Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 106: A trip to the palace


However, even though Sancheli was the one who researched this magic circle, he didn't seem to understand why it happened.

Moreover, he simply did not understand the significance of the magic circle he designed, and naturally he could not fully understand Xu Yi's intention.

However, it was difficult for Xu Yi to explain it clearly to Sancheli, so Sancheli spent a whole day worrying about it, but he still hasn't written anything.

Seeing Sancheli's frowning and speechless look, Xu Yi took a deep breath, thinking that maybe he was pushing too hard.

The magicians on Sainz's continent had no awareness of this before, and it was obviously impossible to force them to have the same idea as him immediately.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi calmed down, lowered his voice and said to Sancheli: "Well, don't worry about what I said before. From now on, you record all the details of this magic circle. Or I said It needs to be simpler. You teach me this magic circle and let me master it completely. Do you understand what I mean?"

Sancheli rolled his eyes: "Well... Mr. President, if I give you this church, will you still hire me?"

Seeing Sancheli's uneasy expression and the cunning hidden in his eyes, Xu Yi couldn't help but frown.

This guy seemed so depressed and didn't care about anything when he was still a beggar. Why did he already seem to be a different person after just two days of eating and drinking

Xu Yi didn't like this kind of person very much, but he knew that he couldn't just tell him to get out now, so he just glanced at him coldly and said, "What are you afraid of? Do you think I will regret it?"

Sancheli remained silent, but the expression on his face and the rolling of his eyes clearly revealed his innermost thoughts.

"Short-sighted!" Xu Yi groaned in his heart, touched his arms, took out ten gold coins and threw them on the table.

"Here, this is the first month's salary I advance to you. You take it first. If you let me master this magic circle, I will give you another five gold coins as a reward. In addition..." Xu Yicong He took a piece of paper from the table and snatched the pen from Sancheli's hand. Quickly draw a magic circle on the paper. "This is a burning magic circle. Study it and then change it according to my requirements. If successful, you can get a reward of ten gold coins."

Sancheli's eyes suddenly lit up: "President, what is your request?"

"It's very simple. You should be able to tell that this is a standard burning magic circle. There will be weak flames on the magic circle after it is activated, but my request is to keep these flames burning for five minutes after the magic circle is activated. time, and then immediately goes out.”

Sancheli was startled: "Then just cut off the supply of magic power."

"Listen to me. What I mean is that the flame went out, but the magic circle continued to operate. Then two minutes later, the flame came out again, continued to burn for five minutes, and then went out again. Do you understand what I mean?" Xu Yi said sternly.

Sancheli thought for a moment, and his face turned pale.

"This... keeps the magic circle operating while preventing flames from coming out... Mr. President, what about the heat on the magic circle? You don't want the heat on the magic circle to disappear, do you? Then this magic circle is It has become a completely different magic circle.”

Xu Yi couldn't help but nodded appreciatively. Although this Sancheli was a little greedy for money and a little cunning, his thinking was still sharp enough.

"No. I don't ask for the heat of the magic circle to disappear. I want it to remain hot, but I don't need to see the flames. Do you understand?"

Sancheli breathed a sigh of relief, pondered for a moment, and smiled: "This is much simpler. President, give me some time. I should be able to complete the task. But..." Sancheli hesitated for a moment, showing a flattering look on his face. With a smile: "Mr. President, please... can you advance these ten gold coins to me? Or not ten, but five gold coins..."

Xu Yi stared at Sancheli for a while, until he lowered his head, and then took out ten gold coins. put it on the table.

"Sancheli, as long as you can make enough contributions to the Chamber of Commerce, then money is not a problem. But I also hope that you will not hide anything from me."

"Of course not. How could I hide anything from you, Mr. Chairman?" Sancheli laughed dryly. There was no hesitation in the movement of his hand, and he swept ten gold coins directly into his pocket.

Xu Yi frowned and looked at Sancheli who smiled reluctantly, thinking that if this guy didn't have the ability to control the magic circle similar to programming, he would be very reluctant to hire him.

After lunch, Xu Yi continued to discuss with Sancheli.

With Xu Yi's outstanding magic talent and in-depth study of magic arrays, he soon basically mastered the wind magic array that Sancheli arranged on the crystal ball.

I have to say that the wind magic array developed by Sancheli is indeed unique. Although the complexity is not as high as expected and imagined, it is only slightly more complicated than the standard whirlwind array, but in many details But it's obviously different.

It is precisely because of these differences in details that the specific performance of this magic circle is also very different.

However, mastering these details does not mean that Xu Yi has truly mastered this magic circle.

Although he could completely copy the magic circle and make it make various changes that seemed to have been programmed in the crystal ball before, Xu Yi still did not fully understand what caused this magic circle to change. It will be so different.

