Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 103: What benefits can I get?


The whole place was silent.

Everyone stared blankly at Xu Yi on the stage, wondering if they were dazzled

Obviously this guy is here to take the preliminary examination just like them. Why is it that he can knock away a genius examiner who is at least a fourth-level magician with just a raise of his hand

Xu Yi glanced at Allen, who was lying motionless under the table, and sneered.

This kid's magic power is good, but his mental endurance and ability to withstand attacks are too weak. Although his fireball is a fourth-level fire magic thunder fireball, which is powerful, but since he has already supported a second-level water pattern as a Defense, then it is impossible for this fireball to cause much damage to him.

However, this kid actually fainted just like that, probably because he was too frightened and fainted.

"Magic genius?" Xu Yi shook his head, turned to the arbitrator in the audience and asked, "Does this count as my passing?"

The arbitrator glanced at Allen who had just been lifted up by several magicians union staff in the distance with an ugly expression, then looked at Xu Yi, calmed down, and nodded lightly.

Xu Yiguo knocked away the examiner in charge of the assessment in front of so many people. If this is not considered a pass, then how can it be considered a pass

"Very good." Xu Yi got the result he wanted, and was no longer ready to waste time here. After stepping off the stage, he patted Erwin who had been stunned for a long time, encouraged him with a few words, and left the examination room. , but did not return to Anvilmar City, but walked further outside the city.

After walking for less than five kilometers, a piece of flat farmland appeared in front of us.

When they were still far away, they could hear the constant roar of machines coming from the field.

If you get closer, you can see that in this field, which is about five or six acres in size, there are three magic machines operating back and forth, making the field full of pits and devastation.

There are several people surrounding each magic machine. They follow the magic machine and record something in the notebook in their hands.

There were two young people, a man and a woman, standing beside the field. He was discussing in a low voice while pointing at the magic machine that Tanaka was operating.

"Hey, Mr. Harvey, Miss Sevigny, we have been investigating for a day. Have you come to any conclusions?" Xu Yi loudly greeted the two people on the edge of the field.

These two people were the two officials from the Agriculture Department who came to Xu Yi yesterday and asked Xu Yi to show them the operation of the magic farm machinery.

After Xu Yi agreed yesterday, the two of them quickly and efficiently found some people to pull the six farm magic machines brought by Xu Yi out of Anvilmar City and brought them to the experimental field prepared in advance.

Since yesterday afternoon, these two people have been inspecting these magic machines, and they have not slackened off at all until today. This fully reflects what Harvey told Xu Yi that the Department of Agriculture attaches great importance to these farmland magic machines. .

"President Xu, good afternoon." Harvey also raised his hand to Xu Yi, his attitude even more enthusiastic than yesterday. There was even more excitement in his tone. "Although I haven't reached the final conclusion yet, I can personally confirm that what you said, President Xu, is absolutely right. I am completely frightened by the power of these machines! Look..." Harvey pointed at the machine in front of him. Large tracts of farmland. "For such a large piece of land, I only used three people to operate three machines. It only took less than a day to complete the work of loosening the soil, digging ditches and leaving ridges. If this was done purely by manpower, I would imagine To complete it within the same time, at least twenty adult laborers must be dispatched!”

The female official named Sevini on the side also nodded slightly: "President Xu, I now understand why Earl Satsuma attaches so much importance to you and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The capabilities of these farmland magic machines are indeed extremely outstanding. Just three machines can If it can complete such a heavy work, it will definitely be able to reclaim a lot of barren land in the kingdom, thus greatly increasing the food production in the kingdom. If this can be achieved, there may be no more in the kingdom in the future. There is no such thing as famine!”

At the end of the day, Sevini, who had always been calm in Xu Yi's impression, actually became a little excited.

Xu Yi nodded lightly; "This is exactly what I and our New Flying Chamber of Commerce are pursuing. Mr. Harvey, Miss Sevigny, fortunately His Majesty the King is wise and wise. He has appointed you two to be fully responsible for this matter, otherwise if it were left to If someone like Lord Fisher is in charge, I doubt that this matter will die and there will be no way to achieve the results I hope for."

Harvey smiled slightly. He couldn't tell that Xu Yi was warning them again. He nodded and said, "President Xu, please rest assured. Agriculture is the foundation of the kingdom. Anything that can increase food production will receive the closest attention and attention from His Majesty the King. Now the two of us are directly responsible for this matter to His Majesty the King. No one else is allowed to get involved. If someone else like Lord Fisher comes to give you advice, you can just ignore it."

