Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 26: Phoenix Girl. Sword from Heaven (Part 1)


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After all, Nian Bing has practiced magic for many years, and his mental power has become strong to a certain extent. He coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and said, "Girl, hello, I'm here to find Senior Hua Tian, is he there?"

The girl looked Nian Bing up and down a few times, and said with some doubts: "Who are you? Why are you looking for him?"

After hearing the girl's question, Nian Bing couldn't help thinking of his master, and sighed softly: "I came here at the behest of my master, and I came here to pay a special visit to Senior Hua Tian."

The girl still didn't believe Nian Bing, and asked: "Who is your master?"

Nian Bing frowned slightly, and said: "Apprentices should not mention the name of the master. My master used to have a nickname, called Ghost Chef."

Hearing the word "ghost chef", the girl was startled, opened the door, and walked out from inside. Only then could Nian Bing fully see her appearance. She was wearing blue clothes, except for her head, her whole body was wrapped in the clothes. The collar was high and protected her neck. Her exquisite figure was uneven, and a pair of beautiful big blue eyes were blinking. Looking at himself, the blue of her eyes is different from his own, he is the blue of the deep sea, but she is the blue of the clear blue sky, there is no impurity in the eyes. Nian Bing was surprised to find that the girl's figure was extremely high, and she was only half a head taller than her because she was taller than ordinary people. Her slender thighs were shrouded in trousers, giving people a thrilling feeling. beauty.

The girl saw that Nian Bing was looking at herself, and the shyness on her pretty face was even more intense, and she asked tentatively: "You, are you a disciple of Senior Zha? You just said that you will die. Could it be that Senior Zha already..."

Nian Bing nodded sadly, and said: "My master just passed away, girl, is Senior Hua Tian here?"

The girl looked at Nian Bing with some doubts, and said: "Senior Hua Tian you mentioned is my master, but I heard from my master that Senior Cha only has one disciple, and he is a fat man, but you are not fat! And My master said, senior Zha is in good health, how could he die so easily?"

Nian Bing looked at the girl's serious look, and the sadness caused by Cha Ji's death actually faded a bit, and he said with a smile: "People have misfortunes and blessings, who can say how long they can live for sure? Why, do you think I will live forever?" Is it a liar? The last time senior Hua Tian saw me, I was only eleven years old. That was seven years ago. I was fat at that time, but it doesn’t mean that I will be fat when I grow up. I am the fat man you said wrong."

A cold light flashed in the girl's eyes, and she insisted: "Unless you take out something that can prove your identity, otherwise, I will not let you see my master."

Nian Bing said helplessly: "I remember when I came back last time, Senior Hua Tian didn't seem to have accepted an apprentice. Since you want to prove it, then take a look at this." Processed Chenlu Knife.

Seeing the Chen Lu Knife, the girl's eyes suddenly shone brightly. She took the knife and gently stroked the scabbard that seemed to be rusty. Feeling the chill inside the scabbard, she murmured: " That's right, that's right, that's it, that's it! Morning Dew Knife." She moved her hand to the gemstone on the handle of the knife, and when she touched the diamond-shaped gemstone exuding a cold breath, she already believed it.

Nian Bing looked at the precious blade in the girl's hand and said, "I call it the Sigh of the Ice and Snow Goddess."

The girl was taken aback, and said: "What a beautiful name, but it sounds a bit bleak, why do you have to call it that?"

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "I can't tell you this, it's my own secret. Beautiful lady, now you can take me to see Senior Hua Tian."

The girl nodded, and walked in with the Chenlu Knife tightly, "Come with me."

Nian Bing followed the girl into the courtyard of the parallel iron shop. It was still as empty as last time. The stove was placed in the center of the courtyard, and there were other things beside it, which seemed to be combustion-supporting objects.

The girl took Nian Bing to the inner room. This time it was daytime, and Nian Bing could see the dilapidated surface of the two bungalows more clearly, as if they were in danger of collapsing at any time. The girl stopped suddenly at the door of the room, turned her head to look at Nian Bing, and said, "Please come in." After she finished speaking, she pushed the door open and made a gesture of please to Nian Bing.

