Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 6: Ghost Chef Cha Ji (middle)


"No." Nian Bing said suddenly: "Grandpa, you are wrong. In fact, she was just taking a chance. She must have controlled the magic to the limit when she made the meat strips. When fire magic burns, it will naturally produce that peculiar smell, and if you can also use magic, the things you make must be much better than hers." His father had told him many times that although the size of the magic power is important, But the control of magic is also very critical. Good magic control can make the same magic power produce stronger effects.

Chaji sighed, and said, "Yes, someone told me that later. However, in that situation at that time, as a man, if you lose, you lose. She asked me, does the bet count? Said, of course. So, I announced in public that the title of ghost chef was given to her. At the same time, I cut off my tendon with my own kitchen knife, indicating that I would completely withdraw from the food and beverage industry. Later, I came here. I have lived here for ten years. Now you should understand why I am so excited to see you using magic. If I knew magic back then, my cooking skills would have reached a new level. If I could Magic, she may have already been my wife. What I remember most is the expression on her face when I cut off my tendons. It was a complicated expression! From her pair of beautiful eyes, I I see regret, but what's the use of that? For my own dignity, I have to do that, and no one can change me. The ghost chef Chaji has disappeared from the culinary stage since that day, only the new The Ghost Chef was born. When I was about to leave, she found me suddenly and told me that she can only cook that dish. The reason why she challenged me was because I had won her in the Master Chef Competition before. Father. When her father was dying, she still did not forget the original competition, and hoped that one day she could defeat me through cooking. Her father’s last words made her work hard in this area, but she is a magician. Before that, she didn't know how to cook at all. She knew very well that it was almost impossible to surpass me in cooking, so she chose the method of cooking with magic. So, I lost. Lost Lost everything about me. At that time, she said to me that she just wanted to win honor for her father and never thought of hurting me. I laughed and told her that everything is no longer important. The only period in my life The relationship ended in this tragic way. After leaving those words, I left there, and after a period of confusion, I finally chose this quiet and deserted place to settle down.”

Nian Bing has been deeply attracted by this story, "Grandpa, do you regret it?"

Cha Ji shook his head, "No, I don't regret it. Although I lost everything, I saw a new development direction of cooking. That is to use magic to cook, and after magic processing, cooking can be It’s a pity that although I know it, I can’t do it myself, and few people will try it. After all, as a noble magician, who would want to become a low-status cook?”

Nian Bing nodded and said: "I understand, you want me to learn cooking from you, combine my magic with cooking, and become a magic chef, right?"

Chaji suppressed his sadness, smiled kindly, and said, "Then are you willing?"

Nian Bing lowered his head. At this moment, his eyes kept flashing various complex expressions. As a ten-year-old child, he really thought too much, but Chaji couldn't see his expression at this time. Soon, Nian Bing made a decision, he raised his head and looked at Chaji, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I can't."

Chaji's eyes lit up slightly, but the light quickly disappeared, "Well, grandpa will not force you. Now that you have heard grandpa's story, can you let grandpa listen to your story too? You came here with the crowd , what is it for?"

Nian Bing hesitated, and said: "Grandpa, you saved my life, I really shouldn't hide anything from you. My parents are both magicians, and we had a happy family. But, not long ago, When we passed by a place called Talu Mountain in the Ice Moon Empire, we encountered many bandits. They wanted to rob us of our property, but our parents refused, so they did it. You also know that although magicians have their own abilities, But the time of chanting magic is the biggest drawback, although parents destroyed some enemies, but in the end, finally..." Speaking of this, Nian Bing cried bitterly.

If it was normal, Chaji would definitely find that Nian Bing, who was crying bitterly, was secretly looking at him at this time. However, he had just finished telling what happened to him, and his thoughts were still immersed in the original game. It was dim, so I didn't notice this detail.

This lie of Nian Bing contains real elements. When he was passing through Mount Talu with his father, he did encounter many bandits and tried to rob them. However, with his father's magical attainments, it was too easy to deal with those bandits . Mount Talu is a well-known den of bandits. For this reason, Chaji has already believed Nian Bing's words. After all, how wary can a mature old man be against a ten-year-old child

"The Ice Moon Empire has always been guarded by the Ice God Tower. I really don't know what the mages in the Ice God Tower are doing. Talu Mountain hasn't been doing harm for a day or two. It's time to wipe out those bandits long ago. Son , don’t be sad, no matter whether you want to learn cooking from grandpa or not, you have to settle down here first, okay?”

Nian Bing was already homeless at this time, and nodded gently, his young heart was full of hatred, Ice God Tower, Ice God Tower, I will go there one day.

Chaji picked up a glass of water from the side, his hands were trembling, and because his back was facing Nian Bing, Nian Bing didn't notice that some white powder slipped into the glass while trembling, and he handed the water to Nian Bing, " Children, drink some water first. Grandpa will give you some hot food."

Nian Bing didn't doubt it, agreed, and drank the glass of water into his belly.

Chaji's eyes were a bit complicated, he seemed to be struggling with something in his heart, but soon he made up his mind.

After drinking the water, Nian Bing obediently put the cup aside, stretched his body, and said, "Grandpa, why don't you heat up the food? The food you cook must be delicious."

Chaji sighed, and said, "I'm sorry, Nian Bing, but Grandpa has no other choice, you are my only chance."

Nian Bing froze for a moment, he suddenly felt a dizzy feeling in his mind, and his body shook suddenly.

Cha Ji looked up at Nian Bing, his voice became deep, "Look at me, kid, look into my eyes, you are very sleepy, very sleepy, relax your body, relax everything, I am your most trusted People, go to sleep, go to sleep."

Nian Bing stared at Chaji's eyes, his eyes gradually became dull, although his body was still there, but he no longer showed any expression.