Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 10: Rent land


A carriage slowly drove out from the west gate of Bangta City, gradually accelerated, and drove quickly towards the western suburbs of Bangta City.

Xu Yi and Heinze were sitting across from each other in the carriage. Heinze was holding a rough map of Bangta City in his hand and was explaining something to Xu Yi.

"You see, this large area belongs to Viscount Leslie's territory. The total should be close to one thousand hectares. More than half of it is uncultivated wasteland. Viscount Leslie promised us that we can choose any piece of these wastelands. Lease.”

Xu Yi just glanced at the map, then stretched out his finger and clicked on the map: "No need to choose, it's right here."

"Here?" Heinze observed the place Xu Yi pointed out, thought for a while, and frowned: "This is not the closest to Bangta City, and there is nothing nearby. I'm afraid it's not very convenient for daily life. ”

Xu Yi shrugged and chuckled: "It would be better to have nothing, so that we can plan well. You know, drawing on a piece of white paper is easier than drawing on a piece of paper covered with patterns. too much."

"But in this case, the cost may be higher than expected." Heinze still frowned.

"Initial investment is necessary." Xu Yi nodded and drew a circle on the map. "In fact, if possible, I would even like to rent out this large piece of wasteland."

"This large area?" Heinze exclaimed, "That's not possible. Just for renting one hectare of land, we have to give Viscount Leslie one hundred gold coins every year. If we rent such a large area... I won't say for a year. Tens of thousands of gold coins, several thousand gold coins are still needed. Besides, we only need a small workshop now, why do we need such a large area? "

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "Heinze, are you satisfied with just opening such a small magic fan factory?"

Heinze looked at Xu Yi in shock. Could it be that this guy had greater ambitions

Just yesterday, Xu Yi found Heinze and told him that he no longer had to worry about finding a suitable space to rent in Bangta City, because Xu Yi had taken a fancy to an open space on the outskirts of the city and planned to build a factory directly on this open space. , fully committed to producing magic fans.

During this period, Xu Yi asked Heinze's nephew Alex to assist him in conducting a small market survey. Based on the survey results, Xu Yi initially determined that the demand for magic fans in Bangta City should be between 3,000 and 3,000. Between 5,000 units, but now less than 500 units have been sold, which means there is still a huge market for thousands of units.

And this number is only limited to Bangta City. Although the family conditions in various rural areas outside Bangta City are not as good as Bangta City, they will inevitably have a certain demand for magic fans.

If the radiation range of Bangta City is included, Xu Yi boldly estimated that the demand for magic fans will even exceed 10,000 units!

It was precisely because of this number that Xu Yi made up his mind to expand production.

If he wanted to significantly increase production, renting a warehouse in Bangta City was obviously too limiting, so Xu Yi directly aimed at the outskirts of the city and planned to build a magic fan factory directly.

After research, he finally settled on the territory belonging to Viscount Leslie in Bonta City.

Of course, if you want to expand production, in addition to space, the most important thing is people.

Xu Yi looked down at the pile of materials in his hand, with a smile on his face.

Half of this stack of materials consists of thirty personal information, and the other half consists of thirty contracts.

These things were what he gained after a trip to Baron Rictor's Magic Academy.

After his efforts to persuade, Director Hiller finally allowed Xu Yi to recruit students to work for him at Baron Rector Magic Academy. However, Director Hiller also said that he would not publicly support it, but only had no objection.

Xu Yi then worked hard in the college and finally successfully recruited thirty students who met the requirements.

The magic level of these students is not very high, at least none of them can match Xu Yi.

But as students of Baron Rector's Magic Academy, they have a solid grasp of the basic knowledge of magic circles, and they all have some experience in drawing magic circles.

Although the whirlwind array imprinted inside the magic fan was specially modified by Xu Yi, it is relatively complicated. After all, it is just a low-level wind array, and the difficulty of drawing is not particularly high.

Xu Yi recruited these students, and the only thing he asked them to do was to complete the work of drawing the magic circle.

Although this is a simple and boring job, it requires a certain amount of magical strength.

When he was making the 500 magic fans before, Xu Yi asked his colleagues in his laboratory to help him complete it. However, he was going to complete the production of nearly 10,000 magic fans, so it was obviously impossible to rely on only ten colleagues.

In comparison, it is far more suitable to hire these thirty students than to find those ten colleagues.

First of all, these thirty students are not as reserved as magicians like the ten colleagues. They signed a contract with Xu Yi without much hesitation, which established a clear employment relationship between them and Xu Yi, allowing Xu Yi to Don't worry about it affecting production.

