Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 125: The official chef of the Dragon King


Nian Bing smiled and said, "Then I'll make you something to eat."

Hearing this, Galamandis suddenly became excited, "Okay, okay, do it quickly. Your friends left a lot of materials, which is probably enough for me to eat a few meals. Well, give you an honor, in the future, You are the chef of the great Galamandis agency."

Nian Bing nodded and said: "It's okay to cook, but I want to know how you got up there? You are so big, if you fly past me, I should know!"

Galamandis snorted and said, "Stupid, have you forgotten what I said about mimicry? I can simulate light magic and water magic, why can't I simulate space magic? With a distance of several thousand feet, a seven A mid-range teleportation of the first order is enough."

Nian Bing suddenly said: "So, you can simulate any series of magic? Dark ones are okay?"

Galamandis said proudly: "Of course, we dragons are natural magic users, and we can easily use the forbidden spells that you humans call. Even if it is other types of magic, we can use our own magic as a base The basics are simulated. The West Lake of magic is actually similar. Although the forms of each magic element are different, as long as you master the changes in magic fluctuations, you can simulate any type of magic you want. Of course, this is what you humans don’t It can be done, but our Dragon Clan can simulate other magics including the ninth level, and all magic below the ninth level."

Simulation, although Galamandis said very general, but still gave Nian Bing some hints, simulation, since dragons can simulate, can humans and magicians simulate to a certain extent

Perhaps human beings do not have the innate advantages of the dragon race, but they themselves have two kinds of magic, ice and fire. If one of them is simulated into the other when operating the two kinds of magic. Then, the same origin of ice and fire will no longer pose any threat. Not only will it be more convenient to practice, but also, with a little change, the power of the same origin of ice and fire can be better reflected. However, if you want to simulate, you must better understand the similarities and changes of the two magics of ice and fire, which requires a long time to realize.

Cooking for a dragon is definitely a very hard job. How big is a dragon's belly? The materials Nian Bing and the others brought were enough for more than thirty people to eat for a month. However, Galamandis ate a third of them in one meal. Although Nian Bing tried his best to make some simple things, he was still exhausted after cooking this meal. He ate something casually and sat aside panting heavily.

Galamandis slowly ate a pot of delicious vegetables in front of him, "Boy Nian Bing, is it possible to eat the best food by eating it slowly like this? Why didn't I notice the changes you mentioned! ?”

Nian Bing said angrily: "Boss, don't forget, you are a dragon after all. How can a dragon's sense of taste be the same as a human's

It seems that your sense of taste is not sensitive enough, so you can't taste the deliciousness. "

Galamandis stopped eating, and said angrily: "Damn, why didn't you say it earlier? I ate so many things and didn't realize the best taste."

Nian Bing was taken aback, and laughed and said: "Say it early, what's the use of saying it early? Don't you still want to eat like this?" Although the contact time was not long, Nian Bing found that Galamandis, besides arrogance, It didn't seem that difficult to get along with, at least when he was cooking for him, he was so honest that he even helped himself. His desire for food was like a gluttonous child. Anyway, he couldn't leave here for a while, so he simply let go, and getting along with Galamandis wasn't so uncomfortable anymore.

"Nonsense, of course it's useful to say it early. What are people? Don't I have a human taste when I become a human?" Under Nian Bing's surprised gaze, the red light of Galamandis's body suddenly moved like water waves , continuously concentrated towards his huge body, gradually, the red light gradually became stronger, and the light in the eyes made Nian Bing unable to see everything in front of him, and the red light suddenly converged. When Nian Bing recovered his vision, he was stunned to find that Gala Mandis' huge body was gone, replaced by a man, a young man who seemed to be about his own age.

This person is about the same height as Nian Bing, with fiery red hair. Although he is not as handsome as Nian Bing, he exudes a domineering aura. His dark red warrior robe sets off his perfect figure. It feels extremely dangerous. With a smile, he said to Nian Bing, "How is it? Didn't expect it? There is nothing on this continent that the great Galamandis can't do." He moved his body into a human body awkwardly. In a flash, he has come to Nian Bing.

Nian Bing was stunned and said: "You, are you really Galamandis?"

Galamandis raised his hand and tapped him on the head, "Idiot, you forgot to add the three words great." He turned into a human, and his demeanor felt more real, and he was about the same age as himself in front of the years Nian Bing couldn't help showing a wry smile, creatures like dragons really can't be guessed in the way of human thinking.

