Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Chapter 96: The Story of the Dragon God (Part 2)


12:05 The refinement conference will be held as usual. Friends are welcome to participate, and I wish you all a happy new year—

Nian Bing asked Maomao: "Do you know what's going on? What happened to the golden-backed dragon?"

Maomao thought for a while, and said: "The iron-backed earth dragon is already a powerful creature. If it reaches a hundred years old, its physical strength will increase. When it reaches three hundred years old, the iron-backed earth dragon will evolve into a golden-backed earth dragon. .That is what you saw earlier. Dad once said that the golden-backed ground dragon is the king of the earth. Unless it is a real giant dragon, few creatures can compete with it. Whether it is physical defense or magic defense, They have all reached their peak state. However, our spiritual magic is the nemesis of this kind of earth king. Now it is very likely that the gold-backed earth dragon has evolved under the stimulation of father's spiritual magic. To what extent I don’t know. Listening to what my father said, it seems that he wants to make it a pet for me. It’s really great.”

Nian Bing nodded, couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and whispered: "You don't move here, I'll go and have a look."

Mao Mao giggled and said, "You can go if you want, then let's go together, it's not far anyway. With Dad here, we'll be fine."

Nian Bing glanced at her, nodded helplessly, and said: "Then you must not make a sound, and be careful behind me."

With a promise, Mao Mao put the fox Nana on the ground, and walked towards the direction of the golden light first. When the two of them looked at the place where the golden light radiated from behind a big tree, it was indeed the golden-backed ground dragon, but now its appearance has begun to change. However, it shrunk a little, but there were two huge protrusions on its back, and its limbs seemed even thicker. Golden scales. The dorsal fins are a bit longer than before, and they seem to be kinked one by one to form a spear-like protrusion. The protrusions are about one meter high. After careful counting, there are nine kinked dorsal fins, like nine handles long. The spear extends from the nape of its neck to near the tail. At the same time, its tail also changed. The originally long tail had a fork and was divided into nine strands, but it was not fully formed yet.

Golden flames were continuously swallowed from the mouth of this golden-backed dragon, and the scorching breath completely scorched the surrounding vegetation. It seemed very excited, and its big blood-red eyes shone fiercely. The golden light around the body seems to form a natural protective layer, flickering, and the breath of life is constantly strengthening.

"Roar—" A roar came from the mouth of the golden-backed dragon, he raised his huge head violently, and spewed out a huge golden flame towards Hillard in the air.

Hillard snorted coldly, and the blue bird flew up high with his body, dodging the attack of the golden flame. The golden-backed ground dragon that spewed out a mouthful of golden flames seemed to be very tired, with its head lowered and panting unceasingly, as if it wanted to accumulate more strength before attacking Hilard, but unfortunately, Hilard would no longer give him any help. Here's the chance.

"Guided by my life, I call out to you with my blood, noble Kalodiris! My partner! Show your strongest strength." On the back of the blue bird, he quickly bit his own With his finger, he drew a small six-pointed star out of thin air with the blood as a guide. The moment the hexagram was completed, the blue bird under his seat suddenly trembled violently. Hillard patted the back of the blue bird, and with a flash of light, it disappeared out of thin air. And Hillard's body naturally fell to the ground.

At this moment, the surrounding air suddenly became heavy, and the red hexagram drawn by Hilard before instantly enlarged, Hilard's body stagnated out of thin air, and a huge black shadow slowly appeared from the red hexagram. The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and a low dragon roar sounded, and the dark clouds rolled in the midair. Hilard, who was stagnant there, was lifted up by a huge black figure, yes, that was a giant dragon, a green dragon .

Nian Bing couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed hard, dragon, is it really a dragon? Didn't it mean that the Dragon Race had already been destroyed during the ancient war? Why would there be a dragon again? God! Mao Mao's father was able to summon a real dragon. The cloud comes with the dragon, this is the so-called cloud from the dragon!

