Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 40: The production of golden incense rings (Part 2)


When the first golden incense ring came out of the pot, Nian Bing had forgotten everything and was completely immersed in Ming Yuan's exquisite cooking skills. At this time, he was holding a pair of chopsticks, picked up a golden incense ring and bit He took a bite, nodded approvingly, and said to himself: "It's fragrant, crispy, crispy, and it breaks easily when you touch it. It really is a good craftsmanship!"

Ming Yuan saw that Nian Bing's Yue Zu had eaten the golden incense circle first, and was about to have a seizure, but heard Nian Bing continue: "Slender hands rubbed into jade, fried in green oil until tender yellow, night comes spring sleep is not serious, crushing beauty entangled Arm gold. Well, it really is a top-notch gold incense ring."

Xue Jing said dissatisfied: "Nian Bing, what are you doing? Who made you eat my breakfast?"

Nian Bing was startled, and then he woke up. He hurriedly stuffed the golden incense ring into his mouth, put the chopsticks aside, and said vaguely: "I'm sorry, miss, the chef's skills are too superb, so, I... "While speaking, he quickly swallowed the golden incense ring into his stomach, and his expression became a little more embarrassing.

Mingyuan looked at Nian Bing in surprise, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you? How do you know the formula for making Jinxiang Circle?"

Nian Bing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I just heard what a person who set up a stall on the side of the road said before, and I felt that it was very suitable for Jinxiang Circle, so I wrote it down and made you laugh."

Ming Yuan snorted, "I don't even look at the target if I'm talking nonsense, if everyone knows the formula for making Jinxiang Circle, I don't have to mess around."

Xue Jing looked at Nian Bing in surprise, and was about to say something when she heard hurried footsteps outside, "Miss, chef, it's not good, something happened."

Xue Jing lifted the curtain and came out, only to see a servant of Qingfengzhai running over in a hurry, sweating profusely, and couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing in such a panic? What's going on, please speak slowly."

The servant gasped and said: "Miss, the news just came, I don't know why, the city lord suddenly closed the four gates of the entire Ice and Snow City, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Moreover, Dachengxuan suddenly closed today. I also heard that, Their third treasurer died suddenly last night."

"Dead? Liao San, the mangy dog, is dead? What's going on here?"

Nian Bing and Ming Yuan had already come out at this time, and Ming Yuan said calmly: "Quiet, don't worry, let's go, let's go find your father together and see if he knows the situation."

Xue Jing nodded eagerly, and hurriedly walked out with Ming Yuan. Before Ming Yuan left, he turned his head and glanced at Nian Bing, "I'll look for you later, you go back to the firewood room first."

Nian Bing heaved a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, originally planned to stay here for a while, it seems that I can't hide my cooking skills, but it's a pity that I don't know what special skills the chefs at Dachengxuan have. Forget it, if you can't hide it, you can go to Feng Nu by yourself, and after the Zhengyang knife is inlaid, you can quietly leave Ice and Snow City by yourself. The Ice and Snow City is closed today, and Dachengxuan is also closed to the public. What is the reason? Liao San's death will not seal the whole city.


The resplendent and resplendent lobby looks a bit dignified today, the whole lobby is spotlessly clean, only one large table in the center of the dozens of tables is occupied, there are more than ten people in total, but only one person is sitting, and the rest are standing respectfully. behind it.

It was a woman, a woman with long white hair, sitting there, like a statue carved from ice jade, her white gown with gold trim set off her cool and noble temperament, her beautiful face made it impossible to produce the slightest The heart of blasphemy. It was as if a layer of frost was rising around his body, his eyes were closed, and his whole body was so cold that it was inaccessible.

Among the more than ten people standing behind the woman, except for a magician who was wearing a blue magic robe, everyone else seemed a little trembling. There was a golden hexagram pattern on the chest of the magician's green robe, and a circle of hexagrams was embroidered in the center. The rising vortex looks extremely luxurious.

"Why didn't the president of the martial arts union come?" The woman in white who was sitting upright finally spoke, and the lobby seemed to be a little bit colder.

A middle-aged man in a fine attire hurried forward and said respectfully, "Reply to Goddess Priestess, the president of the Martial Arts Guild is out on business, and he rarely stays in Ice Snow City, so he's not here." The person sitting in the lobby of Dachengxuan was looking for the Stone of the Ice and Snow Goddess. She is the only Ice and Snow Goddess priest with the title of Goddess on the mainland, and only she, the symbol of the Ice Moon Empire and the strongest in the magic world, can In a word, the second largest city of the Ice Moon Empire was sealed off.