Galamandis continued to eat the vegetables in the big pot, "Hey, the taste is really different. The human sense of taste is still good! Damn, it was a big loss before, it seems that it is better to be a human being." Although Turned into a human form, but his stomach is still the stomach of a dragon, and his appetite has not decreased at all. He patted his stomach with satisfaction until he ate all the meals made by Nian Bing, and lay down on his pile treasure. "Nian Bing, I finally realized that the tastes you mentioned have changed. It's amazing! Are you humans making food so strange?"

Nian Bing had stabilized his mind while eating in Galamandis, walked up to him and sat down, saying: "It's not all right. However, for me, cooking is a special kind of food. culture, and human culinary culture is vast, and there are many delicious things that even I have never seen. Among human beings, I am indeed an excellent cook, but I cannot say that I am the best. "

Galamandis turned over in surprise and looked at Nian Bing. Said: "So, is there something more delicious?"

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "Of course I have. If there is a chance in the future, I can take you to see it." After Galamandis became a human, for some reason, Nian Bing's original fear disappeared a lot. "Great Galamandis, didn't you lose the sealed bottle of Meodos? I don't think you are in a hurry at all?"

Galamandis snorted, and said: "There is nothing to worry about. There is more than one Meodus sealed bottle. There are six in total, and they are divided between me and the other five except the dark dragon king. From the Dragon King, unless you get all of them, just one is useless. You must get it back, but there is no rush."

Nian Bing asked curiously: "What is the bottle space of the Meodus seal? Need you six dragons to guard it?"

Galamandis' complexion changed slightly, and he said, "You don't need to know this, it won't do you any good to know this secret. Also, please remember, I am the Dragon King, not a giant dragon."

"Dragon King? What's the difference between a Dragon King and a giant dragon? Aren't you sent by the Dragon God to guard the mainland?" Nian Bing's curiosity is very strong.

Galamandis said proudly: "After the ancient war, many races on the Yangon continent were destroyed. The God Realm thinks that we dragons are not suitable to survive on this continent, because we are not suitable for human beings. , is too powerful. So he asked Lord Dragon God to take our dragons to the God Realm. At that time, Lord Dragon God decided to leave a giant dragon in each department to guard the mainland, and let us seven dragon kings choose our own men. The six This guy is really cunning. He even chose to stay by himself, of course I will not be outdone."

Nian Bing said: "Is there really a god? What's wrong with the God Realm? Why don't you want to go?"

Galamandis said: "Bullshit gods, the so-called gods are all spoken by you humans. In fact, those gods are also your humans, but they are powerful humans. Before the ancient war period, the people on the mainland All kinds of magical elements are more concentrated than now. At that time, some of you humans have been practicing hard and far-sighted, and finally let them reach an extremely high level, completely surpassing human ability, which is what you call God. These self-proclaimed gods have re-opened a place on this continent and another continent with their powerful magic power, and sealed that continent with powerful magic. This is what I call God Therefore, things like the God Realm and the Demon Realm all exist together. Of course, the God Realm is impossible for you humans to find, no matter how advanced your navigation technology is, because the God Realm has magical It is impossible for you to even find it because of the protection of the barrier. However, those who call themselves gods are extremely self-confident and signed a treaty that does not affect human beings. Of course, people cannot easily go to the realm of gods, and the so-called gods there cannot return to you. Otherwise, once discovered, we will be attacked by all other gods. We dragon kings are the highest existence in your human world. If we reach the so-called God's Continent, we can only surpass Above the ordinary giant dragons, under the command of those gods, I am not interested in being ruled by others, naturally it is best to stay in the human world."

This is the first time Nian Bing heard about the origin of gods. After thinking about it, he said, "Then it is possible for a human to become a god? If I try to cultivate to the level of a god, is it just Can you enter the so-called God Realm?"

Galamandis nodded, and said: "That's natural. However, it is not like before. It is not easy to cultivate to the realm of those gods. You humans have a limited lifespan. In the past ten thousand years Well, I haven't seen the guides from the God Realm come here to lure anyone to the God Realm. However, it seems that there is a magician who is close to the God Realm, maybe she has a chance."

Nian Bing was shocked and said: "Are you talking about the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest of the Ice God Tower?"

