Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 108: I have some things that are valuable


"Your Majesty, this picture depicts the scene of a small magic harvester harvesting wheat." Xu Yi spread a picture on the table and passionately addressed His Majesty Cairns Lampa, the current king of the Lampali Kingdom, to the side. Li introduced: "You see, the wheat in this farmland grows very luxuriantly. If it is harvested by humans, it usually takes a whole day to harvest, and then another three days or even a week. It takes another one to two days for the cattle to pull the stone grinder for shelling, and finally it takes more than a day for dust and threshing before the harvest is complete. And if the weather is abnormal, it will be affected. Great impact.”

"This whole process will take a long time of ten days to half a month, and the effect is not very good, so a lot of wheat grains and incomplete shelling will be wasted. But if we use the small magic power of our New Flying Chamber of Commerce As for the harvester, it only takes less than an hour to complete all the processes in this wheat field. You see, after the wheat is rolled in by the front end of the small magic harvester, it only takes a blink of an eye to turn it into wheat. The grains are sprayed out from the back, and the person responsible for harvesting only needs to prepare the cloth bag. This saves time and effort!"

His Majesty King Cairns Lampali is forty-eight years old this year. He is in the prime of life. He has a square face and a majestic appearance. There is no excess fat on his body. It can be seen that he pays great attention to exercise and appears to be extremely energetic.

Listening to Xu Yi's eloquent introduction, he only occasionally interrupted and asked a few detailed questions. Most of the time, he just listened carefully and kept showing a thoughtful expression.

Seeing Xu Yi's introduction to the small magic harvester come to an end, King Keynes thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "President Xu, you have been talking about small size. Does this mean that there is a larger model of this magic harvester?"

Xu Yi was a little stunned. He didn't expect His Majesty the King to listen to him for a long time. Now the first concern is this issue.

"Your Majesty, you guessed it right. Our New Flying Chamber of Commerce will also launch a slightly larger neutral magic harvester, and even a larger large magic harvester. Of course, in my plan, for magic harvesting We can customize many models to meet different needs, and they are not necessarily strictly limited to three sizes: small, medium and large.”

King Keynes nodded slightly: "Yes, you can have this idea, which proves that you did not just design this small magic harvester on impulse and inspiration. I thought that your new flying business would be able to use all kinds of novel magic machinery." Stop launching it. This small magic harvester is just a temporary idea of yours. I'm still worried that you don't think it through. I'm afraid it's just to sell these things to me. Now it seems that I underestimate you. "

Xu Yi said in surprise: "Your Majesty the King, judging from your tone, you actually have a long-term plan already?"

"Yes." King Keynes smiled slightly: "I know Earl Satsuma. I have no doubts about the description in his letter, so I have not doubted that these farmland magic machines produced by your New Flying Chamber of Commerce are indeed powerful. But I It is not confirmed whether your new flying chamber has more comprehensive capabilities, such as the various types of magic harvesters you just mentioned. Although our Lampali Kingdom is mostly plains, the terrain is still very complicated. It is obviously just a magic machine. It cannot be used on all terrains. And if your farmland magic machines can only be used in terrains like Bangta City, it will lose the meaning of large-scale promotion."

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Your Majesty, so you have already agreed?"

King Keynes laughed; "It can increase food production, why don't I agree? In fact, when I decided to summon you, I had already decided to promote these magic machines. The only question is how to promote them."

At this point, King Keynes stopped talking and looked at Xu Yi with a half-smile.

Xu Yi understood immediately. Negotiations began.

"This..." Xu Yi pondered for a while, then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I still adhere to my basic principle, that is, it is impossible to hand over the technology of these farm magic machines to the Agriculture Department. If you must insist, maybe I can't refuse. , but neither I nor the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will participate in the promotion of these farmland magic machines.”

After saying that, Xu Yi looked at His Majesty the King slightly nervously.

He knew very well that in this semi-slave and semi-feudal world, the authority of the king was unquestionable. If His Majesty the King insisted that Xu Yi hand over his technology, Xu Yi would not be able to disobey. Just turn it in.

But in this way, Xu Yi would have directly lost the huge market for farmland magic machinery, and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce would suffer extremely serious losses as a result.

And more importantly, this would be a very bad start.

His Majesty the King can now force Xu Yi to hand over the technology related to farmland magic machinery, but what if he is interested in other technologies of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and forces Xu Yi to hand over the technology in the future

In order to prevent future troubles, Xu Yi must express his rejection clearly in words, whether in front of Harvey or now in front of His Majesty the King.

King Keynes looked at Xu Yi for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "President Xu, do you think I am a greedy person? Or do you think I am a stupid person?"

Xu Yi was stunned and quickly shook his head: "Of course not. You are the most outstanding and wise King of our Lampali Kingdom. How could I think you are greedy or stupid?"