Nian Bing looked at the girl's clear blue eyes, and for some reason, a trace of strong trust rose in his heart, without any doubt, he strode into the room.

"Ah!" Nian Bing exclaimed, and as soon as he entered the room, his footsteps stopped. There is only one window in the room, and the skylight shines through the window to bring some light to the dark house. What Nian Bing saw was a sign placed on the counter. It was clearly a spiritual card, which read: "The spiritual position of the teacher Hua Tian."

Turning around sharply, Nian Bing looked at the girl, "Senior Hua Tian is dead?"

The water shadows in the girl's eye circles were hazy, "Yes, the master abandoned me two years ago."

Nian Bing closed his eyes, and the sadness in his heart was aroused again. He faced Hua Tian's tablet again, stepped forward, with his hands hanging on both sides of his body, and bowed respectfully to the spiritual tablet three times in succession. "Senior, I didn't expect that there would be no day to see you again after we parted that day. May the spirit of senior in heaven rest in peace earlier. My master has also gone to heaven. Maybe, when you see him, you can ask him to cook some delicious food for you."

The girl has been looking at Nian Bing from behind, and seeing that he respects Hua Tian so much, she can't help feeling a little better in her heart, walked to Nian Bing's side, and said: "Although the master's person has gone, his spirit is still there. He will always live in my heart. I will never forget the five years of teaching, but unfortunately, the master didn't even give me a chance to serve him for a few more days."

Nian Bing sighed deeply, "Everyone is mortal, and no one can control their own lifespan. This is the case with senior Hua Tian, and so is my master. I don't know when it will be my turn."

The girl looked at Nian Bing's deep eyes that did not match his age, and a faint red light flashed in the blue eyes, "I don't know your name yet."

Nian Bing woke up from his own thoughts, "Ah! That's me saluting, my name is Nian Bing. Miss, how about you?"

The girl murmured, "Nian Bing, Nian Bing, this name sounds very memorable, my name is Feng Nu."

Nian Bing praised: "Sure enough, she is like a colorful phoenix in the world, and the girl lives up to her name. I never expected that the first time I came here seven years ago, the master and Senior Huatian would still make fun of each other. But now everything has changed, they have Not here, but only you and me are left. It is not appropriate for a man and a woman to be in the same room. Since Senior Hua Tian has already left, I will also leave. Miss Feng Nu, see you in the future."

Fengnu watched Nian Bing take the Chenlu Knife from her hand and walked out, she suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute."

Nian Bing looked back, "Miss Feng Nu, is there anything else?"

There was a faint blush on Feng Nu's face. Fortunately, the room was not well lit, so it was not easy to notice, "I, I just want to ask you, is there something wrong with you when you came to see my master this time?"

Nian Bing thought, since Feng Nu is Hua Tian's apprentice, maybe she can help him too. Thinking of this, he took out the Zhengyang knife from his arms and handed it over. "The girl with the knife should have heard from senior Huatian. At the beginning, this was the most proud work of senior Huatian."

Feng Nu didn't need to look, but as soon as she put her hand on the handle of the knife, her eyes immediately shone brighter than when she was holding the Chenlu Knife just now, "Zhengyang, is it Zhengyang Knife?"

Nian Bing nodded, and said: "It is the Zhengyang Knife. Before the master died, he passed his most beloved partner to me. I have always carried it with me. This time I came to Senior Hua Tian, in addition to seeing He, one more thing is for the Zhengyang Knife. Although the Zhengyang Knife is good, there is always a gap between it and the Chenlu Knife, and this gap is because it does not have a soul of its own. Although the Fire Dragon Horn is a rare treasure, it There is no soul of a fire dragon, so I want to attach a soul to this Zhengyang knife, if so, it will definitely become a precious knife not inferior to Chenlu."

Feng Nu looked at Nian Bing with burning eyes, "You mean, do you still have a fire attribute gem in your hand that is not inferior to that ice stone?"

Nian Bing smiled slightly, reached into his arms, and took out the Fire God's Stone. The flame-shaped gemstone emitted a faint red light. As soon as it appeared, even the air in the room seemed to become a little restless.