Galamandis glanced at Nian Bing, and said: "It's that little human girl. I really don't know how she practiced, but she is a very devout believer in God. It is really embarrassing for her to practice hard for more than a hundred years. That's right, she has always maintained a virgin body and practiced since she was a child, so she has advantages that ordinary humans do not have, so she can reach the so-called realm of your human beings. However, she still has several hurdles to become a real god. Last time I talked about her when I met that Ice Dragon, and now even if we are, I'm afraid we can't really hurt her. That little girl's magic is really powerful."

"What? Even you guys can't deal with the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest?" Nian Bing's whole body shook violently, as if being drenched in ice water, and his whole body felt chills. Lamandis even thought he couldn't kill the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest, how could he deal with such a powerful enemy

Galamandis said: "Why, do you have any grudges with that little girl? If so, I advise you to forget it quickly. That girl is already a so-called demigod, only one step away from the realm of God In less than ten years, she will definitely be able to enter the God Realm, and there will be an envoy from the God Realm to take her away. According to that guy, Binglong, this girl has known the existence of the God Realm since she was very young. And I have been practicing ice magic so hard to go to the God Realm, and I have worked hard for more than a hundred years for this goal. Do you think you can surpass her?"

Various thoughts kept flickering in Nian Bing's mind, "No, no matter how powerful a person is, there are flaws. As long as I work hard, everything is possible."

Galamandis laughed strangely, and said: "Of course it could happen. That little girl is not without flaws. As far as you are concerned, if you can break her virgin body, then her ice-attribute vitality will It will be broken, and you will never be able to enter the realm of that god."

Nian Bing was stunned, and said: "Does a magician need a virgin body if he wants to practice to the limit? Why haven't I heard of it."

Galamandis snorted and said, "That's just your ignorance. What do you mages know now? The little magic you know is nothing more than ordinary. Of course, a mage doesn't need a virgin if he wants to practice to the limit. As long as you are willing to work hard, with the current level of magic elements on the mainland, you should be able to reach the realm of God after three or four hundred years of cultivation. However, you have to live for that long. And the one you mentioned The girl who practiced ice magic took a shortcut, that is, practiced with a virgin body, plus she was willing to work hard and had many auxiliary magic items, and it took more than a hundred years to reach the current state. Boy, If you have any grudges against her, as long as you break her virgin body and make her dream of entering the God Realm come to naught, then you can avenge any grudges. You don’t have to kill people if you have grudges. Hehe, if you want revenge, you will make the other party suffer the most This is the real revenge! How about it? If you have a chance, you can rape her. I support you, and I will go with you to watch the fun. How about it?"

Nian Bing's face changed continuously. Although Galamandis looks obscene now, his words are not fake, "Come on, I have no interest in that old witch. Besides, will you let me go?" ?”

Galamandis smiled and said, "Of course I can't let you go. In fact, even if you want to rape her, it's very difficult to succeed. Unless you have higher strength than her. But that's impossible, at least for a while." Impossible in a hundred years. Boy Nian Bing, frankly speaking, although that girl is a bit older, her body functions have been maintained very well due to years of practicing ice magic, no different from a girl, but unfortunately you can't do it, Otherwise, raping her is indeed a good choice, not only can you enjoy yourself, but also take revenge, what a wonderful thing!"

Nian Bing stared at him dumbfounded, and said: "I'm really doubtful now, are you a dragon after all, do all dragons look like you?"

Galamandis snorted and said: "In this world, if you want to survive better, you must know how to adapt and put your own interests first. It is precisely because I understand this that I can become the next Dragon God Candidate. Boy, don’t tell me that you have to take revenge in an upright manner.”

"Of course not. As long as I can get revenge, I can do anything.": A faint cold light flashed in his eyes, and Nian Bing clenched his fists.

Galamandis said leisurely: "It seems that you really have a grudge against that girl of Ice God! However, you have to hurry up if you want to take revenge. After ten years, she will go to the God Realm. At that time , what chance do you have?"

Nian Bing smiled bitterly: "Can I take revenge now? Will you let me out?"

Galamandis smiled. Said: "I only said I wouldn't let you go, but I didn't say I couldn't go out. Didn't you just say that there are many delicious things outside? We can go out and have a look. You are familiar with human beings, as long as you can bring me to eat delicious food, It doesn’t have to be here. You think I’m willing to stay here and sleep all day! It’s not because the Lord Dragon God asked me to practice the Dragon God’s supreme spell, so I have to stay here. Now that my spell has been successful, I finally You can go out and play now. Ghosts are willing to stay."

