Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 101: invest


Early the next morning, Viscount Leslie walked into the living room of the office. When he saw the situation in front of him, he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

In addition to Xu Yi, there were three people in the hall who Viscount Leslie could not figure out why they appeared here - Victor, Shalu and Urgot.

What surprised Viscount Leslie even more was that these three people were still chatting and laughing with Xu Yi, acting like old friends.

When Viscount Leslie walked in, Victor was eloquent and gesticulating, saying something to Xu Yi.

"Thirty gold coins? President Xu, do you think our Anvilmar City is a small place like your Bangta City? Oh, I'm not looking down on you, don't be surprised. I mean, it only sells for thirty gold coins If you have one, are you looking down on the rich people in Anvilmar City? Let me tell you, as long as this magical air conditioner is as effective as you say, let alone thirty gold coins, it will still be enough even if it costs twice as much. A lot of people buy it! Besides, what is most important to us upper class people? Of course not! Think about it, even the nobles in a small place like Bangta City use it. Magic air conditioning is such a novelty, how can we not have it in Anvilmar City? That would be too shameful! So, President Xu, let’s not just double the price. Ten gold coins to fifty gold coins is absolutely fine!" At this point, Victor patted his chest hard. "I guarantee that at this price, I will have no problem selling hundreds of units in Anvilmar City!"

Xu Yi frowned: "Only a few hundred units? Master Victor, forgive me for being rude, but I want to say that you are too small-minded. My goal is to sell several thousand units in Anvilmar, or even Tens of thousands of them.”

"Ah?" Victor opened his mouth wide, blinked and looked at Cellul and Urgot. "Thousands or tens of thousands? This... President Xu, although there are many rich people in our city of Anvilmar, a few dozen gold coins is not a small amount, and there are not that many that can be taken out casually."

Xu Yi smiled slightly: "There may not be so many now, but when the kingdom's economy develops, there will naturally be so many."

Victor scratched his head. With a puzzled look on his face: "President Xu, I don't understand what kind of economic development you are talking about. Let's not talk about the future. Looking at it now, I think we should be able to sell a thousand units in Anvilmar City." That’s pretty good.”

"Okay, since Master Victor you think you can sell a thousand units, then we will settle on this number." Xu Yi nodded. "Of course, it is not realistic to provide you with a thousand magic air conditioners at once. Our Chamber of Commerce cannot currently produce so many. So, I will have someone send fifty units first. Before sending them, I have to trouble Master Victor. , and the three of you, Master Shalu and Master Urgot, have vigorously promoted it. It is best to sell it immediately after the first batch of magic air conditioners are shipped. It can also be regarded as advertising in advance and seeing how the sales are. What do you think?"

Victor and the three of them suddenly smiled. But then Victor showed an awkward smile and said to Xu Yi: "This... President Xu, according to the price of twenty-five gold coins you gave us, fifty units will cost one thousand two hundred and fifty gold coins. This... This... Although the three of us brothers still have some spare money, we can also find some support from our families, but if we spend so much in one go, I'm afraid... "

Xu Yi laughed. He waved his hands and said very grandly: "The three young masters look down on me, Xu Yi. It's only one thousand, two hundred and fifty gold coins. As three young masters, there is no need to advance this amount of money. I The money can be recorded in the account first. After the first batch of magic air conditioners are sold, the three young masters can pay me. I believe that with the skills of the three young masters, they will be able to open it in Anvilmar City. sales and earn enough gold coins quickly.”

The eyes of the three Victors suddenly lit up, and they shouted excitedly: "President Xu. Are you serious about this?"

Xu Yi's face showed displeasure: "Master Victor, if you don't believe me, we might as well not do this business."

Victor quickly grabbed Xu Yi's arm and said repeatedly: "Trust me, of course I believe in President Xu. Okay, it's settled. You can ask someone to give you five first... No, give us a week first." , let us make some preparations, and when we are ready, you will have fifty magic air conditioners delivered."

Xu Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, I will probably stay in Anvilmar City for another week. If you have any ideas during this period, you can come here to see me at any time."

The three Victors looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

After talking for a few more words, Victor and the three of them left with smiles on their faces.

After they left, Viscount Leslie came out of his hiding place and walked into the living room again. He looked Xu Yi up and down, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

"Xu Yi, although I thought you had very strong communication skills, I never expected that just over a day had passed, how could you be hanging out with these three guys? And listening to your conversation, Are you planning to do business with them? "

"Sir Viscount, when did you come?" Xu Yi glanced at him in surprise, then looked at the direction in which the three people were leaving, and said with a smile: "It's just a coincidence. What? Mr. Viscount, do you think it's not good to cooperate with them? ?"

