Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 16: Lantian Sun Warm Jade Raises Smoke (Part 2)


The waiter at the side heard that Nian Bingshou dishes were unpalatable, so he was already impatient, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Our dishes here only taste like this. If you want to eat something good, you can go to Dachengxuan or Qingfengzhai in the city. It’s delicious there, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat it.”

Chaji glanced at her coldly, and threw out a gold coin casually, "Stop talking nonsense, take us to the kitchen, use only your ingredients, we cook a dish for ourselves, just one dish."

Looking at the shiny gold coin in his hand, the waiter's eyes lit up immediately, "Sir, you, please come this way." One gold coin can eat a whole table of banquets, and only one dish, even if better ingredients are used, is definitely worth it. There is a lot of money to be made.

There is only a wall between the kitchen and the dining room. Although the kitchen cannot be said to be simple, Zha Ji frowned when he saw the kitchen utensils that had obviously been used for a long time. There were only two chefs in the kitchen, and it was obvious that what Cha and Nian Bing ate just now was what they made.

The waiter walked up to one of the chefs and whispered something in his ear. The chef frowned, looked at Cha Ji curiously, and said impatiently: "Whatever, the ingredients are here, we also Happy to be free, brother, let's go to rest for a while." Then, he left the kitchen with another chef and went to the backyard to enjoy the shade.

Chaji looked at Nian Bing, lowered his head and asked in his ear: "Today I will teach you how to cook the first dish, how long can your fire technique last?"

Nian Bing thought for a while, and said: "If you only use the fire technique, it will be fine for an hour."

"Okay, let's start now. Take an iron pan and clean it."

Nian Bing agreed. Although he didn't know what Chaji was going to do, he immediately took out an iron pan from the side and washed it clean immediately. During this process, Cha Ji had already walked to the place where the materials were placed. These materials had obviously been washed. With a sweep of his eyes, he took some out of them and put them on the chopping board. Distinguish the taste of various seasonings on the kitchen bank again.

"Chop vegetables, except for tomatoes, cut them into strips."

"Yes, master." Nian Bing picked up a kitchen knife casually, and as soon as the knife was in his hand, his expression suddenly became focused. A year of hard training was not in vain. His eyes suddenly became sharp. In his eyes, various materials are not much different from firewood, only the size is different. The chubby little hand brought the materials one by one in front of him, the knife light flickered, the waiter didn't see how Nian Bing made the move at all, whether it was potatoes, carrots or onions, they all turned into neat pieces, just before and after. In the blink of an eye a few times, Nian Bing has easily completed it.

Zha Ji smiled slightly, and handed an empty seasoning box to Nian Bing, "Seasoning is one of the most important components in cooking, and this dish does not require high craftsmanship, so I will leave it all to you. Tomatoes, shrimps, oysters, chopped into sauces. All in this seasoning box."

"Oh." With a promise, Nian Bing swung the knife into the air according to Chaji's instructions, and the fine sound of the knife falling on the chopping board was full of crisp rhythm. When Nian Bing finished his work, he had already done everything, and poured the prepared sauce into the sauce mixed with tomatoes, shrimps and oysters. Throw a pair of chopsticks to Nian Bing, "Stir evenly."

After doing everything, Zha Ji smiled slightly, and said, "Next, it's about to officially start." He took a small brush and threw it to Nian Bing, his eyes showed concentration, and his speech speed suddenly accelerated, "One third Spread the sauce on the bottom, put the cut things on top, and brush one-third of the sauce on it."

Although Nian Bing is cooking for the first time, he is no stranger to the work of these chefs under the influence of his eyes and ears. Although he is a little unfamiliar, he finishes everything quickly.

Cha Ji took a plate of sliced fish and put it in the saucepan, "Waiter, please go out first." He didn't want to be discovered by the waiter that Nian Bing could do magic.

The waiter froze for a moment, "But..."

Cha said impatiently: "Don't worry, we won't burn this kitchen down."

Because of the gold coin Chaji had previously, the waiter didn't dare to say anything, so he had to leave the kitchen, leaving only Nian Bing and Chaji in the kitchen.

Cha Ji smiled slightly, "Wipe all the remaining sauce on top and heat the pan with flames."

"Passionate fire element, please, condense the light of flames and bring warmth to the world. Fire technique." The red flame lit up from Nian Bing's right hand, and the left hand held the pot, letting the flame burn in the middle of the pot.

Zha Ji smiled slightly, and said: "Your magic flame has a higher temperature than ordinary flames, and the heat is more even, so we can eat it faster. Remember the steps I taught you just now, this is the simplest one." The dish is called three-juice boring fish. Since the ingredients here are average, the taste may be worse, but it will be enough."