What Xu Yi needs is to summarize the rules of the general scheduled changes in the magic circle, instead of just learning this one magic circle.

Another meaning of industry is universalization and mass production, and single exceptions do not help this.

But even Sancheli himself couldn't explain clearly what this law was, because he developed this special wind magic circle by accident, and it was not that he had a complete theory.

So while learning this magic circle, Xu Yi also urged Sancheli to study the fire magic circle he gave him, and asked Sancheli to clearly explain all the ideas he had in his research.

Through joint research with Sancheli, Xu Yi believed that he would have the opportunity to find out this pattern, form a reasonable and complete theory, and then apply it to other magic circles.

The time he was obsessed with research flew by quickly, and Xu Yi only had a little idea in his mind. The time had slipped to the afternoon, and the palace sent someone at this time. Inform him to enter the palace now and wait for an audience with His Majesty the King.

After confirming that the visitor was indeed from the palace, Xu Yi immediately packed up his things and followed the visitor. Left the office.

While wandering around the city of Anvilmar, Xu Yi also passed by the palace, but each time he only glanced at it from a distance and did not get closer.

Now that he was officially summoned by His Majesty the King, Xu Yi could finally walk into the palace openly, which made him feel a little excited.

Not only for the things that can be discussed after meeting His Majesty the King, but also for the matter of entering the palace itself.

Although many countries on the earth still retain historical royal palaces, Xu Yi basically has no chance to enter them. Knowing about them through TV and various news materials is of course not as good as walking in and experiencing them in person.

Just after entering the palace of King Lampali located in the center of the north of Anvilmar City. Xu Yi was a little disappointed.

From the outside, this palace does not seem to occupy a large area. It is probably equivalent to the size of two or three stadiums on earth. After walking inside, Xu Yi discovered that in addition to the various buildings and decorations, it was more ornate and exquisite. , which actually doesn’t give him much surprise. Of course, it was far less than the magnificent palace that Xu Yi had imagined.

Observing this unremarkable palace, Xu Yi couldn't help but make an estimate in his mind.

The palace represents the strength of a kingdom. The palace of Lampali Kingdom is not gorgeous enough. Most of the reason is probably due to the national strength of Lampali Kingdom.

As an ordinary small country in the central and southwest of Sainz continent, the national power of the Lampali Kingdom in the entire Sainz continent is not to be compared with the two great empires of Malo Empire and Candela Empire. Among kingdoms with dozens of levels, it can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches. Naturally, national power cannot be considered very strong.

Of course, a weak country does not mean that the palace must be simple. For example, there are many impoverished counties on earth where the county government buildings are tall and majestic, and there is no trace of poverty at all. Compare this approach . Although the kingdom of Lampali is not very powerful, its palace can definitely be built with great splendor and make people marvel at it.

The reason why it looks like this now is mainly because the royal family of the Lampali Kingdom has always advocated frugality, and the tradition left behind is to pay more attention to practical results than appearance.

In addition, the Lampali Kingdom experienced a major turmoil more than ten years ago. As a result, the national power has declined significantly. His Majesty the current king who took over during the turmoil has worked hard to govern and does not allow any extravagance. This palace has not been repaired for more than ten years. It is no better than the manors of many nobles. few.

Xu Yi's eyes passed over the walls in the palace, which had many mottled marks, and even the surface paint had faded a lot. He thought to himself, if His Majesty the King really pays attention to practical matters and does not like vanity as rumored, then His idea should be more easily accepted by His Majesty the King.

As a mechanical engineer, Xu Yi also appreciates such characters even more, because in the mechanical industry, there is no room for hypocrisy.

After the chamberlain led Xu Yi into the palace, he did not take him too far. After turning around two corridors, he let him rest temporarily in a small room.

"Wait a minute." Xu Yi called to the chamberlain who was about to leave. "Can I ask if you have any special instructions for letting me enter the palace so early?"

The chamberlain replied expressionlessly: "No comment. I was just ordered to bring you here."

Looking at the waiter whose face was as serious as a stone, Xu Yi knew that he couldn't ask anything from him, so he waved his hand.

To Xu Yi's expectation, after the chamberlain left, no one came out to greet him.

After Xu Yi stayed alone in the room for nearly half an hour, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and stood up.

When I got up, I was shocked to find that the door of this small room was locked from the outside at some point!

Xu Yi suddenly darkened his face.

Apparently, this is a trap.


I found a small mistake. In the first two chapters, Bob, a companion of Xu Yi's classmate Erwin, was written as Cooper. It is difficult to change the VIP chapter, so I can only leave it like this for now.