Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 112: Shabby Xinfei Chamber of Commerce


It had been more than ten days since he left Bangta City. When he came back again, Xu Yi found that the new workshop, which had not even laid the foundation before leaving, had already taken shape. Many workers were busy on the construction site. Lively scene.

There were also various sounds coming from the two workshops next to the construction site. It was obvious that busy work was going on in these two workshops.

As soon as Xu Yicai jumped off the carriage, Wayne Riley, the engineering director of the Armley Chamber of Commerce who was directing the workers at the construction site, saw him and immediately came up to him with a big smile.

"President Xu, you are finally back!" Director Riley's eyes swept over the people who got off the other carriages, and then pointed proudly at the new workshop behind him with more than half of the outer wall completed: "Look Look, are we building it fast enough?”

Xu Yi nodded: "It's fast enough, but if it's so fast, is the quality good enough?"

Director Riley immediately looked insulted and said dissatisfiedly: "President Xu, you have wronged me. This project of yours was handed down personally by our president, how could you not guarantee the quality? From beginning to end, In order to ensure that the workers don’t show any sloppiness, I keep an eye on this place.”

Xu Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Since I have Supervisor Riley's guarantee, I feel relieved. So let me ask, how long do you estimate it will take to complete this new workshop? How long will it take to officially put it into use? "

Director Riley pondered for a moment: "If nothing else happens, it should be completed in half a month. As for it being officially put into use... I can't say for sure. It's winter now, the climate is starting to get cold, and it's not easy to cover the walls. I’m afraid it will take some time.”

"Will it take some time?" Xu Yi frowned. "If I want to officially put it into use within this month, do you think that's okay?"

"This month? Are you so anxious?" Seeing Xu Yi's serious expression, Director Riley thought for a while and nodded. "If you, President Xu, are really in a hurry to use it, I can think of a way to dry the wall quickly. However, this will have an impact on the entire house and reduce the service life."

Xu Yi smiled slightly; "No matter how much it is reduced, it shouldn't collapse within three years, right?"

Supervisor Riley suddenly blushed: "President Xu, are you kidding? How could the house built by me, Riley, collapse in three years? Let alone three years, even thirty years. I can guarantee that. It won't go wrong!"

Xu Yi laughed, shook his head and said: "It won't take as long as thirty years, and it may not even be used in three years, because I will soon have to re-plan this place. This new workshop may not be used within three years." It will be demolished and rebuilt.”

Director Riley looked at Xu Yi in astonishment.

Since it only plans to use it for three years, why does Xu Yi require this new workshop to be of good enough quality

Is it possible that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has too much money and no place to use it

"Director Riley, I have one more thing to ask of you. I may not have much time these days, so when you see President Cruise again, please tell him for me that I have something to talk to him about. Please. Let me know when he's free and we'll make an appointment to meet," Xu Yi added.

Director Riley nodded in agreement.

Xu Yi made a few more requests to Director Riley, and then came to the magicians who were curiously looking at the two workshops in front of them.

"Everyone, what you see now are the two factories of our New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Although they look relatively simple, all kinds of magic machines are manufactured from these two factories. Now These two factories can create magic machinery worth more than 10,000 gold coins for our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce every month, and bring a lot of profits to our chamber of commerce. It can be said that they are the foundation of our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The factory has been destroyed, and I might have to drink from the northwest wind."

Xu Yi laughed twice, but found that the magicians in front of him had no smiles on their faces. Instead, they all frowned, as if they were not satisfied with what they saw.

The reason why they agreed to Xu Yi's proposal. I followed him to Bangta City because Xu Yi described the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce as being full of flowers and scenery. Who knew that when I actually came here, I found that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce currently only has two factories that look like small workshops.

What future can a chamber of commerce of this size have

Xu Yi rolled his eyes and easily guessed what everyone was thinking. Without saying much, he greeted everyone and took the lead in walking to the household magic machinery production workshop.

The magicians behind him hesitated for a moment and then followed.

After all, you have come all the way here, no matter what, you have to see it carefully before making a decision.

As soon as everyone entered the workshop. He was immediately stunned by what he saw.

This small workshop, with an indoor area of no more than a thousand square meters, was actually packed with people. A rough count suggested that there were probably close to two hundred people.

And now none of these two hundred people are idle, they are all busy and non-stop.

Among them, the most eye-catching thing is the dozens of strange-looking iron lumps placed in every corner.

As the workers next to the machine operated, the iron lumps made various roars, and then you saw the various iron parts that the workers put in changed into something else.

