Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 113: Dwarven magical mechanical engineer


Perhaps they were shocked by the magic air conditioner. After visiting the two workshops under the leadership of Xu Yi, nine of the thirteen magicians immediately expressed their willingness to stay and join the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Among the remaining four people who refused, Xu Yi was very disappointed, including Erwin and Bob.

"I'm sorry, Xu Yi, I actually want to fight with you, but..." Erwin was a little embarrassed. "My dream since I was a child is to become a powerful magician. Now I am still young, so I don't want to give up yet..."

Xu Yi asked in confusion: "You can also study magic here. You see, Rooney has stayed. He is a higher level magician than you."

Erwin scratched his head and chuckled: "Compared to here, I still prefer to improve myself through knitting. As for Rooney... his family conditions are not good, so he always hopes to have a stable income, and I and Bob It’s not the same. For my sake, I hope you’ll be nice to him.”

Seeing that Erwin had made his decision, Xu Yi could only sigh helplessly and nodded lightly: "Okay, I will take care of him."

After sending away the four magicians who decided to leave, including Erwin and Bob, Xu Yi had no time to feel sad. He took the remaining nine magicians to Sebastian and signed an employment contract with them on behalf of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. .

Starting today, these nine magicians have become official employees of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Their job is to complete the layout of magic circles on various magic machines.

Although there are only these nine people, because they are full-time employees, they can work in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce for much longer hours every day than the students of Baron Rector Magic Academy. In addition, they have been studying magic for longer, so in He also has much more experience in setting up magic circles than the students.

As long as they get familiar with the work, Xu Yi can be sure that the amount of work they can complete every day is far beyond that of those students.

After signing the contract, Xu Yi asked Sabas to lead them to Bangta City.

In order to welcome the arrival of these magicians, Xu Yi notified Heinze in advance to rent two houses in Bangta City as their temporary residence.

Of course, there will only be more and more employees in Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in the future. These two houses alone are definitely not enough. Xu Yi had long planned to build several more staff dormitories near the factory to provide housing for chamber of commerce employees from other places.

After placing these magicians, Xu Yi went to the magic machine tool workshop and summoned Canby and several other dwarves who were mainly responsible. A small meeting was held.

"Three thousand?" Upon hearing the number reported by Xu Yi, Canby and the other dwarves all showed expressions of surprise.

Of course, I am happy that there is such a big order, which means that the dwarves can have a lot of work to do, and they can still get a generous salary every month.

What is surprising is that this number is too huge. With the current production capacity of the Magic Machine Tool Workshop, I am afraid that it will not be completed before the prescribed spring planting.

"President, you should be very aware of our current capabilities. Why did you accept this order?" Canby looked at Xu Yi doubtfully and asked. "Or are you planning to recruit more dwarf brothers to increase production? But time is so tight now, and it takes a lot of time to master the technology of forging these farmland magic machines. Even if you recruit enough dwarf brothers now, I'm afraid it will be a little It’s too late.”

Xu Yi gave a wry smile and replied helplessly: "Of course I know. But there is no way. This number is the minimum requirement of His Majesty the King. If it cannot be completed, this order may be ruined."

Canby was even more puzzled: "Isn't this right? His Majesty the King should know that only our New Flying Chamber of Commerce can manufacture farmland magic machinery. Even if we can't complete it, can he still find others to help him build it?"

"Of course he can't find it. But His Majesty the King said that if we are unable to fulfill this request, he will force us to hand over the manufacturing technology and then concentrate the efforts of the whole country to manufacture it. What do you think? Do I have a choice?"

Canby and the other dwarves looked at each other in confusion. After a while, Canby blew out a breath from his nostrils.

"Your human king is really unreasonable."

Xu Yi shrugged: "Okay, don't worry about it. Anyway, now that I have accepted this order, let's figure out how to complete it."

Canby scratched his head in embarrassment: "President, I can ask the brothers to work more overtime and urge everyone to improve efficiency as much as possible. But such improvement is limited, and it is still difficult to complete such a large order. Besides these orders, , We have already received orders from the nobles of Bangta City and several nearby cities, and they also asked us to produce farmland magic machinery. And didn't you say before you left, because we need to cooperate with the big chambers of commerce in the city. Are you going to help them make some magic machine tools? There’s so much work... I don’t think we can finish it.”

The other dwarves looked at each other, sighed and shook their heads, obviously finding it extremely difficult.

"Of course it's not a good choice to exploit people's labor force, so I have other plans." Xu Yi smiled slightly, took out a blueprint from his arms, and spread it out in front of the dwarves. "Come on, let's take a look. This is a new magic machine tool that I drew when I was on the road. How long do you think it will take to forge it?"

