Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 105: paper


When he came to Anvilmar City this time, Xu Yi had many important things to do, but the most important thing among them was obviously the meeting with His Majesty the King.

There was no Magician Guild assessment to take part in the next day, so Xu Yi directly canceled all arrangements, rejected the invitations of Erwin, Rooney, and Cooper, and stayed in the office to prepare.

After breakfast, Xu Yi was in a daze for a rare moment, and then his thoughts naturally turned to his meeting with Parmes Allen last night.

At first, when he met Anke Allen when he signed up for the Magician's Guild, Xu Yi just regarded him as a child who had magical talent but became too proud and arrogant because of it. However, later in his chat with Viscount Leslie But after learning that this guy was actually the biological son of Parmes Allen, the current president of the Magicians Union of the Lampali Kingdom, Xu Yi became a little more concerned.

After meeting this guy during yesterday's assessment, Xu Yi deliberately angered him, dug a hole for him to jump into, and then injured him mercilessly. In fact, he just wanted to have a suitable reason to visit Pamela. Si Allen.

With Xu Yi's current status, even though he has the special recommendation of the great magician Camilla, it is impossible for him to come to see the high-ranking president of the magician's union.

Then after injuring his son, Xu Yi actually had such qualifications.

After hearing that Xu Yi asked for an interview, Palmes Allen met Xu Yi without hesitation.

He originally wanted to teach Xu Yi a lesson and vent his anger on his son, but after Xu Yi entered the door, he apologized with full sincerity. In addition, the gift in Xu Yi's hand was extremely expensive, and the total value was actually It exceeded a full three hundred gold coins, making it difficult for Palmes Allen to really show off his fire.

In the final analysis, Anke Allen was the one who humiliated himself from beginning to end, and he couldn't blame Xu Yi at all.

Xu Yi kept his attitude low, so Palmes Allen could only suppress his anger and talk to Xu Yi seriously.

After getting this rare opportunity to talk face-to-face with the president of the Magician's Guild, Xu Yi quickly and inadvertently turned the topic to his real purpose. That is to hope that the Magician's Guild can pass the patent protection of the magic circle.

Xu Yi once raised this request to the Magician Guild through the Great Magician Camilla, but was directly rejected.

Now Xu Yi mentioned it in front of Palmes Allen. Of course, he would not be so straightforward. Instead, he cleverly just proposed the power magic circle protection of a magic fan. He also proposed that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce could use this to pay a certain fee to the Magician Union every year, but did not directly propose a comprehensive patent protection law.

Although Palmes Allen did not say it clearly, Xu Yi could tell that the president of the Magician's Union was still very excited about Xu Yi's proposal to pay patent protection fees.

After seeing this reaction, Xu Yi stopped talking in depth.

This was only his first contact with Palmes Allen, and there was no need to decide such a far-reaching matter in the first meeting.

As long as the president is moved, Xu Yi believes that when Palmes Allen and the Magicians Union know that this patent protection bill can bring huge profits to the Magicians Union, then there is no need for Xu Yi to continue Whatever they do, they will try their best to get this bill implemented.

at this point. In fact, it also applies to the meeting between Xu Yi and His Majesty the King.

In the final analysis, Xu Yi is just the president of a small chamber of commerce in Bangta City, and his status as a junior magician who has just passed the preliminary examination will obviously not add much leverage to his status. , it is impossible to see His Majesty the King under normal circumstances.

The reason why he was summoned by His Majesty the King was of course because the farmland magic machinery produced by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce was indeed useful in transforming farmland. It is extremely helpful to improve farmers’ production efficiency.

Although Bangta City had only experienced an autumn harvest, the role played by farmland magic machinery could no longer be ignored, so the keen-eyed Earl of Satsuma quickly reported these changes.

For the Kingdom of Lampali, agriculture is undoubtedly a top priority. Anything that can improve agricultural productivity will definitely attract the attention of His Majesty the King, so Xu Yicai got the opportunity to be summoned by His Majesty the King.

Xu Yi knows very well. This summons by His Majesty the King is likely to greatly affect the future decisions of him and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

How much recognition and support we can get from His Majesty the King will determine the development plan of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce for a long time.

But if you want to gain His Majesty the King's approval and support, it is obvious that His Majesty the King must see significant benefits.

For His Majesty the King, this benefit is a real improvement in agriculture.

"Perhaps I should also mention the importance of industrial development in improving national strength?" Xu Yi touched his chin and looked at the half-written plan in front of him. I hesitated in my heart.