As soon as these parts were produced, they were immediately sent to another group of workers. These workers kept working and assembled the parts extremely skillfully, and then passed them on to the next group of workers.

The next group of workers performed another dazzling operation. After the parts were assembled, they changed their appearance again.

The parts were put together one by one, and after the last group of workers turned some weird-looking nails into it, the parts finally turned into something like a rectangular iron box.

"This... seems to be some kind of magic air conditioner?" A magician suddenly pointed at the iron box and said with some uncertainty.

"Magic air conditioner? What is that?" Several people around asked immediately.

"The night before I left Anvilmar City, I happened to be a guest at Viscount Lanqi's house. At that time, he had this thing set up in the room. He said it was a new gadget he bought, called a magic air conditioner." The magician explained. "It's really magical to say that the room was very cold at that time, but Viscount Lanqi put a magic crystal into the magic air conditioner, and then turned on the switch, and the magic air conditioner began to blow warm wind outside. It didn't take long for the whole room to be completely warm, and I couldn't even put on my coat. If you ask me, the effect of this magic air conditioner is even better than that of a large flame circle!"

"It's impossible, right?" Another magician couldn't help but retort. "It costs so much money to set up a large flame array, but this thing is more effective than a large flame array. So isn't it ridiculously expensive?"

The magician shook his head: "It's not expensive. I heard from Viscount Lanqi that his magic air conditioner only cost thirty-five gold coins. More importantly, this thing consumes very little magic crystals. We are in Lanqi After staying at Viscount Qi’s place all night, this thing was only supported by a small piece of magic crystal and had not been replaced at all.”

"No way?" The others were even more surprised. "Then isn't this thing much stronger than the large flame array?"

"Yes, I heard from Viscount Lanqi that this magic air conditioner can not only blow warm air, but also cool air. It can also be used in summer." I felt the surprised looks of everyone around me. The magician couldn't help but feel a little elated, and began to tell everyone in detail about what he saw that night at Viscount Lanqi's house.

Xu Yi on the side couldn't help but show a weird smile.

"Thirty-five gold coins? This Victor is really good at raising prices."

When discussing with Xu Yi before, Victor once told Xu Yi that he would price the magic air conditioner at thirty gold coins per unit. Who knows now from the magician's mouth. But I learned that he had actually raised the price again!

However, Xu Yi would not interfere if he raised the price or not. Anyway, the purchase price he gave Victor was fixed at twenty-five gold coins per unit. If Victor could sell it at a high price, that would be his ability.

Seeing that the magicians were talking enthusiastically, Xu Yi stopped caring about them and came to Heinze, who had already winked at him countless times.

"Hey, Xu Yi. These guys seem to be magicians. Did you bring them here from Anvilmar City?" Seeing Xu Yi approaching, Heinze immediately asked in a low voice.

"Yeah. I just don't know how many of them will decide to stay." Xu Yi nodded.

"Let me see. One...two...there are only thirteen people in total. Even if they all stay, it is too few." Heinze was a little disappointed.

"The number is not the key, the key is to stay." Xu Yi smiled, not as disappointed as Heinze. "Even if only one magician will eventually choose to stay and work in our New Flying Chamber of Commerce. This is also a major breakthrough, because it represents a huge symbolic meaning. With the first one, there will be a second one, and a third one. And then more."

Heinze took a closer look at the magicians who were still talking loudly. He frowned, his expression of disappointment not diminishing at all.

"These guys seem to be just junior and second-level magicians, right? What use can they have? They're not much better than those students."

Xu Yi couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Do you think those high-level magicians would agree to come to our small chamber of commerce, which has no reputation at all? Let me tell you, I have spent a lot of effort to trick them here. Okay. Our Chamber of Commerce is not even the first Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City, so we shouldn’t be so demanding. Although these people have average magic power, at least they don’t have to spend more time studying like the students. He also has much more experience in setting up magic circles and is much more efficient than the students."

Hearing these explanations from Xu Yi, Heinze finally showed a smile.

"Well, that's true. The students are too unstable, and I can't trust them if I rely on them. If more magicians can be hired to replace the students' work in the future, it will be worthwhile to pay them a higher salary. Yes. By the way, how much salary do you offer them?”

Xu Yi stretched out his two index fingers and crossed them: "The minimum is ten gold coins a month. The specific amount depends on the production."

Heinze looked surprised: "No way? For only ten gold coins a month, these noble magicians are willing to follow you?"

Xu Yi shrugged: "There is no way, magicians are human beings too, and they also have to eat."