The dwarves all came together and stared at the drawings for a while. Canby exclaimed: "President, there are some similarities between this magic machine tool and the small magic stamping machine."

Xu Yi nodded: "Yes, this magic machine tool is called a roll-forging magic forging machine tool. It is used to produce connecting rods and other metal parts. With this thing, you don't need to use it when producing connecting rods for farmland magic machinery. It’s completely polished by hand.”

Kanby stared at the drawing carefully for a while and sighed: "President, although I can't fully understand this drawing now, it looks very powerful. If it is really like what you said, you can rely on it." If this magic machine tool can produce connecting rods, our efficiency will be greatly improved.”

Xu Yi chuckled: "It's not just the roll forging type magic forging machine. In addition to this, there are also mechanical pressure type magic forging machines, extrusion type magic forging machines, etc. In short, my goal is, as much as possible Use magic machines to replace a lot of your manual operations. Although your dwarves' manual operations are very powerful, if you want to increase production and carry out mass production, it is better to use more magic machines."

Canby couldn't help but ask: "President, since there is such a good thing, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Xu Yi pointed to the drawings on the ground: "If I don't let you come into contact with these simple magic machine tools first. If I give you this drawing directly, can you understand it?"

Canby could only scratch his head again and smiled awkwardly: "I can't understand."

"Yes, so we have to eat one bite at a time. The road has to be walked step by step. I would like to design all the magic machines in one go, and then everyone can easily produce all the magic machines they want by pressing the button. Things, but this is obviously unrealistic. This is because you dwarf craftsmen are superb in craftsmanship and have a strong understanding of forging skills. I can also show you the drawings of these magic machine tools. If it were an ordinary guy, just I’m afraid I won’t take it out at all.”

Hearing Xu Yi's words, the dwarves all showed proud expressions. Canby patted his chest hard and said loudly: "Don't worry. President, as long as you give us the specific drawing styles like before, we guarantee one thing." This...this..."

"Roller forging magic forging machine." Xu Yi reminded.

"Yes, make this roller forging magic forging machine!" Camby said proudly.

"President, do you plan to make our magic machine tool workshop similar to the household magic machine production workshop? Use the magic machine tool to produce all the parts, and then we only need to assemble these parts?" A dwarf suddenly asked.

Xu Yi took a look at the dwarf and recognized him as Botru, one of the dwarves from the Angora tribe. Because of his superb craftsmanship and strong learning ability, he is now one of the backbones of the magic machine tool.

"Yes. This is the ideal state. Of course, how far it can be achieved depends on the design of me and the research institute, as well as your forging process." Xu Yi replied.

Botru looked back at the busy dwarves in the workshop, and said with a sad face: "But President, wouldn't this make us dwarves useless? If these magic machine tools can solve all problems. What else do we need to do?”

After hearing Botru's question, the remaining dwarves, including Canby, looked at Xu Yi with bright eyes. It was obvious that they were also very concerned about the answer to this question.

Xu Yi smiled. He shook his head slightly: "No, Botru, you underestimate your value. After all, machines are just machines. Although they can help us complete some work, there are many jobs that machines cannot replace. Take Porter Let me tell you, now you are mainly responsible for the production of small magic scarifiers. When every small magic scarifier is produced, you only need to listen with your ears to know if there is any problem with this small magic scarifier. , obviously it cannot be replaced by machines, right?”

Botru smiled and looked proud.

"To me, experienced workers are far from comparable to rigid machines. Botru, you don't need to worry about the increase of magic machine tools, which will leave the dwarf brothers with nothing to do. On the contrary, with the magic power, The development and research of machine tools is getting deeper and deeper, and I need more and more help from you dwarf engineers who are experienced, have strong forging skills, and know all the magic machine tools very well. Let me tell you, the dwarves in this workshop now. Brothers, each one of us is the most valuable asset of our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce! You are much more important than those cold machines!"

Hearing Xu Yi's impassioned words, Canby, Botru and other dwarves all showed extremely happy smiles.

Dwarves are a very honest race, and they have long known how Xu Yi treats them since coming to Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Now that Xu Yi spoke highly of their value and frankly acknowledged their preciousness, they felt even more happy and proud from the bottom of their hearts.

"Engineer?" Another dwarf named Elim chewed on the term and laughed happily. "President, although I don't understand what this word means, I like how powerful it sounds. Okay, when I introduce myself to others in the future, I will tell them that I am a dwarf engineer!"

Xu Yi laughed: "To be precise, it should be a dwarf mechanical engineer. Oh no, it's a dwarf magic mechanical engineer."

Several dwarves looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Yes, we are all dwarf magic mechanical engineers!"