Hearing this, Nian Bing couldn't help being moved. "You mean, are you going to take me out of here to taste delicious food all over the mainland?"

Galamandis shook his hand. Said: "No, no, no, don't make a mistake, it's not that I want to take you away, but you take me away to taste delicious food. Of course, you have to listen to me."

Nian Bing smiled. He didn't expect that before he found a way to leave here, Galamandis proposed to leave instead and go to eat good food everywhere. Isn't that where he said he would go? Although freedom is restricted to a certain extent, from another point of view, having Galamandis following him means that he has an invincible bodyguard beside him!

"Great Galamandis! I have something I want to discuss with you." Nian Bing has already made up his mind.

Galamandis snorted and said, "What are you discussing? I thought you forgot what to call me."

Nian Bing smiled and said: "How can I forget it. It is my honor to cook for you. However, you also know that as your chef, if my magic is too weak, wouldn't it be shameful for you? I came From time to time, I seem to see that you have a lot of magic books here. If I can learn some of them, maybe I can come up with better cooking methods. Look, don’t you..."

Galamandis stared, "Okay! How dare you think about my baby, don't dream. Those magic books are written in ancient characters, even if I give it to you, you won't be able to understand it."

Nian Bing said with some disappointment: "Is it true that you can't understand at all? That's such a pity. It seems that if you encounter danger, you can only protect me. Unfortunately, you can't directly treat human beings. shot, and my magic is too weak."

Galamandis tilted his head and looked at Nian Bing, "Boy, you don't have to think about me. Seeing that the food you cook is really delicious, I will naturally show you some magic tricks when I am happy. But , you have to satisfy my stomach, if I get tired of eating what you make, maybe I will just screw your head off."

Nian Bing was overjoyed. For a powerful existence like Galamandis, if he could get some pointers on magic, it would naturally be of great help to his ice and fire magic. He hurriedly said: "Don't worry, As one of the top chefs in mainland Yangon, what I cook will definitely satisfy you. Then can you teach me the knowledge of mimicry first. You also know that I have two kinds of magic, but now I can’t I can control them very well, which restricts my development in magic, and it is very difficult to improve to a higher level."

"I'm sleepy, let's talk about it later. You restore your mana first, and eat all the ingredients. Let's leave here and find something good to eat outside."

As soon as the voice fell, Galamandis had already let out a loud grunt. Although he was in human form, his dragon snoring was enough to shake the entire cave.

Sleep when you are full, isn't this a pig? Nian Bing cursed secretly in his heart, shook his head helplessly, walked to the side and sat down, he did not start to meditate immediately, but thought about what Galamandis said.

If according to what he said, it took more than a hundred years for the Ice and Snow Goddess to cultivate to reach her current state, that would be simply too terrifying. Could it be that the gap between a magister and a descendant is that big

I remember my father once said when I was a child that my mother was punished and locked up by the goddess of ice and snow because of her secret union with her father. Perhaps, the goddess of ice and snow chose to practice virginity in order to let her mother inherit her position.

Galamandis said that if he could break the virginity of the goddess of ice and snow, it would be the best revenge. Forget it, although he is not a gentleman, the old witch who is more than a hundred years old is not interested. She is old enough to be her own. Great-grandmother.

Ice and Snow Goddess worships you and waits. Even if I can't catch up with you, I will definitely find a way to make you look good.

Closing his eyes, Nian Bing stabilized his mind and began to enter the state of meditation. The sigh of the goddess of ice and snow and the roar of the god of fire were held in both hands. Absorbing the magical elements in the air.

In fact, even he himself does not know that compared with ordinary magicians, he is much faster in terms of magic cultivation speed. This is not only related to the fact that he is a dual-line magician who can absorb two kinds of magic at the same time. . It is the sigh of the goddess of ice and snow and the roar of the god of fire. Although the two top-level sacred stones do not see much effect in normal times. It seems that it can only make the magic more powerful when using magic, and can save mana more.

During the usual practice, the special energy possessed by the two divine stones has been subtly changing Nian Bing's physique and making his magic power more pure. It can be easily seen from one point that Li Yi is a mage, but in terms of continuous combat ability and power when using magic, he is definitely not as good as Nian Bing in the same level of magic.

Although his magic power is great, but in terms of purity, it is not as good as Nian Bing's magic.

What Nian Bing is going through now is a basic process, as long as the foundation can be extremely solid, then he may become a powerful magician in the future.