The Ice and Snow Goddess Priest said indifferently: "You are the heads of all aspects in the Ice and Snow City. I give you three days to investigate every corner of the Ice and Snow City to find out the Stone of the Ice and Snow Goddess. If the holder is very powerful, as long as You force him to use the magic power in the God Stone, and I will solve everything myself."

The middle-aged man who spoke earlier said in a bit of a dilemma: "Master Goddess Priest, you also know that the Ice and Snow City is very big, isn't three days too short?"

The eyes of the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest slowly opened, and a cool blue light shot out, shining on the middle-aged man, his whole body trembled, and he wanted to take a few steps back before he stood still. "Marquis Noah, if you feel that the position of the city lord of Ice Snow City is not suitable for you, I can help you adjust it at any time."

Marquis Noah's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "No, Goddess Priest, I didn't mean that. How dare we disobey your order? However, I can't promise you without clues. can be found."

The priest of the Ice and Snow Goddess snorted coldly, and said: "Last night, I clearly felt the energy of the Ice and Snow Goddess Stone emanating on the way here. It must be in the Ice and Snow City. If this matter is not done well, I will be the first Take it as your question."

Marquis Noah had a bitter face at this time. Finding a stone in such a big city is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack. What's more, there are only three days, and the city is closed for three days. running problems will occur. But at this moment, he had no other choice. It would be useless to reason with the Ice and Snow Goddess, so he nodded helplessly and said, "I will definitely do my best."

"Master Goddess Priest, I don't know if I should say something." A humble voice came from behind, and it was the second shopkeeper of Dachengxuan who spoke. He and the big shopkeeper had been standing behind the whole time, and at this moment he spoke suddenly, causing the people in front to turn around and look, one of the old men in golden clothes said in a deep voice: "Presumptuous, how can you speak in front of the goddess priest?" .”

The second shopkeeper's eyes showed panic, and he hurriedly said: "Yes, proprietor."

"It's okay, if it's related to the Ice and Snow Goddess Stone, let him talk about it." The eyes of the Ice and Snow Goddess fell on the second shopkeeper, and the second shopkeeper felt a chill all over his body, as if naked in front of everyone, without any secrets .

"Yes, yes, Goddess Priestess, that's how it is. Last night, my third brother, the third treasurer of Dachengxuan, was suddenly killed by a magician."

"What kind of magic did you die under?" The Ice and Snow Goddess's words were very concise.

The second shopkeeper froze for a moment, and said, "I don't know much about magic, it seems like a big fireball."

The boss of Dachengxuan said angrily: "Is there something wrong with your brain? Didn't the Lord Goddess Priest just say that things related to the Ice and Snow Goddess Stone are the only things to do. Get out, don't waste the time of the Goddess Priest."

The second shopkeeper said anxiously: "No, boss, listen to me. Although the third brother died under the fireball, it was very strange. The fireball bombarded him, and his whole body was engulfed in the sea of flames. He was burnt black, but His head was not black, but covered with a layer of frost, which still exists. Maybe, maybe..."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the goddess of ice and snow, and said coldly: "Bring up the corpse and show me."

"Yes, Lord Goddess Priest." The boss of Dachengxuan hurriedly agreed, and after a while, Liao San's body was carried up. The stench came oncoming, causing everyone present to cover their noses. A layer of faint white light enveloped the body of the Ice and Snow Goddess Priestess, without seeing her gestures, her slender body had already come to the corpse, her jade hands like spring onions protruded from the robe and pressed downwards, and the spiritual power passed through the ice. Elements instantly enveloped the charred body. Others may not have felt anything, but Long Zhi, the wind mage who is the president of the Ice Moon Empire Magicians Union, was amazed in his heart. It was the first time for the Priestess of the Ice and Snow Goddess, the Divine Descendant and the National Teacher of the Ice Moon Empire, to cast magic, but seeing her so easily use the spirit detection magic without chanting spells, she really deserves the title of the number one magician in the mainland.

The priest of the Ice and Snow Goddess raised his head slowly, his eyes gleamed coldly, and his eyes fell on the second shopkeeper beside him, "Say, tell me what happened last night in detail."

The second shopkeeper agreed, and hastened to describe last night's situation carefully and fearfully, not daring to miss a single bit. Under the invisible coercion of the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest, he didn't even dare to go to Liao San. Concealment, when he said that the man in black claimed to be the Demon Killer, the faces of everyone present could not help but become ugly. On the mainland of Yangon, the most disgusting profession is not prostitutes, thieves or robbers, but killers, especially magicians who are not good at melee combat, and the profession of killers is the most disgusting. Because, even a high-level magician, if they encounter a killer's sneak attack without any precautions, it is difficult for them to escape. However, this is the first time they have heard that there is a magician among the killers, and, obviously, this Magicians are not ordinary.