While maintaining the flame, Nian Bing said to Cha Ji: "Master, aren't you afraid of being learned by the waiter just now?"

Zha Ji smiled slightly, and said, "I made the mix of seasonings myself. I used more than ten kinds in total. Can she remember it? Besides, the amount of each seasoning is also very particular. It's not that hard to learn." Easy. Keep your fire steady, and we can eat when there is half a stick of incense at most. The key to this dish is the sauce. The so-called three juices are sauce, seafood sauce and tomato juice, and potatoes, carrots and The onion is on the bottom, the three layers and three juices are delicious at the same time, and the umami of the fish itself can reflect the essence of this dish. As for the specific preparation method of the three juices, I will teach you in detail when I go back." While talking, he He took out a pot lid from the side and put it on the iron pot.

Nian Bing used a low-level ice magic to protect his left hand, so as not to be scalded by the hot pot. Under the burning of the flame, after a while, the fragrance had gradually escaped from the iron pot, and it was so tangy that it made people feel sick. Nian Bing couldn't help swallowing.

After half a stick of incense time.

"It smells so good! What kind of smell is this?"

"Yes! It's so fragrant. I've never smelled such a delicious dish. Could it be that old man made it?"

The two chefs who had gone out to enjoy the cool ran back, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw Nian Bing holding an iron pot with both hands, and the aroma came from it. Cha Ji glanced at the two chefs, and said calmly: "You don't need to use the dishes, just looking at the people is enough."

The two chefs didn't seem to have heard what Cha Ji said, and their eyes fell on the iron pot, swallowing like they were thinking of ice, and one of the chefs said: "Hey, what are you cooking? It's so delicious!" !"

Just as Nian Bing was about to answer, he was organized by Chaji. He looked at Nian Bing and said, "Remember, cooking depends on who you are cooking. Not everyone has the right to eat. Chefs have the dignity of chefs. We cook Only those who are worthy of the food will eat. Let’s go.”

Whether the stewed fish in three sauces is good or not can be seen from Nian Bing's taste. He cleaned at least 80% of the whole pot, and added two steamed buns. , The clothes on his body have been stained with sauce in many places, except for the fishbone, there is only some residual juice left in the pot. The waiter next to him stared wide-eyed.

"Master, I admire you more and more. This is so delicious. I really don't know what I will do without you in the future." Nian Bing patted his protruding belly contentedly and moaned comfortably.

Zha Ji chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, you'll know what to do soon. If you want to have good food for the rest of your life, *others are useless, you can only rely on* yourself."

Nian Bing faintly felt something was wrong, but he knew that he was familiar with Chaji, and he would not tell his master if he asked him. It seemed that his life might not be easy after he went back.

Looking at the dirty baby apprentice, Cha Ji said angrily: "Do you want to go back to sleep now, or go out with me to the weapon shop and find you a suitable knife?"

Nian Bing's eyes lit up, "Go, of course. Master, let's go now."

Cha Ji pretended to be deep and said: "Before the meal, some people seemed to say that they were too tired to walk, why are they refreshed now?"

Nian Bing smiled and said: "Master, I know you are the best. Isn't this motivated? Get my own precious knife earlier, and I can be more familiar with the nature of the knife!"

Cha Ji stood up, "Then you go back and change quickly, it's not enough to embarrass me by going out like this."

"Yes, yes, I'll go now." Nian Bing showed a speed that was completely out of proportion to his figure, and ran to the backyard of the hotel to get clothes.

When Cha Ji and Nian Bing appeared on the streets of Ice and Snow City, it was gradually getting dark. A piece of cloud in the distance under the reflection of the afterglow of the sun brings the most beautiful sunset red before the curtain ends, leaving a residual brilliance on the street.

After walking for a while, Nian Bing pointed to a large shop not far ahead, and said, "Master, that's a weapon shop, right? Let's go in and have a look!" The sword-shaped sign at the entrance of the weapon shop is very eye-catching, and it says With the three big characters of Baoqixuan, although it is already evening, there is still an endless stream of customers, showing a booming business.

Cha Ji pinched the fat on Nian Bing's face casually, "Idiot, it's no wonder if you don't get beaten out to buy a kitchen knife in this kind of place."

Nian Bing rubbed his chubby face, "How do I know, didn't you say you were going to the weapon shop?"

Cha Ji identified the direction, "Come with me, the weapon store is a weapon store, but not here." While speaking, he pulled Nian Bing into a small alley next to him, which seemed familiar to him, and brought Seeing Nian Bing walking through the streets and alleys, it took about a meal. When it was already dark, Cha Ji finally stopped out of breath, pointed to the front and said, "This is it."