"If that's the case, why do you think I want you to hand over the technology of these farm magic machines?" King Keynes asked again.

"This... isn't Viscount Harvey conveying your intention?" Xu Yi told Harvey's proposal that day.

King Keynes narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted slightly, waved his hand and said: "That was just his proposal, I never explained it like this. Now I am here to assure you. No matter what new products your New Flying Chamber of Commerce develops, The magic machines belong to your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce itself. I have no interest in the technology of your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. I only care about whether these farmland magic machines can play a role in the fields of our Lampali Kingdom and contribute to our improvement. The kingdom’s food production helps, you know what I mean?”

Xu Yi was immediately overjoyed. His Majesty the King's words made the stone that had been hanging high in his heart finally fall to the ground.

Obtaining His Majesty the King's guarantee is equivalent to obtaining a talisman. Xu Yi no longer has to worry about the technology he possesses being robbed by others using his power.

"By the way, Your Majesty, take this opportunity. Let me make another suggestion." Xu Yi decided to strike while the iron was hot and simply proposed the patent protection law that he had been thinking about.

After listening to Xu Yi's detailed explanation of the patent protection law, King Keynes thought for a while and nodded gently: "This is a good idea. As you said. With this patent protection law, each chamber of commerce can have its own independent If some technologies are protected by patents, they no longer have to worry about their unique technologies being misappropriated. In this way, those lazy chambers of commerce will surely find ways to research new technologies on their own, right

"Your Majesty, you are so wise." Xu Yi couldn't help but praise.

King Keynes was able to see at a glance the most positive effects brought about by the patent protection law, and he was worthy of being the wisest king in the history of the Lampali Kingdom.

"In addition to this role, the chamber of commerce that applies for patent protection will also have to hand over a portion of the patent protection fee, so that the kingdom's finance can also earn more income, and the chamber of commerce that applies will pay willingly." Xu Yi added.

King Keynes glanced at Xu Yi: "You proposed this thing, and you actually asked for patent protection fees?"

Xu Yi straightened his body and said with a righteous look: "Your Majesty, if you want to gain something, of course you have to make sacrifices! This is the awareness that a businessman should have!"

King Keynes laughed and pointed at Xu Yida: "Are you reminding me that I have to pay a corresponding price for the benefits I get from your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce?"

Xu Yi chuckled. He didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either.

King Keynes laughed for a while and then slowly stopped, nodded and said: "If you want to gain something, you have to give something. This sentence is not bad. But President Xu, I don't agree with your previous proposal, so I also I will not agree to the requests you made before.”

"Why?" Xu Yi frowned. "Your Majesty the King. I feel that the proposal made to Viscount Harvey and Miss Sevigny last time has been very complete. It not only takes into account the interests of both our New Flying Chamber of Commerce and the Kingdom, but also considers the promotion of these farmland magic to the greatest extent. There may be problems with the machinery. This matter will definitely be easier to accomplish if we both cooperate.”

"You are right, but I don't want it to be so troublesome." King Keynes found a document from the side and threw it to Xu Yi. "Here are some of my ideas, you can take a look."

Xu Yi took the document in confusion and started to read it.

The proposals in this document are indeed much simpler. On behalf of the Agricultural Administration of the Kingdom of Lampali, King Cairns proposed a series of orders for farmland magic machinery to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce only needs to complete these orders in accordance with the requirements of the Agriculture Department and be responsible for all technical training and after-sales service of these farmland magic machines. Services, repairs, etc.

To put it simply, this proposal is actually a very ordinary business contract, except that the buyer is the Kingdom’s Agriculture Department. It doesn't have any official feel.

Or to put it more bluntly, His Majesty the King is just negotiating a very ordinary business with Xu Yi.

Of course, the scale of this business is somewhat large, because His Majesty the King's first order was for ten thousand small magic harvesters.

Xu Yi carefully read through the documents several times, but found a problem.

"Your Majesty, the current market price of a small magic harvester is 70 gold coins. If you order 10,000 units at once, the total price will be as high as 700,000 gold coins. Do you... have that much money?"

This is neither allowed nor doubted. From the information revealed by Harvey before, the tax revenue of the Lampali Kingdom last year was less than one million gold coins. How could it be possible to spend 700,000 gold coins in one go just to buy Small magic harvester.

King Keynes smiled, spread his hands, and said simply: "No."

Xu Yi couldn't help but feel depressed, touched his nose, and said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, our Chamber of Commerce is a small business and we don't owe credit."

King Keynes was amused by Xu Yi and laughed a few more times. He looked at Xu Yi with a joking expression and said, "Although I have no money, I have some valuable things. President Xu, what do you want?"

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.