the basin upside down, and the ice came out of the basin Out, Nian Bing held two washed pigeons in one hand, and sang softly: "The scorching fire, burst out the enthusiasm in your hearts, explode between the heaven and the earth, and explode the fire." A solid fireball appeared in front of him, A flash of light flashed in Nian Bing's eyes, and the ball of explosive flame with a diameter of five inches rushed away. With a bang, the whole piece of blood ice disappeared completely, leaving no trace except for a faint flow of water vapor.

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing blankly, "You, you know two kinds of magic? Ice and fire, how is this possible?"

Nian Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing impossible in the world. As long as you dare to think and do it, your fantasy may become a reality. When I was learning cooking with the master, I often used this method to destroy garbage. How about it? Let's leave traces on the ground. Ice and fire will turn into water vapor. When I froze the bloody water, I have completely fused the internal organs of the pigeon with the ice. Under the bombardment of the explosion, it will naturally disappear." Explosion , Tier 3 magic requires the strength of an intermediate magician to cast it, and the explosive power is extremely strong.

Taking the pigeon back to the kitchen, Nian Bing grabbed a pigeon's leg and lifted it up. Because of Nian Bing's cruelty to the pigeon, Feng Nu's good impression of him had dropped a lot at this time, *in the kitchen On the door, see what he is going to do. She was surprised to find that holding the pigeon with his left hand, Nian Bing's whole person seemed to have changed. Standing there, he was as stable as a rock, and his sharp eyes fell on the pigeon, as if he was observing something? Suddenly, he moved, and Feng Nu only saw a blue brilliance floating out. The brilliance was so gorgeous that Nian Bing's right hand turned and flickered like a phantom at this time, and almost the same flesh The silk kept piling up on the chopping board below. Although the shadow of the knife could not be seen clearly, Feng Nu was surprised to find that the pigeon in Nian Bing's hand had gradually turned into a skeleton amidst the flickering blue brilliance. In the blink of an eye a few times, Nian Bing had already changed another pigeon, and the blue brilliance was still shining. When the two skeletons appeared on the chopping board, there was already a pile of evenly shredded meat beside it. Nian Bing took out a white handkerchief from his arms, wrapped it around the blade and slowly brought it across, the morning dew swirled on the blade without leaving a trace.

Nian Bing smiled slightly, walked to the stove, pointed with his left hand, a ball of fire hit the firewood, and the flames burst into flames. The pot on the stove was still clean, and the skeletons of two pigeons were thrown directly into the pot, and the The clear water was poured in, but he stopped just before the skeleton. Put the lid on the pot and said with a smile: "The original soup can be transformed into the original food, so that the nutrition can be fully absorbed."

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing dumbfounded, and murmured: "Aren't you really a martial arts learner? Your saber is so fast." She knew very well that although she was practicing Dou Qi, her wrist speed was definitely not as fast as Nian Bing's. quick.

Nian Bing smiled and said: "My knife technique can only cut vegetables and meat, and it's just a simple knife. It's not like you, who has cultivated the Jiuli fighting spirit of Senior Huatian. Unfortunately, I want to focus on the cultivation of magic, otherwise, Maybe I will ask you for some knowledge about vindictiveness. You only have salt here, so I won’t cook pigeon stew, but simply make pigeon meat rice for you.” While talking, he took out a square from his waist Spread out on the chopping board, inside the cloth bag are small cloth bags, each cloth bag is covered with something, different in size and thickness, the largest is a small knife, and the smallest is a long Needle. There are a total of more than ten samples, most of which are needle-shaped items.

Feng Nu asked curiously: "What do you do with these things? You look like a doctor practicing medicine. Do you know acupuncture?"

Nian Bing smiled slightly, and said: "Needles are not only good for acupuncture, but also good for cooking." Beside him, he picked up a grain of rice with his left hand, and took out the second-to-last thin needle from the cloth bag with his right hand. As soon as the needle was inserted into his hand, the tip of the needle turned red immediately, exuding a trace of heat. With a flick of the wrist, the red-hot needle of the fire magic directly pierced the raw rice grains pinched by the left hand. The other end came out, and the rice grains were actually covered with shredded pork. Immediately afterwards, Nian Bing's movements began to speed up, and one after another rice grains were continuously inserted with the needle, and they were cleverly threaded into a string on the shredded meat. The astonishment in Feng Nu's eyes at the miraculous place grew more and more, this is not cooking, it's clearly like making a perfect handicraft.

Complicated projects are constantly being displayed in Nian Bing's hands, and his hands stretch like phantoms, without a trace of lag, without a trace of mistakes. However, even at his speed, half an hour had passed by the time all the shredded meat was covered with rice grains. Looking at the rows of rice grains, Nian Bing smiled. This technique of passing rice with shredded meat was completed by combining magic. Without a hot fire needle, it is impossible to wear each grain of rice so evenly The rice grains lay flat on the chopping board like a bead curtain. Nian Bing turned around and opened the lid. The soup made of pigeon bones gave off a faint fragrance in the steaming heat. He took a spoon from the side and carefully put the two pieces together. Picking out the pigeon bones from the pot, looking at the milky white soup, he hesitated for a moment, then turned around, murmured something, the faint blue light wrapped the rice grains on the chopping board, and even turned those rice grains The rice wrapped in shredded pork froze into a piece, and the morning dew knife came out, and lightly picked up the frozen rice into the pot, sprinkled a thin layer of salt evenly on the ice, covered it Put the lid on the pot, put the Chenlu Knife back into its sheath, turned around and said to the sluggish Feng Nu, "Okay, let's cook for about half an hour and you're ready to eat. Although the pigeon meat rice tastes good, it's a pity that it's not that good. It's a waste of time, and I will trouble you to wait a little longer."

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing strangely, "You, are you cooking? If this is done by an ordinary chef, I'm afraid I can't finish it in a day."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "One day? If it takes one day, the shredded pigeon meat will not be edible long ago. There is no practical significance just to make it look good. Wait until you taste it before drawing conclusions."

The two walked out of the kitchen. Feng Nu's previous unhappiness had disappeared in Nian Bing's miraculous cooking skills. After moving two wooden stools, the two sat down in the yard. Nian Bing looked a little tired and squinted slightly. With squinting eyes, looking at the tall old tree outside the courtyard wall, the shreds of meat are piercing the rice. It requires complete concentration. Doing so much at once is like controlling a big magic. Even he himself couldn't explain why he cooked such cumbersome pigeon meat rice for Feng Nu. Although it sounds simple, the simpler the cooking, the more it shows the chef's skills.