Magic Industry Empire

Chapter 114: A sincere request


Because it involved the production and design of a variety of new magic forging machine tools, the meeting between Xu Yi, Canby and other dwarves lasted for a long time, and even ended during normal off-duty hours, so that the meeting ended after the preliminary plan was finally determined. Finally, when Xu Yi walked out of the workshop, he found that the outside had been shrouded in night.

It's already December, and the coldness of late winter has already arrived. When night falls, the temperature outside has of course become very cold.

Suddenly walking out of the workshop, which was very warm due to the continuous blowing of the magic air conditioner, Xu Yi shivered involuntarily when he was blown by the cold wind outside.

The few dwarves who walked out with him were no different. Although they were obviously not wearing as much as Xu Yiduo, they were all in high spirits and did not look cold at all.

Canby stood up on tiptoes with great interest and patted Xu Yi's shoulder, laughing loudly and saying: "President, your human body is too weak. I think you should strengthen your exercise, don't always be like those humans Like a magician, it seems like a gust of wind can blow it away.”

Xu Yi glanced at Canby with a wry smile and shook his head: "Forget it, no matter how hard you practice, I can't compare to your dwarfs' extraordinary talents. I'd better go back and wear two more clothes to compare." good."

Kanby touched in his arms, took out a bottle and threw it to Xu Yi.

"Here, there's half a bottle of good wine here that I haven't finished yet. You'll warm up after a few sips."

Xu Yi took the bottle and smelled it. Sure enough, he smelled a strong aroma of wine. He couldn't help frowning and said: "Kambi, didn't I say you are not allowed to drink during working hours? Why do you still carry a bottle of wine with you?"

Canby touched his head and smiled: "Don't worry, so many brothers are looking at me, I won't violate the rules. I just carry this bottle of wine in my arms and take a sip when I get off work. Don't worry. , there will be no delay.”

Xu Yi shook his head helplessly, thinking that it was obviously impossible for these alcoholic dwarves to completely stop drinking. It is very rare for Camby to be able to restrain himself so much.

He unscrewed the cap of the bottle, raised his neck and took a sip. Sure enough, he felt a stream of semen rush directly from his throat into his stomach. After a while, the alcohol evaporated from the stomach, and the heat came out bit by bit.

Xu Yi breathed out the breath of alcohol and felt much better. He waved to the dwarves and strode outside the factory.

When he walked to the black light outside the factory that was not covered by the lights, Xu Yi remembered that because he had specially ordered before that the two carriages ready outside the factory were dispatched for the use of the magicians, but now there was a No cars were left behind.

Moreover, it is already night time, and there will be no carriage passing by this remote place in the countryside. So Xu Yi looked around, and finally found to his dismay that he could only walk back to Bangta City on his feet.

Fortunately, Bangta City is not too far away from here. After Xu Yi smiled bitterly, he poured another sip of wine into his mouth. He cheered up and strode towards Bangta City.

Before he had gone far, Xu Yi suddenly stopped, and his originally confused eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Who? Come out!" Xu Yi shouted coldly into the darkness beside him.

In the shadow of the trees on the left front, the space suddenly became strangely distorted, and a figure slowly walked out.

Xu Yi looked through the moonlight and saw the man's slender figure. And the pair of long pointed ears on both sides of the head.

"Miss Yanis? Why is it you?" Xu Yi asked in shock.

This guy who suddenly appeared is actually the female elf Yanis!

Under the moonlight, Yanis' whole body seemed to reflect a hazy light, making her whole body look like a dream, as if she didn't look like a real person at all.

Xu also knew that this was a characteristic of the elves.

The elves claim to be the people of Elune, the goddess of moonlight. Under the moonlight, you will receive some special blessings. For example, the circle of light that surrounds Yanis's body can offset a large part of magic and physical damage, and can also make Yanis' body more agile and flexible. Light.

All races on the continent of Sainz are convinced to challenge an elven race of the same level in the forest and under the moonlight. It's basically the same as seeking death.

And challenging the elves in the forest under the moonlight... then this guy must be crazy.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi looked at Yanis with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Although he has just passed the fifth-level assessment and is now a fifth-level magician, judging from the fact that she was able to use the elven magic of hiding from shadows when he first met Yanis, her strength is probably worse than Xu Yi is only strong, not weak. If she suddenly wants to do harm to Xu Yi, I am afraid that Xu Yi will be in trouble.

Fortunately, Yanis did not show any hostility. After walking out of the shadows, she even showed Xu Yi a standard elf courtesy.

"Hello, President Xu. In the light of Elune, I sincerely express my pleasure at your return."

Xu Yi was startled. Yanis actually expressed her feelings in the name of Elune, which showed that she was really happy.

but why

Why is Yanis so happy when he comes back

"Because I have been waiting for you for a week." Yanis replied.

Xu Yi was even more puzzled: "It's only a week. For you elves, this is not much different from the blink of an eye for us humans."

"Yes. But for the tribesmen who are deeply troubled by water problems, even one minute is too long." A trace of sadness appeared on Yanis' almost perfect face. Such an emotion is very rare for the elves. "Before we left the tribe, the river that passed through the forest had almost stopped flowing, and the lives of the tribesmen have now become very difficult."

Xu Yi took a look at the expression on Yanis's face and couldn't help but ask, "Don't you think of other solutions? Since you live in the Forest of Falling Rain, your water source should not only rely on that river. Bar?"

Yanis shook her head slightly: "It was no problem at first, but since the river began to dry up, the forest has also been affected. Now many trees in the Falling Rain Forest have begun to wither. The great elder said that if this continues, it will Even the entire Falling Rain Forest will disappear. In that case, we will be forced to move."