Secondly, after Xu Yi asked those ten colleagues to help complete the five hundred magic fans, each of his colleagues paid five gold coins and one magic fan, but he discussed with the thirty students Well, after each person completes the magic circle drawing of a magic fan, they will be paid two silver coins, which can be said to be a significant reduction in cost.

In fact, when Xu Yi offered this remuneration, he was a little worried that these students would think it was too low, but he did not expect that after hearing the remuneration, the students were all very excited and even praised Xu Yi. of generosity.

The last and most important point is that compared to those colleagues in the laboratory, these students who are still studying in the magic academy have not yet formed a fixed mindset, and they do not have so many prejudices against the application of magic.

In them, Xu Yida can instill his mechanical engineering knowledge from the earth and let them learn from scratch.

If there can be a few students who are talented in magical mechanical theory, it will be a valuable asset.

If there are more and more magicians like this in the future, then Xu Yi’s vision of creating a complete industrial system on the continent of Sainz will no longer be just a dream...

The carriage suddenly jolted, shaking Xu Yi from his seat, immediately interrupting his reverie about the future.

"Almost there." Heinze reminded from the side.

Xu Yi opened the curtains and looked out, and found that the carriage had left the road that extended westward from Bangta City and walked onto a small rural dirt road that was full of potholes and not flat at all.

Feeling the violent trembling caused by the carriage, Xu Yi couldn't help but frown.

"The road conditions are too bad."

Heinze smiled bitterly and said: "Of course, this is a wasteland that no one has cultivated. It would be great to have such a small road that can be used by horse-drawn carriages."

"That won't work. Heinze, if I want to build a flat road from the place we marked to the main road just now, how much will it cost?"

"Building roads?" Heinze was stunned, lowered his head and drew on the map, and replied with a wry smile: "This is not cheap. Even the simplest way of smoothing the road will probably cost hundreds of gold coins." After a pause, he couldn't help but said: "Actually, although this road is a bit bumpy, it is enough for carriages to pass. We don't need to spend money to rebuild the road, right?"

Xu Yi shook his head: "No, this road must be built. The magic fan itself is not high in craftsmanship and may not have high requirements for transportation conditions, but our subsequent products will become more and more sophisticated. With this road condition, it is easy to Problems occurred during transportation.”

Heinze curled his lips and realized that he didn't quite understand the "craft content", "subsequent leveling", and "precision" that Xu Yi mentioned, and he couldn't continue to persuade him for a while.

But now these matters were originally led by Xu Yi, and he had no decision-making power, so he gave up the persuasion after thinking about it.

The carriage continued to bump along the lower road for a while, then slowly stopped.

Xu Yi and Heinze jumped off the carriage and looked around. They found that the place was really desolate. Apart from patches of weeds, there was almost nothing else to see on the surrounding land.

Seeing this desolate appearance, Heinze couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but Xu Yi was not surprised at all.

He has visited countless industrial areas to be developed on the earth. Those industrial areas are even several times more desolate than this one, and when they are officially developed, it will not take long to become a prosperous area.

Although this place is very desolate now, he believes that as long as he can continue to invest in development, it will become prosperous sooner or later.

"Are these Mr. Xu Yi and Mr. Heinze?" A thin old man appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello, Brunei housekeeper, I am Heinze, and this is my partner Xu Yi." Heinze quickly greeted him. "Xu Yi, this is Mr. Brunei, the butler of Viscount Leslie."

Xu Yi took a look at this plain old man and saluted him.

Brunei rolled his eyes, which were more white than black, looked at Xu Yi for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, since you are here, let's take a good look. The Viscount said, although he does not know this place. We don’t intend to cultivate it, but since it is his territory, we cannot just hand it over to others. Whatever you want to do on this land in the future, you must inform the Viscount first, do you understand?”

Looking at Brunei who looked aloof, Xu Yi couldn't help but feel angry and funny.

If on Earth, the land owner would be extremely happy if he encountered a developer like himself who was willing to pay to rent this wasteland.

On the Sainz continent, Viscount Leslie had already collected his own money, and the Brunei housekeeper still looked so arrogant, as if Xu Yi had not paid to rent this land, but Lai Viscount Sly gave him a modest reward.

Naturally, Xu Yi didn't show any expression on his face. He just nodded to show that he understood, and then went to investigate on his own.

The inspection results made Xu Yi very satisfied. The geology of this land was good and the terrain was extremely flat, making it very suitable for building a factory.

What's more important is that there is a river about ten meters wide right next to this land, and there is a small forest on the other side, which is very convenient for collecting materials and water.

The only drawback is that the transportation is not very convenient, of course, this is also considered by Xu Yi.

Renovating roads to ensure transportation is the first element of establishing factories and mines.