Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 102: Initial assessment


Although the Magician's Guild is located in Anvilmar City, due to the large number of people who signed up, the assessment location was arranged in a specially opened paddock outside the city.

Xu Yi successfully entered the paddock with his registration badge and met many people along the way who took the initiative to say hello to him.

On the day of registration, in order to recruit some magicians to work at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, Xu Yi would chat with almost every magician he saw.

Although few people agreed, Xu Yi's attitude during the conversation was very good, which left a good impression on these people, and made these people naturally say hello to him when they saw him again.

"Hey, Xu Yi, I don't know how popular you are." Seeing Xu Yi squeeze over, Erwin punched him on the shoulder and laughed.

Xu Yi shrugged: "I can't help it, I'm handsome."

Erwin laughed: "Come on, you, an old bachelor, still have the nerve to say that you are handsome? If Roy and the others hear this, they will definitely laugh to death."

Xu Yi rolled his eyes helplessly.

When he was at Senke Haier College, because Xu Yi was already twenty-four years old when he time-traveled, he was much older than these classmates. In addition, he was busy integrating into the world and had no time to interact with girls. So he was always jokingly called an old bachelor by them.

Xu Yi couldn't refute this and could only let them go.

"Where are Rooney and Bob?" Xu Yi asked, looking around.

"It's not like they have to come to take the preliminary assessment like us, so of course they didn't come," Erwin replied.

"Oh..." Xu Yi then remembered that the assessment of the Magician Guild was sorted by level. The first day was the junior assessment, and there were no restrictions. The second day was the assessment for junior magicians. If they passed, they would be eligible. Will be rated as a second-level magician.

The third day is the assessment for second-level magicians, and so on. The last day is the assessment for fourth-level magicians, which is the fifth-level assessment.

"Okay. Let's hurry up and pass this preliminary examination. Don't you think it's embarrassing for the two of us to stand here?" Erwin said again.

"Embarrassing?" Xu Yi was stunned for a moment and then realized what he was doing.

If you are a magician with excellent magic talent, you only need to receive magic education from an early age. Generally, you can pass the preliminary examination and become an official magician when you are in your teens.

For people like Erwin who haven't passed the primary examination at the age of nineteen, they can't be called outstanding talents at all.

And those like Xu Yi who have not passed the primary examination at the age of twenty-seven will be considered to have low magic talent, and will not be able to become a powerful magician at the level of a great magician in this life.

Standing among a bunch of kids who were no more than teenagers and participating in the same level assessment, it was no wonder that Erwin felt embarrassed.

Fortunately, they were not the only ones who were embarrassed. Apart from them, there were also many ordinary-talented magicians over twenty years old in this examination room. There was even a man with a white beard who looked like he was afraid of being caught in the examination room by an old man over sixty years old. .

Seeing that the old man was still wearing a black magic robe, Xu Yi couldn't help but stand in awe.

At this age, I still insist on taking the primary examination. This man must have a true love for magic.

Soon, the magician union staff responsible for order announced the start of the assessment.

Because it is a primary assessment, in addition to assessing the magician's magical strength, it also assesses the magician's basic understanding and experience of magic, etc., so in addition to the actual combat assessment. The first thing to do was the written test.

Xu Yi took the test paper and couldn't help laughing.

The content on this test paper has actually been learned at Suncor Haier College, but the depth of the questions has been increased.

Erwin was able to graduate from Senko Haier Academy, and he would definitely have no problem passing this written examination.

The reason why he failed the preliminary assessment before was obviously because he failed in the actual combat assessment.

No wonder he would choose to go on an adventure after graduation, because the adventure can greatly increase his practical experience, so that it will be easy for him to take the actual combat assessment again.

No wonder he looked so confident this time. You must know that this guy has the lowest magic talent in the dormitory.

None of the questions on the test paper were difficult for Erwin, so it was no problem for Xu Yi, who was called a genius at Senkohaier Academy.

It only took less than half an hour for Xu Yi to answer all the questions on the test paper.

Being cautious as an engineer, Xu Yi also checked it carefully twice. After confirming that there were no problems, he handed in the test paper in advance.

After leaving the examination room. I found that there was already a person waiting outside the examination room.

Seeing Xu Yi coming out, the man had a sneer on his face.

"It takes so long to complete a preliminary examination paper. How dare you say that you have no special relationship with the great magician Camilla?"

Xu Yi frowned and looked at the boy who was probably still underage, made a thoughtful expression, and thought for a while. Then he clapped his hands vigorously, pointed at him and shouted: "I remember! You are the one I met when I signed up that day. What's your name... Anke Galen?"

"Allen!" Anke Allen thought that anyone would never forget him once they saw him, but he didn't expect that Xu Yi obviously thought about it for a while before he remembered him, and even remembered his name wrong, so he was furious. "Xu Yi, let me tell you, you are dead today!"

Xu Yi shook his head, thinking that this young man must be spoiled by his family.

He was too lazy to go toe-to-toe with a naughty kid, so he just found a place to do it and patiently waited for the next assessment.

However, his attitude angered Allen even more. He came straight to Xu Yi, pointed at Xu Yi's nose, and said loudly: "Xu Yi, did you hear what I said? You are dead today!" "

Xu Yi raised his head helplessly and asked feebly: "Okay, why am I dead?"

"Why?" Seeing that Xu Yi finally talked to him, Allen laughed twice, and then said with a proud face: "Because you have offended me! Let me tell you, you actually dare to look down on this genius. That genius is It will definitely not make you feel better. Do you know that people with special recommendation quotas do not need to take the written test, but why do you still need to take it?”