Xu Yi wanted to say, "Just move, it's not a big deal," but seeing the sad expression on Yanis's face, he thought of the legendary elves' love and even obsession with their hometown. This sentence was not spoken.

"Well, Miss Yanis, judging from the situation you described, if the Falling Rain Forest was not suddenly attacked by the legendary curse-type forbidden spell, then there is only one reason why it suddenly became like this, and that is the river. The ecological environment upstream has been damaged.”

"The ecological environment has been destroyed? What does this mean?" Yanis looked at Xu Yi doubtfully.

Xu Yi slapped his head, thinking that the term "ecological environment" is a very fashionable word even on earth, let alone on the Sainz continent.

"Hmm... This thing is very complicated, and I can't explain it at the moment. Didn't your tribe send people to take a look at the upper reaches of the river? I can guarantee that the upper reaches of the river must have particularly severe soil erosion... Oh, you don't even know this word. You know, to put it simply, there should be no trees and vegetation on the land upstream, and the original soil will probably turn into sand, and then be washed down by the river, and then carried with it to the downstream, and finally the river bottom will be sand. The accumulation will eventually cause the river to change course and even stop flowing. "Am I right

Hearing Xu Yi express his guess in one breath, Yanis's eyes gradually lit up when she looked at Xu Yi.

"President Xu, you've obviously never been there, why do you know so clearly?" Yanis shouted in surprise.

"I just made a simple inference based on the circumstances you mentioned." Xu Yi shrugged.

Yanis immediately asked with a hopeful look on her face: "Then you must have a solution, right?"

"I can't guarantee that." Xu Yi smiled bitterly.

Solving the problem of river diversion caused by water and soil erosion is a thorny problem even on a super-industrialized earth, let alone the Sainz continent where the level of science and technology is extremely low.

"But didn't you give me a blueprint last time? After the elders looked at it, they all said that this method should be able to solve the problems we encountered. So you must have a method, right?"

"But you even refused my request to go to your tribe to investigate. How can I help you?" Xu Yi spread his hands and asked.

Yanis paused for a moment, then suddenly knelt down, knelt on one knee, lowered her head, bent over and gave Xu Yi an unusually solemn courtesy, and said in a very serious tone: "President Xu. Please. Forgive me for my previous offense. After I brought your request back last time, the elders decided to agree to your request and allow you to conduct a field trip to our tribe. So now I solemnly ask you, can you follow me. Go back to the tribe and help us solve the problems we encounter. How about saving our tribe and people?"

At the end of the sentence, Yanis raised her head and looked at Xu Yi expectantly, her eyes full of hope.

The moonlight happened to shine on Yanis's face, and her fair and perfect face was shrouded in soft light, making her whole body exude a mysterious and beautiful allure, which made Xu Yi almost agree directly. down.

"Well... although I am willing to help you, but you see... I have just returned from Anvilmar City, and there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, so I can't get away at all..."

"How long will it take you to finish things here?" Yanis asked immediately.

Xu Yi touched his chin: "I can't say for sure. Some things are difficult to deal with, and I'm not sure how long it will take."

Yanis's eyes suddenly dimmed. She thought about it and pleaded again: "President Xu, I sincerely hope you can help us. If you need compensation, the elders have already made a decision. As long as you can help us solve the problem, Regarding this issue, no matter what compensation you need, as long as we can afford it, we will definitely agree.”

"Can you give me you as a reward?" Xu Yi couldn't help but make a joke.

Unexpectedly, Yanis just hesitated for a moment and then nodded seriously: "Okay."

Xu Yi rolled his eyes helplessly, sighed, stretched out his hand to help Yanis up, put aside his joking thoughts, looked at Yanis and said seriously: "Miss Yanis, you have to believe that I can really help you. The idea of solving the problem, otherwise, I would not have made a special trip to give the blueprint to Patriarch Mento and ask him to pass it on to you. "

Yanis nodded slightly: "Yes. It is precisely because of this that I came to you."

"Okay. Then let me tell you seriously now, although I want to help you solve your problems immediately, I do have a lot of important things to deal with. And it will not take a day or two to solve the problems you encounter. I have to make some preparations before I can go to your tribe for on-the-spot investigation and determine a solution based on the actual situation. Do you understand what I mean?"

Yanis continued to nod: "Yes, I understand. But President Xu, how long will it take for you to go to our tribe with me?"

"I really can't give you an accurate answer to this. But I think I should have time to go there within this year. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Within this year?" Yanis blinked her big, dark and beautiful eyes like a child, thought for a moment, and said with a smile, "Okay."

If it were a human being, they would usually add something like "I hope you won't break your promise" at this time, but Yanis simply said "Okay", as if she fully believed that Xu Yi would fulfill her promise. Same.

Xu Yi sighed in his heart, and then said to Yanis: "In this case, Miss Yanis, we have made an agreement for the time being. After I finish the urgent matters here, I will go and send a message to the Monto clan leader , let him tell you or your tribe, please wait patiently for my news." After that, he waved to Yanis and turned to leave.

After taking two steps, Xu Yi was shocked to find that Yanis was still following him, not leaving at all.

Xu Yi turned his head and looked at her: "Miss Yanis, why are you still following me? Didn't we make an agreement? You can go back to your tribe now, and when will I give the Monto tribe leader a hair? Come to me again with news.”

Yanis shook her head slightly: "The elders' order to me is to return to the tribe with you. Since you can't go now, I can only stay with you first and set off together when you decide to go. ”

Xu Yi pointed to himself and said in disbelief: "You mean, you plan to stay with me during this period of time?"

Yanis nodded seriously: "Yes."

Xu Yi couldn't help but slap his head.

This elf girl is actually a one-cell idiot, right