The plan to be submitted to His Majesty the King currently only mentions the transformation of farmland in the Kingdom through farmland magic machinery, thereby greatly improving agricultural production efficiency and ultimately greatly increasing food production, and does not go any further. Mention the impact of liberating agricultural productivity.

As Xu Yi, who has traveled from the earth and is very familiar with the history of the industrial revolution on the earth, these changes are completely predictable and inferred. However, for the people on the Sainz continent who are still in a semi-slave and semi-feudal state, This is a completely new field.

Industrial Revolution? The Great Leap Forward in Productivity? Technological innovation

These words have no corresponding nouns in the language of Sainz continent. Of course, people on this continent cannot be expected to understand the meaning of these words.

After thinking carefully for a while, Xu Yi decided to mention some of these trends.

It is also a good thing to properly show your vision in front of His Majesty the King, so that you can get more attention from His Majesty the King.

Of course, this vision cannot be too far-sighted.

There is a saying that goes like this, whoever is one step ahead is a genius, and whoever is ten steps ahead is a madman.

The total length of a plan was less than 5,000 words, but it took Xu Yi a whole morning to complete it.

During this period, he not only revised the draft three times, he even considered every word in the plan over and over again, striving to express his meaning as much as possible while also allowing His Majesty the King and his supposed staff to fully understand its meaning. .

After finalizing the draft, Xu Yi checked it carefully. After making sure there were no omissions, I carefully organized the plan.

Looking at the blank space at the top of the plan, Xu Yi thought for a moment and finally wrote the title "On the Importance of Liberating Agricultural Productivity."

After writing the title. Xu Yi couldn't help but laugh.

With this title added, the plan clearly looks like an academic paper.

Although Xu Yi has written many papers since college, the previous papers were all related to mechanical engineering. This is the first time he has written such a sociological paper.

Putting the plan away carefully, Xu Yi glanced at the sky outside the window and found that it was almost noon.

There was still a short time before lunch. Xu Yi thought about it, walked out of his room, and walked to another room not far away.

Pushing open the door of this room, which was obviously much smaller, he saw Sancheli sitting at a table. He sighed in distress at a blank piece of paper.

There was a pile of discarded paper balls lying messily next to the table leg. It looked like Sancheli had been distressed for a while.

"How's it going? Still can't write it?" Xu Yi asked with a smile.

Hearing Xu Yi's voice, Sancheli suddenly raised his head, and when he saw Xu Yi, he immediately became sad.

After two days of rest in another hospital. Sancheli now not only changed into a new set of clean clothes, but also washed his whole body. His hair and beard were also processed, and his whole person looked completely new. Except for his face, which was a little pale due to malnutrition, he was no different from ordinary people in other aspects.

But now his sad face matched his face which was so thin due to long-term starvation. But it's really ugly, even scary.

"President, didn't you say you hired me to study magic? Why do you want me to write some damn theory? I don't even know what's going on." Sancheli sighed.

Xu Yi picked up a few paper balls from the ground and opened them. He found that some of these paper balls had a bunch of almost incoherent words written on them, and some had several schematic diagrams drawn on them. If you look at each paper ball alone. I'm afraid no one can figure out what these paper balls mean.

After comparing the contents on several paper balls, Xu Yi thought for a while, stared at Sancheli and said: "It seems you still don't understand what I mean. Let me say it again. Sancheli, that crystal of yours The magic circle used in the ball was developed by you, right?"

Sancheli nodded quickly: "Yes, I researched it by myself without anyone else's help."

"Since you researched it on your own, you should know all the details of this magic circle, right?" Xu Yi asked again.

Sancheli immediately slapped his chest: "Of course, I have reviewed this magic array thousands of times, and I remember every line of the array clearly."

"Then why can't you write it?" Xu Yi frowned and looked at him. "My request is just for you to write down the difference between this magic array and ordinary magic array. Since you know this magic array well, why can't you write it down?"

In fact, what Xu Yi wanted to get from Sancheli was why the magic circle he designed had such a pre-programming ability.

If this point can be thoroughly studied and carried forward, it will definitely make the magic machine that Xu Yi hopes to make a leap forward.


ps: This... Jimh classmate, you want to give me a reward of 10,000 starting coins or something, do you want to surprise me again

Thanks to book friends chlkuei, mr Maomao, and peterb for their tips, and 済みになった, Honghu, and soundangel for their monthly votes.

In addition, recommendation votes are still strongly requested. Now the total recommendation is still so far away from 10,000, which seems very embarrassing...