Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 55: Birthday party (below)


Xue Jing snorted coldly, and said: "This is my boyfriend, Nian Bing, a senior magician of the fire department. He just came back from traveling outside. Of course you haven't seen him before. I'm sorry, Mrs. Meiya, we have to go in first. Rou'er is still waiting for me." After finishing speaking, she pulled Nian Bing and walked quickly inside, ignoring Mrs. Namiya.

As soon as Mrs. Meiya's eyes fell on Nian Bing's face, she never moved away. There was a fascinated look in her eyes, her lips moved, and she whispered something to Nian Bing. Nian Bing didn't even dare to listen, and immediately lowered her head. He Xuejing walked into the hall, such a disgusting old woman, it's better to stay away.

"Jing'er, who was that person just now? It feels so weird!" Nian Bing couldn't help but said to Xue Jing.

"Strange? Why is it strange? She was a courtesan when she was young, but she finally got married to a viscount. After she got married, she found out that the viscount's family had long since declined, and her family was not in a good position. , the Viscount died of illness, but she didn't show any restraint, and started her life as a courtesan again. For decades, didn't you see so much powder on her face? It's just to cover up the wrinkles on her face. Her real age is probably over fifty, it's disgusting to see."

Nian Bing smiled slightly, leaned into Xue Jing's ear and said, "I agree."

The heat in the ear could not help but make Xue Jing feel a little itchy, she shrunk her neck subconsciously, just about to question Nian Bing, but remembered where she was now, just glared at him, but took back the words on her mouth, Nian Bing is good As if he didn't notice, he smiled slightly, straightened his back and looked around. The surrounding environment is really good. The entire hall is over a thousand square meters. There are more than one hundred guests who have already arrived. In the hall, there is a smell of powder.

"Nian Bing, you can go to the side alone for a while, and you can eat something. If someone talks to you, you'd better not answer, just look arrogant. I'll go find Rou'er, she has her birthday today after all. "While speaking, she pointed to Nian Bing at the empty sofa on the side, and then walked up the stairs on the side.

Nian Bing walked to the sofa and sat down, casually picked up a glass of drink and drank slowly. This kind of social occasion was not his favorite, but he just observed these people calmly. He didn't pay too much attention to this kind of golden artifact.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the guard shout: "Magicians Union, Miss Long Ling and Master Shi Jiu are here."

Here they come. Although Nian Bing had already guessed that they would come, he still couldn't help being a little nervous at this moment. He hurriedly picked up the staff on the table and stood up, and walked to a relatively dark corner to stand still.

Today, Long Ling didn't wear a magic robe, but a purple dress. The dress matched her very well and brought out her elegant and gentle character even more. Walking into the hall, it was like adding a purple elf. Long Ling's popularity is obviously much better than Xue Jing's. When Xue Jing came in just now, most people just glanced at her and continued to chat about themselves. Only a few of them took the initiative to say hello to her. But Long Ling was different, as soon as she entered the door, she became the focus of the audience, and almost everyone took the initiative to greet her. It felt like she was the owner of this place.

Smiling slightly, Nian Bing's eyes showed a faint light. He knew that under such circumstances, it was impossible for Long Ling to find himself. What tricks.

Shi Jiu was still wearing his magic robe. Although there was no identity mark on it, none of the people present would doubt his strength. Although Shi Jiu was not as handsome as Nian Bing, it made sense. The two completely became the focus of the field.

At this moment, Nian Bing found a different kind like himself. Since they were the only two who didn't come forward to greet Long Ling and Shi Jiu, they could easily find each other. It was a young man, His figure is similar to Nian Bing's, but he looks a bit more robust. A suit of white clothes that fits him looks very straight. Although his resolute face like a knife is not very handsome, it exudes a strong masculine atmosphere. A pair of black His eyes, paired with long black hair, looked a little cold, holding a knife in his hand, the knife was very short, it felt like it was nothing longer than his own morning dew, and the scabbard was also white, so he could bring a knife here, Obviously, this man's identity is extremely unusual. Suddenly, a thought arose in Nian Bing's mind, this person could not be the cool guy Xue Jing likes.

Soon, Nian Bing affirmed his own thoughts. In the hall, only this person could match Xue Jing's original description. Something strange happened to Nian Bing. The man actually walked towards him. Although the walk was not fast, the hall was only so small, and it took almost a few steps to reach Nian Bing.

"Hi, my name is Yanfeng."

Nian Bing froze for a moment, according to Xue Jing's description, he should be very cold, not close to humans and animals! How could you take the initiative to say hello to yourself? Although I thought so in my mind, I was not rude. I reached out and shook hands with him, saying: "Hello, I am Nian Bing."

Letting go, Yan Feng walked up to Nian Bing and stood down, raised his little finger slightly, and naturally lifted a lock of black hair hanging from his forehead, and tucked it behind his ears, his overly black eyes were filled with An indescribable brilliance, quietly staring at Nian Bing. After a long time, a faint smile appeared on his lips, "I don't seem to have seen you before."

Looking at the tall and stern Yan Feng, Nian Bing suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. Although he couldn't tell what this feeling was, he felt something was wrong. "I came to Ice and Snow City not long ago and just joined the Magician's Guild, so your Excellency has never seen me before. It seems that you should often participate in this kind of social activities."

Yan Feng's eyes still fell on Nian Bing's face, and said coldly: "Not often, just occasionally, I hate those women who are like flies."

Nian Bing secretly said in his heart, this guy must have something wrong with his brain, why pretend to be cool! Smiling and nodding to Yan Feng, he stopped talking to him, and Yan Feng didn't speak, his eyes fell on the field.

Long Ling managed to break free from the crowd, said something to Shi Jiu, and ran upstairs. Obviously, she should have joined Xue Jing and Miss Rou'er. Long Ling's departure caused the atmosphere in the hall to drop again. The nobles continued to chat about something. Shi Jiu also became one of them at this time. From his ecstatic expression, it can be seen that the nobles It must be good to praise him. With his character, under this kind of appreciation, I am afraid that he doesn't even know his last name. Most of the aristocrats who came today were young, of course, except for the former Mrs. Meiya.

The cruel Yan Feng suddenly said again, "Lord Earl has appeared." Nian Bing followed his gaze and saw an old man in his fifties walking down the stairs. Tall, it seems that the whole person is almost as tall as a vertical one, like a big meat ball, trembling with the fat all over his body, going down the stairs, the stairs are obviously very strong, and with his weight, there is still no sound , Nian Bingxin said, he really deserves to be the chief financial officer of Ice Snow City, and he must stuff his stomach with delicious food.

The appearance of the count made the people who were chatting suddenly quiet down, and their eyes fell on the stairs. The count stopped halfway up the stairs, with a smile on his big fat face, "Welcome everyone to the humble house, today It’s my little girl’s eighteenth birthday, and it’s also her adult day. Everyone can eat, drink, and play happily, and treat this place as their own home. If there is any place where the hospitality is not good, please let me know. Let’s continue , I think, the little girl is coming out soon." As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of praise, and the fat on the count's face became tighter. He seemed very satisfied with the scene, walked down the stairs slowly, took a glass of wine in his hand, and chatted with all the young nobles.

Seeing this scene, Nian Bing and Yan Feng showed the same expression on their faces, their brows were wrinkled, full of disdain. The extravagant life of the nobles is indeed not what they like.

"Brother Yan, how much do you know about this Earl?" Nian Bing asked subconsciously. He is not familiar with this place, and the only one who can answer his question now is Yan Feng.