Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 46: Join the Wizards Guild (Part 2)


While walking, Li De said to Nian Bing: "I will arrange a dormitory for you later, and you can live here. This is the right only for magicians above the level of great magicians."

Nian Bing's heart sank, and he said, "Mage Li, can I go outside?"

Li Technetium smiled slightly and said: "Of course, in the union, unless there are special orders, no one will restrict your freedom. You can come in and out freely, and you can also travel outside. The room I am referring to is for you. The permanent room arranged, you can live here whenever you come back. However, I suggest that you should practice more and improve your magic power as soon as possible. I am looking forward to seeing when you can Breakthrough to the realm of a mage. Come on, the library has arrived." He led Nian Bing into a small building next to it that didn't look very eye-catching.

The small building was cleaned very cleanly. From the outside, it seemed to have four floors, but each floor was not very high, so it was not very eye-catching from the outside. Li De smiled slightly and said, "This is it. This library has a total of There are four floors, and many of the materials in it are already orphaned copies on the mainland, so you can read them here, but you must not take any materials with you, especially the third and fourth floors. Oh, yes, you can’t enter yet The fourth floor. Let me introduce to you. In the library, according to the level of the magician, the materials stored in each floor here are also different. Like the first floor, it is more suitable for elementary magicians and intermediate magicians to read , while the second floor is suitable for advanced magicians and great magicians to read, and the third floor requires the strength of a magician to enter. As for the highest floor, although it is the smallest, it records many lost high-level magicians. Magic, only when you reach the realm of a magister can you enter and read it, and at the same time you need the consent of the president. Although the president has never met you, he has a very deep impression on you. He specially told me that because of your magic The control power is already close to the level of a magician, so you can go to the third floor to read magic books, so that you can learn more things, even if you go out to practice in the future, your strength will not be affected by the lack of spells Okay, okay, you can read here yourself. The chairman may come back after a while, and he should talk to you at that time. If there is anything you don’t understand in reading here, you can also ask me or The previous ice magician Varen asked for advice, his magic level is a little more advanced than mine, and he is the fourth elder in the guild."

Nian Bing looked at the rows of bookshelves on both sides, and couldn't help but feel an impulse in his heart. For a magician, this is definitely a treasure trove. Of course, the books here are not just as simple as magic spells, but those records of magic. And the notes left by magicians in the past are precious enough. "Teacher Li, thank you so much, can I call you that?"

Li Technetium smiled slightly and said, "Of course. Watching you young people gradually grow up, I really feel that I am getting older. Now I just hope that when I die, I can see our Ice Moon Empire Magician Union Become stronger, and all of this must be pinned on your younger generation. If you have the opportunity, you can communicate with Linger a lot. Like you, she is also a great magician of the ice system. She is weaker than you in terms of strength, but that girl is very smart and often has her own unique opinions on magic, if you can communicate frequently, it will be a good thing for everyone."

Nian Bing nodded, and said: "I see. Thank you, Teacher Li Technetium."

Li De sighed softly, and said, "You know about the closure of the city for the past few days, but I'm afraid you don't know the reason. I can see that you are an honest and good boy, and will treat you well when the president returns. Some cross-examinations, you just need to answer truthfully."

Nian Bing moved in his heart, and said: "Teacher Li, what happened? I am really surprised, well, the city is actually closed. This should not be good for Ice and Snow City. Only those merchants who came from afar can't Getting into the city is a big problem.”

Li-tech sighed softly, and said, "That's something that can't be helped. Who will let people have more power?"

Nian Bing asked: "Then what happened, can you tell me?"

Li Dei glanced at Nian Bing, and said: "Well, this is not a big secret. A few days ago, the reason why the city was closed was because a big person came to Ice and Snow City. She wanted to track down an item. It is said that the item is very precious, it is a magic item, and I am afraid that it has mana close to the level of a divine weapon. I heard from the president that it seems to be called the Stone of the Ice and Snow Goddess."