Xu Yi frowned slightly: "I'm afraid this will be difficult. I'm just a small businessman with little status. I don't have the support of His Majesty the King like you. If I offend anyone, it's a question of whether I can leave Anvilmar safely. ”

Harvey and Sevigny looked at each other and laughed.

"President Xu, you don't need to worry about this at all. Now that everyone knows that you are about to meet His Majesty the King, no one will come to trouble you at this time. And after you meet His Majesty the King, I I promise you that no one will come to you casually in the future. Of course, that is if you can cooperate with us well in the future.”

This last sentence is an implicit warning.

Xu Yi thought for a moment and then asked: "Okay, Mr. Harvey, I believe in your promise for the time being. But you said we should cooperate well... Can I ask what your plans are? How do you want me to cooperate with you? ?”

"This..." Harvey pondered for a moment, exchanged a look with Sevigny, and said seriously: "President Xu, originally I should discuss this with you after you meet His Majesty the King. Since you ask now, I might as well Let me tell you something first. We hope that you can hand over the technology of these farmland magic machines and help our Agriculture Department establish a factory workshop dedicated to the production of farmland magic machines until these farmland magic machines are popularized throughout the kingdom."

After hearing this, Xu Yi suddenly became angry.

It seems that politicians in any world are equally shameless.

Compared to Harvey, the faces of the guys from the Bangta City Business Association are even much better-looking.

"Can I ask, what benefits can I and our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce get from this matter?" Xu Yi asked.

"President Xu has paid so much in this matter, and His Majesty the King will certainly give you adequate compensation." Harvey was not surprised by Xu Yi's question and replied with a smile: "If the plan succeeds, the King His Majesty will give you a special award, which means that as long as you can help us complete this plan, you will get rid of your status as a civilian and officially become a noble noble. "

"That's it?"

Harvey looked at Xu Yi in surprise: "President Xu, from a commoner to a noble, this is a treatment that many people dream of. You have to know that except during wars, there are no special honors under normal circumstances. ”

Xu Yi sighed, pointed to the magic machines still operating in the field in the distance, and asked Harvey: "Do you know how much such a magic machine costs?"

Harvey and Sevini were both stunned, obviously not expecting Xu Yi to suddenly change the topic here.

"This... I'm sorry, I don't know." Harvey thought for a while and shook his head honestly.

"A small magic excavator costs fifty-eight gold coins. A small harvester costs seventy gold coins. A small scarifier costs sixty-five gold coins. A small bulldozer costs sixty. Gold coins. One..."

Xu Yi introduced them while observing their expressions.

As he continued to introduce one by one, Harvey and Sevigny's expressions became a little bit ugly.

By the time Xu Yi finished all the introductions, the smiles on their faces had disappeared.

Looking at the silent two people, Xu Yi smiled and continued: "Bangta City is just a small city in the kingdom, but our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has sold more than a hundred farmland magic machines, so if we extrapolate this number For the entire kingdom, I think it shouldn't be a problem to exceed 10,000 units. Even if each farm magic machine only brings a profit of one gold coin to our New Flying Chamber of Commerce, it is a huge profit of more than 10,000 US dollars. But Mr. Harvey. , according to the cooperation plan you just mentioned, it is equivalent to asking me to give up these profits in exchange for a Lord in name only? "

"No, you will still gain the attention and favor of His Majesty the King." Harvey said quickly. "I think this point should be very important to you and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, right?"

Xu Yi looked at him with a half-smile, until he saw a trace of flushing on his face, and then said: "Mr. Harvey, we are not children anymore, so it is better not to talk such useless nonsense. My thoughts are very Simple, let us cooperate with the Department of Agriculture to help complete the Department of Agriculture's plan, thereby improving food production in the Kingdom and allowing everyone to eat. This is no problem. I have the same intention. But accordingly, I and our Chamber of Commerce. Corresponding compensation must be obtained. If this compensation does not satisfy me, then I can only say sorry. Maybe the Agriculture Department's plan is good, but in comparison, I might as well implement the plan myself, Mr. Harvey. You don’t doubt that our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce’s farmer support plan can be implemented throughout the kingdom, right?”


I glanced at the pages out of habit and suddenly felt blind.

╰Don’t be persistent, book friend, I just discovered a few days ago that you are a fan of likes. I was just thinking about when to thank you specifically, and now you come to 8888 to reward...

Well, continue to be flattered.

I would also like to thank book friends Sun Baiqing for their rewards, del58 for their evaluation votes (why vote separately?), and book friends such as It Rains Every Day, Fatty Xu, Sun Baiqing, qiyuming33, and ylfox for their monthly votes~

Although the subscription is not very good for the time being, seeing so many people supporting it is still very motivating.