Yes, it is indeed a giant dragon, with a body length of more than seven feet. Two huge dragon wings spread out, bringing a haze to the earth. It has a pair of antlers on its head, beards on the top of its head, beads under its forehead, and its whole body is covered with blue scales. Covered, the limbs under the abdomen are thick and powerful, and the dragon claws alone are as big as the head of the golden-backed earth dragon. The huge body twisted slightly in the air, spread its wings, stretched out its four claws, and fell towards the ground. The strong wind blew everything around, and the body of the golden-backed dragon radiating golden light suddenly trembled, and it raised its head and roared at the green dragon.

The dragon chant reappeared, and the cyan dragon seemed to be roaring angrily. The mighty golden-backed dragon lowered its head as if not daring to defy it. Where the green dragon landed, four powerful dragon claws grabbed the scales on the back of the golden-backed dragon. Armor, humming constantly. The golden-backed ground dragon seemed to be communicating with it, but the voice became weaker and weaker.

Hillard slipped from the green dragon's back and fell to the ground. Looking at the golden-backed ground dragon at a close distance, he smiled with satisfaction, "Thank you, noble Carlo Diris, and I'll trouble you to take it back first."

The cyan dragon nodded to him, and even said: "In order to survive, he has surrendered. I have promised it, and after a hundred years, it will be allowed to enter the dragon clan."

Qinglong Carlo Diris nodded to Hillard, raised his head to the sky and let out a dragon cry, turned his head to look at the place where Nian Bing and Maomao were, "Little Maomao, you have to listen to your father, otherwise, Uncle Long will beat you!" Little ass."

Facing the giant blue dragon, Mao Mao was not afraid at all, turned out from behind the tree, smiled, and said: "Uncle Long is not willing to beat me, I will go back with Dad. But, you have to let Mao Mao grab you Is it good to play with the root whiskers? This time I heard someone say that if the dragon's whiskers are made into a whip, it can turn stones into powder."

The cyan dragon let out a low roar, and its huge dragon head hung down feebly, and said helplessly: "You girl, you are getting bolder and bolder, okay, I'm leaving, go back and let your father spank your ass "Although it said reproachful words, there was no sense of reproach in its tone, and it slapped its powerful wings forcefully, making Hilard retreat a few steps one after another, fluttering its wings, and the huge golden-backed dragon The body flew towards the sky, and after a while, it had passed through the clouds. When the dark clouds gradually dispersed, the cyan dragon Kalodiris had disappeared.

Nian Bing stood there, as if he was thinking about something. Suddenly, he flipped his wrist, and the Aotian Knife in his hand slashed the big tree beside him. Under the acceleration of the wind, Aotian was hardly hindered by any obstacles, from the tree The body flashed past, the blue light flashed again, and Nian Bing made another knife with his backhand. The tree fell, and a trunk about one foot long and one foot in diameter fell on Nian Bing's hand. His mind seemed to be completely immersed in the tree trunk, and he didn't even notice that Hilard and his daughter walked back to him.

Mao Mao was about to talk to Nian Bing, but was stopped by Hilard. He whispered to his daughter: "Don't disturb him, he seems to have realized something."

The blue light flashed, the book cover peeled off from the trunk, Nian Bing flicked his wrist, and sent the Aotian Knife back to his own space. The next moment, the ghost sculpture had appeared in his hand, and the lines of the trunk had been completely figured out. Now, the faint blue light flickered in the hand, the sawdust scattered and flew, and Nian Bing sang softly, "The place where the ghost's hand falls is shocking, and it is carved into a wave of hundreds of waves. His movements seem very elegant and seem to be very slow, the faint blue light swirls around the wooden block like smoke, but Hillard, who is extremely mentally powerful, clearly found that every time the dreamlike smoke After fluctuating, there are at least dozens of blue lights cutting on the wooden block.

Finally, the faint blue light disappeared, and the ghost eagle lay peacefully in Nian Bing's hands, while his other hand was holding the work he had just completed, which was a dragon, a dragon that was exactly the same as Carlo Diris. The same dragon, even the dragon scales on the body are the same. The movement is exactly the same as the four claws of Kalodiris when he swooped down. The huge wings are completely stretched to both sides. The most delicate part of the carving is The eyes of the blue dragon Kalodiris seem to be reflected in the sculpture. If it is not because it has no life, it is simply a miniature version of the blue dragon with the shape and spirit!