No matter how stable Nian Bing's mind was, when he suddenly heard the words "Ice and Snow Goddess Stone", he couldn't help but be shocked and his face changed drastically. Fortunately, he was behind Li-tech at this time, and Li-de didn't see his expression.

Nian Bing's heartbeat accelerated significantly, and he asked tentatively: "The Stone of the Ice and Snow Goddess? Then the person who came should be from the Ice God Tower. Then what kind of gem must be something in the Ice God Tower?"

Li De turned around and looked at Nian Bing. At this time, Nian Bing had recovered his demeanor. From his face, except for the surprise that he pretended to be, nothing could be seen, "Yes, it is the thing in the Ice God Tower. , The reason why it is said to be precious is precisely because the one who came this time is the symbol of our Ice Moon Empire, the National Master Ice and Snow Goddess Priestess."

Nian Bing was shocked. He had seen the goddess of ice and snow once when he was ten years old. He remembered very clearly that with his father's strength as a fire mage, he was like a child in front of the goddess of ice and snow. The ability to resist, if it wasn't for the mother's desperate rescue at that time, I am afraid that the father would have died in the first attack of the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest. At this time, he heard the name that he hated the most in his heart, and his heart was trembling. At this moment, he finally understood that the martial law in the Ice and Snow City would be caused by him. Shi is in Ice and Snow City? Could it be that when he used the Chenlu Knife, he released the breath of the Ice and Snow Goddess Stone to lure her in? Yes, it must be so.

After thinking this through, Nian Bing's back could not help but be soaked in sweat. If he accidentally used the Morning Dew Knife once during the three days of the city's closure, he might have already fallen into the hands of the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest. Alright. It seems that what I need is to keep a low profile! Before the magic is completed, the woman must not be allowed to truly discover her existence.

Li Dei looked at Nian Bing who was in deep thought, smiled slightly, and said: "Everything is over, you don't need to think too much. I think, with the strength of the Ice and Snow Goddess to worship the adults, as long as that thing really exists , It’s not difficult to get it back. Okay, you can read here carefully and wait for the president. In order to better improve your own strength. I have already activated the restrictions on the first three floors in the library, please don’t try to enter the fourth floor, otherwise, the magic trap there can easily kill you.”

Li De was gone, and Nian Bing was the only one left in Nuo Da's library. Nian Bing was not in a hurry to find what he needed. Standing where he was, he kept meditating, trying to clear the thoughts in his mind. The appearance of the Ice and Snow Goddess made him feel confused. He only wanted to do one thing now, that is Immediately leave the Ice and Snow City. Since the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest has noticed this place, maybe she will come again sometime. At that time, will I be so lucky

Nian Bing is not afraid, he is not afraid of the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest, even if he fights head-on, he dares to face the Ice and Snow Goddess Priest, but he is a rational person, he knows that if he does that, he will only sacrifice in vain , so, he told himself, he had to be calm. Only rationality can allow oneself to achieve the dream in one's heart. leave here? It seems that this is my best choice, but now Zhengyang Dao has not been completed, I can't leave, one month, one month, I hope nothing happens in this month.

At this moment, Nian Bing has already decided on his own movements for the next month. He carefully inserted the Chenlu knife into his arms. He decided that he would never use his knife again before leaving Ice and Snow City. Goddess sigh.

After thinking about all this, Nian Bing's mood improved a lot. Now that the closure of the city is over, it proves that the goddess of ice and snow has left. As long as you are careful, this month will not be difficult to deal with. Thinking of this, a stern smile appeared on his face. Just on the first floor, find what you need.

When Nian Bing started learning magic, he had already wandered on the mainland with his father. Although his father had profound knowledge, he was still young at that time, and except for some important things, he could only remember very limited things. What is needed is theoretical knowledge. Only by laying a good foundation can we learn better and become stronger faster. Therefore, he was not in a hurry to step up to the third floor, but started to look at the first floor. First of all, he picked up a "Detailed Explanation of Magic Theory".