Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 48: Boyfriend's impersonation plan (middle)


Nian Bing secretly said in his heart, you obviously already got the news from Li De, and you came to ask me, obviously you don't trust me, "I have been in a city for the past few days, you know, I came from a small place, and I haven't seen you. I don’t know what’s going on in the world, but I have a friend who lives in the city, and she owns an iron shop, and I stayed there for a few days.”

"Ironware shop? I know most of the good weapon shops in the city, which one is it?" Long Zhi asked without hesitation, although his tone was flat, but his edge was already showing.

Nian Bing smiled and said: "You must not know her place. It is a small iron shop called a parallel iron shop. Usually there are very few customers. The competition in their industry is also very fierce, and it is not easy to live in."

"Parallel ironware shop?" Hearing the name, Long Ling couldn't help but burst out laughing, and said with a broken smile: "With such a name, how can his business be good. You should really persuade him to change it."

Nian Bing echoed: "Yes! I told her that too, but she was very stubborn and refused to change anything, and I couldn't help it. I don't know her very well, and it's hard to say too much."

Long Zhi put down the chopsticks in his hand, and said with a smile: "Okay, you guys eat, I really drank a lot at noon today, and I'm a little tired from the closure of the city for the past few days, so I'm going to rest first. Linger, Shi Jiu , you take good care of Nian Bing, the dormitory has been arranged for him, you just take him there, Nian Bing, the trade union will not restrict your freedom, but I hope you can stay for a few more days and hurry up to practice."

Nian Bing hurriedly nodded in agreement, stood up, and watched Long Zhi leave. He knew that he had passed the test temporarily, but Long Zhi would definitely send someone to check the parallel iron shop. With Feng Nu's intelligence, she should not show any flaws. Thinking of this, he also relaxed a little, and finally felt in the mood to eat. The dishes on the table tasted average, but for him who was hungry, it was enough.

Shi Jiu finally spoke for the first time, "Nian Bing, what are your plans for the future? Do you stay in the trade union to practice, or go out to practice?" He said the word "experience" very seriously.

Nian Bing put a mouthful of dishes into his mouth, and said vaguely: "I haven't figured it out yet, but I definitely want to stay in the library for a few more days, so let's talk about it in the future."

Shi Jiu said with some disgust: "You really have no quality, don't you know that talking to people while eating is a kind of impolite behavior?"

Nian Bing knew that he deliberately hit himself, and he didn't care. He swallowed the things in his mouth and said, "I'm so sorry, I came from a small place, and I don't understand these etiquette at all. I will ask Brother Shijiu to teach me more in the future." He put on a look of fear and sincerity on his face, but secretly sneered in his heart, it was simply too easy to deal with a villain like Shi Jiu.

Long Ling said: "Brother, don't blame Nian Bing, we just need to teach him more in the future, Nian Bing, you eat more, just looking at your usual life is very bitter."

In the weird atmosphere, the meal was finally over. Shi Jiu taunted Nian Bing from time to time, but Long Ling kept speaking for him, which made Shi Jiu even more jealous, but Nian Bing acted like nothing happened, and ate his food. Eat, feed your stomach unceremoniously.

"Brother Shi Jiu, Ling'er, I've already eaten, look..." Nian Bing looked at Shi Jiu with innocent eyes.

Long Ling stood up and said: "Let's go, I'll take you there. The food in the trade union is getting worse and worse. Nian Bing, I will take you to Qingfengzhai to eat some other day. The food there is delicious."

Shi Jiu also stood up, looked at Long Ling with a little fascination, and said: "Junior Sister, you go back and rest, I will send Nian Bing over."

Long Ling didn't insist either, and smiled slightly, saying: "Brother, I'll trouble you then. Nian Bing is new here, so please teach him if there is anything you don't understand."

Shi Jiu took a deep look at Nian Bing, and smiled at Long Ling: "Don't worry, sister, I will. Nian Bing, let's go."