"Ghost carving sword, what a ghost carving sword. The knife skill can reach such a level, I really believe that you are a chef now." Hillard has never seen anything in the world, but he still has to be grateful for Nian Bing's magical pen. admiration.

Nian Bing came back to his senses, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, because when I was learning cooking, I was best at carving dragons, but I always felt that the things I carved were only dragon shapes, but not dragons." Its essence is that I saw the giant dragon summoned by the senior before, and suddenly couldn't restrain the excitement in my heart, so I sculpted this work."

Hillard walked up to Nian Bing and said approvingly: "In just a short period of time, you can grasp the body and spirit of Kalodiris, which shows that you have a lot of attainments in spiritual power."

Nian Bing handed the carved wooden dragon in his hand to Mao Mao, who was full of curiosity, and said: "You are going home, this is a gift from my brother."

Maomao excitedly took the wooden dragon into his hand, "That's great, brother, so you still have this ability."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "There is another gift. Although it may not be really useful, it is still beneficial to bring it." While talking, he took out the two fangs of the previous fragrant deer from his arms, The ghost eagle flashed, and the inside of the fangs was immediately hollowed out. He carefully stuffed the musk into it and handed it to Maomao, "After you go back, seal it with wax. If any part of your body is broken in the future, just use the yellowing wax to clean it." Rub the last musk deer teeth in the wound, and it will not be infected. If you are bitten by a poisonous insect, use the musk deer teeth to draw circles around the wound, so that the poison will not spread. But you must remember that you must wait for the musk deer teeth It has such properties only when it is completely yellow. The musk fang itself will give off a faint fragrance, and I think you will like it."

Maomao looked at the two five-inch long civet teeth in his hand, and there seemed to be something more in his big smart eyes, "Brother, why are you so kind to Maomao! Maomao likes your gift so much."

Nian Bing smiled slightly and said: "You have called me brother so many times, but you can't call me in vain! Brother doesn't have any good things, so I can only give these to you."

Hillard smiled and said: "It seems that your luck is really good, then that is indeed a treasure fox. Although its urine smells bad, it can attract rare animals. After making this kind of musk deer teeth, it is worth More than fifty purple gold coins, and there is still a price but no market."

It was the first time Nian Bing saw a warm smile on Hillard's face. At this time, he was no longer like a cold-faced summoner, but more like an elder. Just when he thought that Hilard was about to take Mao Mao away, he took Mao Mao back to the previous place and sat down, and waved to Nian Bing, saying: "Do you want to hear about the situation just now?" The story of the golden-backed dragon?"

Driven by curiosity, Nian Bing walked to the side of Hilard and his daughter and sat down. Hilard continued: "Even I didn't expect that you could meet the thousand-year-old earth dragon. In the records anywhere on the mainland , there are only legendary records about creatures like dragons, but in fact, although dragons are powerful, they are still a kind of mainland creature, but they are the strongest kind. During the ancient war thousands of years ago At that time, the number of giant dragons on the mainland was over a thousand, and the countries at that time were proud of having dragon warriors, because dragons represented power, and whichever side had a large number of dragon warriors had a higher chance of winning. The bigger ones are. However, as time goes by, the number of dragons is gradually decreasing. Although they are the most powerful creatures, it is very difficult to reproduce, especially the hatching of dragon eggs. The rarer the number, the giant Dragons are more precious. Dragons are a proud nation. They will never ask for help like humans, because they always believe that humans are representatives of selfishness. However, after the war, they were disappointed. After all, dragons are not humans, and their different body structures make it impossible for them to have the ability to reproduce as fast as humans. When the number of giant dragons When there were less than one hundred heads, the Dragon King at that time knew that his race was about to become extinct. In desperation, he had no choice but to ask the legendary Dragon God for help with the most powerful dragon language magic at the cost of his own life. When the ceremony was about to be completed, there was a flaw in the Dragon King's dragon language magic, and a selfish dragon who wanted to replace the Dragon King attacked him. At this time, my ancestors have always been on good terms with the Dragon Clan, using their own lives As a price, he burned all his mental power to stop the giant dragon, and only then did the Dragon King complete the forbidden spell in dragon language magic—the prayer of the Dragon God."