Galamandis, the god of fire, can naturally see this point, but Nian Bing is so small in his eyes, so naturally he won't remind him.

Three days have passed, and Galamandis is absolutely top-notch when it comes to cleaning food. After turning into a human body, his eating speed has slowed down a lot, but he can eat non-stop. In addition to sleeping and eating, Nian Bing's cooking speed is just enough for him to eat. After three days, the two repeated the same thing. Galamandis ate, slept, and ate, while Nian Bing cooked. ,meditation.

Fortunately, Galamandis is quite kind, and he did not forget to leave some for Nian Bing when eating. As he continued to eat, the food materials left by Carlo and the others finally ran out.

Lying contentedly on his jewels, Galamandis sighed: "It's so wonderful, I think my great Galamandis has lived for tens of thousands of years, but these days are the best food, read Bing , You are really not boasting, the taste of the dishes you cook varies, and now I am yearning for the outside world more and more."

Nian Bing said angrily: "You really enjoy eating, but I'm going to be exhausted. If you eat this way every day, I will be finished in a short time."

Galamandis smiled and said: "No, why would I be willing to exhaust you to death? Oh, by the way, haven't you noticed that although you are physically tired these days, your spirit has improved a lot? Magic Has it improved a lot?"

Nian Bing snorted angrily, and said: "That's the result of my own hard work, coupled with the abundance of fire elements here. I cook for you every day, and my spirit is always in a state of fatigue. Let alone progress, I'm almost exhausted. gone."

Galamandis patted Nian Bing's shoulder and said: "Okay, okay. Don't complain, anyway, you will be out of the sea of suffering soon, and I don't have to have good food every day. For For me, eating is just a kind of enjoyment. Your hard life has come to an end, and you have no materials anyway, so let’s leave today, and I will teach you some magic skills in return, how about it?”

Nian Bing's eyes lit up, and said: "Are you willing to teach me? What kind of rubbish experience is it? Don't forget, I am a human, and you are a dragon. Our body structure is different, and our innate response to magic is also different. , can your experience be effective for me?"

Galamandis snorted, and said: "You know what, although I am a dragon, I have lived for tens of thousands of years. I am very familiar with your human body structure. Only my experience in magic , that is, you will never be able to compare. Stop talking nonsense, pack up your good things, and we are going to go." As he spoke, he pointed to the kitchen utensils on the ground.

Finally being able to leave here, Nian Bing couldn't help but feel overjoyed, but on the surface, he kept his expression on, cleaned up the kitchen utensils and put them one by one into his space ring.

Galamandis looked at his treasures, pondered for a moment, and said: "Nian Bing, I suddenly discovered a problem. Your three knives represent the three magics of fire, ice, and water. Among them, ice is made of water. It evolved. Did you find out that when you cut food with these different three-handled knives, even if you don’t use magic, the same dish will taste different.”

While Nian Bing was packing his things, he said bluntly: "Nonsense, it's up to you to say, because all three of my knives are inlaid with top-quality gemstones with a magical element, and when cutting ingredients, they will naturally The magic element is brought into it, and the taste will be different when eating. This is also the advantage of applying magic to food. No matter how skilled an ordinary chef is, it is impossible to make the dishes magical. It is for this reason that my The teacher lost on an ordinary roast."

Galamandis smiled and said, "In this case, if there are knives with various attributes, wouldn't it be possible to make more different flavors?"

Nian Bing's eyes lit up, but he quickly regained his composure, "It's easy for you to say, ordinary magic knives are useless, only the best magic knives like me can fully integrate magic elements into food, don't you I don't believe it. What's more, my magic can only use the two forms of ice and fire, and I don't know how to imitate you. When cooking, only the two elements of ice and fire can fully exert their power. Other magic It won't work."

Galamandis looked at Nian Bing, smiled, and said: "Boy, you don't have to put on airs, I know you want to learn my magic mimicry, and you want to play my baby's idea."

Nian Bing said with an unchanged expression: "Do I have it? You brought it up first, so what does it have to do with me. Didn't you say you were leaving here? My things have already been packed."

Galamandis * lay down leisurely beside his baby, and said: "Nian Bing, it is not impossible for you to learn magic mimicry from me. If you are a human magician, you may not be able to do it, but you don't. Similarly, the two magics of ice and fire are completely opposite to each other, if you can cultivate the true homology of ice and fire, based on this, it will not be inferior to the advantages of our dragon clan itself."