Nian Bing bid farewell to Long Ling, and followed Shi Jiu out of the restaurant. Along the way, Shi Jiu said nothing, and took Nian Bing to the magician's dormitory. Nian Bing took a closer look. There are about 50 rooms here. As the magician Li De said, only people with a cultivation level above the great magician can arrange a place to live here.

Shi Jiu took Nian Bing all the way to an important location in the corridor, took out a silver key from his pocket and opened the door, turned around and glanced at Nian Bing, and said, "This is it."

Walking into the room, Nian Bing looked around. There are two rooms inside and outside. The outside room is about 20 square meters. A three-seater sofa and two single sofas are placed side by side. The room looks very refreshing. It is made of wood, and it makes a slight noise when walking. At the entrance of the outer room is a bathroom of six or seven square meters, with a full set of toiletries, while the inner room is relatively small, with a size of more than ten square meters. The big bed looks very comfortable, and the magic lamp in the room exudes a soft yellow light. This is indeed a comfortable place to live in.

Shi Jiu closed the door behind his back, went to the sofa and sat down, "There is 24-hour hot water here, and you can wash your hands at any time. You can eat in the restaurant outside, not the one just now. There is a large restaurant on the right when you enter the door." , there is a public cafeteria, of course, you can also ask people to deliver food to the room. If you need anything, just press the magic button on the wall." As he spoke, he pointed to the wall on a red button.

Nian Bingxin said, it really is worthy of the magician union, all the equipment is built on the basis of magic, and the treatment of myself as a great magician is really good.

Shi Jiu pointed to the sofa beside him, and said to Nian Bing, "Sit down, I have a few words to tell you."

Of course Nian Bing knew what he was going to say, but his face showed a blank expression. He walked to the sofa next to Shi Jiu and sat down. Although your identity is different, but you are just a newcomer after all, it is best to put all your energy on the cultivation of magic and don't think about other things. Especially don't get close to people you shouldn't be close to. I have already lived here For twenty years, you are more familiar with everything than you, so you'd better listen to this advice, so as not to cause problems in the future."

Nian Bing secretly smiled in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Brother Shijiu, I don't quite understand what you mean. By the way, I haven't thanked you for introducing me to the union. If it wasn't for the help of you and Miss Linger, I’m afraid unions won’t be so easy to join.”

Shi Jiu* sat on the back of the sofa and said brazenly: "It's good that you know that, in the trade union, although I am not a mage, I have a status close to that of a mage. As for Ling'er, the master expects a lot from her." Gao, she will focus most of her energy on cultivation. If you have nothing to do in the future, you should not go to her, understand? I grew up with Linger's childhood sweetheart. From now on, she will definitely be my wife. I don't want other men Get too close to her." Seeing that Nian Bing was a bit stupefied, Shi Jiu finally couldn't help but tell the truth.

Nian Bing suddenly said: "It turns out that this is the case, and only a person like Brother Shi Jiu can be worthy of Miss Ling'er. I will congratulate you first here."

There was a gleam of joy in Shi Jiu's eyes, and the previous unhappiness disappeared in Nian Bing's words, "Do you think so too?"

Nian Bing said sincerely: "Of course, the first time I saw Brother Shi Jiu and Miss Linger, I knew that you were a match made in heaven. Brother, don't worry, I just treat Miss Linger as an ordinary friend Look at it, with my humble background, it is impossible for me to think too much."

Hearing Nian Bing's clarification, Shi Jiu was overjoyed, smiled slightly, and said, "Brother, since you have already joined the trade union, don't mention this status again. With your character and appearance, you will definitely find a good one in the future." Companion." For Nian Bing's understanding, he was satisfied and couldn't be more satisfied, and immediately changed his name to brother, and he was in a good mood.

Nian Bing smiled and said: "In the future, the younger brother will need more help from the elder brother in the trade union. You must give more advice to the younger brother. In the future, the elder brother can speak up if he has anything to do. As long as the younger brother can do it, he is duty-bound."—

Because I have to go back to my parents' house every Tuesday, so the update will be a little later in the morning, I hope everyone understands.