"Oh?" Xu Yi was really surprised. "Look at you, are you doing this?"

"Of course! Hmph, I just need to say one thing. Don't cancel your special recommendation quota. Even if you directly deprive you of the right to participate in the assessment, it will be easy. How about it? Are you afraid?"

"Ah, I'm really scared." Xu Yi made a frightened expression. "Then I would like to ask Master Allen, why do you want to be merciful and let me continue to take the assessment?"

"Don't you understand this? Because this genius is going to beat you to a pulp in the actual combat assessment, and let everyone know the consequences of insulting this genius!" Allen said sternly.

Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Although he has heard of such naughty children, because he was pampered since childhood, he felt as if he could do whatever he wanted without any scruples. But this was the first time I actually saw it.

It turns out that this naughty kid is really annoying.

"Alan, I remember you said you were a fourth-level magician last time, right?" Xu Yi suddenly asked.

Allen chuckled and said proudly: "What? Are you scared? Don't worry. To deal with you, a waste who didn't even pass the primary examination, I don't need fourth-level magic at all. I can easily deal with you with only second-level magic." ”

"Do you really only use level two magic?" Xu Yi asked again.

Allen raised his eyebrows: "This genius has always kept his word! Just wait, after I meet you in the actual combat assessment, I will definitely only use level 2 magic!"

Xu Yi smiled and nodded, closed his eyes and ignored Allen.

Allen originally wanted to drop a few harsh words. But seeing Xu Yilian's eyes closed and making it clear that he didn't want to care about him, he could only leave angrily temporarily.

The written test ended quickly, and people leaving the examination room were both happy and worried. It seemed that even these simple magic theory tests were being tested. There are also many people who fail to pass.

However, Erwin smiled broadly and looked relaxed, which showed that he should have no problem passing the theoretical examination.

After the written test, there will be a series of other tests, including magic power test, magic element manipulation mastery test, meditation test, etc., and finally, the most important test. This is the practical test that everyone is looking forward to.

In the understanding of all magicians on the Sainz continent, a magician's strength must be tested through actual combat, so the actual combat assessment has naturally become the most important assessment.

Of course, the actual combat assessment is not a martial arts competition. The magicians participating in the assessment will not be allowed to fight against each other. Instead, they will be allowed to practice against senior magicians sent by the magician union for a period of time. Senior magicians will then judge their actual combat performance.

Generally speaking, the magicians sent by the magician's union to judge are older and experienced magicians, but this time, everyone discovered that something unexpected had happened.

Among a group of magicians who were at least forty years old, several young magicians actually appeared. There was even a boy who was obviously underage!

Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh when he saw Anke Allen giving him a triumphant look.

This guy was really willing to put in all the effort to deal with himself, and actually used his connections to become the examiner himself.

And in order to deceive others, he also thought of adding a few younger magicians to take charge of the assessment, so that he would not be too conspicuous.

Needless to say, when Xu Yi starts the assessment, he will definitely be in charge.

At the beginning, the magicians who participated in the assessment would inevitably doubt the young examiners because of their age. However, after several rounds of assessment, no one doubted them anymore.

These examiners are young, but their magical abilities are quite impressive. No matter how hard these examinees try, they can't do anything to them.

Among them, the examiner who seemed to be underage performed even more astonishingly. Even though he was extremely young, he actually used level 3 or level 4 magic in every move he made!

These magics may not be anything in the eyes of those powerful magicians, but when they appear on a young man who is not yet a minor, they are extremely shocking.

With this young man's current age and level of magic, he can definitely be called a rare genius magician in the Lampali Kingdom!

Amid the sighs and admirations of the crowd, it was soon Xu Yi's turn to take the stage for the assessment.

As expected, the examiner in charge of him was Anke Allen.

Seeing Xu Yi walking on stage, the smile on Anke Allen's face became even more triumphant, and he lowered his voice and said: "Xu Yi, just wait. No matter how you behave later, I will give you the lowest comment. If you fail this test, you will not be able to become a junior magician if you offend me!"

Xu Yi was not surprised at all, but smiled and said: "Dear Master Allen, do you still remember the promise between us?"

Allen was startled, then remembered, and snorted coldly: "Oh, the second level magic is the second level magic. You are a waste, you only need to use the second level magic to make you confused, I will definitely let you You can’t do anything and then you’ll be embarrassed in front of everyone!”

Xu Yi automatically ignored what he said next, smiled and nodded: "Just remember your promise."

After a while, Allen signaled to Xu Yi that the assessment had begun, and he raised his hand casually, and a water shield shining with light blue light stood in front of him.

Xu Yi recognized the water shield as the second-level magic water pattern of the water system. He thought that Allen did what he said, so he couldn't help but smile, raised his right hand, and a fireball flew out.

"A mere first-level fireball technique, how dare you use it to embarrass people..." A sneer appeared on Allen's face just now, but he saw that the fireball fired by Xu Yi suddenly accelerated, and the originally fiery red fireball even revealed wisps of purple aura. There was even a hint of electric light lingering around him, and he was suddenly shocked. "It's actually a thunder-cracking fireball. How can this be..."


The fireball suddenly hit Allen's water shield. The water shield only shook for a moment before being exploded by the fireball.

A huge impact exploded from the fireball, and Allen only had time to groan before his whole body flew off the stage.