Viscount Leslie shook his head: "These three guys have been idle since childhood and don't do anything serious. If you choose to cooperate with them, I'm worried that you will lose everything."

Xu Yi smiled with a relaxed look on his face: "I can still afford the loss of fifty magic air conditioners. Besides, this is considered an investment. If it succeeds, the returns will be huge. As a businessman, if I continue to If you don’t dare to take this risk, then you might as well just study magic honestly.”

"Investment?" Viscount Leslie looked at Xu Yi again, with doubts on his face. "You just met them the day before yesterday and don't know anything about them. How can you be sure they are worthy of your investment?"

Xu Yi smiled at Viscount Leslie: "Sir Viscount, if they can know you and are qualified to be taught a lesson by you, then they shouldn't be from ordinary families, right?"

Viscount Leslie suddenly became happy: "Are you trying to flatter me? Well, you guessed it right. Although these three boys are incompetent themselves, the families behind them are still quite powerful in Anvilmar City. You found the right person to cooperate with them. These three guys can be regarded as the local gangsters here. They know many people and have many paths. They may not be able to do other big things, but they can help you sell magic air conditioners and turn them on. There should be no problem with the market, of course, provided they are willing to do it seriously.”

Xu Yi chuckled: "They can earn five gold coins for every magic air conditioner sold. Do you think they are willing to work hard?"

Viscount Leslie laughed dumbly: "These three guys are very strictly controlled by the family, and they are always very nervous. If there is money to be made, they will definitely be willing to do it. But Xu Yi, I also want to remind you that in the past There were also other chambers of commerce who approached them, but in the end they were all screwed up. Even if they tried hard, they might not do well."

Xu Yi shook his head: "I said, this is investment. Of course, investment has risks. In fact, it doesn't matter even if they mess up, as long as they can let people in Anvilmar City know about magic air conditioners."

Viscount Leslie nodded slightly: "That's true. After all, these things you have created are currently unique things on the Sainz continent. Just because of this novelty, many people will be willing to try it. For a moment, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell it.”

Xu Yi smiled proudly. The topic changed and he asked again: "By the way, Lord Viscount, why are you here so early in the morning? Do you have something to do with me?"

"No, it's nothing special. It's just that you are going to take the qualification certification examination of the Magician's Guild today. As a friend, I should come to see you off."

Xu Yi glanced at him in surprise. I thought that even though I was very familiar with Viscount Leslie now, after all, the status of the two parties was quite different, and they could not be friends at all. Moreover, the relationship between Viscount Leslie and him when they were in Bonta City was not that good. You have always maintained a calm appearance, why are you suddenly so enthusiastic now

"Lord Viscount, you are too polite." Xu Yi said with a smile. "It's just a qualification certification test, it's not a particularly important thing. Why do I need you to deliver it specially?"

"You are quite confident." Viscount Leslie shook his head. "Xu Yi, let me ask you a question. I hope you can answer it honestly."

"Excuse me, Lord Viscount."

"With your current level of magic, how many levels of magic do you think you can pass?"

Xu Yi frowned slightly and looked at Viscount Leslie with some confusion.

Viscount Leslie is really strange today. He even came to ask about his true magic level.

"If nothing else happens, I should be able to pass the fourth-level magician assessment. With a little luck, I might be able to pass the fifth-level magician test." Xu Yi thought for a while and replied.

"Oh?" Viscount Leslie was a little surprised. "So your strength is close to that of a fifth-level magician?"

"Yes." Xu Yi nodded lightly.

"Okay. Xu Yi, I have a small request, I hope you can agree." Viscount Leslie pondered for a moment and said: "After passing the primary assessment, I want you to directly take the fifth-level magician assessment."

"Directly to Level 5?" Xu Yi looked at Viscount Leslie in surprise. "Lord Viscount, I just said that only with good luck can you pass the fifth-level magician assessment. I didn't say that I will definitely pass it. The level assessment of the Magician's Guild is only once a year. If I fail to pass the fifth-level assessment, then I will At most, he will only be rated as a junior magician."

"You don't care much about this anyway, do you?" Viscount Leslie said.

Xu Yi couldn't help but frown: "Master Viscount, why do you want me to do this? Although it doesn't matter to me what level of magician I am rated as, but this time I used the special recommendation of Camilla the Great Magician The quota comes and I don’t want to live up to his expectations.”

Viscount Leslie was silent for a moment, sighed, and waved his hand: "Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything about this. Just forget it."

Xu Yi looked at the expression on Viscount Leslie's face and felt even more confused.

Lord Viscount, what happened today


I was shocked when I saw Brother Octopus's 5,888 starting coins as a reward, and his little 422 votes for 5 evaluation votes in one breath...

Thank you all for your support, please continue to ask for recommendation votes and monthly votes~